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obvious-throwaway- ago

Why did you never ask for money? Why don't you ask for money now?

jonnyquest ago

I'm with you.

God dammit, don't do it.



There aren't any others. Not worth going to.



Ina_Pickle ago

Because he knows we would send 10s of thousands even if we had to mail money orders to a PO Box.

xXSquaksXx ago

REAL REASON VOAT SHUTTING DOWN: Voat is Israel Intel Honeypot & Putt is apart of it. PROOF. Also (((Putt))) owns

It also explains why had Hanukkah Candles & Jew stars, after Biden stole the collection. They came out of the wood work.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

because money would leave a paper trail, that would be connected back to us. This sucks, but you either die a hero or end up a villian.

it also makes us wonder how the big sites keep it up.

StrikeForceNasty ago

Rarely post it but appreciate the candor and lack of censorship. Post a crypto address and I'll donate.

redwing14 ago

((voat)) don't want your money, It is being shut down. Stopping it on christmas if all days is their sick joke.

xXSquaksXx ago

REAL REASON VOAT SHUTTING DOWN: Voat is Israel Intel Honeypot & Putt is apart of it. PROOF. Also Putt owns

It also explains why had Hanukkah Candles & Jew stars, after Biden stole the collection. They came out of the wood work.


redpilledblackguy ago

So the site is shutting down for good?

obvious-throwaway- ago

Looks that way. A lot of us are testing out, feel free to join fren.


Know why hes not answering this question? His Jewish handlers dont know how to turn down shekels!

azdali ago

How about giving the site for free to someone who can handle the baton? That too would be noble.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Maybe the q faggots over at great awakening could donate something to help keep site up since they flocked over here in droves and increased the website cost along with greatly shitting up the quality.

wokeasfook ago

We need him to set up a go fund me.

yergi ago

There is currently 3 million dollars in voat's Bitcoin wallet.

@puttitout we could humbly use an explanation on that one specifically.

generate ago

which one?

WakkoWarner ago

And why make us aware of this problem only 3 days from the shutdown instead than asking for help months ago when there was still time to do something about it?

This is a sad day for freedom of speech.

Qzenseeker ago

Thank you Putt for all that you've done. I completely understand and hoping our paths will cross again sometime soon after the elections. Take care fren!

knownedge ago

Reading this feels like a message directed at me. The synchronicity of life sometimes amazes me. A few days ago I created the BEWST Resistance Club on Telegram and was looking for a proper mission for it and it looks like I've found it.

Join me on Telegram and let's keep the redpills going!

BEWST - It's a big club and "they" ain't in it.

Lookup BewstChannel on Telegram

everlastingphelps ago

Because when voat was taking money, (((they))) shut down every avenue for getting money in, to the point of credit card companies threatening to ban any third party that worked to accept payments.

Crypto, yadda yadda, whatever, but it's damned hard to pay for server space with crypto.

thor7 ago

Seriously. This entire bit of theatrics is completely unnecessary. I'd easily pitch in $50/mo.

mleczko ago

He doesn't want money. He wants to shut down the site.

Silverlining ago

But why?

generate ago


Doglegwarrior ago

I will send 2k in crypto tommorrow why doesn't he sell it? Put it up for auction?

Rahav ago

Good point.

I was thinking a Telegram sight would be a good solution?

littledodintheforest ago

The old voat bitcoin wallet has 150 in it. This was never about money, he's lying.

StinkyNegro ago

He could transfer it to anyone but doesn’t even consider that.

monty5000 ago

Seriously. I'd gladly pay a few bucks a month for Voat Premium or whatever the fuck.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

He collected about 300 bitcoin a few years ago

Quantumdog ago

he got a big paycheck from Langley. he doesn't need your cash.

goat-ditarod ago

How many users did Voat get too?

Alternative site suggestions

NeoNazarite ago

I need to pay my tithes somewhere on the internet (my church locations). Voat is certainly deserving of half of that offering.

I guess that wasn't an option... Because I think it'd work

Joys1Daughter ago







anoncastillo ago

Time to move to the chans:

Joys1Daughter ago


We are a BAND of ANONS! And no one of us is ALONE!



WhisperingPine ago

AMEN!!!! Tell us where to send Money please !!!!

PatEldo5 ago

I'm with you, J1D. I'd send money, too. I don't believe it's about the money. They could have solicited funding long ago- and gotten it. It's something else. I've never felt so helpless...

Joys1Daughter ago

Me, too @PatEldo5!

This is the ONLY social media that I do and it's a Godwink that I wound up here!

I'm wondering if @Puttitout is being threatened?

Praying for all! 🙏

bushka ago

I came the same way you did. I am confident the next spot will also happen the same way, you should be too. No fear.

Joys1Daughter ago

Yes...Praying for discernment and that our path will be directed as before.

I'm sad because I feel at home here among frens who are mission focused on the healing of our country and the world.

Thanks for the wise words fren! Blessings to you and yours! 🙏

bushka ago

Being without Voat is really going to suck. It's been my home too.

Joys1Daughter ago

Couldn't someone else take Voat over?



Lurker17 ago

$$$$$ to buy it and $$$$$ to run it. I've been on most of the day, I think everyone will like it. It just takes a little getting used to. It is coming to life, lots of new posts today, many familiar anons.

Rahav ago

Should we set up a *Telegram" sight?

Joys1Daughter ago

Anything that will get all of the money directly to @Puttitout sounds great to me. I would gladly make a monthly donation.

Rahav ago

So would I.

But he won't take it. Something else is going on.

Telegram is a possibility to navigate to. However, I've saved all the links to other possible navigation sights.

Stay safe. I'll keep my name Rahav

Joys1Daughter ago

I'll keep my name as well as saved the other possibilities.

Blessings fren! 🙏

Rahav ago

You too! Stay safe

Telegram has lots of information a lot like the Chans Just use some key words in search on that sight then once you find a channel they'll usually list others they're friendly with

Happy Holidays.

Maybe see you on another sight. Rahav

Joys1Daughter ago

Thanks...I'll check it out.

PatEldo5 ago

It just doesn't seem real.. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't look good. I wish we could keep it together.

Joys1Daughter ago

Praying the situation will change...🙏

PatEldo5 ago

Praying with you...

GreenSlug ago

Planned failure. He wanted it dead and so he did everything he could to ensure it died. People were throwing money at him every second of every day it was mentioned we didnt know what the finances looked like. This is all just a gigantic autofellation excuse party

Acen ago

He already took the shekel..

Randomss ago

They can't control us like they planned.

Puttisgay ago

You're an idiot.

Rodjers04 ago

This doesn't sound like it's really a monetary issue. It sounds like it's an effort issue. Possibly succumbing to threats.

observation1 ago

Then he should just say that

illuminalto2 ago


mikenigger ago

It's also easy to launder a multitude of shitcoins into USD.

Joesf23 ago

Yeah, who waits until 4 days prior to announce nuking the site....What in the god damn hell is really going on here?

rayfarmer ago

For sure. This post is a crock of shit.

concernedpikachu ago

been paid to OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN

Joesf23 ago

Drudge 2.0

HerbyHancock ago

He mentioned it being on the cross, does that mean it will also rise from the dead?

meowski ago

It's the Jews: Confirmed


Why wouldn't he hand it over or take money, the one thing that he needs? Why wouldn't he name this Angel that screwed us over?

lord_nougat ago

It must be the BANKERS!

Glorptastic ago

Someone wants all you retards out on the street, BLaMming the soybois, not shitpoasting here.

easywind ago

The government department responsible for this site got funding cut.

Fence_sitter ago

Bored gov IT guys funded the site to pass the time lmao that's a great theory

DBExactor ago

It was such a great way to crowdsource intelligence and shit post at the same time.

Judgement-Day ago

While on the clock

One_out_of_many ago

Probably a government op from the begining

Kept alive for Q, disbanded since the op is over.

Least thats my guess

Nfn8wzdm ago

This is probably more accurate than we know. If this all goes Tits up, Jim Watkins will be scrambling to hide that he's been pretending to be Q for the past two years.

thebottomline ago

Q ops arent over....not yet!

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago


DoItQ127 ago

maybe too much JEWS!

MaunaLoona ago

He sure sounds like Q. It's over, folks.

Mind_Games ago

Which those who've been around here the longest, have been screaming from the start.

It's hard to see things from the point of view of a single person running a site that isn't from someone

who has deep pockets, who doesn't ask for money.

It's illogical.

Joesf23 ago

But we gave billions to israel....this is so fucking gay. Everyone is selling us out

israelmossadjewgold ago

lol im really going to laugh my ass off when they all have to go into hiding because they lied to a bunch of rednecks that will kill them

Judgement-Day ago

Of all the sites that the DoD blocks on it's servers Voat was never blocked. Just FYI.

knightwarrior41 ago

Kept alive for Q, disbanded since the op is over.

Least thats my guess

yup exactly what i'm thinking

MoteMoteKek11 ago

The genius of this place was unlike any other before the Qtards came flowing in like a river. This place was perfect quality over quantity.

Hand_of_Node ago

Yep, the Qtards were sent here for a reason. Now the site is being taken down just weeks before their psyop fades into history. Not weird at all.

TheGook ago

well if some of us start getting arrested or visits from the FBI soon then we'll know. Post it over at Poal.

BjornIronside ago

If you ever visited this site not using a VPN, you are a moron.

magpul ago

besides poal...

FREE SPEECH SOCIAL SITES favs to hangout : (legible nondeletable 4chan) (current 2020 8Chan, tor onion link : jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion) (8Chan pol) ( (light censorship for front page only, else [down Oct 2020] [server down Oct 2020] (censors speech a lot) (never censors legal speech, except two past 'doxxing' events) (2020 8Chan Q stuff, more legible) (Raddle) (famous : only allows Trump news related posts) (Q related) [http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/] (emergency tor onion for (claims to be free speech, has leftists control a lot of it) (tame conservative memes)

shunpikah ago

You forgot

notmvn ago

You left out Vaughn Live :(

Motzfeldt ago

add too

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/news comment by @PewterKey.

Posted automatically (#152904) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@magpul: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @PewterKey)

Rahav ago

How about a Telegram sight for Voat?

Fence_sitter ago

Would that be similar to a non-cuck discord server?

Rahav ago

Down load on phone or computer. Telegram

Rahav ago

It's a very informative sight. But it doesn't list channels. You put key words in search and once you find a good channel they usually link to others equally good.

drovid ago



>censors speech a lot

cmon anon

TheGook ago

Nice!! Thank you, Mags

obvious-throwaway- ago

8kun is still around as well. Not sure where else there is, banned from 4cuck a long time ago.

Recluse-spider ago

New backup site for reddit's conspiracy is on dot win (.win):

List of all .Win communities...

HerbyHancock ago

Lol...yalls too ruff for .win

Recluse-spider ago

Is it really that difficult to talk about blacks and jewish supremacists without calling them the "n" word and the "k" word?

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Fuck you, niggerfaggot.

GuyFromTheDonald ago

i actually came over from to tell people to come over there and to - somebody made a post about how they were shutting you guys down. come on over its a good site with patriots at the helm and a good fun environment

Ina_Pickle ago

Thanks will check it out.

Lugols_iodine_cure ago

JQ is picking up steam as well and going uncensored.

UnbreakablePatriot ago

MrBateman ago

Let's get real. March 2020 - Covid take over start. Maybe kept around to collect on us? All of SBBH (and the rest of the obvious voat infiltrators) disappeared right after covid was secure, for the first time in all of voat's history. Now they're closing right at christmas, where Trump made it a federal holiday and he might try a '10 days of darkness' 1776 crossing the delaware on christmas style?

BjornIronside ago

I think a lot of that was people like me. There was just no point, any longer.

I've drawn my line in the sand. Discussing the same thing repeatedly with shariablue agents is just pointless.

Voat has always been a honeypot, and any site that follows it will be much more so.

putt could easily raise enough funds (especially the qtarded boomers) to keep Voat going.

But he won't, because the honeypot has served it's purpose.

Seriously, you are a fucking retard if you visit this site from your home IP.

Get your guns ready, because they are coming for you.

MrBateman ago

I don't see why just because you used voat you should worry

BjornIronside ago


You're either a jew, or retarded.

One_out_of_many ago

We could split hairs on opinions all day.

Tbh its hard to trust anything out of Putts mouth since QRV creation. Sept 2018

Just prior to QRV this site could barely run. After QRV it had a tuneup. Theorized govt funding back then.

MrBateman ago

The site actually ran better pre QRV than it did after that fake ukranian / russian hack because of a supposed post. After QRV for a while it ran more solidly than (ever) before.

HighEnergyLife ago


the_magic_man3 ago

Because he was told it has to go, dumbass. It needs to be gone before Biden is sworn in. Honeypot for retarded Trump supporters, dumps you less than 3 weeks before so nothing can be organised or too late to assemble anywhere else. Time to kill the honeypot.

Scyber ago

Came here to say this. It all seems so sketchy.

Broc_Lia ago

There used to be a donation option, I've donated. The payment processor pulled support.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Get a P.O. Box, post the address and we can send money orders or cash.

Broc_Lia ago

I'm not putt, but I get the impression he's sick and tired of running the site. This is just one of many straws that broke the goat's back.

Silverlining ago

Then delegate it to a committee of trusted mods.

Broc_Lia ago

It may not be that simple. He said the investor betrayed us, it's possible he no longer has full control of the site.

J_Dahl ago

Tired of wrangling retards all day and paying for the privilege from his own pocket

Broc_Lia ago

I don't think money is the core problem. Voat ran on donations before and received more than enough money to keep going.

J_Dahl ago

But we were a lot smaller then.

The Qtards were a huge spike in resource usage.

I don't know. I'm just talking out of my ass

Babadookk ago


illuminalto2 ago

This isn't hard.

We can do this.

VicariousJambi ago

As far as I remember, he has. Payment processors did not allow it. Correct me if I am wrong, but there are posts in v/announcements about funding. I don't really care enough to dig for stuff to confirm the payment processor claim.

VoatsNewfag ago

He had at least a few months to ask for money, sell ads or ask for another angel:

The short of it is that the “Angel” defaulted on the contract in March 2020.

If we assume that he could've kept it alive longer, than one reason might be that he expects law changes under Biden that will make it a liability to keep Voat alive. That would explain why he waited until after the election. Or maybe he is afraid that there will be violence before/during the inauguration of 2021, and doesn't want to be associated with it.

illuminalto2 ago

I mean, even Trump is talking about killing 230 so voat would have a major problem either way.

VoatsNewfag ago

True, he already stopped updating the canary and told us that voat got the interest of some powerful people years ago. Given the uncertainty in regards to 2021, trump arranging a protest etc. things would only get much worse and I can understand ditching it, albeit it's nonetheless disappointing.

TemetNosce ago

SERIOUSLY---Just $5---$20 a month maybe? There has to be a good price point in there to get us to doante, MONTHLY.

Silverlining ago

X posts, Y comments and Z PMs for each $ monthly subscription. And $ for each board you Own.

Static adverts all down the RHS.

lepersbell ago

Receiving money from you guys is a sure-fire way to get blacklisted by (((payment processors))).

generate ago

crypto nigger

Diane_Abbott ago

SubscribeStar has been pretty good for me to support banned crestori

QPlusMaster ago

Crypto or money orders

beece ago

Some of us have checking accounts.

Fat_is_healthy ago

Ill send straight cash through the mail.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Bitcoin or any other various payment methods. What about those ads for 3rd party VPNs or whatever. Fuck, sell toothpicks for $50 each and I'll send a money order to a PO Box.

NarrativeControl ago

Great opportunity to learn about Monero then.

Babadookk ago

what about bitcoin?

mrnicegoy ago

this is a bunch of BS. We could at least afford to fund a members-only site and go from there, cutting reddit out of the equation would save a TON of bandwidth. The lack of even trying is disturbing, and telling.

Rubberdong ago

Lets build a 4Chan clone

SHould be fairly quick to do so?

Shotinthedark ago

Id subscrulibe

Riva ago

The .Win network looks promising.

KofuKid ago

It’s okay as long as you don’t bad mouth Jews, Israel, Q, codemonkey or any other Q related personality. That place is a echo chamber and now that Trump’s time is up it’s starting to implode over there.

thebottomline ago

Mods are fake maga...pain in the ass!

Keefin ago

Need to look into doing a

lord_nougat ago

The .win TLD is unusually expensive. I was going to buy some just in case but they cost too much for that, in my poorfag opinion

redditsucksq ago

there already is a and we need more members

GuyFromTheDonald ago

yes its awesome. just heard about this shutting sown and made an account to tell you all to go to - from what i see here its very similar

The_Crusader ago

Lmao as long as you dont name the Jew. Those fags cry about free speech and censorship but nake the Jew and watch how fast they shoah your account

QIsAFraud ago

Members only? Maybe we could even have members only, I don’t know, jackets or something.

punchingtrees ago

Free goats!

mrnicegoy ago

yes the jackets were implied

Shotinthedark ago

Or cool tattoos. Like #'s or something

High_Sierra_Trail ago

I want #6,000,000!

Shotinthedark ago

I wanna br 6942069

illuminalto2 ago


Wowbagger ago

Voat was blacklisted from several payment processors when we tried to take money. It'll keep happening. I don't see why we can't do bitcoin donations though. That should work.

test_pattern ago

Gab also.

Imperatrice_d_Ane ago

That was tolerated because we are small. But now others who stood bye as we were taken away will also eventually be taken down using the 'free market'. Maybe once voat shuts down we can have several smaller forums.

The_Ghost ago

Voat accepted bitcoin donations for awhile but then u/PuttItOut suddenly decided to stop accepting donations one day without giving any reason.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

Please send your direct address or PO Box - fuck the funding sites that we can send checks to, and how much is required monthly and let US decide if we can come up with the required contributions to keep it going.

Vindicator ago

Yes, please

mrnicegoy ago

yeah monthly recurring crypto donations, done and done.

NarrativeControl ago


illuminalto2 ago


Fckvwls ago

Me too

ybnia ago

★My last month paycheck was for 1500 dollars…YDK All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour.

See this site----- WWW.JOBS82.COM

chastainjustin ago

DontBeRacist ago

Reddit fags would say, "Shut up and take my money."

Kal ago

You can still donate like we did the last time. Just take the cash in your wallet and flush it down the toilet.

illuminalto2 ago


KeepVoatAfloat2020 ago

Send your Bitcoins to 3DM2dGoVMZbQgNtKVdaqLzk1EcfcTcBNKb, let's keep this going!

KeepVoatAfloat ago

Nice name, faggot.

HerbyHancock ago

Is it possible this site will rise from the dead like 8ch?

antiliberalsociety ago

In case that doesn't work, we need a contingency plan.

Contingency plan: As much as I hate to say it... Ruqqus.

Join any and every jew guild there is, the red pills to normies are gaining traction.

fogdryer ago

How ??

antiliberalsociety ago

On a pc: File/Save page as:

oneinchterror ago

Why is everyone suggesting Ruqqus? Ruqqus is trash. Saidit is better.

KeepVoatAfloat ago

Ya, nah. There has to be someone here who can carry the torch. Some of us buy machine shops, bakeries and farms, some of us need to manage the fuckin website. This complaining over shekels is embarrassing, we are called to a higher order than that.

thatguyiam ago

How the f do I download? I wanna save the threads as they are

antiliberalsociety ago

On pc: File/Save As

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

Did not know you could download everything to saved folders from here. Never had to do that before. Any chance that you could give some details on how to do it? Thanks.

antiliberalsociety ago

On a pc: File/Save As

I use expansion drives for storage.

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

Okay thanks, that's easy.

cosMICjester ago

Looks like Gab, Minds & LeakReality will be getting an influx

fightknightHERO ago

i'd rather eat a dead nigger than go to kike controlled opposition "freeze-peace" site

Dofu ago

We don't want you faggots to nigger up the place, please.

DoItQ127 ago

oy vey, we happy will be, goyim can't name the jew any more!

DoItQ127 ago

not that (((they))) were the main problem, I think [they] created the jew (wwII, fake holocaust, etc) for protection, to hide behind the jews, zionists are mainly fake, satanist "jews"...

illuminalto2 ago


This is going to be a shitty four days!

I'll see you on Ruqqus faggot!

Can we say faggot there?


antiliberalsociety ago


bonghits4jeebus ago

Yes you can say faggot on ruqqus

illuminalto2 ago

Not that it matters


capnflummox ago

It matters...

LibertyIsTheLaw ago

SaxonWolfcock ago

Poal is 100% kiked.

LibertyIsTheLaw ago


Babadookk ago

prove it

Ken_bingo2 ago

Takes 5 minutes to see the only reason Poal isn't the same cesspit as reddit is the number of users and the amount of money.

strommel ago

the poal admins pull their hair out if one speaks of killing commies there. deleted my acct there a while back for that exact reason. fuck commie-sympathizers and apologists.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/oneangrygamer comment by @ArcturianDeathTrap3.

Posted automatically (#152824) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@strommel: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @ArcturianDeathTrap3)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/oneangrygamer comment by @ThyBonesConsumed.

Posted automatically (#152790) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@strommel: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @ThyBonesConsumed)

LibertyIsTheLaw ago


strommel ago

it is 100% true.

LibertyIsTheLaw ago

Link or kys

joshafool ago

What the fuck if going on here? I would donate. Voat never asked.

Reggie27 ago

I am new at Voat, I would donate to keep the website up and running.

RevoltNow ago

Payment processors made that harder, but I don't see how this could have been an insurmountable problem. There's always bitcoin, cash-in-mail etc.

GuyFromTheDonald ago awaits

Fence_sitter ago

They certainly don't tolerate free speech there.

observation1 ago

Ivr seen aome shit said there that was never said in /r/

Native ago

That’s not a high bar

NorthSeaPagan ago

Section 230 probably

Nfn8wzdm ago

230 wouldn't be at the drop of the gavel. We will have notice to take down our sites.

Silencio ago

they asked once, supposedly I was going to get some flair bc I gave like like $25. a pittance but voat is the only forum site ive ever donated to

KeepVoatAfloat2020 ago

Accepting bitcoin donations at 3DM2dGoVMZbQgNtKVdaqLzk1EcfcTcBNKb, let's keep this site afloat!

Silencio ago

Great! I sent around 4 bitcoins (approx. $85k usd) how much longer does that keep voat going? Hoping to have it until march

Nfn8wzdm ago

Wow. Did you verify who you just sent coin to? That's a different guy.

Silencio ago

I was just joking

freespeechplease ago

I'd donate too, this is the last free speech site I know. Let's go and get putt some sheckels

HappyRifleman ago

Here is a free speech site. It needs populated

fuckyourfelis ago

Look, I think this place is a cesspool full of people who think they're way smarter than they are, but have you really and truly not set foot on Tor? Shit-tons of people like you on that network, let me tell you.

KeepVoatAfloat2020 ago

I'm now accepting bitcoin donations at 3DM2dGoVMZbQgNtKVdaqLzk1EcfcTcBNKb, let's keep this going!

Weeeee1212 ago

Im ready willing and able! We CAN fund this. Putti, do a fundraiser and we will rise to the occasion.

JustGuessing ago

I'll raise plenty if have too, fuck! This place awesome! We can scream all day and watch shit go whoop

TheGook ago

Probably because Biden won and leftists will be coming after people like him. I would guess, anyway. IDK.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

But yo mudda still smell like rancid kimchee

TheGook ago

Reeeee hee haw heee haw

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I notice you didn't deny it..

NineRounds ago

Yo mudda still smell like rancid kimchee, too?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

More like soggy Depends and cigarettes

TheGook ago

I have no sense of smell. It old war injury.

mrsmmah ago

Biden didn't win. He stole.

TheGook ago

It looks like voter fraud to me, but the whole system is jewd.

NSFW_LeeLee ago


For fucks sakes.,

yewotm8 ago

Biden didn't win but the rest of your post is true.

Pointyball ago

How do you know this wasn't just a honey pot trap for measuring and influencing the Conservatives? Now that they think they have won, it is no longer needed for gaslighting.

IAmTheOptimizer ago

With the NSA in the picture, everything on the internet is a honeypot. If this site were simply no longer needed it'd seem less suspicious to just keep it limping along as it was rather than to make a big deal out of shutting it down.

DoItQ127 ago

It's more like entering the NEXT PHASE (4?), Q, LIFE, The Universe and EVERYTHING...

phillyjoe ago

The day you didn't need a munitions license to make crypto is the day it was all broken.

It's all clear text to the .gov

TheGook ago

I don't know anything 100%

HeadphoneJack ago

Are you totally sure about that?

TheGook ago

Yes.100%. (rubs hands togetha)

Pointyball ago

LPT - No one does. Even science is just the current consensus based on the available evidence.

mrsmmah ago

Based on SOME evidence. Sometimes.

Pointyball ago

Lately, a lot of "science" is nothing more than false conjecture.

Ag47 ago

Biden will never be President.

abear ago



Splooge ago

I can't sneed

drovid ago

you will never be a woman

crazy_eyes ago

That's for damned sure

TrustTheQikePlan ago

Justin keeps his distance from this place these days. It's not mentioned on his LinkedIn or anything else. u/Madworld is/was in charge of day to day operations.

TheGook ago

Thanks to him, too.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I don't have cable/satellite, kikeflix, go to movies or restaurants (even if they were open), and so on. I can only buy so many bullets and bunker supplies. Show me a way to support this website without doxxing myself and the money will flow.

KeepVoatAfloat2020 ago

Accepting bitcoin donations at 3DM2dGoVMZbQgNtKVdaqLzk1EcfcTcBNKb, let's keep this going!

KeepVoatAfloat ago

Hey, nice name, nigger

NicotinicAcid ago

I'm sure you already realize this, but he can't keep the site up in any way without affecting his real life. I suspect someone threatened him over this site, likely in the form of losing his job. Even if the domain transfers to someone else, they will likely pounce on him for not downing the site entirely.

Will miss your posts. Take care dude.

Varlet ago

Putt should set up a Monero address; shit's untraceable. Easy donations, keep the site up longer.

mrnicegoy ago

monthly recurring crypto donations. boom. done. would love to hear why this isnt viable, though i suppose that crypto has to become fiat at some point and that could be a problem...its 2020 there must be a way to host a website with crypto as payment.

BoomerHater1488er ago

@NoMoreMrNiceGoy is older.

vastrightwing ago

You can buy Visa gift cards with cash.

Hand_of_Node ago

Not sure if it was Visa, but last time I bought a card and put money on it, photo ID was required.

ricegum12 ago

Be careful as scammers love to use this. Might be put on a bigger radar then this gathering needs...

SwansRonson ago

If Putt's being bought out or threatened to close down, he wouldn't want our donations.

illuminalto2 ago

It's like, just an opinion, man.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Probably something far more sinister is happening. Some diversity hire FBI agent probably made that post.

illuminalto2 ago

Yeah, but we don't even have position 1 to begin to theorize about the motives.

Fuggin A