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14067026? ago

I am a Grannyfag who came here from Reddit about 2 years ago. This place is different and if you don't follow the rules the head honcho will kick you out. I love you all and want you to stay.

Do not band together to downvote "hate speech" and things you disagree with until you understand this place. There are too many of you and you will overwhelm Voat. You can use upvotes and downvotes on QRV (here) in this sub (section) and it won't be a problem.

When you venture out into the other parts of Voat, like Politics, Pizzagate, Whatever, please don't do a lot of downvotes. If you disagree or disagree with someone you should argue your point in a comment rather than voting.

14263090? ago

this is exactly how u get in here, but make this in sub introduction. or like this faggot swede more than 300 points in 48 hours.