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obvious-throwaway- ago

Why did you never ask for money? Why don't you ask for money now?

joshafool ago

What the fuck if going on here? I would donate. Voat never asked.

Silencio ago

they asked once, supposedly I was going to get some flair bc I gave like like $25. a pittance but voat is the only forum site ive ever donated to

KeepVoatAfloat2020 ago

Accepting bitcoin donations at 3DM2dGoVMZbQgNtKVdaqLzk1EcfcTcBNKb, let's keep this site afloat!

Silencio ago

Great! I sent around 4 bitcoins (approx. $85k usd) how much longer does that keep voat going? Hoping to have it until march

Nfn8wzdm ago

Wow. Did you verify who you just sent coin to? That's a different guy.

Silencio ago

I was just joking