Mustard_Monkey ago

I read that as: "Jew you understand...."

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NoisyCricket ago

If the Germans wanted to mass execute people all they needed to do was withhold food for two weeks or drink for one week. Yet there are survivors who lived for years in those "death" camps. Heck, some even survived as many as six "death" camps - over the span of years.

If this alone doesn't have you scratching your head about the legitimacy of the stories coming out of those camps, there's probably something wrong with you. Seriously, think about it.

Never mind that the camps had their own currency, swimming pools, bands, social events, so on and so on... If you want to deny all of that, there is still currency from these camps available today. If you could exterminate all these people in less than two weeks, with only the cost of transportation, why provide currency? Why provide bedding? Why providing housing? Why provide food? Why provide coal? Why provide clothing and delousing? Why provide medical care?

Empirella ago

Exactly. The camps were nothing like Stalin's Nazinsky Island, which was genuinely horrific:

Rawrination ago

Jews are behind Communism so this is another case of projecting their crimes onto someone else.

BillZussman ago

Oy vey goyim all lies, 60 gorillion

recon_johnny ago

Yeah, if only I had this info when I was a kid.

Fuck the Jews.

i_scream_trucks ago

They gave us Jimmy Pop Ali so we got that going for us i guess.

AnthraxAlex ago

Even if you believe the holohoax was real there were far worse mass killings done by Jew bolshevik communists within the same 3 decades.

Stayedclassy ago

This is a good thread. Going to save this one.

CouldBeTrump ago

This will preserve the thread images after the thread 404s:

pauly_pants ago

Is there a way to quickly save the post pics as well?

zavala ago

Not sure about computer, but on Overchan on my phone I can save all the pictures and the thread instantly. Overchan can no longer be downloaded from the play store, you have to download some other wierd app to get it. It's by far the best viewer for 4chan. 8ch is another thing though...

SuzanneAnon ago


GentleRenegade ago

Yes I do. Is seems necessary though to differentiate Jews from Zionists.

Rawrination ago

IF the Jews desire to be rid of the stench of those members of their tribe who are and have been committing most of the worst possible crimes across all of history and across the entire planet. . . Let them speak out.

It is not for US to excuse the behavior if they themselves do not decry the "zionists" or whatever other scapegoat.

It is the Jews behind it all. Not all jews, but all those who aren't against this pure evil are for it.

GentleRenegade ago

You're right. Hard to stand-up. But when I hear guys like Shapiro hope is coming back. Here's an example of what he has to say:

Rawrination ago

What about the Talmud? Torah Old Testament is nice enough if harsh. Talmud is pure evil.

GentleRenegade ago If it can helps. I am not expert on this.

Rawrination ago

Does not help their case. He's calling the Talmud the "Oral Torah". Trying to side step the entire problem that the Talmud is PURE evil.

GentleRenegade ago

I am sure you are right the way you see it. You may have more experience than me with that. I am not a Jew even if I have a lot of Jew friends I do love. In the end: truth will prevail. I simply go inside in the light of love. That's the place where entropy is lowest. :-)

Rawrination ago

I also have a friend who is genetically a Jew. And my mom loves hanging out with "Messianic Jews"

I come from love for people of all types. That is what drives me to find the truth behind the evil in our world and do whatever I can to stop it.

In war 98% of people shoot to miss or not to kill. The 2% that are left 1% are psychopaths, and the other 1% love their fellow people so much they are willing to do anything to save them.

I am the 1% of love. My entire family history dating back since before the foundation of the USA has been people protecting others standing on the front lines.

I am disabled so joining the military was never an option for me... and knowing what I know now I'm not nearly as sad about that.

So this is my warfront.

Fighting to find the truth online.

GentleRenegade ago

I deeply respect your commitment and your love for your fellow man. In saying that your certainly show a very high version of your Self. Sometimes, in truth, it's a necessity to align with this 1% you're talking about. What is most important is why you do it. For my part, I am stunned by the amount of lies everywhere in the world today. I keep telling myself that it was probably like that for centuries. We are, as a collective, coming into an era where consciousness expands and long for truth which is a great thing. This slow awakening is not, I think, a USA phenomenon but it is certainly a USA war today to free people of the world from this Evil that was enslaving humanity for a long long time. Gen. Flynn was saying the other day that there are digital soldiers on whom we can count on. I see us as such soldiers patiently looking for the gold of love in the midst of fog and dirt. God bless you and the ones who follow you, fellow patriot.

shinobi_goat ago

It is a truely concerning thought that everyone KNOWS but not everyone UNDERSTANDS.

Pluviou5 ago

The ultimate red pill thread to end all other red pill threads.

theoldones ago

these "mandatory holocaust classes" will only make people question the myth more, seeing as it will be forced down young kids throats

DasReich ago

I was once blue pilled as fuck due to the propaganda. Even went and saw Anne Frank's house. It wasn't until I started doing my own research that I came to the conclusion that it's the greatest lie ever told. Now want my shekels back.

NoisyCricket ago

While ball point pens predate her diary, access and availability to them would have been extremely unlikely. Even during the war they were far from common. Parts of her diary were written in ball point pen. For such a rare item you would think it would have been mentioned as to her fortune to not require an ink well. Something which would have been widely appreciated at the time.

AinzOown ago

Nah, they force them to watch Schindler's List when they're young and impressionable and they won't ever question it growing up unless someone shoves a red pill down their throat.

slwsnowman40 ago

My oldest is already shoving red pills down their throats, all it took was for him to be stabbed in the back by a jew and he started doing research on his own...with some tossed his way from me. His favorite is all the death camps were liberated by the Soviets.

CriticalCore ago

It's great when I tell those people (when preparing to red pill them on the JQ) that Schindler's List is based off a book...

that won the New York Times Bestseller award for... get this...


theoldones ago

then start shoving.

Swastyka ago

I thought holocaust classes were a meme.

Plavonica ago

It used to be called history class.

hatecrime ago

We had a jew who came and cried in front of the class (we were maybe 10yo) when he was talking of the things his ancestors had to go through in Auschwitz. I wonder if he cried in every school he went to... fucking bizarre

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

Nope I was required to watch Schindler's List in high school