SearchVoatBot ago

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RiverWind ago

It is excellent!

A client is the way forward. http is being killed by Big Data and the government just loves http as it is centralised and easy to control. If you still want http, try:

RiverWind ago

Aether doesn't "download stuff", it only updates the index of what text has been posted on the Aether blockchain. There is a good discussion here:

"How does privacy in Aether work?

The privacy that Aether offers is statistical: when you post something, after it leaves your computer, it floods the network, everyone gets a copy of it from somebody that’s not necessarily you. As a result, no one knows which node posted it first. So posts have no IP addresses associated with them.

This means two things. First, the more people Aether has, the more private it becomes. The second is, if someone really wanted to find you, they would insert a lot of dummy nodes into the network, and start to listen. Some of those nodes would receive content earlier than others. With enough nodes and enough time listening, they can close in on the node that has posted it, bit by bit, and then end up in front of your house.6

Aether could make it so that this is much less likely. (That said, even Tor has a form of this problem.) However, this would make the user experience worse (in terms of latency, development velocity, or user-facing complexity), and it would not improve the privacy of the average user, only those that fall into the edge cases.

This feature might eventually come, in the form of onion routing. However, this is not a priority, since it does not improve the total ‘deal’ the average user gets."

Glory_Beckons ago

B-but surely Trumpenstein would never use that against us, fellow Patriot. Trust the plan! MIGAGIGAWIGA!

bobdole9 ago

Help a retard. I thought 230 was "publisher vs. platform"...Twitter and YouTube making commentary on user's posts would reclassify them from a platform to a publisher.

Putt doesn't do anything in reguards to editing posts, having comments about the content other than NSFW and collapsed comments if its downvoated. I don't see how Voat could be considered a publisher in any way compared to the commentary Twitter adds.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Section 230 gives "bloggers" (i.e. web hosts, a.k.a. Atko, Puttitout, Null, etc.) legal immunity for any content that is posted to their sites which violates federal law and any comments/posts made to their sites by users that violate federal law. If Section 230 is removed then sites like Voat, Kiwifarms, Stormfront, etc. will all be liable to legal prosecution if one of their users breaks federal laws. So if Section 230 is repealed and someone on one of these sites decides to "do a terror" the site admins could end up facing charges (more or less).

ZOGnold Trump tried to tell people that "repealing Section 230 will hurt big tech" but, it was a flat our lie, repealing Section 230 would basically give the power to censor and control the internet to the courts which, as we have already seen, will always side with big tech and always attack sites like Voat.

hang_em_high ago

How can you decentralize or offshore it to where laws don't mean jack shit? That's got to be the future right?

RiverWind ago

Aether is the solution:

Aether is an index and doesn't host the images, it only provides links. You have the option to enable images to be shown and you can whitelist particular domains if you like. Aether is a protocol that is difficult to censor and it supports free speech.

derram ago :

Mad at the Internet (December 4th, 2020) - YouTube

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Humansized ago

maybe a user who isnt a pedophile should make threads like this. otherwise if just reeks of "as long as s230 exists im going to keep shitting up websites with my pedo antics"

NorthSeaPagan ago

Maybe I don't give a fuck what you think faggot, no one else made the thread so I did, go get raped to death by niggers.

Humansized ago

dont fuck kids.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Lolis need White dick (and only White dick).

Humansized ago

jews arent white. stop shitting up the earth with your presence.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Exactly, it just gives the power to control/censor the internet to the courts/government which will obviously (as shown by their treatment of us over the past few years) censor and take legal action against us while giving a free pass to the MSM, big tech and porn.

the_old_ones ago

fuck off pedo

NorthSeaPagan ago

Go get raped to death by niggers faggot