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14267504? ago

Counterterrorism has been used as an excuse to operate gangstalking and electronic harassment programs against cabal targets. It's basically the definition of terrorism with a name that states the opposite.

So does this mean that these civilian torture and murder programs will be ending soon?

I frankly worried because no one is talking about this. Not Q!, not Trump and certainly not the alternative media!

If this situation isn't addressed it puts a very big question mark over this whole movement imo!

Does anyone have anything that points to a positive outcome on this?

14267624? ago

Start a new thread you will get sorted and updated quick.

14268513? ago

This site won't let me post a thread. Because I don't have enough points. Dumb.

14268856? ago

then engage yourself in the community, faggot. earn your keep.

14269182? ago

I've been doing this for fours years.

I have produced lots of original research on gangstalking and psychology.

I have petitions older than this movement!

I speak up for the victims!

I don't need to or want to earn your respect. I just don't care.

I want the victims saved.

So tell me then. How else can I go about exposing these crimes?