15703381? ago

I cannot create a conversation in the topic I am interested in because I have not joined conversations and recieved positive feedback for conversations I am not interested in ... hmmm ... ... ... smh facepalm

15702424? ago

Did you know using Xmas is part of the plan to separate people from God ? Why would anyone X out Christ ? Ok, I need 10 ccp points.

15671528? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @Francewhoa.

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15671526? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#14745) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15670867? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment by @15670853.

Posted automatically (#14738) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15604791? ago

Thanks, too complicated not worth it im out.

15604627? ago

Is there a way to "sticky" dailycrusader.com as fake news? Some people don't know any better and believe there crap. There is a certain group of people who push this site. It's the same people, we can tell, because they are on other sites as well. I can send you their user names if it helps. Just let me know, I don't want to "dox" I just want to assist people from being deceived.

15602922? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#14099) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15508977? ago

Thanks anon

15406227? ago

Somewhere in all of this insanity, I read "Two will be taken, three will be shaken," referring to all of the ex-Presidents.

Of course, one has already been taken, GHWB.

WHO is next? The peanut farmer is the eldest of the bunch, but does anyone know what he might of done to be included in this group? Having "lust in your heart," and being inept hardly places you anywhere near the crimes the others are accused of. Let's review:

A. GWB -- there's that whole 9/11/2001 thing that can be hung around his neck. How much of 9/11 was GWB's doing and how much was instigated by his daddy GHWB? (Where is the 'Heartless' one in this mess, Dick Cheney? He seems to be hiding successfully under a very large rock right now!)

B. Billy Boy -- signing Law(s) that unleashed the Banksters, selling Military Tech to China, Un-Human crimes committed in Haiti (and probably various other places in the World), The Clinton Foundation, etc.

Speaking of Foundations, is anyone watching what the Obama Foundation is up to?

C. The Obamatron -- Throwing spanners into various Govt operations, like allowing illegal immigrants to stroll into the Country, Subsidizing Solyndra and various other dubious "green" projects, but mostly interfering with the 2016 Elections both pre and post election. I'm of the opinion that the Obamatron was mainly teeing up the ball for the Hildabeast, who was slated by the Deep State to finish destroying the USA, financially, spiritually, and militarily.

D. Jimmy Carter -- I really cannot think of reasons to include this guy in this group of ne'er do-wells.

Some help/speculations would be helpful right about now.

15354750? ago

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15351279? ago

I'm trying hard to participate, need to get over this CCP points roadblock first!! Steady as she goes patriots!!

15316315? ago

I want to contribute but I'm tired of sucking dick for upvotes. How many do I need before I can post something? How do the shills seem to post so freely. I have some good info that I want to share.

15364856? ago

I'm tired of sucking dick for upvotes

Maybe work on your technique?

15191512? ago

This board is a fkg joke - Nothing that smells remotely like research on QRV - just concernfagging, biblefappin, shitpostin nubs intersperced with the odd troll post. Where are the real anons @ ???

15364870? ago

Where are the real anons @ ???

At your mom's house.

15173600? ago

Can i get some upvotes to be able to participate on vote please? Thx #WWG1WGA

15173632? ago

Woops, sorry, only now see the no upvote farming rule...

15217845? ago

Niggerfaggot. Go to v/Niggers like everyone else to get CCP

15169117? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#10928) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15161020? ago

SHILL post

15160006? ago

I made a discussion submission yesterday that had 101 up voats, yet none of them are reflecting on my account and the submission isn’t showing in my stats. I was hoping to gain submission points that would allow me to down voat and do other things on voat. Any ideas?

15155525? ago

even though this ccp requirement is a pain . . . . i haven't got enuff points . . . . i do understand and agree with the rationale. isn't this requirement meant to limit the number of shills who can post comments? the most determined still get thru . . . . but the number of shills probably get blocked from posting new comments. or? and yes, i am an idiot and a moron and whatever anyone else wants to call me

15105334? ago

Thanks for the help.

15077351? ago

Newfag here... My comment upvoat total remains at 0, even though I have received upvoats on my comments, what gives?

15136583? ago

You are in an anon subverse, moron.

15002867? ago

Comment contribution points are stupid I have 28 comment likes but the older people only vote new people down so only 18 points and this is after several months. This system is dumb.

15136596? ago

Boo fucking hoo.

15137564? ago

I bet that was cathartic for you.

14941050? ago

using android app for Q , didn't get screen shot. but said something like " Black Hats use app also than gave corrdinates , anyone else with app get this ? WTF.....

14927432? ago

If I could make a suggestion, not that anyone is going to read it. Before you reply to a comment, pls up vote it. That is if it's in agreement ... lol.

14874526? ago

q called, wants the d back.

14853931? ago

14831375? ago

please upvote my comment . . . . i have 3 but need a few more thank u

15136600? ago

You idiot.

14966137? ago

I just now joined voat; been lurking on 8chan but haven't posted. I wouldn't mind the ability to up or downvote posts there, so figured I'd check this site out for hopefully less shilliness and outright bile, as well as the opportunity to occasionally post without being attacked. your perspective on why voat requires so many upvotes before a comment can be downvoted makes sense- thank you for sharing.

14827054? ago

Re the Second "problem: -- I thought this would add to this conversation... as much as I dislike imgur -- this is pretty funny https://imgur.com/gallery/S977vAF

14766550? ago

OK, what is "CCP" ?

14914767? ago

Comment Contribution Points. You earn those by commenting in threads in subs that are not anon and do not have their sub minumums raised above zero. (Basically any non-anon threads you see in v/all).

14739862? ago

I have been posting comments here; however unable to gain contribution points? Do I need to call more FAGS?

14924098? ago

No, say nigger or fuck the jews in any comment and you'll get at least 7-15 CCP per comment.

14725067? ago

RE: SEALED INDICTMENTS: IMPORTANT UP-DATE-https://www.simonparkes.org/single-post/2018/10/29/Kerry-Cassidy---Kevin-Moore-Mark-Richards

14722204? ago

Can someone please upvoat this comment please so I can submit... I have some goodies for you :^D Thank you.

14640407? ago

I think its a stupid system. I don't care for anything any other sub has to offer, and I'll be damned if I'm going to go somewhere else here just to get upvotes to be able to create a thread. I already know people who have given up on this place because of this and have moved on to other platforms. I'll stick around, read, make a comment here and there, but I'll never create a post because besides QRV, I would have never come here to begin with. I support President Trump and follow Q, I am not interested in anything else.

14641718? ago

. I already know people who have given up on this place because of this and have moved on to other platforms.

Cool story faggot. Q endorsed this sub, so if all those people you know actually exist they are either here or on 8ch.

14644891? ago

They are on 8chan and don't come here anymore. And what's with the faggot? Does your mommy know you speak like this?

14644923? ago

"other platforms" implies plural. Just say 8ch faggot.

Does your mommy know you speak like this?

Yours does ;)

You may not recognize her when you get home; I shaved her back and taught her to speak.

14585102? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#4910) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

14583945? ago

@PenSHITLORD @Breadbox can you unsticky this? Top comment is a gaslight, is completly misleading and was upvote brigaded by the shills on voat to convince people not to use their downvotes even though the old vote shills will downvote you into silence if you point out their bullshit.

14641724? ago

How about go fuck yourself?

14582415? ago

Hello, I'm new here & looking forward to discussing Q with all of you. I'm not sure how this board works. Any suggestions?? Thank You So Much..

14581097? ago

„DOITQJ8UIAAOWSQ.jpg“ löst sich nach meinem Dafürhalten wie folgt auf:


Nach dem Alphabet-Rad wird gemäß der Aussage im Text 304-227 = 77 = um 14 Buchstaben verschoben.

Es wird aus J8UIAA = W8HVNN


Do it Q, weight heaven nows Q

Do it Q, (the) weight (of) heaven now (i)s (on) Q


Beste Grüße vom Berg


14561703? ago

It will be my first time voting ever. I live in Texas where they say its always RED. Thats why I never bothered it was always going to be RED. Now, after all of this, I don't care if my vote wont matter, I just want that RED number to be so high it makes people wake up. A number so high reporters cant use the "middle America" excuse for voters anymore. Its just AMERICA.


~Team America

14552914? ago

Can you change your screen name? How do you fill out your profile? I can't find it. THANKS!! So far I'm -4. Does that count against me?

14641742? ago

Can you change your screen name

No. You CAN make a new account if you don't like your SN.

How do you fill out your profile?

The gear to the left of the light bulb.

So far I'm -4. Does that count against me?

You need to get that up. Above 20 to post threads and 100 to.DV.

14552052? ago

I am new to voat and I had a dream that something bad is going to happen to Hillary Clinton on 10/22/2018.

Trump in Houston arena of 19000 Texans its going to be crazy.

14545675? ago

Question: I've been registered in this QRV board since day 1 yet I still don't have enough ccps to start a discussion, create a post, or even message an admin for assistance. ???? What am I doing wrong? I've had to piggyback great discussion posts (know they're good from the comments I'm receiving from them that they should be a thread-starter in discussion rather than just a comment. I tell people to feel free to copy & paste to start discussion since I can't yet). I've been other other v/ 's thinking comments there would help get me ccps... so I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.

14510629? ago

To participate on voat, send you dick pics to @Oh_Well_ian. Black ones are most appreciated!

14488359? ago

Hi there, it seems that all of my comments today were deleted. They were not offensive in content or otherwise. I support potus one million percent, and was suggesting a place to find intel to use for purposes of further research. A place I find really important, and I was trying to see what others thought about it. I would like to know why my comments were deleted, but feel kind of scared to identify myself on the 8 chan board by name. Doesn't make sense that my comments were deleted..... Is there a place on this board to address?

14641949? ago

You do realize that there is a modlog, right? We can look and see if sny comments were deleted from this sub. You are full of shit.

14668196? ago

no need for the shade. just trying to figure this site out.

14678785? ago

Claiming you had comments when no such thing happened is "figuring out the site"? Or is it trying to make noobs reading through this thread worry about being censored.

14684182? ago

Dude, what is your problem? Not trying to do anything. I like the anonymous aspect of this site, but dont find it easy to navigate, nor do i find it easy for people to have a consistent window of communication bc spliced into so many threads. BUT, also realize its the best we've got right now, so I'll take it. When I posted that I was clicking around trying to find a recent posts and couldn't, so i posted what I said, out of worry. Then I found my posts. End of story.

14685214? ago

Looked like a disinfo attempt to me.

And this is anon so it's not like anyone can see who you are.

Quit being such a fucking jew.

14488395? ago

The only thing deleted today was the post asking for upvotes which is clearly against the rules. If that is you, resubmit your content without breaking the rules.

14488466? ago

nope. wasn't me. I do understand that rule. Was asking people if they had researched George Webb videos. I think the intel in them is something we should not ignore as Q followers, and also something we should further research. Was trying to explain that and link to a couple of videos today to support why I think they are important. I don't know who George really is (but he seems like a current or former intel officer of some kind), but would love some of the autists to do deep dives on his intel to confirm or deny. I find some of the intel a bit scary in addition to the fact it remains largely unknown (although very much consistent with Q). For some reason, nobody comments or follows up when I throw his videos/intel out there. Was just trying to get some feedback today--good or bad--in terms of the authenticity of what he says/has been saying. Thanks:)

14582472? ago

I read your post on George Webb. I'm a big fan of GW. I find him authentic & very much worthy of following. I hope that GW Gets more attention also.

14481375? ago

We need to start Hitting Twitter where they live: ADVERTISERS!

When you see an ad in your feed, go the the advertisers page and post a tweet like this.

"Advertising on twitter I see.... 𝗕𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗗 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗕𝗢𝗬𝗖𝗢𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗗! You just paid money to lose a customer forever!!.. GOOD CALL! "#𝗕𝗼𝘆𝗰𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘀"

And then block them.



14474402? ago

I'd like your opinions on: why are the left so willing to take to the streets, employ violence, destroy property and the right declines to react?

14470896? ago

I've made many comments on Voat but my profile still says I have made zero comments and I still can't create a new topic. What the hell VOAT?

14470640? ago

How do I change my username???

14470293? ago

Is there a “how to” place on boat? I’d like to learn how to search, find out what these damn buttons mean, etc. so if someone could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

14451803? ago

New Goats are required to subscribe to v/motorhead.

14442052? ago

The Jewish world will declare a Holy War against the American public like they did to the Germans in 1933!

14441545? ago

have tried to load a pic for profile 1 hour....

14423636? ago

THIS sight sucks. I've had somethings to contribute, but I get the 'ol rules of not being able to post. I don't give a hoot about some voting system. You're limiting your interaction. I visit this board once a day and usually there's nothing much of interest. This board isn't even close to the Reddit board. Time to change the rules. I just made my first post on 8chan...not sure how that will work out, but at least you can voice your information/opinion. Ugh.

14411884? ago

Thank you for this! I wanted to post a thread about how Fords voice and her neck were both fake, but I'm new. I've been an actor for a long time and seen a lot of make up. That was very excellently done old age prosthetics. That's why there are no video or audio recordings of whoever that was available anywhere, Who really talks like that? Anyone? Just thinking about her sexy baby voice makes me cringe.

14403520? ago

How do I change my username??? Can’t find it anywhere. Thanks

14392952? ago

I will rape you tonight.

14388575? ago

Hi. I’m a Grandma, a Patriot and a lover of God and Country. I am ready to do whatever it takes to reawaken the hearts and minds of the lost but MOSTLY THE UNINFORMED! Reporting for duty and ready for my marching orders!! #WWG1WGA #itstimetoredpill

14377318? ago

cool beans.. hey i don't have enough to post but this needs to get out... ALL new car manufactures connect their bluetooth hands free device to all of the vehicles computer systems .. I have had my 2015 jeep hacked into and gears changed at random the ABS turned off TRACTION CONTROL turned off. see the pattern.. ALL while i was doing 60 mph on the interstate 5 . All i did was answer a phone call .. ( not changing gears ) i have had Systems turned of 5 times since The Original hack was August 11 2017 Jeep was reported .. IM worried about more alcohol in the gas.. That is what killed my Trans Am i had a 1980 turbo SE . I have looked into all manufactures they know about this and refuse to allow you to order BLUETOOTH DELETE.. More alcohol puts more cars like mine on the road... anyone on here who chats with Q please bring this issue up .. last thing WE WANT OR NEED is POTUS blamed for Public Deaths ... thank you so much for doing this

14374979? ago

I am posting here because VOAT says I need 10 CCP (whatever that is) to have my own submission.

I listen to RUSH almost daily. But I have never heard anything about Q or the Great Awakening. He has MILLIONS of listeners. Does anyone think it would be a good idea to try to be a caller and mention Q? Has anyone every tried?

14371900? ago

Q and the Deep State playing Good Cop - Bad Cop

Everybody knows the looney Left is evil, but for a while there was something fishy about Qanon that I couldn't put my finger on. It finally came together today. Qanon and the Deep State are in it together, using the gullible as pawns. They each took a brand. (Think rival sports teams, or Pepsi vs Coke) set the bait in the form of polarizing political issues, then sat back and watched the sheep flock to their respective sides. The Q followers are just as rabid and tunnel visioned as the Deep State Soros zealots. Their plan is to keep the country absolutely divided and it's working like a charm. Q has always been smart about leaving bread crumbs of info just enough to keep their followers on the right path, always craving that next bread crumb. But when you take a step back and realize that as long as these bread trails have been going on, we are no where closer to anything. A bunch of coded names that are apparently guilty of this or that, but in reality absolutely nothing has taken any real form. That goal line is always inching just down the line. (Much left the Left do as well). Q speaks in code and vague one liners to keep peoples minds busy trying to decode the meaning and what's to come. The one time that I know of that Q actually gave exact details was the Kavanough vote, and surprise surprise, that was wrong.

The fact is if either side had anything real we would've seen something significant play out a long time ago. My eyes are open, and as I'll keep an eye on boths sides for entertainment value, I don't believe any of it for a second. People are not flocked and lead around for no reason. So maybe it's time for you to step back and ask yourself, regardless of faction - just where am I being lead?

We were not born to pop pills. Red, Blue or otherwise. Open your eyes, make your own path, be your own leader.

14340895? ago


14340523? ago

Ok to all you people wanting up votes. There is a sub verse called whatever. That’s the location where there is a kitchen sink of items to read and comment on. It’s a good newbie sub verse.

14327208? ago

[Europe] I am still not able to send an delicate information, which is not relevant for the many. Send me a board message, i reply, and that was it.

14318753? ago

Need a channel for small but sensible data.

14317667? ago

Please allow me to gratuitously say something, you disagree with, on the internet.

14311400? ago

I have been looking all over for a "Search" feature and haven't found one. Before I waste anymore time, is there one or not? I'm guessing there is not. I keep losing threads and can't find them later on. ugh. thanks.

14403585? ago

Control/command F Searchvoat.com

14403668? ago

thank you. what the hell how come I never knew about Control F?

14403801? ago

I didn’t either! Learned from Rick/Blessed to Teach! Actually I might have heard it b4 but forgot. Of course you have to be on a computer to do it!

Also when I mentioned the other search thing it took me immediately to that guy! Oops! It said if I don’t want him to know, to put / at the end!!! All these computer 💻 people!!! But I learned something!

14404022? ago

ha... now I'm wondering what else I don't know.... what sort of magical things does this computer do..lol

14301221? ago

Thank you.

14283482? ago

This submission was linked from this comment.

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14268421? ago

How can we invite people to join Voat?

14266392? ago

I must be the only one that can't figure this out. How does one upvote? I can't find anyway to do that.

14264009? ago

Hmm. I've had about 14 upvotes on comments that don't show up in my overview? Anyone know what I'm doing or not doing?

14292224? ago

upvotes on anonymous subs like QRV do not count towards your point. To earn the points you must venture out to other subs within VOAT and engage in useful comments there. If you get involved in a constructive way you will get the votes you need quickly. DO NOT EVER ASK FOR UPVOTES. this is a rule violation and might get you deleted.

14293434? ago

Thank you for being so helpful!

14242375? ago

Been here since the Reddit Exodus and am still unable to post. Please up vote a fellow patriot so I can share my memes and videos. Thank you all.

14292253? ago

if you only comment on QRV, you will never get the points as anonymous subs don't count to your tally.. solution... get involved in other subs.

14298221? ago

thank you

14238100? ago

Can anyone tell me where the messages go? I clicked on a link for one and when I came back ALL of the messages were gong

14235213? ago

I have a problem with trying to find September 29 Q drop discussion thread. Unsure of how to search for it. Being doing research and I am trying to link some information. Thanks in advance for the help.

14236614? ago


14238372? ago

Thank you

14220710? ago

Is there a search function to find posts??

14236619? ago

Try searchvoat.co

14253063? ago

Excellent thank you very much!!!

14217618? ago

Why do we show up as serial numbers for usernames now?

14236497? ago

Because this is an anonymised board. I thought it was strange at first, but I absolutely love it now. It's very freeing, (as well as being much safer) and not knowing the username of a person's post means you evaluate the post on it's merits rather than be influenced by who's written the post. No more following people.

14215502? ago

Question: Can memes or pics be included with either a new thread or replies?

14212520? ago

This is driving me batty. I go and comment on news and çonnent here . My row of numbers are 0-7-267 . Like what am I doing wrong? Still can't post. I don't have time for this . I want to get this thing over with while I am the only one awake here with family who can't even make plan if marshall law. Ya know it is aliitle bit crazy time for these rules!!

14236594? ago

The thing is, once you get your required 10 CCP, there are no rules :) You need to get your 7 up to 10. To get that you need to post on another board outside of this one. Try posting on https://voat.co/v/theawakening where you are not anonymous. You may have a fairly high upvote total (267) but any of them earned on this board do not count towards CCP because this is an anonymous board.

Confused the hell out of me at first too, but I hope you have understood my explanation. Shouldn't take you too long, you only need another 3.

14207625? ago

Is there some way that we car do a keyword search so we can make sure we're not posting something that's already out there?

14238294? ago


14202444? ago

Strange, I made a submission on QRV (9/29/18) and have had comments on it (message), but I'm not seeing my submission anywhere! Oh well.

14196153? ago

Can someone please post this a video by Steve Bannon Trump @ war Im new to voat dont have the upvotes WWG1WGA https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=572&v=TODyyR5GRqw

14198768? ago

I'm pretty sure it has already been posted several days ago.

14195207? ago

Cmon Q-peeps... I need points for being able to downvote the cabal spammers/disinformants... THANK YOU


14198846? ago

You won't get them that way - lol - Go to to https://voat.co/v/theawakening and join in nicely with some discussions. Then come back to CRV when you have your 10 CCP. You will find very few cabal spammers/disinformants here (except maybe in this thread).

14193581? ago

Finally can downvote!!!!

14193244? ago

woops.. I asked for votes just a few minutes ago before I read this.. noob move, I just want to be able to start a thread.. regards to all anons! WWG1WGA

14378991? ago

Yeah, I make mistakes, too. As far as I know, you can't correct the title of a discussion once submitted. I once got the digits of a Q post wrong (reversed) and couldn't change it after. Had to issue correction in the comment underneath. Whoops.

14198908? ago

Post on https://voat.co/v/theawakening to get your CCP up to 10 and above, then you're good to go.

14191537? ago

Why am I limited to 10 comments in a 24 hr period? Sounds like censoring to me. Is the site run by control freaks?

14198885? ago

Just a rule of VOAT. Post on https://voat.co/v/theawakening to get your CCP up to 10 and above, then you're good to go.

14191033? ago

Need upvotes. Thanks WWG1WGA

14905989? ago

This comment was linked from this v/ShitQtardsSay submission by @jollux.

Posted automatically (#8348) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

14198896? ago

Post on https://voat.co/v/theawakening to get your CCP up to 10 and above, then you're good to go.

14183602? ago

Maybe hot, so i drop my message here: "twitter covered censoring in crippled RT functionality".


14181572? ago

If you're new to VOAT, another way to get contribution points (CCP) is to is to take part in discussions or say hi in this subverses https://voat.co/v/introductions

14179043? ago

I have zero cred (CCP), because new to Voat, but my comments aren't even registering. What's up with that?

14199043? ago

Comment on https://voat.co/v/theawakening to get your CCP up to 10 and above, then you're good to go. If people like what you have to say they will upvote you there and your CCP will go up. You cant earn CCP on here because its anonymised.

14177434? ago

CCP??? Fuck off

14173800? ago

Thanks for the Information and advice on rules and etiquette here on the VOAT platform.

14169416? ago

I think some people are purposely avoiding newcomers so that they can maintain control over this site.

14198528? ago

Not True. Go out and join in conversations on https://voat.co/v/theawakening If you make thoughtful posts people will upvote you and you will soon get your points up to 10. I got mine overnight by doing this. The only person in control of this board is the Board owner of 8chan (our MOD) who was asked by Q to set this board up. Q want's all Q followers and ex redditors here, so no-one is trying to stop you, and you will find this board is extremely lightly moderated.

If you read the post you will see that you can't get your points up by posting on this board because its an anonymous board.

14277107? ago

Thanks for the response, Patriot. I'll try harder.

14173769? ago

Sounds legit.

14168514? ago

I need some help I e got 13 ccp and have been trying to start a thread it says it posts it's in my mailbox showing it posted but it didn't what's up????

14160242? ago

Seems if you set your default to "new" and save it, it won't work. Always opens in hot. Is this a known glitch?

14160004? ago

Well how much 'CCP' one need?

14199100? ago

10 - Try commenting on https://voat.co/v/theawakening till your CCP = 10 then you're good to go.

14159048? ago

How to search?

14173782? ago


14157478? ago

Voat is not very phone-friendly and Boats (for Android) isn't working very well either. What do people use on their phones (Android) to use Voat? I prefer to not use (evil) Google Chrome.

14156426? ago

Well said..!! I am Desert Storm college grad with a federal conviction.. Might need to start my own thread.. May VOAT inspire Peace, Love, Wisdom, and Happiness.. :)

14173791? ago

Well said

14152152? ago

Thanks for the info! I'm a baby goat I guess since I'm new to voat X but I actually like this format way better than reddzit-facedkid.....

14148351? ago

I am an absolute shiny brand new person to this particular type of forum. So far I am able to navigate, contribute and follow along. Learning the nuances will take me some time. I am curious about something. Why do people call each other fags, autists, and other such names? I assume it is not meant as derogatory but I am nonetheless, curious. Thanks

14177007? ago

Being called an autist is good. Being called a fag is not. That’s how it works here.

14177037? ago

Thanks for the information. I honestly had no clue what all the various names mean.

14144353? ago

thank you

14137953? ago

Get a short rope kys. Plebbit is that way ->

14136806? ago

I like the anon aspect of QRV overall. It keeps things energetic in a certain way. At the same time I sometimes wish that I could keep the same ID throughout one particular thread only, especially in an active exchange or debate when every reply gets a different ID.

I guess it would amount to getting a Thread ID each time you open a thread, unique to that thread.

NOT trying to be a eeyorecomplainerfaggot or whatever. Just nitpicking here and wondering if that is implementable, or even if anybody else would also like.

14135293? ago

And please, for the love of sanity, stop posting "Praise Jeebus" bullshit everywhere. If you are a Christian and feel like proselytizing.... go on over to /v/BiblicalQ and post all you want. Just because YOU love Jesus doesn't mean the rest of the world wants to see your religious bullshit ever 2.3 seconds. Just stop. This is why the old Goats hate you.

14133223? ago

What about speech calling for violence? That was banned on Reddit, but I guess it's allowed here? I put a gentle rebuke comment in reply, but could not really report it, because I couldn't see that calling for people to be killed was against the rules...

14133571? ago


Those posts are attentionwhoring faggotry, they just want us to remove them so they can cry about it later. The 'threats' themselves are not specific enough to be 'Criminal Threats'. The poster knows this. Shills gonna shill.

14117679? ago

I challenged one of the old voaters on why he insisted on typing endless expletives and N-bombs trying to offend people on this sub. I pointed out that he just looked like a fool and it was not working. He was neither a Nazi nor a Racist, no matter how he tried to look like one. He then proceeded to downvote me using more than one account, I think. Well I come here mostly to read and comment, so the negative score has no effect on that. Overall I like it here. Thanks to everyone who contributes and thanks to all the voaters who tolerate us.

14123880? ago

I lashed out at the bigotry and got slammed. I will recover, they will eventually leave. I'm here for the long haul.

14135381? ago

Fuck off nigger.

14114763? ago

How do I start a thread

14113395? ago

Thanks for the Information and advice on rules and etiquette here on the VOAT platform.

14113277? ago

Could somebody please advise me? I've joined subverses that I find almost empty, no participation etc. Currently I have to go back to original welcome post to subscribe or unsubscribe? How do I do that within the VOAT page? I currently have the subverses subscribed to on the top bar. Thank you so much!

14119530? ago

14113010? ago

how to post a meme or pic?

14135385? ago

Until you figure out how.... you don't.

14110082? ago

This submission was linked from this comment by @Mumbleberry.

Posted automatically (#1605) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

14107091? ago

Why won't URL links show up when I post?

14106758? ago

MWAHAHAHAHA I have exceeded 100 up voats. Prepare to die shills.

14105865? ago

Ive given up trying to get 10 CCP. I went to places suggested but it was populated by voaters who look at how long you been here and brigade downvote you.

On top of that they are a bunch of rude, hipster assholes who obviously would rather be left alone. They are butthurt that we didnt leve reddit when they did, and as a result they think they are better than us.

Im here to listen, but I wont be contributing anymore. I even had a petition I started on move.org, to go against the Womans march, but because I was not allowed to share it anywhere, it go no attention.

Thanks Voat, for the freedom to call you bunch of cunts, at least 10 times a day.

14264627? ago

I've been able to get 20 CCP since joining last week. I got those CCP by searching for subs that interest me. Across the very top of your screen you will see "random". I clicked that to find a wide range of tops. Then I found the search box and was able to look for topics that interest me.

There's a lot of great information on Voat and really interesting perspectives. Enjoy the good stuff and ignore what you find offensive. Good luck!

14198688? ago

Try https://voat.co/v/theawakening That's another Q board where I post regularly and where I got my points. No-one ever down-voted me there.

14236206? ago

Thanks for that. I used to go there but the sidebar suggested /v/QRV

14267783? ago

Yes, because QRV is where Q directed us. But on VOAT, you have to get points elsewhere. I like theawakening; pretty friendly. Some downvotes but many more upvotes.

14236429? ago

Yeah that was the board originally set up for the redditors after we got shut down on Reddit. Q Wants us here on QRV, but we need the CCP, so IMO, there is the best place to get it, as it's Q centric but not anonymous. Very confusing, and seems a bit mad really, but great that that board is still running - Lol

14135406? ago

Petitions are useless circle jerks. You are what is known as a "concernfag". Just stop.

14155268? ago

fuck you, it wasnt meant to be a real one dipshit, but to fucking piss off the liberals. Eat a dick fag.

14106774? ago

Use all/new and comment on new posts from everywhere.

14112927? ago

tried that Im not wasting another evening blowing smoke up peoples asses

14104837? ago

We need to develope an app that lets you place bets on which deep state rat is next....

14125460? ago

Next to be fired, next to be publicly indicted/charged with something, next to be scandalized, or next to be thrown under the bus by their own kind?

14145839? ago

Fienstien... flake.... ted turner

14104582? ago

Good to be here. Thanks for the valuable main points and all the great and varied comments. Due to my fat thumbs, I've seen the downvote box a few times. Nah, I don't downvote, except where it is patently obvious that even I get it. I varily post long posts, but I'm gonna have go and hone my skills.

14100888? ago

Can you guys please stop spamming voat/all with these shit tier posts?

We cannot even block subverse due to the anonymous nature of QRV.

We are not here to agree or disagree. We are not here to silence you. We just do not want to see this type of shit.

14097451? ago

"An Account must have a minimum of 10 CCP to create a submission" Im about done with GOAT

14102694? ago

Good riddance fag.

14107984? ago

Excuse me!

14097019? ago

Why not de-anonymize /v/QRV/ ?

That way, we can get all the upvotes we need here in /v/QRV/ .

We were not anonymous on r/GreatAwakening.

14135434? ago

anonymity = truth.

14163346? ago

I am not opposed to anonymity, anon. :) I just think a community that's been chased across the internet should rely on no community but itself to, for example, get people in and posting. And we could do that, if this forum were not anonymized.

14096256? ago

This submission was linked from this comment.

Posted automatically (#1527) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

14094566? ago

Hi Grannyfag. I am also a granboomer. Great to meet you and Voat. I am in a time crunch lately, working on a midterm campaign and keeping up with my life! See you around!

14094069? ago

Is there a search tool?

14094605? ago

searchvoat.co is Voat’s unofficial search.

14105752? ago

Thank You :)

14092741? ago

Step 1. Call yourself an old goat. Step 2. Talk down to people as if Voat moves the fucking needle. Step 3. Don't post unless you have another old goats tiny cock in your mouth.

14119570? ago

account ages are visible, dummy

14092730? ago

WTF. Can't make new threads anymore. "reached the daily gloval submission quota"

That limits memewarriors BIGTIME


14135450? ago

You're not a meme warrior. You're a faggot. Just stop.

14135595? ago

Then you clearly never visited thegatewaypundit, placed tens of thousands of memes there (pre POTUS election up to the recent immage ban) under the same name as here.

And at least 10% of all memes on qresearch were placed by me

Who is the faggot now?

14135865? ago


14092435? ago

Where is the search icon? I came across it once but can't find it now.

14094817? ago

I wasn't expecting a reply in this long thread. I did see that but found it inside voat: Go to subscriptions / discover / search. 😁

14095185? ago

That search is for finding subs, but not content inside a sub such as a particular post or comment. The search here is pretty bad.

14095714? ago

Ok. I wanted to find other subs to build up ccp but ones I'm looking at are just about abandoned. Last post 3-1/2 years ago for example. LOL

14095794? ago

right now, v/theawakening and v/greatawakening are your best chance. v/whatever is sometimes good too if you want to get out of Q topics. v/funny is sometimes good if you like your humor off color.

14087756? ago

CNBC Alert 26/09/2018

Breaking (10:19 AM EDT): Fox will sell Sky stake to Comcast

2 CNBC Alerts 24/09/2018

Breaking (4:01 AM EDT): CORRECTION: Sky advises shareholders to accept Comcast offer 'immediately' Breaking (2:04 AM EDT): Sky to accept Comcast offer 'immediately'

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/23/18 (Sun) 22:06:42 No.293


DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination.

[RR] in charge of DECLAS.

Due to massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST IG HOROWITZ was TASKED to final review [speed].



POTUS will not be BAITED TO FIRE when the release itself will FORCE RESIGNATION/TERMINATION [RR].









14087418? ago

I was using the Boats for Voat app on my Android phone. I switched to iPhone this week and there is no Boats for Voat or any Voat app I can find. Does anyone know of an iPhone app for Voat?

14093874? ago

Just use your phones web browser. The mobile version of VOAT is good.

14097960? ago

Yes, that looks like my only option for now. Thanks for the reply.

14086677? ago

https://angel.co/voatz Soros involvement in West Virginia mobile phone voting? (new to Voat and I'ts got me flummoxed I'll admit.) Just want to word out re Voatz.

14094657? ago

fuck off spamming faggot, you’ll get more views at rebbit anyway

14085993? ago

Don't. Voat came out of someone's ass. Learn how to navigate 8chan.

14086507? ago

I'm phonebound for the time being. 8chan on a cheap mobile is the pits. Tried Omnichan but couldn't get the catalog. So for now, voat is it. And, I like voat as a social media. Lots of different subs other than Q. Lots more substance, and less censoring, than any other platform I've tried.

14085914? ago


AVE is a browser extension for voat which makes it more easy to handle. it has, i.e., the possibility to create a bigger reply window, or the feed expands without needing to click to the next page.

its not available for firefox but opera and chrome.

AVE adds new functionalities and fixes to Voat.co. Such as the possibility to:

browse Voat without the need to click "Next Page". Tag users. Toggle all media (Images, Videos, Self-Texts) at once in a page. Vote and Navigate Voat with your keyboard. Replace the header list of subverses with your own (and even with sets).
Fix the position of the header list and of the user info to the top of the screen.
Automatically quote a post. Reply with a quote automatically inserted. Have images expand over the sidebar. Hide/Show chains of comments...

14085895? ago

Good advice for Newbies like myself who want to participate within the boundaries set out but who are still learning as they go thank you

14085830? ago

Thank you.

14085750? ago

Lots of thanks to Grannyfag. "Go light on the down votes". Got it!

14084203? ago

I think they should've made this not anon. New people will have to post and comment elsewhere to get the scp/ccp needed.

14094691? ago

Yes, that’s the idea. Make comments worthy of votes and you will quickly earn them. Upvoting you just because you want it is not happening here.

14100363? ago

I get that, just meant for people new here. in the end I'm ok with it either way

14100448? ago

Oh yeah the faggot mods should accidentally trip on top of a tall stairwell for fucking it up again even on second chance

@8bit- @penshitlord @breadbox

14083046? ago

Please leave the sticky for a loooooong while. I didn't understand how voat runs, but after this info i went out there on the other voatsubs. Actually it's great to partake in more subs. Red pilling is neccesary everywhere and there's lots of information /red pills in the subs.wwg1wga. I was about to give up hope on voat but finally got it. And it's like WOW. Fresh and free . Something the CBTS used to be . So hang in there patriots and THANK YOU VOAT

14378896? ago

14083046, How does the STICKY work, anyhow? What do you need to create one? Also, I noticed a STICKY Q Post that stayed way too long on theawakening. Does someone (moderator?) remove dated entries after a time or does it have to be the one who posts?

14082581? ago

i have found a new resignation in germany. dont know where to post else. so sry if this is the wrong place and or this resignation isnt worthy for the google list. its Daimler (Mercedes) CEO Dieter Zetsche who will leave his post in May 2019 a link (german press) would be : https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article181668398/Kaellenius-wird-Nachfolger-Daimler-Chef-Zetsche-hoert-im-Mai-2019-auf.html just a jew minutes old. wwg1wga

14085704? ago

OMG, this is so off-topic it screams 'idiot'!

14097267? ago

if u say so. i just got here and couldnt post elsewhere. so thx for the compliment, even if i just tried to participate with information

14239508? ago

Ignore the assholes. This is the wrong place. Your link is best posted to /v/cars but you'll want to post a link to a translation of the article.

14253701? ago

thx for your reply. well that link was the first appearance of the news, about another CEO resigning. by now i found a English article https://www.marketwatch.com/story/daimler-ceo-zetsche-stepping-down-shares-fall-2018-09-26 . it'S notable in germany, so i thought it should be added to the spreadsheet about the resignations

14135509? ago

They don't want you "participating with information" if you're a faggot. That's why you couldn't post. Just stop. Lurk moar.

14105098? ago

information is good, just the wrong post, you could have chosen a post where your comment fits better.

14081853? ago

Money.. I knew those fags were bullshit. I hope they didn't con anyone. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2740725/14036632?context=10

14081784? ago

Thanx 4 god reasonned advices. Love & Peace

14080638? ago

Awesome! THANKS!

14080323? ago

I have not down voted anyone not that I can. I have visited other sites as recommended posted what I thought were innocent posts and have been called a c***t, told to get off of voat and been verbally abused in every way. I consider myself to be a tough person having worked in mental health for many years and I must say my impression is that so many of the subs are filled with hateful rhetoric, egotistical maniacs and people who are true haters of anyone with a different point of view. I thought that this was limited to left leaning in society but now I see it is on both sides. BTW I have been down voted numerous times by people who claimed that the Q group are down voters and by people who ironically are against being down voted themselves. I have seen on different subs that there is the intent to swamp the Q sites with downvotes. So I am puzzled. Where is the free speech when it is only limited to haters on both sides. My thoughts are that although I am a fighter dedicated to seeing justice one will not find it here. If your culture is calling people N_____rs and F.gs then I have no interest. So, therefore no worries, I will not be trying to affect your goal of winning the prize of being the most voted up so that you can appear on the home page. You see you too are just a slave to another culture to achieve and be the worst. All the best even to the haters.

14135527? ago

Lurk moar faggot.

14155766? ago

If you are going to respond to my post can you at least use a recognizable language? I don't speak or understand Klingon. Just saying...:)

14155811? ago

The reason you can't understand it is because you don't understand the Internet... which was the whole point.

14094752? ago

Maybe you should post useful words instead of innocent posts. Goats don’t much like cheerleaders.

14095212? ago

Thanks for the advice, but I am not into goats so I really don't care what they think..:)

14095369? ago

That's fine, you can get all SJW if you think that's the answer.

14095622? ago

SJW? Enlighten me please and thank you.

14095678? ago

Social justice warrior... You know, like a pink haired dude who cut open his dick & had it shoved into his pelvis and now wants to be treated like a normal woman... And also thinks that choice is valid, rational, and worthy of normalization/celebration for bravery.

14095884? ago

Well, well don't you have the wrong idea. I think people who do that are woefully mentally ill and do not need to be validated in their delusional state. Nothing that is happening in society is normal anymore. Unfortunately, most people don't realize that they are slowly being boiled like frogs into accepting the abnormal to be normal by being shamed with labels. But then again that is another story. Thanks for the clarification.

14097689? ago

What I’m saying is that you’re behaving in the same fashion.

You are being presented with words you find hurtful and are dismissing an entire unrelated group as hateful oppressors.

There is a distinct parallel in this training pattern. Your generation was taught bad words/ideas. Now? It I s bad gender, bad men, bad old white people who just need to die.

Can you blame them for responding in line with their programming when you are doing the same?

14099579? ago

Well no, I don't see your point. My generation was taught to respect their elders, respect their leaders and to respect their country even if they don't always agree. That my friend is just the opposite of what I see happening in society. So therefore, I can only relate to how I was treated on certain subs on voat.co which I don't intend to revisit. However, if you or your group like to be called derogatory names by each other then by all means have at it and enjoy. Who am I to tell you that you can't. That being said the oppressors come in all forms and they rarely recognize themselves as they are perceived by others. They always feel as if they are the oppressed and the victim and justify themselves in committing acts that are usually not considered in the norm. I did not sign up to be the saviour of voat.co. My whole point was that I perceived some hypocrisy when I was down voted for my ideas while the people on the subs were plotting to download the QAnon group because they thought the QAnon group was down voting them. So if you and yours want to also be accepted then treat others with respect and you will receive the respect that you want. I don't need to be tested to see if i am tough enough to be in a group. Groups are a dime a dozen if one has a need for that kind of kinship. Just saying.

14099721? ago

you or your group like

Not a group, just a user.

oppressors come in all forms and they rarely recognize themselves

We agree! You are seemingly hurt by problematic words.

plotting to download the QAnon group

This is what the deep state wants.

one has a need for that kind of kinship.

Nah, I’m pretty set with being told to fuck off, and I like being alone.

Just saying.

..very little with many words.


don't see your point

Of course you don’t. We old people should stick together, but it’s hard when the rest of us cannot deprogram. You’re acting like a faggot. Get over this or continue to be a disappointment.

14099883? ago

LOL I'll wear your badge of faggot with honour and I am pleased to be a disappointment to you. That means I am doing something right. Have a good evening.

14100014? ago

pleased to be a disappointment means I am doing something right

No it means you have accepted liberal indoctrination.

Have a nice night.

14100268? ago

This is the last I'll say and that is you don't know me from Adam. You only hear what you want to hear and think. I can be a good person as a Christian without travelling to the dark side and certainly not liberalism. I take it that you are not a Christian because you fail to understand certain principals. That is okay. Be who you want to be as long as you are not hurting others is my belief. It seems that you enjoy inflicting pain on others as a form of feeling more enlightened. I'll just say be careful as pride can you you down dark paths..

14100389? ago

Christian all my life and into the next. I am sorry you think otherwise. We take all kinds into the fold.

God bless, just hope we can help this country without developing more cancer! There are a lot of fakers here and we don’t need to fall for the tricks. I have been around here. Maybe you are new. Words are only words. Don’t fall into the traps!

Hope you will find the blessed here and we make it by doing the best we can following Q and MAGA!

14100602? ago

Well I am glad to hear that indeed. We are in a severe spiritual battle but we win in the end!

14085729? ago

I thought that this was limited to left leaning in society but now I see it is on both sides.

welcome in reality ;) stupidity, hatred, programmed aggresiveness, nothing of it is partisan. idiots are everywhere.

14080281? ago

I have a question. If we make it to the 10+ points needed to post, then someone comes in and down votes us, do we have to get back to the 10+ to post again? I had 7 points the other night, came back the next day and had been down voted and only had 5. I got the up votes by posting in other subs, but in some of those subs there must have been shills because there were all kinds of mean responses.

14082380? ago

Yes, your privilege will be removed again. The threshold isn't there as a tutorial, but more like an earned right and if you mess up, that right can be taken away from you again. If you got mean responses you probably said something stupid. We do have a proud tradition here on Voat where a downvoat is usually follow by a comment, so at least you know who you are arguing with.

It's not hard to get CCP by the way. If you take just a little extra time to think through if what you are about to say has any value to it, you'll be above 100 CCP in 5 posts or less. Quality posts gets rewarded!

14095952? ago

Thank you! I got down voted for commenting on someone's post and encouraging them. I believe there were many shills on that thread. Not a problem, though. I just wanted to understand how it worked. Thanks you so much!

14119629? ago

No shills, just goats who know you are an idiot

14079893? ago

Ok, young goat here. How do you run the place if "we also don't want your money." Really, just asking. Is it supported by folks with independent $. I did see some BTC wallets kicked around. Do you all Patreon or is this so anon that no one really knows what goes on - except perhaps Q and the NSA.

14094782? ago

Voat has been dicked over by most every payment processor long ago. If you feel inspired (and able) to donate, there is a bitcoin address you may use.

14080291? ago

Ask Putt at v/askvoat It's seemingly a small time operation... but suffice it to say there was maintenance scheduled when reddit came over this last time... so who really even knows at this point. Just... don't worry about it.

14079435? ago

Ya, I don't like this forum. Evidently I've got to rattle something off that doesn't offer any thing, but a way to get points so that I can post on something that might offer some insight. Blah...blah, blah

14086345? ago

I went outside the Q related subs. Found there's a lot of cool shit here! It wasn't hard to become involved in subs of my interest. As an aside, you might think on your statement that you have to offer drivel in order to get the points you need to offer something of substance. Newsflash Bubbette! Voat is not all about you. There's a whole lot of substance here. I doubt you can offer better.

14082419? ago

If you can't add anything of value to an existing conversation, I strongly doubt you have anything meaningful to say even if you get to pick the topic.

14080314? ago

hang in there. I started out railing about how the earth is flat. If you could imagine my sucess. v/GreatAwakening will be a safe place to earn the points you are looking for.

14080232? ago

Reddit worked much the same way. It would not let you post until you had enough karma.

14079120? ago

I’m new to Voat and still trying to figure things out here. I’m glad to be a part of the community! Also, I’ve just finished recording a Q-song! Now it’s going to need vocals! I can’t sing, so who wants to write and record their own vocals? It’s a catchy rock tune! I will link you to the song if you’re interested and able to write and record your vocals to it! If I get several anons interested, I’ll choose the best one and have a video made for the song and then share it to YouTube for all. Send me a message at [bmd7779 at yahoo dot com] for the link! WWG1WGA🇺🇸

14094819? ago

Post it to v/guitar, or offer it up in one of the Friday night threads!

Get your email address away from here for your own good.

14099339? ago

Thank you for the advice and helping out a n00b to the platform!

14099377? ago

Don’t fucking thank me until you remove your email address, granny!

14099419? ago

Check again anon

14099446? ago

OK! See you in v/guitar on Friday (I hope!)

14082435? ago

You might wanna edit the email out dude. I think /v/guitar is the most active musician sub at the moment and I know there are a couple of singers among them. You'll have better luck asking there than here.

14099472? ago

done and done. Thank you anon! Subscribed!

14080319? ago

that would lead to Doxing potentially just be aware.

14078888? ago

I find this advice very valuable as someone new to Voat. Please consider reposting it from time to time

14080336? ago

it has been stickied. You will see it at the top of the sub as long as they leave it.

14078804? ago

There are sibs that don't do ccps. How do you know were to go? Commenting for days and going no where cause nothing counts .

14239531? ago

Look on the right side. If a sub requires CCP to upvote or downvote it's private and votes don't count there.

14135587? ago

You should post because you have something to say, not to get points so you can downvote someone else.

14080377? ago

make people laugh. Give people great insights. A very valuable comment that helps awaken someone will often be returned with an upvote. And this is how it should be. you will get voted to be heard more for the utility of what you say. Its a ramp in, stay with it.

14078486? ago

Just curious when my 10 comments in 24 hours goes away? Some days I’m in a lot of conversations where I hit the limit quickly.

14080403? ago

max out every day. I know I was able to create my own sub after a month and was wide open no restrictions. Stay with it.

14078356? ago

Thanks for the info!

14077984? ago

Hey Everyone, I seem to have been doing that and still can't build up enough brownie points to post. If anyone is reading this please post this article for researchers

Title: Second Sons of Anarchy Actor dead within the space of 3 months.


Released 27 minutes ago.

14135609? ago

Fuck off with your spamming. No wonder you can't get enough points. You're a spamming faggot. Lurk moar.

14077820? ago

I'm learning...and will eventually feel confident enough to contribute in a worthwhile manner.

14080437? ago

The un-manifested heart receives no correction. You'll have the confidence of a veteran after the experience of one.

14077789? ago

I want to thank all of you patriots and truth seekers. Not long ago about a year ago I thought there was no hope the cabal was never going away I was depressed dove deep into heroin addiction it almost killed me. I found Q and this community and I'm sober and loving life again so THANK YOU ALL for being honest good people

14084314? ago

May God bless and protect you, patriot. Keep strong and maga on!


14076814? ago

Why would I aspire to "earn" the votes from outside QRV from individuals to can barely type a sentence without a racial slur, two f bombs, or even make a point? Just asking.

14076916? ago

heat - kitchen - fuck off PAKI

14076202? ago

thank you very helpful!!!

14076079? ago

Paul Simon is a piece of shit

14080450? ago

That he is.... that he is... one of the easter eggs around here you will notice.

14076367? ago

Yo, my guy

14075949? ago

Thanks for mentioning the money part. These new fucks have gotten all weird with it...no one asked so stop offering

14075859? ago

If you don't like someone or something then you have the ability to block it. You can block subverses you don't want to see and users. You can also have your say. That's all the safe space you get here though and it's more than enough.

14080466? ago

when you learn discernment, you can learn from anyone. Then you can learn what the enemy hides directly form the enemy.

14075721? ago

There seems to be a lot of racism going on in this place. I hope there is a way for that to get weeded out or this place will end up just like the /r/CBTS and /r/greatawakening.

14135636? ago

Because people don't want to listen to whiny nigger loving faggots like you. Leave now.

14087020? ago

Racism us real. Voat is just as real. You want to be part of Q, with all the nasty things happening, but you're afraid to face racism? You're a faggot snowflake. Go back to Facebook.

14075254? ago

Are you kidding me? Been waiting and waiting. Thought I was there today. EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED!! Not liking this place at all. In the meantime: Someone please post this link. It can help Kavanaugh HUGELY! Post it all over. You'll see: https://www.westernjournal.com/army-col-assault-allegations-blown/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=newsletter-WJ&utm_campaign=dailyam&utm_content=western-journal

14135679? ago

No... we're not going to help you spam. That's why you can't get enough points because you take rehashed shit that is old news and spam it somewhere else. Unless you're the first person posting something, nobody cares. You have no understanding of how this place works. You need to lurk moar and stop being a dumbass. No links. Nobody cares. Most of us are already 10 steps ahead of you.

14074949? ago

Here's all you need to know: don't be a dick. And don't be a weak bitch. You'll do just fine!

14074613? ago

Would be nice to participate.

14074088? ago

THANKS. duly noted

14073650? ago

I think part of the issue is Reddit has a culture of downvote to help push useless/uninteresting/inappropriate posts to the bottom. Former redditers are in the habit of downvoting. Gotta play by the rules of the natives.

14073621? ago

I've gotten 2 ccp, and I haven't commented anywhere else.

14073194? ago

A few but relevant edits...THAT NEED TO BE INCLUDED.

**The Problem: **You cannot create a thread because you do not have enough CCP.

You must get enough CCP(upvoats) to create threads, this can be done by going to other subverses and participating in conversation outside of /v/QRV.


Because /v/QRV is anonymized the site does not count any CCP you accrue on /v/QRV to the points you need to create threads(or downvote). So go out there and find a place where you can join the conversation.

Asking for upvoats is 'upvoat farming' and you run the risk of getting your account deleted should you pursue this course of action.****

The Problem: Someone is saying things you disagree with on the internet.

This is not against Voats rules and nothing will be done about it. Here are rules that can be found in the user agreement. Check out the FAQ while you're at it.

The Problem:

**I need to tell the mods something. **Please do it openly in our meta thread on 8ch.

**The Problem:

**Anything related to money.

We will never tell people where to put their money, we also don't want your money.

Thank you for the kind welcome Goats, the rest of this thread is for new users to ask questions and for the old Goats to address things that were missed above. This will hopefully be the last Administrative sticky for a long while


  1. Make Comments to other posts:

  2. Eventually you shall receive upvoats: Don't ask for them

  3. Then your SCP will go up too: Be Patient.

  4. When you get 10 CCP's, then you can start your own posts.

  5. Then your Submission contribution points will rise also.

14072889? ago

I have well over the ccps reguired to post on the another voat subverse. But I can not remember my password and when submitted my email to resend or whatever, it never arrived, unless it takes hours?? Help please.

14072118? ago

Q believers are boiled frogs. Some early Q posts we're interesting. As time went on the got half retarded. Right now the whole thing is plain retarded. If there where no Q and suddenly an anonymous guy apeared on the chans saying how Trump secretly controls th Mueller probe and it is actually a ruse to bring down The Clintons, he would be called an idiot. People only believe bullshit because they got pulled in early with those interesting posts.

14071433? ago

I’d like to post this link but haven’t earned enough likes yet... help a guy out?


14072563? ago


14071627? ago

Where do you want it posted?

14071885? ago

intended for the main QRV thread, thank you Patriot - CCP also appreciated

14071163? ago

What ever happened to @JohnCStevenson and @HenryCorp?

May every goat piss on their graves.

14072170? ago

14070904? ago

I got my required 10 CCP overnight by joining conversations on https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/ and https://voat.co/v/theawakening.
Both these subs are Q related and I had no problems. Just make interesting, reasonable posts and you should have no problems.

14070887? ago

Way to difficult to get upvoats on here...

14135705? ago

That's because you're TRYING to get upvotes. Stop. Just participate by reading and commenting. As you do you'll get the ability to vote.

14070850? ago

This is absurd! I can't create a thread until I have enough points? And I can't get enough POINTS without creating a thread? WTH!

14084380? ago

Apparently you cannot read?

By so called 'points' you mean comment contribution points. ccp. You can get these by commenting on subverses (not anonymous ones like this one, but others) and if people think your actually contributing something, you get an upvote from them.

Once you have 12 (?) you can then post threads, well, that is, you can POST. But regardless of your post, increasing your ccp comes via comments you make that CONTRIBUTE.

Try to think of it like a free-market system of reddit. Here, you actually have to contribute something to gain ability to post, etc.

Now, take a deep breath, and think about it. Don't just assume you actually understand (your comment here indicates you don't).

Think about it. It forces you to slow down, and not get instant gratification. It also blocks trolls who just want to destroy stuff. So, it's not absurd. It's actually pretty cool.

Now...... Ball + Your court. Connected. Whatchagonna do?

14098797? ago

Thanks for the info. And you're right - I do NOT understand.

14135716? ago

Yes, we know. That's why you need to lurk moar and stop trying to post.

14076649? ago

All you have to do is go to another sub and talk to people. It's really not that hard. You can even go to another sub that involves Qanon, do what you normally do and get the handful of upvoats you need. But if what you do is make post without interacting with the community then voat probably isn't the place for you. What do you like other than Q? There's probably a sub for it with people that will upvoat you in normal conversation.

14098843? ago

I don't even know what a 'sub' is - I'm obviously out of my league here. But thanks for trying.

14105721? ago

https://voat.co/discover explore voat. if you go to that page and click on the search button. type in something you're interested in and see if there is a sub (page) for it. then subscribe to it.

14070888? ago

I'm off like a prom dress!

14070763? ago

I would be willing to sticky this in v/protectvoat

14086229? ago

How do I join a sub from the sub page? I clicked the link, liked the sub and wanted to join, but couldn't find a place to do so. When I searched for the sub, I couldn't find it.

14087974? ago

Yeah it is in the sidebar which is not always visible on mobile- you need to click the 3 bars in the upper left to see it. You should always check the sidebar anyway. Mods put good stuff there. For example, in v/motorhead there is an extensive collection of live shows, documentaries, and playlists.

14071014? ago

You guys are good by us and we share your concerns about keeping voat voat and not reddit. Hit us up however, whenever, if there's something you'd like to bring to our attention.

14070471? ago

ThankQ for making this thread (#2744073, dubs of truth). I have some additional info/questions, below. It looks like a lot, but if we all can get this sorted and in place now, we will be ahead of the game for the inevitable future.


The Problem: You cannot create a thread because you do not have enough CCP.

You must get enough CCP(upvoats) to create threads, this can be done by going to other subverses and participating in conversation outside of /v/QRV. Because /v/QRV is anonymized the site does not count any CCP you accrue on /v/QRV to the points you need to create threads(or downvote). So go out there and find a place where you can join the conversation. Asking for upvoats is 'upvoat farming' and you run the risk of getting your account deleted should you pursue this course of action.


The Caveats:

  1. You just joined/aren't social/have limited access, and don't want/ have time to spend wading through voat then waiting what can be days to earn 10 CCP and 100 CCP in order to participate in the Trusted Voat subverse Q requested and endorsed (or) You would rather start in v/QRV and then visit other subverses once you have a good working understanding of your homebase subverse.

  2. You are limited by your own CCP on a rolling 24-hour basis, so you can only bless others with up-votes in proportion to the amount others have blessed you with up-votes. (When you attempt to, you will see a message saying 'You can up-vote [x] times in 24 hours because you only have [x] CCP'.)

  3. Your comments are getting flamed to death (for whatever reason and possibly without a just or perceived just cause) in a comment thread outside this subverse and you can no longer post in v/QRV because you have been down-voted into negative CCP.


Option to Overcome Caveats without Violating TOS or Good Manners:

(Note - Results below would naturally & organically happen in a non-anonymized subverse.)

  1. Utilize this thread as the welcome wagon. (Keep in new sticky if thread replaced later.)

  2. New Patriots (0 - 9 CCP) comment with here with username (Ex: @YourVoatUsername)

  3. New Patriots (0 - 9 CCP) free-range outside this sub to comment elsewhere.

  4. Existing Patriots engage New Patriots outside this sub and up-vote when appropriate.

  5. New Patriots earn 10 CCP and submit to v/Introductions/. Patriots and Goats engage.

Moving forward in this manner will help ensure there is an ongoing structure of No New Patriot Left Behind, All Existing Patriots Helping Acclimate New Patriots, All Patriots Enabled to Share Gratitude and Respect to Voat and the Goats who Make v/QRV a Reality.



  1. You see a post of poop saying it's Q. If on <8.ch> you would Filter (or Ignore). How to respond in v/QRV?

. . . . . . . . Down-vote (or) Report as Spam (or) Both (or) Ignore?

  1. Is [O] Team deleting or auto-filtering porn spam etc.?

. . . . . . . . Numerous post numbers are non-sequential.


FYI for Points

  1. History only goes back 19 pages from the main page of Hot (or) New (or) Top.

  2. Patriots comments and submissions to v/QRV do not show up in profiles.

  3. Click "Save" below comments/posts to save to your voat account.


General Organization Strategy

There is a basic set of HQ knowledge-base items we should have for best results and user-friendliness (such as a standard sticky with explanation and links VS a sprawling sidebar mobile users probably cannot even see), that have been brought up by anons since the subverse inception. This is the main one that comes to mind --> organize this sub to function as a user-friendly interactive mirror and conduit for <8.ch> by dedicating space to Catalog, Daily Bread, War Room, Digs to be Done, Meme, Clock, Q resources, Dig Tools, etc. ... so Patriots can easily interface with the information and scenery of the board in a meta fashion here on v/QRV, until comfy enough to meaningfully participate (without stumbling in and knocking over the bookshelf) on the HQ board at <8.ch>.

Whatever good digs/observations/insights emerge here on the sub, can then be picked up and submitted for notable consideration on the HQ board. Who knows, Q might even link to something in v/QRV at some point. I know there are many of us here willing to help organize this foundational support system in order to ensure it can be a "one and done" deal which doesn't squander or exhaust [O] Team's time or constantly have to re-visit. Just the basic facts in an easy to handle UI, for that exponentially growing user-base bound to land here.

I cannot edit my submissions to v/QRV.... if this is true as well for [O] Team, then it would need to be fully and thoughtfully assembled before posting as a sticky submission. That way, we can have 1 eternal sticky and a 2nd slot for Q drops, BOOMs, Calls to Action, etc.

ThankQ again for taking time out for this and us. WRWY [O] Team. Much Love (no homo).


14070171? ago

Is there a way to search specific topics within QRV?

14073908? ago

Use searchvoat.co

An example of a search for the keyword "bread" on QRV is below. Note the filters, one is NSFW. It is set to "exec" (exclude) by default. Click "inc" (include) to make sure the results show up, since this sub is NSFW.

Put your search term in the field at top, in the field below that (subverse field) put QRV then hit the enter key.


14069807? ago

All good advice. Been here a short while but still learning. Appreciate the help. Ty.

14069690? ago

Thanks to all the anons that chipped in yesterday much appreciated!

14068855? ago

The Problem: I need to tell the mods something.

Please do it openly in our meta thread on 8ch.

If you want to truly be open, post a meta thread on this site instead of taking it offsite.

14069149? ago

Thank you for the feedback on this. We'll get one in the sidebar before tomorrow.

14068771? ago

There's a whole thread of folks bragging about coming here and downvoting everything.

14069292? ago

Can you find the link so we can find it and tell them they will be kicked out for vote brigading or report it to some mod or @puttitout ?

14068744? ago

Been here for 3 and a half years, here's a tip: don't try and get your upvoats from politics. Listen, for all the shit we talk about reddit, there's one thing that's still decent about the site (and about you guys coming from there): there's a ton of active niche subs.

Contributing your time to a hobby/interest/etc. of yours outside of Q is going to be appreciated supremely: we've gone through a few waves of power users that made certain subs shine (v/traditionalwives is still a gem), but other subs have died and can be restarted. There's more than a few places where your efforts in posting will not only be appreciated, but can easily get you to your CCP minimums.

14283693? ago

Be careful where you go and post. Humor will get you farther with us. Don't be a /RFH. (You all have been warned.) Archive all links when you do post.

14141191? ago

Yeah, I've got some bread rising now that I found the recipe/youtube for on v/baking -- I think the thread has died, but this recipe--if it works--would be a real gem! So easy!

14135578? ago

So is there a listing of the subs somewhere?

14239468? ago

Just type /v/yourinterest and there's probably already a cobweb-filled subverse waiting for you to make into a home. I like cooking, so I can go to /v/cooking. I like music so I can use /v/music. Or v/guitar. Or /v/piano. If you contribute they will come.

14112577? ago

Makes real sense - thank you old goat!!

14070808? ago

v/motorhead for example.

14068610? ago

Thanks for this. This should probably be stickied or something as it's essential information to use this subverse.

14068410? ago


14068373? ago

Thanks, I’ve been looking for this info, also have my mime at the ready but don’t know how or where to post it, can any one help?

14068573? ago

You could try putting a meme in /funny or /whatever. I'm not really sure where to put memes.

14068788? ago

Thanks, I think I understand and will try this approach.

14069090? ago

You will have to venture out into other areas of Voat where you are not anonymous (your username will show) and get upvotes before you can post a meme. Your meme will need to be posted in a new thread. No need a certain number of upvotes before you can post a new thread.

14068133? ago

I fI don't agree with something, I won't downvote it. I just think Meh and move on. If I agree and the information looks good, I'll upvote it. Simples. You don't really need to downvote, don't upvote and shit will sink.

14068489? ago

I think I’ve just figured this out myself and am glad to hear that it may be common thinking.

14068067? ago

I've been meaning to ask this, but isn't there a way to share the server power, like tor? I mean, each user provides some processing power to run voat. The data can be encrypted into packets and stored by the users until it is needed by another user.

Stupid idea?

14068833? ago

I don't know anything about Tor and such. Maybe you should ask @Puttitout or use the other link at the top of the page. I'll look for it.

14092116? ago

A lot comes up for "decentralized website":


14069085? ago

14068872? ago

It should work. I will look, too.

14067934? ago

Have I ever shown you a picture of my penis?

14085796? ago

Must have used a high end zoom lens.

14076791? ago

If you PM me one more dick pic I'm gonna have to make a folder.

14076811? ago

Son of a bitch...

Yeah, Putt should ban me.

14077035? ago

You've just been banned from v/TruthHurts

14077073? ago

I don't give a fuck.

14077171? ago

You've just been banned from v/GivesNoFucks and v/FartCollectors

Keep it up smart ass

14077220? ago

Still do not care.

14077309? ago

You've just been banned from v/SquirrelPictures and v/TheSleepening and v/MildlyInterestingHashtags

There's nowhere else for you to go fucker.

14077369? ago

I was not going anywhere?

14068479? ago

Anthony Weiner?

14068505? ago

Your princess is in another castle!

14068462? ago

Fuck off Faggot. We've seen your penis numerous times. It's all over the internet.

14068497? ago

Do you like it?

14068964? ago

I shouldn't have deleted my comment. Your penis is very small. It's actually hard to find on the internet because of that. The photo is mostly of your beer gut. Lol.

14069038? ago

It satisfied your dad.

14069251? ago

Good point.

14069403? ago

If more people understood, I'd get a fucking ticker tape parade. This world has no justice!

14067894? ago

Quick note on voting:

Votes within this sub (QRV) do not count towards CCP or SCP. The result of votes here simply move posts or comments to the top (or bottom). Upvoting this post, for example, accomplishes little because it is a sticky and will stay on top regardless of votes. (your votes are your own, so, of course, do as you wish)

All users start with 100 upvotes per 24 hrs (posts and comments combined). As CCP increases, the number of votes also increases. Over 200 CCP and you get 1/2 your CCP in votes. You must be over 100 CCP to downvote. You cannot downvote more than you upvote, regardless of CCP. Pop up reminders will show if you try to go over any limits.

It is generally preferable to voice opposition to a comment or post via argument in a comment, rather than downvotes. Silent downvotes are cowardly. Obvious spam, shills, or off topic forum sliding BS is the exception.

14267884? ago

Can you start a discussion right away or do you need a minimum number of CCP?

14268044? ago

You can comment but you cannot create a new post (topic/thread) until you get 10 upvotes on your comments in non-anonymous subs.

14378641? ago

Many people spend time to upvote people with any halfway decent comment, just to help newfags come aboard. ;-}

14283435? ago

And begging for ups anywhere will get you the opposite.

14274001? ago

Thanks for the info.

14176621? ago


14127727? ago

Very helpful-thank you!!

14074616? ago

Thanks for sharing that.

14067755? ago

The Problem: Anything related to money.

We will never tell people where to put their money, we also don't want your money

And you faggots got mad at me when I called out that money thirsty kike post saying VOAT's account is $0.

Not one shekel!

14067622? ago

14283566? ago

Pepperidge Farm and Amalek remembers.

14070680? ago

Is voat ever getting those in-line images for comments?

14071034? ago

You can embed images.

[your description](link to your image)


14378791? ago

Wow. I see that this works. I've done a lot of text posts since arriving on VOAT a month ago. But this is the first image I've seen other than the thumbnails on the right. I have 2 questions:

  • Why am I not seeing graphics here of on /theawakening? Because people don't know how or is there some other reason?

  • How do I generate the thumbnails I see to the left of discussions? Must be simple but I don't know how.

14379154? ago

Click the gear button to the left of the light bulb. There should be a checkbox to enable thumbnails to be displayed.

14379603? ago

Yes, it's checked. But how to generate the thumbnails in the first place? I'd like to include thumbnail pix with discussions. (I may not be using the right term here. By "thumbnail," I mean the little picture to the left of discussion titles.)

14072801? ago

Is there a Goat-approved exif-wiping image host to use while imgoat.com is down?

14073980? ago

Nothing endorsed but here's a list of hosts that users have provided (culled from prior posts):


I think I remember that catbox.moe was created by a Voater.

14075165? ago


14073478? ago

pretty sure you can wipe the exif data yourself in an images properties

14074024? ago

Yeah.. but.. not everyone knows that... plus.. need extra wiping for extra safety. Safety First.

14074202? ago

well dont you think they should learn?

14074563? ago

Yes I do. And if we request it, I imagine BO & Team will eventually make a new Best Practices sticky/advisement with that info in it, VPN info, and all the basic relevant "don't dox yourself online" info. We just need to help them pull that info together so they don't have to do all that remedial work when it's really our duty.

14075606? ago

how about instead of waiting around for your massa to do it you do it yourself?

14073312? ago

@cynabuns? @puttitout? image host question in parent comment.

14073942? ago


14071072? ago

Dat's brutiful, Old Goat. TQ!

14068513? ago

Same here, come in after they banned fatpeoplehate too?

14071514? ago

I also came in when FPH got banned

14068696? ago

Just before actually.

14067535? ago

Thanks for the info...freaking hate learning a new platform but will put up with it for actual Freedom of speech.

14075893? ago

Learning is what Voat is all about. I've got some 3.4 years here (u/hels) and this place has opened my eyes. The same would be said by people who have been around the chans or can navigate the deepweb.

I have always said it is better to quietly listen than shout your opposition.

14086200? ago

Hmmmm... interaction is necessary...how else do you propagate the wave form...I would assume you and I think about the Universe in very different ways...for me everything comes down to the wave....in this instance we are creating a new resonant frequency and the World is resonating one post one red pill one comment...and I personally am here online only to help with the propagation of that wave (our movement) and silence doesn't get us there.

14067513? ago

HA just as well I read your helpful thread ....I was gonna post asking for upvoats as I lost all my bookmarks and had to open new account..

14067460? ago

Where to go out on Voat? Try: v/introductions, v/whatever, v/GreatAwakening, v/pizzagate, v/pizzagatewhatever
Do not engage with shills and bots, it will delay your ability to contribute. Do not ask for voats, it is frowned upon by everyone.

15263880? ago

Over 2 months in and it is clear that GreatAwakening is a shill sub. I've seen plenty of proof that the owner is friends with the people spamming QRV with bullshit. And now there's starting to be more and more posts about going there.

14726110? ago

v/introductions is like going into the antisemitic's lions den. I don't recommend it unless you like abuse.

14283505? ago

[Do not engage with shills and bots] Well that kills about 90% of us here. I though we were all bots here according to the MSM.

14196882? ago

Thank you for these suggestions. Just subscribed this morning. I'll probably never achieve the 10 CCP's via other subverses, in order to post submissions here, but I'll give it a try when I have more time to kill.

14378682? ago

It's easy to get votes. Just spend the time to comment on stuff that interests you. People will upvote you.

14071650? ago

Thank you. It's nice to be given a few places to try.

14068142? ago

Those are excellent subs. Lots of good info.

14067353? ago

OK,I've been looking into how to use cryptocurrency, and there is tons of information on YouTube, but when I hit the do ate button at bottom of page, it goes to a closed Store. If someone knows how to donate to Voat, please spell it out. Thanks.

14075654? ago

PuttItOut shared the BTC address in this post, https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711

Copy/Pasta here:

here is Voat's BTC address if you feel called to donate: 3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k

14161063? ago

Thanks, I've started exploring the options on how to do this safely and error free.

14067917? ago

If Puttitout isn't asking, don't try to donate.

Instead, donate to the European-American patriots at https://www.identityevropa.com

14161108? ago

Thanks, that's good to know. But since I'm in the US, I'm supporting causes here, as well as open source developers who's products I use.

14067064? ago

Great information. Thanks.

14067056? ago

if we just hit reply to the thread, is that different than clicking on the "discuss" tab to the right? (and the share a link tab?)

14067211? ago

Discuss = New post

Share a link = New post

Reply = Comment (on an existing post)

14067159? ago

Reply only for individual comments, or first reply to OP. Discuss tab is for posting a thread after 10 ccp have been acquired. And those points come from outside QRV.

14067028? ago

Where can I find whether I have any up-votes? Is that compiled somewhere on the site? Looking around but don't see it!!

14067215? ago

The three blocks in top bar to right of user name, would show points. Far right is upvotes, the middle one is ccp. And the left is for posts scp. Which is upvotes for posting, but not here on this sub.

14067112? ago

Up by your username you will see three numbers. From left to right these values are Submission Contribution Points, Comment Contribution Points, and Total Upvotes Given. You need the second value, 'Comment Contribution Points' to be greater than 10 to make new threads and greater than 100 to downvote. Points cannot be gained in an anonymized subverse.

14073537? ago

or a private subverse or one that has a minimum cpp rule

14067988? ago

Thank you...was confused about those 3 ( ) at the top right. My question (when you have time) is: do the 10+ CCP mean 10 up votes on one comment? or an accumulated number from several comments?

14068132? ago

Total number, regardless of how many comments those votes are on. 10 comments with 1 vote each is the same CCP as 1 comment with 10 upvoats

14068734? ago

Thanks so much

14068804? ago

You Q people that are respectful, I'll be nice to. The ones that say "voat is ours now" not so much.

14112657? ago

Exactly how it should be! Works the same in everyday life I think!

14085776? ago

I've seen concerns from old goats that the Reddit migration will change the culture of voat. Thanks to the necessary, but most unwelcome, hazing I see two things happening. The timid are leaving. The blowhards who thought they could come in and take over have had their asses handed to them. They are either getting on board and behaving or leaving. Those of us who are staying have become more careful in our thoughts and wording. I likes it here! And I'm glad that the troublemaking refugees are much less of a problem now.

14069925? ago

I don’t blame you : )

14067026? ago

I am a Grannyfag who came here from Reddit about 2 years ago. This place is different and if you don't follow the rules the head honcho will kick you out. I love you all and want you to stay.

Do not band together to downvote "hate speech" and things you disagree with until you understand this place. There are too many of you and you will overwhelm Voat. You can use upvotes and downvotes on QRV (here) in this sub (section) and it won't be a problem.

When you venture out into the other parts of Voat, like Politics, Pizzagate, Whatever, please don't do a lot of downvotes. If you disagree or disagree with someone you should argue your point in a comment rather than voting.

15066856? ago

I am a Jew Grannyfag.

Oh look, an oven-dodger.

14973279? ago

I mean...the stats on niggers are fucking overwhelming man. Sure a VERY small percentage can live among whites. But it's probably best to just send them all back to Africa. Both for them and us.

14895537? ago

Thank You, Grannyfag for sharing your Wisdom; much appreciated! :)

14845762? ago

Thanks for saying that. I tried to ask someone not to say hateful things about Jews cuz like you said, the Jewish people I know are just normal people. Israel and the Jews fight their own Deep State, just like we do, but it's not something most of them identify with. We all have to fight to be freedom patriots of all our different countries and states. WWG1WGA !

14827974? ago

Thank you Ma‘am. Well said!

14706636? ago

I'm an oldfag been awake for more than a decade. I avoided reddit for the most but came here as soon as Q revealed it for us to gather here. Very little increase in the # of users since the first couple weeks. Surely there have to be more of us!! Are the rest just lurking? I do a lot of that on various sites. I don't have the patience or time to go on other boards to get points to be a able to post, so I comment,, dig, research and provide info and sauce when I can.

14631857? ago

Tell us more about how "Not All Jews". Do you read the Talmud? Do you donate to anything that supports white genocide (Most Jew things are directly or indirectly in support of it.)

Good try kike.

14497971? ago

Thank you. 1st Amendment and personal responsibility rule.

14484138? ago

While I agree with your well stated stated point. I still hate the use of the “N” word and identifying people by their race or heritage. Doing so does not display intelligence. It is ok to point out faults without resorting to hateful speech as though one has elivated themselves to being more righteous than their neighbor. “Be ye angry but do not sin”.

14410107? ago

Thank you! I'm new to Voat, so this helps alot!

14306117? ago

Thanks Grannyfag, you sound like a very nice person.

14263090? ago

this is exactly how u get in here, but make this in sub introduction. or like this faggot swede https://voat.co/v/introductions/2748595 more than 300 points in 48 hours.

14257520? ago

My father wrote several anti-semetic books.

Got my 23andme test results. My wife was going over the results with my dad...came upon entry saying 6% Ashkenazi. My wife asked what that was.


My alablaster, red head wife has like 10% subsaharan African.

So now we are the nigger and Jew couple.

14235710? ago

Thanks! The best info I've read so far.Makes a lot of sense. Would you believe I'm an adopted Jew?

14195022? ago

My dear Grannyfag (at the risk of some moron screaming about name fagging), I ask that you consider the following: Psalm 22, Isaiah 53, and the reason that God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only begotten son after waiting 100 years for him.

I also ask you to consider why John the Baptist, a Jewish tzadik, called Jesus "the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world."

Finally, when a Samaritan woman whose child was dying approached Yeshua, at first he said to her, it is not right to take children's bread and toss it to the dogs.

She replied, Yes Lord, but even dogs eat the scraps that fall from the Master's table.

Yeshua replied, in all of Israel I have never seen such FAITH...then he healed her child.

I believe this incident was to show us that faith, like the faith of Abraham, is what is important now rather than race.

Finally, every time you see an antisemitic statement on here or the chans, consider that salvation of the world came through the line of David and the Jewish people.

And remember, those in Hollyweird and many who live in NYC who call themselves Jews are really atheists and communists who have no faith in anything and who use their disguise to push the morals of Babylon rather than Judaism onto our culture and society.

I don't mean to attack your religion, but to complete it. This year in Jerusalem because our Messiah lives.


14171227? ago


14149843? ago

I have a question. I have ventured out to 4-5 other subs and have gained most of my "points" correctly; however, any comment I make here, I am unable to view if I click corresponding number by my profile, yet all other comments in other sub shows. So, my question would be how do I find these as my number is going up and I cant figure out how.

ThanQ you

14143226? ago

Happy to Hear This! GBY Grannyfag. I see hope.

14135517? ago

Great post Grannyfag, thanks. It is taking me a while to understand how this place works. I also appreciate your comment on the JQ. I share your distaste for blanket attacks on the JOOS, and often think that those making them are just trying to pollute the waters and make us all look like a lunatic fringe.

14133248? ago

There are different types of Jewish people--the "Khazarian" Jewish that Ben Fulford talks about being the ones who kind of took over, and the Sephardic Jews (mostly blond and red haired Jewish, I think, from Spain). I know a couple of those, and it would be hard to recognize them as "Jewish" and they are full blooded Sephardic.

14121590? ago

Thank you Granny. Great advice......

14111526? ago

Thanks that helps I just came to watch the Q will try to engage with others kinda of anti-social. So bear with me,old cranky,married and sarcastic.,😃🤣🤣

14106902? ago

Thank you for your info

14103473? ago

Can you get upvotes in QRV? Im from redditt and Im trying to find a home that respects free speech. I dont understand how voat works so ive just been observing so far. This is my first post here.

14101465? ago

I am trying to pull up blessed2teach but it can't be found when I go to subscriptions, then discover, search--what am I doing wrong? He helps explain Q drops!

14096637? ago

Lol - this place is rabid with the goats who hate "nigger/jew fags". They are deranged about it and never admit that any other peoples are evil- so much hate. You can research the people who are evil in every race-no prob I agree there is a Jewish Mafia- just like there is an Italian one and Russian and Chinese- but the haters never mention that. I have managed to do that and not spew hatred. So nice try- but they are out of line- the Research is freely available without having to listen to brainwashed jew haters spilling their venom . No excuses they are just full of hate and vile abuse. Q sent us here because he knew we would not be brainwashed into blind hatred of one race- we just need a place to research and discuss Q. I am old too- so nice try but I am not buying it.

14095372? ago

"Edit: The best way to get upvoats is to go out into the other sections of Voat and make comments."

I was to a thread where they talked about Q invasion and I posted WWG1WGA and I already have negative points lol

14088892? ago

Thank you! That was so spot on.

14085947? ago

Thanks for steering us on the right path here I appreciate it

14084595? ago

Excellent points. Thank you.

14082877? ago

Good Advice! Thank you. New here so just figuring out how sh*t works! Wwg1wga

14077802? ago

Thank you for the sound advice. Yes- " Benjamin Fulford" with really interesting information.

14077217? ago

Thank you

14074995? ago

So remember, it's OK to use vulgar, hateful, racial slurs. We definitely want newcomers, skeptics, and outsiders to come to this forum and discover that Q Patriots are all about hate rather than patriotism, truth, and liberty. There is absolutely no reason for us to consider the thousands of people that will be coming here to learn about Q and seek the truth. Free speech means using dirty, foul, and hateful language without worrying about the consequences. (Of course, I'm being extremely sarcastic. I think that we should be careful about what we say on this forum for the sake of the movement. We are free to say anything, but freedom comes with responsibility. We should raise our standards and represent Q in the best possible way, rather than alienating newcomers with hateful talk.) WWG1WGA.

14074769? ago

Thank you for this information and for taking the time to help those of us that are newbs. I'm still in the process of getting my CCP raised.

14073273? ago

just curious, what are your views on the holocaust?

14070611? ago

I am a Jew Grannyfag. I can prove it by saying that I always think this sub is called QVC. LOL. I can't remember what it's called.


14070118? ago

Well said, thank you.

14070088? ago

What if you are here to keep up on Q posts and read articles? I don't care about upvotes downvotes or being argumentative. Just to read stuff that the MSM won't cover, or just general topics you can't discuss on Twitter or Facebook without worrying about being banned or suspended. I like being here and already I like articles and opinions l see and read. Occasionally I'll voice an opinion but not argue. I'm 63 and too old for that except when it comes to my avid support for Trump and Q. Thanks

14069835? ago

if you're Ashkenazi, you are a convert/not a Jew by lineage. All religions have been tampered with by the dark elite. It's not possible to equate what the Khazarians have done to the planet with other races. It's the Khazars that have destroyed what's left of humanity and Earth. Divine Intervention is occuring to make sure we all survive. Need to look deeper Grannyfag.

14069628? ago

There is a dereliction of duty of other goats around here by not telling you to gas yourself. So, without further ado, gas yourself, kike. We will throw you in the oven last, or since you're a granny who can't reproduce, maybe we'll just put you in an actual, nice old folks home and tell you it's a work camp.

14074569? ago

Can you stick your head in the oven? Or wont it fit? Try anyway plesse...ty

14069446? ago

grannyfaqjew you got a big WOW ! and an up-vote from the heart !

14068178? ago

I can prove it by saying that I always think this sub is called QVC

Greatest proof ever, thank you grannyfag. Just remember that QVC is a plot to rob old people of their shekels. This is Q-RV like the road trip you and grandpafag should take in your Qool-RV that you purchased with the shekels you didn’t spend on QVC.

14068358? ago

Thanks, that will help me remember the name!

14067966? ago

Grannyfag. Lol.

14067707? ago

Thank you for posting this Grannyfag! May your words of wisdom teach us well.

14067648? ago

this post was done 22mins ago , to me anyway but it says it was edited 2 minutes ago , It isn't showing me what the edit pertained to !! could i make some statement on here that got a lot of upvotes and then edit it to have a completely different meaning ,i hate that on fb when i respond to someone then they edit their post which maked the whole chat pointless !

14326432? ago

Yeah but on FB you can see all the edits as well as the original post, if you know where to look, Faggot.

14333451? ago

i don't want to waste my life checking to see if people have edited their posts that i've replied to , if someone makes a statement and i reply to that statement they should'nt edit theirs to cover my reply they should cover it with a reply to my statement , it's impolite to say the least

14128156? ago

What a concern fag.

14076053? ago

So i could say something great, get 200 upvoats and then change it an hour later and say "upvoat if you think traps aren't gay!"..... I don't see the problem.

14161127? ago

How about “not working for the up voats, but for content”?

14068198? ago

You can, that’s why we Archive.today things around here.

14068022? ago

I am a stickler for grammar. I've only added more info and changed mispellings. It's essentially all the same as my original post with some clarifications.

14259766? ago

I agree. Sometimes my original post was written with so fast that my thoughts outran my arthritis ridden fingers. So an immediate edit or two usually follows... the spirit of the message is the same, just typo corrections. It’s an OCD thing.

14079761? ago

I do the same for the same reasons. Sometimes I have multiple edits within a minute.

14069468? ago

I feel you, for being a stickler for grammar!

14068626? ago

Since you're a stickler, you might want to know you spelled "misspellings" wrong..., it has two S's... D'oh!!

Don't fret, I once bragged on my Resume that I was a stickler for "grammer and spelling" lol... it was a year before domeine pointed it out!!

14112485? ago

Yip! Always see the small mistakes too! My "mother" or home language is Afrikaans. Somewhat like Dutch you know.. Had this business partner who was from an English upbringing. He gave me a draft of some business proposition he drew up....ha ha ha - you should've seen what it looked like after I finished with it. Red corrections like a very poor grammar test marked by a strict teacher. He FREAKED out!!! Ha ha ha .......and then I also make mistakes when I type here.....hee hee

14122405? ago

Too funny! I would have loved to see it..

14067627? ago

Sensible; reasonable. Thank you.

14067571? ago

well thanks for your advice fellow granny fag..

14067473? ago

If I downvote someone it's because they're telling me how I should act even though I'm following the rules, not because they're racist.

14067273? ago

Thank you, some great advice.

14176644? ago


14904308? ago

you guys are not even the real q's. get the real OQ's


14239260? ago

You are the cancer

14254303? ago

Notice the presidents text alert shill? You PV and SBBH are all traitors to this country for what you did trying to send people into honey pot subs and brigading the noobs on voat. I've been on voat longer then most of you and I know who all of you are. When this is all over you shills are just going to say you were "with us all along". Fuck you.

14254711? ago

You don't know who I am. Also you're also the cancer. Also I never support vote brigading, which is why I called that user cancer.

14583865? ago

You don't support vote brigading unless it's old voat shills downvoting patriots. Look at all the downvotes you old heads hand out, you're just scared so you're just gaslighting the newbies into not using their downvotes.

14583926? ago

You don't know who I am. Also you're also the cancer. Also I never support vote brigading.

14583997? ago

Cancer for what? Pointing out your lying? Downvotes were put on voat to be used, this isn't reddit. SBBH will downvote brigade anyone who points out their shilling, they are the cancer here along with anyone defending them. What's wrong with eliminating the cancer?

14584053? ago

for brigading and for encouraging brigading. You're using the language of fear to try to start a downvote war that will help no one. Also I haven't lied. And downvotes are meant to demote comments that don't contribute, not comments by people you don't like or comments you disagree with. Your abuse of them is turning Voat into a hug box.

14584415? ago

But you all use them constantly to create your SJW Nazi echo chamber.

Here's a quick experiment anyone can do to see who the liar is here. Go to v/whatever and make a comment to one of the SJW Nazi's stating why you don't believe Jews are running the NWO. Or, even if it is a Ashkenazi at the top all Jews don't deserve to be condemned for that. Don't downvote the comment you're replying to, just observe how they downvote you and ridicule you like the SJW's they are.

14617158? ago

Still cut and pasting ur butthurt shit eh? If you don’t like being DVd by the SJWfaggots stay away, or grow thicker skin and continue battle. Fuck all them, you ain’t going to change their short minds, but u can have fun dickin them. Your choice faggot...

14618694? ago

Butthurt? Hardly. Just stating the truth. I seems to trigger you.

14625402? ago

Trigger, naw. Bore me yes.

14593431? ago

The fact that others do it doesn't make it acceptable for you to do it.

14152305? ago

not really, the whole part about "don't downvoat hate speech" is idiotic because part of my own free speech involves downvoating if i so choose - which aparentlly means that user feels i dont deserve free speech.


14252953? ago

your gods house is on 8chan. THIS is an airBnB room.

14234681? ago

The point she made was to comment, rather than downvote. If you read the nasty replies you got here, you recognize that sometimes happens in "free speech." Nevertheless, its better than censorship, and it IS OUR freedom!

14584144? ago

Go comment to the SJW nazis and see if they don't downvote you. Good luck.

14161043? ago

You really are a dumb mother fucking cocksucking queer ass idiot. You can’t think beyond your “collective” nose. Who the fuck are you to judge another’s speech? Remember that faggot? “Don’t judge me” , that was one of your faggot SJW parameters you fucking commie pukes set upon the public. So suck it! Everybody has a voice or non of us do and the fucktards win.

14584125? ago

Yet you dont want to give anyone a voice who disagrees "muh Hitler" "f the Jews". A simple experiment can be performed tonprove you're full of shit. Simply go to v/whatever and tell one of the SJW nazis that you disagree that the Jews run the NWO. Watch how many downvotes you get. But Patriots aren't supposed to use theirs? Full of shit much?

14599843? ago

Where in my rant did I say that nigger couldn’t say whatever gay shit it wants to spew? Same with you fag wad. Don’t be such a dumb cunt and comprehend more.

14608922? ago

Yeah anyone can say what they want, but if it doesn't conform to what the shill crew, that runs voat, wants to hear it'll be downvoted to death. Exactly what others are being told not to do.

14172683? ago

I'd hate to see what you say to your mummy when she tells you to go to bed.

14248539? ago

I love you! Goodnight! Faggot....

14157513? ago

Your an idiot but we will over look you because good men and women have sacrificed for you to have that right.

14584223? ago

Scared? I'm certain people are learning you can't disagree with you SJW nazis without getting tons of downvotes.

"But patriots cant use theirs, that wouldn't be fair"

This is a perfect example of SJW bullshit being used on voat.

14105609? ago

This was helpful

14289304? ago

Yes, appreciated.

I came here because when Reddit banned GA, Q posted this voat. It was on top of qmap and other sites.... then disappeared. There's only 13k subscribers now. Why isn't a link to QRV posted on all the Q sites anymore?

14066905? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'A Request to [O] Team - Dear Butcher, Baker and Candlestick Maker . . .' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

https://voat.co/v/QRV/2744073 The post has been made. Please contribute what wisdom you can.

This notification (#1343) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.