14277412? ago

No you did not! Q post on 14:19 and POTUS tweet on 12:17. I'm not sure about my Twitter time zone, but I AM sure it's more like 2 hours apart not 2 minutes. Something is wrong here. This isn't a confirmation this is an embarrassment. And it is the second time that the Q post comes in after the POTUS tweet and yet unabashedly offered as "zero" confirmation. Last time this Q was 10 seconds after. This time 2 minutes after. What is happening here? What am I not getting? I can't possibly be the only one noticing?

14271386? ago

I assume domestic terrorists are covered by this. Soon, please POTUS.

14269755? ago

Pretty close!

14268557? ago

Forgot to include the words 'BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC'

14267989? ago

Stage is set, unleash the hounds, open the flood gates, and let the TRUTH booms rain down.

14267977? ago

Hmmmm. Very interesting. 3:17 pm. for POTUS tweet and Q Post. 17=Q. Also note 23 second difference together with post 2333. 233 = skull and bones. Is this calling out Skull and Bones as a terrorist organization and coming judgement.

By the way I don't always agree with SB2 interpretations. Thoughts?

14271203? ago

Q very first post was at 2:33 also about hillary being arrested.


14271287? ago

No way. I hadn't seen that. I will check it out. Thanks!

14271337? ago

i posted link in my reply of it

14277840? ago

saw it.. thanks..

14269013? ago

Yes but I had the exact same thought with the 233. I may not completely grasp SB2's interpretations, but I get the gist of them and support them. (Plus SB2 has always remained positive and non-combative and seeks no compensation for all he or she does) More importantly, 'they' believe in all of that very strongly. Numerology, Astrology and Symbolism. That is how they run their Evil Empire, on those dates and numbers and images. It means Everything to them.

14290881? ago

WOWSA!! Great observation!! 2:33 it is!! Post #1!!

14270696? ago

True. Agree.

14267820? ago

We've come full circle. With Kav coming in on Sat, it'll be pain time.

14270064? ago

So are we waiting for Judge Kavanaugh to be sworn in for the hammer to drop?

14269081? ago

With what the Dems did to Justice K, he get's the last laugh! :)

It's not pain. It's military tribunal time. I'm sick of popcorn, stocking up on Cheez-its for the next movie.

14269276? ago

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! All popcorn is now on hold and replaced with Cheez-Its, until everyone gets sick of them; then, we switch back to popcorn! -Gramma

14278528? ago

Make Peanut butter Rice Krispie Treats, Substitute Rice Krispies w/ Cheezits, add crisp crumbled bacon. Mix in plastic bowl, spread on parchment. Cut into small squares.

We call it Holy Fuck. Great for Movies. You're welcome.

14281681? ago


14269617? ago

After Cheez-Its, it's those hard to find Chicken in the Basket.

14267631? ago

Time's up

14267598? ago

Does this match the writing from the earlier Q posts with POTUS signature?

14268400? ago

Yes. But that’s just a picture. We’re trying to see if trumps tweets are landing at the same time as the q drops

14270118? ago

This missed. Unless I am missing something (entirely possible) q posted 2 min 45 seconds after. Is this right? I don't care, I'm all in, but I wonder why the delay?

14267748? ago

Imo it does. Im no expert.

14267542? ago

What does this mean?

14268415? ago

Delta 0 means q drop and trump tweet are at the same time = proof of not a larp

14267890? ago

Zero hour?

14268832? ago

I am thinking time is almost up (for them)

14267504? ago

Counterterrorism has been used as an excuse to operate gangstalking and electronic harassment programs against cabal targets. It's basically the definition of terrorism with a name that states the opposite.

So does this mean that these civilian torture and murder programs will be ending soon?

I frankly worried because no one is talking about this. Not Q!, not Trump and certainly not the alternative media!

If this situation isn't addressed it puts a very big question mark over this whole movement imo!

Does anyone have anything that points to a positive outcome on this?

14268763? ago

Your issue is a valid one given how "counterterrorism" has been abused and subverted by our corrupt leaders. Whether counterterrorism measures and actions are valid is completely dependent on those leaders being honest and with integrity. Terrorism is an issue. Lots of whack jobs out there and not all terror actions are "deep state plots". Algerians used it against the French in the 50's. Lots of examples. It's a very grey area. At this point in time, I trust Trump, but even his admin can make mistakes or overstep proper boundaries.

14268583? ago

Supporting this post. An open investigation into Gangstalking of Targetted Individuals is of utmost importance. Deep State has been terminating individuals with this for a long time. It is the most sinister weapon in (their) arsenal. Be aware of this Patriots.

14268662? ago

NSA must fully comprehend the mechanisms used to perform Gangstalking in order to counter it. If our Deep State enemies became Targetted Individuals, with the force of that system inverted to be used upon them this silent war would be won immediately, with the perpetrators outing themselves in the ensuing (localized) hysteria.

14268616? ago

Much love anon!

14267624? ago

Start a new thread you will get sorted and updated quick.

14268513? ago

This site won't let me post a thread. Because I don't have enough points. Dumb.

14268856? ago

then engage yourself in the community, faggot. earn your keep.

14269182? ago

I've been doing this for fours years.

I have produced lots of original research on gangstalking and psychology.

I have petitions older than this movement!

I speak up for the victims!

I don't need to or want to earn your respect. I just don't care.

I want the victims saved.

So tell me then. How else can I go about exposing these crimes?

14267617? ago

How many times are you going to post this? Stop concern trolling.

14273496? ago

^Good catch on the concern trolling. Tactic used by shills to confuse and plant seeds of doubt. Ignore the paid shills.

14268558? ago

Invalidation and labelling!

I'm sorry are the millions of gangstalking victims not an issue here?

It's like telling a torture victim to stop screaming! Where is your empathy?

14268720? ago

Only a fool worries about his beard when his head is about to be chopped off.

14268752? ago

"You're just the beard hairs, your concerns are invalid, faggot."

14268934? ago

Considering that the beard hairs will still end up dead if the head is lopped off? Yes. Your stating that not addressing the issue puts a big "question mark" over the whole movement yet you acknowledge this is already being employed by the cabal. So look at your outcomes:

Outcome A) Cabal wins and nothing changes Outcome B) Q wins and it might change.

A might is better than a nothing. Stop shooting right.

14267420? ago

14267380? ago

Not quite but very close. 3:20 diff I think?

14267476? ago

Q was referring to their previous post which is in the same minute that trump tweeted

14267505? ago

Oh blast.. buggrit thx for wising me up 👌

14267272? ago

"Let's Roll"

14267899? ago
