AnonComments ago

The majority of the time, the people who write anti-semetic comments on Voat, are the same people who make reports to organizations like JIDF. It's one of their shilling tactics to mislead newcomers. Jews will call out our own good people as Jews, in hopes that we will eat each other or pile on the anti-semetism, then report everything.

AnonComments ago

Here's an article of them doing the same thing, but in a different context. This time, they're calling in bomb threats on their own people and reporting it to the ADL. These are some seriously sick, self-loathing people.

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

Holy shit I thought it was a farce the most racist and red pilliest mother fuckers are about to flood voat

ArbeitMachtPepe ago

Donate shekels option on page for added jewiness

Peacethroughpower ago

Jidf is so on the(((nose))) that it could be a pol meme and yet it is real and un-ironic. They could not more fully embody the stereotypes if they tried

lissencarak ago

A very good approach the shills do there is to attack different right-wing groups to cause a perception of division and to actually divide some of the dumber lurkers.

Peacethroughpower ago

Twp did nothing wrong

Workman ago

Note that they never say to try and argue against, or disprove, the counter-semetic statements or images. Just to mock, ridicule, counter-signal and drown them out.

Because they have no argument against them.

Thrus2 ago

Arguing a point is hard, their approach is far easier. Also if you are going to argue a point you need your person to understand both sides of the issue, that could end badly for them.

Shekelstein6M ago

It's stuff like this that energizes me to redpill normies.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

They're working hard here at Voat too.

KEKjudo ago

Yep I’ve noticed

13421576? ago

Jews did nothing wrong!

Lol I finally got my shilling. 💩

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Jews are people just like us!!! There's mine ;)

13421731? ago

Holy shit I did not know oh well ian was a retard... trying to explain that metal can spark against rock is going through one ear hole and out the other...

Hmmm, here is more shilling for you - commiefornia does not hate NorCal.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

commiefornia does not hate NorCal

(starts trembling with laughter) OH YOU!

DeadBeatNigger ago

Wait... did they just say "stop anti semitism" but also say "stop pro Palestinian posts" but then also say "fight bigotry", all in the same paragraph, and all unironically? Jews! They're so silly.

MegaDouche ago

Jews! They're so evil. FTFY

whatisbestinlife ago

who validates these organizations? can we bring them before anyone for review?

CowWithBeef ago

The conditioning is relentless. I can't imagine long time goats seeing the rest of the west as anything but insane. Jews endure a lifetime of victimhood training on top of the normal brainwashing so they're the least aware of their own hypocrisy. Their position makes some sense if Jews are just getting shit on unprovoked throughout history which is what they are taught.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Yeah. I read something written by an awoken Israeli Jew, many, many years ago, and he said that the younger the generation, the more they actually believe what they're saying, on top of their subversive behaviors. So they're being fifth column, but actually don't think it's wrong, or immoral in any way.

smokratez ago

I do most of my redpilling on jew sites like reddit. Are you going to shut that down too kikes? Please do. lol.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Slavs posting fake screenshots?

KEKjudo ago

Lol look, he’s JIDF

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

lol, I bet you're using google translate to pretend to be American. Whats your barbaric language?

KEKjudo ago

You sound like an Israeli

Workman ago

Christ, are you one of those "slavs aren't white, mediterraneans aren't white" people? I hate you types, by your criteria of what "white" is, whites are already extinct save for maybe a couple dozen scandinavians on some remote islands off the coast of Norway.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Slavs dont have status as whites because they are literally subhuman, its not some whiteness progressive-stack at issue here.

smokratez ago

Jews, who supposedly control the world, are scared of a bunch of white guys with computers. Fucking hilarious.

BigFatDaddy ago

Makes me wonder if Voat is where they get sent to shill when their boss is pissed at them.

Monte_Carlo ago

Voat isn't a big influencer yet, so their effort are low over here.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I bet they all know me by name in that office ah ah ah

BigFatDaddy ago

They've probably got extensive psyche profiles on all us Goats by now. Joke's on them, my family already knows I'm crazy.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

lolol I'm just crazy enough to keep me from going insane

BigFatDaddy ago

Sane enough to realize you're crazy, crazy enough to not care.

Javik2186 ago

Colonel: "I have told you time and time again not to place your coffee mug on top the computer servers."

JIDF agent: "But Colonel?"

Colonel: "Six months on Voat."

JIDF agent: "Sir? You can't! They'll find me out within minutes!"

Colonel: "What is that I hear? You want a year? Okay."

theHare ago

Oh my funny.

KEKjudo ago

Found one

BigFatDaddy ago

I laughed harder than I should have at this.

lord_nougat ago

I laughed flaccidly, but I ain't judging.

BigFatDaddy ago

You know, they make a pill for that...

CheeseBoogersFatWife ago

Yes, and it works great! My husband takes it before he goes out with the guys and he says it helps him to stay rock hard all night, whatever that means. All I know is he's really popular with all the niggers in town

lord_nougat ago

I am shame.

*Takes pill

Syndicalism ago

Ha. Out of the frying pan into the fire!

BigFatDaddy ago

More like into the oven, AmIright?

totes_magotes ago

Go to their website. They have a notice that they are part of the "Amazon Services LLC Associates Program." Send Amazon a link to the page this screenshot was from.