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obvious-throwaway- ago

Why did you never ask for money? Why don't you ask for money now?

illuminalto2 ago


antiliberalsociety ago

In case that doesn't work, we need a contingency plan.

Contingency plan: As much as I hate to say it... Ruqqus.

Join any and every jew guild there is, the red pills to normies are gaining traction.

Dofu ago

We don't want you faggots to nigger up the place, please.

DoItQ127 ago

oy vey, we happy will be, goyim can't name the jew any more!

DoItQ127 ago

not that (((they))) were the main problem, I think [they] created the jew (wwII, fake holocaust, etc) for protection, to hide behind the jews, zionists are mainly fake, satanist "jews"...