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Pawn ago

You ain't gonna do shit you worthless nigger. Eyes are on you like a hawk since you posted this drivel. Way to go smartass, you brought attention to yourself, and they will be waiting to stop your nonsense. Edgy teenager, go to class bitch.

Lobotomy ago

Are you upset, sweetie? Would you like a juicebox?

I've been on watchlists before your mother even let you use the internet, faggot cuck.

Pawn ago

Fuck your juicebox, its not even the right type. You nigger wouldn't even get one step in before the government hawks had you like an upside down turtle. How about instead of telegraphing your moves everywhere you keep your nigger mouth shut, BUT OH WAIT, how would you post an edgy post! You don't mean anything you posted. Instead theres this: A new nation for goats who demand freedom.

Lobotomy ago

I mean everything I posted, cupcake. Please, stay mad, it gives me life.

Pawn ago

I'm mad that you're trivilaizing this and turning it into an edgy teenage'd rage post. You're not hardcore enough to do shieeeett. Real easy to talk on the internet woah big man. You aint got the balls.

Lobotomy ago


Pawn ago

Oh i see, this is a massive shitpost and I fell for it.

Lobotomy ago

You're not a very smart man.

Pawn ago

You're a bad shitposter, and an idiot. Not only that, but you're a traitor to our nation.

Lobotomy ago

You're putting me in stitches. Cease this faggotry at once before I die of laughter.

Pawn ago

You've got me laughing so much. Such an edgy teenager. So rebellious. How come your teacher lets you have your phone out in class.

Lobotomy ago

You are trying a little too hard, there, buddy. 1/10. Please get better at this, I know it must be hard with that 69 IQ, but you can do it. I believe in ya.

Pawn ago

Such a cute little shitposter. I could just pinch those cheeks. Don't worry kiddo, when you get older we'll have a communist hunt you and me.

Lobotomy ago

Low-T bants, stop trying so hard.

Although, still down for the commie hunt. Despite you being such a pozzed faggot, at least we have a hatred of marxist kikery in common.