captainstrange ago

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captainstrange ago

Convert the file to an image. I'm not interested in opening a pdf from someone I don't know.

7e62ce85 ago

I will look into it. In the meantime you can use this: /v/emergencynation/2217397

sept ago

Is it ethnically oriented or not ?

7e62ce85 ago

No all races are welcome as long as they accept our principles of freedom, male authority, no taxes and no violence.

Islam and Judaism are therefore banned because of their violent tenets (killing non believers/goyim), but these ideologies are not races.

Further while we are not racially oriented the absence of welfare means no free food for lazy black people.

sept ago

Yeah... So multiculturalism is rooted in the original project, hence ethnocide ...

Only a matter of time before everybody goes brown


So in case, just in case, some ethnic minority group becomes a majority over time, and start imposing views that are opposed to the original core values of the project, how do you deal with that ?

Entryism comes to mind

7e62ce85 ago

Only a matter of time before everybody goes brown

White people make more money than blacks on average due to on average higher IQ and better work morale. Resources are required to reproduce so in a capitalist society whites and other productive people will reproduce in greater number.

What you see in the West is not natural, but is caused by taking tax money from the smart and hard working and giving it to people that would otherwise starve to death and certainly not reproduce in greater numbers.

So in case, just in case, some ethnic minority group becomes a majority over time, and start imposing views that are opposed to the original core values of the project, how do you deal with that ?

Such persons would be immediately exiled as per our constitutional rules and as such would never become a majority as they wouldn't be there at all.

26 Muslims, socialists, communists, Nazis, Jews and other ‘zombies’ that argue for violence or forced taxation must be exiled. (as they all breach rule #5)

27 Feminists that argue for women voting must leave. (this breaches rule #5)

sept ago

Yeah... We'll all end up yellow, and one morning, our economic liberal friends will turn out to be fucking commies

7e62ce85 ago

Our constitution also allows establishing white only communities/areas so your scenario could only happen if whites truly were all inferior and all refused to reproduce.

If those are your assumptions (white inferiority) then there is no scenario in which the white race survives. Even if you had a white ethnostate it would eventually be completely out numbered or even self depopulated as Japan is experiencing.

All that said I have already agreed with several people hard bent on a white ethnostate that I would gladly found our nations side by side.

sept ago

If whites are superior or superior enough, why bother to include other races ?

So we can tap ourselves in the back as in "see how we're not racist" ?

7e62ce85 ago

  1. It might turn some whites away.
  2. It would turn away good people from other races.
  3. Unnecessary since the real problem is feminism, socialism and other zombie-isms.
  4. While I am vehemently against the current white genocide and don't wish to be hit by it myself I otherwise don't care much about race or race based ideology. Races are just averages, it's the individual that matters. I have no sympathy for white trash for example (unless they were destroyed by our current corrupt system) just as I don't care for Africans starving on the most fertile land in the world. The Emergency Nation is supposed to be by and for hard working men with no other caveats.

But you know we don't have to convert each other to work together. Like I said I would be happy to help establish a white ethnostate.

sept ago

Yeah well, this is yet again an ethnocide in the making

Multiculturalism doesn't work, culture stems from ethnicity, you don't restore a civilization with the kids of others etc

If you only take "good people" based on the same color blind rule, from all over the world, with the exceptions contained in the rules mentioned above, well... Whites will inevitably end up being an ethnic minority

It's a mathematical certitude!topic/

7e62ce85 ago

Whites will inevitably end up being an ethnic minority It's a mathematical certitude.

I am white and expect to father many children - way above the replacement rate. My children will be smart, strong, healthy and cunning. I will teach them to be capitalists.

The stupid whites may die off, then the blacks and Muslims they were feeding and protecting, but people like me will inherit it all.

sept ago

9.something percent of the world's population... And shrinking

Good luck with that

7e62ce85 ago

And how many pigs exist on human farms? Probably more than humans. Without feeding they all die. Same with blacks. How many are kept alive with food from whites? When the US and EU go bankrupt nothing will stop people from invading the weak feminist or Islamic nations once more.

Once Genghis Khan was one man, Now it is estimated 1% of the human population are his descendants.

sept ago


Given the current trends and dire state of affairs, in 2100, unless the commies nuke them or whatever, japan will still be japan, populated almost exclusively by japanese, regardless of their numbers

White people ?

They'll be the modern days equivalent of medieval jews, virtually stateless

Or the equivalent of white south africans if you prefer


2100, 40% of the world population is projected to be african, granted that's a statistical projection, UN stats

What's for sure is that the remaining 60% won't be white


Demographics is everything, what we need is the equivalent of an israel but for whites, that's what's required

A country can always recover from a financial or economic collapse, not from population replacement


7e62ce85 ago

Like I said I'm happy to help. I'm ready to roll and put a million dollars+ on the line, but where is everyone else? All I see from the alt right and people like the Identitarians are some protests. Nord Front in Sweden don't want to ally with us and also just hold protests. They are too busy fantasizing about having their own central bank and other retarded pipe dreams.

Since 90-95% of whites are busy supporting and enforcing welfare states, feminism and aid for blacks yes it is quite likely that the few survivors will be stateless. Not my fault.

I'm reproducing and I'm political. I'm not the problem here. The problem is I'm completely alone.

7e62ce85 ago

What is your point? Show me the village of whites opposing feminism and socialism. Where is the project I should support instead of what I'm doing now?

sept ago

Well then you'll be the last white, what can I say ?

Not everybody has a million dollars+, most people only have their lives and womb to offer, always been that way, look at how quebec was populated, priests and women sent over there by the king of france to procreate en masse with colonists already there, most of them were dirt poor btw

Now if you count on them, those people, to "offer just that", their lives and wombs, over yet another project of materialisto-consumerist multiculti bs society, I'm afraid this isn't going to fly

Demographics is everything

Most of GDP growth stems from demographic growth

7e62ce85 ago

Not everybody has a million dollars+

The average American wage is 50.000 dollars so if you work from 20 to 65 your time is worth 2.2 million dollars.

The problem is that people keep paying taxes to socialist systems that are destroying the world.

yet another project of materialisto-consumerist multiculti bs society

The only thing comparable to the Emergency Nation is the Roman Republic, Victorian England and the early USA.

Materialism is a symptom of giving authority to women.

Further modern day society is not multi cultural - it is mono-cultural Marxism.

Otherwise you and I could set up a private city each with our personal values.

Demographics is everything

I have no desire to be a slave for other whites just because they are white.

sept ago

And I have no desire to contribute let alone sacrifice my life for a society that isn't consistent with 14

7e62ce85 ago

Yet you probably live in the West right now paying taxes to blacks/Muslims and cops that break up white families.

Even in Eastern Europe they let women vote and don't have enough children to even replace their own population.

If you know of a project better than the Emergency Nation I would love to hear about it.

sept ago

Fair enough

In which area do you plan to do it / continent / country / jurisdiction ?

Do you own the land ?

7e62ce85 ago

I can buy rural land (heck including some just for white people), but I don't know where yet and we don't have enough members either.

I'm thinking about Sweden which might sound counter intuitive, but that nation is likely to enter into civil war soon which would allow groups like ours to claim sovereignty of some area and recruit natives.

The most optimal for that plan would be to buy some rural land to build on next to an existing small Swedish village that was already pissed at their government. Unfortunately NordFront could or would not tell me of such a place and the burned asylum centers are all over the map.

I'm aware of two other nations with armies smaller than 500 men, but as long as the status quo continues they would likely get help from larger nations if invaded.

Currently trying to calculate if a specific seasteading idea I had can work, but there are a lot of challenges with that approach and it's expensive.

I'm open to other ideas.

MaxAncap ago

Too centralized imo.

Just have a union of private property owners and law enforcement. No taxation. You can have your membership feed w.e

7e62ce85 ago

I'm not signing up for another state democracy

It is very different from a normal unlimited democracy and it codifies all rights necessary for freedom.

Besides you probably live in a socialist democracy right now and willingly pay tons of taxes. In other words you are currently a willing slave.

There's been enough to know how it ends.

No there hasn't. Constitutional minarchism has never been tried. The closest to it has been the Roman Republic, Victorian England and the early USA. All three were wildly successful even with their flaws.

Our constitution removes those flaws.

Just have a military union of private property owners and law enforcement. No taxation. You can have your membership fee w.e

We have no taxation what-so-ever if you are part of a militia as you say.

MaxAncap ago

Wildly successful in expanding their socialism.

How about the right to secession? Because that's what it comes down to.

7e62ce85 ago

53 If a reasonable population segment wishes to change or replace this document it should be done by letting them purchase an area in which they can enact their new system – creating a new nation.

MaxAncap ago


Remember the living document precedent? Should make it 1 person. Plus this amendment is weak since you can just jackup the price so as to deter from purchase.

You have a system where the government owns everything and everyone is a sub-landlord. Do the reverse where land ownership is privatized and a governmental arrangement exists from that. Not a ''abdicate your freedom'' hobbesian solution.

7e62ce85 ago

I know, but it's a double edged sword. What if commie rebels start flaking away your precious territory and/or you end up with an undefensible nation full of "holes" in it?

MaxAncap ago

I think almost no one unless groups and not holes would leave your association. So what if the commie who happens to own land leave? you could always...violate his nap if he was a danger.

7e62ce85 ago

I would hate to lose you over this, but I'm honestly happy to leave this decision to future councilmen, besides nations secede and form naturally anyway.

I think if it needs to happen, it will happen whether I codify more clearly it or not.

The other issue is that technically our constitution does not allow changes.

Othmar_Regin ago

This is a great idea in a post collapse world where you can have a piece of land for free(or easily conquered) but for now you will never be able to declare sovereignty over your land. I would build a sort of "virtual country" without physical assets just to create a community and a network then when things go TEOTWAWKI met up in a geographical place and get to work proper.

7e62ce85 ago

This is a great idea in a post collapse world where you can have a piece of land for free(or easily conquered) but for now you will never be able to declare sovereignty over your land.

I have few options that could be explored now given enough interest. I would also expect countries like Sweden to collapse soon.

I would build a sort of "virtual country" without physical assets just to create a community and a network then when things go TEOTWAWKI met up in a geographical place and get to work proper.

That is exactly our plan. Right now citizenship is basically free for that reason. Then when we have enough members we can make our move.

coopzy ago

Sweden would be a good choice as it has en environment that high IQ Europeans were designed for, but the fact is that it's land locked. When it falls to the Islamic invaders there would be much less effective policing and surveillance, thus making defense easier.

Bir Tawil isn't happening. Not going to get enough people to move to a desert war zone.

7e62ce85 ago

Sweden would be a good choice as it has en environment that high IQ Europeans were designed for, but the fact is that it's land locked.

Sweden has access to the sea..

Bir Tawil isn't happening. Not going to get enough people to move to a desert war zone.

True, maybe an expansion colony one day :)

coopzy ago

lol I knew I should've done the five second google search before posting.

7e62ce85 ago

Don't sweat it. Sea access is important so your input is still good.

addie89 ago

I've always dreamt of starting a new country. I always thought it wasn't possible because all land is claimed by other countries.

7e62ce85 ago

Maps get redrawn all the time and land occasionally gets sold to other nations. There are also three regions unclaimed on Earth: The sea, Antarctica and Bir Tawil between Egypt and Sudan.

The West is collapsing too which will create even more opportunities. Venezuela is already in a state of civil unrest and collapse.

You should help us us. No reason not to found multiple nations. As long as you are willing to trade. Military defense duties could also be shared.

addie89 ago

I definitely want to help. Was looking at the pdf and liked what I read so far.

7e62ce85 ago

Right now you can become a citizen by for example simply posting a link to this subverse somewhere. The idea is that we won't ask much of our citizens until we have the numbers to actually deliver results.

We will have the first council election this Christmas where you might consider running.

If you want to do more and have the time I have some simple administrative tasks I could use help with and would be willing to compensate on an hourly basis.

KroggRache ago

Hey should we start thinking about eugenics and start saving samples from good genetic stock? I feel like I should save specimens somewhere or something as I am full blood North Western European with thousands of years of farming ancestors. No bad heritable diseases, no significant weaknesses, and a farmer's body that will maintain most muscle mass even if not a lot of physical strain is applied to the body.

7e62ce85 ago

The best way to preserve your genetic existence today is probably to donate some sperm or to pay a woman to have your children. In the current climate you will have no authority over your children, but at least your line will continue until we get organized and fix the world.

You absolutely should not get married. Marriage has been weaponized against the Western male population. Stick to relationships even if you unofficially live as if married or as noted use contracted mothers/surrogacy.

I will actually make a post today on how to choose a good woman so you might look for that.

You should sign up as a citizen if you support our cause. It is easy and requires very little to do so.

KroggRache ago

Lol, pay a woman to have my child. I ain't that cucky. I can get my own babes voluntarily. Well, I will think on the marriage thing though. Signing up as a citizen? One can do that online?

7e62ce85 ago

Lol, pay a woman to have my child. I ain't that cucky. I can get my own babes voluntarily. Well, I will think on the marriage thing though.

There are benefits to the arrangement for both men and women. Men get to have multiple partners and hence greater genetic diversity in their offspring and both women and men with good genes are more likely to have many children increasing the fitness of the population in the next generation.

The money is not so much to pay for it, but to feed, clothe and house the woman and her children.

But of course citizens would be free to arrange their lives as they want or to not marry or have children at all. With no alimony after divorce regular marriages are likely to be more stable as well though.

Signing up as a citizen? One can do that online?

The easiest thing would be to post a link to this subverse somewhere and that act would serve as your "payment", then I will add you to our rosters and you can vote/run for council elections this Christmas.

(You would have to PM me or comment here with a link to your post linking here or I won't notice it)

Rellik88 ago

PM /u/7e62ce85 a picture of yourself - but without your face - with weapons and/or body armor holding a piece of paper with your username.

Soo this makes me think your an informant... Why do I need to include any weapons I might or might not have?

Edit: No reply? Hmmmm

7e62ce85 ago

I'm not always online.

This is just one way of becoming a citizen, you can choose another.

The idea is to serve as proof that you would be willing to serve in some kind of neighborhood watch in the future.

NotHereForPizza ago

Fill out a filteries and post it here.

Here's mine. I'm curious if we'd be at all compatible.

7e62ce85 ago

Keep in mind that it was missing certain options which makes it a bit off in places.

For example it says the values of the Emergency Nation are "progressive multiculturalism" even though our constitution bans Muslims, marxists and feminists among others and even though our constitution will exile anyone that fails to contribute to society through either a small fixed tax or military/police service.

NotHereForPizza ago

Firstly, just how developed is this? As I'm sure you're already aware (if this is serious), your nation is starting off in the negatives. As a heads up, people normally larp under ancap (which is more or less what you have here).

Secondly, did you fill this out to resemble what you've outlined in the constitution? Did you model the filteries after phase 1? Phase two seemed to me after my read that it was much more organized than this. For instance, you've indicated that pretty much all social liberties are unrestricted here. In phase two, these liberties would HAVE to be regulated.

Just to make sure we're on the same page here, my filteries would be a reasonable phase 3 and yours makes sense for phase 1 or 2ish, is this accurate?

Now for my criticisms of the "constitution.":

First off, a good bit of them are a little too vague.

20 Import and export taxes shouldn't be implemented? I'm still sort of green with economics, and I'd love some insight as to why you wouldn't tax imports nor exports.

21 Explain to me why you think patents or copyrights are a viable option for anyone in a capitalistic nation. I've always greatly disliked the general idea of them. I'm only curious here, don't get the wrong impression.

23 Why 14? I find 16 to be a very comfortable age. I'm just curious why you settled on 14 specifically. If I'm honest, it does seem a little low.

32 I think this should be higher.

41 This just seems unnecessary.

44 I can't get behind this at all. I think an explanation is also due here.

48 Women tend to make great judges. Women are easily manipulated, especially emotionally - you won't see me disagreeing with that. However, I'm not sure we shouldn't allow them to be judges. Again, I'm only curious why you insist they shouldn't be.

51 I would say abortions are allowed under almost all circumstances so long as it is in no way monetized.

57 Are you confusing prostitution for escorting? Streetwalking is degenerate as fuck. If they have to sign up for licensing to start a brothel or a individual escorting service, they'll be less likely to do it, and it being a personal choice will solidify which will likely enact a certain responsibility being felt in the situation. I definitely think this method is more responsible and it being more precise would likely make a world of difference.

70 I'd have to suggest a grace period of a couple weeks. If they genuinely just fucked up or had some sort of medical emergency, they shouldn't be punished for that for the first time.

70-73 These are needlessly redundant and it feels to me like it wouldn't help people take you seriously.

7e62ce85 ago

As I'm sure you're already aware (if this is serious), your nation is starting off in the negatives. As a heads up, people normally larp under ancap.

Indeed. This is not larping so I'm fine with alienating 99% of people. I have yet to see actionable plans from ancaps, but yes this is basically actionable ancap.

Secondly, did you fill this out to resemble what you've outlined in the constitution? Did you model the filteries after phase 1? Phase two seemed to me after my read that it was much more organized than this.

The rules are the same for all phases. Phases only refer to sovereignty status. This just means the rules can't actually be fully enforced until phase 3. Everything I filled out should correspond as closely to the constitution as possible.

For instance, you've indicated that pretty much all social liberties are unrestricted here. In phase two, these liberties would HAVE to be regulated.

The regulation comes from the free market and the absence of welfare. Irresponsible people would starve and/or get exiled.

20 Import and export taxes shouldn't be implemented? I'm still sort of green with economics, and I'd love some insight as to why you wouldn't tax imports nor exports.

1 All forced taxation creates a lot of harmful second and third order effects (just imagine men with guns running around checking every ship coming and going).

2 Basically all trade is good. Export means global currency with which specialty products can be bought. Import means getting real stuff for paper notes.

3 It is simply not necessary for the budget. The Emergency Nation focuses solely on police and military so almost no taxation is needed. What you are used to is all welfare for single moms and rapefugees.

21 Explain to me why you think patents or copyrights are a viable option for anyone in a capitalistic nation. I've always greatly disliked the general idea of them. I'm only curious here, don't get the wrong impression.

They are not terribly important. The idea is to reward inventors for sharing their ideas. However such people are usually rewarded anyway in some way.

What is important is that the way I wrote the rule, patent holders must pay the party themselves and patent trolling is made impossible.

23 Why 14? I find 16 to be a very comfortable age. I'm just curious why you settled on 14 specifically. If I'm honest, it does seem a little low.

Because people already start having sex even earlier than that so why should our cops run around arresting all those poor teenage boys for "underage rape" and ruin their lives? Again it's not something I consider super important, but it is scientific fact that humans reach sexual maturity around age 12 and it is in line with the minimum age in many European nations.

32 I think this should be higher.

Yeah probably. I wanted it to be higher, but all the fake rape allegations going around made me lower it. Keep in mind that if a person both assaulted and raped someone the sentences might be added together. So "regret rape" would be 2 years and "actual rape" would be 4-5 years if you look at it that way.

41 This just seems unnecessary.

98% of sexually abused children are in state custody. Giving priority to parental rights over government busy-bodies is an absolute must.

44 (Entrapment) I can't get behind this at all. I think an explanation is also due here.

Police parks an unlocked car. Perp steals car. Perp is guilty of a crime. Who cares if the police parked the car?

Not only that, but police using such tactics would be very efficient. Crime would end immediately and doors could be left unlocked and so on.

48 Women tend to make great judges. Women are easily manipulated, especially emotionally - you won't see me disagreeing with that. However, I'm not sure we shouldn't allow them to be judges. Again, I'm only curious why you insist they shouldn't be.

Male authority has been proven to work historically.

51 I would say abortions are allowed under almost all circumstances so long as it is in no way monetized

I'm not saying you're wrong, but who would pay people to abort their babies and what kind of shit mothers would do it for that reason?

57 Are you confusing prostitution for escorting? Streetwalking is degenerate as fuck. If they have to sign up for licensing to start a brothel or a individual escorting service, they'll be less likely to do it

All the same to me. The constitution punishes spreading disease (see 33 and 57) so that inherently requires the prostitutes to test for disease and require the same of their customers. That is the same a license would achieve.

70 I'd have to suggest a grace period of a couple weeks. If they genuinely just fucked up or had some sort of medical emergency, they shouldn't be punished for that for the first time.

Keep in mind they can re-enter if they find the money. Exile is not permanent.

The tax is less than 500$ per year or voluntary service. They should have savings or insurance to cover this. Their family could help. They could also take out a loan or sell some of their stuff. They could apply for charity. They could sign up for medical trials in return for free treatment and tax payment.

Quite frankly if none of that works they probably deserve the exiling.

70-73 These are needlessly redundant and it feels to me like it wouldn't help people take you seriously.

Those are the most important parts of the entire constitution because these are the ways socialism takes over a nation and that is why they are repeated clearly.

Changing these would destroy the whole concept of the nation. No one would pay the tax or serve in the police/military to be a citizen because that wouldn't matter any more.

That would in turn lead to conscription or an income tax to replace that system.

The income tax would then grow and grow until the whole system collapsed from welfare spending - just like the West now or Rome ~1700 years ago.

I wish we had infinite ability to care for our fellow man, but we don't. Sooner or later we run out of resources and then nature, Darwin and death takes over and those guys do a lot more than exile.

NotHereForPizza ago

Didn't you want direct voting for executive, legislative, and judicial branch? No estate tax? State owns no land? You allow gender reassignment, and pay for it? Why are public embezzlement and obscenity unrestricted? No healthcare, science, construction, or agriculture provided by the state? Do you intend to implement anything above in a non-emergency situation?

but it is scientific fact that humans reach sexual maturity around age 12 and it is in line with the minimum age in many European nations.

Do you mean psychologically instead of physically? Do you know any teenage girls? They tend to differ drastically in many physical ways between 12 and 16.

Police parks an unlocked car. Perp steals car. Perp is guilty of a crime. Who cares if the police parked the car?

Not only that, but police using such tactics would be very efficient. Crime would end immediately and doors could be left unlocked and so on.

Yeah, I just still think this will breed resentment in some cases. However, I see your point that if they make the crime, they should be punished and it shouldn't matter if some weird circumstances gave way to them doing so.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but who would pay people to abort their babies and what kind of shit mothers would do it for that reason?

God, I know... But, after planned parenthood, I can see how this might be a problem in the future.

All the same to me. The constitution punishes spreading disease (see 33 and 57) so that inherently requires the prostitutes to test for disease and require the same of their customers. That is the same a license would achieve.

I guess we're at semantics now.

Keep in mind they can re-enter if they find the money. Exile is not permanent.


Those are the most important parts of the entire constitution because these are the ways socialism takes over a nation and that is why they are repeated clearly.

I dunno, I still think 70 makes the others redundant. I can see your point though. Thanks for taking the time to explain all this. I'm really just curious.

7e62ce85 ago

Didn't you want direct voting for executive, legislative, and judicial branch?

People elect council members. Council members either preside over legal cases or if there are too many select judges to help them. The council can pass laws, but they are only valid until the next election and the constitution always comes first so there almost is no legislative branch.

Nothing in the constitution mentions direct voting on matters by all citizens.

No estate tax?

Definitely not.

State owns no land?

State funded organizations could own land like any other entity.

You allow gender reassignment, and pay for it?

The way I understood that site those were rights/non-crimes. Since the constitution allows adult citizens to do with their own bodies as they please I filled out the form as I did. It would definitely be paid out of their own pockets though.

Why is public embezzlement unrestricted?

Mistake, should be jail time. (it would be theft)

and unrestricted obscenity?

You want to punish saying "fuck"?

The constitution does call for exile of socialists and so on, but exile was not an option and its not really an obscenity. As I said the site didn't really have all options necessary to describe our constitution.

No healthcare, science, construction, or agriculture provided by the state? Do you intend to implement anything above in a non-emergency situation?

Private sector would provide all of those. The name Emergency Nation is perhaps poorly chosen. It's more a representation of the simplicity of the system than its transience. The constitution is meant to be permanent.

Other ideologies, rules and systems should be tested as their own nations.

Do you mean psychologically instead of physically? Do you know any teenage girls? They tend to differ drastically in many physical ways between 12 and 16.

I know I have heard 14-15 year olds talking about how much dick they are getting. I can't tell you what the right age is. All I can say is I set it low to avoid locking up people for consensual sex.

Yeah, I just still think this will breed resentment in some cases.

The police would still have to get a judge to rule 'guilty'. If for example you picked up a purse to take it to lost-and-found I doubt any judge would consider that enough evidence for theft. If he did that resentment should have consequences the following election.

I guess we're at semantics now.

True. Which is a good thing I guess. One real difference though is that a regulated license would require an entire department to administrate. Holding people accountable through the existing legal system is effectively "free".

Keep in mind they can re-enter if they find the money. Exile is not permanent.


Yeah maybe that should be made more clear... I mean people are naturally soft hearted so I kind of think it will be fine.. I will update it.

I dunno, I still think 70 makes the others redundant. I can see your point though. Thanks for taking the time to explain all this. I'm really just curious.

I really appreciate it a lot! Thanks for taking the time you did!

NotHereForPizza ago

Nothing in the constitution mentions direct voting on matters by all citizens.

It does about voting for executives, but I see what you mean now. I seemed to have lumped in legislative and judicial.

no estate tax?

I guess I just don't see an issue with state owning the land citizens reside upon, epically if they're being defended. Either way, I can certainly see a valid argument for states not taxing property owners.

State funded organizations could own land like any other entity.

I was just going off of the filteries for the first paragraph of stuff.

The way I understood that site those were rights/non-crimes. Since the constitution allows adult citizens to do with their own bodies as they please I filled out the form as I did. It would definitely be paid out of their own pockets though.

Your confusion is valid, don't get me wrong. But, I think that section was for crimes, and the dropbox there (if I remember correctly) is about what privileges are funded. Just don't quote me on that.

Mistake, should be jail time. (it would be theft)

I had a feeling.

You want to punish saying "fuck"?

The constitution does call for exile of socialists and so on, but exile was not an option and its not really an obscenity. As I said the site didn't really have all options necessary to describe our constitution.

Fair enough. I suppose when I think of obscenities, I don't just think of "bad words." Either way, I never meant to take a position on any of this the entire time. If I hadn't already made that clear enough to you, my mistake. I'm only curious about your positions.

I think we might've reached another semantics issue.

Private sector would provide all of those. The name Emergency Nation is perhaps poorly chosen. It's more a representation of the simplicity of the system than its transience. The constitution is meant to be permanent.

Other ideologies, rules and systems should be tested as their own nations.

I did an even bigger "OH" here. Maybe I saw "emergency" the other day and that just stuck with me the whole time. As I assume you can already tell, I was under the impression that some of this was temporary (and that maybe you were planning on implementing other things like the ones listed at a later time), as you've touched on. I think this is starting to make a little more sense.

I know I have heard 14-15 year olds talking about how much dick they are getting. I can't tell you what the right age is. All I can say is I set it low to avoid locking up people for consensual sex.

Frankly, this seems like a bad apples argument. But, I do see your point. Despite saying I never meant to take positions, this is the one where I think you're being a little liberal (don't really mean the political definition here) with the numbers.

7e62ce85 ago

I guess I just don't see an issue with state owning the land citizens reside upon, espically if they're being defended. Either way, I can certainly see a valid argument for states not taxing property owners.

We might be talking past each other here. Emergency Nation land would ultimately be owned and controlled by the government in the sense that landowners can't for example switch allegiance to another country.

However aside from sovereignty status private property rights would be protected under the constitution.

As I understood the form "Region autonomy" meant you could go where you want inside the nation.. I realize now it probably referred to how autonomous sub-states/regions would be. The Emergency Nation would have no sub regions other than whatever the local court house was.

Frankly, this seems like a bad apples argument. But, I do see your point. Despite saying I never meant to take positions, this is the one where I think you're being a little liberal (don't really mean the political definition here) with the numbers.

Keep in mind that just because something is not punishable with jail time doesn't make it moral. I'm sure most parents would agree with you and raise their children to focus on school and/or get married before having sex. Especially because without a welfare state there are dire consequences to fucking around.

NotHereForPizza ago

I realize now it probably referred to how autonomous sub-states/regions would be.


Keep in mind that just because something is not punishable with jail time doesn't make it moral.

Fair enough.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Why would you suggest this but then have an anonymous name?

Being a leader of a major movement means being visible, being out in front. You are in the shadows and under a rock. I can't follow that.

Othmar_Regin ago

He's anonymous so he does not get bagged away in the middle of the night

7e62ce85 ago

It is not about following me it is about following the values of freedom. You should believe in our stated values and constitution and not me.

I'm not asking anyone to publicly support us either. I'm asking for anonymous members that can elect anonymous council members. Then once we have gathered strength we can move into the real world with organized focus.

Besides too many political activists are getting murdered these days. That won't help anyone. This is not some patreon larping gig - this is serious and we intend to actually change things.

I perfectly understand if you want to wait and see us prove ourselves however.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

It's not about following you per se as it is that a movement must have a leader. Someone must wear that mantle or any movement is doomed.

7e62ce85 ago

Bitcoin was started by an anonymous leader.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

And that's why a lot of people don't trust it. Well part of why. The other part is that it is difficult to put faith in an online currency. Especially in an age where it is also difficult to put faith in one's own paper or metal currency that one can even touch.

7e62ce85 ago

Keep in mind this particular movement is not dependent on mass appeal. Our strategies can be effective with very few members.

My death would be a much greater setback to freedom and this movement than some initial distrust from irrelevant normies.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Actually your death or the death of the movement's leader would be more valuable than his life. Nothing units people like a martyr.

Also your attitude towards your fellow citizens really calls into questions your motives.

7e62ce85 ago

Normies that tacitly support the destruction of fathers, socialism, feminism and white genocide can fuck right off.

Actually your death or the death of the movement's leader would be more valuable than his life. Nothing units people like a martyr.

Lots of people have already died and no one gives a shit. Lol. Good try Jew.

10649607? ago

y so mad?

7e62ce85 ago

People being murdered makes me mad. I'm crazy that way.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

You are doomed to failure with this attitude and anyway you sound like a child. This was a waste of my time.

7e62ce85 ago

I'm a child because I don't want to compromise our netsec/opsec and get myself and all my members killed? Fuck off with your stupid shaming language.

Our movement will not miss retards that want to get others or themselves killed.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I called you a child because you insulted me when I questioned you.

Also, I'm not shaming you in any way. I am simply stating facts to you. You may research prior revolutions at your leisure.

7e62ce85 ago

Very well then. I'm well aware of prior revolutions and I respectfully disagree that I need to go public.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

It doesn't have to be you. Many revolutions have used figureheads while the masterminds stayed in the shadows. The most clever revolution I ever read of had a leader though who was both figurehead and mastermind simultaneously.

Pawn ago

I would like to know more. This seems like a movement that is starting, what is the current status of the movement.

7e62ce85 ago

status of the movement

Only 9 days old so still spreading the word and gathering members. I would like to have an elected council by Christmas. Can't do anything without citizens.

I'll start to look for land to purchase/secure.

Pawn ago

I am interested but only when you have around 25 members. You know what fug it, how do I sign up

7e62ce85 ago

  1. Contribute in some way, for example by linking to this subverse (once will be fine for now).
  2. Install BitMessage and a Dash core wallet (from The Dash wallet has a signature function we will use for elections.
  3. I will add you to our citizens only subverse and your BitMessage address to our mailing list.

Pawn ago

What are the stipulations on linking to this subverse? Does it have to be a meaningful link or can it be a one off random person link.

7e62ce85 ago

Random is fine.

Since we are still in the movement phase and don't offer much I also don't think we can demand much from our citizens.

7e62ce85 ago

Very nice.

You can get BitMessage here and then I'll add you to our mailing list:

The citizens only sub is here: (It's private so I assume you have apply for entry which I will then grant)

Welcome citizen!

Crensch ago

Interesting idea. Do you have a subreddit for this that has gained any traction?

7e62ce85 ago

Since we are organizing an army I think we would be shut down pretty quickly so no. I went straight to Voat.

Crensch ago

Other than the face that it's on the internet, I don't really see much about this that I don't understand. One notable exception being:

Post a picture of yourself - but without your face - with weapons and/or body armor holding a piece of paper with your username.

I fail to see the purpose of this, and more-so, any purpose I could imagine would be heavily outweighed by the NetSec concerns of anyone I could see interested in this.

7e62ce85 ago

Other than the fact that it's on the internet, I don't really see much about this that I don't understand.

We start on the internet. Once we have enough people for whatever strategy we decide to pursue we establish ourselves in the real world (peacefully).

This way our citizens don't have to invest any energy in our movement until such a time payoff is guaranteed.

One notable exception being:

Post a picture of yourself - but without your face - with weapons and/or body armor holding a piece of paper with your username.

I fail to see the purpose of this, and more-so, any purpose I could imagine would be heavily outweighed by the NetSec concerns of anyone I could see interested in this.

We are not planning anything illegal. Weapons and people willing to fight will only serve as self defense.

That said I recommend using TOR and a dedicated account anyway because everyone is a racist fascist these days.

I have also changed the instructions to specify a PM instead of posting now.

The purpose of it is to gauge how many citizens would be able and willing to fight. It is basically the internet movement equivalent of militia/police duty.

18650bunny ago

Punishment for spreading decease

think that should be disease.

Would it not be prudent to offer banishment to corrupt officials as an alternative to execution?

7e62ce85 ago

I have updated and re-uploaded the document with your suggested changes:!ZHIknaqD!xEQ-A9A8SGYZXQ8sahx0qm1fbKIa2aSvWIJvdJ_1jBQ

7e62ce85 ago

think that should be disease.

Yes.. I will fix it.

Would it not be prudent to offer banishment to corrupt officials as an alternative to execution?

It is not an official punishment, but more a result of a civil war that should only happen if the nation has more or less completely failed.

Similar to the situation the US is currently in with Hillary where every time someone investigates her they mysteriously die and no one in general cares what the constitution says.

18650bunny ago

I understand, that seems fair. I can't see starting a country endearing itself to the current occupiers much. israel tried that and are hated almost universally for it. still, zimbabwe is crying out for white farmers at the moment due to the famine, but few are brave enough to stay without military protection. you could come to an arrangement with the government.

7e62ce85 ago

That is actually an excellent idea.

What we can do will depend a lot on numbers. I will be hesitant to touch Africa without enough firepower to stay safe. The problem is that even with a deal they would likely change their minds and then we would be shit out of luck.

I will however be investigating land purchasing options during the fall.

The benefit to starting as an online movement is that we can scale our numbers and as soon as an opportunity - whatever it is - becomes available we can strike in coordinated fashion thanks to the council.

I can't see starting a country endearing itself to the current occupiers much.

We would either peacefully purchase remote wilderness or restore peace to a region where the old nation collapsed. Think Venezuela.

18650bunny ago

I think that power is relative. what I mean is that in the west we are limited by corporations interests and by nato and various international treaties on human rights and a harmonised legal system. That has caused the uncontrollable situation we are in. in africa, while it is violent, there is a freedom to negotiate and to solve judicial problems locally to the benefit of the people. I would be shy to purchase tracts of land beyond that large enough for farm buildings and houses, as that would invite jealous hatred from the indigenous peoples. I am a farmer myself. Some of the best respected contractors and farmers have no more than 3 acres, the rest is rented.

7e62ce85 ago

I would be shy to purchase tracts of land beyond that large enough for farm buildings and houses, as that would invite jealous hatred from the indigenous peoples.

That won't work for us. No point leaving the west and starting over just to be put under a new set of bs rules.

We must be able to defend ourselves to an extreme degree or buy uncontested land.

I am a farmer myself.

That's great, we will need all sorts of people - especially practical ones such as farmers.

Are you in Africa now?

18650bunny ago

no, the republic of ireland. you mentioned ireland in one of the writings as an example of something autonomous? was it one of the islands off the west you meant? the isle of man would be something like that but i am not aware of a separate entity within the republic.

7e62ce85 ago

I can't find it now, but I just seem to remember an image of an Irish town with a sign saying outsiders or police or something were not welcome.

The closest I could find right now was this:

Basically during the Troubles people split up into separate communities due to political differences.

18650bunny ago

That's true but that wasn't legal segregation, it was done privately and voluntarily. Is there a way to look at my old pm in voat? whenever i click on the buttons nothing is shown.

7e62ce85 ago

Click the letter icon then "Sent" tab.

That's true but that wasn't legal segregation, it was done privately and voluntarily.

Right and that is exactly the idea behind one possible phase 2 strategy. To make an unofficial country/community inside an existing one.

7e62ce85 ago

(Voat required comment)