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14070471? ago

ThankQ for making this thread (#2744073, dubs of truth). I have some additional info/questions, below. It looks like a lot, but if we all can get this sorted and in place now, we will be ahead of the game for the inevitable future.


The Problem: You cannot create a thread because you do not have enough CCP.

You must get enough CCP(upvoats) to create threads, this can be done by going to other subverses and participating in conversation outside of /v/QRV. Because /v/QRV is anonymized the site does not count any CCP you accrue on /v/QRV to the points you need to create threads(or downvote). So go out there and find a place where you can join the conversation. Asking for upvoats is 'upvoat farming' and you run the risk of getting your account deleted should you pursue this course of action.


The Caveats:

  1. You just joined/aren't social/have limited access, and don't want/ have time to spend wading through voat then waiting what can be days to earn 10 CCP and 100 CCP in order to participate in the Trusted Voat subverse Q requested and endorsed (or) You would rather start in v/QRV and then visit other subverses once you have a good working understanding of your homebase subverse.

  2. You are limited by your own CCP on a rolling 24-hour basis, so you can only bless others with up-votes in proportion to the amount others have blessed you with up-votes. (When you attempt to, you will see a message saying 'You can up-vote [x] times in 24 hours because you only have [x] CCP'.)

  3. Your comments are getting flamed to death (for whatever reason and possibly without a just or perceived just cause) in a comment thread outside this subverse and you can no longer post in v/QRV because you have been down-voted into negative CCP.


Option to Overcome Caveats without Violating TOS or Good Manners:

(Note - Results below would naturally & organically happen in a non-anonymized subverse.)

  1. Utilize this thread as the welcome wagon. (Keep in new sticky if thread replaced later.)

  2. New Patriots (0 - 9 CCP) comment with here with username (Ex: @YourVoatUsername)

  3. New Patriots (0 - 9 CCP) free-range outside this sub to comment elsewhere.

  4. Existing Patriots engage New Patriots outside this sub and up-vote when appropriate.

  5. New Patriots earn 10 CCP and submit to v/Introductions/. Patriots and Goats engage.

Moving forward in this manner will help ensure there is an ongoing structure of No New Patriot Left Behind, All Existing Patriots Helping Acclimate New Patriots, All Patriots Enabled to Share Gratitude and Respect to Voat and the Goats who Make v/QRV a Reality.



  1. You see a post of poop saying it's Q. If on <> you would Filter (or Ignore). How to respond in v/QRV?

. . . . . . . . Down-vote (or) Report as Spam (or) Both (or) Ignore?

  1. Is [O] Team deleting or auto-filtering porn spam etc.?

. . . . . . . . Numerous post numbers are non-sequential.


FYI for Points

  1. History only goes back 19 pages from the main page of Hot (or) New (or) Top.

  2. Patriots comments and submissions to v/QRV do not show up in profiles.

  3. Click "Save" below comments/posts to save to your voat account.


General Organization Strategy

There is a basic set of HQ knowledge-base items we should have for best results and user-friendliness (such as a standard sticky with explanation and links VS a sprawling sidebar mobile users probably cannot even see), that have been brought up by anons since the subverse inception. This is the main one that comes to mind --> organize this sub to function as a user-friendly interactive mirror and conduit for <> by dedicating space to Catalog, Daily Bread, War Room, Digs to be Done, Meme, Clock, Q resources, Dig Tools, etc. ... so Patriots can easily interface with the information and scenery of the board in a meta fashion here on v/QRV, until comfy enough to meaningfully participate (without stumbling in and knocking over the bookshelf) on the HQ board at <>.

Whatever good digs/observations/insights emerge here on the sub, can then be picked up and submitted for notable consideration on the HQ board. Who knows, Q might even link to something in v/QRV at some point. I know there are many of us here willing to help organize this foundational support system in order to ensure it can be a "one and done" deal which doesn't squander or exhaust [O] Team's time or constantly have to re-visit. Just the basic facts in an easy to handle UI, for that exponentially growing user-base bound to land here.

I cannot edit my submissions to v/QRV.... if this is true as well for [O] Team, then it would need to be fully and thoughtfully assembled before posting as a sticky submission. That way, we can have 1 eternal sticky and a 2nd slot for Q drops, BOOMs, Calls to Action, etc.

ThankQ again for taking time out for this and us. WRWY [O] Team. Much Love (no homo).
