Don't forget that BRCC also has an official Gab account (
submitted 5.9 years ago by sakuramboo
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Themooninthesky 5.9 years ago
So what the fuck did these guys do? I know of them and hate their stupid commercials.
Le_Squish 5.9 years ago
The walked into the gas chamber and are now getting gassed.
By doing what exactly? Who or what did they fuck with?
You’re the squishy-ist!
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Themooninthesky ago
So what the fuck did these guys do? I know of them and hate their stupid commercials.
Le_Squish ago
The walked into the gas chamber and are now getting gassed.
Themooninthesky ago
By doing what exactly? Who or what did they fuck with?
Le_Squish ago
Themooninthesky ago
You’re the squishy-ist!