7e62ce85 ago


59 Businesses facilitating prostitution, surrogacy and contracted mothers are legal. 60 Paternity tests are required for all children. 61 Parents must pay citizenship for their children or leave the nation. 62 If the government is called upon to decide visitation it should always be 7 days at each parent unless a parent is proven in court to be a threat to the child's life or raping the child. 63 If the state is called upon to decide custody, the father always has custody unless he is convictedof hard crime. 64 There will be no alimony, child support or similar concepts. 65 In a divorce both parties keep their own belongings unless they explicitly signed other contracts. 66 As long as a woman chooses to stay married she cannot be raped by her husband. 67 Both men and women may divorce for any reason. 68 Any who wishes to join your nation should be allowed to do so provided they pay the tax OR work for it (such as unpaid government/militia work). 69 Nations, tribes, movements and other areas should be allowed to join your nation provided they accept the rules here. 70 Citizens who stop paying tax for any reason must be expelled from the nation. No Exceptions. 71 Women and children who cannot pay tax for any reason must be expelled from the nation. No exceptions. 72 Cute little girls who cannot pay tax for any reason must be expelled from the nation. No exceptions. 73 Old innocent people who cannot pay tax for any reason must be expelled from the nation. No exceptions. 74 People arguing for non-citizens staying or preventing their exile should be exiled. Non-citizens being persons not paying the tax nor paying it by working for free. 75 Exiled persons should be allowed to bring whatever belongings they can with them and sell their properties in the Emergency Nation in absentia within 6 months. If the 6 month time frame is exceeded the properties must be sold to the highest bidding citizen in an open auction and the earnings used as tax money. 76 Being forced to leave or exile is not permanent. Citizenship can always be reacquired by satisfying the requirements stated in these rules, but only then. Renouncements of ill intent and zombie faiths must be sincere or this rule will not apply.