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sguevar ago

I personally agree with the ban he got on v/gaming for "spaming" the verse.

However a good number of degenerates in v/gaming defend him for the simple reason that the loli posts he does is about game characters, and they see it as related to gaming. Under that "logic" you could also spam content about franchises that inspired games like DBZ, X-men, LOTR, Power Rangers, Spider-Man, ETC... just because they have game characters and cosplay of them.

To me is simply preposterous to make that comparison of a user that has never engaged the v/gaming community about gaming topics at all . Only spammed images of degenerate content to basically have his dopamine rush, much like @Obrez showed yours multiple times.

Clearly several in the v/gaming community are ok with this nonsense, however not the majority as it clearly showed on the petition to ban him from the subverse in comparison with the other posts made to defend him. More people in the v/gaming community do not want the degenerate content u/Aged is spamming there. And the wishes for the majority to run their system verse as they want to is being trumped here by an individual that likes to discredit Voat's entire platform.

Though the evidence of u/Aged being a pedophile is merely circumstantial, his ill intentions, the nature of his postings and the frequency with what he does them are more than enough proof to me to call him out on his faggotry. Spamming random "drawings" as some like to describe them, of game characters has little to do with gaming in a whole and I honestly feel your disappointment about the v/gaming subverse allowing this trash to go on and on.

That said, the posts are considered legal as per the US laws. So I am not looking here to ban the faggot pedophile from Voat entirely, I am simply looking for him to post his trash on the subs he can post it and not in subs he wishes to attack with his "spam".

In addition, you stating that v/ProtectVoat is so weak that we are unable to do anything about this I see it as disingenuous for two reasons:

  • The main goal, as I have been able to appreciate, is to denounce publicly the behaviors of users that are engaging in power moderation and vote manipulation. Obviously there are other denunciations made like for example the use of suspicious links. You seem to be disappointed that you were not able to use the subverse as a tool to attack an specific user you clearly dislike, as much as I do.

  • You have been proven to lack objectivity in the past, to harass userrs in the past for the simple reason you didn't like them. You have been called out to post, without knowing so, suspicious links and you have been called out as well complaining about censorship when you have applied it yourself in your own subs. Basically you are the least credible user to complain about v/ProtectVoat. We are not a brigade team. We are simply here to publicly denounce as a service to the community so others can see what is going on and they make their minds about the whole matter.

As of the moment the ban was lifted for Aged, the only solution v/gaming has is to downvote his unproductive posts. Sadly that is the only choice the subverse has.

I am still open to a public vote by the subverse to see whether the user in question should be banned or not. That hasn't been done at all and I find it disappointing as well.

0fsgivin ago

No one gives a fuck what v/gaming wants. You wanna fucking be here? You play by Voat's site wide rules.

Otherwise fuck off back to reddit kike.

sguevar ago

I wasn't a redshiter before and I won't be. You might want to call me a kike, you are certainly not the only one and nor the last to do so. If you do not believe we can reach to a common ground he to stop this bs to continue then I can only agree to disagree with you.

But no one is preaching for breaking Voat's global rules either.

So when you learn to read let me know.

0fsgivin ago

Look if it's not Child porn. Then it ain't. Now wanna push for legislation that it should be.

I'm indifferent to that. I neither support or oppose its close enough I don't care either way.

But if ya wanna add to censorship beyond what is already law to Voat? I'm heavily opposed to that.

sguevar ago

But if ya wanna add to censorship beyond what is already legislation in RL to Voat? I'm heavily opposed to that.

I am not.

And I understand your stance more than you think, however this dialogue is needed. I don't know about you but I personally, as many others, am simply tired of this ongoing nonsense between u/theoldones and u/Aged spamming.

There must be some common ground we can come up with so we can simply move on and be bygones.

I honestly was contempt with just downvoting u/Aged submissions but the justification given by his defenders is completely moronic and the approach theoldones took isn't the best one either. So we came to an impasse I am simply tired of watching and I am sure more than a few are also.

I think this should settle the matter.

Maybe it doesn't have to be adding new rules. Another user gave two different proposals that I willfully accepted as valid as well:

I am simply trying to get the v/gaming community to take active part on this dialogue and get it resolved so we can get past this nonsense. Not looking for censoring anyone here.

Personally I agreed with Aged's ban, but I can defend the legality of the content he posts. I just find it not gaming related as I am sure if I started spamming pictures of LOTR, X-men, Sonic the Hedgehog not gaming related just because they have game characters on them. That justification is simply stupid.

0fsgivin ago

yah a block user feature is clearly the best solution.

sguevar ago

I will modify the poll with those options as well and recreate the post because another user called me out as it was a push poll and I do not intend it is. So i have to add those options.

Obrez ago

Theoldones made a thread asking people to vote on it, before, his alts and friends have too, the issue is it gets to the front page where the masses voat in favor without knowing any details but in the comments most users agree that aged has not broken any rules.

I've been saying this since the beginning: add a new rule to v/gaming , <low effort smut posting is a ban offense("low effort" being defined as: if you didn't make it, commission it or contribute to it's production and said content bares no significance to current events, culture or news.)

I think spamming ban requests against users should be a ban offense too. V/gaming is tired of the aged/theoldones ban demands more than they are of aged himself at this point.

I appreciate the thought that goes into your posts but from my experience in having to make and enforce rules online expanding definitions leads to a bad time, strict narrow definitions with freedom of responsible moderators and admins to make new rules using narrow definitions and terms is far less likely to lead to rule offense stretching like we see for "off topic" bans on reddit. And gives the community a formal rule or definition to complain about instead of just shouting "mod abuse".

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sguevar ago

@Puttitout, @kevdude, @MadWorld, @TheBuddha, @Cynabuns.

Look at parent comment.