14209142? ago

I think Q is 17 different ppl... But doesn't matter, stop guessing he doesn't want us to know yet.

14210468? ago

Q said it’s less than 10 people who know about the Q operation.

14208789? ago

Q is obviously a team of people which has been obvious by the different posting styles ... I've also noticed that a few of them sounded like Potus specifically.

14208336? ago

If anyone did know, I'd say keep it to themselves. I'm sure theres plenty of people that would want him shut down. He'll come forward when the time is right or maybe he'll prefer to be a silent hero. What he's done for this country will never be forgotten.

14208172? ago

Because.... TN really is God's Country?

14207806? ago

I think this is a sign of more personal comms in the future.

14207514? ago

So whats going on here is, Q posted "heading to TN now". Then he posted "Does POTUS normally Tweet "Heading to X" prior to a rally?" "Today, for the 1st time, we IDEN where we would be." He is basically just letting us know that the message was sent through him today, for the first time. He is showing us that he is with POTUS

14207472? ago

Did anyone notice the odd wording? "Where we would be". Normally you'd say "where we willbe" if you are actually going to be there.

14207342? ago

Did Q iDENtify they would be in Denver?

14207180? ago

Garden of IDEN

14207167? ago

Q drop 2309. Twitter going to ban President. President moving to the Chans?

14206964? ago

Let there be no doubt, at the very minimum, Q is close to the President.

14212721? ago

Melania is that you? Its so funny no one ever suggests a woman.

14207627? ago

Q+ is POTUS, Earlier post Q+ and Pres Trump posted on Twitter exact same message (Post 2300). Then this message today, to me confirms Q+ is POTUS, who else would be Q+? only make logical sense.

14212472? ago

It was my understanding that Q+ stands for himself “Q” and “+” the army of anons

14216129? ago

That was another theory yes, but I think Q+ is POTUS.

14209700? ago

Agree. I thought that same thing today, therefore I think you're right

14208367? ago

Post 2300 is about red October, POTUS didn't tweet anywhere near that time.

14209763? ago

Shhh now, we circle jerkin here!

14209307? ago

post 2300 "Stay Tuned and Watch" posted by Q+, Trump also tweeted the exact same thing on Sept 30th at the end of the paragraph.

14209754? ago

It was vice-versa.

Trump tweeted. Then Q.

14216047? ago

Doesn't matter the order, it is the fact they both said same thing. And it was Q+ not just Q.

14216443? ago

Doesn't matter the order, it is the fact they both said same thing.


14207219? ago

Undoubtedly, since Q is partially military and Trump is CIC.

14207007? ago

You guys need to figure this stuff out. There is 1 name I haven't heard anyone mention. I have been sitting on it since the President's Asia trip because I didn't want to out a name and have the MSM paint the guy as a "conspiracy theorist working in Trump's Admin" or something to that effect... however it should be time.

14207855? ago

The keyboard mashing that will happen on infinitechan when it is revealed that Q is Trump's right-hand Jew will be historic.

14207775? ago

"You wouldn't believe who it is."



David Duke.

14207309? ago

And who might that be? I have an idea myself, but who knows.

14209729? ago

I'm leaning towards Eric Prince myself. Head of Trump's private security/Intel force. The man has the money to fund a private army

14207962? ago

Well with the current twitter "confirmations" there is an individual who would basically have to be involved if POTUS is involved right? It makes it sound so simplistic "duh" now since we have the confirmations now... before i was going off of the reflection on the window overlooking Korea....

14207858? ago

And bannon is ex navy.

14207847? ago

Bannon. He was sitting in as dni in the very beginning. And he left right before Q started to post.

14207259? ago

I've been saying since the beginning that it's Sebastian Gorka.

14206961? ago

Trump will start to communicating through 8chan rather than Twitter? Is twitter censoring Trump? Look back to QPost 2297

14207316? ago

No, he's going to start communicating via presidential text, with a more serious tone, the real Donald Trump, not the reality star persona. No opt out, no algorithm. Anyone with a phone will see his message.

14207109? ago

POTUS hasn’t tweeted since this morning

14208734? ago

Would be fantastic for POTUS to leave before Twatter bans him, we form a mass exodus and render them irrelevant.

14206841? ago

Sky is falling event linked to missiles being taken down?

14207343? ago

apparently a lot of planes went down over the past few days, going by drop #2303.

14206811? ago

Because it is safe to do so now. Period.

14206805? ago

Suggesting increased confidence in in-flight security (the skys belong to POTUS).

The advance notification may have been a test of COMMSEC(?)

14206789? ago

Simple...We The Rednecks of TN love Trump....he's safe here!

14206773? ago

So... why? Why did they do that? Ideas?

14208280? ago

Ready. Prepared for possible hits? Just asking the enemy to "bring it"? Space Force

14207554? ago

Something to do with the recent "splash" drop?

14206826? ago

Assuming prior threats for this event were already neutralized so announcing doesnt make a difference as far as security.

14206804? ago

I'll add... Trump is running late to the venue for anyone not watching. They are expecting him in approximately 10 mins.