14586567? ago

IMO the comments in this thread are a good representation of what the OP is talking about. You can't have an opposing opinion about Jews on voat without being downvoted an ridiculed.

14586898? ago

Um, that's how voting is supposed to work. Stop pissing your pants and blaming everyone else for your own unpopular opinions.

14586960? ago

People here are being told not to use their votes. Did you even read the OP?

14587035? ago

Downvoting is your prerogative and done so at your own discretion.


14587104? ago

That's the only point I was trying to make with this thread, but you all turned it into another shit show.

14586855? ago

People don't agree with me! Wah!

14586315? ago

Fellow patriot. You're misinformed.

Put aside one hour of your life to watch the following documentary:


Every fact stated in documentary is irrefutable and independently verifiable.

Barter one hour of your time for the truth.

14586255? ago

Boo baloo my fee fees hurt from mean words

Get fucked kike

14586165? ago

You're being downvoted by users that don't approve of your contributions. That's how voting works on Voat.

Jews are the cause of the world's problems.

14586329? ago

It looks like you just made OP's point. 🤣

14586133? ago

I still don’t think op and a few others really get it.there is literally to much to digest in a sitting when it comes to the Jewish question/ problem on the voat boards.many of the people posting this info have been at and exposed to it daily for a year or more.it is really a new concept to the average Q follower as a result you get sort of opposite extremes.the truth of the matter is if you replace Jewish/Zionist interests with Cabal or globalist both sides are talking generally speaking about the same people.the jq is the last red pill for a reason.its the hardest to swallow.IT IS/WAS the same for those who’ve already taken it.the reason you get downvoated on other boards is you don’t make any sort of verifiable claim that can’t be easily dismissed or it’s based on feels and no evidence it’s mainly “not all Jews do blah” ok fine because we’re not talking about ZACK the dope smoking Jew kid who we drank with on weekends.were talking about the big money international Jewry.we talk the same about let’s say fags , not all fags are pedophile degenerate agenda pushers but enough are to generalize.not all niggers are BT1000’s having 10 kids on welfare but enough are to generalize.i hope this clears things up Qudes.

14586373? ago

Superiority complex? LMAO

You have all the answers. All hail 14586133 /s

14586564? ago

Like I said all feels. And I don’t pretend to have all the answers.just trying to do my part.Simplify if you will.

14586609? ago

You're pretending you have more knowledge than anyone in QRV, on the Jew subject, to make your point. In reality, you have no idea who you're talking to.

14586926? ago

Actually I’m explaining to people that they get to uptight when they here “jq” which many Q followers are hearing for the first time on these boards.the normal basic response is fear acted out as being repulsed.as I’ve said I do not have all the answers.what I’m trying to do is simplify the idea that we are talking generally speaking about the same common threat.

14585844? ago

make a reply explaining why you think thats ridiculous

I think this represents your problem OP - I see no evidence that the average commenter on here is capable of actually making a intellectually worthwhile argument on this topic, they merely make appeals to emotion, or insist that "well OF COURSE averages matter, BUUUUUUUT we should still just ignore them anyway because I once heard of one example who wasn't like that". Claiming 'oh it's divisive, can't we just all be friends' is NOT an argument. Claiming we should ignore averages is perhaps closer, but is also intellectually dishonest. Let me provide a counterargument to it, r.e why we shouldn't allow blacks into our countries - if you think your experiment is valid, I'd like you to do mine. Answer my argument. Demonstrate you're capable of using logic, and YOU are not the SJW who just wants to gaslight people into accepting your own racist views, on pain of being called a racist (because lets be honest, that is true-blue SJW tactics - "DISAGREE AND YOU'RE A NAZI RACIST BIGOT" is straight out of the democrat textbook.

It's argued that blacks are dumber, and more violent than whites (this is fact by the way, make all the arguments you like for factors you think may contribute, but if you pretend race (genetics) is not ONE OF MANY contributory factors, and one that's easily accounted for, and should therefore always be considered, you have no intelligence). On this basis, many argue they have no place in our societies (or at the very fucking least, should be denied things like second amendment rights, although really even most white nationalists would prefer to simply exclude them all as a matter of course than subject them to a 2-tier rights system). Many people here would argue that (assuming they're intelligent / honest enough to admit genetic impacts of race matter) that whilst this may be true, it doesn't matter because hey - there are some blacks who aren't like that. Ok - fine - no argument. Many/all traits do indeed fall on distributions (normalish), and therefore there are exceptions at both ends, and incidences even in a left shifted distribution well over the average of the right shifted distribution (i/e some blacks more intelligent than average whites - in IQ terms thats about 15% of blacks having a triple digit IQ aka smarter than the average white).

This is true. Do you know what else is true? Gorillas have a intelligence distribution. Koko the gorilla had approximately the IQ of the average black (african american, she beats pureblood african IQ). Now, there might be issues trying to integrate gorillas into human society. They might not be able to communicate very well. They might occasionally go a bit feral, and rip someones face off. But, and lets be fair, there are some gorillas who are smart and capable of being well behaved, so it wouldn't be fair to exclude them all just because on average they're stupid animals. Thank God we're sufficiently 'non-racist' that we can see beyond the evils of population averages, and treat everyone, gorillas and all as individuals!!!! We'll beat these evil SJW nazi's (lmfao), and show them we're not going to be made to look like a bunch of racist wankers - patriots come in all colours and species!.

You want to pretend your downvotes are because you're being 'gaslit by the evil SJW nazis', and not because you're a bunch of cretins who aren't making intellectually valid arguments, here's my challenge. Argue against my point OP (and any other 'brave anti-racist patriots'). Make a legitimate argument as to why this situation (extending societal chances to Gorillas and other great apes) is not valid, if attempts to suggest we should be allowed to take 'racist' blanket views on certain low performing races such as blacks are not true.

You won't, because you're not being gaslit, you're being shown to be a group of uneducated muppets. You call us 'SJW's'? Fuckwits. You're just as racist as the Democunts, and you're just as anti-white as they are. That you'd call yourself a patriot whilst pushing this anti white bias is truly disgusting. Have you drunk so deep from the Jew cool-aid that you've forgotten America was founded first and foremost as a White country? Have you never attempted to consider why our wise founding fathers made it that way?

14586485? ago

Where did OP say anything about any of this wall of text? This thread is about being told to not to use downvotes even though they are used against us.

14586876? ago

Users are free to use downvotes at their own discretion.

14587202? ago

Did you read the OP I wrote or did you just see "Jew" and REEEE?

14585494? ago

Around jews, you lose.

14585207? ago

But, truth still stands: the JEWS are the problem.

14588190? ago

As always, the nose knows.

14585201? ago

I have also observed this pattern