stover58 ago

I need up votes Please.

I need up votes Please

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Upvote farming is unacceptable behavior.

Pickzilla ago

Math sucks. Thats why we have calculators o7

patriot1959 ago


patriot1959 ago

Hello patriots we're comming in droves!

mustangsally ago

hello all! upvotes, please!

Jerryr007 ago

Joining in!

Greydle ago


TNQuilter18 ago

up voted all that needed

TNQuilter18 ago

trying to learn this new sub. Was here for a bout a week a few months back its all Greek to me.

LisaBrauer ago

So great to have you here SB2. Just read your newest message on the awakening. Awesome!

Tracysue626 ago

Sb2, Thank you so much for your explainations. They are WAY above my own intellect but I can certainly appreciate yours!

Trishiepoo ago

Missed ya! The Jedi sucks at math because anything times infinity equals zero.

Andweknow ago

Relief. Looking forward to more of your amazing work.

Caydog ago

The Jedi sucks.

SerialBrain2 ago

2 reasons because The Jedi sucks at math:

  1. He can only count up to 4: JEDI=1+2+3+4=28.

  2. When I claimed in a dissertation that "THE JEDI SUCKS" is a sentence that SOUNDS GOOD, I got an A+

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'As a long time Voat user I ask my fellow goats to chill with the downvotes.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @KosherHiveKicker:

It goes a bit farther than just attitude...

Here is a thread on reddit where they discuss how to manipulate on multiple levels.

You now know what to do: walk around VOAT OUTSIDE of theawakening sub and comment here and there to get these points.

EDIT: here is one VOAT comment where I will need your upvotes:

Thank you

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AmericAwakens17 ago

We finally found the Jedi Now that is a GreatAwakening to Yoda

Crensch ago

You're making a mistake trying to game the system here. Take a look at what's happening to Neonrevolt.

Apologize and ask for the downvotes you deserve to offset this, or the same thing will happen to you.

NancyNY2 ago

Huge Jedi fan, also love math. Thanks SB2

GammaCuanon ago

O Yes he does and he should remain silent. But an +A! Now you're talking.

NoraPandora ago

PLEASE UPVOTE SB2, he needs his CCP asap!

NoraPandora ago

If "THE JEDI SUCKS" is an A+, what do you get for "OPRAH WINFREY SUCKS"? 231=3+[2+1]= 32 :D

Hi SB2, here we are now... Nice to read from you!

Cromagnum_Man ago

What is the GEMATRIA the JEDI straw?

Kristym ago

Let’s get some action going here I’m all in

faex_cunne ago

Upvotes for all

rbaron762 ago

Thank you for the Insights. Upvotes for all.

Svetlana ago

I understand this in theory, but am woefully pitiful at putting it into practice. Some basics I can. I’m getting it very slowly. LOL!

julzee2 ago

I upvoted you...;) Is this how ppl get the ability to create their own posts? I'm still trying to figure out up/down now that we all got split up...:( Can't wait to see your new article!

AmericAwakens17 ago

Trying to Upvote and being denied I don't understand Any suggestions?

julzee2 ago

I think you can only vote so many times per day...?

Cromagnum_Man ago

That's the right way to count

Tut560 ago

Good to see you again SB2. Were we go one we go all :-) Jedi suck at math cause Luke can only count to up to 5 on his fingers

Qzenseeker ago

yes, likewise :)

AmericAwakens17 ago

Denied-deleted Submission sdo not allow voting(archived Vote Rule 2.9.2) WTH is up with this? I tried to Upvote everyone and got this message. WWG1WGA

heygeorge ago

You were caught farming! We tried to help you, too. Anyway, I suppose it’s back to rebbit or you can all pretend that 8ch is going to work out... lol

Krepogregg ago

Just doing my part

Tut560 ago

Up for the patriot :-)

Qzenseeker ago

yes! upvotes all around :)

SithEmpire ago

Truth must be absolute truth by superior knowledge.

Victory must be absolute victory by superior power.

In one's task, to leave any chance of failure is to fail. Failure is treason and the only cure is death.

Peace is a lie.

voltronsdicks ago
