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teninchblacknthick ago

What a total faggot.

SearchVoatBot ago

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sarashawqy ago

It does not seem as malicious as some other users.

starjello ago

My gut reaction agrees with the ban. However, my reasoning tells me that banning something for being distasteful is being prissy. It was gross, but not illegal, off-topic or against the rules. You can set up a rule if you want, but he'd have to be unbanned and given a chance.

kevf4 ago

I disagree with this thread!!!!! Oh it was Aged? Fuck that pedo. -TheodoreKent

kevf4 ago

Why don't you grow a backbone and pick a side you flip flopping faggot

Dannath ago

I don't see how you do it while being consistent.

aCuriousYahnz ago

You should be banned for using Noid incorrectly.

The Noid is an advertising character for Domino's Pizza created in the 1980s. Clad in a red, skin-tight, rabbit-eared body suit with a black N inscribed in a white circle, the Noid was a physical manifestation of all the challenges inherent in getting a pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less.

RandomGoater ago

I can’t believe we are discussing this. Is the content illegal? No, then no ban. Do you remember how it started on Reddit? They didn’t start banning anything right of Pelosi. They started by banning “that guy.” You know. The one that everybody hates. No one protested banning the pedos. It was “to protect the children”. Now look where they are. Reddit used to be free. Now it’s a censored shithole. Do I like what Aged is posting? No. That’s not the point. Actually, that is the point. The whole point of freedom is that it’s not freedom if everybody doesn’t have it. Doesn’t matter if I like what he’s saying. He is free to say it. I don’t have to click the link. If you can’t understand that, fuck off back to Reddit.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Illegal Ban.

0fsgivin ago

That is absolutely spam...Now...if he dropped one of those every hour instead of every few minutes that would be different.

0100100-100110 ago

I just wanted to say look at his submission history!!! Also he shared 21,000 links and not one of them was CP??😂 Yeah fucking right!!

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

He's been spamming loli shit and jailbait crap from the start, i just blocked all his subs.

The pedo's account isn't banned though is it, just from posting his drek in v/Gaming i assume.

22trilionAsecond ago

You should not have banned him.

Obrez ago

This shitty question is going to get drowned out by all 800+ posts already in the thread but let's answer the raw part of Putt's question.

What is Spam?

Specifically, is 5-8 submissions per day (to a single sub) spam? Does that become spam when you are north of 40 submissions in a week and pushing 50 or more?

If that is spam there might be some people who submit to v/conspiracy, v/news, v/politics and others who may very well be on that chopping block, I'm not saying positive or negative either way I think we are getting drowned in shit tier brainlet posting and low effort "soft spammers", as I would define them although Aged is certainly the lowest effort poster among them and the only one posting crappy smut.

I'm going to be presumptive and just say what I would do in this situation were I in Putt's shoes, unban the cunt, make a new rule that reads:

No Low effort Ecchi/Porn content

Have a definition somewhere linked on what this rule means:

Low effort porn or ecchi would include non-original content: Drawing/painting/digital art, screenshots, photoshop, Cosplay, etc. moderation can declare such content low effort so long as it doesn't contain broader commentary relevant to gaming as a hobby, culture, or this subverse.

If there are any cracks in this new rule I'm suggesting I doubt anybody could really do anything bad with them and if they can that is what downvoats are for in the first place. If Aged Violates the new rules even once ban him again.

I think most of us understand the mess here is the loose definition of "spam" being wrangled to ban the universally unwanted u/aged because a more specific rule went unmade, this seems to have happened because of a long time campaign to bug the shit out of Putt by people who are frankly as shit as Aged. My concern isn't that Putt made a bad call, he didn't, he made a careless call out of what looks to be exasperation and burnout from a bunch of zealous pearl-clutchers who want to ban things they don't like. Right now they are coming for something most of us don't like but how long before they start asking for more and more after proving their tactic of running the admin ragged gives them results they want? I and many others have been targeted in the past by one of the main individuals involved in this whole episode and if this isn't what is going on it sure does look like it considering Aged got banned right after these folks publicly requested he be banned even though he was in violation of no rules.

This whole shitstorm is largely semantic and revolves around the idea of a slippery slope down to censorship, as Putt said himself in reference to Dissenter's shadowbanning of posts with certain banned words:

if you claim to be in a fight for Free Speech then why sacrifice the only principle you hold in the first place?

I'm not saying Putt is a hypocrite or that he has bad intentions here, I'm saying he set a precedent and example that could be used to ban and censor users in the future, especially if the wrong people get admin or site mod, because they can reference our lord Putt"s actions in their own rulings to justify untold future cuntery, Even though Putt just off the cuff banned this fag because he was tired of hearing about him shitting up a System sub. This is Important no matter how trifling it seems today because precedents are set by admins and tomorrow people could be requesting bans on prolific posters of low quality/low effort content that is generally well received (because many users just see agreeable headlines and upvoat; echo-chamber shit but all the people talking are mumblng tardlets). You think a pedo getting banned started drama? Imagine what comes from banning the top submitters in some of the most popular subs on the site for spamming low effort low researched crap that get's upvoated mostly because they write good titles that people want to upvoat, The sites image would be irreparably hurt, that's why organic resolution is key or giving the users the tools they need in the rules to preserves a subs integrity.

My goal with this post as a former forum admin myself is to take as much work and stress off Putt's plate as we can, If you are begging admins or mods for user bans non stop because their content offends you yet hasn't broken any rules you are a part of the problem here and you are making the admin's job more difficult than it needs to be, the correct method to "clean up" v/gaming was not by petition to have him banned it was via suggestion to make a rule which would exclude the sort of inane tangentially related smut he trash posts; essentially an agreed expansion on what it means to be "off topic". The maxims by which I and my admin team operated were: the fewer rules, the better the system (elegant rules design being paramount to minimal rules), the fewer the rules less work for us.

My suggestion is that if users are pressuring mods and admins to hand out bans to users who haven't broken sub or site rules those users should instead be banned, at least from reporting/atting/pinging and similarly so if they are constantly demanding new rules to catch their quarry and see them banned for them, I don't know that this is what has been going on but It's what I've been seeing and the vibe I've been getting.

Most of this post may be moot if voat collectively agrees that what aged was doing for months on end was "spam" and is willing to accept the consequences of this definition of "spam" and if it does I suspect we will see long-term ramifications some good, some bad but mostly just making a butt-load more work for putt.

foxyfux ago

its okay dude thats why we love you. youre willing and you're always reflecting about your actions. cant ask for more

Mustard_Monkey ago

You give up your posting privilege when you post inappropriate links. Perhaps the moderator was pm'ed countless times on the perps behavior. If so then the censorship desicion was justified and the free speech issue was invalid. The poster could of started a thread Cuffing the carrot, or Let's play the skin flute together. But who knows the problem kid is gone, and rightly so. If anyone has a issue with Gaming they can unsubscribe and block the channel another problem solved. Don't like the end decision? You can always quit VOAT too. Spit out the black pill Goats if you have any in your mouth.

120050HH ago

Your lack of a pair and a brain cell tells me you the nigger that will dox us all. Grow up nancy boy.

Neon_daemon ago

Fascism for the win!

slickleg64 ago

The only ones defending Aged fantasize about fucking children. Thanks puttitout for removing this degenerate.

120050HH ago

Stop being such a premadona faggot. This place is doomed if you don't grow a pair.

tokui ago

How reddit.

Fermentaion ago

hey puttitout

ive lost more ccp that you made in this post.... thats right you support them

im just curious if your gauging at looking to look at at

i have have been taking a hits needle going to be next then is wall be alts yhe voat you want

CantBuySkills ago

Sorry Putt... but this is wrong. It goes against everything that the goats have been touting since I moved over here from that other site. Fuck him for being a pedo, but fuck you for banning him.

He didn't actually break any rules, people just didn't like his posts and thought they were low effort. You know what I think is low effort? Anything involving religion, and they sure to seem to have a lot of people spamming that stuff in certain subs... could you please ban them all?

Also, I'm a (((tranniggerfaggot))) who thinks every post to v/traditional wives is low effort. Being a woman is easy, so all of those posts take no effort and because the whole sub is just posts about that, it's spam... please ban them all too.

Also. My feelings got hurt when you banned u/aged and you banning him was pretty low effort, and all of the posts over the last two days have been spam... so please ban yourself.

I dont actually think those things, but do you see where I'm going yet? You're opening the door for ANYTHING to be deemed low effort / spam. As much as u/aged is not wanted around here. He didn't break any rules and you are now setting a precedent for the future, and I disagree.

I fly relatively low on the radar around these parts and I'm not a huge contributor of OC stuff, so it's not like it really matters... but I am sitting back and waiting to see what happens here... if the ban sticks, I have to leave. I can't sit here for almost 4 years talking about how free speech is awesome and how we support it, only to have the owner of the site come in and ban someone who didn't even break a rule.

Please do the right thing here Putt. We will all be watching.

BigGuyBane ago

Voat is a system for content aggregation. All systems are subject to entropy.

The fact that we encountering this small bit of entropy this far into Voat's life cycle is a pretty good indication of it's potential for longevity.

If you maintain the ban or not, I'm still going to use and enjoy Voat knowing I can expect to see content I wouldn't on censor-happy Reddit.

CantBuySkills ago

Sooooo.... did anyone ask him to stop posting the not quite on topic stuff?

fightknightHERO ago

Bless you put for taking action, this pedophile was spamming /v/ non-stop and when asked to STOP posting low effort porn

he just continued to spam porn like some dirty jew on cripple chan, thank you for keeping /v/ tidy and porn free.

have a blessed day.

Native ago

You did the right thing. Pathological Leniency has it's price to pay down the road and sometimes it's best to nip the bud early.

My issue is the low participation, if the user makes constant submissions and few actual discussions then there is a clear agenda at's called subversion.

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

Here's my idea: ban the user for five days when he posts three spam posts to v/gaming. It will reduce the spam and will cultivate better behavior in posting while at the same time being non-Draconian in your power.

If he continues posting spam, then it'll be a non stop ban of five days.

Dortex ago

Do you even know who Aged is?

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

No, I don't but that doesn't matter. We need a single set of rules that applies to everyone.

Dortex ago

It does. You have literally no idea what this is about. The dude did nothing wrong. All his posts were on-topic.

muaddib78 ago

hes a spammy cunt but its within the rules.

dont turn into reddit and start banning for minor shit.

2_scoops_vanilla ago

This could all be avoided if CCP and SCP were awarded on a per-sub basis. That would prevent him from shitting up subs where the content wasn't welcome.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

His content was getting more upvotes than downvotes

2_scoops_vanilla ago

Thanks. Well, as long as it's not illegal then... I guess Voat only has itself to blame.

BlackManOnVoat ago


Inaminit ago

Good riddance to bad rubbish... Way to go, Putt.

jimmyb52 ago

Dude you sound retarded.

BlackManOnVoat ago

Oh fuck, I haven't seen you in ages. Damn.

EpiPendemic ago

This is why I a for a ruling class I stand behind whatever the fuck you want to do with your site until I don't. Thanks for all you have done for us.

GoodGodKirk ago

Maybe there could be considerations to implement features which would allow users to block particular users posts and not just their reponses? This may prevent banning of users by allowing others to "ignore" posts while allowing others to view them.

This could be a slippery slope if not monitored since users could become ignored by a sub on purpose and start to post riskier content.

I wouldn't endorse shadow banning since I believe thats a form of psychological punishment equivalent to putting someone in a padded isolation cell.

This is one of the times that I rely on the community feedback since I'm not a regular of that sub. I haven't seen one post talking about how they liked the content posted, but saw numerous complaints.

Does the free speech of one person allow them to terrorize/ruin the experience of others? Would we ban someone from /v/bikini for constantly posting fat girls in bikinis? (In this case, I would...Look at the girls posted currently!)

Sockhereye ago

ITT: People supposedly against censorship have no argument other than "me no like legal pedo content so you must censor it!"

It sounds like we're going to need a Voat 2 before long.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago


Decidueye ago

Looks like a purity spiral hit Voat.

ImPhilippe ago

Posting sexualized pictures or drawing of little girls should be ban worthy.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago


ImPhilippe ago


Decidueye ago

Fuck off back to Reddit with your outrage, nigger. None of the disgusting degeneracy Aged posted broke the law or violated site rules. Time for you to learn supporting free speech means protecting scoundrels that are reviling.

ImPhilippe ago

He should have his asshole blasted with a pressure washer. Only degenerate kikeslaves would defend child porn.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Great argument which can be applied to literally everything. It's so foolproof to the point i literally have no counterargument

ImPhilippe ago

Its wrong because it sexualizes children. Viewing children in a sexual manner is immorally wrong and biologically wrong as childrens bodies are not ready for breeding. Which is the main purpose of sexual desire.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Alot of shit is immoral. That is no reason to ban it.

Life is shit, hiding yourself from the shit doesn't stop the shit. If you want to be protected go to reddit

ImPhilippe ago

Did you even read what I said nigger? Go fucking killyourself kike.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You can't handle drawings of kids without the urge to have a wank is what i got out of it

doginventer ago

Lol (i). Since the posts are falling outside the definition of c.p. material it seems to me like the solution should come from the sub users as much as possible. The downvoating isn’t very intense so I would prefer to see some sort of polling of the other sub users before posting restrictions or a ben.

I wonder if an appeal could be made to u/Aged to bundle the content in some sort of album format as a gesture of good faith to address the spam issue. The response might help to clarify his stance.

cthulian_axioms ago

You've done nothing wrong. The willingness to take decisive action is a worthy quality in a leader, but only if one is willing to explain one's actions and abide the consequences of them. I tip my hat. PM me and I'll send you a goat flag.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

downvoats moderate spam perfectly adequately, you'll be up to your ears in needless work if you try to prevent people from being retarded and annoying on the internet. I don't want pedos on the site but I can tell them that myself

Deathperception ago

The dead rabbi on a stick was a pedovore sandnigger.

PuttItOut ago

I've been told that before.

Deathperception ago

The pigs rape kids.

Deathperception ago

Fake and gay.

Diggernicks ago

Kinda weak @puttitout, very reddit like behavior. You gave in to the whiny babies making alot of noise instead of standing up for freedom like you should have.

The first amendment is the FIRST because it's the most important. And it's there to protect freedom of expression you and I don't approve of. It's not there to protect whats popular.

SearchVoatBot ago

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PuttItOut ago

You couldn't be more wrong with your assumptions. I answer to no one but myself. Whiny babies are viewed as such.

You think I'm not coming from a position of power? This is real power, talking about it publicly and in full disclosure. This isn't weakness, this is strength.

Now write me a poem when you tell me to fuck off.

Diggernicks ago

I'm not much of a poet sorry. Plus I'm about to sleep, long day at the dead nigger storage facility.

PuttItOut ago

Well I'm looking forward to it someday in the future.

Rotteuxx ago

You just can't help but poke that retard with a stick, huh !

I can appreciate that :)

PuttItOut ago

Not one person told me off via a shitty poem. :(

Rotteuxx ago

@deplorablepoetry, time to shine !

ibepokey ago


ForTheUltimate ago

there's already a voting system to deal with spam. I'm against top management censorship.

PuttItOut ago

We should fire those bastards.

ForTheUltimate ago

Your argument about precedent is evidently more important than cleaning spam that can already be supressed by user's voting.

PuttItOut ago

I was talking about chilly but I lack all information on this particular situation. I will take an executive summary though.

Dismember ago

If you are genuine here, you might ask yourself why some of the people involved in spamming subs to provoke a reaction from mods are the same people backing this guy getting banned. v/linux, v/gaming and v/aww were all recent examples spammed by the same user who is still using accounts and a proponent of bannings this user @aged. You were reddit poster and might be aware of how intricate some of the plots are with users who live in the reddit chat rooms 24/7. I sent a PM to @Cynabuns last week linking the accounts of those spammers to some of the recent users who were banned. Some of the users here still have massive amount of alts and are making more and are using them still today to vote manipulate and coincidentally(or not) also pushing for this banning. Back in the day there was a large contingent of users who backed @she and stricter moderation but overnight they all stopped using their mains and turned into nazis. I don't think those users are gone and I think they are very active in manipulating things the way they want them to go.

What would I do if I wanted to bring back stricter moderation on Voat? I would push buttons with my spamming alts until something would give. Today something gave.

DeltaBravoTango ago

Had he been warned for that specific offense? If he had, then I think that’s okay. Sure people around here just don’t like him in general, but that shouldn’t really affect how he is dealt with. If he was banned without warning, then I don’t agree. I don’t have an issue with people being banned from subs for being off topic. The problem is if there was no attempt to fix it another way.

Dortex ago

You missed the part where the guy did nothing wronf.

PuttItOut ago

I gave no warning, just dropped the hammer. :(

DeltaBravoTango ago

Upvoat for honesty, Putt. Sounds like he just posted one too many times and he got to you. I’m glad you’re willing to talk about stuff like this. I think everyone agrees that his content doesn’t belong on /v/gaming, the debate is just about the procedures.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

No, not everyone agrees.

DeltaBravoTango ago

I stand corrected

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/OneTruePutt submission by @PeaceSeeker.

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elitch2 ago

Fuck that guy.

Hey @PuttItOut give us his IP address.

PuttItOut ago :)

MadWorld ago :)

XD Hi Marge Simpson, how is Homer doing?

elitch2 ago

gogol dns?

Diggernicks ago

Ddos google

Thereunto ago

Important questions:

  • Should there be an expected type of content for a sub of a given name, regardless of custom sub rules? (E.g. user creates "v/funnny" and posts disturbing content for shock value)

  • Have we done our due dilligence to communicate what the expected content per sub is? (E.g. gore posts in v/funny and v/aww)

  • If a user's submissions are unpopular, but within the scope of the rules, should we implement conditional restrictions? (E.g. below content point threshold, limited to one submission within that sub per day).

We already have a system in place to limit new accounts from posting too much content (to prevent potential spamming, etc) based on overall points on the site. It wouldn't be a drastic change to introduce suppressing sub submissions based on accumulated downvoats in that sub. This would save you the headache of ban discussions and apply a transparent, consistent, systematic solution without having to review transgressions case by case.

One_out_of_many ago

Thank me later.

Ban the mutherfucker but allow people to turn off the ban filter.

Ie 1. Tell the person they've been banned 2. They can still post, but filtered out from all posts 3. At anytime a user can turn "ban" filter off to see "banned" content.

PuttItOut ago

It depends on context often. Back when that happened, and I don't know accurately when, I was either working a full time job, working on keeping Voat online, or writing code. I hope you can somehow relate to this.

I have no idea what happened in that situation other than a good mod being crucified for having a standard (which is what I assume took place).

petevoat ago

I side with Putt. Nothing should be removed. Nothing.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Very interesting how people suddenly become ok with censorship once it's someone we don't like.

The facts are what he was doing wasn't breaking the /v/gaming rules, the rules need to be enforced equally, not special rules for special people.

elitch2 ago

If this were an IRL club, or meeting house, we would shit kick him to death.

Fermentaion ago

i have lost over 100 ccp ccp yet you do donting

can you exxxialing this tis me

i i would also like to know why you allow faggototets to dongot voat me me

MadWorld ago

You sperged 250 comments. On average this is about one downvote per comment.

Fermentaion ago

You sperged

stfu you fucking fake

MadWorld ago

Yeah this was someone who you put in place:

Why are you pingspamming Putt on almost every comment? you know that he will never put-tit-out for you, right?

Fermentaion ago

Why are you pingspamming Putt on almost every comment?

why doesnt putt ban the manipulators of my account?

MadWorld ago


You faggot sperged so much that one does not need to dig through your comment history to find the pattern.

why doesnt putt ban the manipulators of my account? oh thats right he supports you

Give me a list of those names faggot! Remember you sperged 250 comments and the average downvote was 1 per comment.

Fermentaion ago

who are you TO DECIDE who I put in place for a verse I FUCKING STARTED you fucking heckling hyena

I have more respect now for a fucking mouse that finds it way in my home than you now.

MadWorld ago

I have more respect now for a fucking mouse that finds it way in my home than you now.

Good for you, so many friends in your house. So your house is like a miniature version of the commie island.

Fermentaion ago

Good for you, so many friends in your house. So your house is like a miniature version of the commie island.

this is a fifth grade comment... going to downvoat me in negatives like you usually do... more manipulation, @puttitout

sit in your fucking chatroom and do your work

protect yourself = banned from voat...... downvoat = i didunuffin

maybe that is something you would understand

MadWorld ago

You are so full of shit. I will stop upvoting your comments. Good day faggot!

Fermentaion ago

lmao you never have, shit alt

I will stop upvoting your comments.

proven manipulator right there @puttitout

MadWorld ago

lmao you never have, shit alt

Those upvotes on your spergs were from me. Sorry that it interferes with your my-downvote-censorship narrative that you still try to craft.

shit alt

That's right, everybody is now Putt's alt!!

Fermentaion ago


you say this one more time... it only proves im correct

And YOU are directly involved in manipulating my account

MadWorld ago

And YOU are know confirmed directly involved in manipulating my account

More bullshit! Somehow you think that if you repeat a lie long enough, it would become truth.

Fermentaion ago

More bullshit! Somehow you think that if you repeat a lie long enough, it would become truth.

you never addressed any of my main points or accusations other than with a derp, you a fucking heckling hyena

ps... @puttitout he also a voat manipulator, oh thats right you support him

MadWorld ago

you never addressed any of my main points or accusations other than with a derp, you a fucking heckling hyena

ps... @puttitout he also a voat manipulator, oh thats right you support him

That is right, I am also Putt's alt. Now, quit pingspamming me, you faggot.

Fermentaion ago

why are you commenting to me... and dont


Now, quit pingspamming me

hmmm interesting, because i haven't to this account

now i know... just look into my account

that all my ping spam, i was exposing them.... apparently i'm correct in my observation

you had no problem banning my accounts (and you laughed about it)

but wont do shit about them, interesting isnt it?

naaaw its making sense, i see it now

that why i did this, to expose them.... and i was successful.

and im correct just my account, overnight.... nothing done. but yet im banned for protecting against them... and you laugh

dude sharpen your shit, im not the enemy, review my information is wrong. i 'll stop for now.... stop protecting down voaters and stay true, and you are not doing it

Durm ago

Who was it and did they remove the posts?

Dortex ago

Aged. Voat has a purity spiral problem where a loud minority of users is actually okay with censorship. They bugged Putt to ban a guy who literally did nothing wrong. Here we are now.

MrBunnyVest ago

Was it Aged? I hope it was Aged.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Everyone learn: avoid the noid.

Eualos ago

I think he should stay banned, but you shouldn't do this to anyone else again.

TabletShitposter ago

I dunno, some annoying assholes just need to be removed. Putt made the right call.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Ok. Ban yourself if you truly believe that

Redcobra ago

Ideas ..someone probably already made them but luckily for me I don’t gotta read 550 comments/suggestions.. spam etc equals strikes one warning then banned.(you’ve probably given multiple warnings already tho).posting nsfw without the label= strike,3 strikes your out.annoying accts.?? know who .nothing we’re all guilty occasionally.all that said.this is you and I believe atko and cynabuns baby.ultimateley I trust the decisions made by you.god bless.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You can't ban someone if they didn't break the rules.

If you really hate the content you should at the very most amend a rule banning it and then ban him for future violations of the rule.

Anything more than this is an arbitrary ban based on feelings.

PuttItOut ago

I thought we talked about this. My feelings on the content are not part of this and to say so is disingenuous.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I know we talked about this.

I'm saying your actions don't match up with your words.

PuttItOut ago

I'm telling you the opposite.

My action wasn't because of this, it was because they are leaking into other subs purposefully. The problem many of us have is we believe others are "good" like we are. A lot of people aren't. So if you want to assume my rational, please do the same for the other user and tell me if you think it is innocence or maliciousness. Analyze both parties if you want to be objective.

That is fair, right?

IsaacJan ago


If you’re going to ban him for posting the same shit over and over, ban tallest skil too. You’re setting precidents here. Spamming thread comments and spamming pictures are different? Explain this to me.

Adminstrater ago

I think there is a definite culture to Voat, and the attempt to change the culture in a non-grassroots method, but as a bot (team?) that spams garbage for the sack of making Voat appear like garbage, is path that could be dangerous. I think you made the right call for that particular user and their attempt to subvert the culture of Voat by pretending to be apart of the culture by following the rules to the bare minimum. Making themselves an outlier in the function of this platform.

In the old days, in the town square, if a person like the user in question appeared, and annoyed the town, the town's people would have taken justice into their own hands. On Voat, that power is limited. I think one of the things the "Block user" button could do, or a separate button, is to submit a reputation message from Voat users that the specific user is "deemed worthy of a negative reputation. If the majority of active users have given a bad reputation, and the admin also sees a problem requiring admin action, then intervening action should be used.

think- ago

I think one of the things the "Block user" button could do, or a separate button, is to submit a reputation message from Voat users that the specific user is "deemed worthy of a negative reputation. If the majority of active users have given a bad reputation, and the admin also sees a problem requiring admin action, then intervening action should be used.

Sorry, but that's sounds awfully like the new Chinese travel restrictions based on citizen's 'social points'.

Adminstrater ago

It would be individual users opinions in a list, not a point system.

Firevine ago

Oh shit, it was @Aged? Fucks sake, Putt, I'll give you a little rub and tug for that one.

Dargaizz ago

I'm just a lurker so my opinion doesn't count for much but here it is.

If he didn't violate any rules then he shouldn't be banned. I'm not defending his behavior but it was behavior set within the accepted rules of the sub.

That means it's a problem with the subs rules (or lack thereof). So rewrite or add rules to the sub to stop what he was doing.

As soon as you start banning people just because you don't like them, you've become reddit.

"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

SearchVoatBot ago

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3dk ago

I don't really think porn falls under free speech, it's in a category of it's own. It doesn't express anything other than sex and is an annoying distraction anywhere outside of places that are dedicated towards it.

The noid didn't post nude content (as far as I know), but he straddled the line as close as possible with his soft-porn posts. He was intentionally, consistently flamebaiting with barely on-topic image-posts... and still I think we should let it be. He would have given up soon enough, as Goats always gave him the downvotes and insults he deserves.

But now it's done. Don't apologize or back down. This particular degenerate got the boot. This is a free speech site, not "porn anywhere".

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Art doesn't stop being art just because the person is naked

Decidueye ago

Pretty disappointed with some of the comments in this thread. Half the comments are satiated from the lynching, and the other half see it as unjust due to @Aged being banned because of the vagueness of the spam rule, in which he violated the spirit of, but not the letter of. The rule needs to be tightened and given precise guidelines easily discoverable by anyone using the site, more than a mere statement that such a rule exists. This post ought to be considered relevant to the upcoming sitewide changes for how moderators and rules will be chosen, too. Users and mods may differ on what spam constitutes, causing rifts that Voat should take preventative measures now to avoid. Here's my personal take on clarifying the spam rule.


Behavior of how a user becomes considered a spammer:

  • Unsolicited PMs

  • Repeatedly posting unrelated/off-topic/link-farmed content

  • Posts containing link redirects as a method to circumvent domain block or disguise the link source

  • Linking to content directly harmful to users (e.g. malware, phishing, pop-ups)

  • Programming bots to harm and/or break Voat, including ones intended to promote


If Aged didn't violate the letter of the second term, then he should be unbanned. If, for some miraculous reason, the second term wasn't already part of the guidelines, he should be unbanned. Nobody should ever be punished by a rule ex post facto. But any spam afterwards would be fair game. If one considers the loli posts of video game characters @Aged repeatedly posted in /v/gaming as not spam, then you must choose begrudging acceptance or invoke a new rule handling rule 34 posts, artwork, or even extending to low effort content. This could be a full restriction, a daily limit, or downvotes like it was. But that should be up to the users and the future moderators to decide together.

PuttItOut ago

The complexity here is that v/gaming is a @system sub in which I am the "moderator" or more precisely Voat is.

Decidueye ago

His ban for spam in /v/gaming impacts all the other system subs because of you having to step in as moderator on one. This should've never needed to be handled by you, but it was because of absent moderation. The uproar may have continued even with some mods being present, as they could've viewed his posts as within the rules. Though from prior history, that scenario could've been the case. Aged certainly is a clever agitator pushing limits on /v/gaming, with much more success than @ExpertShitPoster had with Nintendo Soyitchposting (exposing @Kadynce as overzealous). Last time spam limits were tested there, most of Voat was against the ban, adding more spam, demanding that @Kadynce be gone for it and for adding the no politics rule without feedback or consent. Why should that case result differently than the one now regarding the bans?

ExpertShitposter ago

Difference is:

  • I was only gonna post 10 posts in 10 days, hardly "ruining" a sub as fast as v/gaming.
  • No one was gonna get fired for work over clicking a Nintendo soy boi picture, as apposed to aged's obvious pedo porn.

Decidueye ago

No one was gonna get fired for work over clicking a Nintendo soy boi picture, as apposed to aged's obvious pedo porn.

Strange argument considering that an employer would fire you just for browsing Voat, SFW or not.

If i remember correctly, my posts had about a 50/50 vote ratio, so half the audience appreciated it, while aged only gets downvoated by everyone.

Aged usually had at least a 50/50 ratio on his posts in /v/gaming, so there are people on there who apparently liked his content. Otherwise he'd have been banned before this for vote manipulation with.

Banning Aged was poorly addressed. A new rule could have been amended to the sub after given feedback from the community, such as limiting or banning fan art. Then, and only then, after he violates it would the ban not appear as retroactive punishment. Careful what you wish for, for your solution of a user based voting system to ban other users would clearly turn into a tyranny of the mob.

ExpertShitposter ago

an employer would fire you just for browsing Voat, SFW or not.

No way, why would that happen? Not everything here is nazi, and most people in the real world don't care.

Decidueye ago

Then steer clear of any corporate position. I doubt a teacher that was caught could be defended by the teacher's union. Any other boss could claim your wasting productivity time and can you at will in some states.

ExpertShitposter ago

If you work in engineering or programing departments, it seems to be acceptable to waste a bit of corporate time. Its factored in your pay/benefits as bosses know it cant be stopped. Am browsing from work right now!!

KingHiss ago

A strong no ban. Nasty stupid shit but needs to be allowed to happen as long as the creep sticks to the same rules as everyone else. Cool to bring subjects like this up, that makes you stronger, not weaker.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

The people I have blocked generally don't contribute anything to my Voat experience. At least in threads, they are already minimized so I don't even have to bother knowing their content is low quality bait/trolling/shitposting. For the board postings, I guess I don't care if the guy is banned or not. I just don't want to see what I consider his low quality, 'devoid of any discussion' threads constantly while I am browsing for threads that I might care about.

17171717171717QQQ ago


TheBuddha ago

TRUFE! I was that little boy!

ForTheUltimate ago

maybe putt is trying to normalize censorship.

anyways we need a decentralized platform

Fuckallyoufuckers ago

I think this question can be boiled down very simply:

If he wasn't posting specifically loli crap, would he have gotten banned?

If yes, then ok.

If not, then we are voluntarily drawing a line in the sand. How does that differ from those who ban over the JQ? Or do we pretend that there are people who don't find the nazis completely abhorrent and the epitome of evil?

worthlesshope ago

Someone asked for my opinion on another thread I described what I understood the situation but my opinion can be summed up to to this:

"There are times when spamming gets out of hand and should be taken care of, and there are times when it's free speech. Much like the difference between a peaceful protest and a riot."

I feel it would be interesting and history worthy if a bunch of users would peacefully protest by posting objectionable material on the basis he was banned for on the sub for a day.

jewellious ago

The irony is this is king of what spilt of r games from r gaming. Gaming filled up with memes and(obscure Japanese game Porn in this case), is a separate sub was created for real discussion.

Decidueye ago

Funny /r/gaming now has better discussions than /r/games (Reeeesetera-lite).

PuttItOut ago

You can type r/games and r/gaming here.

TestForScience ago

He's a sick fuck, but he didn't break any site rules.
I'd see him hang before I banned him.

DillHoleBagHands ago

Damn it. I look away for four hours and miss the good stuff. Oh well.

Heygeorge was/is an annoying cunt. I won't miss them.

Dortex ago

Now if we could get rid of the pedo lolifags. It is not "art".

So you'd want them banned?

DillHoleBagHands ago

Eh, not sure how to handle it.

Dortex ago

How about not wanting them banned? I think that's a good start.

FridayJones ago

If our using the Block User feature actually worked to shrink the Submissions from a blocked user so that if we personally, as users, feel that a user is taking up too much of the top of the page, then no banning would be necessary for users who choose to post extremely frequently on certain pages. But as things currently stand, only Comments are shrunk to a link if the User is blocked, but Submissions aren't.

Qfan2020 ago

Are you the one who called out Lord Steven Christ’s Concave earth.....? You don’t have to answer that BUT I’ll say I was really getting annoyed with that bs post and whoever called it out I was like yeah that’s annoying! However others posted that you have to allow it because of freedom of speech and I have to agree. If all the shills are here then I guess weird posts get a shot. Just want you to know I read a lot of weird crap but I wouldn’t waste my time on Lord Steven.

Goathole ago

Hey Ceasar, all you need do is ask the crowd for a thumbs up or down to decide whether we castrate him or make him champion.

If you'd get off your ass and implement the promised tools, we'd take care of this Puttler.

Chiefpacman ago

My thing is, why did you personally bring down the hammer? Seems like usually you let this kind of stuff become an issue before you get involved.

PuttItOut ago

It's been an ongoing issue for months. I didn't just show up and ban someone with no history.

Chiefpacman ago

I see. Well that makes more sense.

Couldn't he just make a new account and start up again? Seems like some of the complaints are stemming from the lack of a rule change. Seems like adding a rule would solve both those issues.

Idk though. Don't let us get you burnt out on voat/ frustrate you. It's in our nature to question authority

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

It's only been an issue because a small group of people made it an issue

PuttItOut ago

Incorrect. This has been an issue for months. You just see the immediate situation, but I've been watching it for a while now.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You've been sitting on it for months, yet lacked the patience to change the rules before the ban?

The daily off topic posts from theoldones and friends had nothing to do with it?


PuttItOut ago

theoldones obviously hates it but had no impact on what happened. He is just as bad, in the opposite direction, concerning this issue.

PoundMe2 ago

the irony of having "FUCK CENSORSHIP" on the side of this post

Troll ago

to fight the troll

Whoa there, nigger. I dindu nuthin. Nuthin.

Cuilrunnings ago

I've been a Voater for a few years now. I never thought I'd see a post like this. Congrats on beginning your slow transformation into reddit.

SearchVoatBot ago

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PuttItOut ago

145,763rd time I've heard this.

Cuilrunnings ago

Well, I'm not wrong.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

Fuck you for dismissing the legitimate concerns of your userbase.

PuttItOut ago

A sticky to discuss is dismissing concerns? Try again.

danielpbarron ago

This site manages to be somehow worse than reddit in terms of censorship. I can't submit a post until I get enough popular comments? I get this "spam" accusation a lot on reddit, and it seems to me to be an excuse to get rid of stuff you don't agree with. But at least I can submit posts on reddit, despite having a negative comment score. Not to say that I like or recommend reddit. It's just comical because this site is meant to be a copy of reddit that is more welcoming to offensive ideas.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OneTruePutt comment by @PeaceSeeker.

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germanshepherd ago

try poal

voats4goats ago

Well for starters, would be a nice option to block user posts as wells as comments from the user and an individual toggle for both types of block

Some users i dont mind the comments but create stupid posts and spam a subverse i dont want to block and vice versa

lanre ago

I mean, if he's just spamming and devaluing the sub why not downvote him and block him?

1234554321 ago

Sitewide rule, no pron in default subs. Case closed. Easy.

frenemy ago

before i go, i'm just going to remind you of your top comment ever.

I've had enough of this!

This is the second time this particular sub has been hijacked with malicious intention.

Voat will not stand for this behavior, even if it is against a sub that is a thorn around Voat's head and literally hurts our public image. We debated letting this sub die out to help Voat's image, but it is against our principles to allow for this to happen. Hence we've acted.

I've purged all mods on this sub.

i really had higher expectations for you.

PuttItOut ago

Your entire comment makes zero sense. I had higher expectations of you... In concerns to making sense.

TheBuddha ago

We've had some violins and fiddle playing.

And the guitar, in the current form, came into Europe by way of the Moors bringing it into Spain. Plucked stringed instruments (chordophones) have a longer history, going back to at least the Etruscans and Persians. Even the Greeks got in on it, though they used a turtle shell for their resonating chamber.

See? You just learned something new!

Redcobra ago

Hi putt , I’m at work so don’t have a ton of time to weigh in.ive got some ideas but I don’t agree w/ banhammer on @aged (yes I dislike that particular acct.) I also dislike other accts.but I’m sure some of these fags dislike my acct. too. Different strokes for different folks.actually I mainly agree w/ Buddha’s sentiments in the meantime.

alalzia ago

VOAT has a BLOCK button for those who don't like certain users .

I fucking hate loli

loli makes much of the material in and (also in /g and probably some other boards i do not visit)

I am in the middle as well .

User was banned only from v/gaming so i guess he can post his favourite material in other subs .

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Most his posts of loli weren't to gaming, but to /vloli etc.

The people who started the war against aged would go to those subs just to tell people to kill themselves

slwsnowman40 ago

I would argue video game art would have to be from a game, not the shit Aged was posting. If it is a character from a game and nothing else about the game, it shouldn't go in v/gaming.

ExpertShitposter ago

Rule No.1 - Ban aged.

Zinnsee ago

Create a "Goat Pen" where you can put bad behaving goats.

They're not banned right away but put inside the pen of shame, where they have the possibility to redeem themselves by posting good content/comments.

They get marked with a badge of shame like "In the goat pen for being baaahaaahhd".

Add some restrictions to the account so that it hurts to be in there. (Voating privileges removed, restricted amount of posts/comments per day).

And all the other goats (not just an admin or mod) have the ability to voat someone in the pen out for good (ban) if things don't get better (maybe add a new button "kick this misfit out of the herd").

Personally I would love to see him getting banned right away, but this is a slippery slope and will become a precedent for the future. So as long as he technically didn't violate any rule it would be wrong to ban him just because we don't like him.

Octocopter ago

Can you point to an Aged post that was on Gaming that was NSFW and not flaired as NSFW? Considering that is the main premise of your reason to ban him.

TheBuddha ago

It's the best thread on voat!

I admit my bias.

People didn't believe me when I said I was a shill for the Guitar Cabal and that we are taking over Voat. Soon, our plan will be finished!

56378907654678 ago

this is a noid hahaha

Crensch ago

Why not make a sub verse based CCP limitation for commenting. The kind of thing where obviously consistent low quality posts cause them to not be able to make comments there for certain periods of time that increase as they continue to make low effort bulshit posts?

That user knows what he is doing. That users like him know what they are doing.

ExpertShitposter ago

AAAaahahahaha Aged the pedophile peace of shit bened. BAM RIGHT ING THE KISSER! Rock on putt. That fag is a fag. Also, you finally kicked off that sphincter-face mod kaydence or whatever his name is. He was a reddit plant. Kill all mods.

On a more serious note, i don't think aged was trying to harm the place with his devoid of substance posts, all his posts are like that. Its ether pedo porn, or non-porn but fully devoid of substance. This is because he is a lost and deformed human, fully destroyed by his addiction to degeneracy that his simply has no meaningful thoughts in his head. Not that there was much in that head to begin with since he is a Brazil nigger.

Also, @Womb_Raider is a domestic terrorist. He fears the SBBH. @kevdude

Womb_Raider ago

Don't you see that you people drive the userbase away? Is this not your goal?

ExpertShitposter ago

No, our mission is to monopolize all Vodka and Monster energy drink production on Earth.

BaldMiscreant ago

It's your site, you can do what you want with it, but I've got to say it: you opened a major can of worms with this, and it won't take much for it to become reddit. When that happens, I (and those like me who value freedom) are gone.

PuttItOut ago

It's like you haven't been paying attention

BaldMiscreant ago

I would not mind some elaboration on that

kneo24 ago

The problem with disgusting creatures like u/Aged is that they will toe the line with spam. They will do everything they can to not breach that line, just so they can farm SCP. SCP is seemingly useless at the moment. It does nothing for you as far as your ability to do anything here on the website. What it does do, however, is in the viewers mind it cements some sort of legitimacy. "Oh this guy has a lot of points, I'm going to pay more attention to them!". It's an asshole move.

The bigger question we have to ask, were his posts intended to generate discussion on the games those characters came from? Was that his purpose? Did he ever try once? I think getting these answered can tell us all we need to know about intent. The last time u/Aged made a comment in v/gaming was two months ago. Before that? It was another month. That month has a few comments, then it's another couple of months before comments are made.

As far as I can see it, u/Aged has done less than the bare minimum to not make his posts look like spam. There has been extremely minimal engagement from him on the posts he was making to that subverse. I've seen other obvious accounts enacting in similar ways at least take the effort to make comments in their posts and other posts in the subverses they subscribe too. They put forth the effort - they still might be spamming in a "shill" type of sense, but they are at least putting forth more effort to create value as far as discussions are concerned.

I even went as far back as page 19 of his submission history as I had no clue what date range that would give me for his submissions. 27 days ago the community was downvoating his submissions into the negatives on that subverse. No discussions were being had by Aged.

I think this is justified as marking it as spam.

What I don't like is some loose definition of what you consider to be spam, so that's something you need to sure up. I've seen plenty of decent ideas in the comments about SCP restrictions in subverses, which can help with issues like that. Especially since you seem to be on top of the vote manipulation thing.

heygeorge ago

I’m not sure that Puttsy is being flattering in the introduction. Yet, I’m going to take it as flattery, because I am a valuable member who contributes to the Voat community! I am also on good terms with local and national treasure, @thebuddha. I am sure he feels this is a relevant fact.

TheBuddha ago

We should have a daily global sticky thread just for my parades.

theNakedNecromancer ago

I have something like eight accounts. I don't know their passwords, and they're all logged in on different machines.

But I'm not sure how my participation/lurking status changes any of the facts: Putt banned someone for breaking no rules. This is the same logic Reddit used in the fappening (when I moved here) by saying that /r/fatpeoplehate was spamming hate and spawning harassment... literal rules they created only to justify their ban for breaking no rules.

Putt is trying to use the spam rule to justify his only leg he's standing on. The fact that he has to make a sticky post to justify his actions tells me that "spam" don't quite fit the bill (again, I haven't seen these questionable points).

"Bending" rules to fit an agenda is just as bed as creating new rules to fit on agenda.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

But I'm not sure how my participation/lurking status changes any of the facts

Its an indication that you're not a "real" user. You could be a JIDF shill or an alt for someone else. I get the same treatment all the time because I delete old accounts and make new ones.

theNakedNecromancer ago

That's a terrible metric for trust.

"I'm going to ignore blatant facts simply because they were said by someone who doesn't participate very much, instead of a person who participates... regardless of how true the facts are."

That's some Liberal-left mental gymnastics, there...

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

It has merit. The problem we saw with the way jews subverted western society started with truths. After they attained positions of power, they then started to use that power to manipulate and lie. So even if someone is saying the truth, it can be worth calling them out on their lies and/or pointing out that they are untrustworthy.

theNakedNecromancer ago

If I'm rallying for power, please, by all means, call me out on it.

I believe I'm just pointing out a contradiction in Pitt's standards of leadership. One topic is "spam," where another is a discussion.

My level of participation (on any one of my accounts) doesn't change that... regardless of what people want to believe.

heygeorge ago

@Womb_Raider sounds (and apparently looks, according to @kevdude) a lot like he, no surprise, supports pederasty.

Check the user name if you don’t believe!

Is it a surprise his associate who slithers out of the woodwork goes by @freshmeat?

Octocopter ago

If you consider that spam when its on one sub and marked as NSFW and not pages of flood, but the spammers that flood /all/new across multiple subs with just mindless text are not? This is my first FUCK YOU @PuttItOut .

You should have just done subverse transfers and lets mods deal with it.

theNakedNecromancer ago

An obvious sock?

heywaitaminute ago

This looks like the tip of a steep cliff. We need to have unanimous decisions for things like these, people obviously obstructing Voats goals and what it stands for should just be burned without question or some debate. There shouldn't have to be some set of rules, as soon as there is people endlessly debate them. If we don't stand as one the doors open to a stream of tards arguing technicalities. As Voat grows the ideology will thin, and the only way to prevent that is aggressive attack to clearly useless people

everlastingphelps ago

Tell him to shut up and get in the oven.

generate ago

imo admin needs to deal with preventing bots from voting, i.e. checking that IPs are physical and not from luminatio or other similar shit. Then real people decide where it goes, if they want voat to become communists so be it, that's called freedom. But that's where subs come in.

NassTee ago

If you had just implemented the ability to block a user so you don't see their submissions at all this wouldn't ever have become a problem. You've now been wrong twice about how to handle this "issue."

Wahwahweewah ago

Spam is awful, we shouldn't allow it. This noid seems to have been purposefully trying to be useless. In this case, it seems like the right move. Add value, goats!

SolomonPapermaster ago

First, the user seems to post pedo shit, that should be a no brainer. Now, for other cases, you could implement an invisible spam score (like China's social score). If you are Noid the score goes up, if you reach a certain level you are banned, if you do nothing then the score goes slowly down until zero. Writing the algorithm would be tricky though

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You have somehow designed a worse system than reddit. Well done

network_guy ago

Can we implement a system where if your posts get downvoated below a threshold you are blocked from new submissions for X amount of days

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

That's censorship.

theNakedNecromancer ago

I haven't looked at the moderator logs. I don't know which user you're talking about. I haven't looked at the content this user was "spamming." I don't know how much/little participation was happening on these "spam posts."

I don't really care. You're crossing a line that I'm not too happy with, @PuttItOut, and let me explain:

I like to play a game of what I personally call "table flip" with politically/emotionally charged issues. It's difficult to explain the rules, so let's use an example to get you started:

Let's take the incident where four black people in Chicago held a disabled white man at knifepoint, kidnapped him, beat him, and made him drink out of a toilet all while livestreaming it on Facebook and yelling "Fuck Trump, and fuck WHITEY!!!" The police didn't "think" it was considered a hate crime. They moved toward pressing hate crime charges only after MUCH public scrutiny.

So, let's flip the tables: Four white men kidnap a disabled black girl, at knifepoint, beat/stab her and make her drink out of a toilet while yelling "Fuck NIGGERS and FUCK OBAMA!" Do you think the Chicago police would be afraid to call that a hate crime?

If you think their reaction would be different, with the tables flipped, then they're racist assholes.

Now, let's take what you've done:

As I stated before, I don't know the details, so flipping the tables should be easy...

A user with low CCP is posting pro-Jewish articles to /v/whatever. This breaks no rules, and is downvoated into never being on the front page. Nobody like this user's content, and believes their "contributions" are "spam" and nothing they post contributes to /v/whatever in any meaningful way.

Would you ban this user?

If your answer is yes, then you have lost control of your seat of power.

If your answer is no, then you are a hypocritical asshole.

I have lost respect for you, Putt. You were better than this. You have started the slippery-slope of banning that user for their posts in /v/whatever because you don't like their content, not for breaking any rules... and that's censorship.

Conspirologist ago

I hope you are talking about @aged. It's the only real spamming piece of shit there.

Mumbleberry ago

How does it feel to be in the crosshairs, @aged?

friendshipistragic ago

If we don’t want this as a community can’t we just make a rule about it? I think it’s pretty clear it’s largely not wanted.

Womb_Raider ago

You bend your knee to the village idiots virtually every time. At this point I can't even tell if you can tell which users are or are not SBBH.

Merlynn ago

I've always defined spam (on-line term) as:

  1. Repeated posting of the same thing by the same person.

  2. Low effort bullshit posts designed to annoy or harass.

Dismal_Swamp ago

This is not a democracy. Rule this website like it’s a small nation state in Eastern Europe and destroy all enemies. Would Saddam Hussein have asked the people to vote on whether he should kill someone he didn’t like?

PuttItOut ago

It is a system sub so you have a point, but still trying to be the bigger man and see what people think. If I didn't care, I wouldn't have said a word and carried on.

Dismal_Swamp ago

This is a website that you let people use for free but it’s not a free $$$ website for you to run. If you have to make decisions on your own on what’s good or bad for the site or a sub then do it. I appreciate your candor on the situation though. Apparently you’re making more right decisions than wrong decisions for Voat to still be a functioning website at this point in the game.

Killeratlarge ago

Direct admim intervention rarely turns out well. Dont fuck with the ecosystem.

mostlyfriendly ago

@PuttItOut Love what you do here. Right call, IMHO.

In my opinion, freedom of association is equally as important as freedom of speech. And, true freedom of association includes the freedom of disassociation. A community isn't free if they they don't have the right to say "No, we don't want your trash here."

Suggested feature to fix this in the future:

Make a site wide rule / script that auto bans a user form a specific sub ... **IF ** they have >10 submissions to the sub AND they have a > 3:1 down / up voat ratio for those submissions. This would allow the community to self regulate anything the specific community considers non value added. (Spam / off topic / degenerate crap / etc.)

... And, it would allow you to be hands off. ;)

(Trigger limits may not be right ... my numbers are just guesses without digging into the analytics.)


bdmthrfkr ago

Don't ban whoever it is, just let us downvoat him into oblivion if we so choose.

ex-redd ago

he's gone mad with power

chrimony ago

I'm generally in favor that moderation (downvotes) should do the job, not outright banning. The UI should make it possible that people that want to look through the weeds can find unpopular crap, but it should generally not flood the sub with garbage. On that note, you could just limit how often you are allowed to post. If your stuff gets regularly dowvoted, the frequency should be continually reduced.

Mumbleberry ago

if the coward pedo would comment, it would get enough DV's to get limited.

GoyimNose ago

It's fine if you make a rule to ban all loli but it's a bad idea to ban legal "speech" simply because you find it disgusting (which it is). Slippery slope my dearest.

Fermentaion ago

your talking with shit alts

BlueDrache ago

If I have an issue with a person posting shit I don't like, I block him/her ...

Problem solved.

I don't know why the community is so up in arms.

He was posting stuff that was technically on-topic for the sub.

ARsandOutdoors ago

You are in the right for banning that guy. He posts absolutely degenerate shit. Enough of voat agrees with you. Lets not make it habit though :)

Camamoow ago

As much as we all disagree with Aged, I really don't think he should be banned.

We've all been subjected to technicalities of the rules, and slight degradation until the point that brought us all here.

The non participation is an issue, but I think it should be solved differently.

Maybe make a submission require a comment attached, that way these non participating users can still be downvoated to do dents into their ccp

Jay_Mac ago

Aged is a piece of shit.

VIP740 ago

I'm not sure spam is the right word for what they're doing in v/gaming, depending on how much and how often they post this stuff; but it's not really on topic either.

  1. Submissions must be related to gaming.

What you're encouraged to post: Games! We should talk about games more than anything! New releases, old favorites, Speed Runs, Let's Play's, development news, what we love, what we hate and so on and so forth.

Try to post things that create discussion. We want people to feel engaged and feel their voices are heard, rather than to be a place of disposable content.

If you're not sure, ask!

OK, you could stretch and say provocative pictures are vaguely gaming related if they're based off game characters; but clearly posting sexualized imagery without discussion isn't what this sub is meant for. Considering this is repeated and deliberate behavior to post unwanted content I'd be OK ruling this as violation of rule 1. Considering they do it repetitively... I don't really mind it being called spam either.

jnola2 ago

/u/Aged needed to go.

Pattern_Blind ago

Press F to gas the Pedophiles.

Mumbleberry ago


Pattern_Blind ago

UpVoat for Gas!

17493131? ago

So how do you like the banhammer on yourself? Are you going to contest it for yourself? Wait it out? Or ignore it? Please don't ignore it.

...on this topic, spam is thoughtless repetitive junk. Just because I like certain catalog in my mailbox doesn't make it not junk mail.

asmodeos ago

Mods are fags. Get over yourself you fucking asshole. We don't need your moderation.

jollux ago

He deserved it! You did well, Putt. He wasn't posting in good faith and we all know that.

Thrus2 ago

That has been something I have seen with this situation people flipping their opinion based on finding out who it was doing the posting even if they had no issue with the actions described when no name was attached. I can't and won't speak to his posts in other suns but then again that isn't where he was banned only from gaming so I have to look at his actions as limited to that scope. Was it a site ban those actions would be part of it. But that was not the case here.

trevmon ago

you got drunk with power

ban actual trolls and shills not guys that just post valid stuff

Maggotbait88 ago

Congratulations, now all you have to do is label anyone you don't like a Nazi- I mean pedophile and you can ban them.

Schreiber ago

That means you're not progressive enough comrade!

See this comrade Biden, he's into little girls, but we SJWs will defend him to the death since he is a good commie and all!

TheKnightOfGod ago

I agree and disagree with you @puttitout: not truly because of what you have done but mostly because of how you did it. First, I don't think that guy did something that deserves a ban from an admin without the input of the community. He is a fucking loli pedo for sure "1968 submissions to loli" and "1910 submissions to lolicon" so I absolutely hate him and want him to hang. He's also kind of a spammer according to the following math: "This user has so far shared a total of 21146 links" and "Member for: 3.2 years" so that is around 21146 / (365*2) = 19.3 hyperlinks per day.

He also hates most of us. Excerpts of his comments: "Ah, fuck you MAGAphobia. Your stupid racism..." and "FUCK your redpill at mid-night and stick down the nearest VHS copy of the Matrix down your AAAAAAANUS. I have no time for your neo-nazi talk."

To summarize: this dude seems to be some r3dditpedo leftist spammer fag and might deserve a ban from some subs or even a ban from Voat. Nevertheless, you did not talk publicly (with a sticky note) about everything I said before the ban. You should have made a sticky note and tell us about your resolution then maybe let the goats decide with a survey?

A strong leader communicates well with his loyal brothers and I think you're getting backlash because you did not communicate beforehand and banned him from v/gaming without input from your community. Most goats won't look into u/aged history and find what I found (lazy goats) so you should have showed us his filthy habit of posting almost exclusively nsfw and pedo (loli). The only exception might be his posts on "v/gametrailers" but I did not check if he was posting pedo or nsfw shit there.

My opinion: a ban from v/gaming for sure if he ever posted some loli shit there. A public warning for posting NSFW content without the appropriate tag several times (2-3) on any sub followed by a ban (announced beforehand publicly with a sticky) if he keeps doing it after the warning. Some restriction to his posting and commenting ability maybe to prevent the "spam" but did he truly spam? Discussions + comments = 1932. If we divide it by the number of days he's been on voat: 1932 / (365*3) = 1.7 it's almost 2 per day so I don't think it's spam.

Let's think about his motives: 1. He's an attention seeker and what we're doing works very well for him (downvoats are negative attention and he got lots of it). 2. He could be a law enforcement white hat agent trying to trap some dumbasses pedo lurking here. 3. He's a shareblue shill seeking to break Voat by posting illegal shit (yes loli is illegal in some countries) or ugly stuff where ppl don't want and don't expect to see it so they'll think Voat is full of trash. If it's 1, then let's vote for a ban. If it's 2, the only "solution" is to ban borderline pedo subs If it's 3, we need to change the spamming rules (let's have a survey and vote?) then warning for few offenses and finally ban after public announcement.

NosebergShekelman ago

fuck....most of my submissions aren't that great. am i next #concernfagpost

CausticRaz ago

You thought your scheming would go unpunished, rabbi?

AR47 ago

Well boss you kinda pulled a Reddit here.

If you had each sub set to a limit at which there was a point value within that subverse you can’t submit from say negative ccp for that specific sub it would have been better than say pulling a spez, but hey still you site?

glassuser ago

Sounds like a typical spammer tactic. Keep the ban. I bet I'd have banned him in your space. Spammers need to experience great pain.

LetsBeNakedOutside ago

I never think you would ban someone without reason. Fuck 'em! Keep up the good work!

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

I misread your term for him as "groid" - thought MAD THAD's coming back guns blazin'!

Nonymous608 ago

Absolutely the right thing to do @PuttItOut. It's trolling...nothing more. Trolls need to be dealt with and Putt doesn't need to answer to anyone.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

High time

TopShelfPrivilege ago

So now we have Putts vs. The Goats

More like Putt vs a fucking retard named Laurentius_the_pyro. I suggested a rule to take care of that fuckstain in the other thread, perhaps intitute that and be done with this.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Now we need to ban anyone who disagrees with you?

Of course you're a fucking coward and didn't even ping me.

TopShelfPrivilege ago

Why the fuck would I "ping" you? I don't give a shit what you have to say, so doing so would've made zero difference.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

so you're the "talk shit behind someone's back" kind of faggot.

TopShelfPrivilege ago

behind someone's back

public forum

I was giving you too much credit. I assumed you were pretending to be retarded to play devil's advocate for a pedophile. Turns out you're actually retarded.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

you're fucking advocating for me to be banned but you don't even ping me so i can respond.

you're a fucking coward jew.

TopShelfPrivilege ago

you're a fucking coward jew.

The fucking irony. You're advocating in defense of a pedophile and I'm the jew. The Laurentius_the_pyro cries out in pain as he strikes you

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You're advocating for the banning of people for disagreeing with you on the internet.

Sound familiar? It's the ADL playbook you fucking baby foreskin munching turbokike.

TopShelfPrivilege ago

You're advocating for the banning of people for disagreeing with you on the internet.

You keep saying that, but that's not the reality of the situation. It would behoove you to stop lying if you honestly wish to garner support for a pedophile.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You keep saying that, but that's not the reality of the situation. It would behoove you to stop lying (yet another trait you have in common with jews) if you honestly wish to garner support for a pedophile.

You just got caught in your lie, kike.

You claimed right here that you wanted me banned for arguing "in bad faith" aka disagreeing with you.

You were incapable of challenging my argument so you resorted to name calling and empty threats like the dirty little rat kike bastard you are.

TopShelfPrivilege ago

So you're too stupid to know what arguing in bad faith means. Got it. You keep digging that hole chief.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You've redefined "bad faith" into meaning anyone who doesn't agree with you, which is ironically a bad faith argument from you.

You never intended to be debate honestly, only demand I be silenced.

you fucking faggot.

TopShelfPrivilege ago

No, no I haven't. You're just an actual helmet-toting retard.

frenemy ago

there's more than a few people here who are fiercely protective of their own and other peoples free speech. it would be highly unwise to forget that.

TopShelfPrivilege ago

There's a difference between advocating for free speech and being obtuse in bad faith. Aged posted content that is illegal in some many countries and Laurentius_the_pyro was purposely being a fucking retard and "calling out" Putt as if he were acting as a dictator. He wasn't, and there's absolutely no question that Putt has done his damnedest to not interfere with the natural order of things on Voat. I'm also a fierce proponent of free speech, but fucksticks who make that argument in bad faith can kill themselves.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

There's a difference between advocating for free speech and being obtuse in bad faith.

You are being obtuse in bad faith, therefore you should be banned.

See how dumb this logic is?

senpaithatignoresyou ago

The problem here is that you v/gaming fagots did not downvoat the submissions.

If the submissions are not downvoated all to fucking hell and back, then my guess is that the community either is not bothered, or likes it.

We have a system in place already, it is that little upvoat/downvoat button next to the post. if the users are not downvoating it, then it is not an issue.

Now one caveat to that, is if there is some voat manipulation going on. If one of those posts suddenly gets a lot of weird upvoats, then it is time to take a closer look at whatever made that post.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Cool. So as long as the content is "'technically' on topic" you can spam shit to your hearts content.
Spam isn't spam until someone spams it. Spam is an act regardless of the content.
You're all a bunch of faggoats.

@PuttItOut What if you had some kind of suspension or applied restrictions to limit someones ability to post/interact in a kind of probation period. So as you wouldn't have to outright ban people... like this fucking idiot who file dumps his cartoon porn in subverses not dedicated to such content (you know, spamming).

White_pride_cis ago

Ban the boomers at QRV for spam

LDIP ago

Now we're talking, fuck everyone from QRV

WhiteWolfSS ago

Glad he got banned. And no I don't think it sets a dangerous precedent.

TheBuddha ago

I've already made my thoughts pretty clear on this, and I urge you to rethink it.

Shitty and low effort doesn't make it spam, it just makes it annoying. It's way too subjective.

I'd absolutely support a rule against this in that sub, but the user's shitty attention whoring isn't really spam.

Yes, I'm defending a pedo. Someday the speech you come for may be mine.

Artofchoke ago

Goddamn, Sir. This is the ONE thing we shouldn't make a safe space for. It's NOT a slippery slope, it's no slope at all, it's one thing. Pedophilia. Whether they are putting up actual illegal content or just skating around the edge, it's something that could be used to shut Voat down. That we are the place you can go you congregate and exchange files with your disgusting cohorts. I don't want to be that place. Even if it didn't jeopardize us the way it does, I still don't want to be part of a notorious pedo haven. Do you?

TheBuddha ago

There were exactly zero children in any images he posted in this sub. His content was legal and topical.

Your emotions have fuck all to do with it. Not one image of a child was used.

I could give zero shits about the optics. I'd rather defend free speech than care what other people think.

I've made it quite clear that his contributions are horrible, but they are lawful. Not one single child was in anything he posted in this sub. Don't pretend otherwise. At least be honest with me.

Artofchoke ago

No, no children in that content. He's a self confessed pedophile. I would remove him on that basis. I would remove any self confessed pedophile. Not accusations, but self confessed? Easy choice. What is the justification for providing sanctuary for pedophiles?

I don't care about the optics, but you know it'll be the pry bar used against us. Why hand the opposition such a powerful tool?

TheBuddha ago

The justification is free speech.

The topic at hand is also this sub and the rules in this sub.

Maybe try to remove your emotions and process it. That may help.

Schreiber ago

First they came for the pedo and I did not speak up because I was not a pedo.

Then they came for the nazi...

And eventually everyone not progressive enough is getting purged.

Look at Reddit history.

worthlesshope ago

I think people don't understand how this sets a precedent. I've tried to talk sense to several people and it just feels like they don't understand words, just keep reading what they want to read while ignoring everything else.

So the way this sets a precedent is that if Putt actually decides to retire or hire other admins/mods of subs they will start banning people based on their feelings too then. Because it happened in the past. Now it's SUPER difficult to tell your "friend" who you "hired" Hey you're doing a bad job I'm taking away your benefits of free reign to ban whoever you want but you still have to work for me. It's also SUPER difficult to just go "hey you're fired, but we're still friends right?"

This is honestly how corruption starts. Police forces don't start out by hiring only corrupted people neither do gangs. They corrupt people early on and the role models set the examples of how people should act.

But many people don't seem to understand this here..I'm not looking forward to be apart of another less active reddit that has gore posts I can't ignore. So I'll probably end up disappearing to another forum too.

frenemy ago

i'm done with voat if this is how this is going.

BlackManOnVoat ago

Apparently you're not as you keep posting.

And if you were "done", then "don't let the door Hit ya where the Good lord Split ya"

You're methods are NOT working to convince people to care. Try again.

TheBuddha ago

There's Poal, if you're interested. PMYB is pretty cool.

I find it a bit surreal that I'm defending a pedo that posts content I don't really care for. But, someday the speech that outrages may be my own.

frenemy ago

There's Poal, if you're interested. PMYB is pretty cool.

the chans are fine. i'm sure i'll find other places too. hope to see you again some day. your a solid dude.

I find it a bit surreal that I'm defending a pedo that posts content I don't really care for. But, someday the speech that outrages may be my own.

this is how is feel about it and i can't escape that thought.

Decidueye ago

Such is life when you put principles over feelings.

sguevar ago

I have to disagree and people have to stop conflating artwork and fanart with gaming.

They are not the same thing and his low value posts that were also spammed across the v/gaming community are not related to gaming. He is just sowing discord because he likes to that. But I stand that his posts are not gaming related.

TheBuddha ago

Do they contain gaming artwork? If so, that's gaming related by definition.

I don't like his content, I like free speech. He's not easy to defend, which makes it more important to do so.

I'd have preferred a more specific rule be violated to justify the ban. I'm okay with rules. In this case, spam is a very vague concept. I left some longer detailed comments in a thread last night.

I don't think it sets a bad precedent. Putt has a history of making good choices. This one was not a good choice. It's too vague and his posts were topical. They're game related by definition. The rules of the sub clearly allow this.

He's annoying, a pedo, and an attention whore. Those are also true.

sguevar ago

I am a gamer. Just because it has content of the game in it doesn't mean they are gaming related.

I will quote myself:

I am a gamer. As a gamer I know gaming is about the functionality of the games, the updates, the bugs, game strategies, characters profiles/abilities, esports, computer specs to support a specific game, game consoles, game storylines, etc.

Posting fanart and artwork of the game is not gaming related because it doesn't add more than stethics to the game.

TheBuddha ago

You not caring for it doesn't actually change the definition. You being a gamer has zero to do with this and is needlessly irrelevant as well as an attempt to appeal to authority. By definition, it's gaming related. The sub even clearly allows fan-art, per a post by the moderators.

Wahaha ago

They are absolutely gaming related and at the core of what makes gaming fun: creativity. Engaging with games on multiple levels instead of just eating whatever the gaming industry shits out nowadays is the core of what makes gaming so much fun.

sguevar ago

The only level that I agree it relates to the gaming market is the marketing part. Artwork helps market a certain product. But it is not related to gaming at all for gaming is not defined by the artwork but by the product's functionality and viability. Artwork is besides the point. It is simply added value to the game, nothing more.

Wahaha ago

Art is an integral part of games. Just like Mods. It allows for gamers to engage with the game on another level than just that of a consumer and v/games is catch-all enough for it to fit in. If you want to get more specific, go to or make a subverse that is more specific.

sguevar ago

So comics are also gaming related? I could post artwork and fanart of DBZ because it had games or of Xmen or of any movie ever made because a game qas created due to those movies?

Wahaha ago


Dortex ago

That's an interesting question. Franchises are a weird spot for me, since, yeah, they're in basically all categories at once. I'd personally gloss over franchises, as long as it doesn't focus on a different medium. I mean, obviously it stops being gaming related if i go back to Toriyama's original publications, for example. But if a manga suddenly came out as backstory for a game, I'd have to support the post.

sguevar ago

Look I am not* saying that art isn't an important part of the games. I am saying it is not an important part of gaming.

I make the difference between the two because gaming is about playing games not sharing fanart or artwork of them.

I honestly can't explain this better.

Dortex ago

I don't make this distinction. I'm understanding what you're saying. I'm disagreeing. And since it's nit a factual matter, it's probably not going to be resolved. As it stands though, Putt agreed it's on-topic, if only for the sake of argument. So here we are.

sguevar ago

Well guess we just have to agree to disagree.

So let me just use the same analogy that I used with a different user:

Saying that artwork and fanart are related to gaming is a logical fallacy because it is the same thing as saying that travel agencies are related to hotels.

They do not. They are both related to tourism but that is about it. Nothing more. Artwrok and fanart are related to game content, not gaming. You are right to say that a culture has risen because of the game industrie but that doesn't mean that they are related.

Because then you are simply opening the door to other users posting images of Xmen and DBZ or of LOTR just because they have games attached to their franchises. It is simply senseless not making the distinction between gaming and game content.

GishKnots ago

@GhostSkin wuz here wink wink wink MY EARS ARE SO WET RIGHT NOW ♡♡♡♡♡♡

SeanBox ago


bisteot ago

I dont like the ban idea...

So a couple of technical ideas:

  1. Can you limit how ofter an user can create a post on a sub when he has a low score on that sub?

  2. Can you prevent that post from users with low score on that sub appears on trending for that sub?

I think the above approach, while technical, could be used automatically for this and any other user that has a similar behavior. It doesn't ban him and it saves our time until he start posting relevant shit.

Fermentaion ago

you knee jek put

you are listing to too many peoplr... but not the right ones

but it be alright, ill let you to accept your mistake, we all do it

or i will contiue to after that atlts

in case you notices i've lover 100ccp overnight...

17491843? ago

Too many people means the majority. So are you saying the majority of goats are wrong? Why are you against democracies and communities? Do you like having illegal immigrants voting for you? Sometimes being counted twice? You like rigged elections? Cuz that's exactly how you act. If you were a politician I would call for your assassination as you are a threat to the community as a whole and would only encourage open borders and zero vetting...

Fermentaion ago

we are fighting the same fight, but on different terms

i would in a million years never cross you....

i dont fucking want talk this personal on voat with you.... unless a specific subject

im just going to drop it... just dont talk with me on on voat anymore..... use the other methods, i just dont want you involved in this @puttiout

we are fighters kat... but this not your battle, it is mine... this why i respect you so much...

17492778? ago

Yes are fighting in the same war. Opposite sides and guess what. I won't quit because I still have hope for you to realize your mistakes.

Fermentaion ago

its okay kat, you can have our own thought and i appreciate you.... i just never found some one that aligned to me personality wise.....

fuck it ill say it here, i offered to pay to come here... I wanted you to have in spring

you know how much i care for you..... just stay away away from me on voat.... you know how to involved with me.... i just dont want you you in this ring

recon_johnny ago

So literally, what do you want from us?

Figure out how to deal with such people? Really? You want us to write the rules for the site? What's it going to be, majority (mob) rule?

While acknowledging this is your site (and that "Angel Investor"--that we've not heard anything further about, oddly enough), pretty sure you hold the final say on how to deal with these people. You want to ban them, because it fucks the level of content? Your choice. People don't like it, they can leave.

Does this mean you get to ban anyone you like? Again, your site. But if you do, enough of us will leave. Last thing we want is another fucked up Reddit. Look, there's plenty of subs that suck the kike cock here. You allow them to stay. Something to think about.

germanshepherd ago

putt has sucked for a while now, we left a year ago for poal

TheBuddha ago

Obviously you didn't leave. If you had, you couldn't have posted that. Sheesh!

Dortex ago

So now I can be banned for posting on-topic if people don't like me? How's that not a slippery slope to Reddit's decay? People have had the block function for ages now. If you keep seeing his posts, you want to see them. If you then proceed to complain about them, you just feel guilty about it.

Deathperception ago

Why,yes. Yes you can.just ask me.Yes. Hail Lucifer& fuck the pigs.

sguevar ago

artwork and fanart are not gaming related.

TheBuddha ago

Even Putt clearly stated they were on topic. It's right in his post. You can read it.

sguevar ago

That doesn't make it right. The fact that @PutItOut states is on topic doesn't mean is correct and I will definitely correct him on the matter. BTW saying he agreed it is is using argument of authority as well.

i will have to redirect to the analogy I used with @frenemy (though he is too stupid to even understand it) what you are all engaging on is logical fallacy:

andrew_jackson ago

Shut up you fucking beaner. @TheBuddha don't worry about this wetback, he should go back to Mexico.

TheBuddha ago

Except he is an authority. It's not a logical fallacy if it's correct. That's not even how the fallacies work.

You're just wrong. It's okay to be wrong. However, the best thing to do is to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them.

sguevar ago

It's not a logical fallacy if it's correct.

But it isn't.

I think we have reached an impasse here. So i will leave it at that.

TheBuddha ago

I'm baffled as to why you're hellbent on remaining wrong. It's pretty easy to correct this.

Is your ego frail or something? You're not usually retarded but you really seem to be actually trying to be. You okay?

frenemy ago

fuck you. even when you can read it on the site you won't budge. because this idea is only in your head and it's stupid.

sguevar ago

Sure enjoy your logical fallacy dumbass.

frenemy ago

which one is it exactly? by name, i mean.

sguevar ago

fanart and artwork are of game characters hence they are gaming related.

frenemy ago

and how is my cause incorrectly identified?

sguevar ago

because you equate both with the notion of gaming when in fact they are not.

frenemy ago

okay, then reason that out. why aren't they part of the 'notion of gaming'? that's a very wide net you gave me, by the way.

sguevar ago

that's a very wide net you gave me, by the way.

Why don't you define to me what is gaming then since you clearly conflate the 3 notions together.

frenemy ago

can you tell the difference between fan art and original game art? how? why is there a distinction between the two in your head?

Dortex ago

I'd sure say they are.

sguevar ago


Dortex ago

Because games aren't literally just the bits and bytes that make them up. It's the culture and communities they spawn. And the art, music, jokes, etc. they make are a part of that community.

goatboy ago

Spam should be defined in terms of economic incentive and conflict of interest. If someone, group, or company makes a profit, generates income for themselves or other, or manipulates voat's free service/user gullibility for economic gain- then that individual or group should be shut down from normal posting. They should pay for advertising on voat. The location of advertising should be restricted to specific locations designated for advertising. They should be required to post a detailed conflict of interest statement on the same page.

Conflicts of interest are okay, as long as the conflict of interest is explicitly posted, easily accessible to all users, easy to understand who the individual or group is, and how they are affiliated with thing, company, political organization they are advertising.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

A thousand years from now, when learned men of letters find themselves in a court of law arguing as to whether or not spam is actually spam, one of these men will cite the precedent set on this very day, the Putt Precedent, and he will say "think about the children."

Wahaha ago

Just unban him. Aged did nothing wrong.

Don't give in to loud minorities. The rules are fine as they are.

kevf4 ago

He did "nothing wrong." I disagree.

theoldones ago

fucking pedo enabler.

sguevar ago

you need to stop conflating artwork and fanart with gaming.

PointsOutIdiots ago

You're an idiot.

Dortex ago

I downvote you not because I disagree, but because your comment adds literally nothing to the conversation.

frenemy ago

stop claiming they aren't related, you moron.

sguevar ago

They aren't. Artwork is an important part of the game development not of gaming. You clearly don't understand this because you can't make the simple difference.

Gaming is about playing games. Not sharing artwork or fanart.

Stop being a faggot and open your eyes.

The logical fallacy you are doing is like daying travel agencies are related to hotels. News flash dumbass, they aren't. They are both related to tourism. Nothing more.

SimonWest ago

You're wrong in this instance as the gaming sub allowed it when the issue was addressed there. Your point is moot.

frenemy ago

gaming is about everything included in gaming culture. i don't care what your definition is. that's mine. you are a fucking retard.

sguevar ago

(G.G) Omg you simply can't make a simple distinction and understand the logical fallacy you are doing.

NiggerVirus ago

..........the only damn friend you have and I always will be 7.1. (Just don't ever do this to me please, I would feel very hurt)

heygeorge ago

I want to say @heygeorge, this is one is for you! Couldn't have done it without you buddy.

Lol! I am fairly certain to have had little impact on this. You make me laugh on a regular basis, and there’s nary (at least rarely) a day that goes by where I don’t use your great site.

This is a persnickety situation. Aged is definitely a troll who was deliberately hurting the subverse. But I’m left wondering about this vs the v/aww spamming situation. And I wonder if anyone had tried asking him diplomatically, via PM, to stop. That’s all I have so far.

ExpertShitposter ago

georgie boi swings the ben hemer!

heygeorge ago

Fuckin Puttler

Decidueye ago

I did PM him ascertaining his reasons for posting lewd lolis in /v/gaming, and his goal was to provoke for the lolz. There's nothing anyone could say to convince him to stop.

heygeorge ago

That sounds about right. @Aged is this true? Did anyone else PM your barely legal veggie ass? :*

Decidueye ago

heygeorge ago

That doesn’t quite say what you described it to. It actually sounds more like a cry for help. @Aged are you ok, young man? And of course mixed with some good old fashioned shit talk about @theoldones, who gets really triggered by shit like that.

65Creedmoor ago

I think a good solution to the noids is to let people select who they can follow to hide spam content (and possibly boost content) for them

dan_k ago

I know his posts were not illegal so to say, but I for one am glad it's gone. Would be happy to see a site wide removal of such "cartoons", no argument from me on that.

Don't even think about banning me from /v/science though.. :)

HorseIsDead ago

ban @OtisT for being a neonazi nigger faggot now

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Its okay to ban pedo spam.

frenemy ago

i think we should ban dolphin fuckers. see the issue?

WhiteWakandan ago

Since ISPs started blocking Coat we are stronger.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Youre a tranny

marmulak ago

So basically you named this guy after a Domino's Pizza mascot from the 1980's so you could ban him? Nice.

PuttItOut ago

It's a mashup between null and void, which I think represents this particular user's value to the sub.

turtlesarepureevil ago

Only one problem… the content was 'technically' on topic (a stretch but for sake of argument I concede).

How was it technically on topic? Were the borderline loli characters also characters in games?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

How was it technically on topic? Were the borderline loli characters also characters in games?


They were also tagged nsfw if they were even slightly provocative.

Which means they followed all the rules of /v/gaming.

Thrus2 ago

Yes and all we're labeled with character name as well as game, any NSFW was tagged as such as well. The content was crap but it was on topic and it did follow all of the guidelines for the sub.

Wahaha ago


turtlesarepureevil ago

Then he shouldn't have done it. A regular mod should have. Even if the posts didn't explicitly break the rules, it still can be construed as spam.

Wahaha ago

Of course, but just because you can, doesn't mean you should. This was something the voating system was designed to handle.

sguevar ago

Personally I believe the user infringed in rule 1 because his content wasn't related to gaming.

People here tend to conflate fanart and artwork with gaming and it is not the case. As a gamer I don't mind the ban and I do find the continuous low value posts as spam as so do the majority of the v/gaming community. But if this is too much of hasal to handle I would suggest an easy getaway:

Make a poll on the v/gaming suberse asking whether your decision to ban u/Aged stand or not. If the majority agrees to it, then that should be it. This doesn't take away the user from posting his low value content on the lolicon subverses if he so want to.

PointsOutIdiots ago

It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it isn't going to become true. Pictures of characters absolutely are gaming related and you're an idiot.

NoobtheImmortal ago

Ok, I'll ask the stupid question. How precisely do you think that pictures of characters are absolutely gaming related? If I drew a picture of Ocasio-Cortez in a sexualized position is it suddenly politics related?

parallel0 ago

downvote and move on, if the sub is empty don't blame the """spammer"""

blumen4alles ago

In Putt we trust!

Retron ago

If the content was "technically" on topic, and it was just low value, low effort shitfuckery, then unban him, let him post his shit, and let him be downvoated into oblivion.

I don't know who it was but I assume it's the person that just posts pictures of NSFW game art?

If you have to do anything, maybe make a rule that requires a certain amount of SCP to submit links/discussions in default subs. If they have negative SCP, they can't post, and have to post things of value elsewhere.

Wahaha ago

The submissions on average retained a positive balance. If he was downvoated into oblivion no one would've cared enough to ban him. The opposite was the case, though.

theoldones ago

bot accounts.

auto_turret ago

Everything I don't like is spam.

I figured it out guys, good job.

shrink ago

Excuse me sir, this is the spam police, I have a warrant for your arrest.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

I posted it to reddit and it stayed up a whole 15min. It should be fine here

Seventh_Jim ago

For that situation the possible downvoats should be sufficient, assuming it was poetry and not just word salad. Low effort was a qualifier, what you're describing would not be.

Poetry, even bad, doesn't carry the general ugliness of pedo content.

Thrus2 ago

@TheodoreKent You could hit low effort by posting images of the boxes games come in. It would be basically the same as what aged did in that sub but would eliminate the NSFW side of things while also making it require someone to argue that the box a game came in is not gaming related, by the way some will say pictures of game characters is not related to gaming, so I guess the box may not be related either.

Schreiber ago

We know nobody gonna care about that though.

It's pretty obvious that the whole Aged situation is pretty personal and nothing to do with site rules or anything.

Just a few loud voaters who hates on lolicon.

Thrus2 ago

And that right there is my issue witht he ban it was not for actions taken in the sub the ban occued in it was sparked by hate of his actions in other subs.

Was his content crap? Yes!

Was it often! Yes and that happens in every sub you get some that post lots and lots of stuff.

Do we have a voteing system to deal with crap? Yes

Do we have a way to deal with lots of posts of crap? Yes again the voting system creating posting limits.

Was he breaking rules in the sub he was banned from? No.

Seventh_Jim ago

Do you actually buy that argument, or are you just being jewish?

combatveteran ago

Thanks for posting your thoughts and reasoning.

Tallest_Skil ago

A Noid (according to me) is a person that regularly submits content that is low value, low effort, typically downvoted, and has low participation. Often times on purpose.

I don't like this. I like the rest. I don't like this. The site's system allows for complete abuse of this. Were it replaced with "typically objectively incorrect," I'd be on board.

LostandFound ago

This is our very own Christchurch.


One guy making a rucus to get a reaction out of everyone, don't give it to him, let voats immune system tackle the issue.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

This isn't just one guy making a rucus, this is a handful of people running a campaign to destroy free speech here.

LostandFound ago

Just like Christchurch!

OutragedForNoReason ago

Everyone just settle down and watch a cute puppy video..

StanTheTRex ago

As stupid as it sounds because this is all about a guy posting pictures, I keep thinking about the Cloudflare / Daily Stormer thing. In both cases the head of something banned someone even though they broke no rules because they don't like them. It's a big jump from booting someone from a sub to booting someone from the internet, but the comparison has some merit.

I keep telling myself I don't give a shit about his ban, but it does irk me some. I do think it's amazing that this has become a big discussion, shows how much we love this place and what it means.

Dortex ago

It always starts by silencing the "undesirables". This is how it went on Reddit too. How did that go for them? Where do you think we're posting right now?

Kromulent ago

Call me crazy (you won't be the first) but this is not a difficult problem.

Mods cannot censor anybody, because they only control their own subverse. Users can PM others, they can easily create their own subverses with their own rules, and they can post in other existing subverses. Mod bans are not censorship.

Admin bans, on the other hand, are censorship. Users cannot escape them elsewhere on the site.

I appreciate that this distinction is controversial here, but mods only have the power we give them. When there are three different gaming subverses, the one that people prefer will be the one to prosper. No one mod controls anything of any value, they can only offer what people want, or not.

Add to this a cultural preference, on this site, for mods to use a light hand, and to tolerate noise and disruption for the sake of more open expression. Wonderful. But the mods still get to choose where to draw the line when the time comes.

We lose ourselves here when we say to the mods, no, don't ban any postings unless they are clearly spam or clearly against some other rule. That does not scale. Any small group of people can shit all over a subverse and kill it. Others can suppress speech very effectively by simply screaming incessantly.

It's OK for subverses to be distinct communities with their own cultures and their own rules. That's part of what free speech is, too.

SIayfire122 ago

He didn't ban him from the site though. He only banned him from /v/gaming like a moderator would.

Kromulent ago

Yes, I was defending that. I would have been upset if the user had been banned site-wide, though.

Phantom42 ago

Hmm... Personally, I'm alright with this. I understand the implications it has for both sides, but down the road I don't want to see post or comments that are just "eh nigga luk at dis sht rite heer" and it's just a picture of the new Xbox on v/gaming, and all the comments are "First." "Upgoat meh." "OMEGALOL YEW GAWT DE NU XBAUX HAHARHAHAR!".

Voat, as it stands, is one of the best communities not ONLY because it attracts free speech, but because it attracts all types of minds that are either really fucking intelligent, hilarious (@NosebergSkekelman), or just a good read sometimes.

If the user you banned was just spamming pure nonsense, and you believed it was, in all seriousness this is your site and your lovechild... Well, i this case I agree that a ban is probably the right way to go. Ideally, the guy would learn his lesson and perhaps the ban could be lifted, but people are shitheads sometimes. Some more than others (CIA fag is shittier than Joe Schmoe.).

I trust that you won't make dropping the hammer a habit, and I'll hold you to it. We all will, as you can see. But speaking strictly within the terms of this incident, I believe you were right in doing so.

Have good one mein Führe- I mean, Putt.

JJNova ago

Man, if there was only a system in place that would push higher quality to the top, and lower quality to the bottom.

Maybe one day.

Dortex ago

Better yet: Voat should have a button that hides subverses and specific users' posts. I'm thinking of calling it a "block" button, but people might confuse it for a cube.

frenemy ago

this whole thing isn't very well thought out.

Hand_of_Node ago

Aged has been spamming "near child porn" for quite a while.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

and for a lot of people talking about the Jews is " (near) far-right terrorism".

Do we ban the JQ next?

Hand_of_Node ago

Children are innocents. Jews are the opposite.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I don't disagree.

But my point still stands.

Hand_of_Node ago

Okay, I wouldn't see it as hypocritical if jew-lovers wanted to silence us, or worse. However, we get to decide who our enemies are too. I'm not going to let my enemy "speak freely", or even live, if it's up to me. Both Aged and the people wanting to ban the JQ are our enemies.

SimonWest ago

By that rationale you can ban most users for nearly doing somehing. I though most users in the last few years left reddit for this exact reason

Phantom42 ago

Yup. I really don't like the guy.

Like, "oh no, I slipped on the concrete and accidentally switched on the gas! Aged is in there! And the door is conveniently stuck!" levels of don't like.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

And i don't like you. Can you ban yourself for me as i lack the power

Phantom42 ago

Nah, but why are you defending a CP poster? Hmm?

I think we'd have to do more than just ban you from Voat... So much more...

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

It's not child porn. No real people are harmed in the creation.

Why do you only care about children? Not murder, gore, racism, anti jew shit, piracy etc.

Phantom42 ago

Murder? Depends on definition of "murder".

Gore? Meh.

Racism? Lol. It's natural.

Anti-Jew "shit"? Odd way to spell "telling the Truth. Note the capital T.

Piracy? Oookay..... I'll give you one there.

Sire ago

I think Voat’s immune response deters lots of spammers and usually promotes high-quality posts.

Many subverses have experienced spam and still do. The community actively filters out many bots, shills, and spammers, but it’s impossible to weed those out by algorithm. So in extreme cases individual judgement it is, and that’s a heavy burden on you, Putt.

It’s tough to draw a line, or even to narrow the grey area of spam/not spam, and there never will be a single answer.

I guess I can’t help make a decision, Putt, but I do browse /v/new regularly to weed out a little junk. Perhaps if more people do that, it helps.

ScrewdriverOo ago

Putt, goats lock horns all the time. If we all agreed with everything all the time, we would be a useless hivemind. We're not a hivemind here. You were in the right. If I was to post low effort shit in a single sub and get banned from there, I wouldn't complain. I did something that was against the rules. They were aware of what they were doing when they were doing it.

Wahaha ago

Technically no rule was broken, pretty sure Aged is a bot that doesn't care if he gets banned from one sub and this has more implication for Voat than it has for Aged. It's one step in the direction of reddit 2.0, that's why people freak out over this. No one really cares for one low effort poster. That's not the problem here. The problem is enforcing rules that don't exist to make people that were upset happy.

ScrewdriverOo ago

Trust me, we're not headed towards a Reddit 2.0. When I was a mod of some subs here early on, I never banned or removed anything. I was one of the first mods that included the modlogs in the sidebar. I wanted people to know what I was doing and why I was doing it. Whatever had a problem with a manchild spammer. While his posts were technically on topic, he was continually posting something, i.e. spamming, stuff on that sub. They don't ban people for minor infractions, it really has to be something major. Aged wasn't full on banned from Voat, just /v/gaming. It would be the same as any other user banned from any non-system sub. Putt has made it clear there is a line. That line is equally applied to everyone. I really don't see the point to post pictures of cartoons in a gaming sub. Even if the cartoons are gaming related, there can be other places to post that would be more relevant. If anything, Putt was enforcing precedent. There was an existing rule about spam. That rule has been enforced in the past without issues.

The reason why we have standards is to solve the issues we have had in the past. Subverse request needed a standard to qualify for a sub transfer. This was enacted to solve an issue with a user who got to be the lone mod of a major sub. They were banning and removing things at a break neck pace. When a sub becomes a system owned, they're giving the community to power to remove them.

What I did notice is you posting cartoons to /v/gaming. What is the point in doing so? What kind of statement are you hoping to achieve with it. The point you're trying to make isn't the point you actually are making.

Wahaha ago

I feel obligated to keep up the good job Aged was doing, since he can't anymore. It's also to piss off the people that were crying for him to be banned, I don't want them to gain anything with their childish actions.

ScrewdriverOo ago

Good job? You do realize by keeping up that shit is crying at the most extreme. Showing your level of maturity as well. Super reactionary there kiddo.

Wahaha ago

Yes, good job. If you actually support this level of redditry than just fuck off back to reddit already.

ScrewdriverOo ago

What the fuck is it with you tards who think calling out dumb shit as something reddit would do. You reddit retards like to be coddled and told you're perfect. So miss snowflake, you're acting like a retard and I hope you find the safe space you want kiddo.

Wahaha ago

I've never actually been to reddit, I just use it as an insult, like nigger or faggot or niggerfaggot. Methinks thou dost protest too much.

ScrewdriverOo ago

I'm so triggered. Can you come up with more reddit tier pasta magically, since you have never been there. I'm not sure what exactly you have, retardation from incest or just plain FAS. There really isn't any way to beat me faggot. It's nice to see you starting to get triggered by calling out the retardation you're doing. I know, you've come from TSA, NeoFag, and Reset Era. How I can tell, faggots from those sites all act and talk the same here.

What's funny is people think you can't get a woman pregnant from anal sex. You're obviously the proof that it can happen.

Wahaha ago

I can't even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.

ScrewdriverOo ago

Sure, a wannabe oldfag.

Dortex ago

pretty sure Aged is a bot that doesn't care if he gets banned

He's not. I've spoken to him. Cool guy.

No one really cares for one low effort poster. That's not the problem here. The problem is enforcing rules that don't exist to make people that were upset happy.

Hell, with the way Voat works, the only people seeing it actively search it out. The moment the Qtards came on, we blocked them all and nobody has complained since. Aged, meanwhile, has an army of spergs waiting for him to post so they can get off and downvote his posts as penance.

The_Venerable ago

If someone posted a single drawing of a character I doubt anyone would care. Even if it was hentai, it would just get downvoted. But to continue to post the content over and over when it was clearly pissing people off is being unreasonable especially on a system sub.

Wahaha ago

Only some people were pissed, others were upvoating that content, because it was nice. Giving in to a bunch of offended people isn't Voats style, that's why it blew up.

The_Venerable ago

Why not make a dedicated sub for it? Should you be allowed to spam Guitar Hero threads on /v/guitar? Starcraft competitions to /v/sports? Hentai to /v/gaming?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Should you be allowed to spam Guitar Hero threads on /v/guitar?

Is there a rule against it?

Starcraft competitions to /v/sports?

Is there a rule against it?

Hentai to /v/gaming?

Is there a rule against it?

In this specific case there are only 2 rules relevant to the posts in question #1 keeping posts related to gaming, and #2 tagging NSFW posts.

In all cases the posts followed these two rules.

The_Venerable ago

Then make a dedicated sub for it. It's like posting guitar hero threads to /v/guitar, posting TV shows to /v/programming, posting videos games to /v/sports, on purpose to rile people up.

WickerMan ago

@heygeorge did this. Im on to you dude.

heygeorge ago

What did I do? I’m not going to bother hitting the context button.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

If low effort shit posts get you banned I might as well bail now.

think- ago

v/gaming ban log:

Aged Rule Violation: Spam; Description: Spams borderline lolicon for attention PuttItOut 17 hours ago

Good move, I'd say.

super_jackoff_style ago

Voat has an immune system like no other. This problem will right itself.

65Creedmoor ago

By getting most people to not even use the site?

super_jackoff_style ago

Anything that destroys or degrades freedom of speech on this site is fully a cancer.

65Creedmoor ago

Making people not even use the site is a degradation of freedom of speech

frenemy ago

banning users for made up after the fact reasons will certainly push people off this platform.

Mortifera ago

What do you know about Poal? Any good?

archvile7 ago

As it should, but without admin intervention.

Le_Squish ago

We don't yet have the necessary update that allows users to replace mods.

super_jackoff_style ago

I must secure an existence for my fellow Goats.

SIayfire122 ago

Honestly, I don't blame you for banning him. While one could argue that obscure pornographic videogames are still technically games, hentai involving those are pornography and not games. It's like arguing that scorpions are arachnids, so rule 34 of scorpions should be allowed to a spider subverse.

Filling a standard subreddit with nsfw pictures is borderline spam anyways, especially when there's plenty of other subverses it's better suited for.

Futt ago

IMO low-effort crap is what the voting-system is meant to deal with; not a good reason for a ban in my opinion. They'll throttle themselves eventually when SCP goes into the negative. And if I may be allowed a "slippery slope" argument, this could be seen as.. well, a slippery slope. Who gets to decide what's quality content? How low must the quality be to warrant a ban? And how much is too much?

xachariah ago

Voting is meant to deal with it, but it's not successful. The users of v/gaming were very clearly telling him to fuck off. I counted 40+ negatively voted submissions in a row to gaming before I stopped counting. This user will never go away on their own, and voting/SCP is insufficient to force them to go away (they farm in other subverses to shit up gaming), so something needs to be done.

I propose that @PuttitOut gives voting some teeth. Votes need to directly and automatically result in bans from subverses where users show that you're not wanted. Are more than 2/3rds of your submissions in a subverse negative*? Nobody wants you here, enjoy your temp auto-ban from the subverse. You get booted from multiple subverses? Enjoy your temp ban from posting to any new subverses (if they like you in one, you can stay there, but don't come to mine). You come back and keep shitting things up? Each time you get autobanned, the threshold to ban you gets easier and the bans last longer. (This does open up issues like making it more valuable to make sockpuppets to vote down opponents or vote yourself up, but that's an issue to deal with another day.)

This system would let users self-determine who they associate with, instead of saying you have to withstand a constant onslaught of shitty posts from one asshole nobody likes without being able to do anything about it. This system needs no decisions needed by admins or anyone putting them above us. And it's really easy to avoid getting banned in this system; if people don't like what you post then stop posting in that subverse.

*After some min threshold of negative posts/SCP in a subverse, so you don't get instabanned if you make 2-3 shitty memes in a new subverse.

Schreiber ago

The users of v/gaming were very clearly telling him to fuck off.

Few loud minorities. Most don't give a fuck really. Sure, most are getting annoyed, but definitely only a few are calling for bans because that is the start of the slippery slope.

Did all of you faggots forgot how Reddit became a heavily censored safe space today? It started with jailbaits.

Fermentaion ago

shit alts....

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

Any healthy, functioning group decides upon objective standards of what is and is not allowed in their group. The users in v/gaming decided they did not like seeing the constant promotion of pedophilia in their board, and thus petitioned Putt to ban said user. What seems to be the problem here?

BB-3 ago

This particular user's scp yoyos back and forth because every time he starts to get throttled, he starts rapid posting to his porn sub to raise it back in no time. Voat has a spam weakness where mods have no post limit in the subverses they own, and the requirements to start a new subverse are low.

Fermentaion ago

shit alts @putitoiut

shit alts

TheDonaldTrump ago

slippery slope

He was posting borderline CP,wanna know what that leads to next?

Futt ago

If he's posting illegal shit he needs a site-wide permaban (and an arrest warrant). If what he's posting is legal and doesn't run afoul of any other rules, even if you find it distasteful, I fail to see how a ban i warranted.

altident ago

Talking about borderline murder?

TheDonaldTrump ago

The only thing borderline about Aged's posts were the fact that the girls weren't real.Its otherwise outright child porn.

altident ago

That by definition makes it not child porn. You can print one out and walk into any police station in the US and slap it right on the counter and nothing will happen. And if it won't even get you imprisoned in a borderline police state, there shouldn't be a ban for it on a supposed free speech platform. Fuck Aged for being a pedo, but fuck Putt for banning him. This is a legitimate slippery slope that will inevitably lead to "I don't like what you do or what you say, so you're banned in spite of breaking no rules." This is Reddit step 1.

The_Ghost ago

I’m sure there’s some law or other prohibiting showing pornography in public, including inside a police station, but I agree with your main point.

altident ago

Yeah you may be right. I guess walking in with a thumb drive and telling them what's on it might have been a better depiction.

Fullmetal ago

That's my take on it. Sometimes low effort content is what helps communities grow. Communities without content just die.

asmodeos ago

Welcome to reddit.

Le_Squish ago

We have to address the non-participating issue though.

These sorts of accounts often avoid commenting so they don't get their posting privileges throttled. They make shitty post everywhere and then don't comment to avoid dealing with the consequences of their shit.

We may need to make a modification to how SCP works to deal with grandfathered spammers like aged.

worthlesshope ago

The non-participation thing in the OP is exaggerated. Sure aged didn't make any threads in /v/gaming, but he made posts in the sub, he seemed to be participating actively in the general comment section but I'm sure he stopped because all of his general posts were being downvoted just because he liked lolicon. Just look at /u/aged post history.

There has been a severe abuse of the system in this case all based on the fact a user likes lolicon. They first started downvoting all of his posts no matter what the content was. Then they started a petition to get him banned, and then the admin listened and banned him.

This is no better than the left and their witch hunt trials. Find a guy you don't like throw stones at him every so often, call him a witch get enough people involved have a fake trial, don't give him a chance to defend himself, then burn him at the stake.

BlackManOnVoat ago

I agree with both of these points. The voting system IS there for a reason and helps filter out the nonsense, but as Squish said, these account use loopholes to get around some of these protocols. Getting banned for doing that is reasonable imo(abusing loopholes) hopefully those loopholes get plugged up as well.

fusir ago

+1 for addressing scp. -1 for banning.

I think instead of using a combined score (meaning you would only have to learn to game one), you should have to keep a positive for both scores.

Also this is one of the flaws of removing the ability to downvote archived items. It makes people invincible. We actually didn't have a spam problem before then and I called it.

Or you could make old scp irrelevant. Maybe only scp score over the last 365 days is relevant.

Vindicator ago

Or you could make old scp irrelevant. Maybe only scp score over the last 365 days is relevant.

Interesting idea. It's sort of a vestigial organ with no real purpose at the moment.

Another thing I think might help would be to require a certain number of CCP per submissions. Like 100 CCP gets you 10 submissions. After that, you'd better start participating, or you won't be able to submit. @PuttItOut

daskapitalist ago

This is a legitimate issue. Those of us who've been around for awhile could turn into cancer and be effectively immune to downvote throttling due to +100k archived SCP.

fusir ago

Some of us have, and they are calling for censorship.

ForTheUltimate ago

actually negative scp should only affect submitting and negative comment should only affect your commenting

Le_Squish ago

Maybe only scp score over the last 365 days is relevant.

I like this part. Having a way for accounts to age out doesn't hurt active users but it would make the shills work extra hard to maintain their accounts. Sometimes making them work for it is the best you can hope for.

Honestly, I think a year is too long long for a reset though. Quarterly, lol.

Jobbyweecha ago

How about SCP and CCP are sub specific, so that way they can't farm them on another sub, to shit up a specific sub.

fusir ago


I like the idea of people being able to walk away from voat for a bit without their account being nerfed though. Not only would they have to continually work for it, it would give us things to downvote. And if the figured out how to vote manipulate in one season it wouldn't carry over indefinitely.

Dortex ago

Doesn't stop anyone from voting content down or blocking the users. If the posts are off-topic, then they can simply be buried. The only time banning for spam is with bots and commercial accounts.

Fermentaion ago

shit alts sfgasdfasfasffas

B3bomber ago

Blocking a user doesn't remove them from the posts list for your view, sadly (I tried). I think it's there to stop them from private messaging you.

Dortex ago

Well there goes one option. Sucks.

B3bomber ago

Yeah. I was rather dismayed since I constantly see 1 site spammed by mostly just 1 account. Reporting it didn't seem to matter and I am not sure why. I fully understand alternate viewpoints and re-analysis of data (which I doubt that site does, it's more of a cherrypick bullshit one) but there's somehow almost no others trying to push the data that way (hmm I wonder why... the US data is public record after all).

Le_Squish ago

We have entities here that mass spam inactive subverses in order to forum slide. Downvoating doesn't work because they won't comment and get their account put into a limited state. Another trigger for limited state is needed.

Dortex ago

Forum slide? What's that?

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

Its when you make a lot of posts all at once so that other posts can't be seen or are difficult to find.

lord_nougat ago

It's like the Cuban slide, only forummer.

Le_Squish ago

Wait till 4am EST. You'll know it when you it.

Dortex ago

No idea what you're talking about still.

Dortex ago

Sound asleep at that time. Why don't you just tell me instead?

Le_Squish ago

I prefer for you to see it yourself so you can make an informed opinion.

Dortex ago

Fine. I'll bug you when i see it.

VicariousJambi ago

The only time banning for spam is with bots and commercial accounts.

So not... spammers?


Dortex ago

I don't understand your confusion. What's the issue?

VicariousJambi ago

Spammers don't have to be only bots and corporations.

Dortex ago

The vast majority of spam is probably bots anyway. If we're just going to ban actual humans going out of their way to share relevant content, then we may as well get rid of the voting system and have Putt ban everyone we don't like.

VicariousJambi ago

share relevant content

Obviously it wasn't relevant content, going by all the downvotes.

Dortex ago

It was perfectly relevant. If you didn't notice, Voat has a huge slant against what it terms "degeneracy", which includes drawn children, porn or otherwise. In any other context, this would be entirely without controversy.

It's a purity spiral, basically.

VicariousJambi ago

In any other context, this would be entirely without controversy.

which includes drawn children, porn or otherwise.

drawn children porn

entirely without controversy.

Gas yourself m8

SandHog ago

I'm thinking the same thing. It's always puzzled me that SCP never really seemed to matter for anything. Then again, there might be a reason for that that I am simply unaware of.

Either way, fuck spammers and gas pedos.

ForTheUltimate ago

Then SCP should matter equally.

SandHog ago

I agree in that it should apply to individual subs but not the entire site.

lord_nougat ago

I really don't want to fuck gas pedos.

Le_Squish ago

The spamming shill ghost-whatever exploits this all the time. He relentlessly spams subverses but won't comment.

The SCP needs an upgrade.

SandHog ago

Clearly something needs to change. Maybe throttle the spam posting accounts via SCP on an individual sub level basis. So eventually the downvoats will choke them out over time but not limit them sitewide? I dunno. It's tricky because you also have to consider the long term implications for the site and how it could pave the way for more censorship down the road and nobody wants that.

This seems to be a unique situation where no active mods are present which is why the situation was being taken advantage of. Seems pretty clear to me that the intention was to exploit this. Keep spamming that shit and eventually users will simply abandon the sub and leave it to the spammer.

65Creedmoor ago

This sounds good, negative scp, or a negative past day’s scp can limit your posting rate. Would work awesomely.

Fermentaion ago

shit altsrasdfasdfasdfasfas

crazy_eyes ago

I don't know, one could simply post something that people don't like and end up banned for a day

turtlesarepureevil ago

Does scp even matter? CCP is what does the throttling afaik.

fusir ago

I think we all mean ccp.

Futt ago

Hm good point, not sure tbh, I just assumed it would enter into the equation. If not, that might be a good place to start.

Fermentaion ago

shit alt sfasdfasdfafafaa

archvile7 ago


EdSnowden ago

I say let the downvotes speak for themselves

Wahaha ago

On average, he got more upvoats than downvoats, because the content wasn't bad.

theoldones ago

fucking lolicon pedo

Dortex ago

Which makes this even worse. He's posting content that's actually welcome. Yet he's getting banned.

EdSnowden ago

Exactly. If it’s shit content he’ll get downvoted until he can’t or won’t post anymore.

ArsCortica ago

Question is where you draw the line. As far as I'm concerned the guy in question most likely was a bot anyway (or, more importantly, couldn't give less of a shit about /v/gaming in the first place), but I also remember one case where /v/gaming had a posts with 100+ upvotes about some random kid being murdered by a black guy. Which had literally nothing to do with gaming except that the kid owned a Nintendo or something thatalike.

Now imagine the uproar if the guy who posted this earned a good knocking from the banhammer instead.

carlip ago

You phrase it as "degree of separation".

A post about a game is 1 degree of separation. A post about a 3rd party game character is 2 degrees of separation.

So just decide how many degrees of separation you want to allow.

Also fuck down vote meanie!

Thrus2 ago

That is where the issue comes in. What is more related to gaming. Skyrim picture of the dragomborn fucking a dragon, or a mod for Skyrim that turns all of the dragons into Tomas the tank engine? Borh are user created one is based on things in the base game one alters the base game to include a train from a children's cartoon. What about a picture of the amount of people using a mod or dlc for a game?

carlip ago

Both of the things you mentioned are 2nd degree, at least.

The last thing would be 3 degrees.

Thrus2 ago

The first is the content type we are talking about the second a real mod and more popular then I find logical. The third well care of one of those screaming for the ban as well.

carlip ago

And? Just because something wasn't removed doesn't mean it didn't violate some rule. This doesn't have to be a technocracy.

frenemy ago

the uneven application of the rules is the issue here. one user was singled out, banned for 'spam', and then a word was made up to validate the ban.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

This will all be solved once users can remove mods via voting.

The only reason this even came up is because the mods were absent and the users (until the update) can't name a new mod.

SeanBox ago

What’s to stop one person with a bunch of alts voting multiple times to overthrow people doing good?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You can set up all sorts of restrictions like account age, post history in the sub, and so on.

We've been trying to break it on fake vout

Fambida ago

And it's not like CCP, SCP, or account age requirements can't be got around. There are plenty of votebots and sleeper accounts.

DanijelStark ago

My opinion - low quality posts would be very very close to spam as it is . If its repeated over and over - then there is no doubt , that is spam .

I just saw which user you banned and what kind of posts - yep , thats a regular crap over and over ...

NotHereForPizza ago

It's almost like we're seeing disturbing trends from Putt.

Who would've guessed, especially after someone in particular sort of suggests these things are going to happen before hand?...

WhitePaladin ago

BTW, new accounts shouldnt be able to comment, or voat comments for 1 year.

Doglegwarrior ago

Too long. 3 months..

SeanBox ago

@ghostskin is a noid and so are his alts

17491747? ago

I like that little faggot? That ear raper. That Dolby Surround Sound shill.

He is entertaining to watch when the community doesn't realize he is fuckin with then on a new alt. Like social experiments on goats...

Octocopter ago

" for being what I now have termed a 'Noid'. A Noid (according to me) is a person that regularly submits content that is low value, low effort, typically downvoted, and has low participation. Often times on purpose." Fuck you @KatHarzo never thought I would say that you hypocrite.

17496375? ago

Ok? You feel better about yourself? All cuz I like someone and not because of all their shitty content but the few times I had legit conversations with them they were just doing what every other shitposter does...

Octocopter ago

Does that change that they are a Noid? who posts low effort trashy spam that blocks out real content from all/new? Because YOU one person likes them? For the most part shitposters on voat stay in containment boards and don't sperg out that often with a bloated corpse of posts.

So yeah it does feel pretty good to call a hypocrite out for being a piece of shit.

17496990? ago

Alright. Glad you feel good! I don't condone what they do, just so you know that. Liking someone and condoning what they do are two different things.

SeanBox ago

I’m not sure everyone is amused. Dude is clearly a noid.

17492236? ago

He is annoying I'll admit that. But he seems alright. I may be wrong. I've been wrong before...

bluntripkin ago

no symphony for pedophiles i say go a step further and ban him from voat all together

talmoridor-x ago

Lol, you are probably a pedophile yourself.

bluntripkin ago

by your own logic so ar you

talmoridor-x ago

Most men are at least hebephiles.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

+1 for this

@PuttItOut, if anyone gave you shit for banning a pedophile then they dont have Voats interests in mind. Honestly, you own and made this website. In my opinion this sticky was worthless and you should have just laid the hammer down without leaving us a poem to read.

Regardless, we got your back man!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

The user you're responding to posted this endorsement of pedophilia.

Apparently loli cartoon shit really pisses him off but he advocates for the victimization of real life children.

bluntripkin ago


Hand_of_Node ago

Aged? Spam that snuggled up to CP.
If that was a controversial judgement call, it was on the right side of the line.

sguevar ago

Well there are a little number of people that think that artwork and fanart are related to gaming just because they hold characters of said games.

The problem here is that they are unable to determine the difference and then they start accusing others of wanting to censor a known spammer.

Decidueye ago

Aged purposely knew how to toe the line without crossing it. I asked him why he always posted loli to /v/gaming. He got kicks out of triggering users like @theoldones. This is a major test for Voat's commitment to the ideals of free speech, like ViolentAcrez was to Reddit.

Le_Squish ago

Good thing obscenity isn't free speech.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

That's the same logic NZ is using to ban the video of the shooting, or the UK uses to lock people up for calling out muslim rapists.

"obscenity isn't free speech" is no different than "hate speech isn't free speech".

Le_Squish ago

The thing is the shooter video would pass the added value test most porn does not.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

and they people who want to ban 'hate speech' say it doesn't add any value to say 'nigger', but we're still free to say it.

because freedom of speech applies to things you disagree with or don't like.

Le_Squish ago

But you can prove there is value in saying nigger. It's very specific in it's description of undesirable traits and is an invaluable learning tool concerning destructive behavior.

If you can enlighten us on the value of pictures of cartoon children covered in cum, go ahead.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

If you can enlighten us on the value of pictures of cartoon children covered in cum, go ahead.

Aged wasn't banned for posting that, the posts he made to /v/gaming that got him banned were drawings of adult video game characters, I don't even think any of them were nude, let alone "covered in cum".

Le_Squish ago

Okay then defend the value of what he did post.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I don't need to even do that, they did not break the subverse rules so he can't be banned for them.

#1 they were related to gaming (being art of games/game characters)

#2 they followed the subverses NSFW policy which is that NSFW content is allowed if it is tagged. Any posts that could be considered NSFW (I.E. Samus, a character who wears a skin-tight jumpsuit in her game) were tagged as such.

Le_Squish ago

Most spammers technically don't break the rules.

shrink ago

And I don't suppose you can see how such a line of thinking can easily be used against you, right? Which, in fact, it is, every single day in our Western countries.

Le_Squish ago

I don't see anything wrong with using the legal definition of obscenity.

Decidueye ago

You do realize that line of reasoning is why the concept of hate speech exists? It extends far beyond the gray area of lolis, of which Aged posted without nudity present. Thus he's well within safe legal boundaries as they currently are, even with his content being so repulsive.

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

It's a tough one for sure. I would have ignored it and let the sub admins deal with it but good on you for stepping up and doing the job no one apparently wanted. People are going to bitch now about how you're censoring the site. Keep at it. The majority of us still appreciate what you're doing here.

baneofretail ago

Thank you Putt. Any way you can update the warrant canary?

Kalergi ago

update the warrant canary?

Kek :(

ForTheUltimate ago


NiklausTheNaked ago

If you get no response, the canary is working as intended. Tread lightly.

frenemy ago

does it matter at this point? people can be banned for made up reasons after the fact.

Wahaha ago

He just banned part of the canary...

70times7 ago

Hes a pedo. Not a noid.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

nobody is defending pedos you fucking retard

drawings are not CP and do not harm children. you don't like it because it triggers your feefees and rustles your jimmies.

70times7 ago

So you think its acceptable to draw and distribute images showing minors in a sexual manner?

And you call me a retard?


dontdoxxmefaggots ago

So you think its acceptable to draw and distribute images showing minors in a sexual manner?

Yes, I am a proponent of free speech.


You think it's acceptable to censor people based on nothing but hurt feelings?

70times7 ago

dotr pedo

if the rope dont get ya, hell fire will.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Are your jimmies rustled? Are your jimmies fucking rustled, bitch? You mad that your hurt feefees aren't enough to get Putt to ban the things that offend you?

70times7 ago

No. I pity you. Deserving of death, and already dead, but oblivious to it.

Enjoy the time you have left. Try not to hurt any more kids along the way ya freak.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You seem to have nigger level IQ. Let me break this down for you. Child porn is illegal. It hurts real life children. Drawings are legal. They hurt nobody.

You are advocating for censorship because you are offended. Go back to reddit

70times7 ago

Only pedos draw little kids in a sexual manner.

Only pedos upload little kids in a sexual manner.

Snorting at you saying anything about iq if you dont know that.

Some straight up somalian logic you have

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Only pedos draw little kids in a sexual manner.

Probably, drawing isn't a crime.

Only pedos upload little kids in a sexual manner.

Probably, this is already a crime and doesn't happen on voat.

Only pedos defend little kids being shown in a sexual manner.

Probably, but drawings aren't little kids.

Some straight up somalian logic you have

I like how you straight up copy my insult. "No you"

Your argument is thought crimes are real and we need to ban offensive things. Fuck you.

70times7 ago

Sorry mate. I forgot not to argue with pedos.

Enjoy the time you have left on this rock.

Enjoy defending pedos and their "art". Maybe someday if voat has a meet up, we can discuss it in person.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Ah yes, the ol' "I obviously lost this argument and can no longer use logical reasoning, so I'm just gonna say 'I DON'T ARGUE WITH PEDOS,' trick"


70times7 ago

Hey mate, if you want to defend the distribution of drawings of children in sexual positions and situations, thats between you and the God you deny exists.

And between you and putt. Pretty sure hes had about enough of you incels perving up his site with pedo crap.

But sure, have the last word...

*but really, would love to discuss this someday in person with you. Try not to get banned before that happens.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Hey mate, if you want to defend the distribution of drawings of children in sexual positions and situations, thats between you and the God you deny exists.

I will, as I am a proponent of free speech and don't advocate censorship of things that I find offensive

And between you and putt. Pretty sure hes had about enough of you incels perving up his site with pedo crap.

Where have I put any pedo crap on this website?

*but really, would love to discuss this someday in person with you. Try not to get banned before that happens.

Are you e-thugging me right now? Is this some sort of laughable thinly veiled threat against my life because I support free speech? You're more than welcome to try and dox me and come after me, but you probably wouldn't like the end result.

70times7 ago

I am a proponent of free speech and don't advocate censorship of things that I find offensive

You want drawings of children in sexual positions to flourish globally uncensored?

Yeah, youre not a pedo.

If i was "ethugging" you, youd know it sweetie. Careful what you fantasize about.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You want drawings of children in sexual positions to flourish globally uncensored?

Where did I say that? You''re just strawmanning now because you have no more logical argument to support your cause of censorship of offensive images

Yeah, youre not a pedo.

I know

If i was "ethugging" you, youd know it sweetie. Careful what you fantasize about.

What's' this?

*but really, would love to discuss this someday in person with you. Try not to get banned before that happens.

70times7 ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You commie kikes will be first on the dotr.

70times7 ago

Commies = people against pedos who draw children in sexually explicit poses and situations


You misspelled pedo in your name.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You're advocating for banning users who did not violate the rules because you dislike them.

Do you really not fucking see how this exact same logic applies to other topics?

You cannot ban a user for posts that don't violate the posted rules

70times7 ago

Dude, kiddie porn in photos taken or drawn violates every rule written or unwritten in the book.

Get off your nonsense.

glassuser ago

Porque no los dos?

VicariousJambi ago

Since I had to look it up myself

This guys just spams loli shit. We need more gas.

iLuvJews ago


Spams all that loli stuff and most of it isn't even that good.

I mean, uh...

tokui ago

Bunch of normiefags.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

2754 submissions to nsfw

2582 submissions to nspt

1969 submissions to loli

1911 submissions to lolicon

1240 submissions to gametrailers

This user has so far shared a total of 21148 links, started a total of 303 discussions and submitted a total of 1630 comments.

fujin ago

After looking over some of this guy's posts it seems he's a turd (or as @PuttItOut puts it, Noid).

Here's the issue, technically his posts are not against v/gaming rules, if v/gaming wanted to get rid of him out of annoyance they could restrict gaming fanart from being posted on there and instead be posted on another subverse like v/gamingfanart.

@PuttItOut I don't agree with banning this user, he didn't break any of the rules and I'd even say his posting habits are somewhat autistic as oppose to spammy but it's slippery slopes like this that turned Reddit into what it's become and why I left that content black hole.

If this becomes a precedent I can see this action being used for other excuses and bannings in the future.

Ultimately if other users don't like his content and personally see it as spam they should down vote it to Oblivion so you wouldn't even have to get involved. I know most users don't vote but hopefully this will encourage users to be more involved on that subverse.

Tallest_Skil ago

This user is subscribed to:

AmateurTeens BarleyLegalTeens jailbait2 JailbaitAnon jailbaitgonewild kidpunch loli lolicon pedo Pedophiles Preteens realschoolgirls straightshota StunningJailbait teensex todcon toddlercon Xsmall youngladies YoungModels youngteens

Okay, someone needs to report this piece of shit to actual authorities.

VicariousJambi ago

People in this thread have said that he also has said that he's commented that he wants to fuck underage girls before.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

I was wondering what they posted. Why didn't that user just creat a new board /lollipops or whatever. I don't agree with the post being in gaming or in general, but place it in your own containment board. If you like trying to figure out how many licks it takes to get to the center of the lollipop that's your perrogative. Not sure what it has to do with gaming unless there's a new game about it that am unaware of. Don't care honestly, but this paragraph makes it seem like one did. It's just boredom.

Fermentaion ago

shit alts hkljfalksfajsdfa

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

You tell 'em.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Wonder why it's OK for this pud puller and not for @hecho?

17494064? ago

This is why I always had him tagged

17492880? ago

But sometimes he would post cartoons of women

CameraCode ago

Oh man this is such a tough one. I looked through his submissions, and all of them to v/gaming seem to be of a character from a game, and are generally just a woman in a bikini or revealing clothing, not as bad as the ones he posts to v/lolicon.

They were all tagged as nsfw and as far as I can tell he didn't break anything rules of the sub besides potentially spam. I think it comes down to intent. Did he mean to devalue the site by posting low quality content, or did he just want to share pictures that he enjoys? Personally he doesn't seem malevolent like some other users. But he could also be a bot because he just posts a lot of submissions and hardly ever comments, which is certainly grounds for a ban.

Perhaps we need more defined rules like what exactly spam is, what a bot is, etc. Maybe users can vote on an acceptable definition.

BlackManOnVoat ago

I think it comes down to intent.

basically, Letter of the law vs. the spirit of the law.

I think it's important to take both into account. Of course the "spirit" of the law can change over time, but that's the rub, you need to discuss things like this at times, and yes putt got called out but that's fine. every once in a while we'll need to have discussions like this especially with the ever-shifting overton window.

These things develop and evolve overtime, and free speech allows that to happen.

But yes, I agree that it seems like a bot, and how ban worthy that is or not needs to be discussed.

Mylon ago

Doesn't seem worthy of a ban. Unless maybe he was farming CCP for vote manipulation.

But if it's only a ban from /v/gaming, then it's no big deal. I come to voat for content curation and demanding higher quality submissions from "default" subs is fine.

BlackManOnVoat ago

I could get behind that, but those rules probably should be more clearly stated so that people won't need to bitch at putt at every ban.

Fermentaion ago

shitt ... altalllt

worthlesshope ago

Decent point. I still visit /r/anime on reddit and maybe 30% of the posts are "fanart". It gets a bit annoying. Sure some of them are nice, but if I wanted to see fanart I'd be part of a fanart sub.

If the guy has no post history of contributing to the sub besides posting game girls in skimpy outfits. Then a ban won't affect him much. But if he contributed and also posted the images then probably the rules should be more specific on the sub instead and he should be specifically warned where that kind of content belongs.

But I also dislike when rules are made because people abuse them. I've noticed flaws in doing things that way. My original opinion on this type of rule is not a clarification but only try to act when things get out of hand. Look the other way sometimes because the person could have good reason to do things that way. Still sounds good to me.

So in this case I say let him do as he pleases till it actually gets out of hand. Let him steal that apple, he might be starving, just warn him every day and hope he feels bad about it to stop when he stops feeling hungry.

fusir ago

Even if he had meant to devalue the site that's not a bannable offense. What is shitposting? We can't ban people for our belief that we can know people's intent. We can ban them for what they do, against some clearly stated rules. If we don't like what someone does we can always change a rule.

Those who would sacrifice voat for some temporary moment of not being offended deserve neither.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Even if he had meant to devalue the site that's not a bannable offense.

Maybe it should be.

VicariousJambi ago

It's spam. Are you all a bunch of fucking retards? Spam is when an entity continually makes posts the community obviously doesn't want, purposefully, to be disruptive.

Spamming is the use of messaging systems to send an unsolicited message (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site.

ImPhilippe ago

Please do not use wikipedia as a source for anything.

VicariousJambi ago

What's wrong with the definition?

Deathperception ago

Q predicted this.

Fermentaion ago

shit alt....

WhitePaladin ago

fuck off idealistic faggot

kneo24 ago

Personally he doesn't seem malevolent like some other users.

The guy is a pedophile.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

That is completely irrelevant to whether he should be banned you book licking faggot

kneo24 ago

I never implied he should be banned because of that. I just find statements that known pedo's aren't malevolent to be bullshit.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

2754 submissions to nsfw

2582 submissions to nspt

1969 submissions to loli

1911 submissions to lolicon

1240 submissions to gametrailers

This user has so far shared a total of 21148 links, started a total of 303 discussions and submitted a total of 1630 comments.

Wow what an absolute fucking degenerate piece of shit faggot motherfuker

worthlesshope ago

Are you Australia? Since when has animated drawings been considered pedophilia? What's next banning everyone who has A cup breasts because they don't look adult enough for you?

Are you sure you belong here? Are you sure you don't lean left?

kneo24 ago

Are you Australia?

No, I'm not a country. Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?

Since when has animated drawings been considered pedophilia?

How are drawings of girls that are clearly underaged not indicative of pedophilia?

What's next banning everyone who has A cup breasts because they don't look adult enough for you?

I never even remotely indicated as much.

Are you sure you belong here? Are you sure you don't lean left? Maybe reddit would be better for you.

If you're going to accuse someone of something, the least you could do is not argue like those you're trying to rally against. (I don't care if you try to cry, "no u" at me. You have no leg to stand on here.) You just literally tried to use some shit tier logic to say that Aged isn't a pedophile. The same Aged who admits to wanting to fuck underaged girls.

Schreiber ago

How are drawings of girls that are clearly underaged not indicative of pedophilia?

How are drawn gun and drawn dead enemies in call of duty not indicative of a serial killer?

kneo24 ago

I'll tell you what I told the other retard, intent matters here. It's amazing how everyone is simply ignoring the intent. The guy admits to liking underaged girls.

At the same time, this guy is also sharing pornographic drawings of obviously young girls.

If you refuse to connect the dots, the only thing that can save you is a bullet to your skull.

worthlesshope ago (Australian Government Censor Confirms Small Breast Ban…Sort Of)

i_scream_trucks ago

As an Aussie, cartoons of children being fucked can fuck right off.

kneo24 ago

That actually doesn't address anything I wrote.

worthlesshope ago

You just wrote "he's a pedophile" and you responded to my post by pretty much saying "I don't understand what you're saying" So I gave you the relevant background information behind what I was saying.

So I'll explain further to make sure we're on the same foot. First thing we have to agree that sexualized drawings depicting what appear to be minors is not pedophilia. If we don't agree on that point then that is where the argument starts.

The next argument is that banning content that you personally don't like or agree with is the same exact type of censorship Reddit does and why many people left Reddit for this website. If you start banning content you personally don't like it sets a precedent towards your future mods banning content they don't personally like, or allowing content they personally like. Which turns the site into another Reddit-type shit hole. I realize you're not a mod nor have any power, but you are a citizen of voat and you post against a specific type of content, just like how the left protests and whines against specific type of acts and content such as white nationalism.

My original sharp/provoking joke can be explained using the above sentences. In words a little less jokish: Do you enjoy harsh censorship? When will it be enough censorship? Do you realize that the places you dislike have the same exact censorship rules currently? Or are you sure the reason you're voat as a protest against such censorship? Are you sure you wont be more comfortable in places that support such censorship instead of trying to turn this place that also censors such things?

kneo24 ago

You're assuming I want him censored because he's a pedophile. I don't want him censored for that, I feel the ban was justified for his spamming. In the 2 years that you've been here, with all of the bitching that has happened about Aged over that time, you somehow have completely missed any and all of his comments about wanting to fuck underaged girls. Maybe you should spend less time on Reddit.

Intent absolutely matters here. If someone who claims to be a pedo is clearly posting drawings of underaged people engaged in sexual acts consistently as a legal loop hole to spread what they claim they do, well, it's pedophilia - even if it's legal.

With that said, Aged has clearly been spamming v/gaming for a while now. For at least a month now his posts have been consistently downvoted into the negatives and he makes no comments to even create discussion.

worthlesshope ago

I looked at his post history and I wouldn't call his posts spam, like the top of this thread also mentions. There are actually several details about the situation in this thread. I don't see any spamming regardless, none of which seem to be loli either. You seem to be going off of what you're hearing about him and not what the facts are. Which again is much how the left acts.

You and others are acting out of personal grudge simply because he likes loli. Please realize you're acting irrationally and emotionally because he is a person you don't like. Please also realize your behavior is what makes places like Reddit.

kneo24 ago

I looked at his post history and I wouldn't call his posts spam,

Then you have a different definition of spam.

none of which seem to be loli either.

You're under the impression that I'm conflating the two things. Let me be clear, I'm not.

You seem to be going off of what you're hearing about him and not what the facts are. Which again is much how the left acts.

Now you're projecting.

You and others are acting out of personal grudge simply because he likes loli.

How am I acting out of a personal grudge?

Please realize you're acting irrationally and emotionally because he is a person you don't like.

I'm doing no such thing.

Please also realize your behavior is what makes places like Reddit.

And now you're defending obvious spam. This is exactly the problem. You would rather someone shit up v/[insertsubhere]/new with content the community of that subverse doesn't want on a daily or semi daily basis with multiple posts because "reasons". At some point it becomes spam as it's clear the community doesn't want that content there.

v/whitebeauty saw the same shit for a while, but the posts in question stopped.

v/aww saw the same shit for a while, but the posts in question stopped.

I don't recall those lasting for a month, but I could be wrong and quite frankly if they did, @PuttItOut should ban those users from those subs (at least from v/aww) for spam.

If you want to make a case for there to be no system subs, or for Putt to handle system subs differently, that's a different argument to make.

worthlesshope ago

Your original post was condemning him for being a pedophile. Why are you changing your argument now? Now you seem to be advocating "but he spammed!" When we were talking about if he was a pedophile or not. You've also ignored much of my original arguments/statements despite how easy I tried to make it for you. This argument is about censorship not spam.

You're obviously biased against the guy despite what rules he did or did not break. As I said your attitude is everything that is wrong with the left. You search for wrong doings you defend that you were justified because "Look he did something bad here!" all because you dislike the guy for posting lolis. This is exactly like the Trump witch hunt.

The guy participates in the sub with normal posts so he should have been told to not post fan art. In the sub, the fan art he posted in gaming is not objectionable either they are all adult and all clothed I can see sexier clothing on the street. I even looked at all of his /v/gaming posts. He should have been officially warned if what he was doing was not in spirit of the sub. But it's obviously a witch hunt because he likes loli.

I'll repeat myself again. Please realize your behavior is what makes places like reddit.

kneo24 ago

Your original post was condemning him for being a pedophile. Why are you changing your argument now?

I haven't changed my argument at all. I was replying to a comment that someone thinks they don't seem malevolent. Pedos are always malevolent. It's in their very nature. I would hope you agree with that.

Now you seem to be advocating "but he spammed!" When we were talking about if he was a pedophile or not.

Because you seem to believe I am conflating his banning for pedophilia, which I am not. You enjoy ignoring this part.

You've also ignored much of my original arguments/statements despite how easy I tried to make it for you. This argument is about censorship not spam.

Your original statements don't hold much merit. My god, they're along the lines of, "You're a country!" How serious do you expect me to take you there? Secondly, spammers ruin platforms. You can disagree all day long what he was doing wasn't spam (it was), but then you need to advocate for every other spammer to be unbanned sitewide. Let's see how long Voat lasts if ever such a thing happened.

You're obviously biased against the guy despite what rules he did or did not break. As I said your attitude is everything that is wrong with the left. You search for wrong doings you defend that you were justified because "Look he did something bad here!" all because you dislike the guy for posting lolis. This is exactly like the Trump witch hunt.

It's funny, he actually did do something bad here. He spammed. Again, for at least a month his posts were consistently downvoated into the negatives. The community made it clear the content was not welcome there.

The guy participates in the sub with normal posts so he should have been told to not post fan art. In the sub, the fan art he posted in gaming is not objectionable either they are all adult and all clothed I can see sexier clothing on the street. I even looked at all of his /v/gaming posts. He should have been officially warned if what he was doing was not in spirit of the sub. But it's obviously a witch hunt because he likes loli.

So how many other users do you see roaming around, posting content others don't want to see, where the person in question never engages in any discussion? At some point, you gotta call a spade a spade. Other outside factors aren't relevant.

I'll repeat myself again. Please realize your behavior is what makes places like reddit.

Your comment has no bearing on this situation.

worthlesshope ago

Ugh I'll just say it out right instead of trying to be nice and try to help you understand. But you're a freaking idiot. You can't understand simple metaphors. You switch your argument around when it pleases you, you can't stay consistent on anything you say. You don't understand words you quote my post a lot but you're not even reading them or comprehending them.

I seriously do not understand how someone can be this stupid. No matter how far I try to dumb it down. It just gives me a headache trying to have you understand my words. There is no point in continuing this conversation since you're not even trying. You even refuse to do simple research where you can look up /u/aged post history. Then completely ignore anything I say when I do the research for you.

I'm literally feeding you the answers and you're still getting everything wrong. Just UGH.

kneo24 ago

Nice wall of text to project everywhere.

The_Ghost ago

Apparently, pedophilia is allowed on Voat as long as it’s legal since there are quite a few Loli subs that have been around for years.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Pedophilia should be allowed on Voat. But not CP. And he didn't post CP

foltaisaprovenshill ago

It's degenerate as fuck but you can't rape a drawing so meh

shrink ago

Or he's a dedicated shitposter determined to get exactly the kind of reaction out of users he's getting, by choosing what he thinks would most easily offend them, without technically being outside the bounds of the rules. There's as much a chance he's a pedo as he is a troll, trolling you to get a rise out of offending your sensibilities, which appears to be working.

theoldones ago


he's a pedo.

he's been caught posting real childrens photos.

Artofchoke ago

They don't care. They are willing to die on the hill of protecting pedophilia.

antiliberalsociety ago

Says the guy strangling women...

Artofchoke ago

I'm female. I'm into adult stuff. Like porn, at times. The issue here is ADULT.

antiliberalsociety ago

Lie ^

Artofchoke ago

Okay, honey.

shrink ago

For the sake of argument, we'll assume he is. That linked thread isn't CP, that's a completely legal picture. It's obviously suggestive, and the most probable reason for posting it would be because it's suggestive and therefore arousing to someone, but the issue at hand is banning someone. What do they get banned for? Not that thread to which you linked. Not that image. Not for the loli stuff, which wasn't posted to the gaming subverse at all. The only ban that makes any sense is a ban for spamming, but everyone knows that isn't the real problem everybody has with the guy.

"He should be banned for being a pedo" doesn't work, because you're banning someone based on who you think they are, rather than the content they posted, which doesn't include CP anywhere. People need to be banned for breaking the rules, using a consistent system that applies to everyone, which is quite clearly NOT happening here. If I'm a murderer, should I be banned? If I say I'm a murderer and I post gore to a gore subverse, which is entirely legal, I should be removed? Banning needs to be done based on actions, not based on the identity of the person posting. That's just a few steps removed from "Nazis are completely unacceptable and deserve their bans." That's why this topic is so controversial and you keep getting downvoted in this thread, because people associate Voat with free speech and see this as the start of a slippery slope.

I've said a great deal more about this and at this point there's nothing you can say that hasn't been said to me by someone else and countered in one of my other posts. You want him gone because he's a pedophile and because he posts loli images; that's a hypocritical double standard couched in emotion, we can't allow that, otherwise this place is no better than reddit. You either get banned for breaking the rules or you don't get banned at all.

Schreiber ago

Honestly, most of these people were just going:

"I don't like him/his post and therefore he should be banned."

shrink ago

Yeah. I've repeated myself half a billion times at this point. It really does boil down to that, and any reasonable justifications are an afterthought.

I understand their viewpoint, I completely get where they're coming from. But there's only two options here:

1) you ban someone based on subjective emotion from an impression of the things that person posts, which are allowed and not breaking any rules, and you don't care that it's hypocritical or a double standard because the content is so offensive that hypocrisy doesn't matter to you

2) you defend the offensive user because even though you don't like the shit he posts or what he does, he hasn't broken any rules, and you understand that "he should be banned because I don't like his content" is a really bad precedent for shit

i_scream_trucks ago

Or he's just a pedophile

Artofchoke ago

We've been here a long time. We know this guy. They either don't know or don't care.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

I saw that kids knees, filthy degenerate shit.

Dortex ago

I'd do a Sharia compliant one for you, but my computer caught fire months ago.

kneo24 ago

If you're going to troll that extensively with pedophilia, you deserve to be called a pedo even if you aren't one.

I use the same mindset with people who act like shills or a jew. At some point there's no effective difference.

In this case, I think it's pretty clear it's spam. Even people who "shitpost" and "troll" make comments in their own submissions more regularly than he does.

shrink ago

And personally I agree with you. I think he's someone who intentionally tries to stay just inside the rules while stirring up shit as much as possible, given what little I know about it (only started looking into this today). That's not the major problem though, which is the banning of someone sitewide despite not breaking any rules. It's inconsistent and hypocritical, we can't just ban someone for something that doesn't break rules, even if everybody knows what the score is. That's a foot in the door for reddit tier info control, because at that point the rules don't matter and you're making executive decisions that affect someone based on subjective rationalization.

kneo24 ago

Well, he wasn't banned sitewide. Just from the subverse of v/gaming.

shrink ago

Are you sure? I thought Putt banned him from the site. Most of my info is secondhand so idk, all I know is Putt banned him. Given what I've seen though, he didn't break any of the gaming verse's rules, but got banned anyway.

think- ago

No. You can always check the ban log for sitewide bans on the front page, as linked by @kneo24 above.

kneo24 ago

You can check the ban logs yourself or actually read what Putt wrote.

Site ban log

v/gaming ban log

VicariousJambi ago

Has this guy ever made one on topic post? Obviously the community doesn't like his content. They have judged it as spam and constantly down vote it. He hasn't changed. Banning him makes it so the users don't have to downvote him every single time.

Now the users don't have to deal with his bullshit anymore and he can still post his shit in the appropriate subs.

worthlesshope ago

Yes he made several but latest was 2 months ago. Just look at his comment history. Every single post of his got downvoted no matter what he said I assume because he likes loli. So people just auto downvote him whenever they see him.

Anyone wise enough would then stop commenting if they'd just continue to get downvoted by the angry mob of voat. You can even see people just replying to him on his NORMAL posts saying "fuck you go away. We don't want you here."

cthulian_axioms ago

Obviously the community doesn't like his content. They have judged it as spam and constantly down vote it. He hasn't changed.

The tribe has spoken.

Decidueye ago

Most of his fan art in /v/gaming stayed above zero points, so it's inconclusive.

CameraCode ago

The subverse apparently has no sub rules just voat ones.

I'm totally fine with them deciding that his posts are off topic, but like I said they were of video game characters and marked as nsfw. I'm also not calling for him to be unbanned, but this is a good instance of the need for some sub rules, like "gaming art is off topic, and banable" or "nsfw gaming art is bannable".

If the mods are unactive and don't want to take care of the sub, they should be replaced. Putt shouldn't have to do this.

worthlesshope ago

I looked all of his /v/gaming posts I can't believe I'm putting in the effort. But none of his posts marked NSFW were actually NSFW at worst it's tights and bikinis or underwear. He keeps his porn posting to the porn subs. They are all adult too none of it was loli.

Schreiber ago

This whole thing is absurd and brought about by people who have a grudge against him for liking loli. -.-

Pretty much. You can see the same few voaters who hates on lolicon and want to see them banned.

Not much difference on how their nazi ass got banned from reddit, twitter, etc in the first place. It's funny how they want to ban others for having different opinion while whining when their "conservative" opinion gets shut down in reddit and shit.

CameraCode ago

Thank you for your service \‾ (- )

This whole conversation has gotten out of control. If we want to debate whether or not loli content should be allowed at all on Voat, then let's make the conversation about that. But it's not. We're only talking about him getting banned from v/gaming, and as you have shown he followed all the rules and stayed on topic. Some people can't have a conversation about this without getting emotional.

VicariousJambi ago

Spam is a sub rule.

And Putt stepped in because this is a system sub.

And I agree we need more mods. He would have been banned ages ago.

Schreiber ago

Spam is a sub rule.

Oh yea? That gabara spammed aww, don't see him banned.

What a fucking bullshit.

CameraCode ago

I know, I am simply making the point that there clearly is need for a more descriptive rule of spam and what qualifies as spam if some goats are divided on this. I know it's not just me. Perhaps he would have changed his behavior if the rule was defined better. He doesn't post to subs like v/pics, so it seems he really did think the posts were on topic. There will likely be more issues similar to this unless more rules are made or are better defined.

VicariousJambi ago

You can't make rules about every little thing. Better to leave it ambiguous and have a good mod you can trust tbh. Spirit of the law vs the letter and all that.

If there was a proper mod he probably should have been warned, then banned if he didn't stop.

I think banning this guy in this case is alright. Any normal, sane, person would have stopped posting after the community backlash. It's not like he was trying to be an honest member of the subverse. Just spamming.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

Better to leave it ambiguous and have a good mod you can trust tbh. Spirit of the law vs the letter and all that.

Impossible. I'm never going to trust a stranger on the internet.

LilBrattyMkr ago

But there is a whole subverse of that loli shit. So technically, he posted shit in the wrong spot. Were there any warnings? Post this where it belongs or your gone? Straight out ban without a warning... I'm not so sure on this.

CameraCode ago

The question is are lewd pictures of characters from games on topic for v/gaming? From what I saw in his submissions, he didn't post loli shit in v/gaming, they all seemed to be older, non-nude characters. Is the problem the frequency of his posts, or is it the lewd images themselves? Perhaps v/gaming should make a rule for "no nsfw art" and a new sub can be made called v/gamingChicks or something like that.

Fermentaion ago

shit alts kaldhfkajdf

fusir ago

And here is the thing. Gaming had specific rules for nsfw material, which was to tag it, which he did.

At the very least if someone should go afoul of the rules based on how they read them they should get a warning at most. No one should get banned from any sub for following the rules as one would reasonably read them.

This really is a situation where people are using different logic for someone they dislike than they use every day.

BB-3 ago

Gaming is a system sub now. The only rules are sitewide rules.

SimonWest ago

Gaming have this discussion and said they were OK with it as it was gaming based. Seems odd now that a user would get banned by the site owner due to being constantly called out by the same users. Maybe a slippery slope, maybe a new spez start.. Might be justified by seems borderline at best.

Lyonessrising ago

His posts are to disrupt. Having someone like that posting that here is not acceptable. Enough crap heads at I Us because of what we do snd whst we stand for. Last thing we need is someone posting lewd things. Thsts all msm needs then were all labeled pervs . We gave work to do. This isn't just a casual chatting sub. We have to maintain higher standards. Run this place like a budiness. Because its gravely serious why we arevhere. That's the priority. Uphold it..

VicariousJambi ago

The question is are lewd pictures of characters from games on topic for v/gaming?

The community has already decided that for themselves. There has been plenty of time to decide for this particualr user. Look at his posts. Are they upvoted or downvoted?

70times7 ago

No need to argue with the pedos mate.

They cause the problems, then cry about their comeuppance.

As evidence more times then we should be subjected to in this thread.

Alts playing the butthurt innocents.

CameraCode ago

Are you really calling me a pedo or an alt?

70times7 ago

You defend depictions of underage nude children being distributed on the internet.

You tell me.

If putt was smart he'd forward all your ips to local leo's.

CameraCode ago

No I didn't. Look at u/Aged submission history. He doesn't seem to posts his "loli" stuff to v/gaming, from the admittedly small amount that I looked at in v/gaming all at least had a very skimpy bikini and appeared to be adults or young adults. The discussion of his other posts to v/loli are a completely different topic.

Calling me a pedo while ignoring my very valid points is very cowardly behavior. Look at my comment and submission history yourself and see if I support or like u/aged stuff.

70times7 ago

So your problem is hes posting pedo crap to the wrong sub?

Got it.

You people are shameless. Dotr

CameraCode ago

So you're not going to address the fact that what he posted to v/gaming was just regular lewd drawings and not loli? I expect better of Christians to be able to make logical, unemotional, and unmanipulative arguments. I like to think I do.

70times7 ago

Your mother still alive? Call her, text her, email her or wtvr, and share this entire conversation.

Tell me what she says.

TheKnightOfGod ago

What do you think about puttitout not banning v/loli and v/lolicon then? I think these subverses should be banned but why should I make that decision for the whole community? Why would you? Why would putt?

Do you think most voaters would agree? How can we know for sure?

70times7 ago

Doesnt matter what most voaters agree.

Sexual imagery of children, regardless if its in cartoon form or not, is pedophilia.

Of course he should nuke it. All of it.

You can make good arguments why communities about bomb making, guerilla tactics and even assassinations should be allowed. Some may disagree, but reasonable arguments can be made.

But good luck making a logical moral argument for pedophilia in any form.

shrink ago

Sexual imagery of children, regardless if its in cartoon form or not, is pedophilia.

No it isn't. It's offensive, I get it. It triggers you massively, as it should any responsible, normal adult really, at least on some level. But a drawing of someone being shot isn't murder. A drawing of an underage girl naked isn't pedophilia or child porn. This gets into the realm of you dictating what people are allowed to draw, and you're making a special case for something simply because it bothers you a whole lot. That's not consistent, I bet you'd have no problem with me drawing images of muslims being dismembered.

think- ago

No it isn't.

Yes, it is, because it spreads pedophile culture, and endorses child rape.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

does a drawing of someone getting shot endorse murder?

shrink ago

1) So it's acceptable to ban people for drawings?

2) Did he actually post loli drawings to the sub he got banned from? Because apparently, he didn't, and all he posted were lewd fanart submissions of video game characters. That's not a justifiable ban, the closest it comes is spam, but nobody is making it about spam. That's an afterthought, everyone is complaining about the loli.

3) If I draw muslims being dismembered, should that be bannable for "endorsing" murder? Should such images be illegal? Should I be banned from a sub for posting that even if it's totally on topic? Am I complicit in "murderphilia" and should thus be prosecuted because I posted that?

This whole thing is a fucking slippery slope and nobody is being consistent in their arguments for this. It's a whole forest for the trees thing, and everyone wants to just brush the hypocrisy under the rug because they think the exception is totally justified, so who cares about double standards.

70times7 ago

Ok, lets change it from pedophilia to the "sexual exploitation of minors'.

Now defend it.

shrink ago


It's a drawing. No one is being exploited. There is no victim. No physical harm is being done to any children, or any person. This is not in any way "exploitation of minors." You want someone to be punished because they post fictional depictions of something you do not like. Either you're pro censorship, or you need to admit you have a double standard.

I don't think this shit should be posted to the gaming verse, but apparently they decided a couple weeks ago that it wasn't a big deal, AND apparently this guy doesn't actually post loli in that verse anyway, so the entire complaint is a strawman.

70times7 ago

If your mother is still alive you should call her and read her what you just wrote.

Best of luck in the judgment either way.

You are gonna stand in front of God himself and explain why drawing sexualized pictures of children is acceptable and why with the time He gave you on this planet, you defended it?

Good luck with all that.

ib4 there is no God edge

shrink ago

Okay so you've elected to throw out all reason and rationale and decided instead to apply emotional appeals and superstitious claims. You see the problem with this? This is leftist thinking, this is basing everything on how you think things should be run on your emotions only. Rather than trying to provide an actual counterargument, you impotently make this about how God will judge me in the afterlife and the subjective opinion of my mom, like that matters whatsoever.

This is a tacit admission on your part that you're a hypocrite with double standards who doesn't have any ammo left, and this is your fallback. If this is all that's left, you've lost the argument.

70times7 ago


You admit to defending not only the drawing but also to the distribution of sexually explicit/suggestive content involving minors.

You freaks are beyond lost.

Dotr cant come soon enough.

Again, call your mother and read her this conversation. But we know you are a coward at heart.

shrink ago

You admit to defending not only the drawing but also to the distribution of sexually explicit/suggestive content involving minors.

I admitted nothing of the sort. Nothing involving real minors should be used or distributed at all. That aside, I accept your concession of defeat; next time you have a serious problem with something, try to establish a level-headed and calculated approach rooted in objective justifications, rather than hysterical emotions.

70times7 ago

And once again a pedo apologist lies and lies and lies.


Thats why I told another guy in a thread not to bother arguing with pedos. Should have took my own advice.

TheKnightOfGod ago

Thank you. I also think there is no logical moral argument to defend pedophilia in any form.

Again, voaters should have a discussion then vote to ban loli subverses with the approval of putt if possible.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Morality isn't logical dumbass

VicariousJambi ago

What can I say, I'm bored.

CameraCode ago

Just because something is downvoated doesn't mean it should be bannable. If the community decides they don't like the type of content he posts, then they should make a rule against it and ban him if he does it after the rule is instated.

Should someone be banned from QRV for asking a legitimate question about Q that they don't like and gets downvoated? What if a bunch of Reddit users flood the site and downvoat all posts about Jews? Should talking about Jews be a bannable offense?

VicariousJambi ago

We're getting into ambiguous territory. I'm not generalizing. I'm saying this particular fucker is obviously spamming.

fusir ago

The whole point of this thread is to generalize. We need general rules that are consistent.

VicariousJambi ago

He posts hundreds of sexual images of underage girls to a gaming sub and you think thats even remotely on topic? Theres a point where you just ban the fucker instead of having to have users downvote this one guy constantly.

Killeratlarge ago

underage girls

naked cartoons

Why dont you ask the girl herself how old she is ?

Palindromedan ago

Nahhh, he was posting underage real life girls in another sub that I saw. They were wearing sexualized clothing and/or bathing suits in suggestive poses. Where there is smoke there is fire.

Schreiber ago

Is that breaking any law?

No? Then go make your own fucking site with your own fucking laws where your subjective definition of "sexualized" is bannable offense.

HeavyBrain ago

Cartoons are fine, but keep this shit contained in your own little degenerate corner. Like FPH does.

This faggot is trying to spam this shit everywhere, you can do it once, be downvoted to hell and realize this specific community doesnt want that kind of shit.

If you go out your way to put this shit on, then you are a spamer and you get banned.

Schreiber ago

I don't like it therefore it is degenerate and should be banned.

That is how conservatives were banned on twitter. Because the liberals think that you are degenerates and should be banned.

HeavyBrain ago

He can preactise his free speech in loli and r34 subs for all care.

If everyone can post everything everywhere, there is no point in organizing this community in subs in the first place.

Many disagree with my Asian sub because muh degenerate porn, I am downvoted but not censored aslong I keep it there. If I start flooding v/news or v/funny to a degree sub content is barely visible it would be a problem, wouldn't it?

Killeratlarge ago

I dont care about any of your nonsense. All I see is an admin banning someone (For something non malicious) on a community whos entire purpose is to avoid these things. This is why we have submission karma.

think- ago

for something non malicious

But then it is malicious.

HeavyBrain ago

Nobody is preventing you to not ban anyone from your sub for any reason.

Back in the day I banned hecho from my sub for posting real pizza there.

But I would never tell you to ban him because I son't like his shit.

VicariousJambi ago

enjoying depictions of pedophilia

Hand_of_Node ago

Don't click this if you hate youtube, but we do need more gas gas gas

17491159? ago

Yes! I'm so glad he got the hammer.

antiliberalsociety ago

Have to disagree on this one. I fear a familiar pattern. First Voat "finds an angel" then the bans start rolling in. Is this the price of admission? Reddit did the same shit with "child porn is free speech" to trigger a mass support of bans, and now look at it. R Pongyang was just the preview.

cthulian_axioms ago


Putt banned one person, came clean about it, explained what's been done and why, and from outward appearances was genuinely conflicted about it. We should be so lucky if all our leaders behaved this way.

antiliberalsociety ago

Not what the global ban list says.... The slippery slope isn't just Aged, it's the mere accusation of vote manipulation. If Putt were to cuck, (hopefully that's not what the "angel" was all about) all he'd have to do is label someone a manipulator and POOF they're gone without any verification that was actually the case. If he came clean on Aged, why not Hecho? He was more a notorious spammer of cp shit than aged ever was.

Decidueye ago

Reddit censorship started with jailbait. Even then, people called out the slippery slope.

toobaditworks ago

Bans didn't start rolling in. Trolls started rolling in. You can't allow people to take over your website/forum. Freedom of speech is not without rules. If it was this site would be nothing but spamming BUY A THIS PENIS ENLARGER, SUPER HOT ANAL CHICKS WITH DICKS and dead in two days.

cthulian_axioms ago


My gods, I should make a joke account and do this. It would be funnier than "Noseberg Shekelman"

antiliberalsociety ago

Trolls have been here since the beginning. The community was always good at curtailing it via downvotes, until farming became an issue. So the farmers/brigaders were banned. This is strikingly similar to reddit's "child porn is free speech" debate which initiated the first round of bans. Then it spreads to other controversial subjects like cancer. That's ultimately why Voat was created, back in the fappening days.

So far we've come...

fusir ago

But don't you see the pattern. "I think it's good he got the hammer based on what kind of person he is." is the very premise of reddit censorship.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

All my this. I don't care if a spammer is banned for spamming. I deeply care if the real reason is that the spammed material itself was objectionable.

BlackManOnVoat ago

Ill post VicariousJambi's comment: "Has this guy ever made one on topic post? Obviously the community doesn't like his content. They have judged it as spam and constantly down vote it. He hasn't changed. Banning him makes it so the users don't have to downvote him every single time.

Now the users don't have to deal with his bullshit anymore and he can still post his shit in the appropriate subs."

This actually makes sense, so I'd agree with the ban, I'd also agree that these terms may need to be more thoroughly defined.

Fermentaion ago

anor shit alt....gghcghghfghf

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

Some of us hold objective moral standards, and see people promoting acts of degeneracy such as pedophilia as not deserving of their right of free agency. We came to voat to get away from all the disgusting filth that is promoted in the Jew-owned media, not to be forced to see it here as well.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

no "we" didn't. You may have, but most of us came here for free speech, including speech we don't like.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

I wasn't speaking for you. "We" doesn't mean everyone. I was refering specificaly to those of us who cannot stand for degeneracy.

Also, would you defend the speech of a marxist? One whose goals is to take away your own freedom?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Free speech is paramount. The response to bad speech is more speech.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Isn't this exactly the same way censorship started on reddit?

First it was the loli, then hating fat people, then it was "violent extremism" then it was anything to do with right-wing views, now it's even the slightest stepping out of line gets a ban.

Reddit, Digg, Twitter every single site that gives a inch to censorship eventually becomes fully controlled.

BlackManOnVoat ago

I keep seeing this same argument from many different people. I also saw this same argument from many different people on other sites when certain users were doing something similar.

I've also seen this same argument from a famous banned member from the early days of Voat (he who shall not be named)

fusir ago

Which is why aged is here. He's actually one of the original users. He's a part of original voat culture. We have all these people calling for censorship that don't get the culture at all.

Voat also used to be politically diverse. These people don't get that trying to beat everyone into the same round hole is reddit culture not voat culture. These are people who fully adopted reddit culture but lost their game for control and ended up here. Most of the more recent migrations were from places with cancer mods.

Schreiber ago

Original voat culture huh.

Not anymore. Voat is becoming like reddit with its mob rule, banhammers, circle jerks, etc, the only difference is that it is politically leaning right.

fusir ago

Anti-censorship for me, not for thee.

antiliberalsociety ago

Yup. It's the same pattern. Random posts deplorable content en masse to piss off the community. Community calls for a ban based on transgressions. Freedom lovers protest, deplorable content instensifies almost as if to provoke the ban. Deplorable poster (and any similar content from that moment forward) gets banned.

Other subs/content called into question of why they/it wasn't banned- no clear answer as to why until further need to expand censorship arises - they too get banned then "masses" are pleased.

No one calls out @hecho though. That will be the expansion. Funny how this happens right after Voat was "sent an angel" huh?

Dortex ago

Voat also grew. Over time more normies ended up coming. Remember, it was the worst and most hardcore that got hit. People with in pop opinions would know first-hand the value of free speech. Now? Now we're getting people from places like WPD and Gore. These are the growing pains of becoming mainstream. Putt just found out why big companies yield to the SJW's.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

This fuck was spamming under aged drawings for a long time. He did it on purpose, probably to get voat banned in some countries.

WhitePaladin ago

Well he can go to reddit then.

RedditSpy ago

Exactly what I was thinking.

frenemy ago

very few understand. i really don't get it. the freedom to speak was our defining principle. what happened?

eggsaladsandwich ago

You and I had a brief back-and-forth (a respectful one) in another thread yesterday where I leaned toward supporting the ban. After thinking about it some more and reading your and others' arguments on the subject, I think I've changed my mind. I think you're right and I was wrong. While I personally don't want that shit on v/gaming, I find myself uncomfortable with the potential consequences of venturing down that path.

What I saw in Aged's behaviour was a deliberate antagonization of a community with content specifically and carefully chosen to juuust stay on this side of the line, while pissing off as many people as possible. Like a shithead kid harassing a tied up dog, staying just inches further away than the leash will allow the dog to reach.

However. Having said that, I still have to concede that I'd rather allow fucktards to be fucktards and piss everyone off than to start the long march toward arbitrary totalitarianism.

This case was a test and I think we failed. I failed. But you were there with principles and reasonable arguments to support them, instead of the usual "kys kike faggot pedo shill!" And I appreciate it. So just wanted to say thanks, and thought you might like to know that you actually changed a mind. I like you, frenemy. You're alright.

Schreiber ago

Exactly, the whole situation is like a social experiment, and Aged has successfully proven that the whole "free speech" on Voat is bullshit.

It's just like Reddit, except more conservative politically.

fusir ago

A bunch of cancer subreddits with cancer mods got migrated here for being cancer. As it turns out cancer is ban happy.

antiliberalsociety ago

Voat was "sent an angel"

toobaditworks ago

Freedom of speech is very different on the internet. You have bot farms posting non stop whatever they want in whatever forum they want not to provide content but to provide spam, you have trolls and others who post only to disseminate, propagandize and even attempt to break a forum apart by using it's own rules against itself. If this person wanted to start his own sub he could post that stuff all day long and nobody would care. He choose a system sub for a reason. He's not doing this for freedom of speech he is clearly doing it to abuse the system and rules in place.

Logic and reason also play a role with freedom of speech. For instance if I come into your house and start yelling at you and you kick me out is that not a violation of my freedom of speech? No it's not. In this situation I was the one committing the violation and it was justice being served having my ass thrown out.

fusir ago

"We can't have freedom of speech because it's complicated."

There is nothing complicated about the fact that someone posted a few cartoons related to gaming and got banned by the admin because they were lewd. If that happened on reddit it would be a scandal. It's about as ban happy as you can get.

toobaditworks ago

I don't who you're quoting but that isn't what I said. But if that what you take of what I said then you're just stupid.

Freedom doesn't mean you can't protect yourself from outside forces. If you protect yourself then shit dude "YOU'RE AGAINST FREEDOM! YOU TOOK AWAY THAT GUYS RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF KILLING YOU BY PROTECTING YOURSELF!" No. Idiot. That isn't how it works.

Decidueye ago

Aged was someone who purposely tested the boundaries of the spam rule and our dedication to free speech. Yeah, he was a faggot puckered pleased by notifications of triggered autists screeching at his degeneracy. But at the same time none of his posts served as flagrant violations of the site's rules. Censorship always starts by targeting undesirables, and here on Voat we damn well know the slippery slope shouldn't be regarded as fallacy. We need concise clarity on spam rules so others are not subjected to a broad ban hammer, hence why this sticky is up.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

so he was constantly posting degenerate barely relevant intentionally and maliciously in an effort to bother people and "test the rules" rather than as any sort of sincere contribution to the subverse? gee, that almost sounds like spam or something

Mortifera ago

The same thing that's currently happening on Minds. Over there they claim to be a free speech platform yet are blanket censoring entire accounts behind an explicit tag if they don't like what you're posting.

frenemy ago

now you get to see how it starts. at least we know how it ends.

BlackManOnVoat ago

Well, then you'd better choose another site to post then. Voat is over for you. right? right?

Yeah. . .the way you're wording your arguments is not the way to have discussion. . .sounds like some straight up alinsky tactics. I'd rather not discuss this with you if that's how you're going to act. (talking about your comments in this tread and in this whole post as a whole.)

Killeratlarge ago

we left our borders open

frenemy ago


cantaloupe6 ago

It's sounds vile and not relevant to gaming. It sounds like a deplatforming effort. Sometimes they attempt to agitate crazies, sometimes they try to post certain content. If it were just unpopular speech that's one thing, this sounds like something else.

TheSeer ago

Just someone trying to push the limit. I mean, cartoon girls? I am not even going to click the link. No thx!

Artofchoke ago

I can't think of one person who earned it more. Fuck him. :)

think- ago

I can't think of one person who earned it more.


ScrewdriverOo ago

Do you remember the manchild? It was fun fucking with that retard at first, got old really fast.

toobaditworks ago

The 101 guy?

ScrewdriverOo ago

Yep, that guy wasn't even good enough to be a lolcow. I did bait him to add my account to his list of pussies. I ended up linking to the comment I told him to add me. I think that was the only lol moment from it. I proved how beta he was by doing exactly what I told him to do. I closed the account I used after he was nuked from the site.

toobaditworks ago

haha. Those were good times.

ScrewdriverOo ago

They were. This site was more like the wild west. Fun as hell and you would never know what was happening here. If I'm remembering things right, you were ragging on that tard as well.

toobaditworks ago

All the time. :D

17491292? ago

Absolutely right. He was vile and frequently crossed into areas that aren't legally protected speech. This ban was totally warranted.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Exactly. There's a small antisocial contingent here (alcoholics, paedos, rapists) who think all kinds of degeneracy can be explained away by free speech.

toobaditworks ago

Exactly. Free speech is not what they think it is. You have the freedom to make your own subs and freedom to post in other subs but abusing the system but skirting the rules with common loop-holes like "hey it's a gaming sub so I'm posting mario fucking bill from left for dead 2" WTF my freedom of speech is being taken for me.... naw dude you're just abusing the system and we need to remove you fro said system.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

You should make a rule about disallowing that sort of content if that's what you don't want on your sub.

Dortex ago

He hasn't posted a single illegal thing. This couch fainting is what's killing the left, and it's what'll kill the right. The fact that users are cheering because another got banned for posting entirely on-topic because they didn't like him or his content, yet chose to look at it anyways is sickening.

toobaditworks ago

entirely on-topic


17491697? ago

You're right- I'm not cool with sexualized images of children.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

The same logic is why NZ is banning distributing of the shooting video and manifesto.

Are you ok with murder? well then we ban that.

Then comes racism.

Then we're reddit.

Dortex ago

And there are people who don't like your literally telling women to submit to their husbands. The real test of one's principles is when they're inconvenient. Unless you're actually indifferent to the idea of censorship. I'd be personally disappointed to hear that.

17492499? ago

You're conflating two very different things.

I just went to his submissions and I'm not going to link it but there was a cartoon image of several young girls in school girl uniforms, bottomless, with pigtails. Their legs were spread and their fingers were spreading their privates and sperm was coming out of their cartoon vaginas. <---this is not protected first amendment free speech.

Free speech was never intended for porn anyway. I don't like porn but if it's between consenting adults, I don't care. Bringing children into it, real or not, is crossing the line in a big way.

White_pride_cis ago

I feel that this is a slippery slope though. You don't like something, downvoat it and move on.

GoyimNose ago

Not to be defending cartoon porn but it is exactly legal under first amendment . Otherwise all the paintings of naked baby butts in religious arts would be CP

Maroonsaint ago

cartoons arnt illegal no matter how graphic you consider them.

shrink ago

I know you shitpost constantly, but to be serious about this topic, it's pretty fucking sad that there are so many downgoats going around for this, just because it's about offensive drawings. I can't believe how many people are being hypocrites right now, "ban this person sitewide for posting cartoons we don't like." If they can see their own hypocrisy, they just don't care, and think this warrants an exception based on their emotions.

Dortex ago

I just went to his submissions and I'm not going to link it but there was a cartoon image of several young girls in school girl uniforms, bottomless, with pigtails. Their legs were spread and their fingers were spreading their privates and sperm was coming out of their cartoon vaginas. <---this is not protected first amendment free speech.

Hun, not only is that protected speech, it was specifically protected by SCOTUS. "I don't like this" is very different from "it's unconstitutional*. I suggest you learn the difference and tread carefully- because that same attitude can turn against you at any moment, and the only ones that'll stand up for you are people like me.

1HepCat ago

I'm okay with voat being incongruent from SCOTUS. The stakes are similar but different.

If I were voat's benevolent dictator for a day, I'd be willing to add a similar rule to the spam rule but against promoting the sexualization of children. Violations would need to be confirmed by multiple long-standing users and not vetoed by e.g., Putt.

Dortex ago

You can see why we don't let individuals wield absolute power in society.

17493136? ago

Our Constitution and courts have been fully corrupted and I shouldn't have to tell you this.

Going by your logic, infanticide is okay because the government says so as well as the restriction of gun rights, etc.

Please cite a founding father discussing the importance of free speech to protect pornography.

White_pride_cis ago

You can say the same thing about them not saying that semi-automatic rifles aren't protected by the 2nd amendment. They had semi-automatic rifles at the time! Therefore, by your logic, we should only have muskets. This is a false equivalency.

shrink ago

Our Constitution and courts have been fully corrupted and I shouldn't have to tell you this.

Our Constitution is the same as it was 70 years ago, and you are literally advocating for a sitewide ban rule based on drawings. Admit that. You are offended by a fictional depiction of something, a drawing created by someone, and believe it should warrant a punishment. This is no different than the mudslimes screaming that the West needs to censor all images of Mohammed. CP isn't protected under free speech, but loli drawings are not child porn any more than a picture of a beheading is literal violence or murder.

Dortex ago

Our Constitution and courts have been fully corrupted and I shouldn't have to tell you this.

That's not my problem. SCOTUS decides the Constitutionality of various laws and regulations. SCOTUS said this is protected speech. And it will continue to BE protected speech until some other SCOTUS reverses the decision. If you don't like that, do something about it. If you can't or wont, then grab your fainting couch because /u/Aged is under the full protection of the United States Constitution.

Going by your logic, infanticide is okay because the government says so as well as the restriction of gun rights, etc.

The US separated the powers of government specifically so the people passing laws don't also get to decide their Constitutionality. If SCOTUS sees an issue, it can just strike it down.

Please cite a founding father discussing the importance of free speech to protect pornography.

Irrelevant. SCOTUS is the authority on constitutional issues. That's how the system was set up.

17493600? ago

Irrelevant. SCOTUS is the authority on constitutional issues. That's how the system was set up.

Do you consider restrictions on the 2nd Amendment legitimate? Just curious. I don't consider SCOTUS' ruling (which I was unaware of, thank you for bringing this to my attention) legitimate. Historically, free speech was intended to be used to criticize the church and gov't and I think we can both agree on this.

antiliberalsociety ago


As much as I despise that fraudulent faggot @TexasVet, who actually was breaking laws, did you ever see me calling for his ban? I don't agree with Aged posting the cp shit he was, but where was this push a year ago when he was posting pix of actual kids? That went ignored as did Hecho (who realistically could be his alt) and it was over animated gaming characters that got him banned?

Do you not see where this is going? Give this trend enough time and people like TexasFraud will call for a ban on anyone exposing his lies. Look how fast he contacted the FBI... Now imagine Putt accommodating those complaints.

17510802? ago

Truth be told- I'm seriously busy at home with the kids and am not keeping up with everything. My understanding is he wasn't banned for his content, rather for spamming a verse for over a year.

antiliberalsociety ago

Well, his content was deemed spam only after people were calling for his removal. This has been going on for a year, why all of the sudden now?

Dortex ago

Do you consider restrictions on the 2nd Amendment legitimate? Just curious.

I'm an absolutist kind of guy. Either it's all okay, or it isn't. At least as a matter of principle. Unless you can identify some harm disproportionate to the freedoms being restricted, any abridging of those freedoms is DOA to me. For example: Terrorists' speech isn't protected by The First. Neither are incitations of violence (I.e. either specifically ordering someone to do harm, or saying it should be done in a position where it reasonably would be).

Long story short? No, mostly. They're ineffective, and they restrict far too many freedoms. Though I can imagine situations where they would be tolerable.

Historically, free speech was intended to be used to criticize the church and gov't and I think we can both agree on this.

We do not agree on this.

17494271? ago

I want to respond but my kids just woke back later.

talmoridor-x ago

People will just upvote you because you're a woman. Prove free speech is not intended for porn.

Le_Squish ago

The Court's first opportunity came in 1957, when it heard two cases simultaneously. Samuel Roth was convicted under a federal statute that criminalized the publication and mailing of obscene materials; David Alberts was convicted under a California law that prohibited distribution and advertising of obscene materials. Both men argued that they had been convicted under laws that violated the First Amendment.

In its decision, the Court held to a very broad definition of First Amendment protections. "All ideas having even the slightest redeeming social importance -- unorthodox ideas, controversial ideas, even ideas hateful to the prevailing climate of opinion -- have the full protection of the guaranties." But obscenity, the Court said, fell outside this broad spectrum of protection as it was "utterly without redeeming social importance." Having reached this conclusion, the Court tried for the first time to define obscenity. It began by insisting that "sex and obscenity are not synonymous." Artistic and scientific treatments of sex were not obscene. But if some material "deals with sex in a manner appealing to prurient interest" then it could be classified as obscene.55

In reaching this conclusion, the Court rejected the frequently used obscenity standard developed by British courts in Regina v. Hicklin. In that case obscenity was judged "by the effect of isolated passages upon the most susceptible persons." Instead, the United States Supreme Court set a very different standard by holding that materials could be labeled obscene if "to the average person, applying contemporary community standards, the dominant theme of the material, taken as a whole, appeals to prurient interest."56

Diggernicks ago


Battlefat ago

He went but one animated child’s butt too far and for that he must burn

Hand_of_Node ago

He must burn (with the now-rare intact comment section)

anoncastillo ago

Aged is pedo filth, he deserved the ban.

TheDonaldTrump ago

This needs to be at the top.

Artofchoke ago

Aged??? Goodbye, pedo scumbag!

Javik2186 ago

You are the best, Putt. This is for you.

HateCumbuckets ago

If only there was some kind of voting system...

Also hi from Australia. Fuck my country banning Voat.

toobaditworks ago

Spred this info around aus.

They can't stop you.

getshanked ago

Brah I’m on iinet and Vodafone. No block for me.

ExpertShitposter ago

What? They banned voat entirely for all aus peeps?

Schreiber ago

They also banned some other websites too.

Get ready to be genocided all you australian cunts!

Norm85 ago

Only the major ISPs. So far ...

Fermentaion ago

shit alits

Fermentaion ago

shit alis @puttitout

HateCumbuckets ago

Yes. I have to use a vpn to get here now.

ExpertShitposter ago

You should change your ISP as a response.

HateCumbuckets ago

So far it's the 3 biggest isp's that have blocked voat. Not sure changing would make a difference at this point. Going to monitor the other isp's and see what happens. There were two that still allowed access last night.

NosebergShekelman ago

I have reported you to the New Zealand police department for being here. shaloms

BlackManOnVoat ago

The NZ Cyber Police lol

Fermentaion ago

shit alts jkasdfhajsdf

One-Way_Bus ago

You did make you got your thirty pieces of shekels first, right? Wait...of course you did. You certainly have a nose for business.

NosebergShekelman ago

Thirty?? lol I got sixty. oy to the vey

One-Way_Bus ago

I see you did the gypping.

Fermentaion ago

shit alts

NosebergShekelman ago

You seem sore about something, goy. Watched any really good, long, meaningless video's lately?? lol shaloms

HateCumbuckets ago

Good. Cucked Kiwis can go fuck a sheep.

Fearmonger ago

Isn't that how then ended up with Muslims in their country ?

BlueDrache ago

No, that'd be goats.

hels ago

Can't believe Australia is going the way of Best Korea. We all know that once the ball starts rolling it does not stop.

Hand_of_Node ago

I followed a link on the topic to reddit, and I'm now angry. Keep your distance, because I probably caught CancerAidsEbola over there.

BlueDrache ago


Workingsteel ago

Let the mods figure it out. You focus on Admin level shit. Which this is not.

GreyGears ago

Agree with this. You aren't supposed to micromanage the site, it will drive you insane and be a waste of your time.

You shouldn't intervene in small matter like this unless it's :

  • starting to spread to other parts of the site

  • local mods aren't able to manage

  • local mods are the problem

  • you are bored as fuck and have nothing funnier to do

SeanBox ago

He is the local mod tho. System subverse

Hand_of_Node ago

local mods aren't able to manage

There you go.

Thrus2 ago

As Kat said mods had been gone for months zero activity on the site from them. But others ye I agree with you

PuttItOut ago

@system sub. Admin concern.

SIayfire122 ago

Unban him in a week or so. If he continues to flood a general subverse with nsfw posts, then ban him again. NSFW posts should be allowed in moderation, but it's not a nsfw sub. I'm personally counting around 40 posts over the last week, and it goes all to way back to page 19 (where I can't go back any farther)

cynicaloldfart ago

Way off topic, but we have 20 pages, not 19. The first page is unnumbered.

Now, carry on.

poloport ago

I'd say the ban was wrong and should be reverted.

If fan-art or nsfw content isn't allowed in /v/gaming then the rules should be changed to reflect that.

Banning people without any legitimate reason is not good and jeopardizes the free speech that this website is founded on.

Artofchoke ago

The user is a real live no kidding around pedophile. We don't need that kind of attention here.

Zednix ago

Can you provide proof of this pedo claim? I don't know anything about the user that was banned, so currently it looks like he was banned for posting related content on /v/gaming.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

The real reason he's banned is because of moral busybodies on voat. They don't like what he posts in other subs, so they banned him from /v/gaming because that's his largest audience

That said, there is the argument that cartoons are not actually "gaming related" and as such they are off-topic. Its sort of a semantic point about what gaming comprises.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Either the content is allowed on /v/gaming or it isn't, you can't ban based on who the poster is you fucking kike.

poloport ago

And i'm sure others would make similar arguments ("He's a racist!") to justify their own censorship.

No, free speech exists in order to protect unpopular views, opinions and information.

Artofchoke ago

Pedophilia isn't any unpopular opinion, and it isn't protected speech.

We have important information being shared here. Letting users skate to the edge of child pornography on the regular jeopardizes us ALL.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Fuck off back to reddit. You wanting to ban things and people you don't like is what will fuck us over

Artofchoke ago

We're talking about pedophilia. Not "things and people I don't like".

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Drawings don't harm real kids.

Yes, we are talking about things and people you don't like

Artofchoke ago

The people talking about and drawing and seeking that are pedophiles. Pedophilia is a line the majority of us agree on.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

I couldn't give two fucks about your morality or where you draw the line.

If It's legal, It's allowed here. That's where the line is. If you don't like it, go back to reddit where they have moved the line for people like you

Artofchoke ago

I'm not from Reddit you ignorant cunt. The majority don't welcome pedophiles. Get over it.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You're the one who needs to get over it. I'm not the one with the problem of what's being posted

Wahaha ago

That's a witch hunt argument and has nothing to do with the pictures he posted to v/gaming

17490632? ago

The mods there were inactive.

Artofchoke ago

You know more than we about the antics of particular users. Somebody fails your sniff test? Somebody is creating headaches for you? Hit the gas.

fusir ago

I'm sure that was spez's outlook. Hey @puttitout, just edit his posts to make it look like he posted cp and call the cops on him. spez.

Some of these goats are here not because they want freedom or have voats values. They just want a place to complain about jews. If they can't handle the idea that mods (you in this case) have to have a specific rule to ban someone for on this site (since we remove @she) or at least give a warning first then they don't belong on this site, and maybe you don't either.

Artofchoke ago

It's alarming to me how many of you don't draw hard lines regarding the sexualization, objectification and exploitation of children. This is a topic where the gender disparity of Voat comes starkly into view.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

I draw a hard line at censorship.

shrink ago

I'm pretty leery of the precedent is sets. I fully understand why Putt did what he did and why everyone wants him gone, but at what point does this start sliding down the slippery slope of reddit-dom? If he was technically posting stuff that was okay, and technically it was arguably related to gaming, and it's arguable that it wasn't spam (Putt's words, not mine) then this is the case of an asshole intentionally trying to smear shit on the walls and piss everyone off without actually breaking any rules. One of those people who remains just inside the bounds of the law.

So I do think banning that user is an improvement, but not necessarily the right call. I think the subverse should have added a rule against the shit he's doing, and then ban him from the sub (not the site), or implement some feature for users to customize visibility or something. But I'm failing to see how this isn't a foot in the door for reddit-level censorship; if the guy didn't technically break any rules, than literally what's happening is "sorry, you haven't broken any rules, people just don't like what you do so you're banned from the whole site." That's what people left behind on reddit and we shouldn't be doing that.

think- ago

"sorry, you haven't broken any rules, people just don't like what you do so you're banned from the whole site."

He wasn't banned sitewide; he can still post to all other subs.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You missed the point

think- ago

He alleged that u/aged got a sidewite ban, I pointed out he didn't get a sidewite ban.

Dortex ago

While an accurate correction, it changes nothing about the nature of the argument.

think- ago

My comment wasn't intended to change the nature of the argument.

Killeratlarge ago

Well said. Agreed.

Artofchoke ago

If you are going to accommodate pedophiles, you are going to constantly be in jeopardy of being shut down. It's not the hill I'm gonna die on. It isn't speech, it isn't protected, and it isn't legal. There's no fucking slope. Leave kids alone.

noeatnosleep ago

Where is the line, and who is doing the line-drawing? Who draws the next line? What hill is worth dying on?

I'm not mocking you, I'm thinking out loud.

shrink ago

If he's posting CP, that's illegal, and he gets a ban for that, which should be a sitewide rule if it isn't. If he didn't post actual CP, and he's only posting cartoon drawings of things, that isn't illegal and it's not worthy of a site ban regardless of how much you dislike it. The subverse should have a rule against it since that verse isn't meant for stuff like that, but if all he did was post loli stuff, that's no real difference from us constantly saying niggerfaggot, and it's a canary in the coal mine for free speech.

But again, if he's posting actual child porn, that's not allowed and a site ban is justified. Is that what he did?

Artofchoke ago

I don't believe depictions of children in sexual situations to be our canary. I see no comparison between racial insensitivity and skating around the edge of pedophilia. If you can't draw a clear line on this issue, that's on you.

Child rape is a catastrophe even in "civilized" countries. The people who are seeking out those images should be forced into treatment. They should be hounded out of every community. They should not be welcome anywhere. Ever.

shrink ago

I don't believe depictions of children in sexual situations to be our canary.

Okay. Your belief that it isn't is just as valid as my belief that it is.

I see no comparison between racial insensitivity and skating around the edge of pedophilia. If you can't draw a clear line on this issue, that's on you.

You make a statement of belief and then a personal statement of "I don't see", and then claim it's my fault that I don't agree with your clearly objectively correct viewpoint. The "clear line" of this is the problem: I'm trying to establish one that's in line with the rest of the site's values on what constitutes free speech and censorship, and people like you are blurring it with "I don't like this content, therefore it shouldn't be allowed."

The people who are seeking out those images should be forced into treatment. They should be hounded out of every community.

Okay, and? Subjective, and offtopic. A user was banned from a subverse when they didn't break the rules. If he's upsetting the community they should change the rules. He didn't even post loli in that subverse either, so this whole complaint is a non-issue, he just posted lewd fanart of gaming characters, ostensibly.

They should be hounded out of every community. They should not be welcome anywhere. Ever.

Wow, great! Because these sorts of emotional rationalizations totally aren't used constantly by the people we hate to justify doing anything and everything under the sun! Read that quote and tell me that doesn't come from a hair dyed feminist screeching about the need to marginalize and deplatform nazis. These are drawings, I don't care how much they offend us, we specifically abandoned places because they banned for "offensive" things.

Artofchoke ago

I don't "like" child sexualization? Seriously? That's some esoteric issue that should be discussed? There's nothing "subjective" about pedophilia, unless you are a NOMAP/MAP individual trying to normalize it as just another "life style". It isn't. There is a great deal of content I "don't like", and here it is, every hour. This is not about personal likes and dislikes.

As to whether or not he broke the rules, he's a habitual line-stepper and an edge skater. This choice that he makes puts him in the subjective domain of the community. He should have respect for the rules, policies and culture. It is he who needs to change - not Voat.

Are you a follower of Islam or something? Its an "emotional" rationalization to want the scourge of pedophilia removed from our communities???

We'll have to agree to disagree. For the vast, vast majority of Americans, we draw the line at pedophilia. If this is disagreeable to you, perhaps your value system is incongruous with our culture.

shrink ago

This is not about personal likes and dislikes.

How isn't it? This is about drawings of fictional things that don't exist. Everyone is complaining about the loli stuff, but the main point is whether someone should be banned for something that isn't breaking the rules. That's indicative of the shit we left behind on cancerous places like plebbit. If everyone has a problem with it, then it should be made a rule, and not just worried about after the fact. Apparently, people want him banned from gaming, but he never posted loli stuff to gaming that I've seen, just lewd things, so the crowd calling for his ban are doing is precisely because and ONLY because they don't like him posting loli, even if it goes right where it belongs on Voat.

It sounds like your issue is you don't want it allowed anywhere on Voat at all, but again, that's not the central issue here.

As to whether or not he broke the rules, he's a habitual line-stepper and an edge skater.

I agree, and that's intentional. So the response should be to change the rules so that his line stepping can't possibly piss anyone off because the lines moved squarely into reasonable non-controversial territory. That isn't what happened however, and ostensibly the gaming subverse decided themselves that his lewd fanart submissions were acceptable for the sub. (again, no loli stuff)

Its an "emotional" rationalization to want the scourge of pedophilia removed from our communities???

No, it's an emotional rationalization to punish someone for something that is technically acceptable, because you are offended by that something. It's not that you're offended by pedophilia, it's that you want to punish someone for fictional drawings. Is this something the community agrees should be done? Then it should be made a fucking rule. And that gets into problems of free speech and censorship, i.e. why is some offensive cartoon acceptable but another isn't? Based solely on how it subjectively makes you feel? Images of gory murder and dismemberment could totally be fine?

No, this entire thing is rooted in a subjective verdict with everyone justifying it after the fact. They wanted the guy gone because they didn't like what he posted. It's that simple. It wasn't illegal, it wasn't against the sub rules, that's just what happened. And MY point is that this is the very first step on the path to a rationalization for any kind of punishment. Too replace a word for you:

Are you a follower of Hitler or something? Its an "emotional" rationalization to want the scourge of Neo-nazis removed from our communities???

I've made my point. Yes, we'll need to disagree. No, I'm not into loli, I don't care about it or look at it, and I don't particularly care about defending it specifically; the reason I object to this so much is because the whole thing boils down to an alarming precedent, a ban that isn't justifiable other than counting as "spam."

Rotteuxx ago

Illegal in most developed countries but not the US because (((lawyers & judges))), it's as simple as that.

shrink ago

First, "everyone else does it" is a completely invalid method of determining the legality or morality of something. Secondly,

Currently, countries that have made it illegal to possess (as well as create and distribute) sexual images of fictional characters who are described as or appear to be under eighteen years old include Australia, Canada, the Philippines, South Africa, South Korea and the United Kingdom.

That's not what I would call "most" by any stretch. You either find offensive fictional images to be acceptable, or you don't. If you don't, you're not about free expression, and shouldn't pretend you are. This is getting too offtopic however, the point is that someone was banned for something when they did not break the rules. That's a problem. If he DID break the rules, no one has pointed me to any evidence showing it.

This entire thing is people going "ban this user from the site because I don't like his content." That's hypocritical.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Well said

WhitePaladin ago

Have you watched the submission he made ? It was loli porn, and not even in the right sub, i just watched his last submission, 3 anime girls with their cunts open dripping cum, if you think thats ok you need the rope too.

shrink ago

Have you watched the submission he made ?

No, I've been reading about people arguing about it and most of the charges seem to be complaints about him posting loli stuff. If he posted actual CP, the ban is justified. If he's only posted drawings of things, no matter how much you dislike the content, that's not illegal or banworthy, though it should be a bannable offense for the sub if it's egregious because it has no place there.

TheKnightOfGod ago

In which wrong sub did he post the loli porn you're talking about? v/gaming?

Phantom42 ago

Not even that, just a bullet. We're wasting time hanging "people" that need to be disposed of immediately.

YugeDick ago

godamn ago

Got a light?

asmodea ago


Hand_of_Node ago

WhitePaladin ago

Hard to criticize someone who done so much for voat, but i will trust your judgment, sometimes a turd is just a turd, fuck him.

Dortex ago

You should never trust even the best-intentioned. They're human just like the rest of us, and their inadequacies will lead them to ruin if kept unchecked. This problem had a simple solution that didn't involve Puttitout banning a user who was on-topic and already being voted into relative obscurity.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


I'm going to keep reminding you of this.

frenemy ago

speak for yourself. what he is doing is ethically wrong. he's tidying up the sub just like reddit does. he made up a whole new word just for aged... after he banned him. that's fucked up on a fundamental level.

sbt2160p ago

I hereby declare you a PXLEHDHEH. Tread lightly, friend.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The sub had no mods and given the current software the only remedy is for the admin to do the modding required of a default sub.

Aged was spamming by posting things the sub is not about specifically to troll users. He's free to post that on any of the loli subs. Posting a porn video of a woman in cosplay belongs in nsfwcosplay.

fusir ago

Then he should do what we would expect of a mod, and only ban for breaking an actual rule. @puttitout.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

He banned for spam based on the feelings of the users he talked to and his own feelings.

Decidueye ago

Aged posted lots of lewd fanart for a long time in gaming without running afoul of spam rules. Putt should've made the changed interpretation of the spam rule regarding lewd fanart public before banning, not as ex post facto.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

He wasn't banned for "lewd fan art". He was banned for spam.

Decidueye ago

That spam was the fan art he posted.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Which is why he got banned.

Don't spam.

Decidueye ago

Fan art was never considered for spam violations in the two years he posted provocative art of gaming characters on the /v/gaming until Putt dropped the ban hammer on Aged without so much as a warning or statement of change in the spam guidelines.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Did you know other people were objecting for a while because they were downvoting him and telling him to stop?

Did you know they specifically called putt in because there were no mods and downvotes weren't working?

This is a non-issue anyway, we're about to be able to change rules and remove mods by voting.

Decidueye ago

Did you know other people were objecting for a while because they were downvoting him and telling him to stop?

Yeah. I was one of the ones downvoting when I came across his posts. They can tell him to stop for all they want, just as he could post what he posted. That questioning should be examined in great caution, for one day it could apply to all the users making posts about race.

Did you know they specifically called putt in because there were no mods and downvotes weren't working?

Since Aged wasn't banned for vote manipulation, then there were other users on /v/gaming who were upvoting his content.

This is a non-issue anyway, we're about to be able to change rules and remove mods by voting.

Dead fucking wrong. Bans should never be ex post facto. Mods may hold their own interpretation of spam differing from yours. The spam guideline will continue to be an issue unless it becomes more specific.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The spam guideline will continue to be an issue

Until we can vote out mods, after which they will be very cautious.

It's a non-issue.

frenemy ago

i disagree with your assessment. so where do we turn to now? there doesn't seem to be any guiding principle. free speech would be a good one, but that's not important anymore. a man can dream, right?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

We're about to be able to remove and add mods via voting.

The problem will become a non-issue.

frenemy ago

it's an issue RIGHT FUCKING NOW. how do i know these new mods won't just follow putts lead and start banning whatever they don't like? there's zero reason at this point to think that won't happen.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Because you and the rest of the users can remove them via voting them out through the software.

They do what the userbase wants or they get removed.

frenemy ago

that's even worse. pure mob rule. fuck that. it won't work. someone has to guide with principal. i was told that principle was free speech. putt was that guardian. but now, even he has forgotten what really made this place grow. the freedom to post whatever we thought. this will have a major chilling effect on the whole site.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

the dictator isn't doing what i want!!!

It's ok, we're about to have pure democracy.

wtf noes i need a dictator!!!


frenemy ago

guardian. not dictator. you have the wrong job in your head.

pure democracy is stupid. socrates and plato sum it up rather nicely. source

"Plato would later describe the trial of Socrates as a doctor being persecuted by a pastry chef and judged by a jury of children. Still, Socrates was not the only man to be executed in such a manner."

this was the description socrates used to illustrate democracy.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

If I'm giving a talk and you come in and start screaming like a child, you are not exercising your free speech, you are destroying my free speech.

Children are free to scream in the playground. Aged can post loli elsewhere, but he was filling the board with the wrong content, which is why users called putt in to begin with.

You're mad putt didn't do what YOU wanted, and you're also mad we will soon have a way to handle that and prevent the issue of abandoned subs from ever occuring again.

At this point you're just pouting. Look at the posts you made, screaming in all caps....

frenemy ago

the users didn't call putt. this has been a pointed campaign by theoldsones. it's been going on for a month. check out v/ProtectVoat if you don't believe me.

frenemy ago

and he did it badly by the rules i have come to understand this place is run on over the past 4 years.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You just gonna skip over how wrong you just got shown to be?


frenemy ago

that was after a month of pushing. are you dense? check the dates.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You have no coherent thoughts. I'm sure ONE OF US is.

frenemy ago

enjoy what voat is about to become. you deserve it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I am!

HateCumbuckets ago

We do but geez clammy. Get off your knees.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I feel he doesn't receive nearly enough support and could very easily feel unappreciated and leave.

HateCumbuckets ago

Fine. Move over then.


clamhurt_legbeard ago

when you need a break from stress

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

JJNova ago

Oh yeah smart guy? I went there, and I didn't see a single bar of soap being doxxd

clamhurt_legbeard ago

bitch do you not have css turned on

the entire sub is decorated with the incoherent scrawlings of dr bronner

and dont make me link to this post

JJNova ago

That post is blocked due to security concerns. YOU REALLY ARE TRYING TO DOX ME WITH SOAP!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


doxxing is against site rules

17491719? ago

You are such a slut promoting the sub.

SDBH is where I go to relax and realize I ain't the biggest dork on this site.

Also. We love you @PuttItOut!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ive gotten a number of my favorite doxxers but slutting it up

Sire ago


LDIP ago

Now your last bud

slevin_kelevra ago

He who is first shall be last

MyNameIsMud ago


Turkeypotato ago

Low energy low quality comment

Phantom42 ago


VicariousJambi ago

member for 22 days

Turkeypotato ago

Meh. Been here awhile I still remember the manhood shit and other levels of spam. But hey it's all part of the filter

clamhurt_legbeard ago

god dammit