FreeToyInside ago

Nothing... I am praying for death out of boredom with my life. 9-5 every single week day and nothing fun or interesting ever happening anymore. If shit hits the fan I will just crawl under a rock and wait for release.

"I wish the sun would just explode." -Early

Lobotomy ago

It sounds like you can change that.

Drenki ago

I saw something called Rap Snacks today. They appeared to be normal potato chips. I don't think there's any coming back from this.

Lobotomy ago

Fuck me horizontal, I think you're right. It's already over.

10576168? ago don't worry. Times are changing.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Murderous rampage? Nothing can get me there. There are many people who deserve a dirt nap but none worth my freedom. Only way possible is in defense of myself, or my family. I also would fight if we got invaded but Trump has nukes for that kind of fighting.

Lobotomy ago

Self-defense will probably mean having to fight for something eventually.

Pawn ago

You ain't gonna do shit you worthless nigger. Eyes are on you like a hawk since you posted this drivel. Way to go smartass, you brought attention to yourself, and they will be waiting to stop your nonsense. Edgy teenager, go to class bitch.

Lobotomy ago

Are you upset, sweetie? Would you like a juicebox?

I've been on watchlists before your mother even let you use the internet, faggot cuck.

Pawn ago

Fuck your juicebox, its not even the right type. You nigger wouldn't even get one step in before the government hawks had you like an upside down turtle. How about instead of telegraphing your moves everywhere you keep your nigger mouth shut, BUT OH WAIT, how would you post an edgy post! You don't mean anything you posted. Instead theres this: A new nation for goats who demand freedom.

Lobotomy ago

I mean everything I posted, cupcake. Please, stay mad, it gives me life.

Pawn ago

I'm mad that you're trivilaizing this and turning it into an edgy teenage'd rage post. You're not hardcore enough to do shieeeett. Real easy to talk on the internet woah big man. You aint got the balls.

Lobotomy ago


Pawn ago

Oh i see, this is a massive shitpost and I fell for it.

Lobotomy ago

You're not a very smart man.

Pawn ago

You're a bad shitposter, and an idiot. Not only that, but you're a traitor to our nation.

Lobotomy ago

You're putting me in stitches. Cease this faggotry at once before I die of laughter.

Pawn ago

You've got me laughing so much. Such an edgy teenager. So rebellious. How come your teacher lets you have your phone out in class.

Lobotomy ago

You are trying a little too hard, there, buddy. 1/10. Please get better at this, I know it must be hard with that 69 IQ, but you can do it. I believe in ya.

Pawn ago

Such a cute little shitposter. I could just pinch those cheeks. Don't worry kiddo, when you get older we'll have a communist hunt you and me.

Lobotomy ago

Low-T bants, stop trying so hard.

Although, still down for the commie hunt. Despite you being such a pozzed faggot, at least we have a hatred of marxist kikery in common.

Lobotomy ago

Wanna buy some corporate secrets, you cuck?

PassingShip ago

Only if they thought they could turn a profit on it. Otherwise it's just another externality.

JuiceTown ago

Conditions have already been added to the First Amendment. They're just carried out by society instead of government. If you speak out about certain subjects, you'll be fired from your job and made so you cannot make a living for yourself or your family. How is this not as bad or worse than your government punishing you?

Believe you have freedom of speech? Try publicly disagreeing with: Jewish control of your government, the faggot/tranny agenda, nigger welfare, muslim immigration, white genocide. If speaking out against Jews destroying your country gets your income taken and you black-listed for life, how does it matter who is doing it? The government's oppression is just co-opted by business.

Whitemail ago

To some extent people have always had consequences for saying unpopular things, but now truth and common sense have been made into unpopular, undesirable ideas.

10576155? ago

You see things clearly good sir.

Lobotomy ago

What you just described is only my life's work. I do not have a filter, and I don't fear losing my job. I have inquired about the JQ to some of my co-workers, in total seriousness. The only people who cower under social pressure are pussies with things to lose. The only thing I truly have that can be taken away, is my life. Molon labe.

Social pressure may work on some, but getting reactions from people in my everyday happenings, simply gives me life.

goatboy ago

A female president. At that point the only defense left is to unleash the small pox and manipulate the Russians, Pakistanis, Indians, and Chinese to all unleash their nukes at everyone else.

Lobotomy ago

You're being very specific, aren't you?

goatboy ago

Ask a specific question, get a specific answer.

sweetholymosiah ago

That makes no sense. The earth is increasingly privatized by for profit corporations who would destroy everything to make a few dollars in the short term.
Do you really think a private corporation is going to save the rainforest for future generations? Or are they gonna cut it down to sell lumber on the global market?

sweetholymosiah ago

The state will happily take you down and portray your insanity on the mainstream TV news. The police state has a monopoly on legitimate violence. By becoming violent yourself, towards fellow American citizens, you are playing into the hand of the establishment. They know how to deal with violence. In fact, you're helping them take control of our lives.
Now to answer your question, what would turn me into a monster is probably my empathy towards some form of environmental authoritarianism. I have lost hope that the 'free market' can solve the environmental crisis and halt the ongoing extinctions of life on earth. If we can't unite as a people against the corporate run government and realize the earth as a public resource rather than a private asset, my libertarian / liberal politics will quickly turn authoritarian socialist. And I'm not alone. If you think oil wars are destructive, imagine what humanity is capable of when we start to run out of water.
These are all relative terms. I'm not talking labour camps, just taking the government back from corporations. JFK said “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

gazillions ago

Patience. We're due for a deadly epidemic.

EdSnowden ago

So you went to high school after 2001? Or you've already failed your promise.

Lobotomy ago

Before, during, and after, but I don't think you read that right.

I said I'd continue on as if I had all the freedoms that were taken from me after I was born, and will do so, even if my life is threatened. I won't lose what I was born with, even if some kike with a piece of paper tells me I already have. The indomitable human spirit is more powerful than some ZOG.

KeksMex ago

Nice try FBI.

Lobotomy ago

Hey kid, wanna blow up a federal building?

Don't be a fag.

KeksMex ago

Too late, fag is in my blood. Anyway the first rule of going rouge is you don't talk about going rogue.

Lobotomy ago

No, that's fight club. If I get suicided for this post, then all that means is that everything I've ever thought about the government is confirmed true, and I can use that knowledge to die with a little peace.

KeksMex ago

Dude, the government is made up of power hungry sociopaths. Rest assured they (the ones at the top) don't give a fuck about you. You don't even have to wonder about that. The way to die with a little peace is to not care about the temporal plane and all the machinations going on here.

Lobotomy ago

If I'm so outside of their FoV, then why should I ever care about what I say on the internet? I really don't see the need to powerlevel about this kind of thing, especially if we're not talking about revolt directly, but rather, what would make you do it?

KeksMex ago

I didn't say you weren't in their field of vision. I said they don't give a fuck about you, as in your welfare. If you threaten them, then yes, they will neutralize you. Voat is a small community but I have no doubt it's monitored.

For me, I don't care enough about the totalitarian net being cast globally to do anything, mostly because I'll be dead before it affects me. Yeah, I'm a selfish asshole, sue me.

Lobotomy ago

I'm selfish too, but unless you're killing yourself in the next half decade, you will absolutely be affected by it.

KeksMex ago

I'm a bit older. I'll be dead in twenty five years tops. If not by natural causes then by my own hand. I'm not waiting to get dementia or for my body to betray me by putting me in a wheelchair or similar.

I don't believe in lashing out at people that do you harm because I truly believe the masters of the past (Jesus, Siddhartha) all said the same thing: you reap what you sow. Better to recognize the tyrant as an aspect of yourself than to externalize it.

Life isn't about what happens to you, life is about how you react to what happens to you. (No I don't live that ethos but I believe it)

Lobotomy ago

I'm a bit older. I'll be dead in twenty five years tops. If not by natural causes then by my own hand. I'm not waiting to get dementia or for my body to betray me by putting me in a wheelchair or similar.

We are quite similar in that sense. Biological obsolescence be damned. If I'm too invalid to carry out my daily life, unassisted, I'll do the same.

I don't believe in lashing out at people that do you harm because I truly believe the masters of the past (Jesus, Siddhartha) all said the same thing: you reap what you sow. Better to recognize the tyrant as an aspect of yourself than to externalize it.

You seem to think that "you reap what you sow" only works one way. Never forget the principles by which this nation was founded. Unceasing skepticism and mistrust towards your government. This country was made expressly to be overthrown, once it becomes too powerful. I don't treat the founding fathers as some monolithic, eternally wise, gods, but they knew that what happened to them, would happen again, and it would be a lot harder of a battle to fight, the next time. Civil war is inevitable and will one day become necessary. I hope it doesn't need to happen in my lifetime, but that's not what it's looking like.

Also, as for the last bit, it's probably worth realizing that something like that can only be said while living without tyranny. It would be pretty pointless to say something like that if you're starving to death in some "Democratic People's Republic of", wouldn't it? I know I can be a monster, and that's why I have no ethical qualms with killing those who may turn my country into one of those states. Being a monster is what it means to truly be human.

Life isn't about what happens to you, life is about how you react to what happens to you. (No I don't live that ethos but I believe it)

Sorry, 'do as I say, not as I do', only means that, at best, this ethos can only be half-true, or inconsistently true. If I get power, or control, I WILL use it.

Seriously, you preach quite a lot about the illusion of control and how the tyrant is inside, yet, you conveniently forget that tyranny is overthrown all throughout history, and generally, people are much better off for it. The only internal tyrant I have is my idea of what my own limitations are. Aside from that, I'll take the, "the world is my oyster" approach.

KeksMex ago

I agree with everything you said. It's easy being an armchair pacifist in a fairly stable and wealthy society. Not sure what I would do if I were pushed to the wall. I care less about myself than those I love. I also know I have the beast in me that could be as vicious and brutal as anyone. I guess I'd rather not have to express it and as long as my family isn't directly threatened, I probably won't have to. So the answer is, fuck with my family is what would set me off.

Lobotomy ago

Fair answer.

Rellik88 ago

Remember if you die with a gun in your hands you die a free man. If you turn in your guns you will die a slave.

10575223? ago

If we have to suffer, waste away and die anyway, it is better to do so on native soil than in a far-away camp. As long as you grasp a gun, no slave driver can whip you. And as long as at least one of our people roams our woods as an armed individual, freedom hasn't died yet.

- Major Hans von Dach: Total Resistance - Swiss Army Guide to Guerilla Warfare

KeksMex ago

But you will die either way. Thank god for impermanence.

boogieboogie ago

If someone with bigger balls than me actually got something going, I'd be there today.

Lobotomy ago

I feel you, dude. I may think it's great that someone as ridiculous as Donald Trump is the president. But if things were the way they were when I grew up, we would never have had to vote for someone like him in the first place. We've been in a deathspiral for nearly a century before I was even born, but now we can really see it all coming to a head.

I have been ready for years. I have access to enough weapons to make a top Imam blush. It's just a shame that, collectively, we're more pussy than we are as individuals. May the day of the rope come soon.

Whitemail ago

Well you know when the problems really started. Federal Reserve 1912 thanks to Woodrow Wilson. He also switched the senate to being appointed by state legislators to being voted for by the people. Now it's hard to even understand why we have a senate in addition to a house of reps.

When it comes to fighting niggers and Mexicans, all we'd have to do is cut off the food supply. Of course we won't be fighting niggers and Mexicans. We'll be fighting our own damn faggot ass people who want to defend them and keep those useless parasites alive and on welfare. That's going to the be the main struggle, dealing with people who bought into this include everyone bullshit the globalists fed us.

Lobotomy ago

I know all about the Fed, and Wilson, unfortunately. Before I did, though, I had always assumed that it was RIGHT off the cuff of the Industrial Revolution. Not because we had significant leaps in tech, but because of how the nature of business changed.

Sometimes it sucks to be right about a hunch.

gazillions ago

Collectively, I think the internet is what's kept bullets out of Soros' head. And about 50 other people. People do not say the full truth on the internet for obvious reasons. If Europe continues to censor people and investigate those conversations and comments like they're crimes they'll push people to vent to their friends and acquaintances. Uh oh.

Romanians protested on December 18th. They all realized that day how many others were fed up. They had one more protest with no political results and on December 25th Nicolai Ceausescu & his wife were tried, and shot to death by the people. One week.

Romania was a surveillance state. Phones were tapped, microphones were everywhere and half the country were government informants.

Lobotomy ago

Now what is Romania?

gazillions ago

Happy that they killed the tyrant. Maybe they can take on Merkel. They're in the EU.

boogieboogie ago

The problem is, anytime we try to organize the FBI and friends end up running the militia and arresting everyone. They are obviously doing this so we cannot fight back, it'll be hard to get something going. It might have to come from the military itself.

Lobotomy ago

And that's why I said "maybe" join a militia. I honestly wouldn't trust one, unless I formed it myself, and kept it out of public record.

So, less 'militia', more 'Fight Club'.