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Crensch ago

728 views on an over-2-hour-long video.

What parts of the video do you find particularly compelling? Timestamps, please.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Unirock has this covered the best on why Q is fake, but doboy poked some of the larpers and showed how they react like a cult. He went against some of the big Q-larpers. Q might have been a real psy-op on 4chan at first but after it stopped, attention-whore idiots ran with it and started larping. That's my opinion on the matter. Youtube has deleted some of his vids that lead up to this. He was into it with Tracy Beanz and called her a shekel whore and called her out on where she gets her info, or doesn't get it.

I can relate @15:40 because there's some good people who fell for the Q-larp bullshit, and how if you try to engage many of them the word "shill" gets thrown around a lot.

He makes the point how its all Zionist-connected and manipulation of the population through schemes such as Q larp @28:30 - 31:00

@34:40 he makes the point how these larpers steal others work, just like @Oh_Well_Ian was caught doing here, and they get their stuff just by reading message boards and pass around and add their larp to the already larped bullshit. See, that's my exact opinion on what I think The Great Awakening is. Honest question: Has anything original ever came from this sub?

@46:40 he mentions how Q was kicked off 4chan

@146:40 Delango, shows how money has changed hands and how larpy it all has become, also calls out Tracy Beanz(it takes the retard a little bit but he goes through it and gets into Baker). Is Tracy Beanz here? oy vey Zionists and supporters everywhere!!

Crensch ago

Since I have it available right at the moment, (thanks to @srayzie,) I'm going to present something for your consideration.

You think Trump is a kike puppet. Let's just assume for now that you're correct.

You think Q is a LARP. I gave you my thoughts on your supporting videos, it's only fair that I present support for my side for you to examine:

Please debunk these.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I refuse to side with ZOG