foxyfux ago

they just think they can get voat on they censorlist. see if voat agrees to censor it wont be blocked.

so yeah, checkmate, use a vpn

incey ago

For me it was the push i needed to private up my internet stuff. VPN for browsing and signal for messaging. Too lazy to look into it previously. Could be a censorship/intel grab backfire if enough people do the same

Chimaira92 ago

This caused me to look into a VPN and now im looking into making everything I do more private and secure.

So I guess I can thank our government for giving me that motivation.

derram ago :

Telstra News on Twitter: "We've started temporarily blocking a number of sites that are hosting footage of Friday’s terrorist attack in Christchurch. We understand this may inconvenience some legitimate users of these sites, but these are extreme circumstances and we feel this is the right thing to do."

This has been an automated message.JPG