BlackRifleCoffeeCo are fags and pussies. (whatever)
submitted 6.1 years ago by RampancyLambentRaven
Hey is this DMCA fuckery and bullshit going to put us 6ft under and is this shit even legal? BlackBitchCoffeeNiggressCo cryin' like kike spoiled black bitches over spilt hot coffee GTASA mod like black bitches.
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Moms_spaghett1 6.1 years ago
Why does everyone hate them so much right now? Can someone give me a rundown besides them being Jews?
eyeswide0pen 6.1 years ago
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Moms_spaghett1 ago
Why does everyone hate them so much right now? Can someone give me a rundown besides them being Jews?
eyeswide0pen ago