Nefarious-Nephilim ago

YAY not that I frequent it much but this Lenin's Spear shit, (boiling frog tactic) has happened to 4chan, 8chan, and now Voat, Definitely (((making war by deception))).

almightblackdragon ago


NiggerVirus ago

He will leave if he has a brain. YAY

larryhuston ago

I've made my position on pedos pretty clear. YAY


I don't know who's more annoying. You're both fags, and should eliminate yourselfs

Fambida ago


Freedom of speech matters most for the people you hate and despise. I stand up for this shitbag and his loli trash. If you don't feel dirty after standing up for free speech you probably didn't stand up for anything at all.

oddlike777 ago

Don't give a fuck. Got better shit to worry about. God will sort these shitstains out.

Zoldam ago


His defenders are using the freedom of speech/expression argument, but he is not posting some "art" he made, he's clearly subverting and undermining.

zombielordzero ago


Schism314 ago

Nay. Unless he is breaking the subverse rules. If the content he posts is unwanted then I think it would be better to add a rule against posts that are nothing more than a picture of a character who happens to be in a video game or something similar.

zombielordzero ago

hes ignoring the Original Intent of ChillyHellion, the creator of /v/gaming.

"post things about games not wank material"

attitudes like yours are what drove the guy away.

Obrez ago

The guy should have made better rules then, it would have been no trouble at all to add a rule that bans "low effort smut posting" I see people calling that guy's name but as I've known it v/gaming is a default sub owned and created by system(puttitout's system admin account as I understand it.)

It even says Subverse created by System in the side bar.

zombielordzero ago

it was crated by atko from here:

first archive with chillyhellion

ok so i was remembering the joke tag he put on system account.

theoldones ago

the whole mod team there is dead.

Redditsdead ago


MrBunnyVest ago
