Spud4ever ago

A reminder - there is a real American coffee company glad to have VOATS business - giving 20% your order right now (Carnival Season) - Communitity Coffee Company https://www.communitycoffee.com/

lordvain2 ago

Something fishy about these guys. They were on a conservative talk show the other day, saying they were vets and patriots but the whole story didn't ring true. Watch out, this looks like a attack to me. Next we will here about an anti Semitic website picking on poor vets just trying to sell their fellow vets some delicious coffee. It's probably crap.

BillyLuath ago

I have that cup, only it's missing the bottom part.

TestForScience ago

Dude come on, it’s a trademark dispute, not a free speech issue. Don’t just make shit up.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Can you show me whether the infringement is happening on their trademark?

TestForScience ago

I said “Trademark dispute.”
Not “Trademark violation.”
Which doesn’t matter anyways, because neither one of those scenarios are violating the first amendment.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It SOUNDS like what you're saying is "wah, they don't like it".

vladtep ago

What's with all the fags running around with M4s and plate carriers lately.

What do they think they're about to do?

Operating in mom's basement. lol

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Nice name.

Evileddie13 ago

Don't you retards get it? The second ad trumps the first? Why? Because as soon as we lose the 2nd, we lose the first.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


The Constitution wins.

frenemy ago

now i refuse to buy from them. i love capitalism.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Their foreign coffee is so expensive you could just buy a car instead.

frenemy ago

pretty much. it doesn't matter though. i'm done with them.

captainstrange ago

Legals probably run by some jew trying to smear the company with this kamikaze-level fuck up and turn it's customers against the company in the process.

oddlike777 ago

They have been confirmed as Jews. Big surprise.

captainstrange ago

Get me a source on that and then I'll believe you.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I heard one guy say u/blackriflecoffeeco was an unofficial account run by their company, then they decided to bail. Dude said the account was doing a shitty job like a shill trying to not seem like a shill.

captainstrange ago

It'd be easy wouldn't it?

We're not on the radar enough for 2A and freedom-loving business owners to think to come here first. On the other hand we're just big enough to stir controversy.

  1. Be JIDF

  2. Get a reply back from some company we sent a complaint or demand to. Reply reads "fuck off ya kikes."

  3. Have username for company, ready to go

  4. Post a DMCA along the lines of "oy vey, we don't want to be associated with you racists, homophobic, backwards antisemites!"

  5. Get puppet accounts to purity spiral how the company is shit and "supports the jews. Don't buy their products! Boycott them!"

Yeah, it'd be super fucking easy come to think of it.

captainstrange ago

No shit, thanks for the link clamhurt!

Makes you wonder though.

  1. Tons of jews are total cowards. CHECK

  2. Tons of jews are lazy as fuck. CHECK

  3. This guy was special forces, nethier lazy NOR a coward. CHECK

  4. Starts a big ass, successful company, and claims to be jewish. Just as any former military guy would do if he was building a war chest. CHECK

  5. Is attacked as a nazi, by his own people--which is exactly what they would do if they saw a guy claiming to be jewish, who didn't live at all like a jew, but who used it, apparently as cover, for a company making $20 million a year--a former veteran no less.

Read between the lines is all I'm saying. Don't go putting your life in the hands of someone like that, but doubt everything you see--doubt it twice if necessary.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Isn't it crazy? lol

It's all hinky. Luckily, my life isn't in anybody else's hands. Only my own.

captainstrange ago

That makes two of us then.

Looking forward to the address at 9pm tonight. You watching too?

clamhurt_legbeard ago


But at the same time I'll be posting a gun article I wrote in v/thegunclub

If you're into guns, check it out!

captainstrange ago

Does having too many truck guns count?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

too many guns

> 0 PRINT does not compute
> 1 GOTO 0

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey now the goys will know us jews run the nigger coffee company for sure. SHUT. IT. DOWN.

theshopper ago

I wonder how many people alive on this planet have actually read the DCMA and fully understand both the legality of its legislation and of itself?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I read one part, so I'm legal:

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.


everlastingphelps ago

Copyright is not trademark. It's isn't a DMCA notice, it's a trademark infringement notice.

It has no legal teeth. The problem is that cloudflare has no backbone.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Cloudflare is definitely trash.

theshopper ago

"Oi Vey! Shut it down!!"

YoHomie ago

I don't blame them. You gotta protect your brand, man. Some faggot on Voat, or worse on Reddit starts using your brand name and saying stupid shit you don't agree with, then the media gets hold of it? If I had a business, I'd be just as big of a prick as anyone to protect my brand.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

True shit, defend your brand - except the name was deleted as delete as it gets months before Black Rifle Coffee Crybabies even heard of Voat. They are picking a fight where there doesn't need to be one.

I'd be just as big of a prick as anyone to protect my brand.

So being a prick to defend your company is OK?

you snowflakes get your panties in a bunch because a business is protecting its brand?

Wait wait, you just said it was a GOOD thing to defend your brand, but the next sentence you say anybody who defends their brand is a snowflake SJW?

Your thoughts are poorly formed. Come back with a more coherent argument instead of this self-contradiction you burped out.

TheBuddha ago

Y'all are maybe making this more difficult, you know.


The shit I do for you, Voat... The shit I do...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Sir, you know how guerrilla war works.

You must force the entire populace onto your side and make it so they can only help your shared cause or die.

TheBuddha ago

No, no... I have my lawyer's office looking at it, all while y'all spoil any shred of good will we might have been able to use to our advantage.

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

Fuck showing good will to a kike company that tries to bully others through miss use of the law.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

I swear BRCC hired that guy to post here with that name on purpose so they could SESTA FOSTA DMCA Voat on purpose. Just need to find a way to prove it.

TheBuddha ago

It's not a DMCA notice. It's a trademark notice and frivolous. He needs only respond with a cease and desist, most likely.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I feel like if they had any good will they would have, I dunno, even attempted to respond to good faith attempts made by the CEO of Voat to amicably resolve the issue.

I might be wrong, but at least I'm having my say!

TheBuddha ago


Except the CEO has no idea what legal does and legal just files these things as a matter of course.

Korinthian ago

Then he needs to put legal on a short leash for causing this flaming shitstorm thanks to the kikes negligence. Even of its his legal teams fault... its HIS legal team. If your dog shits on my lawn and you cant even be bothered to pick it up, its more your fault than it is the dogs.

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

Nigger Rifle Coffee Co is not some giant fortune 500, I have a hard time believing the CEO wasn't made aware that putitout had called his secretary.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

And yet I'm responsible if I violate airspace, not ATC.

The buck stops somewhere.

TheBuddha ago

It does ultimately stop with the CEO, but I suspect they're not the person who chose to take these actions. It's beyond their scope of duties and they are culpable, sharing accountability. It was their job to ensure legal made good choices by delegation of duty, if nothing else.

But, I've got legal on it. They'll be back with me today or tomorrow, I'm pretty sure. We are having a snow storm, so some of them may have bailed early.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh I'd bet $5 they didn't choose to take such actions!

Snow storm... One time we got 14 inches of snow... Most I'd ever seen, lol

Hey, you didn't answer me. What other language do you speak?

TheBuddha ago

I did too answer you. I'm fluent in Spanish and English. I can read/write Latin. I took two years of Greek but long since forgot everything.

Also, I recognized you in anon!

LOL Also, I get snow storms measured in feet. I got 52" once. It was glorious. The drifts made it so I could walk and get on my roof.

Finally, I've informed Putt of his options.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You said two, and you said Latin, but the first post didn't contain specificities and I didn't see a response to me being like "dude, c'mon!"

I am having a suddenly busy day here, tho lol

I'm pretty recognizeable. Nobody is both so right and also such an asshole as clammy.

One time I was in Mexico, a tropical part, and discovered what rain actually meant.

Holy shit.

TheBuddha ago

LOL My retarded ass was in Asia for monsoon season, years ago. Drugs and alcohol were a factor. I did Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam for like a week each. It pretty much rained the entire time. That was not one of my better choices.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

This was always a sudden torrential downpour for 20 min that appeared out of nowhere, overflowed from the streets onto the sidewalks, then utterly disappeared by the time lunch was over.

Even the thunder sounded different. Like a string of firecrackers going off.

TheBuddha ago

The vast amount of liquid in the air will change the sound. I kinda want to do southern India during the monsoon season - but from indoors or in a vehicle that is in a garage/carport. Torrential rains for weeks.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Whoa, I never thought of that, but it makes sense. You can hear better in cool, humid mornings....

TheBuddha ago

Now imagine it with torrential rain, such as you experienced. Sound moves very differently through water.

Le_Squish ago

I don't know what is about American companies that they don"t keep tabs on legal. I'm got spoiled working for Japs.

DavidHogg ago

I saw the post from the black rifle poster a few months ago. Putt said it wasn’t them but I’m thinking it was them and after they made the account and posted a few times they realized we may not be their intended clientele. Their post were exactly the types of posts you would expect from a company shilling their product without actually advertising.

AEndtoThemForever ago

Leaning toward this explanation also. To be honest, because it reeks of being the most unspeakably jewish line of thought combined with the methodology natural to SF clowns. Bad ones. So yeah, I'd buy that this is in no way authentic, and is instead, a desperate jewish attempt to create recirculant sympathy and/or money.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

VERY interesting indeed!

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Earl grey tea.

frenemy ago


speedisavirus ago

It's a pretty stupid nigger position to take. It's almost like there are things like trademarks and copyrights. They have to actively defend a trademark to defend it.

Not to mention having people think they are active on sites and posts with words like whore, nigger, kike, naming the jew, and all that shit is not great for their corporate image to the broad base of consumers. Just like all those companies that go woke go broke they don't don't want to be a company that is perceived to go nigger faggot go broke.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

They have to actively defend a trademark to defend it.

The account was deleted months before they even heard of Voat. That is a fake excuse.

Not to mention having people think they are active on sites and posts with words like whore, nigger, kike, naming the jew, and all that shit


speedisavirus ago

The profile is still there because it's there and I can go to it.

Eleutheria ago

Compromise: Make an account named "Nescafe" and be absolutely unbearable for X days.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Black Rifle Coffee Company is too good to have their name associated with a "shithole" like Voat.

hamdoguhoh ago

Their coffee is overpriced anyways. 20 dollars for standard bag of ground coffee. No thanks.

speedisavirus ago

Haven't tried it because it's so over the top expensive. Even the good locally roasted stuff at the smaller places around here is only like $12-14.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

For foreign crap? I could get that at the gorcery store for way cheaper.

Maybe they should spend that money buying American instead of giving it to foreigners.

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

It is a foreign company, owned by jews.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Your statement is redundant.

Hawkeye1466 ago

Oh dear what happened?

asdf23 ago

I don't know but I bet some guy got fired and now he's shitting on voat

Hawkeye1466 ago

They grow up so fast! Next thing we know we'll be on the supreme court getting name dropped and running our own black ops teams

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Awwww, lol.

I'm getting misty....

United States v. u/clamhurt_legbeard, et al

toobaditworks ago

I just sent an message to Paul Joseph Watson. Black Rifle Company is an Infowars sponsor. Maybe he will cover it. I doubt it but we'll see.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Mossad owned Infowars? Why would we want them involved?

Thanks, though.

toobaditworks ago

Infowars covers free speech and BRC puts ads on infowars and even does segments with them sometimes. Also it's not mossad owned. All AJ talks about these days is free speech.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Alex Jones is a Mossad agent, but I suppose it's POSSIBLE Mossad doesn't actually OWN Infowars, and instead simply operates through him alone.


NL6587 ago

You are 100% correct. You must look into name changes he and his wife made on their company properties around 08. Neon revolt has a great breakdown of it on his site

clamhurt_legbeard ago


NeonMerchant is Unit 8200.

I'm sure he, AJ and Black Rifle Crybaby Co have the same Chinese t shirt vendor, though.

NL6587 ago

Care to provide evidence of that or are we saying stuff just to say it? He provides clear and cut evidence for what he talks about, can't just claim he's israeli intelligence. Why would he lengthily expose alex jones and the illuminati to a crazy detailed extent? Makes zero sense to show that much info, just feels like you have to do insane mental gymnastics to justify that.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Q exposed AJ as Mossad.

NeonMerchant just sells tshirts guys, nothing to see here.

NL6587 ago

Again, post evidence because I legitimately want to know if he should be trusted.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

There's a reason none of the sub owners trust him.

NL6587 ago

And that reason being? What evidence is there?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Because you're lame lol

NL6587 ago

Ok nice vague comments, good to see no one has any actual rebuttal.

toobaditworks ago


RampancyLambentRaven ago

LV and TO. The government found dirt on BlackRifleCoffeeCo and wants to abuse DMCA to shut down what we do, and talk about, and any knowledge on LV and TO.

BuMN ago

Reminds me of when the faggy "oathkeepers" threatened a white nationalist with violence if he didn't leave the area because they didn't like his meme signs. Just more hypocrisy.

hangry ago

Nigger Rifle Crybaby Company

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Uh oh. Somebody done fucked up.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Dont let up on them.

The company is a total disgrace now. The owner is a piece of shit. Start blasting them in social media

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I dont have any social media, so please double your efforts for me if you can.

The_Prophets_Profit ago

Triple 'em, I'm also not on social media.