SearchVoatBot ago

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EpiPendemic ago

I am just waiting for a job offer from feds. I'm half kidding

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Do not update the canary, especially months after major events which saw the deplatforming and investigation into right-wing sites
  2. Make accessing the site extremely frustrating with slow load times and constant “maintenance"
  3. Shutdown registration
  4. Prevent non-registered users from viewing the site
  5. Disallow subverse creation
  6. Cut off all communication, hoping that they'd start asking why I'm not more active

These are things done by someone who doesn’t give a shit about the truth and wants everyone who knows it to die horribly as their people are exterminated. If he wanted to tell us something and had a single molecule of testosterone in his body, he’d just tell us.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Maybe we should build our own voat, with blackjack, and hookers.

SearchVoatBot ago

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NPC-57981209 ago

Registrations have opened again. Putt might be giving us a sign of confirmation of this thread.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

The fact that you don't need to know the identity of the secret investor should tell you all you need to know.

NPC-57981209 ago

What is a canary?

user9713 ago

TL;DR: a way of letting users know that the site is being investigated by authorities. If the canary isn't updated, the site admin is signaling that the site has been subpoenaed.

A warrant canary is a method by which a communications service provider aims to inform its users that the provider has been served with a government subpoena despite legal prohibitions on revealing the existence of the subpoena. The warrant canary typically informs users that there has not been a court-issued subpoena as of a particular date. If the canary is not updated for the period specified by the host or if the warning is removed, users are to assume that the host has been served with such a subpoena. The intention is to allow the provider to warn users of the existence of a subpoena passively, without technically violating the court order not to do so.

Some subpoenas, such as those covered under 18 U.S.C. §2709(c) of the USA Patriot Act, provide criminal penalties for disclosing the existence of the subpoena to any third party, including the service provider's users.

imgettingmymen ago

I think there's a bunch of luminescent individuals on voat dying to open it up so they can flood it with illegal content and get it knocked it offline for good. 8chan got nuked and they are desperate to kill voat. If voat stayed locked down for years I wouldn't give a fuck. Voat built a wall, deal with it cunt.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

New registrations are open .

user9713 ago

Voat built a wall, deal with it cunt.

People mainly care about the constant "maintenance" that prevents us from using the site.

Do you have a legitimate argument besides your strawman?

ex-feminist ago

i know its not really an option but it would be nice if someone could go over to his house and make sure hes ok and not being bound, gagged and tied to a chair while a jew-putt-clone widdles away at his sanity

Derpfroot ago

I think everyone is being dramatic little women. It's a website where people chat about current events. Everyone's making it all out to be some huge thing. You visit a website, you type; that's it.

user9713 ago

It's a website where people chat about current events.

That's a bit of a problem when the website is down for a good chunk of the day. And that's just a microcosm of the issues that the website is experiencing.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

They have been amassing information and building cases on individuals here to charge with federal crimes.

Too bad those motherfuckers don't realize that most of us know the law and we haven't broken a single fucking law. There's no restriction on hopes and prayers and expressing them.

So fuck you, you alphabet agency fucks.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

We're all good until they get rid of the 1st amendment. As soon as they put free speech is OK, Hate speech is not into writing. We're all fucked. They'll put us all into a gulag. It's why they're amassing the information now, for the hail marry world domination play they have coming up.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Retroactive punishment for 1st Amendment expression would ensure definitive use of the 2nd Amendment against anyone trying to enforce it. That is exactly why they are the 1st and 2nd.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

You stating that is exactly why they're going after the 1st... Because people like you and others on voat are a very very small minority in the pond of idiots that are only looking forward to the Steelers game this weekend. If they damn near abolished the 1st amendment I would guarantee less than 20% of Americans would do fuck all to stop it. They're all soyed up to become docile and fluoridated to become idiotic and complacent.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Roughly 3% participated in the Revolutionary War.

All an idea needs to take hold is 3% of a population to remain steadfast in their belief, no matter what.

SpunRecord ago

Here I got a plan.

This is an actual plan: I am in process to murder the judge who compelled Putt. It will happen on November 3rd. There will be chaos.

Holonomic ago

You've been here 6 months and you're already pissing and whining like a reddit-faggot?

Go fuck yourself. If you didn't live your life online maybe you wouldn't care what a website is doing or not doing to entertain you. Fucking dumbass.

Ps4Freedom ago

Really? Do I need to make a post telling Putt how grateful we are? I'm inclined to repeat his words... Shut the hell up you spoiled ungrateful babies... Sure, those aren't his words. He was much more diplomatic and kind. If it's Putt that makes you want to complain I can sincerely say you are a ladyboy. If you are disappointed that you can't make new names you're probably living in the matrix and should stop by one of the Q boards for a red pill. Voat being locked down is much preferred than no voat at all. I can't believe I'm the newbie standing up for the incredible person that owns this site while complaints and jokes emminate from the long timers. Look at all the work that's been done to keep you in free speech. If you don't see the value, go find another place to bitch about no contact and see how that works for you. Yes, I'm pissy today but you know I'm right.

user9713 ago

Yes, I'm pissy today but you know I'm right.

No one's being ungrateful, you dumb fuck. Your whole post is flawed and you're displaying symptoms of Dunning-Kruger.

Ps4Freedom ago

There is no reason to think Putt is anything but fine. There's been a lot of 'Putt is compromised' since I landed here before you, BTW. Or are you one of the ding dongs that can't stick to one name and own who you are? In which case your a damn baby playing at being adult. For a name with the Q tag you sure are naive. Did you not get the notice we are at war when you tried the red pill or did you just spit it back up because you couldn't handle it?

What part of AT WAR do you not get? Which part of 8chan gone did you miss? What planet do you live on anyway? Do you have some facts to back up any claim that Putt is not fighting to keep your free speech intact instead of babysitting today?

I don't know everything but I sure as hell know this, Voat is a target and Putt is taking care of it. Infiltrated and needs to be checked on?... the 3 letter clowns have him locked in a dungeon and have taken the site...? And you think I'm the one with some weird disease? ::rolls her eyes:: By all means keep commenting. I could use the distraction and a target to take out my aggression today. Try living in a war zone you simpleton. That's where millions are and where Putt is too... in a war zone fighting for freedom, albeit different platforms. At least I hope he's not in an area that is being targeted with fire or flood and only having to deal with Voat and your freedom of speech. What do you suppose is really going on when the site is in maintenance mode? The Voat faires just doing us a favor? You seem to be the epitome of Qtard. In which case I'm happy to oblige making you feel like an idiot. BTW when was the last time you did some actual manual labor?

user9713 ago

I like you how you ignore all the evidence and resort to red-herrings and ad-hominems. Try not to glow so hard, faggot.

Ps4Freedom ago

You didn't cite any evidence. I'm still waiting... all I see are bored over concerned people without a clue and people making fun of the post. What red herring and what ad homawhats? Be specific. If you are concerned about Putt, say so! That's at least thoughtful. Anything else is just noise or dissension. So whatcha got bubba, to convince me that I'm wrong. I'm sure I can find you a trainer if you need help at the gym. That'll get your head on straight so I can satisfactorily kick your ass. Otherwise you're just bait fish and really rather disappointing to my sensibilities of fair play.

user9713 ago

You didn't cite any evidence.

Go back and read my OP, faggot.

Ps4Freedom ago

Every assumption you raise has already been answered by Putt. You have a list of assumptions that you're trying to string into facts. I'm calling bull shit. Prove me wrong. It's your post OP, defend the damn thing. Insulting me will get you no where. It just makes you look stupid.

user9713 ago

Assumption #1: if the canary isn't updated, the site has been subpoenaed ✔

Assumption #2: Putt said it might be the last time the canary is updated ✔

Assumption #3: Putt has not come out to address anything, despite many users wanting to hear from him ✔

So you're saying I'm right. Thank you. Good bye.

Ps4Freedom ago

  1. the canary... plus 2. Putt says it may not get updated so when it doesn't you say it's because he was subpoenaed?

Does a subpoena silence anyone before court?

Do you announce battle plans or attacks while in battle?

Putt has a history of going quiet.

All you have proven is that you have assumptions.

No need to thank me yet as I don't believe you understand what I think. You did ask what I think.

You either don't know how to use the word glow or you think I'm part of a 3 letter agency???

Think it through, dear. This is concern fagging. Putt has no obligation to stop what he's doing to relieve you of your assumptions. If you can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen. He said that too : )

TheAmerican ago

Seriously wrong? This is a fucking internet forum you idiot.

user9713 ago

What kind of world do you live in where an internet forum has this many problems, you dumb bastard?

Holy shit, you're on a blocked-level of stupidity. Blocked.

sionblade22 ago

Yes it's a honeypot, anyone who says different is a dumb nigger or glowing

Gigglestick ago

Yeah, give up faggot. That’s what we should do!

Charlez6 ago

I think I'd get really frustrated if I ran a website with a canary notice that hadn't been updated in some time, and some braindead minority of the userbase kept openly wondering what that could possibly mean.

You know what it means. Assume that until/unless proven otherwise. End of discussion.

Post like you've already been doxed. Post like those who hate us might drag you into court tomorrow to answer for your banter in front of family, friends, and reporters. On that note, to anybody reading mine: 1488. You know where to find me.

avgwhtguy1 ago

the truth will set you free

randomfuckingidiot ago

Fuck em if they cant take a joke

scoopadoop ago

I have no doubt that serious fuckery is taking place. What should we do?

Blood-is-Nature ago

The so called jews want you enslaved and dead, and they deceive to achieve that, for which they need the means of control over all information. You want to live, because that's nature, and nature demands endless struggle by adapting to ever changing do that and create new forms of information spreading or participate in old ones (grassroots marketing, guerrilla warfare, being an inspiration, speaking truth to children, building defenses, exposing lies or just enjoying your life, while the so called jews make their own existence a living hell by hating you for it.) Life is short, death unavoidable, and voat will be gone sooner or alter, utilize and enjoy it, instead of wasting your time on conjuring up desperation scenarios.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I thought it had been agreed that Voat has been compulsorily acquired by Deep State as a test platform to see how Nationalists react under pressure when they are isolated. Do they have the "right stuff" to form a coherent society. This is in preparation for the New Order. Lord of the Flies-type-thing. Some goats have cracked under the strain. @Tallest_Skill is not a happy camper but he's received counselling and is responding to tough love - well some call it waterboarding but it's a matter of interpretation really. So as someone said we just need to get used to all these eyes on us and soldier on!

Tallest_Skil ago

You pinged the paid shill account, not my account. Then again, your description is more accurate to him than me.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

dear oh me this is confusing! I see, there's an extra "l". You need to advertise this fact [a separate post somewhere] if you are the genuine article. I will not deal with imposters.

Tallest_Skil ago

The rules forbid his account from existing, and Putt has repeatedly banned and deleted impersonation accounts in the past. He has just been gone for months and hasn’t responded to anyone’s recent reports. There are new accounts being made right now to impersonate others, too.

Tallest_Skill ago

They have given me dill pickle and BBQ flavored foreskins so I am happy.

I am @Tallest_Skil and I love foreskins, foreskins and anal.

PaulNeriAustralia ago


Tallest_Skill ago

reply to me here ---> @Tallest_Skil

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself.

Tallest_Skill ago

so you can lick my corpse, I don't think so. Keep on dreaming.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Do they have the "right stuff" to form a coherent society

I'm convinced we do

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'm not unfortunately

PaulNeriAustralia ago

what role do you want in the New Order?

randomfuckingidiot ago

Those dudes were twats

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I see. So you're saying I'm a twat. Well that's lovely that is. I'm going to bed it's 12.18 a.m. in Oz. Good night. Not sure if Voat will be there in the morning.

boekanier ago

Every day, there is voat 'maintenance'. Putt is working really hard those days.

Rajadog20 ago

They just subpoenaed Kiwi Farms because someone posted the video of the German shooting.

A judge in NYC subpoenaed all IP addresses and personal information, locations of users related to posting a VIDEO that took place in Germany, and they are claiming the video is a felony...

Expect they do the same here

hang_em_high ago

Where is that site located? If its not Germany can they just tell them to fuck themselves?

Rajadog20 ago

Based in the US but the owner moved to Russia I believe. This was a US judge

SpreeFeech ago

Can you post the video here?

Rajadog20 ago

Not on this account. There’s a torrent on kiwi farms somewhere of you want to find it

randomfuckingidiot ago

Which shooting was this? Why are they all up in arms about it?

Rajadog20 ago

The one in Halle Germany. The guy tried to shoot a synagogue with homemade weapons and was stopped by a wooden door. He then goes and shoots one land whale and one kebab, unrelated to the synagogue.

They’re probably hiding it so people don’t see muh antisemitism

Cat-hax ago

Now that's fucking insane

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskVoat submission by @TradMan.

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Gorillion ago

I think someone hacked my account and wrote a bunch of dissident opinion. So outrageous. Me am a gud boi!


TheAntiZealot ago

I think someone hacked mine and wrote


on every fifth post.

It's horrendous! Who could bear to witness such atrocities?!

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Whoever it is, is a racist bigot. They hacked mine and named my account this before I created it. Fucking Nazi's...

Glipglup ago

Good goy*.

Now eat your bugs and get in the pod.

THEx1138 ago

Soy boys are easily panicked. That is what I think.

user9713 ago

Thank you for analyzing the evidence and offering a rebuttal. Your post is worthy of serious consideration.

PewterKey ago

If the site becomes instantly stable and running well with registration again, then we know the feds have taken over. Putt would need weeks to improve it and likely would fuck it up once or twice along the way. When feds hijack pedo sites it instantly becomes more stable and tries to rope people in. They would do the same to voat.

user9713 ago

The site was running well for a long time up until recently; were they monitoring the site before?

markrod420 ago

My feeling is that the increased instability is the result of constant attacks. That or my paranoia briefly asked the other day "what if every time voat goes down for 10 minutes thats another goat being killed" there arent that many of us here. they take the site down every time they kill one of us to make sure we cant get a message out. Obviously this is extremely unlikely. Still it did pop in my head.

PewterKey ago

It's a good question. The feds running voat might have run out of money like other propaganda outlets that closed recently. And then they dropped it into a maintaince mode.

pushthis ago

I think he is playing cards with intent to not lose the site.

If registration was up or site never ''went down'',, id probably get dos'd and ruined

user9713 ago

Addressing points 1, 2, and 6, would alleviate all my concerns. I don't mind registration being temporarily down or that non-registered users can't see posts, but the other stuff needs to be addressed.

pushthis ago

I dont belive it is nessicarily himself causing the issues. This site gets dox'd.

In streasfull times there a push to make announcements that dont need to be made. He probably wants to stay removed from this site. It could get him killed; we discuss moreso ''heavyier'' stuff.

BrennKommando ago

I'm thinking Puttsy is probably taking a well deserved break at the looney bin. Surprised it took so long really. Between the outside pressure to have Voat shut down, regular government emails that he would be getting by now and the amount shit goats throw at him for trying to keep the thing floating, it would make sense that he eventually cracked. I think it would have gotten to me way earlier.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Agree "a well deserved break" but not sure about the venue.

BrennKommando ago

It was said in jest on my part, but there might be some truth to it. That thing with the builders/destroyers that totally backfired? I'm pretty sure that was Puttsy trying to dig deep to find motivation to keep going.

I certainly hope he's alright. He's a big fluffy care bear and don't deserve the shit that's been thrown at him.

Gopherurself ago

He's going strong at

CognitiveDissident5 ago

That account was banned from poal wasn't it?

Gopherurself ago


Cannonfodder ago

Probably golfing somewhere, hitting birdies and staying out the sandtrap

SithEmpire ago

Definite injunction in effect at a minimum.

TradMan ago

Where can we go?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Poal, many VOAT users are already there.

TradMan ago


user9713 ago

I don't think there exists a site that doesn't censor with a community just as good as Voat's.


Maybe the site outages are some kind of morse code

TestForScience ago

  • .... . / ... .. - . / .. ... / -.-. --- -- .--. .-.. . - . .-.. -.-- / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- . -.. .-.-.- / - .... . / .--- . .-- ... / .... .- ...- . / - .- -.- . -. / --- ...- . .-. .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / .- .-.. .-.. / --- -. / .- / .-.. .. ... - / -. --- .-- .-.-.- / --. . - / --- ..- - / .-- .... .. .-.. . / -.-- --- ..- / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / -.-. .- -. .-.-.-

WokieDokie ago



PaulNeriAustralia ago

"Lists", did someone mention lists? The list is the first sign of fascism which doesn't bother me if my name's not on it.

ItsOk2bArian ago

What'd you say 'bout my mama? Same to you buddy. I got your beep beep dash beep swingin' mofo

crazy_eyes ago

I think you're making things up

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Are you on dissenter? You talk just like a guy on there.

crazy_eyes ago

no i am not

hatecrime ago

Clearly something strange is happening. These maintenance messages makes no sense.

clubberlang ago

Also just opened the flood gates to signing up so I'm pretty sure the overly offended will start taking over or honeypots installed

WhitePaladin ago

We are the cattle locked in the cage. Putt was the traitorous sheep that makes it but leads all the others to death. And we cant turn back now.

The feds (and kikes) are here watching.

prairie ago

Retry what you did and they often go away.

go1dfish ago

Putt mentioned being contacted by some agency right around the same time as 8ch anons were posting videos of friendly FBI visits.

This was not long after members of Voat started quite literally celebrating mass murderers.

I think there is a combination of things at work here:

  • Putt is not an Identitarian/Alt-Right/Race-Realist and at best reluctantly tolerates this crowd because his ideology wrt free speech and Voat's brand demands it
  • FBI Contacted Voat looking for some sort of help, and/or trying to scare him into compliance or just threaten potential consequences (this kills the canary)
    • Even given the above, I think Putt would be reluctant to sell out his userbase to the feds.
  • The 8ch situation has made it clear Voat has a very difficult road ahead if it is to grow at all, this likely also scared off the mystery investor if they ever had any hope of a financial return here
  • The 8ch situation also poses the potential for a mass migration here with associated media coverage and scorn.
  • Running sites at decent scale is also hard, and Voat started as a hobby project by student devs
  • Having no profit potential, the FBI breathing down his neck, and a userbase that Putt would rather not associate himself with leads to apathy at best.

Making the site require logins and not allow signups is undeniably a way to slowly strangle it, and I don't feel like Putt's motives in doing so are malicious.

Imagine for a moment you were running Voat (or a similar site) and watched what happen to 8ch. How would you react?

antiliberalsociety ago

I can chime in on that.

Our very own @TexasVet sold us out by going to the FBI for butthurt feefees, whilst calling for civil war and recruiting for a militia.

He was apparently tied to a terrorist by the left even before coming here and the majority of his posts look like ammo for the left to use against Voat when they come to shut us down.

Tacops777 ago










Phantom42 ago

Bottom line, Putt is unlikely to give a damn about the Truth and those that carry it.

Not sure it's someone I'd want to associate with either.

Glory_Beckons ago

It's worth remembering that this is NOT the first time...

  • ... that @PuttItOut has gone MIA for weeks or months
  • ... that Voat was left to float along with intermittent technical issues
  • ... that the canary has gone without an update for ages

And, every time, there were always rumors of doom, and gloom, and things that glow in the dark. And yet, we're still here.

Because, every time, Putt just showed up again one day. And it turned out he was just busy, burnt out and/or needed a break.

And then, apparently, everyone forgot about it.

Keep in mind that the "Chill on threats" announcement is 6 months old. Three months later, he made these announcements:

In the latter, he explains why Voat is in lockdown:

This latest [DDoS] attack was responsive in that they were monitoring Voat. When I turned Voat off, they stopped sending traffic, but within minutes of enabling Voat, they continued their assault.

In response to this dynamic nature, the only thing I could do was to prevent the botnet from being able to function how it was. I accomplished this by requiring Authorized Only access as typical DDOS attacks on a smaller site like Voat don’t usually come with advanced planning (e.g. creating accounts). Based on their persistence and monitoring I had to disable registrations because that would be their next move to get around the first.

And why it must continue for now:

Now fast-forward to CloudFlare, which recently made news for doing something they promised they’d never do again, terminating customer service. They terminated 8chan and while that is horrible in and of itself, they did it in the most callous way possible by giving them mere hours’ notice. They terminated abruptly to inflict the most pain possible, which speaks volumes of the character of that organization.

Meanwhile the anti-truth, anti-freedom, anti-free speech advocates that dominate our internet media reveled in their victory, they were already looking for an additional trophy to add to their collection.

This is where I think the hand of God works in mysterious ways. They next came after Voat, but because of the recent attacks, Voat was inaccessible to those without accounts, thus giving them zero content in which to twist and distort in order to pressure a company like CloudFlare (now that they know it works).

And which ended on this note:

Voat has a lot of decisions to make now. Big decisions.

Writing custom software from scratch is already a daunting task, we now also have to contend with an environment that is growing increasingly hostile to basic rights of human communication. They won’t stop, and they can’t stop, because the Truth always wins in the end, and Truth isn’t on their side. It will be a fight each and every day going forward. Prepare.

To the weak: Leave. This isn't a fight for cowards or ladyboys.

I don’t know where this will all end but Voat will do the noble thing and continue standing for principles that are the right of every man and child: the freedom of expression, to be free in thought, to live as free men.

Does this sound like he's compromised and defeated?

Last we heard, he had big plans for the future. For all we know he's busy working on that.

Voat remains locked down because, the moment we open up, we will become target number 1 for leftist thought-crime censors.

8chan is still down, in spite of its admin's monumental efforts to bring it back online. Every time they get close, they get sabotaged again. While it remains down, Voat remains at risk of being deplatformed as well.

I don't think Putt will even consider opening Voat up again until at least one of the following occurs:

  • 8chan comes back online, providing cover and deflecting attention
  • Something drastic changes politically, removing the risk of deplatforming
  • He finds a technical solution to keep Voat safe and operational

At least, that's how I would go about it.

1anddone ago

Good points but why can’t he just log on and say hello

CognitiveDissident5 ago

New registrations are open

Glory_Beckons ago

Woah, you're right. That's a pretty new development, I remember checking not too long ago.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Does this sound like he's compromised and defeated?

To the weak: Leave. This isn't a fight for cowards or ladyboys.

Its sounds like its compromised to me. That sort of bullshit, accusing detractors of being ladyboys, is rule number one out of Saul Alinksy's "rules for radicals": ridicule.

Glipglup ago

I dunno I'm not a radical leftist but I like calling people dumb niggers.

Niggardly_Jew ago

As do I, but to a specific person who is acting like a dumb nigger. I don't generally say that everyone who disagrees with me must be a dumb nigger.

Rotteux ago

But what if they are?

Niggardly_Jew ago

They're not

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

He should make all the current accounts "approved" and flag new accounts, so if the site ever does get ddosed again he can just revert back by making it private again and deleting the flagged accounts

LoveRight ago

@PuttItOut read this dude

Glory_Beckons ago

You wouldn't need a special flag, you could just go by account age. Could use a badge to make it official, I suppose.

But none of that would really help, because it only addresses half of the problem... and poorly at that.

DDoS is not a question of "if" but "when". And when it happens again, that would mean having to delete a lot of new legitimate users to deal with it. At the same time, until new accounts were nuked, it would allow attackers entry and insight about the site and its weaknesses. So it would benefit perpetrators and punish innocents. It would also empower the attackers. Not only would they take the site down temporarily, but also force Putt to permanently delete accounts of legitimate users. Not much of a solution.

DDoS is also only half of the problem. The other is deplatforming. The risk of that skyrockets the moment the lockdown is lifted, because it would give cry bullies ammunition to pressure service providers that Voat relies on. The way it is, they cannot see the site unless they have an account already. And even if they do, they cannot link anyone new to anything they find (or post themselves to agitate).

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

DDoS is not a question of "if" but "when". And when it happens again, that would mean having to delete a lot of new legitimate users to deal with it.

Who cares

At the same time, until new accounts were nuked, it would allow attackers entry and insight about the site and its weaknesses.

I'm sure "attackers" already such insights.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Actually the fact he hasn't done something as obvious and straightforward as that already makes me raise eyebrows

1moar ago

Spot on

Maggotfeast ago

What is the voat canary?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I'm glad you asked. I...I didn't have the courage.

Glory_Beckons ago


Note the last edit time, in the side bar, under Submission Info:

Last edit time: 6 months ago on 4/25/2019 12:04:41 AM

Every time Putt updates that post, he is effectively reaffirming the notice.

A court can compel him not to disclose that he has been ordered to cooperate with them, but they cannot compel him to update that notice.

It is the proverbial canary in the coal mine.

Normally, canaries are updated frequently and on a regular schedule. Putt has not been consistent about updating it at all. It routinely goes without an update for months. Which really defeats the purpose and only serves to incite all sorts of rumors.

hang_em_high ago

Last major technical issue that I remember here was fixed by Atko when the database filled up. We haven’t seen him either for ages.

Glory_Beckons ago

Yes, and that was much worse, with Voat going down completely for around a week or so. And it was something completely trivial and easy to fix that caused it. Putt just wasn't around to fix it, and Atko had trouble figuring it out. We also "hadn't seen" Atko for ages before that incident. He "showed up" only when the issues were happening, and then seemingly disappeared again.

hang_em_high ago

All good points. Do you know if the canary was maintained during that time period?

Glory_Beckons ago

I don't remember for certain, but I don't think it was. I think it was months out of date, as usual. I seem to recall people making a fuss about it back then as well. But people always make a fuss about it, so that might just be my memory playing tricks on me.

If one were motivated enough, one could dig through the history on (where those who knew about it hung out while was down) during that time, and see if anyone mentioned it. I'm not nearly motivated enough for that though.

RiverWind ago

I agree with OP, Voat looks like it has been compromised. Its centralized service made this inevitable. If goats are looking for a better engineered platform to support free expression, check out Aether:

  • Free software licence
  • Distributed
  • Anonymous
  • Designed to prevent "Power Mods"
  • Cross-Platform
  • Up and running already
  • For free expression

Travisty ago

How does the free expression with mods work? If you say something 51% of people don't want to hear the mod will have their support in removing that content.

RiverWind ago

Good question. Firstly, if desired, you can create several subs with the same name. It would be like having two or three different /v/AskVoat communities. You could start a new one, and tell people to head over there, for example.

Secondly, you can elect and impeach Mods. You get to see the Mod history, what they have been doing, and can vote on removing the Mod, if you like. There is a page describing these useful mechanics here:

So, I hope you head on over, start a sub, post some content and have some fun!

herbert_west ago

Can you recommend some communities there?

RiverWind ago

Sure, and thanks for asking:

  • LookAtMyNewSub
  • TechnologyNewsNetwork
  • Science

Keep an eye on the "New" section of Aether. It is a good way of finding interesting content and subs worth joining.

Bring some content to share and why not start a sub of your own?

herbert_west ago

There is a Voat community as well :)

go1dfish ago

It's a cool project, and a great idea. But requiring the install of desktop only software means anything posted there will likely have as little viewership and exposure as it does on private voat.

RiverWind ago

The client is the reason that Aether is strong. Because of the client, Aether can remain decentralized and therefore not subject to control by a government.

Oh, it is you, go1dfish! Thanks for looking at this. I am very glad. Think of all the ways that voat is weak, and Aether has averted these issues. Also, if Goats moved over to Aether en masse, it wouldn't be an issue.

Currently, where else would goats go if Voat were shut?

go1dfish ago

I've been working on which has similar goals to aether, but with a goal of web accessibility.

The decentralization isn't quite there yet with nab, but the longer term plan is p2p via webrtc in the browser. Even if that doesn't work out it should be possible for a more federated setup.

Niggardly_Jew ago

You should make a post comparing voat alternatives' usability, weaknesses, amd advantages, including poal (small userbase), aether (I've never tried), notabug (was unusable last time I tried), stormfront forums (hosting issues, totally different (older) forum structure), (hosting issues, pure anonymous), and whatever other free speech focused alternatives exist.

From a technical perspective, not necessarily an anlysis of the userbase.

MarauderShields ago

Looks interesting. Have you used it or is it just a hypothetical recommendation?

RiverWind ago

Been using it a while now. If you are familiar with the theoretical weaknesses of Voat, it is great to be on a platform that doesn't suffer from those.

Look at it like this, if Voat goes, where are people going to go? Staying centralized on Voat is a disaster waiting to happen, and a similar, centralized Voat clone will inevitably go the same way. The sooner people realize this the better. The same thing happened to 4chan, went to 8 chan, went to neinchan. It is repeating the same mistakes. Decentralized, encrypted is the way forward.

How long do you want to stay on a compromised site? When you see Aether in action, you will understand. Post some content, bring some friends.

MarauderShields ago

Sounds worthy. See you there. Under a different name of course.

prairie ago

MarauderShields2. Nobody will ever figure it out.

SpeedyRacer ago

Ive never had this happen before but after voat crashing today voat asked for my location in my browser. Is this normal has anyone else had this happen? (Im guessing my browser had issues?)

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Lock your doors and windows. Better still - leave town.

Glory_Beckons ago

Are you using Chrome? You're using Chrome, aren't you? Don't use Chrome.

Google's business model is to spy on its users and sell their data to the highest bidder.

SpeedyRacer ago

Yeah I was using a chominum based browser but not chrome itself. Thats probably it thanks for the reply.

TradMan ago

Your account has 33 SCP.

Get fucked.

SpeedyRacer ago

It seems to be a chrome issue and I found out by commenting here. Go be a bitch boy somewhere else.

TradMan ago

I see you've got the feels.

SpeedyRacer ago

Yeah feels like you're a bitch.

TestForScience ago

I have never once had that happen.

What type of device are you using / what browser are you using / are you sure it wasn't a general request for another function/program?

SpeedyRacer ago

Seems to be a chrominum based browser issue.

user9713 ago

I've never experienced that. Don't know what to tell you.

TheBuddha ago

Have you tried checking the times of the errors? They could be a code and he's leaving us a clue as to what happened!

Element115 ago

I decoded it. Putt is Q and he's fighting "the deep state" all alone.

He's been deep undercover trying to sabotage Obama's secret prayer rug.

TheBuddha ago


Element115 ago

Trump announced killing the 2nd in command of ISIS and Putt returned to reopen the site as soon as I let the cat out of the bag.

Let this be a lesson in being careful what you ask for!

TheBuddha ago


I am not that kinda doctor.

Element115 ago

Three dots. That's a symbol used by the deep state clowns. I knew it all the time! You'll never stop the wall!

TheBuddha ago

... .. ... ..- . .-.

Element115 ago

We don't speak no french here in MAGA COUNTRY

user9713 ago

Meh, I think all the evidence speaks for itself at this point.

For me, resolving issues 1, 2, and 6, would alleviate my concerns.

But I don't see that happening. And Lord knows many people have tried getting him to respond to us.

heygeorge ago

The canary is dead. That’s why putts made the ‘chill out on the threats’ post.

As for purposefully making the site slow, I don’t think that’s the case. I can say: It is peculiar that Puttsy hasn’t updated with even a couple simple bugfixes which would improve some of the really obvious errors.

Also, you can laugh at him, but @thebuddha’s suggestion is not without merit.

lord_nougat ago

I really don't.

TheBuddha ago

No, no... I think you should see if it's a code. Keep track of the time (use GMT, as that's what the site uses) and check duration or frequency. It's probably a simple code, like Morse.

It could also be a code and the cypher is his last long announcement.

BrennKommando ago

Oh you! :P

TheBuddha ago

Why? Why are you stomping all over my rose garden?

If we're gonna have the Qtards, we might as well have fun with them.

TheRealAmalek ago

i think the ship is sinking

user9713 ago

Man, if there were another site with the same type of community, I would leave. The rest of social media is garbage compared to Voat and you can't call them out without being banned.

7e62ce85 ago

Man, if there were another site with the same type of community,

Literally what is. The captchas there are things like "nigger faggot".

irelandLost ago

You get banned on twitter for calling people retards ffs! Primary school level banter too extreme for twitter bound faggots. The world is grey outside places like this.

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

I'm still wondering why any adult still uses sites like that. We need mandatory military service to toughen up the population and give them thicker skin. Shit is ridiculous.

TheRealAmalek ago

I miss the Voat community from 3 years ago though. It was so much more active.

TankMissile ago

This website is still important, but there's barely any activity on it, at least outside of the more political subs. And I get it. This site fills the niche that every other site has cracked down on. If we want better and more frequent content, we need to provide it. I am getting tired of the repetitive low effort memes that aren't even original. This isn't reddit, people. Stop taking shit from there and slapping it in here.

markrod420 ago

Registration is shut down. This isnt where you go to get memes. It wont grow. It wont recover. You want good memes, go find them on /pol/. This is for tracking the many goings on. I learn EVERYTHING here first. Small and inactive as this community is they are ON IT. Maybe theres some people more deeply involved in govt that are helping to get the info onto voat rapidly or something. But its still the best atm.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Apparently it's open again

TankMissile ago

I never said I wanted memes. Quite the opposite, actually. The memes posted here are garbage, and I'm betting you 99% reposted from /pol/. It may just be that I've been on here for years and am getting tired of the same old slop, but decreasing the memes and increasing the investigative reporting posts would keep things more lively. And I don't mean the shower thought posts that have no weight to their claims. I mean REAL investigative work with sources.

markrod420 ago

I mean i miss when we had more people. I also miss when i had more time to do more digging although ive never been someone breaking ground. But still this is a very good place to get information. Unless it opens back up its never gonna recover. But its the best we have atm. You can filter through other things for even better info im sure, but this place does a good job of making it easier.

Boris ago

To the feels buddy.

user9713 ago

I wish I would know what that's like. I came here during the first T_D censorship, but didn't last long. Then I came back when CringeAnarchy was banned, but I felt my s/n was too revealing of my personal info, so I deleted it and created this account, instead.