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kneo24 ago

All he does is come here and call people Jews, zionists, feminazi’s, etc.

Well, it doesn't help that there are zionists here, and this place upvotes them. I'm not accusing you, OP, of being one, but one can't ignore that they exist here. It also doesn't help that some of the other users you've publicly praised act like feral niggers and use the same jew tricks that the JIDF and their ilk love using. Is he over the target sometimes? Sure. I don't agree with everything he does or says.

I’ll share a few things. Immediately after I banned CheeseFaggotsGhost, he made posts in other subs and banned me from 3 so that I couldn’t respond and explain the reason he was banned. So he basically censored me for no reason, but whatever. 🙄 Here is a screenshot and descriptions of why I was banned.JPEG This is the kind of people we are dealing with.

See, there's two things wrong here.

  1. Instead of pinging him directly (which you finally wisened up to, but I believe it's too late, he won that battle), you resort to the same petulant name calling that you more or less accuse him of doing.
  2. Nothing prevents you from sending PM's to people instead of going to their subs to discuss things with them.

What he does is just attack others and call his buddies over to join in.

In all of the evidence you provided, you can't show any proof that he's pinging his friends. You can suspect it, but with all of the other "bad" things that you have evidence for, not a single one shown for this. Yes, I've seen him ping others, though I doubt they're really buddies of his, but you weaken your position when you get sloppy and lazy.

I believe KosherHiveKicker is either Cheeseboogersghost or one of his little shill buddies.

That would be some personality switching going on there. Gonna need the evidence to prove that.

Drama happens on Voat all the time. You gotta work on not writing lengthy posts so often about the drama in your own subverse. You got burnt pretty bad by it. It's time to move past it, and I'm quite honestly not sure if you can with how often you get involved.

srayzie ago

I am aware zionists are here. There are a lot of kinds here. He is obsessed with one thing only. His Jewdar is whacked. He names everyone a Jew that he doesn’t like.

I don’t need your advice or your approval. Go back to sucking LittleBitchGhost’s little noodle.

kneo24 ago

I don’t need your advice or your approval.

No, but you're definitely attention seeking, which I keep mentioning. It's clear you want attention. You've have got tons of it. If you don't like some of the attention you're getting, stop seeking it out.

Go back to sucking LittleBitchGhost’s little noodle.

Just because you're attention seeking, constantly, and I agree with him sometimes, doesn't mean your petulant comment here holds any weight. This is no better than going around calling everyone you don't like a Jew. I've proven your hypocrisy multiple times now.

srayzie ago

Well genius, if I am the one that runs this sub, then I have to post. If it becomes full of shills and drama, I have to deal with it. So what you just said is ridiculous, especially since you are not a regular here and don’t even know me. What you did, is come over here to get involved with the drama. You don’t know the facts but you still want to pretend you do. Who wants the attention? You aren’t very bright. Go fuck yourself.

kneo24 ago

Well genius, if I am the one that runs this sub, then I have to post.

Well genius, no you don't. You don't have to publicly address every nuisance that comes into your path. This got out of your control by your own actions.

If it becomes full of shills and drama, I have to deal with it.

Again, you don't have to address it publicly, and again by your own actions it got out of hand.

So what you just said is ridiculous, especially since you are not a regular here and don’t even know me.

I'm actually quite capable of judging a person by their actions. I don't need to know you to see how you've poorly handled certain situations. You can deny the attention seeking all you want, but it's clear as day for anyone to see.

What you did, is come over here to get involved with the drama.

You keep inviting drama here. What did you expect?

You don’t know the facts but you still want to pretend you do.

And what facts am I missing here? Does it upset you that I've been very critical of you?

Who wants the attention?

I've said multiple times, you. You show you want it by increasing the drama and then playing the victim card.

You aren’t very bright. Go fuck yourself.

If I'm not very bright, then there's no god damn hope for you, you irresponsible cunt.