14222997? ago

could this business/first class interior shot be related to first lady, melania's trip to africa? she just arrived and begins her trip in ghana. not much coverage in the news it seems. "Melania Trump opened her first big solo international trip as first lady on Tuesday with a wave, a smile and a baby in her arms, aiming to promote child welfare during a five-day tour of Africa.

She arrived in the West African nation of Ghana after an overnight flight from Washington and quickly made her way to the Greater Accra Regional Hospital."

Mrs. Trump also plans to visit Malawi, Kenya and Egypt. (AP) http://www.yahoo.com/news/melania-trump-visits-africa-slideshow-wp-182246746.html

14218643? ago

There was a fire in the wheel well of a Delta flight on Monday. Flight was supposed to be JFK to Accra Ghana. Oddly enough that's where FLOTUS is today.

14217251? ago

Just got this alert on my phone: Crews responding to reported plane down near Berryville (East Texas)

14217003? ago

Let me ask : Q knew before that there will be plane crashes? Ok when evils kills evils. How about the good people sitting in these plane as well? Couldnt Q warned them

14213673? ago

Just looking at the post, I would guess someone tried to bring down a plane and was stopped. TFC is the IATA code for Taormina Harbour airport in Italy. And that comes directly after des_ which tells me he means the destination could be the TFC airport. It's in brackets, which usually means that they were able to stop it before it happened, so the plane or passenger in question did not arrive at their destination or they were able to stop the plane from being shot down. It's possible they caught it at check-in. "splash1-x" makes me think something was shot down, maybe a missile. 381 could mean just about anything: flight number, the number of people on the plane or a military designation for the unit that brought the missile down. Based on the material on the seat in the photo it looks like a United flight, it's definitely a Boeing plane. I would guess it's a 787-9 Dreamliner based on the layout.

14209744? ago

Australia has purchased 72 of these f35 lockheed martin has some explaining if these things are willfully falling and failing.

14206978? ago

Cirrus SR22 N818GM Emergency landing in parking lot due to engine failure sept 30. Dallas TX. Not sure if related.

14206614? ago

Y’all need to look up Boeing’s Uninterruptible Autopilot System, go listen to Field McConnell’s discussion on this and how this has been used by the DS.

14206610? ago

Got F15A's buzzing around my home in MA. This is coming from the base on Chicopee (the same base which was exacuated on 9/11.... speculation on hijackedplanes landing here )

Just a FYI

14205924? ago

This must be “sky is falling week” meaning?

14205353? ago

Since post I believe means since the "sky is falling post" and that was quite a while ago, like a week.....

14205220? ago

Data may be available from the National Transportation Safety Board website. I just downloaded a big file that goes back to 1982 into Excel. It needs to be scrubbed and then put through my statistical analysis program. Easy for me to do, but I’m at work now. Will have to wait for a couple hours when I’m off work. Just eyeballing it, looks as though there are a lot of smaller, private craft incidents in September. Database also breaks incidents down by whether there are fatalities or not.

14205379? ago

Nice tool. But I believe Q was referencing an international flight BAH airport to TSC.

There was a downed Iraqi helicopter over Parwan that day. Listed as cause unknown. Seems curious to me.

14205209? ago

Two planese ( small ) went down here. Posting just incase it becomes relavent....two planes same ares within 24 hours....

Brackett Field Airport 4.229 Google reviews Airport in La Verne, California Brackett Field is a public airport located one mile southwest of La Verne, in Los Angeles County, California, US. It was named after Dr. Frank Parkhurst Brackett. Wikipedia Address: 1615 McKinley Ave, La Verne, CA 91750, USA Code: POC Elevation: 308 m Phone: +1 909-593-1395

14205118? ago

Two planes in the same area ( small flights ) Just posting in case it becomes relavent.

14205008? ago

You think they can control planes from far away? Wonder what the black boxes will reveal.

14204968? ago

So, do we think the number is up or down and, either way, what does that imply?

14204860? ago

My insurance agent died in a plane crash a couple days ago.

14204689? ago

2 plane crashes in CA yesterday, both investigated by police. https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2018/10/01/la-verne-airport-crash-plane-brackett/

14204920? ago

According to the FAA website, at least as far as I can tell, neither aircraft was registered at the time of the crash: N 7997 M https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=7997 N 48321 https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=48321

14204670? ago

Theoretically it could also be a Go Code of some sort, a pre arranged signal.

14204664? ago

Wasn't there an F-35 crash this week?

14204625? ago

Since its obvious CIA brainwashes people to do bad stuff.

Perhaps they have " activated assets" like 9/11 to use planes as weapons against civilians.

The Best the DS can hope for is to cause another Nation Emergency/ War/ Etc to get feds eyes off them.

Its their Modus Operandi.

14204520? ago

I'll find out I have a pilot buddy..

14204477? ago

its 32 masonic number

14204289? ago

Did FAA searches on both small aircraft crashes that occurred in La Verne, CA - two crashes in two days (Outside standard deviation?) from the same airport. I am no expert on aircraft registrations, but from what I can see neither craft was registered with the FAA at the times of their crashes. N 7997 M https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=7997 N 48321 https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=48321

Is this normal, experts?

14204278? ago

So this post by Q doesn't have anything to do with the recent crash of a F-35B military plane in South Carolina?

14204824? ago

most crashes are connected

14204206? ago

A lot of engine failures ...

14204171? ago

Q specifically said “since post” meaning we should only include plane crashesnon/after sept 29. Meaning the F35 and South Pacific in the water don’t count. The 2 within 24hours in California are serious red flags to me! Haven’t found other in this timeframe yet... on the hunt!

14204329? ago

Utah lake. No fatalities.

14204252? ago

Would like to add 3 dead in plane crash in Owyhee Mountains... also F35 was on the 29th but before Qs post

14203887? ago

Any reports of domestic commercial US flights crashing? I don't see any currently.

14203736? ago

The evil depths of these people have caused so much pain & agony.... it is truly sickening.

14203654? ago

I’m a fairly new Patriot and was wondering if anyone can explain to me what the significance of the plane crashes are? Just trying to know as much as I can😊

14206770? ago

People are dying by these evil fucks while we wait and wait and wait. How many more good people like these pilots are going to die while we wait?

14207765? ago

I'm sure Q wants to pull the trigger faster than anyone, those are his soldiers dying. But timing is everything and they only get one shot at this thing.

14208969? ago

Yep. Q has the big picture that we can't even comprehend.

14208231? ago

Time is on our side, not theirs Every day that goes by, more #WalkAway - each of these are one less turncoat in the street Patience is a virtue in all things, especially war 'Hurry up & wait' is a the life of a soldier

14209817? ago

You are right, and maybe that is one part of the plan. the left is losing votes at a logarithmic rate. The mid-terms are so important, Q has stressed that over and over.

14209988? ago

The plot to red october was the enemy destroying themselves with their own torpedo

14211025? ago

Good point.

14208958? ago


14205006? ago

A place to start. Q has said 7 out of 10 crashes are targeted kills.

14206186? ago

These, you choose a name, are INSANE!!!!!

14203702? ago

Deep state has apparently taking down numerous aircraft - including supposed attempts on AF1.

14203697? ago

A lot of military planes down. Far more than it should be. Yes, there are accidents, but too many have gone down. There is talk of those planes being controlled and brought down.

14207267? ago

Military plane are flown by officers that are needed for the military tribunals.

14203930? ago

DING! Remotley

14204798? ago

Likely the use of the QRS-11 Gyro chip in conjunction with an UN-interruptible auto-pilot !

14230773? ago

Got one here thats awake . . . . . Facebook aint talking about it much so the chimes will be very few

14239134? ago

WIDE AWAKE for years!

14203842? ago

One crashed not that far from me. It was a fighter jet so it might be just a coincidence. https://www.islandpacket.com/news/local/community/beaufort-news/article219182290.html

14204299? ago

Ain't it funny how that plane crash in Beaufort was for the newest jet, the F-35 stealth? The first crash ever for that jet and so unexpectedly. Not too far from MCAS, just glad no one was hurt and the pilot seems okay.

14204801? ago

Isn’t the F-35 a piece of digshit wrapped in bunch of contracts ? One was bound to crash sooner than later ...

14203592? ago


"The Papua New Guinea national carrier said on Saturday one passenger had not been accounted for, but witnesses had reported he had reached a dinghy as U.S. Navy sailors and local residents rescued people from the sinking plane.

But Air Niugini chief executive Tahawar Durrani said the man's body was found by divers in the lagoon on Monday. The airline has not identified the man or released his nationality."

14205536? ago

Or are these bad guys fleeing and were taking them out? Man reported made it to dinghy, while us navy was helping victims. Did they pluck the guy and just say he died. Could be getting info from him .

14203754? ago

403 on page now

14204587? ago

No it’s still there.

14204031? ago

The military helicopter down in Parwan is interesting. "Cause unknown"

14203280? ago

Intentional crashes? Fleeing bad guys? Silencing would-be talkers?

14203256? ago

I've had enough of this fuckin' shit that's going on.

14205501? ago

^^^ This... Made me lose my fucking shit!! KEK! Me too, brother, me too!

14204253? ago

"Sorry, this content not available on your region."

14203104? ago

Wow. Q used the word "splash" in that post and the one plane crash all over the news, crashed into the water. This is evil I never could have previously comprehended.

14203978? ago

Splash is military terminology to shoot down an aircraft. Does not necessarily indicate water

14208278? ago

Or a missile - I think this may have been another missile intercept attempt on AF1

14208380? ago


14204024? ago

Right but that doesn't mean the deep state didn't put their own spin on it. Are you saying they're trying to paint it as if Q is responsible for somehow shooting down the aircraft?

14204818? ago

Not at all. Just saying it doesnt have to be over water.

14204862? ago

Oh okay. Well I was saying that because I woke up this morning to seeing a video of a plane downed in water, which would certainly make a splash. Feel like they were trying to exploit the term to further pin it.

14203698? ago

Weird thing from that crash is that everyone survived with minor injuries, but they couldn't find exactly one person. Precision strike?

14203879? ago

Reminds me of Loretta Fuddy who was the only person who died when a light aircraft splashed down....the one person who "authenticated" Obama's phony birth certificate...


14205672? ago

I thought the same.

14205441? ago

crazy video with that supposed scuba diver

14204932? ago

Reminded me of the same thing

14203037? ago

22 But I can't find enough history to see the average. https://www.asias.faa.gov/apex/f?p=100:93:::NO:::

14203556? ago

Fatal accidents average about once a day for the last week, under that before then. 3 over the weekend. Again, no more history going back that I can find.

14204774? ago

QRS-11 Gyro chip in conjunction with an UN-interruptible auto-pilot !

14203312? ago

I'd be highly surprised if the long term week average is above todays number. Willing to bet that last ten days is several sigma higher. This has been going on for a while though, checked in on aug 3-6th somewhere and looked a week or so back. This was last time Q talked about plane crashes. It was high then, this is even higher. Scared? Trying to run away? Not being allowed to do so?

14203145? ago

That's in US only. This post was made regarding an international flight

14202998? ago

Hopefully someone has info on this drop