14209313? ago

Dear Q+: Let's begin the world over again. Love and thank you!

14208338? ago

I enlisted in the Air Force when Ronald Reagan was President and Commander in Chief. Since him, I have had to apologize for every other president, including President Bush, and especially Clinton and 0bama. I was afraid we would never again see a president of his caliber (pun intended).

I'm so happy Pres. Trump is pro-America, pro-liberty, and unashamed of it.

Watching the video gave me chills. So glad to be in this time-line. Thanks pedes, and any military for your service(s).

14207641? ago

Wonder how many secret cues are in that video? Aircraft tail symbol, obelisk, key phrases, phrase in President Reagan's voice that he never spoke?

14207887? ago

Everyone was gathered around radios. Is that a clue?

14206696? ago


14206582? ago

That line about 'remaking the world' I'm in awe

14206321? ago

Pretty sure this vid has been posted by Q(+) several times now.

14206307? ago

PROFOUND video and message! IMHO the hidden meaning to it: "SHIT'S ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN!" Revelations revealed... "future proves past"

14206276? ago

Very inspiring

14206272? ago

This video made me so proud of who I am and what I believe in. I LOVE our president so much!!!

14205975? ago

Ohhhh shit.

Somethings coming.

14205881? ago

Q 2307

Board: /patriotsfight/

Full Text:


Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWYrcnehito

14207946? ago

My family and I were at President Reagan's first inauguration. During the parade Iran released the embassy hostages. Along the parade route the word was passed about the release and like the wave at a baseball game the crowds arose and cheered . Then the word was passed that President Reagan had the National Christmas Tree lights turned on which had been dark since that last Christmas by President Carter. Again a wave of cheers swept through the crowds. That night the National Orchestra played the Battle Hymn of the Republic from the Capital steps while fireworks ignited all the way from the Capital to the Lincoln Memorial. Then filling the air was over 500,000 voices (maybe more maybe less) singing the hymn along with the Orchestra. In that moment the inspiration and emotion of seeing hope replace despair and faith replace doubt was so overwhelming. As they say "There wasn't a dry eye in the house" or in this case throughout the nation with the exception of the losers and naysayers. It was a moment in my life that I can never forget, nor want to.

When we are done here and we have defeated the Deep State and the demons who have lead us to the edge of destruction, we should have President Trump's military parade with every citizen standing in their cities, towns, homes or just wherever they are and sing together the Battle Hymn of the Republic and most importantly the National Anthem. Then from coast to coast the longest and biggest fireworks show ever seen, paid for and provided by the Chinese and the Russians in gratitude for ensuring world peace and prosperity.