14214368? ago

The Democrats are crying, the FBI-Investigation can not be limited in time (7 days). I think this is the next trap. Q: "FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency". I believe, Brett Kavanaugh gets elected this week and POTUS will expand the FBI-Investigation in time. The Democrats can't say, you can't expand in time when they cried 1 week to expand in time. The same when they were crying, we need an FBI investigation. I think also with this Ford-case they investigate the whole mind-control-program. A huge thing and the people out there have a concrete case (Christine Ford) they know already about. A great script.

14204900? ago

Logically thinking. If [RR] will be exposed after the Kavanaugh confirmation. It's definitly in his best interest to delay. He did speak with Flake prior to...

14204404? ago

What is GJ?

14204609? ago

Grand jury

14204743? ago

Thx, I've seen that elsewhere.. now it makes sense.

14204280? ago

Robert Steele post about this scenario being a reality.

i posted this in a thread but i figure after this recent Q drop i will make my own post about how Robert Steele explained this kind of scenario from a CIA perspective.

Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI. Think WHY. Justice K NEVER named. [Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed' session = / = Justice K]. FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand. Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph. Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past. Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K. Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP. FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency as AUTH BY POTUS. [RR] involved? Q

ROBERT STEELE: I know most cannot handle the concept of CIA mind-control, but as a former spy for the CIA and as someone who has done a false flag for CIA and worked with a retired program manager familiar with CIA mind-control programs, I have to go on record as reiterating my original statement of 17 September 2018 when Owl first posted the lead article. Blasey is believed to be a second generation CIA dependent, whose father played a role in the CIA mind-control program. There are plenty of psychos, pedophiles, and generally sick people at CIA (on the black program edges) than most might imagine, to include employees that will offer their family members up for programming inclusive of child prostitution. While I continue to assert that 90% of the people at CIA are good people trapped in a bad system, no holistic analysis of the Blasey situation can be completed without considering CIA mind-control and the possibility that she was a) used as a CIA child prostitute for the Washington DC pedophile circuit back in the day; and b) programmed to take down future influentials — I would actually look for her having multiple therapists, each given a different judge’s name as part of a “salt the mine” strategy. CIA is part of the Deep State — it — like the FBI and NSA — thrives on blackmail and bribery.

The Nazis brought mind-control ideas with them to both CIA and NASA, CIA has always had a mid-control program, and today I believe that mind-control capability is in the private sector. NASA appears to be the more advanced version that seeks to do remote and mass mind-control from space and cell towers. Only a full investigation mandated by the President will get to the bottom of all this. Here is a comment that just came in from an observer, the second such comment in the last 24 hours (see bottom of UPDATE 23 for the first such comment).

“The more I think about Ford’s performance yesterday, the more I think she is not a paid Democrat agent, but rather a CIA trauma mind-control agent. Everyone on both sides said that she genuinely appeared to have suffered trauma, and I agree. It’s just not the kind of trauma they think..

14204156? ago

That rat seems to be involved in everything.

14203919? ago

doesn't surprise me a bit

14203785? ago

RR involved in the delay slander tactics of the left regarding the confirmation hearings.