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Hawkeye1466 ago

Oh dear what happened?

Hawkeye1466 ago

They grow up so fast! Next thing we know we'll be on the supreme court getting name dropped and running our own black ops teams

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Awwww, lol.

I'm getting misty....

United States v. u/clamhurt_legbeard, et al

toobaditworks ago

I just sent an message to Paul Joseph Watson. Black Rifle Company is an Infowars sponsor. Maybe he will cover it. I doubt it but we'll see.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Mossad owned Infowars? Why would we want them involved?

Thanks, though.

toobaditworks ago

Infowars covers free speech and BRC puts ads on infowars and even does segments with them sometimes. Also it's not mossad owned. All AJ talks about these days is free speech.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Alex Jones is a Mossad agent, but I suppose it's POSSIBLE Mossad doesn't actually OWN Infowars, and instead simply operates through him alone.


NL6587 ago

You are 100% correct. You must look into name changes he and his wife made on their company properties around 08. Neon revolt has a great breakdown of it on his site

clamhurt_legbeard ago


NeonMerchant is Unit 8200.

I'm sure he, AJ and Black Rifle Crybaby Co have the same Chinese t shirt vendor, though.

NL6587 ago

Care to provide evidence of that or are we saying stuff just to say it? He provides clear and cut evidence for what he talks about, can't just claim he's israeli intelligence. Why would he lengthily expose alex jones and the illuminati to a crazy detailed extent? Makes zero sense to show that much info, just feels like you have to do insane mental gymnastics to justify that.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Q exposed AJ as Mossad.

NeonMerchant just sells tshirts guys, nothing to see here.

NL6587 ago

Again, post evidence because I legitimately want to know if he should be trusted.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

There's a reason none of the sub owners trust him.

NL6587 ago

And that reason being? What evidence is there?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Because you're lame lol

NL6587 ago

Ok nice vague comments, good to see no one has any actual rebuttal.

toobaditworks ago
