14208627? ago

I'm for everyone taking a test in order to vote. Nothing rigorous just make sure people know some of the issues. Oh, and you have to show ID and no illegals can vote. I don't see why this would cause any issues. Well, the test maybe. Heck, I'm for members of Congress taking a test. That would be funny

14206370? ago

There's a reply to the Evans tweet (about 5 or 6 down at time of writing) that has a disclaimer:

"The following media contains sensitive content"

When you click on it, it's a meme, making fun of democrats. Until know, I'd been lurking here, reading about censorship and whatnot, not not really believing it.

Holy crap, this is crazy. It's a fucking meme?! How does that need to be censored when there is far worse on the internet?!

Not an American (from Europe) but I've been watching this whole Q thing with great interest, but not sure if it's a larp or not.

I hope it's true. Sounds insignificant, but I think seeing this just tipped the scales for me.

14206106? ago

Chris Evans is terrified: Kanye West is his own man.


14205568? ago

Sent a nicely worded tweet letting him know that the on- screen character does not match the actor and he just lost a fan.

14204648? ago

What did you do, Chris Evans?

Those who protest the loudest...

14205020? ago

@entylawyer is legit. He even had articles written about how prescient he is.

14205098? ago

Hell yeah - the ones about "The Church" and human trafficking under guise of humanitarian efforts overseas are devastating

14205167? ago

That still keeps me up at night.

Knowing what Q told us, then to have a second anonymous source with proven accuracy confirm...

. .. I don't look at the world the same anymore.

You and yours are in my prayers, Patriot.

14204794? ago

He is a radio host in England.

14205007? ago

@entylawyer on Twitter and Instagram. :D

He told us about Elon Musk stepping down weeks before it happened. Great resource.

14204593? ago

Here you go a paper on meditation with yoga group therapy with ..hypnosis .....goes who is on the author list. Wonder about that fake memory... Here is the link. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18459121

14204460? ago

The Lincoln test Did the 2 parties switch sides?


14204365? ago

Parties aren't the issue, just tools, the Zionist juden are. SHEEP NO MORE!

14204313? ago

So I hear a reporter..If Kavanaugh gets elected then all the democratic wrong doing goes away..


If we fail to punish these false allegations, Feinstein, Katz and others we are not giving others a loud and clear message. You can lie cheat and steal. Democrats ..If we win no problem, if we loose the Republicans will be so happy they will not care and file charges.. AVENATTI where are you.. get ready for your next shill.. Soros where is avenatti s money.. $20,000. Ok 75,000 And The there is the go fund me windfall.

14203916? ago

A woman’s worst fear.. a sex robot.. no back talk no alimony..

14204246? ago

A woman's worst fear...lack of respect. A real man treats a woman like a woman, not a whore.

14205288? ago

Ps... we don’t need the REAL. MAN... Sorry there are women who are whores no matter how much you respect them. There is a reason it is called the oldest profession..

14204984? ago

Unless the woman is a whore then she should be treated like a whore.

14206952? ago


14204621? ago

When a woman wants to be treated like a woman, that means she wants to be treated like a whore.

14204816? ago

No. Respect. Treated like your sexy is not the same as being treated like a whore.

14203858? ago

You can never have peace when people elect women like Sen Hirono. The apex of the stupidity pyramid.


14206134? ago

Harino I hate with a passion.. Fucking smug twat.

14205486? ago

Maybe we don't need Hawaii anymore....or turn it back into a territory like Puerto Rico, rescind its statehood. The place is lost.

14207766? ago

Hey, Hawaii is filled with very sweet people. Unfortunately, there is only one major newspaper and all the TV stations are in cahoots and run by Liberals. I know most of the owners. Real mini-cabal right there.

Truly, the Hawaii people JUST. DON'T. KNOW. I try, but it's a tough road. The stupid thing is, Hirono is Japanese. What she advocates for and who she aligns with are the antithesis to the Hawaii Japanese culture of Kodomo no Tame Ni -- For the sake of the Children (funny, I say it all the time, I think that's spelled correctly...)

Anyway, my take on her is that she is a social climber and a status seeker. She feels "less than" now that she doesn't have Daniel Inouye (a HUGE sexual harassment victimizer) to protect her. She has issues... But in my heart I believe the Hawaii people have no idea of the depth of depravity of the Democrats they align with. They are old school democrats. They have their own "syndicate" or mafia. They run the islands the way they see fit, but they from my decades of interactions at all levels there, I can't see them in bed with the MKU/Clinton body bag crowd.

Truthfully, they have always felt like the 'redheaded stepchild." So when they were given a chance to claim a president, they went all out. Didn't matter that he more than likely wasn't born there. Many who I know there KNOW the BC was weird. But they want to cling to the prestige and just turned a blind eye. I have friends there who now don't speak to me because they claim I was "trying to take our President away from us!"

And you know, Obama and company understood that very well. That's how they got away with it. Imagine trying to claim birth in Rhode Island or North Dakota and the BC and birth story don't match up. People would be going, "HEY! That's not the right name of the hospital!" But to all of you, the exotic names and spellings, and the mythology around the place made it harder to verify. Plus, most Japanese (other than Mazie) believe, "The nail that sticks up is the one that gets pounded down." So, as the saying goes in Hawaii, "We no say nuthin."

In touch now with a few friends back there to see what the opinion is of the K situation.

14205689? ago

We needed Hawaii for two things... the naval base for defense and pineapples.. the naval base is not as important today..icbms ,, pineapples can be grown at other location...

All other items like grass skits and beaches can be found through the South Pacific.

14203617? ago

The problem with this argument is that frankly, a great many of the things the republicans should be "proud" of were terrible fucking ideas. Giving women the vote? Wow, congrats. Give yourself a massive fucking clap on the back for that, well done. GJ being arguably the single greatest cause of the national debt, as a result of that one move alone.

Civil rights? Well, I'm not arguing that slavery was better (or good, or even "legal" under natural law). But you know what would have been better? Segregation, at a national level (americans pls hold your ire, or direct it at Abe Lincoln - these are his sentiments too after all). Can't have race related tension if there's only one race. Know how you can have race related tension? You give everyone equal rights, claim everyones "equal", and then leave the field open for cries of "racism" when, shock horror, these groups do not do as well on average as smarter, less violent races.

The simple fact is, both parties were controlled. Neither is innocent. Both helped destroy the nation. Not being "sexist" or "racist" is only a positive if you actually recognise the REALITY of the differences in groups. And giving women the vote, or encouraging total equality + multiracial societies is not recognising the reality of the differences. Treating 12 year old children as adults might be "equal", but it would not be good. Same shit here

14203498? ago

I thought that's what Q meant by the history books being changed or changing history or whatever he said. I was always confused as to why the parties switched policies. So much of US history never made any sense to me, the classes.

14205190? ago

The parties did NOT switch policies. The leftist have always owned the leftist policies. The left turned it all around and started blaming Republicans for the crimes and policies of the left. Republicans rarely fought back. They sat there quietly and allowed the left to take over. At some point most republicans joined the left and became RINO ... Republican In Name Only. Conservatives and Libertarian would generally run for office as a Republican or rarely as an Independent.

The radical left started rewriting history, and the "republican's" did not fight it because they were getting their pockets lined with cash and getting rich, the swamp bought them.

Then Donald Trump came along and he is fixing this mess.

14205502? ago

This sounds incredibly accurate. The swamp infiltrated everything and everybody, and people just got rich and/or compromised. Not enough foresight? All the important systems were bought up by rich people. Not enough war against the shadow powers? It's here and now?

14205469? ago

I agree with that analysis

14204596? ago

They didn't switch sides. That's the excuse the Dems are giving.

The Lincoln test Did the 2 parties switch sides?


14203496? ago

An SJW libshit fuckface plays Captain America.

Good one, Cabal.

14204386? ago

They made him HYDRA in the comics

14203259? ago

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14203214? ago

Kanye attracting lots of attention. Any info abou that first tweet/person refing his?

14202885? ago

Neither Private corporate NGO partisan establishment is representing upheld constitutional rule of public law and representing sovereign citizens of the US or putting this Nation, land and citizens first in all they do politically as sworn. .

14202871? ago

No fucking shit. Anyone with half a brain knows this. Start the actual pain.

All this cock teasing about pain coming, then nothing, makes this look like a LARP.

14206044? ago

Calm down and trust the plan. Q and POTUS play 5D chess with Dems, why don't you sit back and enjoy the show. Get popcorn too ;-)

14203646? ago

Found the noob.

14204106? ago

Found the smug sheep.

14205238? ago

Fuck off shill.