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obvious-throwaway- ago

Why did you never ask for money? Why don't you ask for money now?

Broc_Lia ago

There used to be a donation option, I've donated. The payment processor pulled support.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Get a P.O. Box, post the address and we can send money orders or cash.

Broc_Lia ago

I'm not putt, but I get the impression he's sick and tired of running the site. This is just one of many straws that broke the goat's back.

J_Dahl ago

Tired of wrangling retards all day and paying for the privilege from his own pocket

Broc_Lia ago

I don't think money is the core problem. Voat ran on donations before and received more than enough money to keep going.

J_Dahl ago

But we were a lot smaller then.

The Qtards were a huge spike in resource usage.

I don't know. I'm just talking out of my ass