Q4life ago

Glad you found way here from Sweden. WWG1WGA. WELCOME TO VOAT FAGGOT

SearchVoatBot ago

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Patriot17Maga ago

Welcome! I’m new here too.

Q4theWIN ago

Welcome aboard Matey!

bulrush ago

Have you heard of http://minds.com? How about http://gab.ai? They are both more based.


What's a "swed male"?

Tombstone88 ago

A swed male is a strong independent man who take care of himself and those who call him family.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Posted automatically (#2546) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

we_are_one ago

New here.. How to get points?

Tombstone88 ago

Don't beg for it and wake up to reality

anOtherVoice11 ago

Voat is Good

Benvincent9177 ago


UselessHashtag-0 ago

I knew sweds were cucks

IAMDavid ago

Someone commented below about Twin Towers & 911. Check out my post in WritingPrompts, "A post apocalyptic society..."

Mormonius ago

Give me some CCP so i can send messages.

Tombstone88 ago

write something instead of begging faggot

Mormonius ago

Go hang yourself you sad fuck. Stop being pathethic is a tip from the coach.

Tombstone88 ago


Pahimilal ago

Question. Why don't you get like 3 guys together, buy some guns on the street, and just start fucking blasting away sand niggers in a place where they congregate? Or bomb a mosque with a bunch of ragheads inside? You have a max of 20 years in a nice ass prison, so it really isn't that bad of a punishment.

Tombstone88 ago

why dont you do it yourself? it's not islam who is the enemy.. it's israel and the ((()))

fuckmyreddit ago

Come to America my little goat faggot. Do not despair but kill your inner nigger and become a refugee to this land. Sweden is doomed. Fuck off and welcome to reddit.

Tombstone88 ago

america the land of refugees and shittards.. i'm not one of those faggot who run away when times get hard

correctus ago

Welcome home, my white nigger! Enjoy your stay...

Newtonsnephew ago

Whats going on with this thread? All the top comments are little brief satirical bull shits about 911. There is no fucking way our government didn't know about it before hand. And there is no fucking way that Saudi arabia and Israel weren't a part of it. Go fuck yourself faggots. Someone should probably archive the footage of wtc 7. Just saying.

Tombstone88 ago

oh you are a kikefaggot nigger!? why dont you shove that shit back up in your ass and take your faggoty elsewhere

Newtonsnephew ago

Cool. I remember when I had my first beer.

UGM ago

So many good people that are joining they MUST be faggot.

flowerchild ago

Hey man welcome, free speech is rare for real. Weird ass world but interesting times.

Tombstone88 ago

truly is get your balls togheter and get it that the jews is behind it all

coolandrewpj ago

may be if you found let me know

WisDumb ago

Be warned, Shit gets real on Voat. None of that dancing around the leftist faggots with tender feelings. Where a spade is a spade ( Nigger) and all Jews should have toasted in the ovens. But we have a good time and have no ill will towards humans.

Tombstone88 ago

I still belive that we are enough different to be a more developed part of mankind history than thoose niggers

thelma ago

How did he know I'm a faggot?

Tombstone88 ago

isnt evryone faggot at some point? some people more often than others

wt1984yb ago

Front page of Voat has been taken over by retards.

kammmmak ago

A jew will always tell you what happened to him but wont tell you why.

ExpertShitposter ago

ikea sux

boekanier ago

But what about Volvo?

ExpertShitposter ago

i like, but sometimes wheels fall off

Tombstone88 ago

ikea boomed market of furniture. sure they suck kikecux but they also made furnite easy avaliable for poor people.. somewhere on the road it turn over to overconsuming of furniture and earned (((IKEA))) for their contribution to destroying the earth

ExpertShitposter ago

ikea sux in a technical sense is what i mainly meant

captive ago

there's still time to save your country. god bless.

Tombstone88 ago

depends on what you see as saving. this system cant be changed to something god for the people

jimbo42 ago

Free speech ftw.

adolfshrektler ago

How do we know your not a jidf infiltrator like le based nigger from yesterday?

boekanier ago

He seems suspiciously well educated for a truck driver, if you ask me.

Tombstone88 ago

time will probably show that..

Ina_Pickle ago

Welcome based Swede. Someday you will have to tell us how you managed to reach adulthood in Sweden with your balls still intact.

Tombstone88 ago

it was better when i was younger and my great awakening was after reaching legal ages

P8RTZ4Ward ago

Sup, Swedish Faggot Male! Free speech is #1 and VOAT has another member in me for sure. I feel for you Swedes as you are truly on the front lines of over there in Europe. The whole point of following Q is not blindly trusting anybody - Q included. A person can follow Q posts, while still using their own free-will and discernment to arrive at their own conclusions. That is what I do at least. Bye, Swedish Faggot Male!

Tombstone88 ago

oh a faggot Female with a lilfaggot on the way. I like that! one should feel sorry for people who try their best to kill them self. some will never see the truth

at least 1 who not completly lost like a jihad soldier in Q. i really like how you battle Deepstate and that kind of stuff but alot of those who follow Q is retardly stupid and dont own a free mind to make conclusions of their own. keep it up and stay safe!

HillaryClintonsShoe ago


ParsedOutput ago

I sense niggerfaggot here, on the niggerfaggot bandwagon.

Tombstone88 ago

In the niggerfaggot forest with niggerfaggot fotsoldiers running around

Anyone care for continuing the story?

ParsedOutput ago

No. Get a life. Go back to reddit. I doubt you won't fit in here.

Tombstone88 ago

never been there faggot

ParsedOutput ago

fair enough

natione-suecos ago

Welcome ur nigger faggot jew lover. Is HH stand for Heil Hitler ?? u r little nazi

Tombstone88 ago

Actually not but I like how you think

IDintDoNuthin ago

I work with a swede who loves America, what should I say to him

natione-suecos ago

or say " sug min röv"

Tombstone88 ago

To get his faggotass back here and join the white community! Or... Just say: Jag gillar negrer sug min kuk

IDintDoNuthin ago

Okay I send to him and he laughs at me then explained it. All I have to say is fuck you nigger faggot lol

Tombstone88 ago

Hahaha it was fun!

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Welcome aboard, I would recommend watching this documentary on the "holocaust":


Germar Rudolf: Probing the Holocaust: The Horror Explained (Part 1)

Tombstone88 ago

Saving that for later always fun watching historical stuff

WhiteRonin ago

If you promise not to eat too much Danish Chocolate and get so drunk that you throw up at Danish train stations - welcome!

Lol, you Swedes really do make a mess in Denmark!

It’s ok, my great aunt married a Swede.

Tombstone88 ago

Real vikings tends to make a mess when the party is halfway thru

WhiteRonin ago

That’s a good one! My heritage also goes back to the Vikings.

Hey @gabara we have another to party with!

Tombstone88 ago

Thus our heritage stretches to a time when there was no Jews on this planet. We belong to an ancient godrace who was among the strongest beings on the earth. Next time I'm south I let you know

WhiteRonin ago

Good! But you need to stop by the JFK assisination park. I’ll take you out for good Texas BBQ and Bbers!

natione-suecos ago

The best navigators and shipbuilder.

Tombstone88 ago

The best sailor at least.. crossing the big pool with so small boats is incredibly amazing

theoldones ago

the gods want the homeland back. welcome.

Tombstone88 ago

They sure do. The folks of Tyr is rising

james780 ago

just block their subverses for a month they will calm down if not we must destroy their beloved q and turn him into a nazi

Tombstone88 ago

You are singing my kind of music!

ChessFailure ago

Shit, after looking at Tombstone88, Soros told me to update my profile.

Tombstone88 ago

Why not that is wise word from that kike

ChessFailure ago

Look, I've been drinking ... a lot. I cannot understand what you just said, and, usually, I am pretty good. Cheers!

Tombstone88 ago

Stop drink and start rehab. We need every strong man available!

ChessFailure ago

I am the opposite of strong. I do 40 - 80 (real) pushups a day, I use the hand squeeze thing 80 - 120 a day, I walk / jog 4.5 - 8 miles every other day or third day, and I am still a wimp.

I am more of an intellectual, and I am not good at that either.

So I drink!

Tombstone88 ago

Well 80 - 120 pushups is like 40 - 80 more then me and I consider myself to be strong.. but I don't last very long in that strength.

Will do

ChessFailure ago

No, I only do 40 pushups, but I have gotten up to doing more when I get disgusted with my limp arms. The hand grips is the 80 - 120 range.

Zombies in movies have more meat on them than me.

natione-suecos ago

war needs wise sober people, stop drinking. someone must load the guns..

ChessFailure ago

Just because I am weak doesn't mean I can't shoot, ha ha. I grew up with archery. Similar principles. The first time I went shooting at a range, my friend could not believe my accuracy (I thought he was just trying to encourage me). He took my targets back to his father who also said I must be lying.

andrew_white_forever ago

You know about the Jewish bonnier family controlling your media? And the Nordic Frontier podcast?

Tombstone88 ago

I do Nordic frontier is just one of the program Nordfront radio have

ChessFailure ago

Gas the kikes Day of the rope for niggers.

... I really never said any of this. It is on my resume, but still ...

Tombstone88 ago

Why not a complete genocide.. why stop there...

Goathole ago

Sup' nigger? Wanna gas some Jews with us?

Tombstone88 ago

Nah I'm bigger than that! Just like Hitler I believe we can reconstruct their way of life to be the correct way of life. Put them in concentrationscamps

Goathole ago

ahh, I see. You're one of those tolerant pacifists.

Don't mind my chimnies blowing thick clouds of smoke, I'm just smoking some fish. It's nothing, really.

Tombstone88 ago

oh dont mistake me! communism must be fought down! but we can comitt total genocide.. after all, every race must be allowed to develop for their own causes in their own places.

That is how we push this world to the star and beyond

Goathole ago

yeah well I want to send the jews to the star and beyond a little sooner than the rest of us. They'll be flying alright.

Tombstone88 ago

omg imagine mankind have a planet for each fuck up religion

Tombstone88 ago

Constant anger. That's how I cope brother.. in that constant anger it happen ordinary thing but mostly work on an 100% white workplace where most is nationalist which helps surviving

ProgNaziGator ago

Might want to use a vpn.

Tombstone88 ago

I'm on phone VPN really slow down the connection

ProgNaziGator ago

Your English is better then my swedish.


Tombstone88 ago


kalgon ago



Tombstone88 ago

Kill who? The communist?

Alonsogauti ago

We Welcome you here

BordelonLoop ago

"glaring out the window of my truck." yep. i just glare everywhere now.

Tombstone88 ago

That's life..

BaldMiscreant ago

Welcome, don't shit the place up.

Tombstone88 ago


Political correctness is not my thing

BaldMiscreant ago

Don't care what your thing is, don't shit the place up.

Tombstone88 ago

Guess I won't

Ina_Pickle ago

Do it anyway.

BaldMiscreant ago

I appreciate it, welcome aboard

Tombstone88 ago

One thing I don't get is how I should use downwoting.. is it only for spamshit real faggots and communist? Or is it more I don't like you and it hurts my butt so I downwoting you?

Voting* edited

BaldMiscreant ago

It's up to you, but I only downvote trolls and spam. For upvotes, I generally only upvote articles worth reading, or points well made.

Tombstone88 ago

common sense. got it!

SkittlesAndIcedTee ago

Enjoy islam faggot

Tombstone88 ago

Don't wish to much faggot

7e62ce85 ago

When you are ready to flee your collapsing nation, let us know: /v/emergencynation/2130938

Tombstone88 ago

We stand our ground adament violently and with full force we will defend this land to the very last drop of blood

TheAmerican ago

Say nigger 5x

Tombstone88 ago

Neger apjävel smutskalle bajskinn and grandfinale Negerbög!

TheAmerican ago

I'm not skinny

Tombstone88 ago

They are combined words so good luck translating that

TheAmerican ago

I understand part of it

Tombstone88 ago





There you go abuse it hard!

TheAmerican ago

Welcome. I'm known as the General around here.

Tombstone88 ago

Sir! Thank you sir!

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

Any proof of your birthright? Take a pic of some swedish shit with a timestamp. Don't doxx yourself, of course. I have a friend that lives in Denmark, and used to visit Sweden but stopped because of how bad the southern part has gotten from all the shitskins.

Tombstone88 ago

Don't trust me if you don't want. I am swed white and great. You don't need to know more than that

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

Trust but verify. Anyone can claim anything on the internet.

Tombstone88 ago

Om du översätter detta så förstår du att jag hanterar det svenska språket. Google My friend

Hammer71 ago

Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork. Welcome, you Swedish niggerfaggot

Fortran_77 ago

Any Swedish male who hasn't caved in, drunk the SJW kool aid and become completely cucked out by now must not be all bad.

Tombstone88 ago

Society detox

midnightblue1335 ago

As a Swede, I would like to know what you think of Anton Lundin Pettersson. It seems he was a patriot who died fighting for Sweden, but I think Swedes might view him differently.

Mormonius ago

He was far from that. He was a looser that didnt have a good guidance in his life.

Tombstone88 ago

If he was a patriot or not. Idk.. but he was a kind and gentle man. What made him to do what he did nobody can know since that female spunk to cop shot him down. I do not approve to the action he did but I really do understand that feeling of hopeless he must have felt before

perro_negro ago

Talking about kool aid, you should check the wikepedia definition. Completely false.

Fortran_77 ago

I use the Kikepedia definition

i_scream_trucks ago


The_Crusader ago

From one citizen of a cucked Islamic nation to another, welcome.

14108699? ago

You should check out No Agenda show they do media deconstruction. A lot of Swedes are in the chat room and the dutch host Adam Curry likes to make fun of you.

Tombstone88 ago

Will do

analfaveto ago

It's "acclimatised," you wanker. You're European, and we Brits started this language anyway.

Tombstone88 ago

Oh I'm so sorry! Did I hurt your feelings? FAGGOT!

analfaveto ago

I see you've acclimatised quickly. Have an upvoat to get your account going.

Tombstone88 ago

Most annoying is the 10 comment limit and the replybutton.. it is pretty small and hide like a faggot

sguevar ago

Welcome faggot. Hope you are able to regain control of your nation

jewlie ago


Sucks what's happening to your country. Any sweede I have gamed with recently I ask them if it is all as bad as I hear it is on here, with no go zones, and people getting mugged constantly. Most respond with "It's worse than what you hear". Super scary bro. That's why places like this need to exist.

Tombstone88 ago

That's exactly why places like this exist at all.. top 5 worst countries in western world is GreatBritain. Canada. Germany. Sweden. France. It is worst than most think it is. It's so bad it's to late to "fix" things

Battlefat ago

Do you own and possess a firearm?

natione-suecos ago

natione-suecos ago

nothing to see here...

Tombstone88 ago

It is a bit of a process to gain licences. You not even allowed to wear a knife in sweden. So no I don't but I will

Battlefat ago

You have an obligation to your people to become a marksman now that you have shown your hand as other than ‘true neutral’ — liberty comes at a price not everyone is willing to pay

Tombstone88 ago

That's a good point was down to gunstore today and yes! There will be weapons soon!

markrod420 ago

careful swed. cant be long now before your cucked nation makes it illegal to view sites like this, if its not already.

Tombstone88 ago

I would be surprised if they didn't

Voopin__Voopin ago

Maybe a vpn is in order?

Protonvpn is free and ran by same people who run protonmail.

@thatoneprivacyguy has a site, called that one privacy site, but I forget if its .com or .net or whatever. Comes up in search engines though. Hes got a really good chart of vpns and their pros/cons. It would at least be a first step towards not letting them snoop on you for going to such a god-given right as a free speech forum.

mad_saxon ago

Avoid all Proton products like the plague. They are NOT what they appear to be:

Tombstone88 ago

I mostly use my phone for evrything including this and vpn on phones is crappy.. it really slow down things.. but you are right! I really need to get secured even on the phone

Dsciexterminationist ago

Swedish? Why aren't you torching migrant housing instead of posting here

natione-suecos ago

we do our silent war every day your faggot

Dsciexterminationist ago

Yeah? Cool. I often wonder how much "terrorism" in Europe is angry whiteboys

perro_negro ago

Why aren't you?

Tombstone88 ago

There is no freedom in jail

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

getting caught

BordelonLoop ago

so you assume you would be caught?

Tombstone88 ago

Jep.. Swedish police are really effective when they hunt whites

BordelonLoop ago

do it in blackface.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Fuck that, it's just another front

Res_Publica ago

They jerk off to the rapes

Dsciexterminationist ago

My own comment provoked a moment of clarity and shame at the apathy towards evil in my own community....

Artofchoke ago


elitch2 ago

Are you hiring for the revolution, yet?

Demonsweat2 ago

Welcome nigger.


not to change the discussion, but i totally think niggerfucker is on par with niggerfaggot. :) what could be worse than sticking your dick into some disgusting ass purple pussy?

oh, and welcome from a fucking newb nigger

Res_Publica ago

What about spics? Some of them are hot enough I’d hit it. I wouldn’t want my kid to be all Elian Gonzalez and shit, but some spics are pretty.

DavidHogg ago

Some are good looking until around 19-21 and then get beetis.

slevin_kelevra ago

Welcome swede nigger fag, glad to have you here.

Tombstone88 ago

Thanks niggerfaggot!

SIayfire122 ago

Welcome to Voat faggot. Here's a good place to start.


Tombstone88 ago

That really is the short version of the short version I did a comment there yesterday or so..

middle_path ago


SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Swedistan. The land of somali nigger savages

Tombstone88 ago

The land with a Somali national bandyteam (Bandy is an icesport like hockey but with an orange ball) paid by dummy taxpayers

Malayar ago

Fuck off we're full

Tombstone88 ago

I'm sorry but this faggot won't leave

voatuser1128 ago

Why is Sweden destroying itself with mass immigration? It's like Sweden lacks any self preservation instincts.

natione-suecos ago

eldery generations of swedes trusted what politicians said and the socialist party ruled this country for a very long time. But 1972 they take a decision to make the land more open to multiculti, and no one could never in their wildest dream see this hell it become out of that decision. The jews hade their masterplan to destroy this fine country.

Tombstone88 ago

Kike politics and media. People being boiled just like a frog

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Your english is pretty good. At least you know the important words.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

@Tombstone88 correct me if I'm wrong, but this is my understanding (I've never been to sweden):

English is spoken widely in Sweden and it's actually a point of contention in the country. The old farts want everybody to speak swedish to preserve the language and culture, but the younger generation all want to speak english so theyll have more job and international opportunities.

natione-suecos ago

Hi @SyriaAreTerrorists, Old Fart here. In Sweden we learn English from the third grade in school, and some of us speak better than we text. And of course are we proud of our heritage and language, our tradition in our unic variations in Swedish. It is not an age thing. Swedes are well known as an hard working quite people, It takes along way to made an swede angry, but if u succed, u will face the worst nightmare. Berserk is well known.

Newtonsnephew ago

Youre women get raped by arabs. Does that make you angry?

natione-suecos ago

The arabs is not the worst, the Somalian monkees are.

Tombstone88 ago

It's about identity oldies more often suck at foreign language but I like Swedish way more.

ButteredBiscuits ago

No one should want their language to die.

Tombstone88 ago

Nobody do. It is a matter of intellectual. If you master one language you can communicate with few if you learn several you can communicate with the mass

Tombstone88 ago

Thanks Duke

hangry ago

Welcome to voat, niggerfaggot. Don't shit the bed.

Tombstone88 ago

This niggerfaggot won't be shitting uncontrollable due to harassment

culturewarOG ago

Shadilay to you!

zyklon_b ago




Native ago

Anyone with an IQ over 100 (ie white people) know that what happened on 9/11 was a Farce. The propaganda is strong. When I traveled in Europe before I was redpilled I was shocked that nearly everyone there laughed at my dumb American ass for believing the (((narrative)))

1mpatientPatient ago

I only know one person in real life who thinks the 9/11 television show was real...and he's American. The only American I know in real life.

Native ago

When you live in a fishbowl it's hard to see out

zyklon_b ago

I have watched you on here for awhile and you contribute good shit!

Native ago

Thanks man, back at you!

zyklon_b ago


lorlipone ago

This is the most voat post of all voat posts. Cheers.

zyklon_b ago

cheers m8

EatDaP00P00 ago

Ahem... It's NiggerfaggotKike!

ThoseFeels ago

I second this beautiful, informative poetry.

Tombstone88 ago

Thought is was for the insurance money they took down the twins? But they are surely Jews.

Thanks faggot!

Fancy451 ago

Don't forget the trillions Rumsfeld announced the day before the planes hit, and oh my the "plane" (it was a cruise missile I saw the footage from the gas station on 9/11) hit the part of the pentagon that was investigating both the missing money and the 7500 pentagon employees that had paid for kiddy porn with their Credit card.

Building 7 was announced as having collapsed by the media while it was still standing in the background while they were reporting it.

They only found one engine in the field in philly. That plane had 4. Where's the rest of the plane?

Why did Osama Bin Laden's family get to EXFIL the United States by plane when all civilian traffic was grounded?

The taliban were willing to hand over OBL if Bush provided proof he was responsible. Bush said we don't need proof.

Loco_Motive ago

Damn, Honky, that was deep. Where was the plane that hit the Pentagon too? I mean really.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Unlike the holocaust, Jewish lightning is a thing that happens

ADaniels ago

Larry Silverstein owned the whole complex, he is A Jew.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Check out his wife, Klara. No way that creature is a bio female.

TheKobold ago

Jews always have multiple angles for what they do

fartyshorts ago

Expand greater Israel, beat some arabs, make money coming and going (weapons, oil/gas, rebuilding, forcing IMF loans on the victims), get rid of condemned buildings, enforce mass-surveillance, strip rights from people AND claim billions in insurance?

Why would anyone do that? 🙄

TheKobold ago

Genetic defects from inbreeding over thousands of years and a tradition of persecution complex on top of a religion that states they are the chosen people and everybody else is less than human

zyklon_b ago


it was to justify "the Wolfowitz doctrine" research that

ProgNaziGator ago


Project for a new American century

Tombstone88 ago

Interesting never stumbled over that. Thanks!

zyklon_b ago

(((they))) try to hide stuff like that

Tombstone88 ago

They do indeed

zyklon_b ago

keep talkn n I keep upvotin

Rotteuxx ago

Beetle, don't be a faggot farm enabler ffs !

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Here here!

Tombstone88 ago

Purr purr purr

14113506? ago

Welcone fellow cat person.

Tombstone88 ago

Thanks but I like dogs. Dogs can be trained cats are wild assassin that wants to eat you when you are asleep

14118647? ago

Mine only want cuddles when I sleep? Unless cuddles is code for murder... fuckin cats.

I am fond of both. Dogs tend to become instant best friends with anyone - cats ya gotta earn their love and respect.

Tombstone88 ago

dogs are like children. if you raise them to trust evrything on 2 legs they will do so.. your cat only checking how hard you sleep.. luckily most cats always planning and never comes to action..

14124351? ago

It's because they are much like most people when they are on welfare - become lazy, and if they finally kill then who will fill up the food bowl?

Never trust a cat!

Pumbadog ago

Found the beta

14113524? ago

It's okay to like cats.

myvoicefromhell ago

Meat is kinda tough, though.You have to marinade and cook thoroughly in a crock pot. Delicious!

zyklon_b ago


Pumbadog ago

I agree

14114228? ago

Only betas agree.

Alphas prove it.

Pumbadog ago

So you don't think it is ok to like cats?

14118614? ago

That is far from what I think. Kitties are our friends.

It's okay to be white.

Fuckyounigger ago

It’s meh-eh-eh like a goat your a goat now harry

zyklon_b ago

1990 + 9000 - 9000