This submission is misleading and out of 46 comments, your comment is basically the only voice of reason. A whole lot of "Fuck Gab" but they distribute the extension directly too (bypassing the Google / Mozilla stores) and it does not filter keywords. Yet nobody else here acknowledges this, nor do they point a finger at Google or Mozilla.
The extension is a bit more difficult to install than through the browser vendor's store, but Dissenter provides step-by-step instructions.
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First, they only came forward after the censoring was brought to light. That says a lot.
I'm not sure what time frame you've got in mind. I don't remember where specifically I first read about the keyword filter, but it could have been this Feb 26 post on Gab. I got an email from Gab announcing the launch on Feb 26. Wikipedia says it was launched on Feb 24, but I didn't know about it then and I don't put a lot of stock into Wikipedia.
I installed Dissenter in my browser on Feb 28 (I was excited to try it out). I knew at that time that the Chrome/Mozilla store extension would filter the keywords, and the one you download directly would not. So I downloaded the extension directly and followed the instructions.
if you claim to be in a fight for Free Speech why sacrifice the only principle you hold in the first place
I think what I pointed out was fair.. virtually all of the comments I saw were a bash fest and not acknowledging that the unfiltered extension exists, comes with instructions, and is open source. Frankly, I don't see anything being sacrificed. If the word filtering was actually compulsory, then yes I'd totally see it as a sacrifice. Also, I'm sure there are a handful of users out there that actually don't want to read comments with "offensive" words (I think it's cowardly on their part, but I think it's realistic to acknowledge those users exist).
Frankly I think it's a matter of time before the extension stores ban the extension anyway. Having it available in those stores is free advertising.
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fightknightHERO ago
get the manual installation files through the dissenter app
install it to chrome through developer mode
enjoy writing niggerkikefaggot without restriction, fuck Goolag and their shitty store.
albeit ago
This submission is misleading and out of 46 comments, your comment is basically the only voice of reason. A whole lot of "Fuck Gab" but they distribute the extension directly too (bypassing the Google / Mozilla stores) and it does not filter keywords. Yet nobody else here acknowledges this, nor do they point a finger at Google or Mozilla.
The extension is a bit more difficult to install than through the browser vendor's store, but Dissenter provides step-by-step instructions.
PuttItOut ago
I have a lot of issues with your comment. First, they only came forward after the censoring was brought to light. That says a lot.
Secondly, if you claim to be in a fight for Free Speech then why sacrifice the only principle you hold in the first place?
You answer those two questions honestly and you will figure out the rest.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @Obrez.
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antiracist ago
Says you, faggot who won't let me post threads.
albeit ago
I'm not sure what time frame you've got in mind. I don't remember where specifically I first read about the keyword filter, but it could have been this Feb 26 post on Gab. I got an email from Gab announcing the launch on Feb 26. Wikipedia says it was launched on Feb 24, but I didn't know about it then and I don't put a lot of stock into Wikipedia.
I installed Dissenter in my browser on Feb 28 (I was excited to try it out). I knew at that time that the Chrome/Mozilla store extension would filter the keywords, and the one you download directly would not. So I downloaded the extension directly and followed the instructions.
I think what I pointed out was fair.. virtually all of the comments I saw were a bash fest and not acknowledging that the unfiltered extension exists, comes with instructions, and is open source. Frankly, I don't see anything being sacrificed. If the word filtering was actually compulsory, then yes I'd totally see it as a sacrifice. Also, I'm sure there are a handful of users out there that actually don't want to read comments with "offensive" words (I think it's cowardly on their part, but I think it's realistic to acknowledge those users exist).
Frankly I think it's a matter of time before the extension stores ban the extension anyway. Having it available in those stores is free advertising.