14985170? ago

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14218579? ago

FF! You idiots that defy the Secret Service will be responsible for causing a false flag or an assasination!!! They will use the record of all the threats that were called in!!! The bad actors will posed as QAnon followers to do really bad things to POTUS or to the crowd!!!

14218505? ago

What if the CIA posing as Q followers and call in threats before a rally? They are making a record! Then when dozens of Q shirts are are unveiled during the rally the Secret Service cannot spot the fake Qanon followers that are at the rally to harm POTUS!

14214651? ago

Don't get mad, get even & it takes two to tango, even when you're a weirdo who is naughty sum times.

14214518? ago

Can we request local PD blotter for call in tracking?

14214046? ago

try a t-shirt with the trumpisher instead ;)

14213226? ago

Since I am pretty new, I like to think outside the box. What if Q isn't a loyal follower? Just an insider turncoat. Hence, you will be very surprised. What if an assassination attempt will occur at a rally by a supposed Q patriot? Don't you think this last post was a bit disingenous? Self promotimg the cause? Why ask people to wear q shirts as they may be a distraction for the SS. Another possibility, what if Q was compromised?

14214013? ago


14213994? ago

Keep researching. Not compromised.

14212025? ago

Check this out... Happened Yesterday in Memphis, Tennessee.... Pretty strange seeing as there's a rally in Tennessee today (Mon).

ATF: About 400 guns stolen from UPS facility in Tennessee.


14211312? ago

The Secret Service knows the left are planning a violent attacks by leftist posing as QAnon’s. Please let the Secret Service Protect POTUS. How will they know which Q tee shirt is the real threat when you all pose a threat because you think you know better than than POTUS!!!! Don’t be fucking retards!!!

14209667? ago


14208038? ago

THEY are sad and pathetic, and clearly LOSING.

14207599? ago

Maybe hes saying to double down. Bring 2 shirts in, go for the biggest showing ever. You cant wear one in, but can you bring one in?

14207449? ago

I would love to have gone to tonight's rally, and if I had been off today and tomorrow, I would most certainly have gone. It's only about a 3 hour drive.

14207211? ago

Maybe it is a countdown indicator? There are two ‘Twos’, one after the other: two ellipses (..) (typically there are three) and the word ‘Two.’ Maybe public fireworks start in two days?

14207210? ago

I had a friend wear Q shirt to the Evansville in Trump rally the secret service made him buy a trump shirt and change

14206974? ago

If a person wearing a q shirt attempts something at one of these rallies we are done. Secret Service doesn't want you to wear one so don't wear one. How difficult is that to understand.

14206629? ago

How about wearing something with the Punisher?


14206525? ago

Just skip the t shirts.

14206509? ago

The USSS is stopping people with Q shirts on because [THEY] are calling in threats & they want to pin any violence on Qanons. If you were allowed in with your Q gear some type of attack would likely happen. At least that's the way I read Q message.

14206313? ago

I think it is much more simple than you all are making it to be. Q is saying wear the Q gear as undershirts! Just take the top shirt off once you are inside.

14206100? ago

Just wear a t shirt with words that start with Q.. Like Quicksilver.. Or a Queen T shirt..

14205943? ago

Could 2 people combine to make a Q... one with a c and the other with a 2, standing together would look like a q

14207636? ago


14205723? ago


14205691? ago

Don’t the SS work for POTUS? Why are they denying Q short access? Compromised SS

14205636? ago

Not going to be surprised if someone in a q short starts some shit trying to make anons look violent.

14205573? ago

I'm not certain where Q's is going with this one. My view is that the Q thing was drawing attention away from the candidates Trump is supporting with these rallies. Q became a media distraction. The focus should be on electing these candidates, only 5 weeks away. Demonrat house means no approved trade deals, impeachment moves, stalling on everything budget wise, a total disaster. Loss of the Senate means no more SCOTUS appointments, no treaty approvals, no confirmation of judges up and down the line. This election is key to maintaining the Trump agenda, period. Q should be taking second fiddle to that.

14211590? ago

Exactly ThanQ! Look we all love POTUS and the amazing things his administration has done for this country. If we all don't start putting the president's agenda priorities first by focusing like a laser in helping him get Republicans across the finish line we can kiss it all goodbye literally. We already see that the Democrooks will stop at nothing. What has been accomplished will all be for nothing and God help us. Socialism is their goal. Hussein came out today in support of the Socialist rep in NY and many just like her.

14213071? ago

Q shirts will be the hottest fall fashion, AFTER the election! Media will fly with the crazy Qanon conspiracy theorists support "Insert Republican name here". No negative media needed for Red elections, keep it about the candidate. VOTE!

14205493? ago

Q is already known by the MSM.. Not needed to wear now. Try a shirt with the letters WWG1WGA across the front and back.

14205437? ago

If people that are going tonight do indeed try the hidden shirt underneath top shirt, it should be a coordinated flash mob shirt removal sequence. A spectacle you couldn’t ignore

14205476? ago

As soon as Trump brings up Hillary everyone removes top shirt revealing Q shirts. Be better if it was during a Q reference by Trump

14206103? ago

Tits out for Q!

14205412? ago

i think he is refering to a cursive Q. one is in lower script, TWO is capitilized, indicating ?"double meaning"? best idea ive heard so far is 17 shirts.alts - american flag shirts, a plain color shirt no decor. About the only cool Q color would be Quick silver, RGB 65-65-65. a silver shirt with 2/17 . hell print your favorite Q meme. wearing a shirt after SS says not to may put yourself in a compromising position depending on the atmosphere of the rally .

14205174? ago

How about changing it up a bit & wear 17 instead?

14204703? ago

Just make it a Maga shirt or a WWG1WGA! OR Make it a 17 shirt!!

14204456? ago

what is everyone had a Q shirt inside out and at a certain song flipped it around and the whole place was filled with Q shirts ? It could happen......

14204337? ago

This is the work of (((Soros))) and old news. But I'm glad its getting more attention now.

14204039? ago

Q in cursive looks like the number 2. That would likely not cause issue or suspicion. I believe this is what Q is referring.

14204036? ago


14203981? ago

Wear Q shirt UNDER regular shirt when ENTERING rally......lift top shirt once IN rally

14203846? ago

Going to see the God Emperor tonight, wish me luck

14205066? ago

Tomorrow once you have processed it, let us have a report. How many Q folks you think were there?

14203875? ago

Fellow East Tennesseean here. Wish I could be there. Rally at the rally for me!

14205695? ago

Will do! An hour to go!

14203742? ago

If wearing a Q shirt to a ralley is a security threat. So be it. I wear Q shirts at work and around town. Don"t y"all?

14205088? ago

I do. And the green painter tape lettering on the van is wicked subtle too.

14203665? ago

We need a design that dissolves back when we want it to and pronounced forward with a few tweaks. Think camouflage. Think conspicuity. Think disruptive pattern into mimetic pattern. Props might be useful.

14207608? ago

Remember those hypercolor shirts that changed color with temp? Wish I had one to cut up.

14203587? ago

Would TWO on backwards be the answer. O'Fynn Wral

14203389? ago

Two shirts, wear Q shirt underneath.

14203263? ago

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14203061? ago

So you really cant wear a q shirt to a potus rally?

14202921? ago

TWO shirts, Second amendment, (one becomes two wearing Q shirts)

14202864? ago

So I think it's safe to assume, we're a bit confused over this latest q drop. lol...

14202822? ago

Nice looking family

14202810? ago

"When one (1) shirt is not enough" -- refers to the FIRST amendment.

"TWO (2) becomes the solution." -- refers to the SECOND amendment

14202698? ago

17 shirts with the number #17

14202689? ago

Check out the reverse in the last 2 lines (one and two and also .. & .) One shirt is not enough.. Two become the solution.

14202675? ago

I don't think Q team wants the public to know our true numbers.......Yet. and that's why the SS has you remove your shirts.

14213339? ago

Why would the SS make people remove their shirts? Something is up. Fox just showed snippets of the rally. Assassimation attempt by a fake Q patriot?

14202632? ago

Or maybe safety in numbers... a few lone Q shirts would cause a problem... but if tons and tons of Q shirts... then the one lone weirdo who acts crazy or something will just be seen as a lone weirdo instead of "some weird guy with a Q shirt". If there are Q shirts EVERYWHERE.... then you can't associate the crazy with Q.

Damn, I worded this horribly, but hopefully it made sense.

14202546? ago

Wear a white t shirt underneath a shirt. Wear boots and put a mark-a-lot inside boot. Once inside with your group draw a Q front and back. Happy. Use team work and assist others!

14202517? ago

Sorry if this has been addressed but Why is it that the SS doesn't allow the Q Shirts or Signs. Is that by design?

14202585? ago

(((They))) have made false threats (like a bomb scare) saying something like “we are going to harm potus and be disguised in Q shirts.” So now SS must ban/turn away anyone wearing a Q shirt as they could be a “threat”. (((They))) do it to minimize Qs reach. Less Q shirts on National TV and Trumps rally

14202746? ago

Thank you! Now it makes sense!!!

14205152? ago

You know what would make sense....Trump asking if their are any Q people in the crowd tonight. The place would go wild!

14207458? ago

Didn’t he do a Q sign at one of the rallies? I would love for him at some point to acknowledge the movement but understand how that might not be the best move.

14202515? ago

Love how [THEY] are in the kill box :)

14204046? ago

Q better be careful. I heard the naming is illegal.

14202489? ago

I was front row at the Wheeling WV rally. 100% for sure, when he saw a guy w a Q pin, he pointed to the guy and air signed a cursive Q

14202424? ago

I don't see how this solves anything. Those intent to do harm, could just as easily layer their shirts too. Then make sure the Q shirt is the one seen when they try something.

14202417? ago

When the First Amendment is not enough, the Second becomes the solution.

14204161? ago

What's the message you're implying here? Q definitely isn't suggesting we take up arms against anyone.

14221189? ago

Implying DEFENSE.....not OFFENSE. Big difference.

14202459? ago

Listen to this anon.

14202526? ago

Double meanings exist. Source: Q

14202387? ago

I have a different take on this. I don't think Q is asking us to try and get by SS by wearing two shirts... I think he's saying SS isn't going to stop it... So "two shirts" = more shirts... Like hundreds!

14202346? ago

I thought they were making people take off Q shirts/taking away Q signs at the rallies because the threat was someone wearing a Q shirt doing something crazy and trying to make the movement all look crazy? so they were trying to avoid that scenario? no? All right I'm obviously confused over what's going on here...

14202330? ago

Noooo... Q doesn't want any crazy or violent act PINNED to the Q movement!

14202468? ago

And----the DS would love a disturbance created by someone "apparently" associated with that mysterious fringy cult Q group(media words) So, maybe better to not allow Q association shirts. You know how the media would react if a bad actor did something they could zoom in on if that bad actor had Q paraphernalia visible to the camera.

14211090? ago

Yup, just like what Jim Acosta n CNN tried to pull back at the rally in Florida. The chick that supposedly had a stocker from Oklahoma that she had lunch with

14202328? ago

Like everyone else im a little confused about the "TWO becomes the solution" portion. My initial assumption is to wear a non-Q shirt over top of the Q shirt so you can get in to the rally. But since bad actors are reading Q and are the ones making the threats prior to the rally, they would just do the same. Since TWO is capitalized I think there is more to this than just how to circumvent Secret Service not allowing you in. Anyone else have some thoughts?

14204360? ago

I think they are looking for a lone wolf wearing a Q shirt? Perhaps if more than one in your group is wearing Q, then you are safe to wear it?

14204969? ago

There were four in our group in Springfield. A very large man at the door was rather insistent we did not enter before changing.

14202776? ago

2 = second amendment.

14202305? ago

Why is Q recommending a way to get around the SS's wishes?

14211458? ago

He isn’t. The fucking idiots that defy the Secret Service are retards that want to distract the Secret Service from spotting real threats! They know bad actors will be posing as QAnons!

14203920? ago

Because that's how he rolls.

14203101? ago

because the SS are authoritarian and ruining everyone's fun/freedom in the name of national security. same old story...

14202304? ago

It's called a Double Tap. Alyssa Milano attempted this at the Kavanugh hearing with protest signs.

First sign was confiscated. Second sign was passed to her by an Insider. (Oooh she was pissed when they caught her trigger and stopped her.)

I see a day when the President of the United States takes the podium to speak to We the People, and all the Patriots remove their first shirt to show their Q shirt worn underneath.

It would be like a wave running through the auditorium, there are so many.

What are they going to do, imprison the entire Auditorium?


14215983? ago

Flash mob a "Q" at the rallies? Shift people in same colored t-shirts one or two places forming a large Q in the audience? Only the "mob" participants would know. Not intended to set the SS off but still show our loyalty to Q and our President.

14208089? ago

I see a day when the President of the United States takes the podium to speak to We the People, and all the Patriots remove their first shirt to show their Q shirt worn underneath.

This explains that 'we the people' aren't citizens. http://www.1215.org/lawnotes/lawnotes/pvc.htm

Did you know citizens aren't used for grand juries and 'the people' have different constitutional rights from citizens?

14204132? ago

That would be fuckin awesome.

14202944? ago

That would be the day! Woooooooow http://magaimg.net/img/6bdr.jpg

14202697? ago

THIS. Wouldn't that be something!

14202234? ago

What if a black hat wears a Q shirt? No one should get a pass.

14202208? ago

to those people recommending two shirts, why would you antagonize Q, Trump or the SS? Just follow the rules and enjoy he show.

14202172? ago

How do we get EVERY single attendee at a rally to have a Q shirt on? NO WAY that can be ignored

14213092? ago

Reversible MAGA hats with Q inside. Can flip them inside out at a precise time. . no one would ask anyone to remove their hat on their way in?

14211517? ago

Then the Secret Service will not be able to spot the real threat posing as a QAnon, are you fucking retarded?

14211336? ago

You fucking retard want the Secret Service to watch you instead of the real fucking threats!!! You are fucking stupid and dangerous to our president!!!

14214471? ago

Downvote for you

14209123? ago

Handing them out for free near the entrance is guaranteed to have more people wearing them..

14209047? ago

Trump and secret security dont allow them in because the left put provocetuer actors into the audience dressed in Q tshirts to cause problems so msm reporters and cameras can create false news narratives.

14203563? ago

Don’t try to push q if they think it’s a threat ! It’s about Potus not q

14203889? ago

I agree. It's also about TIMING!!!! They have all the information and if they don't want Q shirts there then don't wear them.

14211363? ago

You fucking retard! You want the Secret Service to watch you instead of the real fucking threats!!! You are fucking stupid and dangerous to our president!!!

14204008? ago

You did read the post, right? That is [their] whole plan. To stop us from wearing them and getting the word out. Q's suggestion is to wear a Q shirt under another shirt.

14203854? ago

We're obviously supposed to push Q. The threat at the rallies is that someone will try to commit a FF in Q's name - wearing paraphernalia with Q on it. "When one shirt isn't enough.." - Q suggests wearing one shirt under another.

14209248? ago

The SS restricts things for a reason. That reason is to protect the POTUS in person and position.

A Q that truly was close to the president, would never advocate tricking around SS rules and restrictions cause that is to put POTUS at risk.

This blows Q's legitimacy our of the water for me. And what ever persons faked this post is a genuine son of a bitch, and enemy of America.

14209561? ago

LOL stfu shill

14220764? ago

1295 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 09b0d5 No.1233458 📁 Apr 29 2018 10:11:22 (EST) Be careful who you are following. Some are profiting off this movement. Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream. Patriots make sacrifices. Some, the ultimate sacrifice. Patriots are SELFLESS. Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots? Think logically. To some, it’s only about the money. Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda. You decide. This is not a game. The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM. God bless you all.

14210166? ago

Not shill. Expand your thinking. Would real Q say, "F SS rules, let cheat and sneak them shirts in. "Follow the money" Who benefits most if everyone rushes out and buys two Q shirts?

14211586? ago

Shills always use Q quotes when trying to discredit Q for some stupid reason. If you really did know how to expand your thinking you'd figure that Q and SS have an understanding about what is ok to do. Also, take your Neon Revolt garbage and hit the fuckin road.

14212352? ago

Man tha's lib logic. SS not allow, but Q says sneak them in. That's really teamwork. Where there is money factor, corruption exist. At least Neon Revolt is honest unlike the pam crew.

14217866? ago

There are no honest famefags. Fuck em.

14203561? ago

One could interpret this is, "How do we get more people to by shirts from bakers websites". It looks like the bakers may in face control the Q post and trying to bump their sales. Not trying to be adverse to Q's over all message, just giving you my impression.

14203166? ago

Would a ‘static cling’ letter Q work, that could just be ‘stuck’ on regular shirt and could be stuck onto inside of shirt until the right time ??? Much cheaper that a printed tee shirt and NO 2nd shirt required...just a thought...

14211346? ago

You fucking retard want the Secret Service to watch you instead of the real fucking threats!!! You are fucking stupid and dangerous to our president!!!

14217904? ago

Completely agree. This post has greedy backers written all over it. A real Q would never suggest cheating around SS rules that are in place to protect POTUS.

14218345? ago

QAnons need to reach the people that don’t go to Trump rally’s. Trump supporters vote RED! Q wants followers to awaken the sheep.

14232434? ago

Understand. Look what happened when WWII troops wrote "Kilroy was here", hell before long he was everywhere from Africa to Berlin. We should all start tagging "Q was here" where we go. Spread The Word.

14232929? ago

Write it on your dollar bills

14239372? ago

Limited views, need in spot where people travel. Also get label stickers. Write Q Was Here! on them and stick on surfaces. 1 Quicker. Get it 1 Q U I C K E R =7 letters lol

14207339? ago

Just a neatly "Q" printed on index cards. The can be paper clipped to a baseball cap in no time. If not that, double sided packing tape or a safety pin.

14204138? ago

Sounds great if you want to be manhandled by USSS. They take all threats seriously.

14204507? ago

Good point, just a thought, even if a not so good one...

14206533? ago

You can't really blame the guys, though. They are just doing their job.

They cannot take absolutely any risks when it comes to the safety of POTUS. So if that means we gotta keep the Q gear at gate, that is just how it is, unfortunately.

14203212? ago

Also one size fits all

14204519? ago


14202905? ago

Hand out at rally, instruct on how to put on a shirt under a shirt while wearing a shirt.

14204139? ago

Why not all wear red weg1wga hats

14203241? ago

Q hats might be better. One size fits all.

14211786? ago

hide hats in pants put hats on in rally WW1WGA, Q

14202928? ago

WHO? We need to organize this. Get 7k-10k tshirts printed up and distributed to people before a rally who are willing to do it. I can help financially but no rallies are coming up in ny state.

14202977? ago

Memes for the idea of a Q shirt and Two shirts, targeted distribution for those most likely to be in attendance.

14202321? ago

You. I like you.

14202314? ago


Sooooo much THIS.

14202150? ago

Q - Wouldn't it be better (and safer) to just double check people with Q shirts on? If they hide it, that gives the bad guys even more ammo. They could use it against us. And I imagine they would know that, even though they are pretty stupid.

14206723? ago

Here's a thought.

What if... Q having people smuggle in Q shirts is an exercise for the USSS? Think like a response time test. How quickly they can identify someone with a shirt and remove them.

Hey. It's possible. Just thinking outside the box here. lol

14202544? ago

Q said do it.

14211390? ago

He did not, You fucking retard! Do you really want the Secret Service to watch you instead of the real fucking threats!!! You are fucking stupid and dangerous to our president!!!

14204114? ago

doooit - Q

14203179? ago

He also said to think for ourselves.

14202133? ago

This is huge, if true!

14202125? ago

Fake news. Fake and gay.

14202033? ago

14202021? ago

Definitely a male typing Q Baby Q

14202011? ago

Edit: Replying to other responses saying 2 shirts, but hit the wrong button :)

That seems like the answer. But how is that safe when they're calling in threats based off of Q shirted people? I guess they're not concerned about someone actually doing something, just forcing Secret Service to have them remove the shirts? Sounds like Q has decided it is safe to wear the shirts, and he's giving us the answer to get past Secret Service so you can start publicizing again.

14207522? ago

I think he’s saying if you want in and your wearing a q shirt and they won’t let you in with it to wear another non Q shirt under it. Might be wrong but that’s how I read it

14204093? ago

We're sort of assuming that the threats are threats of a fake Q person committing a crime and framing us all but what if the threats being called in are Against Q people? Threats to hurt/kill people wearing Q shirts. Maybe more likely that's going to happen when getting in and attackers can position themselves close to people wearing Q shirts. If you take off the outer shirt after seated they don't know where we are.

14202550? ago

I think Q is referring to the First and Second Amendment.

14202053? ago

That's my take too, but is being sneaky around Secret Service a good idea? I guess if it's Q-sanctioned they'd look the other way?

14203053? ago

I wouldn't fuck with doing something they told you not to. How shit would you feel if they got distracted dealing with you when their attention should have been elsewhere. Guarding trump is a sacred duty right now, give those guys all the room they need.

14206821? ago

Yeah. Distracting USSS isn't exactly a good idea. They have an extremely important job to do. The last thing we want to do is make that job harder or divide their resources. They are assigned positions in the crowd strategically, so having them shuffle around chasing us gets in the way of that.

I imagine they will have a rally eventually like the one before where they check Q people closely and let us in.

14201969? ago

Soooo, wear your Q shirt under another, and when the time is right, remove the outer shirt. Solution.

14207805? ago

Wear a T-shirt under a long sleeve buttoned shirt...problem solve, you just need to unbuttoned the shirt when its time, no need to remove anything and bring the SS to you.

14203783? ago

I think that's exactly what Q was saying

14203745? ago

Like if everyone took out an Anon Mask and put it on :)

14202956? ago

No good. They will bounce you out. From my experience at the rally it was about contrast. People with high contrast and bold Q shirts were told to remove them, while people whose stuff was subtle got in. Black Q on a dark shirt for example did not seem to phase them.

Edit: the above poster who tied this to amendments may have hit it right on the head. It makes way more sense.

I think the rally is more about meeting in the line than anything. For whatever reason they don't want the MSM narrative to be Qanon invades trump rally again. I think they want us meeting face to face, but not visible on TV right now. That could all change next rally, I sure don't know the plan. You meet the best people in line at a Trump rally.

14206652? ago

We can do a lot of good just simply talking with people in line. It's easy to dismiss something as crazy or not give it much thought when you click away from it. However when it is right in front of you, it gives pause for consideration and an opportunity to satisfy curiosity.

Which is why if you go to a rally and wear Q gear in line and around the place outside, you should prepare yourself in order to give a good explanation of what Q is and so on. It's a great opportunity to red pill people when you actually have their attention.

14203364? ago

I attended the Trump rally in Evansville IN several weeks back. Great folks in line! We had a blast while waiting. I saw several Q shirts at that rally, I think gold on black....stood out. As far as I know nothing was said to anyone about removing their Q shirts. Vendors were also selling both Q t shirts & buttons.

14207318? ago

I bought a huge Q drop for a necklace. I flew on a plane and a flight attendant noticed it. My family? Nope my name starts with a “D”

14210201? ago

lol Did the flight attendant get it?

14202880? ago

I think it is a great idea! I believe too - it can not be ignored!

14202574? ago

Double meanings exist. I believe Q is referring to the First and Second Amendment.

14202534? ago

When is it time for me to remove my pants?

14204569? ago

IDK but that's the moment I drop to my knees.

14211808? ago

I hope you're female...or passable. Hahahhaha

14203096? ago

"I shaved my balls for this?!?"

14208723? ago


14202947? ago

When you have your "Q" undies on!

14203813? ago

Were those Q undies or just O undies with your winkie poking out?

14206677? ago

I don't wear underwear. This could be problematic.

14208742? ago

Shave your balls.

14202805? ago

You're still wearing pants?

14202126? ago

Yeah, but why is the Secret Service even refusing entry? It is an advertisement, you pat those people down to be sure. It is more dangerous them hiding it.

14202925? ago

My guess is that if something DID happen, and it was attributed to Q, the media would be plastering pics of all the supporters at all the rallies wearing Q gear. We would be labeled some type of neo-nazi extremist terrorist group.

14203168? ago

Exactly. But at the same time they don‘t want to bring more attention to it. Q must have seen the computer projections, which is why he said the censoring is gonna get worse. Cause they are losing, badly I might add.

14202201? ago

Perhaps they are legally bound to do so?

14201959? ago

Q shirt with a Trump shirt on top of that? Rate my decode!