blueskywins ago

Yeah. Bye.

InternetUser ago

This is no longer an issue, FYI. The words were only blocked on extensions downloaded from app stores. Now that it's no longer on any app store and the only way to use Dissenter is to manually install the extension or download the browser, you can say whatever you want.

Dimetrodon ago

Are honky, cracker, white trash and whiteboy among them?

If not fuck them. Anti-white hate speech should be illegal.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SubSaharanBeast ago

Well what are the words?

FireSauce ago

Back to using google and Skype when on decenter

Derpfroot ago

Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape // I know I'm startin' up a posse

ZenAtheist ago

They're also lying. They first included the word "Jew" in the list, but have since unblocked it. They don't publish their list either.

GuftaGess ago

How many of the words on that list are for WHITE PEOPLE

Firinmahlazer ago

$20 says cracker isn't on that list.

SubSaharanBeast ago

Not offensive. White people aren’t such pussies.

Mumbleberry ago

Or honky

fightknightHERO ago

get the manual installation files through the dissenter app

install it to chrome through developer mode

enjoy writing niggerkikefaggot without restriction, fuck Goolag and their shitty store.

albeit ago

This submission is misleading and out of 46 comments, your comment is basically the only voice of reason. A whole lot of "Fuck Gab" but they distribute the extension directly too (bypassing the Google / Mozilla stores) and it does not filter keywords. Yet nobody else here acknowledges this, nor do they point a finger at Google or Mozilla.

The extension is a bit more difficult to install than through the browser vendor's store, but Dissenter provides step-by-step instructions.

Obrez ago

Why does that even matter, other users who didn't install that version can't see my comments with (((bad words))). I bet it even has a script to hide echoes like above.

Torba is a pussy with no morals or worse a kike and until he corrects this somehow either by forcing the big distributors to ban the service so that it must be manually installed, or successfully circumventing their kikery his name is Mudd.

PuttItOut ago

I have a lot of issues with your comment. First, they only came forward after the censoring was brought to light. That says a lot.

Secondly, if you claim to be in a fight for Free Speech then why sacrifice the only principle you hold in the first place?

You answer those two questions honestly and you will figure out the rest.

SearchVoatBot ago

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antiracist ago

Says you, faggot who won't let me post threads.

albeit ago

First, they only came forward after the censoring was brought to light. That says a lot.

I'm not sure what time frame you've got in mind. I don't remember where specifically I first read about the keyword filter, but it could have been this Feb 26 post on Gab. I got an email from Gab announcing the launch on Feb 26. Wikipedia says it was launched on Feb 24, but I didn't know about it then and I don't put a lot of stock into Wikipedia.

I installed Dissenter in my browser on Feb 28 (I was excited to try it out). I knew at that time that the Chrome/Mozilla store extension would filter the keywords, and the one you download directly would not. So I downloaded the extension directly and followed the instructions.

if you claim to be in a fight for Free Speech why sacrifice the only principle you hold in the first place

I think what I pointed out was fair.. virtually all of the comments I saw were a bash fest and not acknowledging that the unfiltered extension exists, comes with instructions, and is open source. Frankly, I don't see anything being sacrificed. If the word filtering was actually compulsory, then yes I'd totally see it as a sacrifice. Also, I'm sure there are a handful of users out there that actually don't want to read comments with "offensive" words (I think it's cowardly on their part, but I think it's realistic to acknowledge those users exist).

Frankly I think it's a matter of time before the extension stores ban the extension anyway. Having it available in those stores is free advertising.

thantik ago

Then why didn't your stupid nigger-ass upvote him so his comment got more visibility?

albeit ago

Did you forget that legit voat users only can upvote a comment once? Dumbass.

thantik ago

It was 15 minutes after you had posted. The cache doesn't take that long to update.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

wtf is dissenter and who owns it

SmokeyMeadow ago

Spyware owned by a Jew.

DietCokehead1 ago

We can always keep making up new racial slurs. Remember when Niggers were called Googles and Kikes were called Skypes? Those days were fun in their own way.

Obrez ago

And they can add them to the filter in a fucking week. Retreat hasn't been working why keep at it?

DietCokehead1 ago

tricking them into filtering words like "google" and "skype" would be really funny though

Obrez ago

That is a good point, they can't filter their own corporate words so if google's were niggers and skypes were kikes it would be a bit more difficult to sensor shit, Honestly that is what we should do, even an algorythm running such stuff through context filters probably couldn't handle it effectively.

Corporate and product names of liberal faggot companies as the new perjoratives in an age of censorship is certainly a method for fighting back we should pursue.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I like your idea, remember when Dustbin lid was cockney rhyming slang for yid?

vastrightwing ago

It would be a nice enhancement to replaced banned word with approved euphemism.

I volunteer to create a euphemism translate table.

Adminstrater ago

Why not add a profanity filter that defaults to on? That way it does censors for the users that want that version, and the users that want it uncensored would be able to have their version too.

TheWorstImaginable ago

you can go to the dissenter website and view the uncensored comments

thantik ago

You can also install the plugin NOT from a web-store, and not have these restrictions.

Obrez ago

Why the fuck does that even matter? it's shadow banning comments, that is censorship, it makes the whole damned thing pointless.

You fags might have an argument if it just used redactions over the text of the (((dirty words))) but it removes the entire comment from the public record for everybody who doesn't install the proper version, that's just shadow banning comments with more steps.

Memediana_Jones ago

I guess ill have to refrence my freind nick gers in every post then.

Yuke ago

Sounds like someone got a word in their ear from a Mr Shekelstein!

B-------D ago

Told you niggers and kikes that this outfit was not a real free speech platform and that it would censor you. GABBAI ( means Servant of the Rabbi. Coincidence most likely.

tomdogg ago

What’s the list?

bothrubberandgum ago

I'd actually forgive this if they release a version without the bullshit outside the addon stores.

ToFat2Fish ago

Well that dident last long

Bottled_Tears ago

Lol bunch of fake cunts and their jew like trickery.

SmokeyMeadow ago

That didn't take long. Glad I never fell into the trap of posting there.

i_scream_trucks ago

That's fucking hilarious. Free speech until it's not.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

Thanks for this. I forgot to delete my Gab account I created when I tested this garbage and this reminded me to do so.

celestial-skylord ago


aGameCalledCountries ago

The next paragraph:

Such posts, where they are protected by the First Amendment, will nonetheless absolutely continue to be permitted on the web version of Dissenter and be will be viewable by navigating directly to via web browser or by saving the URL to your home screen on your mobile device.

VapidGopher ago

Just came across an article that’s made me realize, even if it’s not designed as a honeypot and Torba is totally legit, the liberal judiciary will still use it like one:

Eventually they’ll find some reason to do the same to the dissenter servers at some point. They now have not only a website history for how Trump voters find sites and what sites they visit, they have a comment history associated with ip addresses. The problems are too deeply integrated in internet infrastructure privacy/censoring issues and biased judges to have a simple solution like dissenter/gab fix it.

Byobbq08 ago

Could this happen on voat? (Newfag here still learning the ropes)

B-------D ago

it will eventually when putt wants more money. He will sell out and we wont know for years then it will all come out.

crazy_eyes ago

How are they going to indentify the voat user, no email required, and an ip address is not a person

TheWorstImaginable ago

I wish I signed up when there was no email required. I remember when you couldn't have more than one account per device, I lost my password and couldn't create another account using that cellphone.

Byobbq08 ago

Cool thanks

InternetUser ago

How many people use that tedious method of browsing Dissenter? You have to go to and paste in the URL you want. With the extension you just click the button and it immediately fetches comments.

It is great that it's uncensored in some form though, even if it is a form very few people will see.

albeit ago

Then don't get the extension from Google's/Mozilla's store! Download the extension from Dissenter's website directly and go through the step-by-step installation instructions. It's a bit more work, but the extension doesn't filter keywords.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Well that’s what this title should have said

bothrubberandgum ago

create a new bookmark and it the section where you would put the URL copy and paste the following

javascript:'' + window.location.href, '_blank');

When you visit a page and would like to use the shortcut just click on the URL bar of that page a start typing in the name of the bookmark and when you see the bookmark click on it, this will automatically open in a new tab the dissenter page for the page you were viewing.

SocksOnCats ago

And just like that it’s dead.

Once censorship starts - of any kind at all - agendas begin controlling the narratives.

Dissenter is of absolutely no use any longer.

fusir ago

Until someone makes an uncensored one. Dissonant has no censorship.

tcp ago

An alternative would need a way to gain traction.

obvious-throwaway- ago

It's dead to me, just deleted my account. Free speech = no censorship, that's the beginning, middle and end of that conversation.

VapidGopher ago

Unfortunately this. Censor 20 keywords to please a certain group of people. Now you’ve set a precedent that you’ll censor when requested or demanded.


was it even 'asked for' by anyone, preemptive self-censoring seems a bit counter-productive.

trevmon ago

gab is run by and founded by Andrew Torba who is jewish. This was always just going to be a way to spy on and steal identities of rwers.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

That's some fucking faggot-ass nigger shit

Obrez ago

Shameless top comment piggybacking

Why shadow ban the whole comment when you could just redact the (((bad word)))?

It proves the platform isn't censorship free obviously but being honest about that and explaining how to get a censorship free version of the software when you see a redacted comment would be the responsible, ethical, rational thing to do if you want to demonstrate in good faith that you are serious about free speech.

Until torba can stop censoring his "comment section of the internet" more than youtube censors their comment section he's just going to be another money loving kike to me.

Goys-R-Us ago

That's some fucking fa99ot-@ss n199er sheeeit.

7e62ce85 ago

That's some fucking faggot-ass nigger shit

You mean "that's some fornicating butt bandit half ape excrement" ;)

carlip ago

gayer than gavin mcinnes

Gorillion ago

We're reaching levels of gayness previously thought impossible!

Turkeypotato ago

Oh vey. What did you expect goyim with a kike running the show.

GreyGears ago

That's some fucking faggot-ass nigger kike shit

Don't forget the most important one.

Firevine ago

You're going to get the Sheeny curse put on you!

Art1cBear ago

I wonder if men with little hats is on the list. Or hooks. Time to get creative.

14WordsToFreedom ago

Just use (((parentheses))).

fuckingmockies ago

Mocky is a good one.

Art1cBear ago

New to me, thanks!

fuckingmockies ago

Yeah, I feel like my username is underappreciated.

Art1cBear ago

Appreciation intensifies. lol

HenryCabotLodge ago

I don't get it, has dissenter now caved and you can't say "jew" and "Nog" and stuff. You have got to be kidding me. Really?

SushiMasa ago

How is Jew a slur

14WordsToFreedom ago

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

TheWorstImaginable ago

those pesky juice..

dangerous_ai ago

it's j00, get it right. ;)

B-------D ago

honeypot you gullible fool.

HenryCabotLodge ago

True. I rarely come in out of the rain. And, I have trouble identifying parts of my anatomy from a hole in the ground. But, thanks.

Octocopter ago

Look up what a "Gabbai" is, it was always a honey pot.

i_scream_trucks ago

Read my replies to these clowns since the day it started shilling. Called it.

Ocelot ago

There are so many shills and retards on this site now that the non-shills and -retards are in the minority and reviled as the actual shills. Clown world.

InternetUser ago