14215748? ago

Anon says: 3285210 Q: Me and mine stand behind you to the end. Say the word…we've been preparing a long time, and we're ready. We're here to help you however we can…you know who this is!!! God bless you. And God bless POTUS!

Q Responds: Darkest days. Amen, brother. This evil must be destroyed. Q

I believe something very important has happened here that has so far been overlooked. I've been waiting to see if anyone would say more about it, and they haven't. So here goes. I signed up for an account just to post this. 1. The Anon says "you know who this is". By responding the way Q did, this is confirmed. Q does know who this is. There's only two ways that's possible. A) through some sort of hackery business involving looking up the IP address and figuring out who sent the message or B) the Anon used some sort of coded message. I think B is much more likely. In addition, the Anon says, "Say the word". 2. Q responds with what looks to me like an obvious coded message. He seems to have said "the word" that the Anon was asking for. I keep turning over the phrase "darkest days" in my mind. What does that refer to? What would make the day dark? In addition, the Anon seems to be saying that they're ready to do something on Q/POTUS' behalf. What are they ready to do? Whatever it is, Q's response is "darkest days". What does that mean? 3. Darkest Days is the title of a book about how to survive an EMP attack. Look it up on Amazon. Darkest Days could also refer to an event that blots out the sun, turning the day to night - though that likely wouldn't be "days" plural, but "day" singular. (Might be a good time to purchase a hand-cranked radio.) 4. Possible interpretations if DD refers to EMP: A) Q is telling this Anon to be prepared to be attacked by an EMP, B) Q is green lighting the Anon to conduct an EMP attack on someone, or C) Q is telling US to be prepared for an EMP attack. 5. I favor interpretation B above, and I think C is more likely than A. I favor B because Q has told us about taking down DS satellites before. What if this is some group who's going to conduct an EMP attack on some DS facility, taking out their comms once and for all? An EMP attack on a data warehouse or super computer hub of some kind could force them to use backup comms, which perhaps Q is in a better position to monitor. 6. I also favor B over C because the Anon says that "we are ready...you know who this is". That means the "we" does not refer to us. Q doesn't know who we are. Plus this person wouldn't claim that we have been preparing, because while some of us have, some of us certainly haven't. It would just be strange for this Anon to speak on our behalf. 7. I favor B over A because it wouldn't explain how the Anon would be helping the cause if they were saying, "Hey, we're ready to get hit by an EMP." Ok, great. Hope you survive! However, I have to admit that A is possible, given the fact that DD is a book about how to survive an EMP attack. It might be that Q is saying, hey, make sure you know how to survive when the attack comes. For the same reason, C is also possible. 8. However, I think it's EXTREMELY unlikely that POTUS would authorize a nationwide power outage that lasted for more than a day or maybe two. Q has said over and over again that our safety is important to POTUS. When the power goes out, LOTS of people become unsafe, particularly in hospitals. People would literally die. Several thousand, at least. Remember, an EMP doesn't just turn off the power, it does damage. Simply restoring power wouldn't make everything work again. Also, it'd be CRAZY to think about an EMP big enough to take out the entire country's power. Even doing it in an entire city would be a big deal. If there is any kind of EMP attack, expect the effects to be local. Oh, and remember, it takes out cars too, unless they were built in the 70s. 9. If C is the correct interpretation, then it's more likely that the DS would be conducting the attack, not POTUS. Some places online talk about space-based EMP weapons. I don't know how plausible this is, but consider that EMPs result from nuclear explosions (though they can also be reproduced in other ways). But if someone said that there were nuclear weapons big enough to take out the entire country at once, would you believe them? I sure wouldn't. A whole city, sure! But the whole country? It's a REALLY big country. A bomb that size is pretty unrealistic. Therefore I think an EMP weapon big enough to do the whole country at once is also unrealistic. But a whole city, absolutely. 10. Now if we wanted to get real deep and put some stuff together, it's possible that there's a localized (though still big) DS EMP attack coming somewhere in the country, and that this Anon that reached out to Q represents the team standing by to assist those affected by the attack. If that's the case, then the conversation would look like this: "Hey Q, we're in position and ready to help when it happens. Say the word and we'll make the last minute preparations, etc." Then Q responds, "Yep, it's coming. Go ahead and move up to the higher alert status. Darkest Days are here any minute." 11. If the DS is about to conduct an EMP attack, why might they do so? That's simple: to delay the K confirmation vote, to delay FISA DECLAS, possibly also to delay/cancel the upcoming elections, which they probably know they're going to lose in an even GREATER landslide than 2016. For Pete's sake, 100k people asked for tix to see POTUS in TN. 100k. For a venue that holds less than 10k. HRC, BHO, people like that would never be able to fill a 10k venue. POTUS can fill it 10x over. "Blue wave! Blue wave! Everyone hates Trump! Everyone loves liberalism!" Bullshit. Wishful thinking. Possible distortions caused by living in the bubble. Anyone who's lived in DC will tell you that it IS very much a bubble, whose effects are very much like Neverneverland. It makes you forget what the rest of the world is like. I don't doubt that many in the media are simply lost in the bubble. But the actual politicians KNOW better. They're privvy to better data. They're not that stupid. It's pretty easy to see that there's a massive red wave coming, and their utter defeat is sure. Maybe they have MANY EMP devices set up in major cities and are about to set them off, or maybe otherwise kill the power. Maybe POTUS can't stop them. Maybe that's why he needs a special way to communicate directly to us. THAT would compel him to declare martial law. 12. I don't know exactly what this exchange means, but I DO know that whatever it means, it's very significant.

14213484? ago

Ohhh God My moms in a skilled nursing facility. I dont know if shes safer there or here,.always anxiety grr

14220546? ago

Probably there. Staff should know best how to care for patients especially if they have special needs coupled with the added difficulty of no power. 🙏

14221098? ago

Thank you ..you are right. I cant defend hete and tend her needs . God bless us all. Praying for this world....

14221201? ago


14215584? ago


14221067? ago

Thank you so much!!

14209253? ago

3285210 Q: Me and mine stand behind you to the end. Say the word…we've been preparing a long time, and we're ready. We're here to help you however we can…you know who this is!!!

God bless you. And God bless.

Damn looks like some badass hombres just left their calling card. Deepstate/shadow gvnt in deep doo doo.

14207831? ago

When will it be destroyed dammit! I want to see blood!!!!

14207642? ago

Time to turn the Mad Dog loose?

14207629? ago

Time to the Mad Dog loose?

14207582? ago

Holy shit ! It’s getting real dark and real REAL. REAL FAST.

14213088? ago

Though all I see is LIGHT.

Even though I understand the transition is going to be a bit scary and disruptive.

A bit of preparation can't hurt. Cash, water, food, gas. Why not?