anon_a0f3a9 ago

The fact that they are using an intimation tactic, that they aren't even entitled to, gets a double fuck you from me

Men13 ago

512f is useless, because it requires that to knowingly did it:

"Any person who knowingly materially misrepresents...

How can you price they knew it wasn't copyright?

In fact - they often make sure the person who sends out the notice doesn't know anything about the law, so they can't knowingly misrepresent it.

Person A hires company B to "take care of this issue" (not specifically saying how, and certainly not mentioning DMCA)

Company B makes sure to know nothing about DMCA at all, and nothing about why "this issue" is protected (they aren't even told if it's copyright or trademark)

All company B does is sent it DMCA noticed, without any understanding of anything.

That's how you get scary DMCA letters without the liability (because of the knowingly clause)

Adminstrater ago

Can Disney sue me if I used a picture of Donald Duck wearing pant as an avatar?

cthulian_axioms ago

Disney can sue you for whatever the fuck they want to, because they are sufficiently powerful to have--on multiple occasions--gotten the copyright laws changed for their exclusive benefit.

The only way to win against that kind of evil is not to engage with it at all and hope that it doesn't notice you.

psymin ago

It wasn't DMCA. Look at the notice Putt linked. It isn't DMCA.

MadWorld ago

@PuttItOut, see submission body.

Ilisyer ago

What Voat received isn't actually a DMCA notice, it's a "trademark infringement complaint" through Cloudflare even, with really no mention of any legal violations. Now whatever Cloudflare received to prompt this response...

anon_a0f3a9 ago

So what your saying is, it's actually possible cloadfare made this up to target both voat and BRCC?

Tzitzimitl ago

thats magnificently jewy. now lets find a way for puut to counterjew cloudflare for six gorillion years of free service.

DoomCracker ago

Trying to out jew the jews? Its a bold move OP.

RustyEquipment ago

@Cesarkid is pretty crazy... lets see how this plays out

Simonsaysgoat ago

For those,of us who,have a headache but,dont,want,to read,all that right,now, what does,this,mean?

BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

Are you trying to make up for all the commas you haven't used in previous writings?

That's not how English works, son.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Lmfao. My thumbs are fucked and im always,on mobile. I have been using,my hands for work since i was in grade school 20 years now

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

So your backspace button doesn’t work?

Simonsaysgoat ago

Sure it does but i know my own intelligence level and,the thoughts come pouring out as i type and there isnt,much editing. As long as my,point is made and you understand,the words then were good. If you need further clarification just ask. My hands are fucked and im on,mobile so its pretty difficult and takes too long to correct.

MrPim ago

He's studying acting at the William Shatter school.

Hydrocephalus ago

DMCA is for copyright not trademark, the jews are trying to use it over a trademark, putt can countersue for DMCA abuse, someone else already did that.

Simonsaysgoat ago


RampancyLambentRaven ago

Dhare this with everyone on Voat.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Good find.