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obvious-throwaway- ago

Why did you never ask for money? Why don't you ask for money now?

joshafool ago

What the fuck if going on here? I would donate. Voat never asked.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I don't have cable/satellite, kikeflix, go to movies or restaurants (even if they were open), and so on. I can only buy so many bullets and bunker supplies. Show me a way to support this website without doxxing myself and the money will flow.

NicotinicAcid ago

I'm sure you already realize this, but he can't keep the site up in any way without affecting his real life. I suspect someone threatened him over this site, likely in the form of losing his job. Even if the domain transfers to someone else, they will likely pounce on him for not downing the site entirely.

Will miss your posts. Take care dude.