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jerry ago

Were gonna lose this site cuz cocksuckers keep playing games

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PizzaMario ago

Hopefully this honest suggestion will be seen through all the BS below -

  • Stay open and transparent, do not try to manually ghost accounts, since the code demonstrably doesn't allow that (per your announcement above). Log and display valid DMCA requests publicly (sub under announcements or dev or someplace new).

  • Since you are OPEN, and do not alter information users post, you likely fall under the OSP/Service Provider definition of the act and have Safe Harbor protections against DMCA lawsuits.

  • You are only responsible for taking down "infringing content" (of the copyright being claimed) expeditiously and blocking access of the user violating the act. The account name seems to be the copyright issue, not the posted content which would be, if anything, identity theft on the past of the user.

    • § 512(c) The storage safe harbor protects the OSP against copyright liability “by reason of the storage at the direction of a user of material that resides on a system or network controlled or operated by or for the service provider" (meaning that the user is responsible, not the OSP.)
  • Blocking the account's user and changing the account name may be all that is required under the act, which I would recommend doing in such a way as to indicate it was a DCMA violator.

  • Further, you may obfuscate the posted content, but I don't see anywhere in the act that requires you to do anything to it unless there is specific content - as pointed out by the DCMA complainant - that violates their copyright. (Not a lawyer, but thick experience in contracts, SOx and such.)

moviefreak ago

Can we shoot the faggots now!

dirkgently ago

Just change the username to NOT_BlackRifleCoffeeCo.

toldyouso666 ago

And just like that, there is no comment history for @BlackRifleCoffeeCo

iamgoogle ago


LewsTherinTelamon ago

This seems like a really big stretch. I mean is owned by a company other than Nissan isnt owned by valve. How can a username be dmca worthy?

I don't believe it is...

bob3333 ago

We at Voat have gotten used to a free-for-all website, but that isn't actually true. We have to operate within the confines of the law, and DMCA takedown requests are a law we have to follow.

Wow, that didn't take as long as I expected

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ItsABirdItsAPlane ago

Hmm, this Black Rifle Company take down request seems to be a red herring to get us all to go along with modding Voat to allow felt swoop removal of a user and all their posts. Another user already indicated that this isn't a valid takedown request according to copyright law, however I do not see @PuttItOut addressing these real concerns... also did we ever learn who that new "angel" investor was by chance?

Cat-hax ago

BAHAHAHA, so they show their "true" colors, thanks for transparency putt.

Barbarian ago

DM their twitter and let them know that what their doing is dumb. Really dumb.

Mustard_Monkey ago

How unfortunate for and we shall boycott their hissy fitting tantrum. The only solution to the user name is to archive everything posted and only have the headers used viewable.

WyattMale ago

@PutitOut: Nick Rekieta frequently brings up copyright issues on his youtube channel, maybe he'll be able to help.

I just figured, naively, that a 2nd Amendment company (BRCC) and a 1st Amendment company (Voat) could work out an issue the old-fashioned way. Needless to say, I was never able to 'get past the receptionist' so to speak.

Trying to reason with a bunch of kikes isn't going to help....

Mumbleberry ago

Posting spam on a thread authored by the admin. Real smart.

Tor1 ago

Not surprising. They aren't really a 2nd amendment company. They are insiders with privileges. Cops and soldiers.

In present day America, they are the jackboots standing on the throats of the little guys and the non-conformists. They have zero interest in the kind of freedom and autonomy we are fighting for.

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shawnfromnh69 ago

according to the persons personal page they haven't posted shit, nothing, just kill the name in the administration console or block names being created with that name like a filter. Problem solved. Hell it was probably made just so the company can do legal action maybe by the company itself. Don't be like assauge and just do it. It is not removing free speech because getting sued and your investor leaving would be more restrictions on freedom of speech with Voat gone. Maybe this entire thing is so they can get the name for the investor in a courtroom and then the deep state goes after your investor to make an example so lets not be stubborn and remove this one name, if they haven't posted it's not removing their free speech since there is nothing to delete. Seems stupid to stick by convictions and have the site disappear even if they don't win by getting your investors name. Don't pull a Hillary.

NotHereForPizza ago

Of course he does. He's being a hypocrite right now.

You're being way too obvious

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Was it a parody account?

this sounds like classic kike over reaction. I wonder how it will end...

It does make me wonder though, why would a user make that username?

HenryCabotLodge ago

F this S. I am already tired of reading about the Congo Koffee Company or something

Sillyrabbit777 ago

Obviously, the solution to this is for someone to start/have a different black rifle coffee co that exists outside of the coffee industry. Then the “rights” of the account and thus the DCMA is totally disputable. Personally, I want a machine gun that shoots different kinds of pellets, like regular beans or coffee beans in a non lethal way. I would buy such a gun from a company with a similar name, as long as there was no address match from the company. Then I’d know it wasn’t the same douchebags.

ArcAngel ago


ArcAngel ago

Black Cock Swallowing Company?

ArcAngel ago

for bunch of 'battle-hardened' veterans, they are acing like lib-tarded snowflakes.. they mustve all served under the dont-ask-dont-tell era.. now they are butt-hurt over trumps no-tranny policy. fuckin' twinks capitolizing on real killers, then being absolute douuche-nozzles.

goship ago

Maybe add a flag to account, that would be shown as a flair, showing some legal text like

"Not official, parody account" - and on hover/click would explain and possibly link to copy of DMCA notice.

Talk to a lawyer, but I think if all posts from this guy would be marked as parody-account in clearly visible way, then it should be o.k.

edit: o.k. as in - couldn't realistically cause legal trouble to Voat

Citizen ago

I'm not a lawyer, this is not legal advice, but I have dealt with this kind of stuff before.

The request itself doesn't say anything about the DMCA. It's a notice of (alleged) trademark infringement. The "correct" response is to either remove the content, or hire a lawyer who will tell you whether you should remove the content or tell them no.

If you don't respond at all, they might sue you. They would have a difficult time winning, but for you it would still be expensive even if you win. If you do respond, they might still sue you, but it would be less likely.

My suggestion would be to start a legal fund. If people feel strongly enough to donate for a lawyer, then you hire one (and do what they say.) If they don't, then you rename the account.

Also, if you do decide to rename the account, I'd suggest renaming the account to "This account was formerly named BlackRifleCoffeeCo, but has been renamed due to a trademark complaint, see link below for details" or something along those lines.

Questionable_1 ago

Real vets protect freedom of speech, I'm a vet I say fuck this company! Pansies

Deplorable_Me ago

A shame. I've bought their product in the past. Didn't realise that the were Niggardly Rifle Coffee Company®

anon_a0f3a9 ago

Anybody else notice VOAT is KICKING ASS these days?

EpiPendemic ago

Well fuck aren't they just a big bad ass real corporation now they got kcups and lawyers JAMIE WTF BRO!

deplorableme2 ago

Has DMCA ever been used against China?

PeTRasLikeTetris ago

Went to school with Evan! Extreme Patriot

Elbower_of_Quants ago

I think this community is over-reacting, frankly.

I really hate it when Voat acts like Twitter retards.

The fuckers just want their name off something they cannot control. Big FUCKING deal. Down to the end of the zero pile I go. Who cares?

BobTodd ago

Reads to me like someone made an account so they could cause you a problem. Might want to grab those logs just in case.

cthulian_axioms ago

If you guys have any ideas on how we can satisfy DMCA requests like this and still log that they occurred

Well, the "log" part is already taken care of.

RemoteViewer1 ago

why is it that the jew is at the center of a LOT of problems with earth.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Late to the party, but please read,

Copyright and Parody

No company is going to allow themselves to be parodied, so they have a law to protect parodies and satire.

Precede every account name on Voat with "Parody Account" as in, Parody Account > BlackRifleCo

Now no one can fuck with you again on usernames. Use Jew tricks against them.

XSS1337 ago

@puttitout create a voat vault for DMCA takedowns and corresponding posts from the infringing account ?

2nd plan : How about I post the CEO’s home address and where his kids go to school ( throw a goat at his kids with a “V” shaved on the side )

worthlesshope ago

Voat does have a way to allow people to post anonymously. Is there any way to just make all posts by that person the same as if they selected to post anonymously?

sampsonnite420 ago

Was this account a setup? A pre set up for this to come. The account is only a month old with really no socializing. Can these Trademark names be used as a weapon to attack social platforms in this very fashion? Id be fine if theres a way to show logs of before and after satisfying DMCA.

Rotteuxx ago

From what I'm reading here and there usernames might not even be eligible for a trademark infringement takedown.

samuraichococat ago

@puttitout can you change the username and have that reflected in all post history... perhaps just rename it to a rando value or some other associated value, perhaps add flair to indicate it was dmca'd?

The issue I see here is that this is a slippery slope and we need to be carefull that we dont open a door people can abuse in a manner thT could eventually incapacitate us.

As always thank you for the transparancy.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Fuck me. I love their coffee. Great customer service, too. Veteran owned small business that makes a quality product. Now I have to find somewhere else to buy my morning fix.

ben_popo ago


BlackPistolCoffeeCo ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Cant you just anon them in the same way you can anon all your posts when deleting your account? That way, and shit talking that account might have done could not be used to make BRCO look bad as that shit talking is now associated with a numbers account.

OvertonWindow ago

@Puttitout, @totes_magotes has the right of it here. I had a similar experience with a trademark infringement claim a few years ago.

That said, I'm cancelling my monthly coffee subscription and will be letting them know why. No need for the cool sweatshirt they gave me in order to make up for a shipment that went awry...

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Is it real?

Rotteuxx ago

Yes, they are jewish niggers !

everlastingphelps ago

The only content they have complained about is the user profile. Can you just redirect that page to something like a "BRCC hates freedom" error?

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Sounds like the kikes over at Nigger Rifle Coffee deserve a dirt nap.

pby1000 ago

How many posts are we talking about? Do we even know?

fuzzyduck ago

I mean their support of the ring wing was flimsy from the get go , they never really came out in support of the right wing all they did was say "lol fuck starbucks, come buy our shitty coffee instead" and then spam their name on message boards.

Mr_Wolf ago

they dont even have a comment or post history....

offer them the account?

what other option is there really? you ghost it then what? someone else makes another account?

how would they even know an account like that exists with no comment history. unless they tried making an account themselves. or specifically looking for trouble.

to say the least it looks like theyre looking for useless trouble. I'm not even going to bother with their coffee again, and I like buying from those small companies.

fluhthreeex ago

Good for them. If I ran that biz I'd have done something a LONG ASS TIME AGO.

In the future, I'd set it so that registered business names can't even be allowed to be taken as usernames. I'd be a pain in the ass to deal with scaling out into the future.

Don't take existing company names and use them as your user-names and then shit-post all over the internet with them. They have reputations, public image, and are all trying to make a living. Nobody wants some Random on Voat making statements as "them".

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah... umh... about what ? 50% of online usernames are trademark or copyright infringements according to jews like brcc

HappyMealBullshit ago

Black Rifle Coffee Company is a greedy jew's best friend.

MotorcycleEmptiness ago

Fuck, back to finding a new brew.

SaveTheChildren ago

Wow yall are so easily marketed to. Sad

MotorcycleEmptiness ago

It's what happened to the blue generation, doomed to sink

Ps4Freedom ago

Wrote to the CEO and asked that he please return your call. Seems they are experiencing rather high volume but received my message.

bisteot ago

What if you change the user name to dmcasuckersdisableeuser?

jonnyquest ago

Dear "Black Rifle Coffee Company" ... You should get on the phone with Voat, quick. The alternative sucks.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Can you just rename the account?

ItsOk2bArian ago

Have you tried telling them to, "Eat a Dick"?

TrollingForBasss ago

Do you have a way to change his user name? If comments are stored in a database, and if the user name is not a primary key, it might be possible to changed it to @GuyWhoGotDMCAedByBlackRifleCoffeeCompany

prettymuchbullshit ago

Try this:

On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Replace.

Click the Replace tab.

In the Find what field, type in BlackRifleCoffeeCo.

Leave the Replace with field blank.

Click the Replace All button.


lord_nougat ago

Or even a regular pedo!

IGiveZeroFucks ago

I thought those guys were pretty okay...but not now. Fuck BRCC.

SaveTheChildren ago

Theyre trannies

mostlyfriendly ago

Welp. That sucks. Shame they don't like their customers. Shame we will have to do business elsewhere.

SaveTheChildren ago

Since when did the hive mind decide to drink their coffee? Yall are dumb

Rotteuxx ago

At least they aren't mentally ill like you.

Cannibalguy ago

Any way to turn the page into a redirect to the front page?

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

If you remove the shit they want taken off the site. Make you archive everything and put it elsewhere. So, goats can see what is being censored and why.

WhitePaladin ago

Fucking jews.

AEndtoThemForever ago

Yep. Look closely. There used to be a saying 'don't stop 'til you find the jew'. Wanna see what we find if we dig?

NosebergShekelman ago

They are pissed off jews and you will not ever be able to satisfy them. They want to destroy Voat.

DarthShekel ago

DMCA is for copyright, not trademark. When companies make trademark claims under DMCA, they are materially misrepresenting their claim under the DMCA, and may be in violation of §512(f) of the DMCA

Courts have found for defendants in other cases:

CrossFit, Inc. v. Alvies, No. 13–3771, 2014 WL 251760 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 22, 2014)

More info on that case here: Title HereLink to

uvulectomy ago


Going over some of the commentary, and the discovery that the CEO is of a......certain demographic.... Would it be reasonable to assume the account in question was actually created by someone within BRCC, and they now want to distance themselves from it?

Would there be any way to prove such a thing? Or are the privacy measures on the site far-reaching enough that there are no IP addresses tied to a particular post/comment?

Not that I want there to be such records, but if there are, it would be interesting to see if they match up to IP blocks used by BRCC, and throw that back in their faces.

Creggieb ago

I support following the law. I also support malicious compliance. Perhaps creating a complainy pants forum where we list dcma compliance, as well as list competitors who have not issued dcma notices

OhRutherfordBehave ago

We should all make new accounts with blackriflecoffeeco in the name.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Good lesson on trusting Jews that pretend to stand up for american rights.

Blackcoffeerifleco ago

Can we get the guy from vortex optics to hang out?

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Almost ordered coffee from them the other day. Was about to order and my dogs wanted out. Never got back to it since I wasn't out of coffee yet. Thanks, pupperdogs!

Merchant_Menace ago

Why not just change the profile's handle to @niggerfaggot_coffee_co?

TheBuddha ago


NotHereForPizza ago

We both know I am not a shill and that I'm not affiliated with any group.

Putt owes all of us an explanation, even if you're using this platform for nefarious means... Like you and your "friends".

Anon83 ago

Drink death wish coffee and tell them to get over it. Can't you just take them out of the system but log it as deleted per request? Leave everything on but put some sort of a water marker declaring that that handle is in no way affiliated with the actual company? I don't know man, if they can't talk on the phone like big boys then they need to stop crying. Maybe they are just looking for a lawsuit because their coffee taste like Cuban herpes....

thelma ago

So ..blackriflecompany accout name will be available soon?

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Do you think? I'm sure there are plenty who agree with a lot of what we say but are paralyzed by fear of being called a rascist/nazi etc.

Timmy2 ago

Sheeit. Nigggers.

psymin ago

Not DMCA. Misleading.

Why was DMCA mentioned?

TheBuddha ago

I dunno how? She's dead.

BlackRifleCoffeeCoon ago

Fuck Black Rifle Coffee Company

a100167 ago

Moving voat the hell out of the US would be a good idea but that's obviously a big deal. That would be my suggestion.

CowWithBeef ago

This thread really highlights both how clever goats are, and that when you stick your dick in a goat cage it gets bitten.

BlackRiflesCoffeeCo ago

I poop in the beans

Ocelot ago

Huh. I thought this was the official Starbucks account.

BlackRiflesCoffeeCo ago

I love black dick.

bareknuckles ago


here is your Rosa Parks moment...

Sw0rdofDamocles ago

Don't bother with phone calls. Send them a letter that explains the lengths to which you can comply with their demand and move on.

psymin ago

DMCA requests are for copyright, not trademark.

See "CrossFit, Inc. v. Alvies, No. 13–3771, 2014 WL 251760 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 22, 2014)"

That aside, I wholly agree that Voat exists within the legal framework of the world and needs to comply with valid requests to remove data.

Often with the DMCA the "right" path for a service provider is to remove the content "no questions asked". This is probably the right path for Voat regarding this specific instance.

This specific instance isn't the hill we should die on. Buuuut ...

The DMCA is for copyright, not trademark. This is DMCA abuse. They do likely have the legal standing to have the user removed (IANAL) and should use those traditional channels. Not DMCA.

IMO, all DMCA abuse should be resisted if feasible. It likely isn't a viable path forward for Voat, unfortunately.

Thank you for the transparency! <3

psymin ago

Wait. That isn't a DMCA request you showed us. Why did you say DMCA?

SaveTheChildren ago

Putt is a tranny gotta play by the tranny rules i guess. I woulda told them to frigg off and made a stickied post about how theyre a bunch of ftm trannies.

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nonbreakingspace ago

Could you just rename the account to, like, a ticket number or something and have a page/post detailing what happened for various ticket numbers (assuming similar issues in the future).

Pulverizor ago

Solid idea.

BaldMiscreant ago

Couldn't you just change the user name?

obamasinIaden ago

would "niggerguncafeco" be ok for them to use?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Fuck black rifle coffee company

EmperorKhan ago

Considering there are a lot of vets and pro 2nd people here, good luck with sales BRCC.

lord_nougat ago

...with a black rifle!

FreeBreivik ago


Using a DMCA takedown notice to assert a trademark claim may lead to section 512(f) liability

DMCA takedown notice should be used only to address copyright violations.

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JimSoddell ago

I'm wondering if someone at BRCC did create that account then post all the lousy posts it made, all with the intention of creating this weird drama. All that accounts posts now say [deleted] user, that should be sufficient. By using DCMA on this they seem to be suggesting they own the copyright on the messages made by that account. That would only be the case if they really made the posts.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, sure, but when do we get to learn about who Voat is partnering with? You know, since we here at Voat value transparency and all.

Or are you lying and Voat doesn't actually value transparency? Or is it that the values that you (we) appear to have are conditional?

I'm tired of you wasting my and the rest of your userbase's time, Putt. Answer the fucking question.

redmanjbj ago

Dang... could you somehow change the username to something like “deleted-account-1234” without actually removing the content that they posted?

basser151 ago

I am glad I don't drink coffee

GrandmasterAssassin ago

@BlackRifleCoffee Cease your malarkey at this moment or I will blow up your locations and kill every one of you. Full stop. Only warning.

TheBuddha ago

That's not helpful.

brokespanker ago

Append "Sucks" to the name of anyone who requests the takedown. That should be enough to make it legal.

Cleanhobo ago

CONSIDER THAT ACCOUNT CANCELED! fuck those gay faggots. I'm going to send them an email as well. Probably 10 what a bunch of queers.

MockingDead ago

Well, shit. I assumed they were cool. I guess not.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It's literally owned by Jews.

wifblat ago

It's a spurious trademark claim. Tell them to go fuck themselves.

Goathole ago

I'm sorry putt, this sucks and I feel bad that this kind of thing is happening to you/us. I wish I had an answer that would solve it but I don't.

We do post BRCC vids every now and then, maybe we should stop that too.

MinorLeakage ago

Well if they wanted to make sure we all NEVER buy their products, then they have succeeded. I will make sure my family and friends all know not to buy Black Rifle Coffee due to all the rat feces in their product.

NeverRealNames ago

Well, fuck BRCC. Never buying their shit again.

CNNInternationalNews ago

"We're here on the front lines of a breaking news story about a huge Trademark infringement case involving the poor, innocent coffee company know as "Black Rifle Coffee Company" and an evil, very bad, racist, xenophobic, islamophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, right-wing, homophobic containment board known as".

"The evil members of this group seem to have responded with vitriolic legal support at the request of the founder named PuffItOut...or something... wait... I'm getting an update... Putt! PuttItOut! PuttItOut is, according to reliable sources here at CNN, the new owner of having stolen the site from the previous owner named Echo.. wait... Akko in some kind of nefarious business coup."

"Ayyy... Teee... Kay... Ohhh..."

"OK, thank you, Anderson. Atko... Sounds like he was named after an attack company..."

"It looks like this is the end for that evil site. We will keep you all informed as this story develops. Back to you, Shahria."

frenemy ago

as another user has stated, this is an abused of the dmca. they are attempting to conflate copyright law and trademark law. you could simply sue for decision. you would win.

VoataoV ago

Change the DMCA'd username or sub to "DMCA Removed" and link the username to the DMCA notice.

Pulverizor ago


Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

This is pretty infuriating. Putt makes a great point that there are rules and laws we must abide by but in the other hand, I can certainly see why a company like BRCC wouldn't want to be associated with us.

There is a lot of what the general public considers hate going on here but they have a company to run. They cant be associated with people like us who have no problem naming the jew and calling Trump out on his bullshit.

We are in the political minority by a huge margin.

I trust Putt will do whatever is in the best interests of Voat. As for BRCC, I dont really give a shit what they do next. Hopefully it can be resolved amicably but I wont hold my breath. They have face to save.

IquitzuOcha ago

Thanks voat Angel, I knew you'd bring us great things!

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

I suggest acting immediately to do all that is in your power to remove the offending account from as written in the DMCA. As the written complaint does not reference I'm not sure why this is being posted here.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

About these DMCA violations, not every DMCA is going to be the same. A username like cocacola is different than cocacolasucks. You're gonna have to square that away now.

You might want to reserve DMCA- as a username and all numbers following it now so that when you get letters you can at least change the usernames later transparently.

Merlynn ago

What about changing the name on the account to something else? Like "NotNiggerGunPoopWaterIncorperated"?

Super_Cooper ago

They're on Amazon so we could easily launch a negative review campaign against them if this gets serious.

Goathole ago

I'll bring the nooses, @zyklon_b always brings the torches, I don't know why he's so fascinated with burning things.

zyklon_b ago

we kill so others may live

nyrosis ago

No. I won't be assisting you with censorship. My adivice? Make it impossible to do(ghost all the data), impossible to identify, and out of US corporate purview. IE move your infrastructure to Switzerland outside the 14 eyes agreements.

captainstrange ago

Can you confirm the DMCA actually came from Black Rifle Coffee?

If not, this may be an attempt to smear them while turning Voat against a veteran-owned business.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

while turning Voat against a veteran-owned business.

Sorry to let you know but it's owned by Jews.

Voopin__Voopin ago



captainstrange ago

Yeah just found out from others.

captainstrange ago

From this point on expect DMCA to be the new favored weapon for censoring and destroying the user base.

nomadriders ago

Rename the account to DMCA-Takedown-{unique-id}, done.

dbvapor ago

Can we start a blue check mark system? ✅ /s

NosebergShekelman ago

Nigger coffee can go fuck themselves. Its time to goycott

RampancyLambentRaven ago

BlackRifleNiggerDickRimJobCockSuckerCoffeeCo. Because we goats don't like black people or black coffee.

spooz ago

Just rewrite the database username to 'BlackCuntCoffeeCo'

Thrus2 ago

I find it interesting that the idea of this was likely to disassociate the name of their company with Voat but the result is that this post will be highly rated and more well visited making it more likely to show up in searches drawing more attention to their actions regarding the DMCA

theshopper ago

Maybe have a bot that flags users with certain keywords in their name for review?

bareknuckles ago

that would be maintaining a list of millions of potential (not)violating company names and derivatives and manually reviewing thousands of users the bot (IOW, script..bots are nothing special) catches.

not feasible at all. bad precedent to set this needs to be pushed back on hard.

theshopper ago

I'm with ya.

fusir ago

@puttitout, just rename the username in the database and tell us that you did so. That's transparent and doesn't delete any content.

/u/notBlackRifleCoffeeCo would be parody and not subject to DMCA in any case.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Could you his name just be changed?

PatentGoat ago

As already pointed out, DMCA is a copyright law, meant to deal with claims to copyright. There are penalties listed in the DMCA for asserting improper claims under the DMCA (e.g., to assert trademark rights). See the relevant article regarding potential section 512(f) liability for asserting trademark rights using the DMCA here: Using a DMCA takedown notice to assert a trademark claim may lead to section 512(f) liability

There is no claim to copyright in this case, so this is very arguably a material misrepresentation with regards to copyright infringement as discussed in the article. Trademarks were not meant to be streamlined in enforcement using the DMCA.

LostandFound ago

@ChiComs @TheBuddha

You guys are both speaking the correct language here just making sure you have seen each others answers in case you can help each other. /

TheBuddha ago

I am awaiting an initial response. I'll either get a phone call or an email. I have a firm retained and they'll be able to give advice on how to move forward.

LostandFound ago

Awesome, thanks man

sunshine702 ago

Sounds fair. I noticed Black Rifle on the boards of an NHL hockey game this week. They are coming up. The order makes sense.

I am very understanding. - yes we are free speech but some rules of course are necessary. Doxxing child porn and trademark infringement - these are a legitimate reasons. Do what you need to do Putt.

M80TheMan ago

You got nothing to worry about. The letter asks for it to be removed from not this website I'm sure it's a misunderstanding.

Syedtutul ago

Fuckem in the ass with that one.

New_years_day ago

Make it public as you did so we can rub shit in their face and boycott them if need be.

Guy_Justsome ago

Evan Hafer is the CEO.
I'd try [email protected], or evan.hafer, or ehafer.
Hard to find much third-party bio on the net, though.

Shieldmaden ago

You may be dealing with their (potentially a-hole) lawyers or legal policy rather than truly the company itself. So, maybe this aggressive strategy is fully endorsed by the company, maybe not.

MrEvilPirate ago

I wrote them an email pretty much saying back the fuck off or I will stop drinking your coffee, but in a more professional manner. The auto response indicated a higher than normal email volume. Hit up their inbox.

TimBrookeTaylor ago

Can you make all the posts associated with the account go anon? That removes all mention of the name on any posts. Don't know about the user profile page thought.

FuckingInsaneGoat ago

Can you just change the name on the account? The account formerly known as BRCC?

xenoPsychologist ago

can the account name be changed? or would that not work?

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

woah, imagine faggots using other copyrighted usernames and DMCA flooding this place

NeoDankZer ago

Can't you just rename the account?

SpunRecord ago

I listen to some radio shows and podcasts supported by black rifle coffee.

I'm going to stop my coffee subscription from them because of their actions towards this site.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @clamhurt_legbeard.

Posted automatically (#18126) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.


Edit the name on the account? Change it to something like "BlackRifleCoffeeUnofficialAcct." Or perhaps add a tag of some kind that denotes the account as not being affiliated with the company?

Other ideas: Change the color of the name text to match whatever background it appears on. The name and account is still there, but invisible to the eye.

Also, how hard can it be to simply delete it?

BlackRifleCovfefeCo ago

I insist you delete all of my comments, too.

Ina_Pickle ago

I love you.

Fateswebb ago

Just change the name slightly to something like @BlackCoffeeRifleCo

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Fuck them and their DMCA. Tell them to get bent. We don't have to satisfy anything from these faggots. It's not up to you to police people's usernames. I really don't think that would even qualify as protected content.

All I know for sure is that the voat boycott of this coffee company and anything they promote needs to be on. Fuck these fucking assholes.

elitch2 ago

Fuck 'em.

Fuck 'em right in the ear.

Ina_Pickle ago

Is there a way to leave the comments up, but change the account name to reflect that a DMCA request was made?

LostandFound ago

Thanks for the transparency as always. We have always understood that this website would operate within the confines of the law and this is understandable given the circumstances. I second the 'DMCA_GHOST####' option with a table to get more info on the missing post and the reason for the takedown.

Easier said than done though says you!

HenryCabotLodge ago

They look fairly "woke" from reading their stuff. Maybe their legal counsel works for Zuckerberg. "The store sells prepared coffee, bagged coffee (both ground and beans) and Black Rifle Company gear. They also give discounts to active duty military, veterans and law enforcement (pretty sure the lefties at Starbucks don't do that). The company in general supports America and its constitution (again, lacking in Starbucks' business plan)."

Mumbleberry ago

Supports the Constitution? Did they forget the 1st Amendment?

talmoridor-x ago

if it's not starbucks, it's FUCKING BASED

Buff_Awesome ago

Unfortunately, BRC has to do this because of how trademark law in the US is written. Basically, trademark law demands that if you want to keep your trademark, you must challenge its infringement during any and all circumstances, no matter how frivolous it may seem. If you don't, your trademark can be revoked. The law literally forces companies to aggressively pursue any infringement of their trademark, even if they don't really care about it. We saw a textbook example of this during the Elder Scrolls/Scrolls incident. A few years ago Mojang published a game called Scrolls and were subsequently sued by Bethesda for it (This was before they went neoliberal BTW). They sued them because they were worried that the similarity between the names of their games would cause them to lose their "Elder Scrolls" trademark. They didn't actually care that Mojang called their game Scrolls. They were just worried that they might lose their trademark. After Bethesda lost the case they added the item "Notched pickaxe" into Elder Scrolls V to show Notch that there were no hard feelings between the two companies. It's a bullshit law, designed to give lawyers more work, but that's what companies these days have to deal with. Yes, BRC could've handled the situation better, but that wouldn't change anything either.


Send them a cease & desist explaining that voat is run as a safe space for niggers and their company does not have a monopoly on the word "black", however their company name is racist and if they don't change it we're going to send our kike lawyers after them.

blumen4alles ago

You all make me laugh so much! Best medicine for this sick world ruled by kikes.

Adminstrater ago

Write a program to remove the text and put in place this DMCA reference number, and change the username to a random code, or something. If it has to be done, it has to be done...

Report each DMCA to the users with a sticky so people can see the infringing content and make copies before it is removed, so it is not actually gone down the memory hole.

Perhaps the real answer is to rewrite the code so that you can't "spez" users comments without changing an original one way Hash of the comment itself, so people know it was edited without permission by the author, and that's how it works.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Got to wonder if Voat's new angel is BlackRifleCoffeeCo. Who is Voat's knew angel Putt? Is is Whiz or Vados or BlackRifleCoffeeCo?

Maker_Wolf ago

Why not just change the account name to [Name Redacted Acct 123456] and add some information about why to the hover information?

You could do the same with posts (although that's much worse from a freedom of speech perspective). I'd say do what you have to do, but just don't try to hide the censorship. Replacing the post with [Deleted due to DMCA] would at least let us know why it's gone.

Derpfroot ago

That is the gayest DMCA request I have ever heard. Just a username and they're fagging out.

Adminstrater ago

Now to figure out how to do this.

If you guys have any ideas on how we can satisfy DMCA requests like this and still log that they occurred, I’m all ears. These situations are likely to only increase.

Are all trademarks going to be considered before someone creates a username? What about companies that have created their trademark after a username was already created? A username is not an identity, and the problem with catering with this request is that users of this site will now to assume the Owners of the website and Moderators of subverses are taking the responsibility of confirming the identity of ever user and that they have the legal authority to use that name, and that these laws and rules are actually keeping the internet safe.
However, in reality, it is impossible to stop people from pretending to be other people and immature internet users need to learn to be safe on their own, and not rely on government and individual websites to police the internet.

If you don't know that a guy with the username Bill Gates might not actually be Bill Gates, is it up to someone else to make sure you are not fooled, or mistaken? Is the internet supposed to be used with kid gloves?

Waffle_ninja ago

I understand the comapny’s request, but unless the account representatives itself as a member of the company (which at this point, would be hard to find out if it was an employee or ex-employee) wouldn’t it fit under tribute or parody.

As well, osnt the user protected under the first admendment as well? They can ask for a cease-and-disest, which they got when the user took down their account.

The only thing I could suggest is when an account is deleted, they name is changed to [deleted] a DMCA is posted like this but the posted material stays. That is the only way the integrity of the VOAT can be maintained and satisfied some uppity, thing-wearing CEO.

I would look more into trademark and copyright law. It is my understanding that they are very specific what they cover and BRCC is overreaching the extend of the law with their request that ALL information is removed.

DrEichmann ago

You're a faggot putt. You censor the spech of newcumers cause they are not like you.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Start spreading this, time for people who were supporting them because of American values to stop. I actually feel like the CEO and who ever came up with the business plan was trying to prey on us rather than holding these values. I don't like that one bit and their coffee is fucking expensive as fuck because they know white people will support them.

Bring it down.

0011000100100111101 ago

what about changing the user name that posted so it will no longer Google search as @BlackRifleCoffeeCo change the user to @Spez

Simonsaysgoat ago

Lol there is no real freedom anymore. Company or not, if the name is inactive and banned unless the comapny wants to use it, that should satisfy the company. Now Im just going to go out and talk shit about them. I hate companies like this.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Black rifle company eats dicks? Would that be an OK username?

samy90a44 ago

Remove any profile and/or any/all references to Black Rifle Coffee Company, then block or restrict the entry(s) and images(s) referencing the same from any future incursion into the Database or Board.

15995035? ago

I'm their target customer and have spent stupid amounts of money for gifts at @BlackRifleCoffeeCo.

So disappointed for several reasons. Everyone loves coffee and the people I purchase for love the 2nd- it was a win win.

Now I have to find another place to purchase gifts for my extremely large extended family. Am also going to have to backtrack on social media and explain to everyone why we have to change coffee brands....again. Sigh.

talmoridor-x ago

Stop drinking coffee, fatass.

Rajadog20 ago

How would coffee make you fat?

Ocelot ago

Well, plenty of fatties get a coffee-resembling drink at Starbucks that's packed full of beetus, but homebrewed coffee won't make you fat.

Rajadog20 ago

Ew yeah. My coffee is black. Always. One time I put milk in it and spit it out

Ocelot ago

I drink either black or with cream. Don't like it with milk either.

15996562? ago

Did you just assume my weight?

talmoridor-x ago

No. You've admitted it before.

15996696? ago

LOL- you have no sense of humor.

And don't you worry your sweet little head about this- the baby weight will be gone by my kids' first birthdays. I can assure you.

TheBuddha ago

Let me see if I understand this correctly. I'd ask via PM but I don't think adding to your stuffed inbox is the best solution.

They are using DMCA to assert trademark infringement? If so, I am willing to throw a few lawyer hours at it. I'm not sure DMCA covers trademark and this may open them to a counter suit for misrepresentation. I'd have to have someone check, as I am not a lawyer.

PuttItOut ago

I am willing to throw a few lawyer hours at it


I am not a lawyer

You're hired! ;)

TheBuddha ago

Alright, quick update.

This is not a DMCA takedown notice. This is a trademark infringement notice. Had it been a DMCA, they'd open themselves up to liability of §512(f).

I'll paraphrase the phone conversation.

Your options are to file a "cease and desist" and be ready to fight it in court (unlikely) under a few different defenses, including affirmative defense and that it never infringed to begin with.

Your other option is to delete the offending material and move on.

If you wish to file a cease and desist, let me know and I'll get you a template you can use. They're trivial to fill out and do not require any expenses on your part, though you'd want to mail them with a receipt to prove they got the letter.

If you are unable to figure out the template, hit me up by PM and I'll fill one in for you and have them take a glance at it.

totes_magotes ago

Again, this is exactly what I've been saying. They are protecting their brand and the only correct first course of action is a legal takedown notice and that it's up to the service provide/third party to determine what the correct course of action is.

goatboy ago

Thos is good. As a practical matter, the only rights that exist are the rights that are asserted.

dieusor ago

You mentioned “PM”, I assume = private message. Is there a private message function on Voat?

TheBuddha ago

Yes. Click on a username. The button to send a message is on the right.

BlueDrache ago

  1. Click Username

  2. Click "Send Message"

dieusor ago

Could just be me, but I don’t see that option (on mobile).

BlueDrache ago

Have you tried looking under the "hamburger menu"?

dieusor ago

Took me a while to figure out what the “hamburger menu” is, but I got it. Only took a fews years. Thanks.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/MuseumOfVoat submission by @Caesarkid1.

Posted automatically (#18185) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

kneo24 ago

@Puttitout, you reeeeeeeaaaaallllly should think about a badge for this guy. Just saiyan.

WeekendBaker ago

“Internet Lawyer”

Seventh_Jim ago

Seconding this.

C_Corax ago

You are a gem, you know that right :)

TheBuddha ago

I do what I can. Besides, this is the firm that my buddy is a full partner with. The guy that was driving the car? He works there.

C_Corax ago

lol yeah I kinda guessed that.

I understand if Adobe doesn't want other graphic manipulation software to be called 'Photoshop' or 'Photoshoppers' or the same with Kleenex or Coca Cola, but a coffee company that doesn't want a forum account that isn't shifting anything named after them? I don't know if there's a precedence, but I suspect they will be laughed out of court if it comes to that. An expense Voat absolute doesn't need though..

TheBuddha ago

It's almost certainly not a trademark infringement. Voat does no business in the areas for which the trademark is assigned and the use of the name should not confuse a reasonable person into thinking that they represent the trademark holder. That'd be decided in court, but it's unlikely to ever get that far. A motion for dismissal would be the first step any good lawyer would take, should it reach that point. Given that it's pretty brazenly not a trademark infringement, a judge is likely to grant the dismissal.

But, courts can be fickle. So, they may choose to hear it, erring on the side of caution. Just a C&D should be adequate and should be enough to show that Voat will assert their rights. Again, it's never set in stone and courts are fickle. There's no fucking way a 'reasonable person' would assume one is the other and there's no way they'd be watering down their mark.

Trademark must be defended to keep it, but this is just frivolous.

Mumbleberry ago

You rock.

TheBuddha ago

It's not a problem. I wasn't doing anything better today. I figure advice from real lawyers is a god idea. If need be, I can write the C&D myself, now that I know what to include. It doesn't violate trademark and their request is frivolous.

MrWicked ago

I vote for the cease and desist. If they decide to take it to court I would throw some money on a lawyer.

TheBuddha ago

From the phone call, there's not much chance that they'd win in court. So, it's unlikely to see a courtroom, regardless. I can assist with filling out a cease and desist. Hell, I can probably get the firm to write it, if need be. This is the firm that my buddy works at. He owes me! So, I won't even be charged, probably...

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

If you're charged, I'm sure more than a few of us will kick in to help cover the bill.

TheBuddha ago

I don't need money, but thanks for the offer.

MrWicked ago

It would probably be best coming from a law firm. If @puttitout doesn't have a lawyer yet he will need to get one eventually. As voat grows so will the legal issues.

TheBuddha ago

You can, or you can just send it yourself. I've filed all sorts of things, including motions. I can fill out the paperwork to form a LLC, etc...

Err... I'm not a lawyer. I did two summer semesters in a law school, simply because I knew I'd need it. I mostly learned procedure. In law, procedure is very important. If you have that figured out, you can do quite a bit of the work yourself.

TheBuddha ago

I'll send the link and image to their office and I'll see if I can have an answer for you before the end of the business day. I'll cover any costs associated with it.

Ina_Pickle ago

And this Buddha is why you're awesome.

Hand_of_Node ago

He's a National Treasure.

TheBuddha ago

I sent them the links and a couple of questions. No response yet. It'll probably be a little while, but I'm guessing I'll get a quick reply before they close the office and maybe a more detailed reply tomorrow afternoon.

Nadeshda ago

You rock! Literally :D

TheBuddha ago

And, he's now been informed of his realistic options.

How's by you, ma'am?

Nadeshda ago


I am good by you Sir! Yes, it is a day, this is good. Just a quick drop in to see how things are diddling. I see they are diddling just dandy as they always do around the Voat lands.

Man I missed me some Voat these last days. Oh well, how is your bone doing? Lol...

TheBuddha ago

I can use my right leg and walk up a flight of stairs without crutches! That means my entire body weight is supported for the duration of the step!


I've amended my previous goal, which was to run again. Screw running. I don't even like running! Now, I say, "I'm going to dance again, as the spirit moves me." I think that's much more appropriate.

Nadeshda ago

That’s awesome!!!! May we dance one day! Let this be so, in the Spirit! :)

Freagin best day ever now! Thanks for this! Such sweet news to hear, you cheered me right up!

TheBuddha ago

I'm thinking I might take ballroom dancing lessons, when this is over.

I dance all the time, normally. But, I don't know how to dance! I just wiggle with the music. I'm not too old to learn to dance.

Nadeshda ago

That would be great, I would love to take ballroom dancing that would be excellent for your continued physiotherapy going forward. You are pretty smart you know, just saying... :)

TheBuddha ago

I kinda want to learn to foxtrot. I'm a little too old to learn to jitterbug. I'd still give it a try.

Foxtrot is kinda awesome and I've been pondering writing a series for MFU about it.

Also, I have something to find again for you. I saw it and immediately thought of you. Got a few moments?

Nadeshda ago

Check your mail first, okay? :)

TheBuddha ago

This will distract you, maybe... I'll email it. Screw any goats who might be reading this. ;-)

They don't get to enjoy it!

Nadeshda ago

Lolol... I feel a bit special now in a good way! :)

TheBuddha ago

You are special, and not in the Special Olympics way!

Also, you have mail.

TheBuddha ago

Meh... The firm isn't likely to even bill me, given recent events. It's all good. Still no email response, however. No phone call, either.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Hope they enjoy never getting my business. What a bunch of pricks. Hey BRCC, suck on my nuts.

TerraKell ago

Doesn't Black Rifle Company use Amazon for shipping and purchase processing? Amazon sucks big time. So when I saw the connection I decided to never buy from BRC. Bezos is a Trump-hater so it is ironic that BRC tries to be a patriot but uses services from Bezos' Amazon.

KosherHiveKicker ago

If the (Ghosted) accounts are all posted in a specific subverse /v/GhostedGoats with a brief explanation, then I don't see a problem at all.

Just make it a 100% public process for all to see.

middle_path ago

Can you make a bot to add a signature to each of the user's post that says "this account has no affiliation with Black Rifle Coffee company (r) and these posts do not reflect the company's policies or values." Or some legal bs like that?

PuttItOut ago

When this user deleted their profile, we deleted all the content, so submissions and comments are not visible.

An account deleted this way is the most Voat can delete an account without directly manipulating data by hand.

Making an existing username disappear is something we never planned on ever having to do in the spirit of full transparency, but this is what's being asked of us. Our db schema and caching platform does not make this an easy operation.

C_Corax ago

A bit off topic, but also semi related I ended up with C_Corax because of these names already being taken. @Corax @CorvusCorax @Corvus_Corax.

Maybe down the line implement something that would release taken but unused/abandoned names?

middle_path ago

Oh, damn. I guess I'm out of suggestions then.

Mat_Best_BRCC ago


andrew_white_forever ago

Just slightly change the old user name

Itsdone63 ago

That's a solid move, alienate a group of people that not only are your target consumers but value loyalty, not being a fussy bitch and have a tradition of voting with their wallet. This move is losing more money than some old forgotten account ever was.

blumen4alles ago

What if he did this in order to setup the situation for a DMCA takedown request? Thanks for posting that link it gives me a clearer feeling on this motherfucker. Does not seem like a good dude to me.

carlip ago

17 U.S. Code § 512 - Limitations on liability relating to material online

(j)Injunctions —The following rules shall apply in the case of any application for an injunction under section 502 against a service provider that is not subject to monetary remedies under this section:

(1) Scope of relief.—

(B) If the service provider qualifies for the limitation on remedies described in subsection (a), the court may only grant injunctive relief in one or both of the following forms:

(i) An order restraining the service provider from providing access to a subscriber or account holder of the service provider’s system or network who is using the provider’s service to engage in infringing activity and is identified in the order, by terminating the accounts of the subscriber or account holder that are specified in the order.

I am not a lawyer, but that reads like as long as you lock the account you are covered from monetary damages.

TerraKell ago

Unfortunately cloud flare hosting are cucks

un1ty ago

Their coffee is shit anyways. Over roasted, burnt-as-fuck, and evidently a bit salty. Its coffee for people who REALLY like coffee, otherwise no one would drink the shit.

TerraKell ago

That describes the military coffee I drank in the service 50 years ago. I doubt military coffee is any better today.

blumen4alles ago

I heard it is coffee for niggers

UnknownAlias365 ago

What if we all make BlackRifleCoffeeCo accounts now? Will they make us all delete our accounts?

Le_Squish ago

I think this claim might fall into the bogus territory.

You may want to add a username as "first come first serve" policy.

With trademarks, they would have to prove that a casual observer would be confused among other things.

The burden of proof is on black rifle company to prove that the username caused confusion for their customers or generally misrepresented their company.

Because I am an asshole, I would make them properly complete the DMCA request and give the URLs and dates where this user falsely claimed to be a representative of company or show that the existence of this username has deprived them of profit.

They have to provide you proof. Never forget that.

And don't waste you time unless they actually "file" a DMCA. Many times they don't.

DrEichmann ago

@Gabara is a kike that drinks folgers

TheBuddha ago


I usually drink Maxwell House, breakfast blend.

Sometimes, I drink fancy coffee but I usually just drink Maxwell House.

Except for instant, and then that's Taster's Choice. However, I don't normally drink instant coffee unless I'm in the woods.

DrEichmann ago

I knew it!!! You have a great mind pointed in the wrong direction. People bleed cause you're ignorant.

TheBuddha ago

I am not a fancy man, no...

I don't usually drink fancy coffee.

DrEichmann ago

I'm a simple man. I'm not smart like you. Everyone in my community knows my name. We need you!!! We need you!!! Who is @TheBuddha

TheBuddha ago

David. My name is David. Hell, half of Voat knows my last name and exactly where I live. Shit, some of them have even made the trek to my house.

DrEichmann ago

I give zero what you name is. I have children too. Anyway...have a great day sir. Sleep is best I guess.

TheBuddha ago

Then why ask who I am?

Yes, sleep might be a good idea for you.

DrEichmann ago

Did I? I apologize. My son is a cop. I worry. I'm not smart like you. I wonder what I would do if I was. Sorry. Have a good day Sir.

cantaloupe6 ago

Sorry to hear that - it maybe that a lawyer advised them they have to defend their trademark or they may have some legal responsibility - unless they're just dicks.

Perhaps mod the bio, or prefix the username and upon login attempt let the user know the DCMA issue, they can always create a new account.

Perhaps if everyone asks the question (politely) they might respond - it's a secretaries job to give the brush off.

General Questions: [email protected] Order Support: [email protected] Coffee Club Support: [email protected]

NiggerRifleCoffeeCo ago

DMCA from Black Rifle Coffee Company®

Hi, Daniel Hollaway - VP Marketing at Black Rifle Coffee Company here!

I'm sorry about the confusion we've put you through here. It never was our intention to upset our loyal coffee drinking fans! We're working on a brand re-alignment to more closely reflect our core values, as a organization and family. In keeping with that, we're changing our official Voat account to @NiggerRifleCoffeeCo. Please, direct any questions, comments or concerns you may have to our offical Voat account, and keep enjoying our products!

AmericanMagapede ago

Holy shit! HAHA

die_reddit_die ago

This is the most based reply I've ever read! My sides are in fucking orbit!

Atomized_Individual ago

Never trust civic cux

IsThisMeta ago

How do you personally handle being such a terrible person?

Chempergrill ago

This is an official statement from Black Rifle Coffee Co, a nigger-run company.

Joe10jo ago


Black_Kifle_Koffe ago

Daniel! How could you... Me shekels.

Questionable_1 ago

Thank you niggers for clearing that up.

Cleanhobo ago

Nothing but KIKES. They are JEWS They are JEWS they are JEWS! ha ha ha Nice on anon. Nice fucking name. SOMEONE FUCKING MAKE WHITE RIFLE COFFEE COMPANY!!!!

XSS1337 ago

Holy fuck yes ....

BlackCoffeeCoRifle ago

well that clears that up

dontmindthemess ago

Hi, not the real name jew vampire! How about going on a family trip, rape and kill them! Fuckoff is my Belgium name but I also go by Gokillyourself.

go1dfish ago

You should get your lawyers in check:

Trademark is not copyright and DMCA takedowns are not actionable for trademark infringements.


Using a DMCA takedown notice to assert a trademark claim may lead to section 512(f) liability

cc @PuttItOut

knightwarrior41 ago

is this real or a parody acct?i'm laughing my ass out to this development,too funny

HorseIsDead ago

You fucking had me right up to "nigger", good job man. Love it.

knightwarrior41 ago

same here

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Right? What I don't get is - since the inception of the WWW, people have been masquerading with screen names like "TomSeleksLeftNut" and "RealBillGates" saying stupid shit like "Black Rifle coffee is the best and totally not overpriced garbage!" with abandon. But now somebody on Voat posing as BRCC says something, and VOAT is responsible for taking it down? Voat is at fault? If I posted an editorial in the news saying "gas the kikes" or whatever and signed as the CEO of Apple - Apple wouldn't sue the paper and demand a redaction - they'd have to come after me. The paper could issue an apology or whatever, but they couldn't pull copies of their paper and rip out what had already been printed.

Rant over. TLDR this is bullshit that Voat shouldn't have to deal with. Voat is just a platform - the user is responsible for the content they post.

kestrel9 ago

Tom Selek isn't selling his nuts and Bill Gates isn't real.

Landsberg15 ago

Well put.

belphegorsprime ago

Tell that to the faggot niggers that voted for slick willy, and applauded the DMCA. Fucking morons have no concept of constitution, or that copyright is not a natural right, but rather infringes on the natural right of speech and expression.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

It mostly was faggots, niggers, and degenerates that voted for that fucknut.

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

Lets not get our jimmies rustled, a careful reading of the DMCA clearly shows that it was directed to, this is which has no affiliation with

I'm sure a company like NiggerRifleCoffeeCo understands that voat wouldn't want to be associated with some other entity that happens to share the same name.

AmericanJew2 ago

But hur dur, Voat is innnnnnfffffringing! REEEEEE!!!!!

Fucking faggot company, boycotting that nigger garbage. Buy from a local roaster that you can go meet and lives in your community.

Aldebaran7937 ago


ArcAngel ago

kona from hawaii is the best, anyhow

AmericanJew2 ago

Kona from hawaii is usually amazing, but I never peg one coffee as the best. It all depends on the year's harvest, the locale plays a part but not the only determinant factor.

The best coffee I have ever had was a fresh Jamaica Blue Mountain one year, and an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe another year. I've had excellent konas as well, but none surpassed those two. Nor did the Kopi Luwak I've had despite its ridiculously expensive price tag.

ArcAngel ago

these days im stuck drinking folgers or maxwell house.

BordelonLoop ago

i used to until i got sick from it. i think they spray the coffee with something. go whole bean fresh roasted from a reputable company. local roasters are a good idea in theory but they charge thru the nose. and most coffee places are npc shops.

ArcAngel ago

i live inna shithole small desert town. there is a starbucks, but ive never set foot in it.i dont shop at the walmart either. im on a budget & i actually prefer tea. exept at work.. but i do love me a good cup of that kona.(4 years since i had some)

BordelonLoop ago

FRC sells tea, too. well, if you were my neighbor, i would share my stash with you. currently i have 5 different kinds of organic roasted beans on hand. i lived in hawaii. and i kept trying the kona coffee at restaurants but it just wasn't that good. probably watered down old brew. FRC's sumatra makes my eyes roll into the back of my head. i love that earthy, deep flavor. but there is some organic kona on their site. maybe i should try the real deal.

ArcAngel ago


AmericanJew2 ago

Ouch, that sucks my man.


You are technically correct, however the offending URL is still a voat.CO link directly to the offending trademarked name. Therefor the DMCA request is valid.

The trademark name itself "BlackRifleCoffeeCo" is trademarked and they have the legal right to remove it because of potential implied association. Simply changing a few letters in the username could nullify their request. I don't believe complete deletion of user posts/threads is warranted nor required to implement.

admin2 ago

IT NEVER WAS A DMCA issue, read the actual image. It is a spurious USPTO "WORD MARK" infringement claim of a word mark.

tendiesonfloor ago

It's a joke comment you dull fucking nigger.

admin2 ago

My comment is not a joke, it is because I am the first an ONLY person here to know the difference between copyright law and trademark law. I read the provided link. NO DMCA was claimed, but a trademark infringement claim was made.

White_pride_cis ago

But do you know why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

Fuckyounigger ago

The word dull never looked so hurtful haha

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Gods work being done here.

BixTriflingCupOJewCo ago

I concur.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

It never was our intention to upset our loyal coffee drinking fans

Lol a little too late for that. I arrived late to the party but i'm seeing everyone say they are now dropping you and FYI, a LOT of people on Voat are much more successful at viral marketing then you could ever be. These people literally helped meme the President into the white house.


Demonsweat2 ago

Another 1hr account nigger.

blumen4alles ago

Bless you nigger, bless you.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Best nigger ever that guy.

Shishamo ago

He's our magic nigger.

Aldebaran7937 ago

Of fuk. A magic black david blaine.

BlackKikeCoffeeCo ago

They're all magic. Committing crimes by the minute and dindunuffin!

lets_get_hyyerr ago

The token nigger of Voat

Deathperception ago


LoneCipher ago

You can probably rename the account to 'NOT_BLACKRIFLECO'. Not sure how your code works, but if you register the above name, and Crtl+H that should satisfy.

If they had issue with specific posts, those would probably need to me manually removed or altered.

blumen4alles ago

First, thank you for letting us know. Second, I don't have any better suggestions than those I have already read in the comments. Third, I do however have many questions that come to mind reading this. Most important question is what the intention is behind the request, is it simply as it appears or is this part of a greater (((agenda)))?

Caliope ago

On target Flowers for Everyone, my philosophy is: 1. Never believe anything in the (((media))); 2. Always assume that there is a (((hidden agenda))); 3. Never correct any poster's spelling or grammar.

blumen4alles ago

Something about the whole thing seems fishy. Anything involving (((lawyers))) or (((money))) and it's a red flag for me. Like what if they can't figure out who exactly Putt is and want to phish him out?

hangry ago

How to register our displeasure with Black Rifle Coffee Company?

selpai ago

They should thank the guy, honestly. I had never heard of the company before that account.

How about you give those assholes the finger, and off to resolve the matter by fucking their mums.

draaaak ago

Haha, I remember that post. Even @UltraRibbed stepped in to shill up the joint

Stayedclassy ago

I would think for everyone's sake and maintaining the integrity of Voat as a free speech platform this can go one of two ways:

  1. Keep trying to get a hold of the boss and explain the situation. Chances are it was a peon down the chain doing their job and they probably offered a half baked explanation of the situation to the boss before receiving the OK to proceed. Once they are aware of the situation and the actions taken thus far they will likely simmer down and withdraw.

  2. Slap them across the face with the US constitution and lawyer up.

But what do I know. I'm not a lawyer or a business owner.

freedumbz ago

Don't worry. We'll talk to them and see what comes up. Goats, here's their public contact info:

General Questions:

[email protected]

Order Support:

[email protected]

Coffee Club Support:

[email protected]

Still, I couldn't find a phone number... but maybe these guys would know?

UnknownAlias365 ago

Sent them an email.

samwisekoi ago

Voat and BRCC user here. (I think I found BRCC on Voat, in fact.)

Anyhow, can you change the user name to remove the offending trademark? It doesn't seem to have any postings whatsoever, and the DCMA is really about the profile at the URL.

For that matter, it seems that the complaint would be resolved with a quick mod_rewrite. (Or the equivalent for whatever web server you are actually using.) Just return a 404.

From a policy standpoint, there are a bunch of companies that would be happy to sue for similar events. Harley-Davidson and Disney come to mind. So you should probably have a TRADEMARK removal mechanism in any event. Not knowing your schema, I assume that you are using real keys, so the user name would need to be modified globally in order to prevent orphan records. PITA, yes, but again, if IP lawyers have your in their sights, you will eventually need to build some trademark-killer tools and/or scripts.

And if the user name is an attribute instead of a key, then just change the string. I propose s/BlackRifleCoffeeCo/TrademarkTroll001.

ChiComs ago

REFUSE AND OBJECT! Make them PROVE YOU ARE MAKING MONEY via stolen COPYRIGHTED materials and tradedress,


They will NOT WIN!

Also... get the hell off of CloudFlare so that you can have real properly encrypted https streams!

ScrewdriverOo ago

This is honestly the best advice here. They could sue, but would have to go after the individual that created the account. They're filing a DMCA because they didn't exercise due diligence. The only way they can sue someone is by a court order for that info and Putt should only comply beyond what he already has after the order only. By deleting the posts, they would be hurting their case if the account was created maliciously by their competition. This all seems like they wanted to create an account here and found out the name u/BlackRifleCoffeeCo was already taken. U/BlackRifleCoffeeCompany hasn't been taken so they could take that one. The names of key persons in the company aren't taken either.

DMCA isn't supposed to be used like that and Voat could sue them for a false DMCA claim. I actually would suggest Voat and Putt to look into suing for the false DMCA claim.

SearchVoatBot ago

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sadam029 ago

YOu need to barbara streisand this on torrentfreak ASAP

You don't think this was their intent? Who the hell is black rifle coffee? They are doing this in hopes of attracting attention....

SearchVoatBot ago

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idk ago

They could possibly go after the user IF the user was falsely acting as a representative in a malicious manner. But that wouldn't be trademark infringement (unless that user was also selling a similar product.). They could also apply for a cease & desist in that situation, but it's more discretionary. It seems like a legal intern over there got over zealous.

I suggest Putt gets some legal advice.

Pedantic correction because I find this interesting... "Any other spelling , lacking spaces, is historically NOT INFRINGING unless they also own that. The sole exemption is a domain name created AFTER a trademark and lacking spaces."

Periods, commas, and case also make it non-distinguishable. So you could get sued if your company was Black Rifle Coffee, company.

antiliberalsociety ago

Breitbart is owned by Jews, they aren't going to help us

Cleanhobo ago

@TheBuddha another lawfag.

Cleanhobo ago

@puttitout THIS

SearchVoatBot ago

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475677 ago

@Puttitout This is what you need to do. The second you bend the knee any account with a company name like google or reddit in their username will be seen by their lawyers as a way to make a shekel or to shut you down and it's probably going to be both knowing the vermin you're up against.

That said if you want to bitch out and throw them a bone just change the account's name to something generic like SHOAH_01 and each time it happens just count up. As a free speech platform it goes against the principles that this site was founded on to remove the posts but changing the name finds a middle ground.

Glock-N-Roll ago

Not to mention the fact that every libtard out there is gonna make a shitload of accounts with trademarked names and start posting everywhere in order to bring the place down because “free speech bad”.

sLnTsRvC ago

If this is true it's really great news because we can tell them to suck a sick.

thisistotallynotme ago

This is the smartest comment in the entire thread. Here's why @PuttItOut won't do it:

1) It requires the testicular fortitude to be comfortable with asserting your rights and claims.
2) The "Law is scary and for smart people only" meme. He clearly drinks dat kool-aid.
3) He's already showing signs that he's going to comply first, even before asserting any rights he may have. This could be good, if you don't cuck-out and fail to sue afterwards (see 1).

heygeorge ago

Who is going to fund the protracted legal battle and associated costs?

Is this the best use of Putt’s time?

It is interesting to fight. From my brief reading, I’d wager it’s as simple as someone at the company did a websearch and the Voat userpage comes up in the search.

thisistotallynotme ago

Ah, you must've not read 2). Good job falling for that meme.

heygeorge ago

I don’t agree that the CEO of Voat should be spending his time personally litigating. I have defended myself successfully, and also hired help when prudent. The legal profession is not much different from any other skilled profession.

thisistotallynotme ago

I have defended myself successfully

If that were true, you wouldn't be paying someone to do it afterwards. Paying someone $40k to write the equivalent of an essay and submit it to a judge isn't very bright behavior for a rocket surgeon such as yourself. Do you see why I don't believe you?

Even if your personal credentials were the topic here (they aren't), @PuttItOut isn't even exhibiting the kind of legal scruples that come with someone comfortable with standing up for their rights while staring down a judge ( see "3)" mentioned above), so the "CEO of Voat" (the multi-billion dollar corporation that it is) isn't exactly exhibiting Executive Officer behavior, unless that behavior is to cuck-out and comply.

heygeorge ago

I know plenty of people who have changed lightbulbs, switches, outlets, heck, even rewired a room. Yet when the job gets beyond them, they hire a professional. Even professionals at times hire professionals to help them. It doesn’t matter that you don’t believe me.

I don’t see why Putts should waste much time on a non-issue. And I don’t recommend anyone take legal advice from Voat. So what you’re saying is all well and good, but that doesn’t mean it’s not ignorant.

thisistotallynotme ago


Yes yes, we're back to you again. Perhaps you can also recommend that people not take CEO advice from voat, either?

heygeorge ago

Royal We


thisistotallynotme ago

so, no?

admin2 ago


Complying shows GUILT, and infringement suits FOLLOW admission of guilt! Infringement suits for cash can ONLY OCCUR is someone foolishly admits they infringed a trademark!

heygeorge ago


Complying shows GUILT, and infringement suits FOLLOW admission of guilt! Infringement suits for cash can ONLY OCCUR is someone foolishly admits they infringed a trademark!

Are you replying to the correct person?

admin2 ago

yes YOU because YOU typed these sentences :

Who is going to fund the protracted legal battle and associated costs?


Is this the best use of Putt’s time?

It implies putt can AVOID the pending lawsuit magically by capitulating and reacting now, where historically this is step one to force an admission BEFORE a spurious trademark lawsuit LATER.

and also you are wrong because you wrote "Is this the best use of Putt’s time?" to a poster above that wrote "He's already showing signs that he's going to comply first, even before asserting any rights he may have" and that implies you meant putt should show admission of guilt and do actions now that show capitulation.

Do you understand?

THE WORST THING PUTT CAN DO is overcapitulate, in fact ignoring is better than falsely admitting blame and guilt of a non issue.

heygeorge ago

In which state did you pass the bar?

thisistotallynotme ago

California and Nevada. He's right.

FuckYesJefferson ago

you're calling our best friend a pussy.

thisistotallynotme ago

If you haven't dealt with a protracted legal case or three on your own, you definitely don't understand the testicular fortitude required.
Asserting your rights ain't easy. It's always worth it, but it takes cojones to make that stand and stick to it long-term.
Add to this his comments in this thread showing he's most interested in ways to technically comply, and you can accurately measure the testicle size.

FuckYesJefferson ago

So twice the size of yours ?

thisistotallynotme ago

Your defense of Putt is admirable. He should give you a badge on your profile page.
Your lack of intelligent rebuttal is sufficient evidence that you accept my point of view. Have a great day.

FuckYesJefferson ago

Your fedora needs to be resized for your big brain.

thisistotallynotme ago

Can you just post the Navy Seal Copypasta and get it over with, tough guy? You're just desperate for the last word anyway, so at least entertain everyone reading while you scramble to get it.

admin2 ago

"post the Navy Seal Copypasta and get it over with, tough guy"

Hah! Biggest laugh this week. Too bad the recipient feigned ignorance to meme concept, or truly cannot understand "internet tough guy" concept.

FuckYesJefferson ago

What's navy seal copy pasta?

Dortex ago

Asserting your rights ain't easy. It's always worth it, but it takes cojones to make that stand and stick to it long-term.

Can confirm. Is hell and doesn't even necessarily pay off. But I'd do it all over again.

thisistotallynotme ago

Congratulations on your success. Those who do not assert their rights have none.

Dortex ago

Oh no, i failed. Had all my money stolen by a relative who had custody of me, got locked out of my hone when a judge refused to give me a protection order in a case she admitted was open and shut; hence the qualifier. I'm just saying I'd do it again.

thisistotallynotme ago

Sounds like you succeeded to me. Most men turn to husks when they lose their innocence.

Learn contract law, and I bet you'll have tons of success in the future. Good luck to you.

NiklausTheNaked ago

Really interested in a response from @puttitout regarding this. If they won't even give you the time of day to speak with them, then doing no more than the the letter is the law seems just.

toldyouso666 ago

Putitout is not going to respond to this in any meaningful because it's not his agenda. His agenda is to establish a mechanism for curating voat the way Reddit starting being modded when they got their corporate sponsor. Sponsors don't throw money around because they like losing money, and money NEVER comes without strings.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Sure thing, Ted.

Richard_Kranium ago

Agreed. This seems to be interesting timing, especially since voat just received some outside investor money. I don't know the particulars of that arrangement, but if @puttitout does not make a stand where he is legally able, this could set a precedent for other companies to request account removal if a username paints a company in a bad light. I hope legal advice is sought here, and the response is thought through to consider any downstream ramifications.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

this could set a precedent for other companies to request account removal if a username paints a company in a bad light exists

u/blackriflecoffeeco isn't painting ANYTHING, because it was deleted.

admin2 ago

Technically, deleting only LOWERS the civil litigation award that eventually occurs, or lowers the arbitration settlement. It does not get you "off the hook" , but a common carrier (internet and colo) would be off the hook, a web site, less so. Of course I am talking about ACTUAL trademark infringement , not this situation that is an actual non-issue.

BUT DELETING ONLY CAUSES GUILT and admission of wrongdoing and ironically strengthens a lawsuit against you (that is pending)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Of course I am talking about ACTUAL trademark infringement

Of course, which is completely unrelated to Black Rifle Coffee Company's frivolous claim.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Translate: My name is legit.

LostandFound ago

This would be the correct answer. Good call Chi

Locked_Account ago

I detect some Jedi level wisdom here.

OIAO ago

God I fucking hate Star Wars references, but (+) to you!

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

I guess it's possible but it seems oddly specific.

Dismal_Swamp ago

I think we should just erase the whole internet and start over fresh.

RustyEquipment ago

hmmm i considered buying coffee from them.... must consider moar now

aGameCalledCountries ago

Run a db op to change the name, but not delete the account. Something like "DMCAaccount1".

totes_magotes ago

Since you've come here and explained to us and you have a legal obligation to give a best effort compliance, go all spez on that shit. We know, you did due diligence and let us know. That means a lot and thank you.

it appears this account was not affiliated with Black Rifle Coffee Company

Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

Rotteuxx ago

You're saying Putt should take it up the ass from their jewed lawyers ?

totes_magotes ago

I'm saying that anyone has an obligation to follow the law. If the law is not correct or is unjust, abandoning it is not the correct answer. Comply with the law in a way that creates a backup and then challenge the law and/or petition to have the law changed.

Admin literally has an obligation to follow the law and came to us to let us know because following the law in this case 100% goes against our community standards. The alternative is that voat disappears because "lawyers are expensive, faggot." If you don't like voat, this would be the time to encourage Putt to ignore the law.

Rotteuxx ago

From what better informed goats are saying, the DMCA is bogus

Glory_Beckons ago

If I make an account called @Apple or @Nintendo, but never make any claim or implication to represent the company, and only act like a random user, perhaps a fanboy, could they DMCA to have my account expunged?

I'm not a legal expert, but I find this rather odd. Would it not fall under fair use or something similar?

I know that there have been many cases of major companies forgetting to renew domains and having someone steal them. Even Microsoft had to resort to buying the domain back from the "thief" rather than leaning on legal means.

If DMCA does not apply to domains, how can it apply to account names? Especially without any implied or explicit claims of association?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

If I make an account called @Apple or @Nintendo, but never make any claim or implication to represent the company, and only act like a random user, perhaps a fanboy, could they DMCA to have my account expunged?

They can DMCA literally anything for any reason, even if the request is illegitimate and would never win in court being a big company with jew lawyers lets them threaten smaller companies into doing anything they want. All they need to do is drag out a court battle until cannot pay legal fees anymore and they win be default even though their claim is bogus.

I'm not a legal expert, but I find this rather odd. Would it not fall under fair use or something similar?

As set by the precedent on literally every other social media platform, Usernames are not covered by trademark laws. Quick clarification but Putt is mistaken as this takedown request is a proper DMCA request but a Trademark takedown request. BlackRifleCoffeeCo only has trademark in relations to selling coffee and a few other categories of goods (mostly merchandise), they have no trademarks on social media account names. Unless the account was selling counterfeit coffee (it wasn't) they had no leg to stand on.

Full disclosure not a lawyer, none of the above constitutes official legal advice.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Ive tried their coffee. Its shit.

thewebofslime ago

Object, always. Every single time. (In this case, also mention that the account already voluntarily removed material in question.)

Have a standard template for objection.

Affirmative Defense #1: They did not "consider" Fair Use applicability before sending the notice. Black Rifle Coffee Company failed to actually consider whether this qualified as fair use or not and, instead, had a knee jerk reaction at seeing a close facsimile, but not exact replication, of their company name. Instead, they had a "knee jerk" reaction.

Affirmative Defense #2: The account was not a misrepresentation, but merely a similar username and usernames are not copyrighted.

Affirmative Defense #3: The account did not post any infringing material.

Affirmative Defense#4: Since Black Rifle Coffee Company did not take into consideration legally required issues before sending the DMCA, the DMCA notice they initiated was, ITSELF, A MISREPRESENTATION, and therefore, Voat is entitled to tany legal fees that arise from their misrepresentation of the issue.

A copyright holder who pays lip service to the consideration of fair use by claiming it formed a good faith belief when there is evidence to the contrary is still subject to Section 512(f) liability.

psymin ago

They didn't issue a DMCA notice. OP (putt) is wrong, or at least the DMCA letter linked is not a DMCA letter.

SearchVoatBot ago

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totes_magotes ago

One of the things of owning IP, trademarks, copyrights is that you do not have the luxury of considering fair use before you issue a takedown request. Otherwise some joe will (rightfully) point out that one case where you were wrong or failed to notice and your property rights are gone.

The correct approach is to file the request and get a paper trail for lawyers and courts should it come down to it. It is then up to the site operator and the other party to defend against that accusation.

Otherwise, your name goes the way of band-aid, q-tip, and (nearly there) velcro. Once your name is infringed enough and you don't do anything about it, you can no longer defend it from fraudulent use and the courts will reject your claims.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you (to a point). I hold a few pieces of IP and whatnot myself and if I caught someone abusing it, I'd issue a takedown immediately with all speed possible. If that failed, I'd send in the clowns lawyers. But those who work hard have the legal right to protect what they've created. If this is not something that is liked, petition the government to change it. Don't just ignore it. There's no difference between "abandon a law you don't like" and "selective anarchy." None.

TheBuddha ago

Slight correction...

Trademark must be defended to avoid it going to generic status. Copyright needs no such defense. You can choose not to defend copyright on a case by case basis. Trademark is not the same.

TestForScience ago

^ Exactly. A small list of products/companies that lost their trademark and became generic:
Bubble Wrap
TV Dinner
Google (not joking, it’s why they’re Alphabet now)
Ping Pong
Xerox (A well known one)
Jet Ski
And many many MANY more

thewebofslime ago

Every single social media platform on the Internet has already set the precedent that usernames are not part of trademarks or copyright.

Federal law requires that you take into consideration fair use, because if you do not, then you can be liable for attorney's fees from the party you are harassing while they are participating in fair use. The answer here is to be aggressive so that this does not happen again to Voat and the userbase can help that by letting Black Rifle Coffee Company know that this type of behavior is totally unacceptable.

admin2 ago

DIRE WARNING : though very tenuous... the actual EXAMPLE the trademark infringement promoted... was coy and used a URL example... a URL is one of the ONLY places where a word mark lacking spaces in a url but present in a valid word mark... CAN HOLD LEGAL WEIGHT.

Example of very meagerly infringing urls :

notice the DOMAIN which is the only NORMAL area that historically can be infringing... is now part of a URL address itself... and URLS cannot have spaces (but can have %20 )so legally MAYBE, ever so slightly a URL with a non-space workmark that is not a valid word mark normally without spaces MIGHT BE SLIGHTLY problematic in a URL, but then again the url itself needs to show infringing CONTENT in addition, such as coffee for sale or coffee mugs for sale.

DMCA copyright was never attested in putt shown link example it was a USPTO (and possibly international) WORD MARK infringement warning. ..... but responding in a GUILTY MANNER only digs yourself deeper later for the lawsuit to come LATER. And it will come, no matter WHAT is done now.

But it will have no merit unless foolish responses are undertaken now.

DeltaBravoTango ago

If you are okay with deleting the content but you want a log for transparency, you could do what google does and use ChillingEffects (now Lumen) to keep a record that the request was made and fulfilled, while actually wiping the data from voat. You could also archive it using any of the several tools or websites out there. You could probably put some sort of “DMCA takedown” command in the code that automatically archives it somewhere else when something is deleted if you are worried about the ability to delete or modify things without a record.

Asashio ago

I just appreciate this has been dragged into the open like this.

Maybe someday they will realize how much pointless abuse of DMCA hurts their brand.

tendiesonfloor ago

Is @NiggerRifleCoffeeCo taken yet?

totes_magotes ago

It's 2019, you can't say things like that anymore!

@NiggerDildoCoffeeCo is more appropriate.

Jehoshaphat ago

I don't trust their image portrayal anyway. Over-the-top satire is a pretty good indicator of deception.

And the best part is that we will realize that some of our local cafes already bother to ship beans to our towns and roast them up fresh for us. Dont amazon your goddamn foodstuffs. Go out and support local business.

Conspirologist ago

If they don't want to talk with you, then fuck them. As simple as it gets.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Yea but it's still stupid, I could literally go on any internet forum with that username and do the same stuff. In fact...that might not be a bad idea.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Let Freedom ring.

non_compete ago

Start with reddit

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

The actual company had a reddit account that they deleted after being roasted for claiming to be vets while they were cooks.

weezkitty ago

Register the username on as many websites as you can. Good luck taking them all down

draaaak ago

Do it, and be an ass about it.

speedisavirus ago own the database. Change the username where ever it's mentioned.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah, fuck core principles !

speedisavirus ago

Yeah, fuck having a site! Lets just violate the law and get shutdown!

Rotteuxx ago

Only faggots bend the knee when facing kikes

Sry to hear you don't have a back bone.

weezkitty ago

I see what you're saying but it probably isn't practical for puttitout to fight this over a deleted user. If this happened to an active user, it could be more complicated

Rotteuxx ago

In life you either stand by your principles or you don't have any at all.... you simply have ideals.

weezkitty ago

Do you know anyone at all who truly has principles then?

Rotteuxx ago

Yes, me.

parnellsUprising ago

Can you simply change the name of the user? It would seem if in the user table, they are given an id, then everywhere else it could just look up on that user table. Not sure how the db is designed however.

parnellsUprising ago

Either that or create a function in the db to perform a search and replace on said username on each of the offending fields

DasReich ago

NeoGoat ago


showbobandvagene ago

I used to think highly of this company, Even bought there coffee a few times. Probably not anymore though, Instead, I'll give my cash to a company thats not ran by assholes.

nomadriders ago

Personally I think they are completely justified. Can you explain why they are not?

1NationUnderGod ago

Yep. I agree. Lots of other coffee companies to support $$$$ with our hard earned dollar.

non_compete ago

Good luck with that one. Coffee comes from 3rd world countries,except a few like pure Hawaiian Kona, as such that means corruption all around. It's a highly profitable crop too. Now we all know how much the libs live coffee too.

dawnbandit1 ago

I get my coffee from a place that goes above Fair Trade (C) (R) (TM) (({})).

frenemy ago

i actually like hawaiian kona coffee. i lived there for years and got really used to it.

Kleemin ago

so wait, you thought militant gym douches who make over the top 'merica commercials and brag about doing a 4 year tour as a cook WOULDN'T be assholes?

Voopin__Voopin ago

I ordered from them because when starcucks was saying they'd hire 10,000 refugees, black rifle said they'd hire 10,000 veterans.

That's commendable. These actions, though, should at least be addressed by black rifle.

I sometimes give people the benefit of the doubt. Would be a shame if this was their lawyers pulling some kikery unbeknownst to black rifle.

Or if this was some libshit who decided to try and take voat down by any means necessary.

Ocelot ago

Oftentimes, those kinds of people are still very personable. The problem here, shockingly, is Jews.

showbobandvagene ago

I didnt know about the "cook" part, If thats true, thats fucking hilarious.

Fcaf1202 ago

Under Seige type cook tho I bet...microwave bombs and sheeit

TestForScience ago

They did an AMA on Reddit however many years back, they got roasted so hard that they actually deleted the entire thread.
A lot of the grilling was because of them obviously being Republican, but there was a ton of legit reasons too, like the fact that they are trying to use their service as a reason to buy their coffee and that their site says something along the lines of ‘We don’t believe in companies making money off of hard working Americans,’ when they’re a fucking company making money off of American’s.
What does that even mean? “Capitalism is wrong! But buy our stuff anyways!”

Phantom42 ago

Seems there's two types of military crowd....

Those who act OPERATOR AS FUCK yet are complete dumbasses who barely made it through basic and got lucky enough to see an explosion...

At the range.

So now they have PTSD and the typical lumberjack beard and believe "IN THAT DAMN CONSTITUSHIN FARK YUAH!"

Then there's the regular folk who did what they signed up for, have some funny stories, and just kinda... Do their thing.

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

The military attracts all types, including losers who's only achievement in life was having been in the military.

fr33europe ago

Can confirm, this is the case. I know a guy who got hit with an IED and he doesn't even collect any type of disability

Phantom42 ago

Good on him.

It's funny to think, in a way, these guys you hear about getting hit with IED's and taking rounds to the head and living (granted... With a headache.... Good ol' helmets. Save you from death, but not a FUCKING HEADACHE), all that... People imagine these guys as gruff 30-40 year olds or whatever. Nah. They're dudes my age, 18-20, hormonal crazy fuckers, kids in a man's body.

It kills me how people don't get that. They always think it's a bunch of older guys, and I have to remind them by telling them to imagine me in gear, with my leg blown off. That's what really goes on.

Cue the *when you're 22 and your back snaps and cracks, ankles click, you don't sleep without light on if you sleep, eating is a race, and you drink alcohol like soda....

glassuser ago

The really bad ass ones tend to not offer their stories, and you have to work to get them to tell. If they want to tell.

Phantom42 ago

But when they do ho-lee-SHIT are they good.

Caliope ago

You are right on target. As I've mentioned here, I got a wheel chair with my PH, but there's no bumper stickers anyplace on my wheels at all. As for the BRCC, just let them be, do that moving offending accounts to the DMCA Admin-sudo area, and move on.

Strelnieki ago

Add a third tier, which can overlap the first two mentioned: By majority, most that join the military do so based on pay and benefits. Effectively they are mercenaries at best, literal paytriots.

UndercoverRobot ago

Nailed it. This whole situation is a good example. As soon as the principles and values of western civilization become financially inconvenient, they turn tail and run.

RevDrStrangelove ago

If you join the military because of the awesome pay......


Phantom42 ago

Mhmm... Which makes you wonder if recruitment levels are so low because:

  1. Youth laziness and selfishness

Or maybe...

  1. What's worth fighting for? Why defend a country going against everything you are (Many that join are Christian white males.)? That's like fighting for Antifa even though they hate your fucking guts.

Just makes you wonder...

Goys-R-Us ago

I thought it was a three hour tour?

man_with_titties ago

The captain and crew were fearless.

ARsandOutdoors ago

For user name, "Deleted per DMCA request." and in the comment box below the name, delete the information, and put in a link to the DMCA take down page you was talking about. Would there be some type of trouble for then hosting all of the actual users postings and deleted data/comments on another board that isn't shown unless searched? Like an obvious "secret" board

vonbacon ago

well this is gonna backfire in their face good job retards

CatsControlTheEU ago

"lets try to threaten the very people that buy our products, i'm sure word will not spread beyond Voat, especially not to all other conservative parts of the internet even though our company owes most of its income to these sites"

Vampyregod ago

Can you just change the username to whiteRifleCoffeeco?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


Cannedcoffee ago

Wait, so looking at the profile, it has listed no comments and no submissions. So does that mean any prior comments/subs were removed, or do they still exist and are credited to 'deleted'? In either case, doesn't that indicate there's no issue? Particularly in light of the length of time since the account's deletion?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

It may be technically unfeasible, but you could replace all instances of offending content with something indicating it was changed to comply with a DMCA request. You could number them some way like DMCA#1, DMCA#2, etc. Then you could have a list to the DMCA requests which would be likewise numbered. While it wouldn’t completely make it impossible to show you were pulling a spez, it would make it less likely and give it some integrity along with a record.

LettItBurn ago

How the hell is VOAT supposed to be held responsible for some asshole registering a copyrighted or trademarked name as a user on an open forum?

Deleting / Banning the account should be all that's required by law. This could be a huge can of worms.

speedisavirus ago

It's called the law.

Can you not read? The user deleted the account but that doesn't remove all visible entries. You can literally click on the profile link above.

Chempergrill ago

Nigger post

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You have no fucking clue about the law, but you always take the anti-free speech and anti-voat stance whenever one of these issues come up you fucking kike.

speedisavirus ago

I apparently have a much greater knowledge on this specific topic than you do.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

No you're making shit up and then declaring that you're correct when you aren't.

LettItBurn ago

Fuck you. It's not the law. User names are parody.

If you don't want your particular name used on Twitter or Facebook or Gab... It's up to you to register it first. If you don't, you always have the option to buy it from the person that registered it first. [email protected]... The guy that registered that got a million bucks for it.

LettItBurn ago

All user names are exempt from this bullshit. It's called parody. See my name? Can Putt sue me for making fun of his avatar? No.

He just wants to put it out. I say let it burn.

speedisavirus ago

Except they are not. I see you have no idea what you are talking about.

LettItBurn ago

Except they are.

Keep arguing with me. Here's an upvoat. Don't hang up.

If I registered user name, oh, I don't know.... say @CNNInternationalNews and started pretending I was Anderson Cooper... Is libel for everything I say under that user name? If I said, using that parody account, that I'd like to stick my fist up your ass and squeeze your prostate gland like a puppet and make you open and close your mouth to the words that I say, can you sue me for that?

:::covering fist with vasoline:::

...bend over @speedisavirus...


:::squeeze, squeeze:::

speedisavirus: "Yes, LettItBurn, you are right. I can't stop anyone from using my name in a parodying manner."

Good boy, speed. You're learning.

CNNInternationalNews ago

Suck my cock.

speedisavirus ago

Is Anderson Cooper a fucking business? No. You retard low IQ fuck.

DukeofAnarchy ago

Voat isn't blamed for it, but just has to delete it when reported.

weezkitty ago

The DMCA is a bullshit law

DukeofAnarchy ago

I agree, but the government has men with guns to enforce it so what are you gonna do?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

but the government has men with guns to enforce it so what are you gonna do?

so what are you gonna do?

Use our own men with guns?

weezkitty ago

Technically American citizens have guns in part of that reason. But it is a prisoner's dilemma who is going to go up against the government

VicariousJambi ago

Tell them to eat a bag of dicks?

facepaint ago

They are legally in the right to protect their Trademark.

Chempergrill ago

You eat a bag of dicks.

FuckYesJefferson ago

Don't they have to? Otherwise they could lose it.

VicariousJambi ago

While I'm not disagreeing that the law exists

That sounds like such a stupid fucking idea. How is it on the company to find every instance of where its name has been used by random fuckwits?

WhitePaladin ago

How about fuck them still ?

Omnidempotent ago

Have all content from ghosted accounts reassigned to an admin acct. For example, you could create an acct called DMCA_GHOST and have all of BRCC's posts transferred to this acct instead.

Redacts ago

Same idea but rather than throw all of them under the same account why not give the DMCA request an Id number. Call this one #1. So any post from the Brcc user would be DMCA_GHOST_1. Next one 2 and so on. Or maybe some unique hash so the accounts don’t get trolled. But same basic idea as the op just wouldn’t make sense for them all to show as the same user. Would be a pain in the ass to correlate them at a later date if anyone ever needed to.

Edit: Looks like I’m like the 8th guy to think of this. Skimmed the posts.

Gorillion ago

This jumps out as a good idea.

TheWayIWalk ago

Tag the account name with an ID that can be correlated with a list of DMCAs.

E.g. DMCA_GHOST_22480090 and then someone can look up 22480090 and see the DMCA request.

Le_Squish ago

I like this.

FullyAwakened ago

I like the idea, but instead reserve the username ranges DMCA_GHOST##### and use DMCA_GHOST1 for this example. Then you can have a page where the DMCA ghosts are cross referenced to the DMCA takedown notices, so there is more transparency on where the comments came from originally.

dontmindthemess ago

Motherfucker. You are some out the box thinkers.

SIayfire122 ago

I like it. You can simply add a /dcma on top of the banned users/domain pages we already have.

I've made a mockup for you


markrod420 ago

this would likely satisfy my desire to still be able to discover what the original username was.

markrod420 ago

jew you think thats what it was? lol

theNakedNecromancer ago

This is it, @PuttItOut! This is exactly how you do transparency, and conform to DMCA requests. Make their "about" section a link to the video DMCA request, and it becomes easy to track down, accountable, and conforms.

Inaminit ago

Like my lawyer says, throw paper at it in good faith.

ARsandOutdoors ago

This should be plan A. What for plan B.

PuttItOut ago

This is interesting.

go1dfish ago

This takedown has no legal basis and should be ignored, if they don’t chill out you can take them to court for the trouble they have caused by making material misrepresentations in a DMCA takedown notice.

Trademark is not copyright, and the DMCA has no bearing in this case.

FuckYesJefferson ago

I agree with this distinction and also think you'd be well versed in the specifics of how DMCA works.

go1dfish ago

Just edited my comment, putt’s title was wrong this wasn’t a DMCA.

FuckYesJefferson ago

Oh... yeah. I think it's an automated bot from a legal firm defending trademarks. Reading the image from Cloudflare, I don't see how it's DMCA or really even trademark infringement. Voat isn't selling coffee

Men13 ago

You could also rename the account (I'm sure it's not that simple) while keeping the content, and just keep a single log line saying that the infringing account name was changed to this new name with link to the takedown notice.

FuckYesJefferson ago

There is no content. It's a deleted account.

Men13 ago

The whole point is what to do with the existing content.

If there was no content, then there would be no problem. You can't do a DMCA takedown of content that doesn't exist...

FuckYesJefferson ago

You're kinda special.

Omnidempotent ago

Looking at your OP and the DMCA request again, it looks like they just want the user's profile page to disappear. I'm not a lawyer, but maybe just deleting that will suffice since the acct is already deleted.

toobaditworks ago

Rename it to NiggerFaggotRifleCompanyCO. For the sake of voat.

Thrus2 ago

while it is tempting to use a dummy account that implies back to the company I would not recommend it I would say that a numbered DMCA_GHOST account would be better this way you have kept the content separate and it is a professional response. Due to involving the lawyers in this as well, my gut says it would be better to be a new account that the posts are transferred to and not renaming the existing account this enables you to use the logs you have to show that the account identity they called on is gone and not able to be brought back. renaming the account would in theory leave some traces of it the total removal and replace with a truly generic would look better to the court.

That said if we have a record of these like you are saying and the accounts were numbered in order of occurrence someone that wanted to could find the pattern and follow it to see post to company name. So using a set length of digits and then being random for them would long term help disassociate the account from the DMCA (again looking good in court). That said I would also create 10-50 of these accounts at one time so that creation date couldn't be used to associate them with the DMCA as well.

This all comes down to how favorable you want to look to the lawyers vs leaving a loophole for people to find content associated with an account named after a company that didn't post that content.

1HepCat ago

Rename it to @not_actually<BlackRifleCoffeeCo> so we still know which account said stuff.

Maybe you could use special privileged/reserved characters so that e.g., no username is allowed to be created with angle brackets except by devs.

SpottyMatt ago

Do not forget a log of DMCA actions taken, along with a copy of the original complaint, similar to (formerly ).

MadWorld ago

Can you also include snapshots of the DMCA requests, just so we would still know the usernames involved, after wiping that data? If possible, generate a unique number, and attach it to the DMCA take-down post submitted to a dedicated subverse. I think the renaming part could just be user's id number from your database, in the same way you assigned that id as the username to an anon submission.

markrod420 ago

is there any way to maintain the original username somewhere in this process just for the sake of having a pure history. like indicate very clearly the username was x but this username was in violation of y's trademark and so we renamed the user to z

FuckRedditInTheAss ago

Maybe similar to the way anonymous boards are structured? I don't know if they keep track of the posting user on the backend, but I would assume it doesn't just post under a random number and discard the original author.

markrod420 ago

anon definitely still has the author in the backend. thats how you get notified of replies. but i would like this info to be accessible to users which anon mappings are not.

AR47 ago

Do it boss. Fuckem in the ass with that one.

FuckYesJefferson ago

It could be named BRCC_belongs_in_the_harbor

Artofchoke ago

This is an excellent idea.

WizardEyes33 ago

The founder is former CIA.

freedumbz ago

I actually was going to try some of their coffee... but not anymore. Holy shit this is retarded.

Alhambra ago

owning words is an essentially talmudic concept

Ocelot ago

How so? The whole situation with the name "Yahweh"?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Considering the company is literally run by likes...

TheTrigger ago the likes of who?! The world will never know...

TimberWolfAlpha ago

Attention Black Rifle Coffee Company: I will never buy your products now. Go suck-start a shotgun you fucks. Nice social media suicide strategy.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

It's like Starbucks?

Inaminit ago

fuck that stuff, it's swill.

NoBS ago

I can reuse my espresso pucks and get a higher grade of swill. They burn the roast way past the second crack. (shiver)

Dismal_Swamp ago

“Go suck-start a shotgun you fucks.”©️

This comment has been copyrighted. Please erase any and all uses of the above copyrighted quote within 24hrs. or you will be sued into oblivion by lawyer Jews. Lawyer Jews is a registered trademark.™️

CatsControlTheEU ago

Aaaaand...I need to cancel my latest order....a shame, it was pretty good coffee.

Inaminit ago

Is there such a thing as 'Based' coffee? The Old Folks swore by Maxwell House, I use it myself.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

I've always wondered why people just don't roast their own beans at this point. I've always been a light-medium roast fan for flavor and higher caffeine content.

common_sense ago

Worked in the industry for multiple years in my past. The caffeine difference between light and dark is negligible and it depends on if you measure by volume or weight to decide which has more caffeine in your cup.

tendiesonfloor ago

I've always wondered why people just don't roast their own beans at this point.

Startup cost + learning curve + time investment. Same reason I buy my bourbon from master distillers rather than make it myself.

WeekendBaker ago

Making your own is like having an unlimited supply of RC cola. It ain’t Coke or Pepsi, but it’ll do in volume.

NoBS ago

Roasting your own will force you to spend up to 2 grand for a high end grinder. Then the need to upgrade the cheap espresso machine to a commercial machine. Which means a rewire for a 30 amp power with sinewave battery backup. Then the water filter with a new water line and drain routed to the formerly dry bar in the man cave (AKA the shop)

Trust me, stick to Charbucks and add more sugar.

WeekendBaker ago

I would believe this. I was going off my experience in homebrewing- my stuff ain’t great but it goes down with dinner fine enough.

Hand_of_Node ago

The smoke, the chaff, the learning curve. the typical need to build or modify equipment, and the ease of getting a probably better product at your local roaster. Or online in 1-2 days. I used to read r/roasting, and all those stories about fuckups and 'what went wrong' made me realize it was a problem I didn't need to solve.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

Make sure they know why

CatsControlTheEU ago

Yep, especially since I always viewed the 2nd amendment as the guarantee for the survival of the 1st amendment.

draaaak ago

That guy was always such a faggot about his username choice.

Caliope ago

It could be a not-so-clever fishing expedition, like those bottom-feeder (((lawyers))) who find an establishment lacking the (((legal))) number of Cripple Card parking spaces or a doorway 1 inch too small.

FuckYesJefferson ago

It's likely a law firm doing automated searches

AR47 ago

The search oat function will need to be purged as well because it will be there as well

Rotteuxx ago

Different site, different DMCA request.

AR47 ago


AR47 ago

Ahhh ok wasn’t sure, but if they want dudes account wiped then stands to reason they will bitch about the actual history being preserved

Dismal_Swamp ago

I say we brew a pot of Folgers™️ and think about it for a few years.

tendiesonfloor ago

Guess it's time to cancel my monthly coffee subscription.


Post pics

CatsControlTheEU ago

Tell them why too.

SithEmpire ago

Since the trademark conflict is only the username and presumably not the posted content*, perhaps add a database flag which causes the served page to replace the user name with something which identifies it as being a trademark conflict, along with an ID number so that old threads can still be followed. If the company in the future wants use of the name, that would need a separate process involving renaming the old account as well (e.g. where the empty string has meaning such as permanently inactive, and a separate field carries the reason).

  • I realise that the user deleted their stuff, but I'm talking in general here.

OutragedForNoReason ago

Can we just go rape one of them until they change their mind? Seems to work for a lot of incarcerated individuals, and would probably be more interesting than changing the code. I'm sure @gabara would be down. Just a thought.

Tb0n3 ago

I'm not sure this qualifies under the DMCA. Maybe trademark, but not copyright.

Tallest_Skil ago

In full disclosure, it appears this account was not affiliated with Black Rifle Coffee Company®, so they have every right to want it disassociated with their trademark.

It's strange. I even asked that guy about it. He did respond to me that he only liked their products and wasn't associated in any way. It makes sense that a company would care about slander and libel accounts using their names (COUGH COUGH, LOOK INTO THE ONES MIRRORING MY USERNAME COUGH COUGH), but it also seems strange that a company would care about it when the account PUBLICLY STATED that it wasn't associated with them.

StanTheTRex ago

Every time they post something it would renew the concerns about association. They would have to put a disclaimer on every submission or comment saying they're not related to avoid confusion over association.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Lets me real about it. They don't give two shits about their name being used, they are only concerned about their name being used on Voat.

Tallest_Skil ago

Hmm. I wonder if that's true, given their corporate position. Does anyone know if BRCC supports the restoration of the 2nd amendment, or if they only believe in the current ✡interpretation✡ of it?

StanTheTRex ago

I remember asking this guy about his name and telling him he was an ass for using it and fully expected this to happen.

eronburr ago

Can you change the handle to NotBlackRifleCoffeeCo?

PuttItOut ago

If I ever got into contact with the right people I was going to offer to change the bio to "Not affiliated with Black Rifle Coffee Company®".

I was hoping that would be a workable compromise.

fr33europe ago

Out of curiosity, does @ChiCom 's comment hold water? I mean I honestly don't see there being a legal case for this. They also wrote on the paper, but that's easily fixed.

ChiCom ago

@chicoms not chicom™ :)

thewebofslime ago

It is already removed, what they are asking you to do is to alter your "public business records" which is insane. You keep records of deletions and simply make them public, to a certain extent. Declare them your business records and they are as good as evidence in court.

VinceFoster ago

Seems like the handle facing the public just needs to be changed. Possibly then in the bio "This profile was changed from @BlackRifleCoffeeCo". Then create a new @BlackRifleCoffeeCo that has a profile "You may be looking for the other profile".

viperguy ago

Its better to NOT EVER show spaces between those words !!!!!

Its better to NOT put the registered symbol next to those words !!!!!

thats giving them more ammo.

There are past lawsuits over web sites blatantly violating and harvesting sales with associated trademarks and merely being coy and putting "not" next to a small disclaimer.

if you do not do BUSINESS under the categories of the "WORD MARK" filing approved at USPTO (such as sell coffee online), then you are already totally immune from shakedown suits. They want money too eventually EVEN IF YOU APPEASE THEM. Don't appease them it makes you look guilty of things you are NOT GUILTY OF.

Are you trying to have to pay them?

Just respond that you do not do the claimed business under their specific word mark ....

crazy_eyes ago

You are going to have to write some code that can remove comments or posts, or whatever they want removed

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Depending on their actions moving forward, they will have lost a customer in me.

weezkitty ago

Not exactly. Yeah updating the database is likely the only option but the username could be expunged without removing the posts themselves. I don't think Voat is prepared to go to court but that's technically also an option

Jehoshaphat ago

I have a feeling they aren't as freedom loving as the people they market to. The over-the-top strategy is a pretty good indicator they are deceptive. Guess what? There is a ton of great coffee companies local to most people. Go to your locals cafe roaster for your beans. I wish BRCC all the success they may deserve.

AshleyWilliams ago

TIL Matt is a whimpering pussy. Never would have guessed.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

edit all his comments to say "Forced to censor by Black Rifle Coffee Co"

Chempergrill ago

Good idea.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

I actually think you've got the right idea. Maybe, "Altered by request of: Insert Complainant Here" would be better.

In this way, the DMCA offender content and context remains and the complainant is "acknowledged" for their kind request.

Bastionof_freespeech ago

I like this the best, we still know who did the dmca and all the original info

SpottyMatt ago

Probably plastering the complainant's name in more places across the website would be counterproductive. Above suggestions of using a numerical identifier that in one DMCA specific portion of the website links to the complainants actual complaint, would be less problematic.

dunklederf ago

in b4 shitstorm

draaaak ago

Too late.

lord_nougat ago

How do we let them know that we're taking our business elsewhere from here on out?

cantaloupe6 ago


Maybe used linkedin messaging? To the CEO https://

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

"Currently experiencing higher than normal call volumes"


Rotteuxx ago

I'd make a separate post with their contact info so it gets more visibility

non_compete ago

Better yet make a new username like blackrifelcoffeecompanycontactus

BlackRifleCoffeeInfo ago

Yes please contact us ;)

non_compete ago

Ha that works too but you're gonna get dcma'd as well

BlackRifleCoffeeInfo ago


draaaak ago

Then make a separate post.

theoldones ago

(((oddly))), i cant find contact information on the company.

lord_nougat ago


I feel like such a putz for falling for their schtick in the first place. OY FUCKING VEY!!!

theoldones ago


General Questions:

[email protected]

Order Support:

[email protected]

Coffee Club Support:

[email protected]

lord_nougat ago



Chiefpacman ago

I have some good lawyers in the family. I will get back to you with a serious response.

tendiesonfloor ago

I have some good lawyers in the family.

Found the jew.

Chiefpacman ago

I said good lawyers. Protecting reputable companies from downright thieves.

Gautemallen cleaning lady falls off a seperate contractor's ladder. Sue's the company, the contractor, and the ladder company. She's in the country illegally, the company paid her thousands in relief.

My family members help stomp that shit out. I'm proud of them, and how they spend their wealth. Godliest men I know.

Ina_Pickle ago

Meh. My cousin is a lawyer and not a drop of Jewish in her.

Rotteuxx ago

Says the jew posting fake news all the time.

kneo24 ago

Interesting how your opinion has changed in 2 months.

Sometimes myself and others hit some false positives, but I guess time, at least in this instance, has given you more insight.

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, opinions about people are dynamic, not static.

Also I said "he mentioned" and reported what he claimed, never said that's what I believed... always had my doubts.

blumen4alles ago

Tendies usually just reposts stuff from the PNN.

Rotteuxx ago

I've seen him comment about how much fun he has posting fake stuff and getting upvoats for it.

sakuramboo ago

Looks like I'll be buying my coffee from someone else from now on.

BenyaminScheckelberg ago

My fellow white people! We must continue to support our friends and brothers at BRCC

yergi ago

Yup. Me as well. I'll be throwing away and replacing ALL of the coffee at my place of work. I know a local ROASTER WHO'S BETTER ANYWAYS. I was only buying from them because I thought that they had similar values. Obviously not. Fuck those guys.

Firinmahlazer ago

You actually bought that overpriced bullshit? I took one look at the site and decided my local swill from the supermarket is good enough for me.

rockemsockemroblox ago


XSS1337 ago

Same here

8_billion_weiners ago

Yeah because fuck them for trying to protect their trademark.

Doglegwarrior ago

That is the first fucking thing i thought. Instead of these fucking pussies wanting to take it down because they are fucking bitches that dont really believe in american values of free speech and the right to bear arms they become pussies.. why not come on here and SAY!

Hey we are the real @black riffle coffee company! And we 100 perfent believe in freedom of speech even speech we disagree with, but thats why we believe in the 2nd amendment so we can protect people expressing their first amendment right.

Well something like that instead of coming off as beta pussies the way they did they could have gained a following. The statement i made didnt say they loved voat just that they love freedom of speech.

daskapitalist ago

No kidding. It's one thing to enforce a trademark, it's another to flat out refuse to respond to a fellow freedom-lover who actively wants to help complete your DMCA request.

Plant_Boy ago

God dammit. I thought they were too cool a company to get tied up in politics...

SaveTheChildren ago

You got got by a bunch of ftm trannies selling you fake patriotism and hormone therapy induced 'masculinity'

hels ago

When this company started it received huge props on Voat and some deddit subs. Fuck starcucks and go to nigger rifle coffee was a large theme. All the nigger rifle coffee had to do was make a new account, post to putt somewhere and ask nicely if there was anything putt could do about the dead account. Instead they went full nigger to dmca. I hope we can come up with a solution and fuck them over.

noworldorder ago

Jones sells some damn good coffee.

toobaditworks ago

If you're into crypto currencies (or even you're not) you could try HODL fuel.

Chiefpacman ago

That makes me think of a good idea, let's tweet at them

talmoridor-x ago

Coffee is for niggers

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

I get mine from the local farmer's market coffee roaster.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

should I be banned??

BixTriflingCupOJewCo ago

Nah, brother. I got your back.

hels ago

Obv Blk is shortform for nigger

dontmindthemess ago

Or jew. Your pick.

toobaditworks ago

haha post some memes

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

A percent of Black Rifle Coffee is owned by Starbucks.

They sell them the coffee that starbucks doesn't want anymore.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

No, you're just cancer. You're fine.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Good to know I have possibility for improvement. :-)

Blehblehbleh73 ago


Romanium ago

There's always Invader Coffee. It's a similar brand from Rogue American Apparel, a Texas company.

The Rogue American brand is pretty classic Americana/Western history, might be a better fit for Goats.

bb22 ago

You can find family-owned businesses selling fresh roasted, organic coffee from a single farm on eBay at great prices. Coffee sourced from a single farm tends to be better quality.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

I remember BlackRifleCoffeeCo having some affiliation with the Thousand Oaks shooting. I already know the DMCA is about and related to the Thousands Oaks shooting and by extension the Las Vegas shooting. BlackRifleCoffeeCo could be connected to Thousand Oaks shooting and Las Vegas shooting or the FBI/CIA could be trying to use BlackRifleCoffeeCo to put the squeeze on Voat because tge agencies, mainstream media, government don't want the truth about Paddock's accomplices or handlers getting out. This reeks of witness tampering and an attempt to silence whistle blowing and conspiracy theorizing.

SocksOnCats ago

Wow. I was going to buy a bunch of stuff from them. Nope. Not now. Maybe if they responded to Voat and acted reasonably. But no. They had to be a-holes. Too bad.

MadWorld ago

XD The blowback for being too greedy!!

FuckRedditInTheAss ago

Try Arbuckles. Pretty damned good coffee.

Mat_Best_BRCC ago


ruck_feddit ago

How is this the fault of BRCC? If you were in this situation, wouldn't you want it taken down? Some libshit registers @sakuramboo-INC on tumbler and posts about loving black dicks, isn't it within your rights to do something about it?

Censorship is wrong, but so is libel/slander. I admit I don't know what this user was posting on here, but it could be that BRCC sucks or something.

I'm going to believe their CEO wants the name for himself to make posts about the JQ (lol, what if right?) and he's just mad someone took his name.

Tldr: people are maybe, just maybe, overreacting a tad bit.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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andrew_jackson ago

How is this the fault of BRCC? If you were in this situation, wouldn't you want it taken down? Some libshit registers @sakuramboo-INC on tumbler and posts about loving black dicks, isn't it within your rights to do something about it?

Censorship is wrong, but so is libel/slander. I admit I don't know what this user was posting on here, but it could be that BRCC sucks or something.

I'm going to believe their CEO wants the name for himself to make posts about the JQ (lol, what if right?) and he's just mad someone took his name.

Tldr: people are maybe, just maybe, overreacting a tad bit.

Wait, so you're arguing both sides of the case, now? You really don't make sense.

lord_nougat ago

Well sure, but with a DMCA?! That's how you permanently lose sane people's business.

ruck_feddit ago

For sure. I made a reply earlier about it likely being faggot lawyers. The dude in those awesome commercials probably has no idea or, even better, he's here already asking about the JQ.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Fuck them, they can go to a hell. I'll never touch their coffee again and I'll make sure everybody I know who loves freedom to avoid these fucking greedy pieces of shit.

ruck_feddit ago

You drink it now?

dontforgetaboutevil ago

We had it yeah. I had heard they were a pro 2nd business so I patronised them. My mistake.

sakuramboo ago

The account was deleted. When an account is deleted, all references are removed. The account is still there, but with no posts or comments. There is literally nothing positive or negative with connection to that user account, only that it exists. At that point, you aren't protecting shit and just swinging your dick around.

Could I be over reacting? Yeah. But, without a way for Putt to talk to someone, it's a "do what I say and fuck off" attitude that leaves a bad taste in my mouth (not just their coffee).

Fateswebb ago

Actually by removing the account they have complied with the law. It's not a copyright you cannot copyright a TM. it isn't being used to defame the company any longer since the posts were deleted. And since it just a TM it can't be claimed to be a copyright violation. So I feel the job is done they have no leg to stand on you have complied by removing all posts by the use that could have defamed the company.

sakuramboo ago

I had just thought the same thing, that this would have been a trademark violation, not a copyright violation but I wasn't sure if DMCA extended to trademarks or not.

So, my initial explanation that they are waving their dick around was accurate.

For further proof. Here. To quote the important part...

Unfortunately, the DMCA does not extend to trademark infringement claims. See 17 U.S.C. § 512(c). As one Central District of California Court has noted, although trademark infringement in the United States is just as rampant as copyright infringement on the internet, Congress has not drafted legislation that allows trademark holders to enforce their rights absent the commence-ment of a legal action.

ScrewdriverOo ago

I think people should stop buying their coffee because of their unwillingness to work with putt. Coffee can and is grown in the United States and Kona coffee is considered by many to be the best. Coffee is grown all over the Hawaiian islands and many farmers would love for people to buy their coffee. With research, you can find a coffee farm in the US that is owned and operated by veterans. Hell, even do it to support a small farmer.

Motherfuckers smarter would have set up accounts with their name on every social media platform as soon as their company was started.

VandalayIndustries ago

Kona IS the best. By far. It’s a straight out luxurious taste.

Spendy as all fuck, but awesome.

BTW, Thank You very much Putt for the awesome site man!!

ruck_feddit ago

I agree with that last bit. Faggot lawyers are very likely responsible.

Once an account is deleted, can you still see where the comments were? Lol, can you see "deleted" in a post from v/niggers?

sakuramboo ago

The only way to see their posts or comments would be for someone to have saved a screenshot or link to the [deleted] entry and say it was them. Both of which are completely unreliable. Here is an example.

I would have more respect if they asked to take it over so they owned the account.

ruck_feddit ago

That's the best suggestion I've read so far. Putt, just give them the account. Can they dmca their own shit?

BordelonLoop ago better coffee, better price, free shipping. fuck black rifle. bunch of fags.

WilsonJones-LV17A ago

Thanks for the link. Used to buy from BRCC but the outrageous pricing (on both the product AND shipping) got to be too much. The last time I ordered they shipped me the wrong product.

But doing this kind of shit? That's the straw that broke the goat's back.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

I'm glad I scrolled down to see if anyone had recommendations.

BordelonLoop ago

i just bought some organic timor beans that are greatly pleasing me. look for coupon codes, too.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Good idea!

BordelonLoop ago

right now they have 20% off all blends. that is a generous discount.

Iamthelightning ago

Nice. Thanks for the recommendation.

BordelonLoop ago

i wrote this review on FRC a year and a half ago about an organic dark roasted brazilian:

"When you want dark but don't want the aftermath. I have to say that I am not a fan of really dark roasted coffees, and it isn't like i haven't tried to accustom myself. And here comes this jewel. WOW! It is roasted perfectly to my palate and I can taste the wood and baked peaches. This doesn't tear up my gut, either as dark roasts usually do.

And now I want to say a word or two about FRC. I am a person who is all about the best deal possible. But I have the contradictory habit of wanting the best, too. I recently had a few terse words with an online compatriot about a slick and gimmicky coffee company that has to use tushes and bulging biceps to bring on patronage. I don't want to be humored as i part with my cash. I just want a company to give me the best that it possibly can at the best possible price. Check and check. Fast (and free) shipping of amazing and very reasonably-priced coffees that are roasted to perfection. I, too, greatly appreciate the way FRC gives a little bio on the beans and includes the cupping notes. I tell everyone, in both the real world and the online world about FRC. And people listen more than we realize."

**and i do not work for FRC in case the skeptics have their dander up

Iamthelightning ago

Thanks again. I will definitely try this company,

dawnbandit1 ago

Foster-Hobbs is great, too. They're a microroaster that only roasts specialty grade coffee. Shipping is pretty cheap, as well.

dawnbandit1 ago


Professor_de_la_Paz ago


15995055? ago

Bookmarked. Thank you. I'll use them in the future.

BordelonLoop ago

buying by the 5 pound bags is cheaper. i store the beans in half gallon mason jars to keep fresh. and you are welcome!

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Time to use social media to our advantage and spread the news about BRC censorship and anti free speech views.

XSS1337 ago

( logs into 4chan premium gold account )

My caption my captain !

Phantom42 ago

I mean, no disrespect but you really should've seen this coming. Not this specific situation, but Black Rifle pulling shit.

Their entire marketing strategy plays to "HURR AMURICA FUCK YEA! GUNS! FUCK YEAH! TITS! FUCK YEAH!" conservative idiot who votes straight Republican "cuz them libtard DEMONRATS RUININ MAH CUNTRY!"... Basically your average r/The_Donald user. It's just marketing. The company is still that... A company. They want to make money and they'll do anything to do it.

die_reddit_die ago

Yeah, well it looks like they're pretty shitty at making money because they obviously don't think their public image matters enough to give a few moments of their time to the CEO of motherfucking goatverse

Pwning4Ever ago

idk why 24 downvotes, this is correct. Companies in the past would be like "AMERICA FUCK YEAH, BUY OUR PRODUCT"

Phantom42 ago

Eh... I could name any number of reasons for that.

tokui ago

Faggot was it necessary to add the_donald cheap shot? Even if plebbit.

Tzitzimitl ago

teedee is a normie trap

shawnfromnh69 ago

actually it is a smart idea of them to do this. If the person is being really racist not sjw racist and stuff they a 2nd amendment company looks bad and the SJW's will grab on that persons posts like a bone and make voat and black rifle look like a nazi as they say organizations which neither are. Hell the account could be and sjw account being used for that purpose made specifically by a new organization like CNN to give Voat bad press. So I would just ad code to the site to delete any user account with that name just for the cause and to protect our site. Seems reasonable and not block the use but block the username. Then have users keep a lookout for name that can fall into that category. Remember like at work we must always CYA aka cover your ass. We love the site so lets no piss off the new investor by getting a lawsuit that is a fixable situation. It's not the speech but the name so lets have the database or users find the name and search and destroy simple and smart.

shakin_my_head ago

I'll take them over the fat ass, blue haired transitioning snow flakes of the left any day.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

They should put more energy into making coffee, honestly. Because, for the price point they're charging (fifteen bucks a pound when you buy in bulk, closer to $20 if you buy the 3/4lb bags) that coffee is overrated trash. I've pulled better tasting coffee off the shelf at Meijers.

bb22 ago

They charge so much because they have to fund Israel you antisemite!

archvile7 ago

This. I ordered 1 bag of one of their coffee and after tax and shipping it was right at $15. For one bag. What the fuck? The only reason I went through with it was because I wanted to try it. Could hardly tell a difference between it and regular bullshit coffee. They’re a scam to me.

robot7247 ago

if you are going to spend that much for coffee, find a local roaster and buy it from them.

archvile7 ago

Yeah, I had just heard a lot of good things about BRCC and wanted to support them as a veteran myself.

Not anymore, especially after this bullshit.

BordelonLoop ago

they char the shit out of it which is the tell that they are not true coffee people.

Deathperception ago

I buy the 2 pound tubs of Yuban when they go on sale at Kroger for 4.99. Not bad coffee.

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

But, but, but, how can I make awesome content for the jewtube and IG without all the extra profit?

Thought they were alright dudes but now I'm starting to hate them.

Phantom42 ago

I myself don't drink coffee. I'm a 19yo dude.... I've heard coffee ages the hell out of you. I don't need any help.

robot7247 ago

You can find as many studies on coffee pro & con as you can varieties of coffee. Ignore, drink it if you like it and move on.

blackzetsu ago

Well technically it's a neurotoxin, although it gets excreted quickly for the most part. Its diuretic effect is the body trying to get rid of it.

BordelonLoop ago

all things in moderation.

archvile7 ago

I’m late 30’s, drank coffee almost every day for the past 10+ years, and I look like I’m 18 after I shave. It’s all genetics man, don’t believe that bullshit.

robot7247 ago

Genetics FTW. If you look old early it ain't the coffee, thank your parents.

chrimony ago

I've heard coffee ages the hell out of you.

Not sure where you heard that one from. Never heard of that. Sounds like bullshit.

Phantom42 ago

I mean, have you seen what it does to your teeth?

Tzitzimitl ago

anything that isnt water fuckes up peoples teeth, even milk

Phantom42 ago

Also true.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

I didn't start until I was in my 30s. By then, I figured fuck it.

Phantom42 ago

"At first, I cared.... But then fuck it happened..."

elitch2 ago

If they want to make money, they shouldn't have put themselves on Voat's banned list.

dontmindthemess ago

Yep. I’ll never buy their shit. I switched to slave picked tea leaves years ago.

ScrewdriverOo ago

I always find the more people talk shit up, the more fake their talk is.

Trousersnake1488 ago

How do you find that out?

ScrewdriverOo ago

I've been in employment for over 20 years. Many of those years have been fixing other people's fuck ups. Everything from maintenance to a rework specialist.

BordelonLoop ago

notice they threw in a couple of fat niggers on their videos because virtue signal?

redpilldessert ago

That gets me even more than the takedown request to be honest.

tokui ago

Ya I saw that token nigger. Next, they'll have boons and doons in their ads. They're toast now.

blackzetsu ago

I must humbly ask... what is a doon?

tokui ago

doon coon

sand nigger

diaper head, towel head, rag head


camel jockey

goat fucker

you get the drift

Goat-Master-5000 ago

All the advertising agencies creating commercials are controlled by (((Talmuds))). They might have limited control over how the commercial was cast.

BordelonLoop ago

i was wrong. they are the talmuds!

BordelonLoop ago

i don't know. i think they civnat all on their own.

Acerphoon ago

Probably "Based Niggers!!"

CameraCode ago

Do black people even drink coffee?

Aldebaran7937 ago

they do it all the time unlike those who say that they didn't do it!

sore_ass_losers ago

Yup, the whole family (females and kids) goes for 6AM coffee runs at Walmart. (& 7yo daughter gets shot in a case of 'mistaken identity'/'innocent bystander'.)

Damncircle ago

Don't think I've ever seen that.

xenoPsychologist ago

only from a hollowed out watermelon is my guess.

AmericanJew2 ago

Petey Green would not approve, watermelon’s gots to be eaten plain and proper.

xenoPsychologist ago

none o them fancy wa'amelon eatins roun hea boy.

a100167 ago

Or the skulls of their fellow niggers they've already cannibalized.

Phantom42 ago


Rotteuxx ago

Tell them on twatter