Vindicator ago

@Crensch vs. CBG is like this. LMAO.

"Enjoy the show!"


srayzie ago

LOL yes. Winning

Crensch ago

728 views on an over-2-hour-long video.

What parts of the video do you find particularly compelling? Timestamps, please.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Unirock has this covered the best on why Q is fake, but doboy poked some of the larpers and showed how they react like a cult. He went against some of the big Q-larpers. Q might have been a real psy-op on 4chan at first but after it stopped, attention-whore idiots ran with it and started larping. That's my opinion on the matter. Youtube has deleted some of his vids that lead up to this. He was into it with Tracy Beanz and called her a shekel whore and called her out on where she gets her info, or doesn't get it.

I can relate @15:40 because there's some good people who fell for the Q-larp bullshit, and how if you try to engage many of them the word "shill" gets thrown around a lot.

He makes the point how its all Zionist-connected and manipulation of the population through schemes such as Q larp @28:30 - 31:00

@34:40 he makes the point how these larpers steal others work, just like @Oh_Well_Ian was caught doing here, and they get their stuff just by reading message boards and pass around and add their larp to the already larped bullshit. See, that's my exact opinion on what I think The Great Awakening is. Honest question: Has anything original ever came from this sub?

@46:40 he mentions how Q was kicked off 4chan

@146:40 Delango, shows how money has changed hands and how larpy it all has become, also calls out Tracy Beanz(it takes the retard a little bit but he goes through it and gets into Baker). Is Tracy Beanz here? oy vey Zionists and supporters everywhere!!

Crensch ago

Since I have it available right at the moment, (thanks to @srayzie,) I'm going to present something for your consideration.

You think Trump is a kike puppet. Let's just assume for now that you're correct.

You think Q is a LARP. I gave you my thoughts on your supporting videos, it's only fair that I present support for my side for you to examine:

Please debunk these.

notenoughstuff ago

My 2 cents: I have no idea whether Q is a LARP, ZOG, multiple competing and/ cooperating factions, etc. I know that my understanding of it is poor, and that I do not really know what effects and vulnerabilities it has and might have in the future, as well as how it is used and might be used by various factions, for better or for worse. My impression is that it has less focus on older facts, history and discussions, and more focus on a movement as well as current happenings, predictions and explanations of current events.

Reg. the linked website, the "Q is real" line repeated 50+ times is... annoying, but a smaller thing. Exhibit 6 is clearly not proof of anything. Other exhibits are more difficult to analyse and/or check, and and links would have been nice. Exhibit 5... I recall Trump having talked about great re-investments in the space sector long before the dates given. Exhibit 8, there had already been public information about some communication between Trump and North Korea (sorry, shitty source: ), though difficult to determine either way. A lot of it is not easy to analyse.

All in all, I have a lot of trouble figuring out Q, and it being difficult to figure out is on purpose as far as I can tell. Maybe it is harmful, maybe it is benevolent, maybe other. My personal preference is to focus more on specific facts and discussions than on contemporary actions, movements and happenings, and such a focus as mine has its drawbacks overall.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I refuse to side with ZOG

CheeseboogersGhost ago

lol yeah you don't have a dog in this race, huh? Believe what you want, dude. Seriously. You think time stamps cant be faked? Are you telling me that you trust Jared Kushner, Stephen Miller or any of the other jews in trumps circle? Come on, dude. Lets pretend that Q is real. It means Q is a Zionist(possibly a group of people) who work for Zionists/Israel. What do you think the trump admin is? Its left-winged jews VS right-winged jews. This shit is so psy-opy that its sickening. My opinion is its a well-informed larp by people who follow it closely. How many times has q been wrong now, or nothing happened? I know I know BELIEVE! I wont waste my time going through all of this psy-op that you linked. I formed my opinion when q was kicked off 4 chan. You honestly cant tell me that how q-tards act is not cult like and "we're gonna decode this cryptic bullshit and save the world!"?

Crensch ago

You want to act like I have a dog in this fight when I told you I didn't? All right, I now have a dog in this fight. It didn't have to go this way but if you're going to be rude the kid gloves come off.

You have maybe an hour or two to figure out where you're fractally wrong. There's a lot you're wrong about, but this one is so embarrassingly wrong that I'm going to give you one chance to fix it before I destroy your life.

Reread what you've responded to me and figure out what is embarrassingly wrong, stupid, and completely 100% able to be discredited with almost no effort whatsoever.

I hold everyone to the same standards of evidence, and I expected better from you. Instead of evidence you give me some drama bullshit and dismissive mockery which is exactly what I would expect a Jew to give me. I'm not calling you a Jew, but your responses to me have certainly been Jew tier.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt with your position on Trump and Q and I really had no intention of confronting you on either one anytime soon. I asked for evidence of Q being a LARP and what you showed me was such nigger tier horseshit that I had to wonder if you're actually less intelligent than I originally thought. Here's your chance to prove that you have a mind that functions better than a nigger's.

If you don't find where you're embarrassingly wrong, I will introduce you to proof of your own cognitive limitations, and I will make sure that all of Voat sees it.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Rude? You've been coming at me, son. I refuse to side with the ZOG and you cant make me

Crensch ago


Yes. Absolutely, inexcusably, rude.

You've been coming at me, son,

Show me where this happened, (((son))).

for pointing out the ZOG.

At no point have you made that logical connection. At no point have you shown anyone that your targets here are ZOG, or even behave like ZOG. You're putting the cart before the horse, and embarrassing yourself in the process.

I refuse to side with the ZOG and you cant make me.

I don't care, and I never would attempt to make you do something. This sentence is pure sophistry, and it hints at how weak your position is.

As I've said, even if Q is real its all part of the ZOG.

Is Q ZOG or is it a LARP? You can't have your cake and eat it, too. You have to pick one way or the other, or clearly define and lay out the "If X then Y" statements to each. While that IS possible, given your recent presence here, I think it beyond your capabilities.

Don't regret your mistake. I gave you the chance to fix your shit and come back with something worthy of Voat, and instead you came back with absurd accusations and whining.

lol yeah you don't have a dog in this race, huh?

I didn't. I didn't care what you and @srayzie and @shizy did to one another with your trolling and shitposting back and forth. I had my position, but it had nothing to do with what you claimed was your main problem "muh females pinging me and bullying me" beta horseshit.

Believe what you want, dude. Seriously.

Same to you. Seriously. I never told you to believe any different, I told you to support your position like a white man would; you did anything but.

You think time stamps cant be faked?

Welcome to the world of your utter stupidity. The limit of your cognitive abilities.


This website is what I sent as a response to your sans-testicles "support" video for your position under the headline "Q ANON EXPOSED!!!! CONFIRMED LARP!!!". I asked for specific points, and you responded with this jizz-stain of a comment that you ended with a whine about @shizy and @srayzie bullying you, and how you deserve an apology!.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret, CBG, the beta, Reddit-tier faggots you had me watch have one trick up their sleeve. They yak for 45 minutes about Q being a LARP, act dismissive and haughty and they mock anyone that doesn't believe as they do - they provide ZERO evidence of this, they just act like it's already true. They act like a cult of kooks by using the cult-like persuasion technique of telling you a fucking story that is so long and boring and wastes so much of your time that your brain has to rationalize why you chose to continue listening to them for so long. They force your pathetic, little mind into a sunk-cost fallacy in order to make you believe whatever they say with zero evidence because you were too stupid to turn their video off when they just wouldn't get to the fucking point; and they never do, do they? The timestamps you sent me to are textbook examples of this.

I responded, RESPECTFULLY, here, addressing every point you wanted me to look at. Your weak response reminds me of nothing more than that of a Jew:

I refuse to support ZOG and you cant make me

That's it. 10 word response, addressing absolutely nothing I wrote to you.

What kind of childish, low-IQ, over-emotional (((manlet))) bullshit is this? I'm not your daddy, faggot, and I don't give a fuck if you have daddy issues where he made you do things you didn't want to do- keep that between you and your wife.

You know what this also says about you? You're unwilling to change your position based on any amount of evidence or reason I happen to present. How are you not embarrassed by this? Is the bar you set for yourself so low that this squandering of dignity is just another Tuesday? I'd lose sleep for years thinking about what an idiot I'd been had I shown my ass like you have the last few days.

Now back to what would shame me into deleting my account after apologizing to everyone here, and never in my life returning out of fear someone might recognize my writing style:

This link shows Q proofs that I asked you to debunk. It would have only taken one or two for me to reconsider my position, but you did nothing but whine about timestamps.

Exhibit 7 image -imgoat- Has a Q post dated Apr 07 2018.

"MUH TIMESTAMPS" Twitter's timestamps changed? Screenshots from the 10th of April? 9:30 Video posted Saturday the 7th, april 2018. Video SHOWS Q anon post on APRIL 7th. Do they edit the video too, faggot?

Just editing all the twitters and youtubes as they go, faggot? HOW DIFFICULT WOULD IT HAVE BEEN FOR YOU TO VERIFY THAT EVEN ONE OF THOSE HAD BEEN A LIE? Honestly. Tell me how insanely difficult it would have been for you to do that with your limited capabilities; or are you so intellectually bankrupt that you really didn't even realize that such a thing could be done? I suppose it's your choice at this point, either you're dishonest and lazy and didn't want to present info that might harm your pathetically weak position, or you're too stupid to even figure this very simple thing out before making an ass of yourself.

How about the one that I told you I was around for? Exhibit 8: Peace with NK

Image -imgoat- "MUH TIMESTAMPS" (halfway down the page)

Are you telling me that you trust Jared Kushner, Stephen Miller or any of the other youknowwho's in trumps circle?

No, I'm not.

Come on, dude. Lets pretend that Q is real. It means Q is a Zionist(possibly a group of people) who work for Zionists/Israel.

You haven't shown that to be the case. You haven't even shown Q doing or saying something that is Israel first, or at least that could be interpreted as such.

What do you think the trump admin is?

Irrelevant to the question of whether or not Q is a LARP, for one.

Its left-winged jews VS right-winged jews.

I just call them Jews, but do you really think I'm blind to these facts? Still irrelevant to Q being a LARP. I'm happy to have it out over Trump or his admin another time, but let's not change subjects in the middle of an argument, shall we?

This shit is so psy-opy that its sickening.

Is there anything that isn't? Even those that might be on our side are psy-ops, no?

My opinion is its a well-informed larp by people who follow it closely.

Well-informed or a LARP? LARP suggests someone is roleplaying, not having actual info. Are you admitting that Q has info? And you pointed me to shit about there being more than one Q. So which Q had info? How do we tell the difference in Qs?

How many times has q been wrong now, or nothing happened?

How many times has he been impossibly right? How many times does someone in his position need to make a feint to throw off the DS? What would you do in his position? Telegraph all your moves so your enemies can see what you're doing and block you?

Up above, NORTH KOREA PEACE was predicted. NOBODY predicted that before, it was IMPOSSIBLE.

I know I know BELIEVE!

NO, you stupid faggot. VERIFY. I linked you falsifiable claims. Impossible claims to get so right so often.

I wont waste my time going through all of this psy-op that you linked.

Dismissive mockery. That's what you've shown here constantly. I took time for that HORSESHIT video you linked, and you won't even try to prove ONE of those things linked wrong?

I formed my opinion when q was kicked off 4 chan.

Cuckchan "kicked Q off" like what else? Pizzagate? Assange dead-man's switch? What else does 4chan not allow again? Why is it called cuckchan, again? Why doesn't cuckchan allow those things? Is it because the Jews don't want those things talked about?

That's like saying "Q was kicked off of reddit, so I formed my opinion then".

I'm going to pretend you don't really believe that line of yours I just quoted.

You honestly cant tell me that how q-tards act is not cult like and "we're gonna decode this cryptic bullshit and save the world!"?

Given how the anti-Q people have behaved, Q-tards look like goddamn geniuses. Prove me wrong, if you can.

Let me leave you with this, CBG:

If you think Q is a larp-conspiracy-zionist-cult, how do you explain the company you find yourself in?

AnonComments ago

Cuckchan "kicked Q off" like what else? Pizzagate? Assange dead-man's switch?

Wait, what?

Assange dead-man's switch?

What's this!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

This is a lot of soap opera for me to go through, but I'll try: and first I will say this: I uploaded the wrong vid. It was an error but didn't know until @Crensch pinged me raking my ass about it. I regret that, I do, but nothing I could do about it at that point. The vid photo looked the same as the one that was deleted. Still, the idiot in the vid talked a little about what I was saying and I detailed the times in the vid with crensch.

Yes. Absolutely, inexcusably, rude.

I wasn't rude. I was being straight-forward. I was the one treated like shit. I haven't called you names anywhere.

Show me where this happened, (((son))).

Oh really? I'm a jew now because I refuse to align with people who are aligned with ZOG agenda>? Talk about being rude and out-of-line.

At no point have you shown anyone that your targets here are ZOG, or even behave like ZOG.

Actually, Blacksmith21. Remember? What about MolochHunter? I've seen a lot of jewish-type behavior in the great awakening, and trust me, I've seen enough of it for 25+ years to know what I'm talking about. They even banned me. and lets not forget about ohwellian trying to push others work as his own. Remember the fight between he and srayzie? Did you witness any of that?

Is Q ZOG or is it a LARP?

Its Zionist in nature is what I meant. I think it was real until their departure from 4Chan. That's when I think well-informed trolls started pushing it. Don't regret your mistake. I gave you the chance to fix your shit and come back with something worthy of Voat, and instead you came back with absurd accusations and whining.

That was after you threatened me to "destroy my life" whatever that means. Like I told you, I apologized to you for the vid in a PM and if that isn't good enough then I don't know what to tell ya. I wont change my position on Q, zionists or ZOG. as far as whining? No. I'm stating how they hit me in the back of the head while screaming out in pain.

Same to you. Seriously. I never told you to believe any different, I told you to support your position like a white man would; you did anything but.

Your opinion. Like a real white man, I regard Zionism as treason and consider Q Zionism because of being assosiated with the trump admin. Don't get me wrong, there was no other choice other than trump, but he isn't above criticism. He's a steppingstone to America's future. Nothing more. Make no mistake. He is a NY billionaire and a politician.


That's why I think its a group of people. Thanks for calling me a "retard".

I'm going to let you in on a little secret, CBG, the beta, Reddit-tier faggots you had me watch have one trick up their sleeve. They yak for 45 minutes about Q being a LARP, act dismissive and haughty and they mock anyone that doesn't believe as they do - they provide ZERO evidence of this, they just act like it's already true. They act like a cult of kooks by using the cult-like persuasion technique of telling you a fucking story that is so long and boring and wastes so much of your time that your brain has to rationalize why you chose to continue listening to them for so long. They force your pathetic, little mind into a sunk-cost fallacy in order to make you believe whatever they say with zero evidence because you were too stupid to turn their video off when they just wouldn't get to the fucking point; and they never do, do they? The timestamps you sent me to are textbook examples of this.I responded, RESPECTFULLY, here, addressing every point you wanted me to look at. Your weak response reminds me of nothing more than that of a Jew:

I already addressed this about the wrong vid. as far as the time stamps, many of them were off and I doubt they are time zone issues. Its my opinion and many others as well.

That's it. 10 word response, addressing absolutely nothing I wrote to you. What kind of childish, low-IQ, over-emotional (((manlet))) bullshit is this? I'm not your daddy, faggot, and I don't give a fuck if you have daddy issues where he made you do things you didn't want to do- keep that between you and your wife.

yawn. More insults against me and my family. As I told you, when it comes to Q I disregard it as Zionism or zioneocon territory. None of the other stuff even matters to me, to be honest. Whatever they say it will be jewish agenda.

Just editing all the twitters and youtubes as they go, faggot? HOW DIFFICULT WOULD IT HAVE BEEN FOR YOU TO VERIFY THAT EVEN ONE OF THOSE HAD BEEN A LIE? Honestly. Tell me how insanely difficult it would have been for you to do that with your limited capabilities; or are you so intellectually bankrupt that you really didn't even realize that such a thing could be done? I suppose it's your choice at this point, either you're dishonest and lazy and didn't want to present info that might harm your pathetically weak position, or you're too stupid to even figure this very simple thing out before making an ass of yourself.

Very emotional response. I don't think I've ever seen you get this emotional about anything. I'm not dishonest or lazy. As I've said, I consider Q a group of zioneocon larpers. It seems agenda-driven.

"Are you telling me that you trust Jared Kushner, Stephen Miller or any of the other youknowwho's in trumps circle?" No, I'm not.

Lets say that Q was real at first. If Q was Stephen Miller, or a whole group of jews, it wouldn't cause you concern?

You haven't shown that to be the case. You haven't even shown Q doing or saying something that is Israel first, or at least that could be interpreted as such.

Q said Israel is last and I take that as meaning a lot. Last means lets get the goy to wipe out all of israels enemies. Why isn't Israel first, seeing how jews own and control most things.

I just call them Jews, but do you really think I'm blind to these facts? Still irrelevant to Q being a LARP. I'm happy to have it out over Trump or his admin another time, but let's not change subjects in the middle of an argument, shall we?

I'm not trying to change the argument. Trump is a Zionist regime. Q supports that because they claim to be part of his admin. I think they are larpers, yes, so that means they are in line with Zionist agenda.

Are you admitting that Q has info?

No. I mean they've been keeping up with it closely. Whoever does the larping knows what they are doing, and it could be multiple people doing it, who know it all well and know what to say to get the followers stirring. Its why its all in 'cryptic twist it to fit your own narrative' bullshit.

Up above, NORTH KOREA PEACE was predicted. NOBODY predicted that before, it was IMPOSSIBLE.

Impossible? Peace has been talked about for the past three decades. leaders of North Korea have expressed willingness to engage in some form of denuclearization. NK signed the NPT in '85, something that Israel still refuses. In '92 NK signed a joint declaration of the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. In '94 NK pledged to the US to dismantle its nuke program. In 2005 NK agreed again to denuclearize in exchange for aid, which fell through. In 2011 NK met with Russia and was willing to minimize production.

Cuckchan "kicked Q off" like what else? Pizzagate? Assange dead-man's switch? What else does 4chan not allow again? Why is it called cuckchan, again? Why doesn't cuckchan allow those things? Is it because the Jews don't want those things talked about?That's like saying "Q was kicked off of reddit, so I formed my opinion then". I'm going to pretend you don't really believe that line of yours I just quoted.

That's when I think Q became a larp. well-informed trolls started doing it. Just my opinion.

Let me leave you with this, CBG: If you think Q is a larp-conspiracy-zionist-cult, how do you explain the company you find yourself in?

The company I'm in?? I would ask you the same. Some jews are anti-Israel. It doesn't mean I align with them. They're still jews to me. There's a lot of attention whore kooks on both sides. That I can agree with

I don't know what else to tell ya, man. You stand on the side of Q and I don't. That's where we are. The great awakening sub started this shit. I brought some of it to your attention about a month ago.

Crensch ago

Still not a shred of support for your claims Q is a LARP, and not a shred of effort put towards debunking the Q proofs I linked to you. You've lost my respect, and you can start earning it back when you can act like a white man and explain your position, or explain your reasoning for calling mine incorrect.

Until then, this is not only relevant, but amazingly an outline of your behaviour here.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

As I said, larp or not, its connected to a Zionist regime.

srayzie ago

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Your mad because I won. You banned me. rekt

srayzie ago

And your immature ass banned me from 3.

Jew mad that you had your ass handed to you? Have your nuts dropped back down into place yet bro?

MadWorld ago

Considering that he banned you from his 3 other subverses, I would say you have been very nice to him. He outright banned you while crying about you banning him from your subverse. Doesn't that remind you that "the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"?

Aside from that, I thought he was going to make a report proving that your subverse is run by zionist/jews (not sure what exact words were). Based on his reaction here, I doubt he would ever make any such report.

srayzie ago

Yes! Sounds like JIDF

Shizy ago

Only a nigger would ban you from 3 and then keep crying about how you banned him from one! 😂 I know he says he's white but he sure as shit doesn't act like it!

srayzie ago

He’s lost too much oxygen gagging on so much cock over the years!

CheeseboogersGhost ago


Crensch ago

Only one side of that image isn't delusional.

Tick tock.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Are you talking about the green image? Explain to me what you are referring to

Crensch ago

The one you just linked of the bombs. You think this will be anything like mutually assured destruction?

Crensch ago

Unirock has this covered the best on why Q is fake, but doboy poked some of the larpers and showed how they react like a cult. He went against some of the big Q-larpers. Q might have been a real psy-op on 4chan at first but after it stopped, attention-whore idiots ran with it and started larping.

This makes utterly no sense to me. I don't know Unirock, or doboy, and what does "react like a cult" mean? What does "went against some of the big Q-larpers" mean? What does the last sentence mean?

This is a lot of mucky wordsalad, bud.

That's my opinion on the matter.

Wish I understood an ounce of it.

Youtube has deleted some of his vids that lead up to this. He was into it with Tracy Beanz and called her a shekel whore and called her out on where she gets her info, or doesn't get it.

Who the fuck is Tracy Beanz? You say this as if these COSMO-magazine whores have anything to do with Q. How come I've never encountered them?

I can relate @15:40 because there's some good people who fell for the Q-larp bullshit, and how if you try to engage many of them the word "shill" gets thrown around a lot.

Sorry bud, but what the fuck is this depression/emo crap? Is there a point or a proof or something he's going to get to near 15:40?

He makes the point how its all Zionist-connected and manipulation of the population through schemes such as Q larp @28:30 - 31:00

"If you believe any motherfucking politician will change our situation. You're wrong and you're the dumbest motherfucker in the world."

Trump isn't a politician.

He says Q WAS real. What proof does he have for this? What proof does he have that it is no longer?

@34:40 he makes the point how these larpers steal others work, just like @Oh_Well_Ian was caught doing here, and they get their stuff just by reading message boards and pass around and add their larp to the already larped bullshit.

Who is he addressing in this video? He keeps saying "you".

I don't think anyone here has ever claimed info as their own. Spreading this info is not a bad thing, and who is anyone here going to credit with it? "Anon"? What's wrong with spreading information that you believe is important for people to see?

@46:40 he mentions how Q was kicked off 4chan

HAHAHAHAHAHA... 4chan is cucked and always has been. I'd have used it the exact same way if I had something important to divulge. 4chan has the name-recognition that 8ch does not. 4chan has the edgelord normies that just abandoned facebook and reddit and think they're cool for being on 4chan. Of course you start there! Starting on 8ch is like shooting yourself in the foot before the race starts. This is my reaction before watching that part of the video, but I'll do so now.

"kicked off of 4chan because X" any proof of X? Or that he "was the real Q"? All this guy is doing is talking, bud. You could have written this out in text here and it'd be the same - this guy is an anecdote. An opinion piece. He claims it's verifiable but does not verify it. He just expects whomever is listening to believe. Ever seen a certain type of people accuse others of what they're doing, CBG?

@146:40 Delango, shows how money has changed hands and how larpy it all has become, also calls out Tracy Beanz(it takes the retard a little bit but he goes through it and gets into Baker). Is Tracy Beanz here? oy vey Zionists and supporters everywhere!!

Who gives a fuck about this JewTube personality? Why wouldn't some scumbags from JewTube try and capitalize on the latest thing? How does having faggots begging for shekels make Q a LARP?

Some THOT with "association to the Q anon conspiracy" is important, why? Dude, this is like watching the Kardashians, or Jewsy Shore.

Another reference to "the first Q anon" but no supporting evidence that there are more than one. Again.

It's almost as if you think these people are important, CBG. What made you think these people mattered with Q anon? This is seriously just masturbatory drama on the part of these talking heads. These drama queens are pathetic.

Gonna need something better than this, bud. Q anon only communicates through the chans. A LOT of people have tried to co-opt it, and have been called out for doing so. Alex Jonesenstein showed his (((ass))) in trying to do so, causing a LOT of his previous supporters to realize he was a kike puppet.

Having those people around doesn't make Q fake, and the biggest thing, again, is that nothing has been presented that shows Q to be a LARP. Nothing.

all I asked for was a sincere public apology from @srayzie and @Shizy and I leave them alone if they leave me alone

You know you can block people, right? Or just ignore the pings? If you really wanted to be left alone, you have the power to remove them from your experience.

I don't know who owes who an apology, but this is Voat.


Last note -

I don't know what you think Q is, but if I thought these faggots were important to it, I'd think Q was a LARP, too.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I refuse to support ZOG and you cant make me

Lordbananafist ago

lol this shit is 2 hours long

CheeseboogersGhost ago

So? Get the bong ready and watch it

Lordbananafist ago

Q will have already destroyed israel by the time this is over ;)

CheeseboogersGhost ago


CheeseboogersGhost ago

They keep changing the rules so what fucking rules am I to go by?? This is weird cult territory

pby1000 ago

A lot of us are pizzagaters and have put a lot of time into exposing the pedos. Call us niggers, faggots, kikes, jews, etc, but not pedos.

So what if Q is a LARP. What is your plan for taking down the Cabal?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'm behind Pizzagate 100%. But know, most of the biggest pizzagaters left Voat two or three years ago and labeled it jewish-controlled.