pipilongstockings ago

Somewhere out there, someone is very happy seeing all this division. Who? You might want to ask yourselves. Patting yourself on the back while calling others out is exactly why "pizzagate" sub went south for many goats. Becoming a club of "clicks" and "the rules state", police. Disregarding valuable input by others not in the "click". So, point being; if you want people to take Q serious, shouldnt you all get your heads out of each others asses and act like adults so others wont think the cheese done slipped off the cracker. Q is watching!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

what a buncha horseshit. I've seen some dirty slimy snakes before but this shit takes the cake

Bfwilley ago

Just remember 'Euthanasia via sarcasm in some cases is authorized and in others mandatory. '

dooob ago

Double down

Do not give in. The "drama" is artificial. How much does it cost to buy that many upvotes, 100-200$ max, cheap as fuck when you have a $16bils to spend. Double down, drama will calm itself. I know you are a very reasonable person. Once you take out the influential trolls, they will have to go back to using shitty accounts, thus making shilling more obvious.

He did the same thing to me when I banned him and after a day of his autistic posting, the drama ended and he was still banned. Shiet, even when I banned an innocent person (unbanned after I realized my mistake) the drama didnt take off. Nobody cares as long as you are honest about what you are doing and you acknowledge your mistakes (something trolls are unable to do, pattern). Voat is a free-speech but we have to draw a line somewhere.

Let me put it this way, if I go to v/Christianity and repeat "you are all zionist shills and christianity is a zionist larp" and when other users try to calm me down and explain how Christ is the enemy of Jews etc I keep doubling down on my rhetoric (read: spam) and eventually get banned for harassing anyone who disagrees with my extreme views, am I allowed to call it censorship?

srayzie ago

Thank you and very good points.

dooob ago

I missed all the drama, you couldv used the support. I know how demoralizing it is to stand alone against all the fire, I have been hit myself a few times, although not as hard as you did. Dont break a sweat. Dont be surprised when more "legitimate" users start attacking you. It is all part of the war online and has very little effect if you do not let it affect you.

We are growing in numbers. https://i.imgtc.com/I06ZOuA.png We cant have that many haters if we are growing in numbers, right?

srayzie ago

Thank you so much. Dang, you should post that.mthe Numbers growing is really encouraging.

What site do you go to get these?

srayzie ago


RockmanRaiden ago

@srayzie and @Shizy As a long time conspiracy theorist, I have to say that being mocked and insulted comes with the territory. Q is the new frontier right now. Like all other conspiracies proven fact, Q and the movement will be etched in the annals of history. Don't forget we are a part of it. Let them come say whatever they want. If anyone annoys you, ban at your discretion. Free speech is well and good, but if someone lacks respect than fuck them. Employ a three strike rule if you're feeling benevolent.

Joe10jo ago

I wouldn’t call ya a Jew @srayzie. I’d call ya a Glowing CIA Nigger. Bwaaa! 56 days old and still funny as hell to me!

srayzie ago

🤣😂🤣😂 56 days? Awesome! Lol

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

Go on over to v/fph and comment only one time on how beautiful fat people are and see how friendly they get. Insta-ban! I don't love fat people, but when I see a fat person and I say, hey, they might be beautiful if they dropped a few pounds, in my book is a fair thing to say.

In essence, I will say that voat is great, except for fph. And yes, you shouldn't ban when you don't need to. Only when it detracts from the forum too much.

pby1000 ago

My vote is not banning. Free Speech is to be cherished. The shills and people who are disruptive are known and can be downvoted and ignored. This is just my take on it, and can be completely ignored. LOL.

Quicktor ago

The haters of Cheeseboogers need to learn to stop being so uptight...he brings in more anti-Zionist/Jewish awareness simply because HE ALWAYS NAMES THE JEW... if srayzie doesn't like him calling her out, so be it...everyone else should nut up and let him be THE ONLY consistent JIDF/MOSSAD/ UNIT 8200/ TALPIOT instigator on this forum...

not a big deal?...what about 4 Chan being explicitly called targeted by the JIDF?... https://voat.co/v/whatever/2652654 didn't their site get dropped again today?.... who is JIDF?.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Internet_Defense_Force ....that's right....NOT the Israeli / Zionist / Communist / Bolshevik / Liberal / Leftist / LGBT internet defense force....the JEWISH Internet Defense Force...

I think naming and explaining the Jewish Question is more relevant now than when Henry Ford wrote his illuminating books back in the early 20th century... our children's future and safety depend on it...

THE JEWS MADE HOLLYWOOD.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Empire_of_Their_Own




srayzie ago

I think you and LittleDickGhot are JIDF and you suck each other off on Thursdays.

Quicktor ago

I think you're incorrect....and contrary to Cheeseboogers I don't think you're a Jewess, I think you're ignorant...not unintelligent, not ill-intentioned, but conceptually ignorant...

you guys do whatever you want to do....that's your right....but I'm not going to stop frequenting this forum because the folks who observe and read the threads DO genuinely care about correcting our present state of Talmudic Communist fascism towards a better future where individual rights, morality and ethics are understood, championed and cherished....

we might disagree about humor and (((who))) runs the Fuck Show....whatever....

what we more importantly DO agree on is that whether it be through Trump, Q, our military or the Cosmic Cross of Christ, is that the darkness must be vanquished and the truth must be brought to surface for ALL to know and see...the present deserves it, the past deserves it and our future children deserve it....

I've said my peace....

srayzie ago

I said there is nothing wrong with disagreeing. That’s what I want. Discussion. Not an endless thread from one user insulting us and calling everyone a Jew. THAT is ignorant,

Shizy ago

Now now srayzie, or that whisper lisp guy is gonna tell you how he finds that type of behavior distasteful!

srayzie ago

That’s fricken awesome. Even Sarah Huckabe Sanders is on that boat.

CheeseBoogersFatWife ago

This srayzie bitch needs to stay tha fuck away from my man! Ever since she started pinging him like the greedy jewess she is, all he does is lock himself in his tweek 'n' jack shed in the backyard all day! You're ruining my family homewrecker!

CheeseboogersMom ago

I apologize for my retarded son. His father was a Jew who used his ass and I am a whore. He only recently found out that he is half Jewish. He is overcompensating.

pby1000 ago

We will keep working to turn your son. Don't worry!! Pretty soon he will be sucking Q's Jewish cock.

300_Black ago

Q is an op, or at least a LARP.

This is fact.

How do we know this?

We know this simply because Q shows seemingly endless support for Trump.

How does supporting Trump make Q an op or a LARP?

Because we know Trump is one of (((their))) agents.

First image showing exactly what I mean.


When I become president, the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on day one.

~ Donald Trump before his election

The logic I present is easy to understand, easy to follow, and completely explains the reality of Q. You will not be able to refute this, and will probably call me a Jew to avoid having to even think rationally.

Seriously, you guys are making the rest of us look like dumb fucks.

QAnon followers, I'm terribly sorry to have shattered your world view and hopes that Q is some magical saint of wisdom, but it's not up for debate anymore.

tommsboy ago

I dont think anyone is thinking for themselves. Everyone is stuck NEEDING someone to trust other than themselves.

Facts are Q claims to be anonymous patriots inside the gov.
This would make sense, when you figure wikileaks was seized to oust NWO combatants, and there's no way for people to communicate without DS snooping.
Communication would be needed to dismantle the DS, not just stay informed.
However we've seen the hash to identify Q was cracked several times.

How am I to believe DS cracked it but didn't disrupt coms enough to get the simple war they want?

If Q was legit about "saving Israel for last", why would they remove posts claiming Q is Mossad?

Then there's the whole question about how 8ch is selecting what posts to remove? If Q is anonymous and the hash was compromised how could 8ch know who to listen to?


If Q knew July was the month the world would learn the truth, and minutes before 5pm the CIA.GOV posts:

Drain0 ago

Well said, well said

srayzie ago

You better have read it

kneo24 ago

All he does is come here and call people Jews, zionists, feminazi’s, etc.

Well, it doesn't help that there are zionists here, and this place upvotes them. I'm not accusing you, OP, of being one, but one can't ignore that they exist here. It also doesn't help that some of the other users you've publicly praised act like feral niggers and use the same jew tricks that the JIDF and their ilk love using. Is he over the target sometimes? Sure. I don't agree with everything he does or says.

I’ll share a few things. Immediately after I banned CheeseFaggotsGhost, he made posts in other subs and banned me from 3 so that I couldn’t respond and explain the reason he was banned. So he basically censored me for no reason, but whatever. 🙄 Here is a screenshot and descriptions of why I was banned.JPEG This is the kind of people we are dealing with.

See, there's two things wrong here.

  1. Instead of pinging him directly (which you finally wisened up to, but I believe it's too late, he won that battle), you resort to the same petulant name calling that you more or less accuse him of doing.
  2. Nothing prevents you from sending PM's to people instead of going to their subs to discuss things with them.

What he does is just attack others and call his buddies over to join in.

In all of the evidence you provided, you can't show any proof that he's pinging his friends. You can suspect it, but with all of the other "bad" things that you have evidence for, not a single one shown for this. Yes, I've seen him ping others, though I doubt they're really buddies of his, but you weaken your position when you get sloppy and lazy.

I believe KosherHiveKicker is either Cheeseboogersghost or one of his little shill buddies.

That would be some personality switching going on there. Gonna need the evidence to prove that.

Drama happens on Voat all the time. You gotta work on not writing lengthy posts so often about the drama in your own subverse. You got burnt pretty bad by it. It's time to move past it, and I'm quite honestly not sure if you can with how often you get involved.

srayzie ago

I am aware zionists are here. There are a lot of kinds here. He is obsessed with one thing only. His Jewdar is whacked. He names everyone a Jew that he doesn’t like.

I don’t need your advice or your approval. Go back to sucking LittleBitchGhost’s little noodle.

NoisyCricket ago

He names everyone a Jew that he doesn’t like.

A tactic commonly used by shills. Notice Tallest Shill, the whatever _300 guy, and several others all do this to distract and derail conversations.

AFAIC, Cheese has been officially outed as a shill.

If he's not a shill then it means it's literally mentally deranged. You can check for yourself, but people like him are very likely sociopaths or psychopaths with a variety of additional disorders. No matter how you slice it, Cheese will never have anything meaningful to contribute. Because of the fact he's a shill, absolutely nothing he ever "contributes" can ever be trusted.

Which is more likely? Is Cheese a mentally ill troll and just happens to use ALL of the most common shill tactics? Or Cheese is a professional zionist shill?

srayzie ago

I think he’s a weak insecure man that needs attention and only it gets it online. He always tries to act tough. Things he says is retarted so I can tell he isn’t smart. Who’s going to believe you when you say everyone that disagrees with you is a Jew? Wow. I don’t think he’s a psychopath. I don’t fear him. But I do think he could be JIDF. Several things he says about his life don’t make sense.

NoisyCricket ago

Just so we're clear, I was not exaggerating: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/your-online-secrets/201409/internet-trolls-are-narcissists-psychopaths-and-sadists

He's very mentally ill and/or JIDF shill. If you assume he's simply mentally ill, you still have to account for the fact that he has adopted text book shilling tactics which are taught by the likes of BlueShare, CTR, and JIDF.

Even if you simply play the odds, overwhelmingly, he's a shill.

srayzie ago

Yeah maybe. He just seems really weak. But you’re right. That could make him an angry violent person.

The opinion on this article is kind of hard to believe tho don’t you think? That seems really exaggerated. I’m not saying you’re wrong. It’s the article.

NoisyCricket ago

Worth a read if you want to learn more: https://theintercept.com/2014/02/24/jtrig-manipulation/

NoisyCricket ago

There have been several studies on the topic. That's the lazy search results. Trolls who push like him are sociopaths or psychopaths or professionals. Of course, with a huge serving of narcissism.

No matter how you slice it, he's incapable of ever contributing to anyone or anything. His every interaction will be a distraction and/or disinformation. As long as you're aware what you're dealing with...

Cheers. Keep on keeping on...

As a side note, Trump Derangement Syndrome is also real. It's officially called Trump Anxiety Disorder with a peppering of a variety of additional afflictions. As such, it's important to keep in mind that a large number of people on the left really are mentally ill. It's simply a question of degrees.

kneo24 ago

I don’t need your advice or your approval.

No, but you're definitely attention seeking, which I keep mentioning. It's clear you want attention. You've have got tons of it. If you don't like some of the attention you're getting, stop seeking it out.

Go back to sucking LittleBitchGhost’s little noodle.

Just because you're attention seeking, constantly, and I agree with him sometimes, doesn't mean your petulant comment here holds any weight. This is no better than going around calling everyone you don't like a Jew. I've proven your hypocrisy multiple times now.

srayzie ago

Well genius, if I am the one that runs this sub, then I have to post. If it becomes full of shills and drama, I have to deal with it. So what you just said is ridiculous, especially since you are not a regular here and don’t even know me. What you did, is come over here to get involved with the drama. You don’t know the facts but you still want to pretend you do. Who wants the attention? You aren’t very bright. Go fuck yourself.

kneo24 ago

Well genius, if I am the one that runs this sub, then I have to post.

Well genius, no you don't. You don't have to publicly address every nuisance that comes into your path. This got out of your control by your own actions.

If it becomes full of shills and drama, I have to deal with it.

Again, you don't have to address it publicly, and again by your own actions it got out of hand.

So what you just said is ridiculous, especially since you are not a regular here and don’t even know me.

I'm actually quite capable of judging a person by their actions. I don't need to know you to see how you've poorly handled certain situations. You can deny the attention seeking all you want, but it's clear as day for anyone to see.

What you did, is come over here to get involved with the drama.

You keep inviting drama here. What did you expect?

You don’t know the facts but you still want to pretend you do.

And what facts am I missing here? Does it upset you that I've been very critical of you?

Who wants the attention?

I've said multiple times, you. You show you want it by increasing the drama and then playing the victim card.

You aren’t very bright. Go fuck yourself.

If I'm not very bright, then there's no god damn hope for you, you irresponsible cunt.

dooob ago

@srayzie needs to give evidence for simplest things yet cheezefaggot can call anyone a zionist shill? How do you argue with someone who autistically repeats "you are a jewish shill", deflects your questions and when you stop replying to his baseless accusations, proclaims victory?

kneo24 ago

@srayzie needs to give evidence for simplest things yet cheezefaggot can call anyone a zionist shill?

Yes and no. Are you capable of not having a knee jerk response to disagreement?

How do you argue with someone who autistically repeats "you are a jewish shill", deflects your questions and when you stop replying to his baseless accusations,

Why do you insist on feeding someone who you find trollish? It's clear you can't handle it. You either ignore the trolls, or you counter troll them to great effect. You guys failed on both ends.

proclaims victory?

He did win. He won the moment you banned him and then unbanned him. He won the moment you all started to mass ping him, thinking you could somehow demoralize him. You can stop playing the victim card now.

dooob ago

Yes and no. Are you capable of not having a knee jerk response to disagreement?

If you look through my history you would see I am not a user who lightly calls someone a mean word. Cheese deserves everything bad that happens in his life because I bet all my money he is just as toxic offline as he is online.

Why do you insist on feeding someone who you find trollish? It's clear you can't handle it. You either ignore the trolls, or you counter troll them to great effect. You guys failed on both ends.

You mean why do I insist on trying to reason with someone? Maybe because I am more optimistic than I should be and I believe everyone can be reasoned with? I refuse to fight hate with hate. Who is "you guys"? Other then occasionally posting here, I do not have anything to do with this sub. Your wording makes it look like I am a mod or something.

He did win. He won the moment you banned him and then unbanned him. He won the moment you all started to mass ping him, thinking you could somehow demoralize him. You can stop playing the victim card now.

I agree, he shouldnt have been unbanned. His toxicity and hate has no place in a sub like this, imo. You are again grouping me with srayzie, I had nothing to do with this.

kneo24 ago

If you look through my history you would see I am not a user who lightly calls someone a mean word. Cheese deserves everything bad that happens in his life because I bet all my money he is just as toxic offline as he is online.

Great, then you should realize she doesn't do her position any justice to the casual observer when she leaves out necessary information, or in the past that I have seen, using information that doesn't help her cause. If she's going to make a public deal about this, the criticism is necessary.

You mean why do I insist on trying to reason with someone? Maybe because I am more optimistic than I should be and I believe everyone can be reasoned with? I refuse to fight hate with hate.

Surely after enough attempts you would see it's pointless. You more or less admit as such. later in your post.

Who is "you guys"? Other then occasionally posting here, I do not have anything to do with this sub. Your wording makes it look like I am a mod or something.

When I say, "you guys", I refer to the side you've clearly chosen here. I can see how my wording comes across. I didn't mean to imply you're someone of authority here.

You are again grouping me with srayzie, I had nothing to do with this.

It seems like you're taking her side in this without any thought of how she comes across. Remember, she invited the drama here.

dooob ago

Great, then you should realize she doesn't do her position any justice to the casual observer when she leaves out necessary information, or in the past that I have seen, using information that doesn't help her cause. If she's going to make a public deal about this, the criticism is necessary.

We dont care about opinions of outsiders about how the sub is run, everyone within the community is alright at doing their job, why would we care about a troll getting banned? Muh slippery slope, no, the line is drawn there, trolls have no place in v/GreatAwakening, why should they, if you do not believe Q is real, fine, block the sub and move on.

Muh self-moderation votes n shieet

Fuck that, if Q is real, how easy would it be for Deep State to manipulate votes? Trolls are not welcome.

kneo24 ago

We dont care about opinions of outsiders about how the sub is run

This just reinforces some of my earlier comments about you guys not wanting any dissenting opinion, which is necessary to seek the truth.

why would we care about a troll getting banned?

I dunno, ask Sryazie. She seems to be under the impression that you all just had to know about it because she's the leader, and uh, that's about it.

Well genius, if I am the one that runs this sub, then I have to post.

In any case, it glosses over the point being made here. If you're going to post something about it, you need to have the right and factual information, especially if you're going to accuse someone else of never having said information.

I'm going to be charitable and assume you don't support hypocrisy, so you have to admit, it's really bad optics for newcomers and those just passing through if the leader of the community is doing what they're accusing someone else of doing. It's also really bad optics making many public spectacles out of it.

Muh self-moderation votes n shieet

Fuck that, if Q is real, how easy would it be for Deep State to manipulate votes? Trolls are not welcome.

In trying to the frame the argument as nigger tier, you made a critical error here. I'm not sure if you're even trying to accuse a troll of literally being a part of the deep state or not, it's just a really odd tangential statement. Banning one troll won't stop vote manipulation and it's unwise to assume it would have any impact. I'm not even sure you'd notice vote the manipulation in the first place. Whose to say they won't play the manipulation intelligently? Whose to say it's even here at all?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

They're fighting to cover something. I've alerted some of my old friends from Info Stormer and a few other sites out there. They're going through all of this right now.

dooob ago

I am done with this drama, I do not mind how @srayzie runs her sub. Maybe it is time we get a v/GreatAwakeningMETA and move all these kind of conversations there, what do you think @srayzie?

srayzie ago

I know the arguing sucks. But whereever we go, if we are going to allow free speech then we have to put up with drama. It will follow. That’s why I said in the post the other day for you guys to use the block feature.

kneo24 ago

No, what you really mean is that you're doing dying on this hill. The culmination of your argument is, "Who cares, I think some troll is deep state with zero evidence. I think he should be banned, but I won't openly have any criticism towards the other side involved that invited it all."

kneo24 ago

I mean, the context of this was about @cheeseboogersghost. Are you now saying he's the same as the nigger you're posting links about?

dooob ago

ow, my bad, I thought this was related to my recent owi discussions, sorry, I have been getting swamped with replies from trolls for the past hour, did re-read.

I do agree with you, my evidence against CG is weak, non-existing actually other then my hunch that I got from numerous conversation that I had with him and observed. It is my personal opinion that he is a "professional" troll, employed by whoever. Even if I am not right, he is definitely a troll. He is the embodiment of a nazi as the loony left sees it, a caricature that brings shame to real white supremacists and race realists.

kneo24 ago

I see exactly what he's doing though. It's transparent and amusing and if you think about it, it makes total sense, and most likely not a deep state shill or some professional troll. I could be wrong, but I'm usually right about these things, just so hear me out if you're interested.

People like the nigger OWI are pretty obvious. Just way too blatantly obvious. They fail at crypto tricks. Guys like @Cheeseboogersghost, and I'll lump myself in here for this part, are good at enraging them. Cheesebooger and I have methods that are a little different, but the end result is the same and tend to converge on the same path. We've seen the ZOG in action for a long time, how they act, and where they go. They hide a lot better than the nigger pets they unleash to the communities, but they have tells and the methods being used get them to out themselves are effective when we notice these tells. Sometimes it's a long con that's being played, hell, they do it to us all the time. Let's not pretend the JIDF isn't in full force everywhere it can be. Nothing pisses them off more than using their tactics against them, and that's the game that's being played. This is sport sometimes for some of us. It may look professional to you with the tenacity, but really, it's probably just one person, whoever they are, fighting the good fight.

I don't buy into the "caricature" arguments too often. That's merely just allowing the progressives - communists - to control the narrative. Naming the jew is never not important, but I do agree that sometimes a person needs a day off, or maybe a little tact for extra effect is necessary.

I always support skepticism, and if you want to continue to be critical and skeptical, that's great. I'm not going to persuade you to do other wise. I do, however, ask that you try to view the lens in a broader stroke, try to find the greater context. Is Cheesebooger a shill, or is he someone who has noticed something amiss and used one of (((their))) tricks against them to out themselves. Did he make a mistake here with some of the users, or have those (((users))) being hiding amongst us the whole time?

One last thing I want to point out if you're still reading this, Dooob, and this is off topic to the issue of the drama. A lot of people here who follow the Q movement believe that the jews will get theirs at the end - not just specific jews, but Israel and their leaders along with their world wide web of paid agents and the network of everything else tied to their disgusting ways. A lot of those people believe that by naming specific jews, that Q has "named the jew". They also believe that the President is playing a large part in this whole Q thing, and that's going to be focal to my point. If Trump is focal, and jews are bad, why is his lineage going to be Jewish? I can ignore him surrounding himself with jews, or even buy into the "keep your enemies closer bit", but to marry the majority of your family off to the jews for the greater good, I just don't buy it. If the jews really come tumbling down like everyone hopes, that takes down his sons and his favorite daughter - it takes down his grand children. That is one tough pill to swallow. If his family isn't going to fall around this, then it looks like another game of jews out jewing other jews to get into power, i.e. left wing jews vs right wing jews and at the end, we're still stuck with jews. It's a lose-lose situation.

dooob ago

I am sorry but that is a big post about a topic that I am not much interested in, I am sorry you wasted time on something I am not intersted in reading. I do not care about Cheese. If he was any good, he wouldnt have gone so unhinged on me. I have no respect for him, in fact he is the only person I have blocked.

I want to have discussions with those who doubt Q, I want because I want to learn what are the best angles when redpilling people on Q and you need feedback for that. Users like cheese ignore your arguments and the conversation quickly turns into "fuck you JIDF/Shareblue/kike" etc and all reason is thrown out of the window. It reminds me of those iranians parlament videos where they start throwing chairs and shit to turn off the conversation. In fact, just gave me an idea for a meme.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Very well thought out intelligent responses from you. I wish I could articulate what I want to say like this.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

lol what horseshit

srayzie ago

The one that makes me puke is when he repeats to bow at his boot. That is the most faggoty thing yet.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

“Don’t fee the trolls”

If someone trolls your sub, your sub’s subscribers should be able to filter out the undesired content using downvoats.

If someone posted some gross ass fucking Jew ass and titties in my sub called “hotgirlswhoarenotjewish” I’m pretty sure the community would filter it to obvlivian with votes.

Just keep doing you and allow your research to rise to the top while useless posts fall to the bottom. Just NEVER feed the trolls and all is good

dooob ago

Why would I take advice about running a subverse from you?

kneo24 ago

This is one of the messages I keep telling them here, don't feed the trolls. They instead act like victims and would rather downvote.

dooob ago

So should I downvote the trolls or not, I am lost now.

kneo24 ago

Whoops i meant than, instead of and at the end there, along with removing some words. Thanks for pointing it out.

Blacksmith21 ago

**All that being said you guys, is that WE NEED TO STICK TOGETHER!

Upvote each other’s posts! (Think of it as building power points) Downvote shills posts!** (This takes away shills power. Don't want them upvoating)

Congrats @Shizy - Congrats. Have a bagel and lox, Jew! LOL.

Very well done @srayzie

youllrememberme ago

All that being said you guys, is that WE NEED TO STICK TOGETHER!

Agreed. I wish I would have seen that thread CBG made the other day.

YoHomie ago

It really wasn't that important after all.

srayzie ago

Can’t do right in your eyes either way I go. So that’s fine.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

(1) Q is not a larp (he’s shown his inside connections numerous times)

(2) Q IS intelligence (entirely plausible it’s a psyop/distraction, although unlikely imo)

(3) Q DID say that they were saving Israel for last (there may be some Jew faggotry infighting going on and some not so evil Jews are fighting back against the pedo cannibal Jews; possible, but still a reach considering the history of Jews and their Hegelian dialectic tactics - problem/reaction/solution etc)

(4) Trump DOES seem like a Jew fag piece of shit sometimes... however, if he’s holding out to expose the pedo enabling Jewish cabal for last (ie best for last) then so be it. Suck all that faggot Jew cock until we have a fucking fail safe eradication plan. I’m all for it. Hey, even tickle their nutsack a little to make them really think they’re running shit then fucking stab those disgusting parasites right up their gross degenerate assholes.

So... lots to be revealed soon, but In the end I still support our president, the overall great awakening vision, and the entire anti-pedo movement.

srayzie ago

He said Mossad now too

SpeakSoft ago

It sounds like you are saying: 1) You do not trust Q. 2) You do not trust Trump. 3) You do not trust Israel. 4) You still believe that Q and Trump are working together using 33D chess, and may magically flip the script overnight to finally reveal the real Truth and Save the World.

Questions for you - 5) Should everyone sit back and enjoy the show while more children are murdered and more lives are destroyed? 6) Is Trump a "good Freemason", and even if you do not believe he is one, do you believe all of his deals are made to infiltrate the Cabal playing the long game, including accepting bailouts from the Rothschilds and marrying his only real daughter to the Kushners? 7) What if you witnessed Trump make a deal that you knew was Pure Evil and gave him information about extreme criminal corruption involving people much wealthier and more powerful than he will ever be?

tommsboy ago

This whole "trust the plan", "trust sessions", "trust trump" is psyop101. Remember why everyone else is "asleep" because they trust someone else to think and act for them. They just do their special little job and everyone else will, "trust the system".

Fact's are nothing's been proven. Everything is cryptic and with people making assumptions you're likely to get bandwagons to jump on.

If Mossad didn't infiltrate the webhost "Russia" used to hack the DNC and Q wasn't asking for trust, I might question it less. Unfortunately there's been no time in history where someone asked for trust unless they had nefarious purposes. Hell even Sprite wants you to trust yourself. They just happen to tell you you want Sprite.

I also think MA is Mossad, possibly also CIA (which at this point CIA and KGB were just foreign-factions of the soon to be ^srael. Goal was set those up before the country so no one suspected.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

This is good for business overall. Newbies don't realize what shills are, and what they do. They learn about shills from shills before they even know what a shill really is half the time and are thrown off course for a time. This shitstorm is worth examining by others to identify many cookie cutter shills of his kind out there already.

pby1000 ago

We did ban gay porn, so move along, son.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

damn. Move along... If that's true I think I'll camp here. I have my doubts given the messenger though... LOL

pby1000 ago


SpeakSoft ago

Censoring and banning is a slippery slope.

Subjective censoring and banning is Wrong.

Knowingly censoring and banning the Truth is Evil.

Are you sure that Oh Well Ian can be trusted?

Why does he stalk, downvote and attack others who know the Truth calling them names including Jews when they clearly are not Jewish?

Does this sound like a person interested in the Truth that should be trusted?

look at this Jew faggot...

hitting all the Jew talking points, yet, ignoring the Jew..

Desperate Jewing here, shitbag.

Do you really think he just started here 10 months ago with only one account?

Will he tell everyone the other names he goes by?

Can his cohorts Blacksmith21, MolochHunter, Justaddcoffee or Dressage2 be trusted?

There are many games being played on Voat.

Why have some "mods" let the worthless power go to their heads? (not focusing on you Srayzie, you are better than others)

Why isn't everyone here interested in the real Truth?

What if The Truth were here on Voat?

What would those involved do to cover it up and attack those who know the real Truth?

Mylon ago

Ideally, banning is about keeping the peace. Some people just want to stir shit, like CheesboogersGhost. Then there's heavy skeptics like me. So if I get banned then we'll know this place is censor happy.

SpeakSoft ago

There will never be peace, particularly on the internet. Will there be freedom?

Does anyone want to guess who the immediate 4 downvotes were from?

Does anyone find that suspicious or ironic?

youllrememberme ago

Does anyone want to guess who the immediate 4 downvotes were from?

Does anyone find that suspicious or ironic?

Everyone knows who you are, don't try to play games.

SpeakSoft ago

We do not play games, but will call your bluff.


youllrememberme ago

You are EsotericShade. I could probably tell you who runs that alt too, but it isn't time for that yet. Let's just say people will be disappointed, but probably not too surprised. I love how slick you think you are though.

SpeakSoft ago


JackHoff ago

You sound nutty as fuck talking about yourself in the third person!

SpeakSoft ago

Have you read your own Name and profile description?

JackHoff ago

Yea, and I'm still not as nutty as you are!

bopper ago

So what are you saying? Sorry, kidding.

pby1000 ago

I just posted without even reading it.

bopper ago

I like to give Srayzie a hard time :)

pby1000 ago

A lot of men do...

srayzie ago

I want to strangle you sometimes 😂

bopper ago

The Michael Avenatti guy, the Stormy lawyer, just retweeted the pic that Q posted yesterday of the man outside Avenatti's office, some weird stuff going on, makes my head spin. (Sorry to forum slide but I wanted to let you and others know.)


Blacksmith21 ago

Haha - I just saw you posted this.

bopper ago

yes srayzie posted..

Blacksmith21 ago

Another case of not having glasses on - NM.

bopper ago

tell me about it lol

bopper ago

Ah, thanks, good job.

srayzie ago

He must have deleted it!

srayzie ago

No way! Damn!

srayzie ago

You should make a post or I will. I think that’s big.

bopper ago

Yes, go ahead.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Thx for the shoutout.

I try to engage cheesebooger, but he never provides any evidence of anything. It's very sad. He's so emotional, too.

CheeseboogersMom ago

He's so emotional, too.

I blame his father. While I was out working he was supposed to be providing discipline. But no, all he did was constantly fuck @CheeseboogersGhost in the ass while making him listen to Barbara Streisand. You see his father was a jew. I'm not proud of it. I recently confessed it to him and it sent him over the edge. He was already mad about the rape and his dad forcing him to watch as I was pimped out to all them men in the local synagogue, but to find out that he is himself half Jew was too much for him to take.

pby1000 ago


Shizy ago

So it's YOUR fault that he hates women so much and is a closeted homo? It all makes so much sense now! Thank you for having the courage to come here and speak out about this!

MaverickMeerkat ago

This is the level of maturity mods have regarding issues that garners close to 100 pure upgoats and 600(!) comments.

SpeakSoft ago

As a newly appointed mod here, particularly with the long, serious post by the only other mod about banning and censoring others, is this type of response questionable or irresponsible?

What if he or she just does not believe that Q or Trump are on the "good side"? After all, history and past actions are not exactly on Q and Trump's side - are they really Trustworthy Men of God, and are they really draining the swamp by making deals with the swamp masters?

We are not defending Cheeseboogersghost in any way, just pointing out how this looks to others.

What is America or a world without dissent? What if everyone is being deceived by Q and Trump?

What if you witnessed Trump make a deal that was Pure Evil? What if you gave Donald Trump information about extreme crimes committed by people far wealthier and more powerful than he will ever be and he remains silent and complicit? What if those you have worked with were tortured and murdered for knowing the Truth?

Scroll to the bottom of this page and you will see what happens when you post the Truth here.

@srayzie - Does this give your sub credibility? Isn't this exactly what you are ranting against? Do you see what is happening here?

Be careful who you follow and align with. They may not be with Him.

srayzie ago

I’m not a newly appointed mod. I run this sub. I just added Shizy as a mod.

Users don’t need to believe in Q or like Trump. That doesn’t make them a shill either. They can discuss all they want.

You say some weird shit. You need to be more clear because I don’t know where you’re getting at.

If you don’t like this sub, you don’t have to be here.

Shizy ago

Oh God save the outrage! It's funny that someone made that alt!

SpeakSoft ago

None of this is funny. What about this other comment you made today? is this the standard of Truth and professionalism?

faggot shill using Jew tactics. Hmmmm

Be careful who you follow and align with. They may not be with Him.

Shizy ago

And exactly who the hell are you? I'm sorry, but I don't need to be told how to behave. What you're doing here is trying to censor and suppress me and it's not gonna work pal!

SpeakSoft ago

We do not censor or suppress anyone, and ironically the discussion is about you and Srayzie censoring and banning others who disagree with you.

We are simply pointing out the Truth. Say whatever you want, just be aware of how it is perceived by others.

We are also not sure why you were made a mod other than Srayzie being overwhelmed by the work. Don't let it go to your head.

Mods should not be afraid of the Truth.

Shizy ago

I haven't banned anything. Show what I have ever banned or else stop saying I have. I block idiots who bother me and don't give them a second thought. Keep it up and you'll be one of them. I haven't done anything except express my free speech which seems to offend you for some odd reason. Especially because you keep insisting on telling me how important it is. No shit.

You're the one who seems particularly interested about me being a mod. I could actually give two shits less, and a whole four shits less about what you have to say. Srayzie needs help and she knows she can depend on me to be there for her. Examine why that bothers you so much if you need something to do.

SpeakSoft ago

You contradicted yourself in the first 3 sentences.

Then you made a threat.

Keep up the professionalism!

This is not a game. Until those you have worked with have been tortured and murdered, you may not understand.

The Truth is more important than your inflated ego.

Shizy ago

You're either having a hard time comprehending what I'm writing or you're purposely playing dumb to cause problems! I haven't banned anything! Banning and blocking specific users from commenting to you are two very different things. Not sure how that doesn't make sense. Saying I'm gonna block you so I don't have to keep playing these silly word games with you is a threat? Wow! If that's a threat in your world I'm not sure how you make it through the day without a visit to a therapist! Once again, you keep feeling the need to project your feelings onto me about ego, or the fragility of your own. That's not my issue and I'm not gonna waste anymore time playing these games with you. I'm blocking you, which again, is different than banning someone!

SpeakSoft ago

You clearly know nothing about the Truth.

You clearly have let the false authority go to your head.

You clearly cannot debate without becoming emotional and irrational.

Are you a woman with relationship issues who has similarly banned or blocked others in your real life as part to create your false safe space?

@srayzie should never have partnered with you. It destroys her own credibility. She is not perfect, but is much better than this.

You have no idea who others are or what they have experienced. You make ignorant assumptions and attack without understanding.

You are easily deceived by Fakes and Fools, and then BAN the real Truth and those who are trying to help you.

We will forgive you if you Repent and learn to Trust in Jesus Christ.

Shizy ago

I have you blocked because I honestly believe you are mentally ill and with so little time to sit online, I don't have time to continually try and explain myself to some person I don't know who just seems to want to attack and be rude. @srayzie pinged me so I will respond to your mentally ill rant. I feel I have already addressed this with you, but again, mentally ill people tend to fixate on things and that prevents them from moving on!

Every voat user has the ability to block other users who are harassing, annoying them, or for any reason they choose! I have NEVER banned anyone or any post from GA, yet you keep insisting I have. I asked you to prove it but you won't because you can't! Again you're the one with some hang up of "authority"! @srayzie asked me to help her because she knows I have her back and respect that this is her sub and her hard work. I am doing this per her request, not because of my wants or desires. I think if you get down to it, it bothers you that I don't really care about being in this position because it seems like such a big deal for YOU! whata missing from your life? Do you really think you're gonna find that online? You're not!

I AM A CHRISTIAN and SAVED through the blood of Christ! How dare you, who doesn't even know me, act like a holier than thou smug and judgmental fool!!! I have surrendered my ego to Christ, something you should try if you are acually a Christian. I am merely here to help srayzie. I feel inadequate and not up for the job but I would never not be there for someone who asked me to help them. Especially someone who I respect and I know is a sister in Christ.

And really cute insinuating I'm some feminist SJW with your relationship issues and safe space garbage! 😂! I have a happy and healthy life full of wonderful people and a wonderful family.

Again, I can't help but feel you have some weird need to project your own crap onto me! Does it make you feel better? Probably not! Get some help, you need it.

srayzie ago

Aren’t you the one that started lecturing me about religion. You’re also the one that always talks about “we”and “us”.

I banned one person. I let him back. I was trying to get rid of the shills that just attack other users, when I talked to others, I made a new post and admitted I was wrong. We’re learning as we go.

GreatAwakening talks about serious topics. But this is also Voat. What people love about Voat is free speech. So, @shizy doesn’t need to be censored. I picked her because she’s like me. She can be tough and she’s not intimidated. She’s real. She doesn’t put on an act. But what you probably haven too seen is the loving compassionate person underneath that loves kids.

Maybe you should not judge others.

Shizy ago

Thanks for the ping. I have this guy blocked because he's just weird and keeps repeating himself regardless of what I say.

I honestly think this may be an alt of ESOTERICshade based on his comments. I pegged esoteric as having unresolved issues from childhood abuse and made comments about that to him. This person seems to be alluding to my "judgments" and "attacks" of others experiences. They're both blocked. I'm not their therapist!