14219296? ago

[NATO] [CRITICAL] [GERMANY][BUNDESWEHR] The private lead Deutsche Telekom AG managed to nearly finish a **digital project **"co-operation/very small announcement only" with Deutsche **BUNDESWEHR **ON THEIR GROUND I am IT /-thoery educated and fear crawled up whie reading the nearly unnoticed very small announcement! REPORT or upvote TO Q somehow, maybe Germany is w/o higher weapon systems with a mouse click! [EOM]

14218280? ago

Post 315 10/01/19: The red line under "Heading to TN now" is curved. Looking back through prior posts, Q never uses freehand paint. Always either rectangle boxes or straight lines. It is easier to draw a straight line than to try to underline freehand.

14217611? ago

Instead of Q shirts at rallies in order to subvert the false threats how about trying shirts with 17s on them?

14221087? ago

I dig that.

14217185? ago

Was right in front last night! Only 3 people in front of me...we made eye contact many times and just before his last fist pump, my fist shot straight up and our eyes met and he did it back !! Phil Roe also pointed at me and smiled...although I know him personally. Huuuuge crowd of awesome East Tennesseeans! Saw Kiss and Bob Seger there in '75

14215336? ago

My dream is to be able to take off a day of work to go to a rally. So jealous of you all.

14215218? ago


14214490? ago

.@ali When disagreeing is dangerous; after research I believe Dr. Ford is actually manuf… https://www.pscp.tv/AliScopes/1PlJQraXwaXxE?t=1m4s This makes a lot of sense. Blasey based story on Mark Judge’s book, but changed story as facts like calendar produced.

14221179? ago

Thinking the same. Mark Judges ex says he told her about him and his friends running a train on a drunk woman that wanted it. No mention of Judge K. If they set up this story years ago, i bet they dug hard into Mark Judge. The projected his life on to Judge K.

14214140? ago

The Democrats are crying, the FBI-Investigation can not be limited in time (7 days). I think this is the next trap. Q: "FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency". I believe, Brett Kavanaugh gets elected this week and POTUS will expand the FBI-Investigation in time. The Democrats can't say, you can't expand in time when they cried 1 week to expand in time. The same when they were crying, we need an FBI investigation. I think also with this Ford-case they investigate the whole mind-control-program. A huge thing and the people out there have a concrete case (Christine Ford) they know already about. A great script.

14211050? ago

Trump needs to come to Oregon so we can red pill Portland, the cesspool of Liberal stupidity.

14210174? ago

What I want to know is why Q would praise the burning of an amputated disabled veteran.

14212618? ago

The veteran is already burned. Q is praising an (already) burned amputee veteran who is disabled for the mentioned reasons. Hope this helps.

14213451? ago

Oh, I know that. Just a lame joke.

14213548? ago


14216110? ago

Oh, I’m full of them. :)

14210109? ago

Has anyone seen the comment by William Jefferson Clinton ? Go to YT video of Lindsey Graham interview with Fox News, scroll down to comment by mary huang. 7 replies beneath "View more Replies" you will see his comment!!! Much more than traitor!

14209489? ago

Here in Quebec the situation is dire. The CAQ just won the provincial general elections. Their chief, François Legault, had the support from the powerful Desmarais family (Desmarais can easily be translated in English as "The Swamps"). https://leresiduedesante.blog/2018/10/01/francois-legault-sera-le-prochain-premier-ministre-du-quebec/

14208857? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWYrcnehito Q+

I got there before the mass of "Q+ sent me" comments.

Comment by DJT one year ago about Reagan being the greatest man he ever met.

14207628? ago

I'm confused. Q is saying he gave proof by predicting POTUS would be going to Tennessee . However, that was a planned rally. Everyone there knew POTUS was showing up. How is this proof?

14208798? ago

Trump always tweets "Heading out to . . . "

This time, he didn't and Q did.

14208205? ago

The one time Trump DOESN’T tweet that he’s heading out....Q does

How did Q know Trump wasn’t going to?

14208238? ago

It was a prescheduled event. Trump was scheduled to be at the rally. How did the cameras and Fox News know he was going to be there? As Q says: logical thinking

14208466? ago

Q said he would be there. I may be wrong, but I never saw Q revealing where Q would be.

14209076? ago

Any this is a "proof" how?

I'll be at work tomorrow.


14209276? ago

I was replying to the post above me, not OP. I don't see a proof here. I see Q telling us where he will be. That's all.

14209798? ago

Why didn’t Trump post “leaving to Tennessee” as well as Q? He posted every other time. Not a proof for the normies. Add it to the dozens of other confirmations like it.


14209864? ago

What is that thing Q says about coincidences again?...

14207200? ago

So exciting!

14206819? ago

I can't explain why, so there are no real reasons, but at one time I think Q was legit, but I have a vibe that after the incident where someone 'hacked' Q's shit...just have a vibe Q isn't Q and is now a larp.

I just think we are being led on, waiting and waiting for a big takedown of anyone in the top 30 most wanted of the past administration and it never comes.

14212732? ago

We're on the right side of History bro, stick with it. The deep state is getting weaker by the day. Just think about how far and wide their tentacles reached. Q and POTUS chopping them off bit by bit, it takes time. There are such things as black hat hackers. Trust the Plan!

14207125? ago

need K installed officially 1st

14207015? ago

I'm not so sure your right. Q continues to prove Q is real. I feel what your saying but why fire people up to get out and vote red? The questioned asked during the KK hearing about military trials Q told us that a while ago. Operations like this take time. You have to begin knocking out the foundation before things begin to fall. I hear you though!

14208060? ago

I don't know. Last few Q posts has people saying they are ready to 'go into action' and that sorta stuff.

14206282? ago

2306 [9:00] "We will be voting this week." a quote from the Fox video of Senate Majority Leader McConnell Heading to TN now.

Who is heading to TN now? Q? Or is TN something else than the zip abbreviation of Tennessee? Q

14208125? ago

why [9:00] ?

14208190? ago

9 min into the video

14208472? ago

"the time for endless #@%^^*$ has come to a close"...

14207665? ago

Trump rally

14206679? ago

Anons we the People are Voting everyday.

Think, Money = Vote?

Check QPost 613:

/\Council on Foreign Relations/\ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Members_of_the_Council_on_Foreign_Relations Q

Check the Link provided by Q in Post 613. You will see that Feinstein is also a Member of CoFR (Counsil on Foreign Relations). In this Link there are not only the members but also the Affiliates of CoFR.

[Affilliates of the CoFR are American Express, Barclays, PepsiCo and many more.]

[Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Gatorade and many more are owned by PepsiCo.]

How [Amercian Express] and where [Starbucks] do we spend our Money?

If Vote = Money and Money = Power

Use your Power and fight fight fight


14206829? ago

Anons check out this article from 21 November 2016:


if you don't like to read the whole article, just scroll down to 4th EXAMPLE (know your Enemy)

God bless Potus, Q and all of you.

14206246? ago

Thank you for putting this aggregation together!

14205728? ago

First post, test. Thanks

14204733? ago

Can anyone please explain to me in detail (ELI5) the long John Parry Barlow 8 chan post and Q's "We made it public...) reply to it. I am totally confused. Thanks, in advance.

14204715? ago

In regards to USSS turning away those Patriots at POTUS rallies with Q on it....ok what is the Gematria equivalent?

....muha-ah-ah-ahha ha ha ha!!

14207329? ago

Or just #RedOctober

14207322? ago

Yeah just start showing up with 17 on your shirt.

Or 8 (for the full Gematria effect. Also a nod to 8CH)

14204636? ago

Why are they not on the patriots fight 8 chan site?

14205993? ago

He posts and replies to Anons on qresearch, too.

14204580? ago

About this Q's October 1st post in reply to >>3281924. Which is related to John Perry Barlow's "Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace". Find the full Declaration, video, and audio at https://voat.co/v/QRV/2759139

14203386? ago

I would DIE to go to a Trump rally !!

14218136? ago

Was in the front row when Trump was at Flight 93! Crowd went wild for him! Thumbs up!

14216164? ago

D I T T O !

14213873? ago

I have tickets for Saturday rally. Trying to figure out logistics. Going early. Taking cheap chairs we will abandon. But planning 6-8 hours waiting in line... and it’s supposed to rain!

14217212? ago

Decent plan! Basically what i did yesterday. Got there a 430am...#13 in line

14217556? ago

We have a 2 hour drive to the rally location. We are planning to leave at 4am. I just want to get in!

14212984? ago

I remember going to the Scranton rally the day before the election. Afterwards, we went to TGI Fridays with our MAGA hats still on and the cute blond waitress that was serving us told us that she was gonna vote for Trump. Awesome night.

14210869? ago

Me too, but I'm Canadian... sigh.

14210546? ago

No need, show up really early.

14207989? ago

body parts probably cover the cost of air fair

14207678? ago

Front row seat tomorrow in Southaven and 10 minutes from house. Life is good!


14219182? ago

How do we go about getting front row seats? I would love to attend a rally. My husband and I were fortunate enough to attend President Trumps Inauguration and it was amazing.

14219040? ago

Have fun!

14216471? ago

See you there, Patriot!

14214907? ago

A friend from home. God bless you....I'm so JEALOUS as I'm now 7 hours east instead of there.

14207129? ago

Going to one of his rallies is a big bucket list for me! I still haven't found out how to even get his rally schedule. He was in my area not too long ago, but I didn't know until it was on TV. I would camp out on the sidewalk for a week just to be first in and get a prime seat!

14213363? ago

Either you can check his schedule here on a weekly basis: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/rallies/ Or at the bottom of that page - you can enter your email address & zip code. If there's going to be a rally near you, they alert you with an email.

14209871? ago

No chance of him coming to my home state. We're the reddest state in the Union. He's got big fish to fry in those Rust Belt states that are leaning our way.

14206184? ago

Suicide is an option.

14206518? ago

I hear it’s painless.

14206557? ago

If you kill yourself and get cremated, I'll bring you to a Trump rally.

14206597? ago

I’ll take the long way around, but thank you!

14206617? ago

You said you'd DIE to go.

I knew you were a liar. You make Baby Jesus cry. I'll pray for you.

14207986? ago

That wasn’t me!

14208096? ago

Baby Jesus hates liars. I'll pray for you.

14203369? ago

I never imagined Q could be JFK Jr until today, because of a post here.

Mind has been blown thinking about it all day. The pic of the Q shaped memorial, how he could be close to Trump and understand the government yet not be in his administration. Mind blown.

14219970? ago

You know how the Simpsons has eerie references to the future, like 9/11 and Trump being the president? Remember that 1996 episode where Krusty the Clown faked his death by jumping out of a plane? hmmm....

14213155? ago

JFK Jr appeared at the Yougstown Rally in 2017 wearing a costume and using a fantasy name Vincent Fusca. POTUS turned around many times and smile at him.. The name JFK Jr chose was certainly a message since it actually means "defeat darkness" Also he was holding a sign where he wrote cut F, meaning if we cut the F from FUSCA we end up with U.S.C.A. United State Code Annotated ..

14213090? ago

Follow KelliAnnHubNews in Youtube and Twitter she is doing a great job following JFK Jr's crumbs.. She gets into 8chan and was able to recognize JFK Jr, and he would actually reply to her and sign R.. It is fascinating..

14213030? ago

mike bara on youtube had a good one about Vincent Fusca being JFKJR, interesting this---> translated that name means conquering darkness. but it connects dots well. I for one would be thrilled. He is older then me but as a child the picture of him saluting his father at burial stuck w me.I remember staring at the picture feeling so sad for him . WWG1WGA patriots. GODSPEED Q

14213005? ago

I know for a fact that Q+ is JFK Jr but Is it confirmed that Q = Q+ ?

14213650? ago

How do you know that for sure?

14212536? ago

Q is on Target, that's for sure.

14210756? ago

Wait what?? Where is it implied he's JFK Jr??

14208433? ago

Vincent Fusca was standing in the VIP section behind Trump at the WV rally...did you see him??? I posted yesterday but got bombarded by negativity...

I believe in time travel and articles regarding John Titor from 2036 (Donald Trump). Donald Trump has seen the destruction that nuclear war brings and that why he’s so passionate about why he’s doing.

I think one of the possibilities is also Barron Trump is one of the non-military Q team members, as is John Jr. He has time traveled also...

14210798? ago

What do you base your ideas on?

14211037? ago

Vincent Fusca has been a long time Q mystery which deserves its own subverse if your interested.

If you do an Internet search for John Titor it provides some reference information. There is also a YT video which provides discusses the connection of John Titor and Donald Trump. There is also a YT video on Barron Trump.

You may be aware of Qs change in trip codes that relate to book titles that he recommends we read. I believe the following books will be added to Qs list when the topic of time travel arises:

  1. Late 1890s, Barron’s Amazing Adventures (something like that) talks about time travel. Note he publication date 1800s. There is a YT video on this too where they highlight references analogous to today’s time;
  2. 1900, The Last President, note the year of publication. also a YT video: reference to Don’s cabinet member last name Pence...

Also have several texts from Anonymous that discusses the time travel of Donald and Barron Trump, and Pence.


14207432? ago

That was my reaction to. I actually dropped my phone and it almost ended up in the toilet. I stumbled upon a new Q video that was rather long, but I got sucked in really fast. The second they said they thought it was him and why, my mind was blown too. I had some serious goosebumps (if you're a Christian, you know what that means!) I did my own research to see if it was possible. Time wise, definitely possible. The TV footage I found was aired before they were told what to report and they had interviewed a Coast Guard employee on the phone. Oddly enough, a former High School classmate of mine was listed as one of the witnesses. Blew my mind, because we're not from anywhere in that area. I decided to look for the Coast Guard guy to see what he's been up to. I couldn't find anything else on him. Strange. I ended up watching the Q video on Fakebook. I think of it as the Qanon recruitment video. The voice doing the voice over is VERY unique and it was the voice of the Coast Guard guy. I can't say that without question, because when I went to my saved links, they weren't there. That was the day I learned that everything we do is watched and they tend to scrub things they don't want us seeing. I don't know if John John is Q, but I absolutely believe he's alive!

14208766? ago

Do you have a link to the video?

14207985? ago

John John is "R" but he works with Q.

14213013? ago

Q+ = R

14212328? ago

Agreed, but I heard he hated being called John John, just saying.

14207073? ago

wait till ya hear the one about nukes being launched and missiles aimed at POTUS af1 and islands being blown up !!!

14206328? ago

Mind blown!

14206176? ago

JFK Jr. has been dead since 1983.

14211178? ago

Nope. He faked his death because of Clinton’s assassination threat. He and his family have been living on a yacht (traveling the world) pulling up anchor when meedwd. His wife and sister in law are currently under secret service protection.

14211200? ago


14205795? ago

I believe with all due respect that the Jr theory is a distraction. A rather intriguing distraction but nothing more.

14212106? ago

disinformation is necessary

14204073? ago

Why do you think Q could be JFK Jr???

14213503? ago

Many people believe he created the magazine George to taunt Bush Sr about his dad’s assassination. Many believe Sr was involved in JFK’s assassination. Look at many of the articles written in the magazine.

14213065? ago

KelliAnnHubNEWS youtube gives you the whole series of decoding JFK Jr's messages. All the Q posts have many layers of messages. If looking at the date and time and Capital letter it will guide you to JFK Jr related information..

14212393? ago

Q918 Could be military, could be JFK Jr.

Q2312 Hmmmm...


14211682? ago

PART of the TEAM

14204739? ago

  1. Pseudocide means the act of faking ones suicide or death. By the very nature that word exists it has been done. 2. John John knew that he was VERY POPULAR in the Public's eye thus they would have wanted him dead. Beat them at their own game...do it first by deception. 3. More people have wanted Justice for the Criminals who Conspired his Father's and Brother's DEATH. 4. Gather the White Hats and go underground spying on their WHOLE BLACK HAT OPERATIONS. 5.Start THE TAKE DOWN knowing you have covered every detail and USE the very same INSTRUMENT they tried to destroy. Constitutional LAW Catch the Traitors One by One. CLEAN HOUSE! Pay Back is best served COLD! Can You Imagine?... If I were John John....

14206915? ago

Interesting theory. The more I learn the less I thought I knew.

14207064? ago

The more I read, the less I think people here know.

14203590? ago

Just remember how dangerous that information looks. It's not a great way to introduce someone to Q.

It's going to be very interesting to watch it unfold.

14207498? ago

Where were you before I opened my big mouth. People closest to me now think I've lost my mind. I just let them think it's brain damage from my brain tumor. LOL

14208550? ago

In the end, you'll likely be vindicated... but right now, even though I believe it, it's a bit too much to throw at someone as an introduction.

14204302? ago

Yep, Q itself looks hokey to a lot of mainstream folks. I'm keeping this one to myself and other Q people for now.

Again not saying I know it for sure, but it's possible and makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

14204330? ago

It certainly aids in realizing how long this plan has taken.

14203863? ago

Because we need to be careful of newbies? That's a crock of BS from the thought police who want us divided. Learn what it's like to embrace free speech! Stupidest damn notion in the middle of this war is to hide the truth from those that don't have it! Be brave, be strong...open your minds and think rationally about your own self and let everyone else also be responsible for their own selves... thought police or free speech?

14210940? ago

Q didn't put it out there till he was sure we were awake, same way we need to introduce things. Showing newbs the whole web we've learned will scare the Sh!t out of them and make them leave. I've been following almost since D1, and it took waves of awakening before I became aware. I clearly remember early days saying, yeah, I know it's bad, but that's just crazy, the more I've awakened, I don't think very much is crazy anymore.

14213559? ago

So you are worried about the newbies and Q? The only thing Q has held back is aliens. That's out and no one is talking about it. What is it you think is so disturbing now that wasn't horrifying at the beginning? It's the truth. right? When people come looking they should see the truth, shouldn't they? Do you believe we should filter the truth? Which truths should we filter? All or just some? With new people arriving all the time when do we remove the filter? Would you filter Q? How is a filter different form censorship? Who is in charge of the filtering? Would we burn books because the information, in our opinion, is too much for people? If your talking about filtering other people I'd venture to guess you are ready for your next awakening. There is a free class on the constitution here https://www.hillsdale.edu/academics/free-online-courses/ Know your rights and know how to protect them. Knowledge is Power. The heart of this battle, the part that will protect us from this ever happening again is in knowing your rights. You must know your rights!

14219271? ago

You don't blast them in the face with the truth, you lead them to it, all I'm saying.

14222385? ago


14203901? ago

You clearly didn't understand what I was saying. I'm not talking about being scared.

14205488? ago

Your talking about Q looking like a larp? If that's the case time will tell. Having been aware of the major parts of what's been happening for 50 years, I'll take my chances. People have always thought Q looked weird. He's said over and over it's a movie, disinformation is necessary. I stand with Q team, Trump and fellow patriots. For We the People! I'll take a drama movie sprinkled with humor each and everyday over the crap we had. When it gets weird he's talking in code to the enemy. At least that's my take. Could be you didn't understand what I said or what you said : ) Why you worried about Q's appearance anyway? Maybe it's the perception that needs to be examined instead of Q?

14204090? ago

You're talking to a shill. They know perfectly well what you meant. They have to appeal to ANYTHING to keep the door open for their LARP.

14204129? ago

Yeah, you're right. I'll cease wasting my time. Cheers!

14203278? ago

This Space Reserved for future posts.

14207089? ago

my reply

14205102? ago

What if someone tips like $20?

14204784? ago

This space reserved for future response

14207092? ago

I'm following ya ;)

14209034? ago

Fuck! I was following you. WHERE ARE WE???