SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @udo.

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conofgov ago

it sounds interesting, and worthy. My only problem with it is that it runs on a virus aka winblows. Designing a system to have the resilience you want, can never happen on a closed system, that is designed to be compromised, and is most likely compromised by design, by it's masters.

hang_em_high ago

key words: "too stupid" Just fuck off.

FireSauce ago

Give me your job

SparkS ago

i just farted... and farted good not like that... soon i need to take a shit more than sure...

moviefreak ago

It's so nice to come here, I hope you find the people need. Thank you for creating this place - you are legend.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

  • Only goats who have been here two years minimum with enough COMMENT history for us to thoroughly vet them out. And if there are too many deletions, no dice.

Holonomic ago

Good luck @PuttItOut. Hopefully you can find some good people to help. There certainly good ones here!

maxirus ago

@PuttItOut First off hats off to you for what you have accomplished here. I've been on this site for a few years now and have picked up on some of the current architecture. I thought I'd lend my 2 cents on ways I think the platform can be improved as you begin your journey of hiring staff and becoming a bonafide company:

Move away from MVC to SPA + MicroServices

- Bigger pool of devs

- More scalable

- Reduce operating costs

- Not locked in to a single backend language

Get on Kubernetes

- Immensely more scalable

- Deploy fast

- Reduce vendor lock

- Dynamic scalability and "bin packing" will dramatically reduce operating costs

- Containerize PGSQL

- Extremely fast development turn-around

- Lower tool maintenance & quicker new hire onboarding

Open source

- More secure

- Crowd source new features/bugs

- Reduce operating costs

- Transparency


- Magnitudes of order faster

- Low operating costs

- Auto-scalable

- Easier to maintain

You'd then look for someone with Azure, Terraform (or ARM), Kubernetes, Helm, Docker, Git, Linux (Ubuntu/CentOS), Bash/Python, NoSQL db knowledge (CosmosDB/MongoDB, CouchBase, etc ) and at least one OOP language. It'd also help (if you don't already have it) to have CO/CD tool knowledge (ie. Jenkins, Nexus, etc.). This architecture would also allow you to start adopting newer platforms like Kafka.

I'd be happy to help provide any guidance and/or OSS contributions relating to the above. </2cents>

Tommy952019 ago

The boomers got the payment from WH

cavehobbit ago

".NET Core (running 2.2 and soon 3.0) written in C#/F#."

ewww, icky MicroSofty stuff.

PuttItOut ago

You just stop it ok. Just joking. I sometimes feel the same exact way.

cavehobbit ago


Ivan ago

Ok, let us know if european candidates are acceptable.


We also need a Network Security administrator but I don’t have a job description for this opening. Requirements: Dealing with advanced DDOS and every kind of hacking attempt known to man.

You should hire Weev. He's in Karkiv but he needs money and has a low cost of living.

albatrosv15 ago

You will be required to sign a very strict NDA.

Must value Freedom of Speech

Uh huh.

DeusVult1272 ago

I call this bullshit. If you cant maintain the site, don't keep it up. Free speech always finds a way, and until a truly decentralized forum is extant, anything other than a dictatorship will fail. So suck it, glow niggers.

ColaEuphoria ago

Must value Freedom of Speech and understand both the negative and positive aspects it presents; to stand behind it for good or worse.

This has to include people okay with comments not circlejerking about Jews all the fucking time.

I-Am ago

Infinite scale ability can bankrupt you, careful with that. Also, you need a good infrastructure person, sounds like you're looking more for a developer.

heygeorge ago

It’s an open secret the Clinton Foundation supports SBBH.

CarbonBasedLifeform ago

JIDF just creamed their pants thinking about this opportunity.

RustyEquipment ago


NosebergShekelman ago

Oy vey my cousin Berl might be interested but he will need 6 gorillion shekels up front, and of course there is a new sign-up fee of 66 shekels, then anotha fee for personal tech tax, which amounts to 600 shekels. Shaloms™✡️💎💰

PuttItOut ago

There you are!

dreamcomfortmemory ago

No TempleOS skills required for this role?!?!

PuttItOut ago

That's the first interview question!

Indiana_Jones ago

Do not let SJW in this way.

kneo24 ago

I never had a chance to, this is what you dont see

That is a crock of fucking shit. You had your chance for years, years here, to prove your worth. Now you cry like some dumb nigger bitch cunt because your hand got smacked, and you justly get downvoted for your incessant ree ree reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing. Pretending otherwise is dishonest. Calling yourself a "nice-honest" person is an outright lie.

hillbilly_guy ago

I'd like to help, but this is far beyond my computer knowledge and hardware.

Best of luck in putting together a team, this place is far too important to lose.

ramultyleveachan ago

Question: I have experience with a lot of these things, but I'd hesitate to call myself an expert, especially on such a wide variety of technologies. In all the jobs I've had I was only doing a portion of these things at once (except for an internship I had where I was a full stack html5 and Android dev, but that was only for 1 summer each). Are there really people that meet all of these qualifications? Especially the architecture requirements? I know about software architecture but have never spent more than a class project implementing it.

I consider myself as having a wide breadth of experience but I dont know where I'd have found the time to become an expert at all of those things, especially all at once.

The questions are in the above paragraph

PuttItOut ago

Architect level is like 15 years enterprise experience kind of job.

xExekut3x ago

Eww .. .NET? WTF?

d3r ago

If you think that's bad, they also tried to host this site in Germany, and then went on to host it with Microsoft themselves.

Someone- ago


I am new to the site and don't know who to contact for this:

Since you guys recovered from the DDOS attack, your Cloudfare screening is causing a chain redirect at the root of the site preventing users from accessing it via search. Clearing cookies doesn't help. It still works if you attempt to enter the site through a subdirectory and I'm guessing this has to do with the login?returnUrl=/ parameter.

If you clear your cookies and attempt to reach the root of the site to navigate to the login page, the parameter triggers an endless number of redirects.

https:// >> https:// >> https:/ / >> https://

thebearfromstartrack ago

This happened to me the other day. I was able to get to my messages, however, via "googling" (not google) "what's wrong with voat?" instead of "is voat down" (old threads), and got to a screen I could login but not navigate to subvoats (big attack message). Anyway after answering my messages, i was able to get to "front" and then later "news" day all was well. DO they still use root domain lists in networking? I'm not a networking or security expert. Maybe I should have invested more time in that.

kneo24 ago

C'mon man, 1.7 years here and you think it's "subvoats"?

Subverse. Voat used to be whoaverse, and the verse part stuck. We call them subverses.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Oh. Sorry (not really). I don't keep up with the hip jive the youngsters are so fond of.

kneo24 ago

Ok, have fun wallowing in your own self ignorance.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I LOVE ignorance, it's warm and familiar. It's everywhere. You're dum.

M80TheMan ago

I didn't read the post but I'm a drunk nigger so I'll do it.

HonkyVitamin ago

I've done web development for over a decade but I wouldn't want to work for @Puttitout . Dude claims all sorts of non-Jews were behind the DDOS attacks, then he rudely acts indignant when asked for evidence. Fortunately for him he has a horde of mindless fanboys to white knight him at every corner. I think this has gone to his head.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

You know, I'm perfectly qualified for the UX/UI position. All of that is stuff I do regularly. But I really like my current job and don't really want to give it up, even though this is a worthy cause. Any way I can help on a part-time basis, or volunteer for anything?

cynoclast ago

It's a shame you built this on .NET.

I'm a (Java/OSS) back-end developer since 2005 and would seriously consider doing the work if it weren't in .NET.

Fullmetal ago

I didn't even bother to read the whole thing.

I'm fortunate to have a marketable skill. I don't need to go hunting for jobs because people will just randomly call me offering work. I have no motivation to jump through a bunch of silly hoops.

Manolis_Gledsodakis ago

US candidates only, I hate timezone issues.

Yeah, and the US has only one timezone, right? Here in Greece we have only one and we are awake while you are asleep. The Night Shift.

Mumbleberry ago

Greece. The place that made man-boy love a thing. Fuck off.

PhilIvey ago

Oof, good luck @PuttItOut, this must've been a very difficult decision for you to make.

rusnoob1 ago

@PuttItOut , you are a programmer and you forgot super important aspect: sysadmin/hardware/infrastructure

Serisously, either start considering it (will help you for free, no worries) or start coding already as a blockchain app because soft can scale as much as it cant thats it

AgentHitler ago

This is exactly how Jews and leftists begin to infiltrate.

crazy_eyes ago

Just how do you plan to vet these people?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

@CheeseboogerHimself is going to measure their noses with his special nose measuring device.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Happy to do it. I also have a fields sobriety test of sorts, as well. Rolling a nickle across the floor.

crazy_eyes ago

the sobriety test should be to play eruption

CheeseboogerHimself ago


The ovens would be so full.

crazy_eyes ago

those of use that are left would be so awesome though

CheeseboogerHimself ago

The world would be a better place.

littlestown ago

What is a SaneGoat?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

SHHhhhh Don't speaketh its name

Jewed ago

From the perspective of someone that fits the bill, aside from some minor points, but who is not applying. This site is simple enough that you should man up and learn what it takes. Hire someone to look after merchandising and other business aspects instead to give you more time.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Typical Jew. Focus on phonying up the place with pop culture CRAP to scam the stupid into WASTING their resources on.

Moln0014 ago

I wish I had programming skills. I wouldn't mind being a tester. Testing things out to see what needs to be improved on.

TheBuddha ago

What protections do you have in place to stop them from bad behavior, such as de-anonymizing users or trawling through private messages? Are they likely to have DB access and, if so, are passwords salted and hashed? Is data stored encrypted, or in plain text?

Those would be my concerns and an NDA is reasonably close to worthless. Oddly, I'm not too worried about those things for my own benefit, but I know goats are often paranoid and I am pretty sure they'll do things like reuse passwords or include damning information in their private messages.

I don't actually have a solution for this, but hiring goats to fill these positions seems like a very, very bad idea.

Anyhow, thanks for fixing the bug. Your efforts are appreciated and I can post to SBBH again.

Anarchy99 ago

The Jews will weasel their way in one way or the other. Start another voat somewhere else. This is the Jewish mindset they are pathological narcissist who have to control and dominate everything because their whole reality is based on a fantasy fiction of themselves. It takes a lot of effort trying to prop up a lie. But they don't stop because they are vampires. Because once the truth gets out they are done. All of them. The damage they have wrought upon this planet is incalculable.

AimlessRefugee ago

Requirement; Must love Hulk Hogan.

Red_Menace ago

I'd say you need the network security admin the most of the available openings...

Q665544 ago

putt hire diff ppl on a timesharing base!

Loki88 ago

US candidates only, I hate timezone issues.

That's... not how timezones work.

(Nice figleaf tho... 😉)

auto_turret ago

Sounds like a job for a twentysomething.

Too much excitement for me.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I'm scared. Someone hold me.

courtjester1111 ago

This is very good.

Tommy952019 ago

Just to remember to all about what kind of platform we are in.

╭━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳━━━━┳╮╭━┳╮╱╭╮┃╭━╮┃╭━╮┃╭━╮┃╭ ╮╭╮┃┃┃╭┫┃╱┃┃┃┃╱╰┫┃╱┃┃┃╱┃┣╯┃┃╰┫╰╯╯┃┃╱┃┃┃┃ ╭━┫┃╱┃┃╰━╯┃╱┃┃╱┃╭╮┃┃┃╱┃┃┃╰┻━┃╰━╯┃╭━╮┃╱┃┃ ╱┃┃┃╰┫╰━╯┃╰━━━┻━━━┻╯╱╰╯╱╰╯╱╰╯╰━┻━━━╯ @lockeproposal@whitesoimustberacist@clueless-joe-jacksoncopy paste into all your comments today.can they each have 1000 pings in a day? or even 10,000?can we find a limit to the inbox?!?ENJOY

FUCKING WITH CANCER TODAY. :)goathan level post.

poopsicles aren't the same when they're green.that means inside

there's something meanyou might want to get health screenedbefore







idea.but like you know anonymous mode. and for anythingAAAAYYYYYY


apple-bag ago

wish i could help, i'm a little too simple for this job

SparkS ago

us only... dont think its a smart thing whats happening here... i hardly doubt that whoever has that needed knowledge in us cant make more money in other jobs... rly dont think whoever has the necessary exp for this shit can be payed more than in other jobs... eventually as a 2nd job... and thats a wildcard in many aspects... btw just dont hire indians... those mfs are not trustable... most indians i know are flower power and shit... especially that in this kinda domain is full of fags.. nothing good can get outta that...

Tommy952019 ago

Voat is gone.

It’s just a old fashioned subs/boomers autocelebrative gloryhole.

Your codes are known.

Your adolescential irresponsability exposed

Your arrogance ridiculously irrilevant.

It remain the concern if people like you will be again able to become dangerous as you was from 2000 to 2015. ( it will no happen again )

Your actual decadence is becoming the true lesson we are learning now, and maybe you have to focus to reality on moment: a LOT of People are laughing above you all avengers. As you have access to future, try to figure out where you will be placed in the historiography of the next phase...

Freedom of speech?

Who will never more believe in the canary?

Puttitout have tremendous responsibilities about what happened to Voat. To @atko, @expensiveorgies, @kevdude and many others.

I was facing the cabal faggots personally, with my body. And Soapboxbanhammer’s users accepted a payment from Hillary in person to take a submarine to Cecina and use the Gamers in Florence to kill me and “Looshing” on this.

Puttitout personally plan a ”guitar Concert” for that event.

The voting system is a fake. Your mental disease interfere with the core Mission of Voat.

The cultural level of the subverses is offensive, but you all celebrate yourself as survivors and heralds of freedom and purity.

Traditional wife’s is your exorcism to try to don’t cry about the soul that you never had. Clones.

I studied Voat in those months, and I have a real and honest “bible” where study on. It start with reddit cancer and ends with quantum birds.

I read you everyday, and as everyday, I’m proud about my integrity and my honesty, watching a group of people so powerful and so useless, so chained in their orders, secrets, sins, with only sarcasm as make up to avoid the abyss.

You got a chance to be influent, and you become the anthem of what we will never have to let happen again.

thebearfromstartrack ago

YOU will be exterminated soon.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

hey now

WayneKer ago


buZZLima ago

Can Anunnaki apply?

skullfuku ago

I'm not up to date with that shyte, but F# was underappreciated back in the day. Is that a thing now or your own originality?

registerinsecond ago

If work for free for voat - but i fear the repercussions of being officially associated with it (no longer employable kind of stuff).

Most decently paying tech jobs are hyper liberal shitholes

Oveass ago

I have extensive experience feeding a hamster for your generator and have programmed a raspberry pi before with code I stole on the internet.

$6500 a month pls

Artofchoke ago

Wish I wasn't so ignorant, I've got a lot of free time in the winter. :/

BigFatDaddy ago

Putt, you left a key phrase out of your job ad.

Jews and Non-Whites Need Not Apply!

Tommy952019 ago

Stay on your meds idiot, users like you let this platform become just a problem to resolve.

Before was a land to explore. But fortunately you are white and catholic, so you will fell right while eroding the assets of the democracy that actually let you write your shit.

Be careful to walk on the path of totalitarism, people like you are the first to be ”educated” in that contexts.

You are cleaning the gun that will kill you tomorrow, but you can relax yourself, it’s a white gun.

thebearfromstartrack ago

India? Chinese? Middle Eastern Islamist/jihadist? Tell us a little about your non english speaking self please. ONE thing we KNOW. You aren't a nigger.

BigFatDaddy ago

users like you let this platform become just a problem to resolve.

3 month nothing account lecturing me on how I use Voat. Eat shit and die you nigger-loving faggot.

Tommy952019 ago

Shut up retarted. You are prehistoric and antihistoric. End.

Go to post on tor chat. That’s your place. With autistics and down. Keep java active and join hiddenwiki forum maybe you will get frozen like your penguin gods.

Hurry up, antartica it’s getting crowdy fastly, they all need some more white middle fingers to fill their children’s asshole.

BigFatDaddy ago

Bitch, you're brain damaged from all the AIDS and zoloft. You're rambling and making about as much sense as a shit flavored lollipop. Hurry up and kill yourself already.

SpoiledVoat ago

Can't you just utilize Cloudflare to mitigate or halt the attacks?

Qystery ago

How 'bout you all go fuck yourselves, you fuckin' fucks!

Blompf ago

I know a guy who fulfills all of your needs. Dude is a literal fucking genius that can play a computer network like a fiddle. A real life Rick Sanchez kind of character. I'll see if he's interested. And yeah, for those who care, he's 100% european.

i_scream_trucks ago

id say pick me pick me because i dont actually HAVE to work every day of the week but... you know.... outside LPC or commodore BASIC i know fuck all!

Crensch ago

No, the silencing of someone else is not speech. Guess what? The old Voat zeitgeist "free speech" only empowered the zyklons out there.

I silenced the Jews. The globalist faggots that want to tell nation-states (private subverses) who they can and cannot let in.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

None of the people you silenced were Jews. You silenced people who refused to grieve over the rightful cyber pogrom against Srayzie. All because you want some middle aged ass.

Great job sacrificing your values and doing damage to Voat's free speech values all for middle aged married pussy.

Crensch ago

None of the people you silenced were Jews.

They sure act like it, then.

You silenced people who refused to grieve over the rightful cyber pogrom against Srayzie.

What did she do wrong? Honestly? Also, post with your main account, faggot.

All because you want some middle aged ass.

This is why you look like Jews to everyone else.

Great job sacrificing your values and doing damage to Voat's free speech values all for middle aged married pussy.

I only wish I could do more to trample all over your ideals.

And they are YOUR ideals, not Voat's. Post with your main or enjoy silence next time.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Stock options >

Can I just buy shares in Voat?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I would also be interested in this. I want 20 thousand dollars worth of gas right off the bat!

Niggertown ago

Do you hire Jews?

Imperatrice_d_Ane ago

I would like to offer my services, but in another diversity. Once you hire some people you will want everyone to feel safe. I can assist in creating an environment where all body types feel safe, especially those who are not privileged to be thin and white.

I will need a 1st floor office not more than 40 yards from a bathroom.

Tommy952019 ago

Voat is gone. The canary is dead.

You are echoes of a missed chance.

Imperatrice_d_Ane ago

wut post says canary dead?

MaxineWaters ago

Whats up dial?

scoripowarrior ago

Wow...that all certainly leaves me out! LOL

Thanks for all you guys behind the scene do for us.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

Please make sure that you always somehow keep some kind of "master key" in place, so that you can always wrest control back if this goes wrong, because this sounds a little too easy for someone who wants to destroy Voat to get in...

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

How the fuck can you afford this Putt? There is no way in hell this place generates any revenue. Are you Elon Musk or some shit?

boekanier ago

Did you not hear that he won the lottery? It seems to have been a nice sum ...

Pizzalurker15 ago

Good luck boys

Frostgrip ago

I know programming of C++ on an engineering level, have a masters, I can give you a few hours a day indefinitely.
















MaxineWaters ago

buy an add.


Maybe force everyone that applies to take the NDA to a notary? Require everyone to use the notary to confirm their signatures and match to their identity; drivers license number, utility bill, social security number...

Too risky relying only on the net. To hold feet to fire requires proof of person.

AO28-1 ago

I'm upvoating this thread just for the comments. You goats are high-larious.

ratsmack ago

No way I’m accidently hiring a SaneGoat

I chuckled... a lot.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

You may want to reach out to James Damore.

ShitboxMcGee ago

Argh I wish I had more time. I'm a badass software eng. Really, but only have like two hours a week to throw in.

Crensch ago

Look around you. Your free speech silences whites and empowers Jews.

Grumpy_Old_Man ago

How about you hire a few people that aren't racists, bigots, and anti-semities.

ArcAngel ago

id love to help, but i can barely manage my DayZ server...

maurice1 ago

Can I be the go-for that wears a goat costume and buys the coffee?

kdragon ago

I'll volunteer for the in-person interviews. I can smell kikery from a mile away. I'm also not squeamish about drawing blood for DNA testing.

NotHereForPizza ago

None of the faggots promoting division who have become embroiled in elementary level dramatic bullshit should be considered for a position at Voat.

Putt needs someone that isn't like me or any other awfully vocal user here. He needs one that doesn't belong to any of the amorphous factions that have formed here.

Instead, he bans people that downvote his posts, gets further and further in bed with the SBBH reddit retards that have ruined the site, driving people as I'm attempting to describe away and he's singled out three extremely controversial users (virge is only really that controversial because of me and sbbh - which I'm begrudgingly seemingly working in parralel to somehow, causing plenty of them to message me regularly) as being influential and suggests they should be emulated.

Putt is taking crazy pills and this ship is sinking. I warned him these things would happen for various specific reasons, but he not only ignored me, he distanced himself from me and got further in bed the with the people I warned him about.

Despite knowing for certain that I should just sit on the sidelines and watch this shit burn after Putt threatened me (should I prove it, @PuttItOut?), I'm probably just going to keep laughing in his face the whole way down.

By the way, Who is @zook?

virge ago

I must have missed something, we've interacted twice ever. Both times you were an obscure stellar faggot I've never heard of before, and since you must be some alt for some other account you clearly believe is important, I still haven't heard of you. Should I care?


NotHereForPizza ago

you must be the thing I think it's convenient for you to be

And you hardly even tried.

virge ago

You got me, you aren't worth much effort.

AlphaOmega ago

I’d love to help but I didn’t understand a fucking word of anything past “General Description”. I hope everything turns out ok.


"Pay will be determined on your experience and what Holes you can fill here."

Now we know why @heygeorge said we have to send peckerpics to @virge when applying for one of these positions! Gotta see what holes we can fill.

heygeorge ago

Spoiler alert: Putts is talking about his asshole

Kal ago

Can you elaborate on why the very strict NDA is required?

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I'm an IIS/dotNet admin that fills a lot of holes, especially with cybersec and risk management. I don't want the job, my experience is well outside of scope for what you're running, but I'm going to apply anyways. Just to say I applied to voat.

Derpfroot ago

Please set up a consistent merch store or a patreon/newproject2 account so we can help out.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

I'm familiar with your stack, but I don't really trust voat not to be a honeypot.

PuttItOut ago

What kind of person uses a platform they don't trust? Genuinely asking.

d3r ago

all of /r/conspiracy

GoldIsRealMoney ago

There isn't an alternative for news/thought aggregating that doesn't stink of rats. I like voat, but I don't want to tie my name and career to it in an industry where nearly every employer has a nose the size of Texas. I'd contribute if you open sourced all or some of the front end, though

whisky_cat ago

I was wondering about the Voat API that's been floated around, that seemingly was built to some extent.

If the API is robust enough, any of us UI folk could build a frontend EZ PZ. I have no idea what the state of that API is, or how to get access (obv I could hit up voatdev and ask).

I'm fully remote/UIE but my current gig isn't something I'll be leaving any time soon.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

Even without a nice API it'd be possible to mock the actual voat endpoints and build a front end for it that could be dropped in at Putt's leisure

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I 100% agree with this.

exopharrah ago

Seriously, he needs to open source this. There are plenty of devs on here that I'm sure would be down to tackle issues and submit PRs (anonymously!) in their spare time for bounties/free depending on the size of issue, but I doubt there are many that would want to tie their livelihood to this.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

Open sourcing the backend would be bad. It would expose potential vulnerabilities. The frontend, however, is already public information

Tallest_Skil ago

And here’s where the jews take over Voat and change it forever. Putt can’t not hire jews, because they’ll simply sue him for workplace discrimination and win against the jewish judge. We had a good run, but eventually Putt will die and Voat will be eradicated.

*And no one, anywhere, will do a single goddamn thing about it.

Corpse_washer ago

Ding ding ding

PuttItOut ago

Serious question: What are you doing yourself?

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, not you too. Do I really need a definitive post where I explain the etymology and definition of the phrase “no one”? How is it so difficult that people don’t understand what it means when I say it? I choose my words extremely carefully. When I call someone a kike shill, it’s because they trip the sensors that proven kike shills have shown in years past. If I say someone’s illiterate or disingenuous or behaving in a subhuman manner, it’s because those words have definitions and they apply to the discussion. Language is the first and most basic form of culture. If you let them take that from you, there’s nothing left. It’s all built on their framework thereafter.

Me, I’m now wishing that I knew more about JavaScript, because that UX position tickles my fancy. Of course, I’m not suited for the job in the first place so I won’t waste your time. I’ve always maintained that truth is more important than freedom, so I’m not someone you’d want in any power–even testing–here. But mostly I’m just wanting to be dead. That’s what I’m doing.

I trust your discretion, just not your ability to enact it in the face of the law. That’s the problem here–people still fucking obey these fake laws.

Masaze ago

If voat were incorporated outside the US, he could refuse to hire Jews, but not here.

If a jew applied and wasn't hired, he is toast as the jew controls the legal system.

THEx1138 ago

I am not a head hunter but I do know someone that is available.

TheCompanionCube ago

@Atko want back in?

Kal ago

Atko got muscled out for the same reason a very strict NDA is required.

THEx1138 ago

Attention to detail is a big one...that @Fullmetal lacks.

Fullmetal ago

Naw. I already have a good job, and have absolutely no need to go looking for one.

Nutkase ago

I know how to fix air conditioners. Servers need cooling right?

PuttsMum ago

Of track but but close enough :)

Hitlers_Politoed ago

pick me boss

Ghost777 ago

If Voat ran on Python I'd apply in a heartbeat.

Pcpoet09 ago

good luck

Nesano ago

I wish I was good at coding.

hang_em_high ago

You are such a whiny bitch. Just go back to Reddit. Clearly no one wants you here especially if you are too stupid to get the minimum karma.


If anyone working on Voat ever wants a free intern hit me up. Newly graduated computer science major looking for a place to gain useful knowledge and skills that'll make me valuable in the future. I have a lot I want to learn so I am motivated to do my best.

goytoynamedtroy ago

Member for: 1 month


CognitiveDissident5 ago

It's just Dial, voat's infamous alcoholic who was banned for vote manipulation and still has dozens of alts

trotskyberg ago

I would also recommend running your .NET core apps in docker containers (as non-root) running on Linux that is well secured.

trotskyberg ago

What about using a host that has DDoS protection guarantees?

PuttItOut ago

I feel sorry for you. I see a lot of wasted potential and and no capacity for self-analysis.

Shotinthedark ago

I'm the niggerest faggotest of them all! I can't do shit with computers but I cook really good.

shmuklidooha ago

I'd apply but I know fuck all about C#/.net and am in Europe. :( Sad Baaah

JoeKerr ago

Sign an NDA? What are you, the CIA? NSA? You have ignored help for two years. New investor...sudden hacking attempt...and now you can’t handle the site. Fuck off, you damned kike niggerfaggot!!!!

Platypus43 ago

You're a fucking pussy and really don't give a shit about this platform!!! They talk a lot of shit about you over at poal, but I didn't want to believe that it was actually true, so I disregarded it until I seen this. You weren't ready to actually fight for free speech, you thought you were, but it's a lot harder than you are raised to believe, the evil will make your life hell, they don't play by the same rules, but this is NOT the time to abandon your post asshole!!!!!

Imperatrice_d_Ane ago

True he should give at least another 10 years of his life. We own him.

PuttItOut ago

What have you done? Show me.

LionElTrump ago

I bet the clowns are drooling at this opportunity

MaYun ago

Do you need any PR assistance, or help with funding?

PuttItOut ago

I literally never know what you are talking about. You're like a crazy uncle everyone just tries to love.

gazillions ago

Character references? You need to engage the services of a very good detective.

scrimmmy ago

Can I be HR or the EO compliance officer?

AshesAshes ago

I'd love to but I'm only a novice webdev. God speed looking for the right nigger, Putt.

chrimony ago

I wish you would go back to open source. I'd have implemented my feature request, months ago, for free.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I have to admit, I miss when you were just plain old Sane and we could discuss things. I was one of your few defenders.

PuttsMum ago

Obviously I am the only choice all these positions.

PuttItOut ago

I'll leave the keys in the mailbox. Good luck Mom.

doginventer ago

Is this nepotism or oedipism?

PuttsMum ago

Thanks honey. Love you.

Omnidempotent ago

Have you ever reached to the guys at daily stormer such as weev? I'm sure they could give you some advice about surviving ddos and hacking.

MaxineWaters ago

Never trust a jew.

Omnidempotent ago

Literally just found out weev is part jew after writing that comment. Yeesh.

PuttItOut ago

Tell me about it.

Themooninthesky ago

@niggervirus you’re up my friend! Make me an admin after you get the job!

Sweettendiesloving ago

I have a liberal arts degree but I used to handle the online security for Experian. @me

go1dfish ago

I'd be tempted if you weren't so stuck on Microsoft's stack.

Granted they've gotten a bit better recently and I've even started using VS Code myself.

PuttItOut ago

Pick your poison, they are all the same in the end, just each with different issues.

speedisavirus ago

Tell him to eat a fat chopped up tranny cock. Dot net core is a legit platform. Especially if you are mixing in F# and such.

sirRantsalot ago

When you have an office, I want to do the architectural art! And when I get better at metal art you betcha I'm going to send you a big ass goat statue!

PuttItOut ago

I want a giant fork (literally a fork) in the office lobby. Can you make that happen?

progressbin ago

Hahaha! It's meant to be.

sirRantsalot ago

Ab-so-lutely! You pay for the steel I'll do it for free! How tall will this magnificent fork be?

PuttItOut ago

At least 7 feet tall. I want an epic fork.

sirRantsalot ago

Oh holy shit. You're making a fork for Gabby, aren't you?

PuttItOut ago

Forks are my thing.

kestrel9 ago ideas for the office

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat submission by @kestrel9.

Posted automatically (#55471) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @kestrel9)

sirRantsalot ago

Hmmm......I hope it's not one of these kind of forks.

PuttItOut ago

No! It needs to be a fork fork, but an artistic fork, not just a big normal fork. Also, it has to be stable so it doesn't kill a child if they jumped on it. Free standing.

If you are serious, so am I.

sirRantsalot ago

I had this fork on my mind.

Was also thinking a fork made into the shape of flames would be cool. Let me know what "artistic direction" you'd like to go with! Cubist? (Minecraft) surrealist?(droopy) ornate but realistic? I'll think about it! Or else you can draw the design and I'll make it happen!

PuttItOut ago

Let's stay away from symbolisms of evil. Already get a ton of concern over the mascot.

5 finger forks.

sirRantsalot ago

It's actually a huge relief to hear you say that. I'll noodle on it!

sirRantsalot ago

sirRantsalot ago

The name tag says @friendshipistragic , btw. We talking normal fork shapes, but ornate?

friendshipistragic ago

Ornate and friendly

sirRantsalot ago pictures disappeared! Did you see the picture of you?

friendshipistragic ago

Maybe @PuttItOut is actually Big Head and wants The Fork of Horripilation.

sirRantsalot ago

A quest! A quest! Sir rantsalot goin' on a quest!

friendshipistragic ago

You never played Morrowind?

sirRantsalot ago

Oh! I member!

sirRantsalot ago

There's lots of forks. Post a picture of the style you want. Can powder coat too. We talking mild steel or stainless steel? I have no idea how much that much stainless would be but it'd be a fortune. I suppose a guy could put a good shine on mild steel then clear coat it to stop it from rusting. I'll look around! Holy shit gonna be an epic fork.

PuttItOut ago

Stainless would be slick. Not really looking for a giant normal fork, want an artistic rendition.

sirRantsalot ago

Oof, that'd be a lotta stainless. But I've got a hookup!

redsfan277 ago

Why is hating smelly niggers not a requirement? lol jk can i help anyway i can?

Datahoarder supreme programmer can intern and give u guys my free time and donations for support. Heil Hydra!

YoureAFaggotHarry ago

If you can give me a good reason you're not using Typescript, I'll hand you up my resume. I has experience

Bastionof_freespeech ago

I'd love to help but I'd probably free out

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

We have a Fortnite tournament

Everybody that signs up, loses their chance immediately

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Aren't you the one who said forget it? Why are you still arguing. I edited my last response to simply say "okay" instead of continue the debate.

Now you've entirely switched topics to complain about Voat when I was discussing managerial and hiring philosophies.

Colin_Kelley ago

Dear Putitout, I think you are smart, have good instincts, valuable experience, and understand how important Voat is in the scheme of things. This is your baby and you are not going to let any yahoo hurt it. So I am not worried. You are going to do just fine. You are going to find good people. At one time I was a professional programmer. I started off on Forth, got a degree on Main Frames, evolved into SQL and OOPS. I kept at it, systematically problem solving down to that "take your breath away" "close to perfection" "nailed it" "elegant simplicity" ESSENCE in ten lines of code. It was hard work. Corrupt people make bad programmers because the are both physically and intellectually lazy. Elegant Simplicity is never created/discovered by lazy people. Thank you for creating this platform. An obvious thought on the denial of service attack: You know you are over the target when there is flack all around you. Keep it up. Extra bonus thought: How to brainstorm: 1) Probe the problem. 2) Define the Problem. 3) Catalog every possible thing that could contribute toward a solution. 4) Organize, expand, contract, evaluate everything in step 3. 5) Put together the best coordinated combination of pieces to your puzzle. There is rarely a perfect solution, but there is always a BEST solution, given the overall requirements, resources, constraints. Good luck. OH, also. I have successfully red pilled about a dozen people, who were willing to listen to what other people like them were discovering, sharing and saying.

GoyimNose ago

I can work in HR and handle all the Jewish shills.

Neongreen ago

Okay well that's one way to play someone trying to ask for your evidence. I've been here a long time. My post history is indicative as such. However I don't need you approval so back to the gas chambers with you.

Rajadog20 ago

Have you thought about volunteer help for those of us with full time jobs but would like to help?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

It doesn't matter, which is my point. If he is authoritarian, then people who cannot get along with him are not going to be the right fit. So, they may have the right technical skills but not the right personality skills. It is a boss's prerogative to be themselves and everyone else needs to adjust or find another workplace.

Now if your only point is that he is probqbly a shitty manager and so cannot find suitable talent because of it, that could be. I don't know Putt well enough to say and though I spend time on the preview site, I am not necessarily of much use to him doing hard core testing, so my few interactions with him have been pretty random.

Neongreen ago

Humm, very rational discord.

Rotteuxx ago

Did you apply yet ?

I think you'd be a great candidate to interview.

Also send dick picks to prove you're no crypto kike.

RustyEquipment ago

wouldnt... wouldnt sending dick pics be a jewish thing to do?

Rotteuxx ago

Like who ? SGIS ?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I don't really see how that is cringe. A manager doesn't need people who cannot work with him. While it is his job to hire the right people, it isn't a manager's job to not be himself. If he has chased off some people, even if they could hqve done the job, they weren't the right people for the position anyway.

Caliope ago

You are making a huge mistake failing to deploy a complete Linux based infrastructure from bare metal to the last gasp outward-bound.

cantaloupe6 ago


Will consider.

Why not offload it more have a few gatekeepers, and casual contributers (lower cost); big companies don't give devs production access, or allow merging to mainline typically. Data's usually encrypted anyhow.

dudelol ago

And this is where the CIA puts its agents in

DerAngriff ago

"stock options"

cue jew handwringing.

popcorn_time ago

I would love to do this but I'm still a software engineering student and only know 20% of the programmig languagnes mentioned 😂

GreenSlug ago

Uhhm, if you need a guy to break rocks with a big hammer, dig ditches, and shoot guns at people trying to jump your walls, sign me up! I also cut wood like a pro. And i can tend to your real life goat farm. I also care more about freedom of speech than holding a regular job.... please help, I'm unemployed. Lol. I kid. Kinda.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

you have any idea how my accounts i've been brigaded to death on? easily 20... including these alts another 25.... and putt says he "cares" about manipulation

That seems like a lot of accounts, and a lot of antipathy towards your accounts. What do you say, and who are the people who object?

Also, virge seems like some kind of site-poison, and it's strange that the account isn't banned.

ShowMeYourKitties ago

RIP Putt's email inbox

tokui ago

This is how they get in. Expect short term solutions, long term problems.

MolochHunter ago

you should have plenty of applicants. After all, we've been encouraging thousands in the legacy media to learn to code

corewarrior ago

I fit the bill, except for the .NET or the front end UI.......

PuttItOut ago

So close!

corewarrior ago

Yeah, I've done a lot of front door varnish cache work for a very high traffic site and a lot of client optimization tier memcache work. But, never in C#, .net framework and I'm overpaid right now so not in a good spot to make a leap :-(. If only this were happening 20 years ago :-(. I will put in a plug for varnish, it handled an insane amount of tps per instance without breaking a sweat!!

fluxusp ago

So it's up to you to exclude any malicious intent. Phew. Godspeed!

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

I shitpost for free where do I sign

CommiePatrol ago

If they got pushed out, they are not the ones he heeds.

Neongreen ago

Do you have proof? I'm interested atleast.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Selling out to the qcumbers fucked you didn’t it putty?

This shit will burn down. I will burn it down in the name of my pal zekey_B

Was the phony Qcumber bullshit worth it? Was the whore of Babylon @srayzie and her white knight @crensch worth it?

When you banned @Zyclon_B I told you I would burn VOAT down. You are pompous and foolish but I was not kidding.

твоя мечта - мое удовольствие, дурак

Crensch ago

Zyklon is a pedophile

sosat_menya_reddit ago

So are you scum bag. When I delete VOAT , and I will you and your nasty whore will be the entire reason why.

I don’t know Z personally but he is a better human than you and that srayzie bitch.

I will burn this site down and it

will be because of crensch and srayzie.

These site hiccups are just the beginning.

Crensch ago

You won't do shit, yap-dog.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Hide and watch cockgobbler

Crensch ago

Nobody is scared of you, faggot.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Sosat menya crensch

Crensch ago

Speak English, nigger.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Learn a foreign language you pathetic squishy qweef.

Try French it seems fitting for you.

Crensch ago

There is only one language in this world worth knowing.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

That is probably true for basement dwelling bed wetters like yourself.

Those of us that go places and do things see things differently.

Enjoy the lower end of mediocrity you were clearly destined muddle there for your pathetic life.

WhiteRonin ago

Prove it.

You suck Virge’s dick, but you aren’t gay. Right!!

Fuck you Jew Boy!

Neongreen ago

Listen kike. If you can't take the abuse you don't believe in free speech. You can't have free speech without all this nonsense.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Remember that free speech is the tool the jews used to destroy our culture.

Neongreen ago

Oh please elaborate?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

All the degeneracy and filth that's been openly published and promoted was made possible by the jew-led (look up their names) free speech riots at Berkeley in the 60s. Basically, "give us the right to publish filth and contaminate your society".

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Sadly, this is true.

Bring back the blasphemy laws.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Practising Judaism should be a gassable offence.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Well, I don't know about that... but it shouldn't be allowed in public.

critias ago

I hope you get some people. I used to be a developer in C#/ but I'm afraid my skills are a bit out of date. I wish I could help because I love this site. Sorry about all the stress you have right now. Keep up the good fight.

weezkitty ago

Must value Freedom of Speech and understand both the negative and positive aspects it presents; to stand behind it for good or worse.

You will be required to sign a very strict NDA.


Sancus ago

So freedom of speech means that every business ever must be completely transparent?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

I know, right.


Firevine ago

All of those are out of my realm of expertise, but I wish you luck. Vet the hell out of those faggots.

Fullmetal ago

I have a degree in computer science, and 5+ years supporting a website running on a .NET stack.

Send me a private message if you're interested.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

...character references will likely be required. No way I’m accidently hiring a SaneGoat.

While I respect, and agree with, your decision, even you have to admit it would be quite a spectacle while it lasted.

Seriously, though, I hope you get good applicants and help relieve some of your stress.

Norm ago

I can do back end shit, but I enjoy my current job too much

Ina_Pickle ago

Are you accepting applications from Goats only? I have a cousin who might be Interested, but I have no idea if he is even aware Voat exists. Not something we discuss at funerals and reunions.

glennvtx ago

I am overqualified for this, but i hate .net. Wish it had been Nodejs.. also i am jewish and despite loving free speech so much i still defend this place, somehow i feel this seems to disqualify me anyhow.

RebelJohnny ago

somehow i feel this seems to disqualify me anyhow.

We can only hope.

glennvtx ago

That is why you people cannot accomplish anything, shacked up with close relatives in some dilapidated trailerhome, impotent to change anything, angrily lashing out at your intellectual superiors for merely existing instead of accepting your fate as a wal mart greeter, settling into a diet of cat food and tapwater, and fading into obscurity.

Will0890 ago

Good luck man, I wish I could help in any way possible. I'm not technically literate though so I'd be of no use. Idea, maybe... patreon or $ collection of some sort to pay someone to help you? I'm broke but I'd still donate 5-10 bucks a month or whatever I could to voat to keep it running if there were some way to do so.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I will do that job. For free!

Wahaha ago

What's the story of that photograph?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

@PuttItOut I nominate @CheeseboogerHimself as Nose-Measurer-in-Chief. He has the requisite skills and behavioural competencies for the role and his track record speaks for itself.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Thank you for your confidence in me. I will not let you down. Of course, this does mean that @Crensch cannot be considered for a tech position at Voat. I measure flappy hewjew tittays too.

crazy_eyes ago

there goes semi-retirement!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

DOH!!! Note to self: Must break another bone.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Man, look at those amateurs. I'd have this kike on the holocoaster already.

fightknightHERO ago

This is such a bad fucking idea putt, keep it to yourself

you're doing a great job as it is

don't give the (((enemy))) any opening

BraunF14 ago

Regarding the NDA, will us goats have information provided as to whom is being hired so we can mildly harass them on the boards for fun? All in good fun of course :)

TopTierCIAShill ago

hey i did a shoddy mod for skyrim once can i join!?!?!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I used to build maps on FarCry with FC map editor. I am a coder hacker

Rotteuxx ago

Pffff, I mastered LogoWriter when I was 12.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

We're not worthy! We're not worthy!

CommiePatrol ago

Hopefully by the time my kids grow up a bit you'll need QA and that's when I'll offer my services :)

Reddit-is-kill ago

I don't think these positions are especially demanding for anyone with a little programming skills and data analysis, which basically means anyone with a master's degree or better in a technical field with maybe a little experience in web development.

But with that kind of experience or education, you're likely competing with high paying jobs around 75k or better at great companies that will look stellar on a resume.

Let's hope for altruistic goats willing to make a sacrifice for the greater good.

virge ago

Did you just call 75k a high paying job? Where, in India?

Masaze ago

They are actually really demanding jobs, somebody excellently qualified would easily make above $100k without even trying or being very personable in interviews.

I was in charge of software security at a mid tier bank.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Might be a good position for a person with the right kind of felonies.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

Aside from my American values, I am horribly underqualified. I hope you find what you're looking for though!!

cnp4500 ago

I hope you find support help promptly.

I just wanted to say I cringed when I saw the job description, which was masterfully written, but gives hackers a clear picture of your current setup. I would have rather seen this job description on a recruitment website without the mention of Voat, than out in the open here. But I understand you have your reasons for also posting it here.

Good luck on your search and thanks for all your recent hard work. I expect Voat will be targeted more often as we get closer to November 3rd, 2020.

Commie_Meta ago

gives hackers a clear picture of your current setup

Hiding the architecture doesn't make it much more secure. Network intrusion starts with fingerprinting: testing the target's responses to find subtle differences that tell which OS and software are running. Then every known attack is used to try to break in. Tests are also launched against every known IP address to find a way into the target's network: routers, firewalls, database servers, UPSes, surveillance cameras, etc.

Attackers commonly use fuzzers: software that tries millions of weird random mutations of the requests, hoping to find one that produces an unusual response. Fuzzers are great for finding subtle bugs in input processing -- they come up with off-the-wall ideas that humans would not think to try.

Finally, attackers manually look at the HTML/JavaScript and try to exploit form fields. They send characters you should be filtering out and see if you are. They combine fields from multiple forms and see if you try to handle them both at the same time and break something.

The most important part of software security is getting it right. A determined adversary can find flaws of great subtlety and obscurity. Ideally you should be able to give the adversary every possible type of help except the passwords and nothing bad happens.

cnp4500 ago

Thanks for the explanation. I’m glad I’m retired now and no longer in the business.

Pudge76 ago

Those with nefarious intentions may just fall into a...T...R...A...P...The higher powers are with us!!!

cnp4500 ago

Good point. Never let it be said that hackers and those on the Left are as smart as a bag of hammers.

Pudge76 ago


NotHereForPizza ago

when the sanest person on Voat is now... sanegoat

I know, man. Believe me, I spent like a month or more of -100 CCP every day. It's like they are actually colluding.

SexMachine ago

You have enough money to pay people?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

The (((angel))) is very generous.

TwooPsy ago

Nominating @TeranNotTerran

germanshepherd ago


TwooPsy ago

Hey, unrelated but, do you think that the IAEA should inspect Israel's nuclear facilities? How about their nuclear waste disposal processes?

boomersarecylons ago

Any UI frameworks like: Vue, React, or Angular? What test framework? Jest? Any thoughts about static mirroring for users which are not logged in?

Itsdone63 ago

I have experience with all of these except UX/UI but I'm nowhere near expert. Good luck Putt.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago


FattyWhale ago

If I had more relevant experience, I'd be tempted.

Fingers crossed that whoever ends up in those positions isn't some government agent or someone who isn't actually 100% pro-free speech.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Note that "free speech" only works when your society isn't full of your enemies. See what the Berkeley jews did to us with free speech after we handed it over to them back in the 60s.

RiverWind ago

you should ensure that the candidate is familiar with IPFS and would have the skills to migrate Voat to an IPFS based platform in the future

FuggBenis ago

What will you pay per hour? Oy vey! Does it include health care for my muddah? She has this rash and we could surely use the shekels.

ScreaminMime ago

I would be interested but my software knowledge is limited to clicking the upvote an downvote buttons... am I hired?

Dismal_Swamp ago

I don’t know how to do any of that shit but I’m half black and half Jewish so I get first dibs on the job plug right?

friendshipistragic ago

This is your moment @gabara

gabara ago

Nah I don't do hands on tech anymore. It's my job to make sure those people do their jobs.

kneo24 ago

Besides, @PuttItOut wouldn't hire you anyway because we all know you'd find a way to turn the Voat goat into a kaiju.

Scroobius ago

your feeling get hurt easily, don't they?

NotHereForPizza ago

You're witnessing Reddit all over again.

Too bad the only scope you've ever had was Reddit and fleeing from Reddit. My fuck you people are helpless.

CommonCents1 ago

yeah how do you vet someone to be friend rather than foe on this one? good luck! Maybe Q team will do some anonymous vetting :)

Lag-wagon ago

I can help

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Must value Freedom of Speech and understand both the negative and positive aspects it presents; to stand behind it for good or worse.

Well, you're going to have to fill one more position then. Someone to identify the person you described there. You sure as fuck aren't qualified for that yourself.

WokieDokie ago

explain please!

SexMachine ago

He banned someone for shitposting

smokratez ago

Zyklon threatened someone's kids irl. Plus he had been harassing hundreds of people on voat. Why you side with that retarded faggot pedo?

SexMachine ago

I was talking about the person shitposting in gaming

Herkules97 ago

Freedom of Speech doesn't include threats I think.

So if he's following that, it makes sense, since it seems zyklon was threatening people or something?

Unless you're talking about some other shitposter.

I'd also like a more detailed explanation, because I don't know much about any of it.

SexMachine ago

I don't know enough about our either.

Scroobius ago


odinist ago

I mean, I work in IT but I'm not a coder or anything. However...

Pay will be determined on your experience and what holes you can fill on our side.

@PuttItOut, I can fill holes like you wouldn't believe. When do I start?

PuttItOut ago

Damn it Voat

Gopherurself ago

I really hope you are getting some serious applicants.

fluhthreeex ago

instead of pulling/commenting out the "suggest title" feature why don't you re-use the "you're doing this too fast" module so we don't have to copy/paste so much. i'd hate to have to editorialize headlines here... or.

PuttItOut ago

This is a security measure. Zero outbound connections during lockdown.

Shotinthedark ago

( goat sounds)

asmodea ago

Oh, sure. Meanwhile, yesterday I get downvoated for the same humor

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Pointing out someone said balls is kinda different from word play, dont you think?

asmodea ago

I guess I don't know where the line is anymore.

majb ago

Neither does Rosa Parks but that didn't stop her.

NotHereForPizza ago

And then the coincidences just kept mounting!

And then one day... suddenly there was no more good content on Voat, no real people participated any more, there were ads in the middle of the pages, we stopped being able to talk about what we wanted, shitposting was outlawed and people we keep being told are virgins keep making fun of us. WHATEVER WILL WE DO?!

My god, will you fucking people wake up? What a god damn dump this has turned out to be. Talk about a cardboard box with a paper sign on it.

goatsandbros ago

  • No Jews

SexMachine ago

Most important.

  • no Jews

  • no trannies

  • no kikes

Jewed ago

Pajeet reporting in. Will do the needful.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

You mean, no more trannies?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

you missed us * boomers!

Neongreen ago

But there all the same thing.

hungry_mungry ago

Wish i could help more but I'm just a stupid fucking lawyer.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

Do nose measurements.

PuttIsAtranny ago

what holes you can fill on our side.

Putt is a sodomite tranny

smokratez ago

Ddossing himself, then hires reddit trannies. Rip voat.

BentAxel ago

If I knew 10% of what you seek in requirements I would volunteer my time. Sadly I am an ape on the computers.

smokratez ago

Here it comes. It's going to be reddit trannies.

anomRandom ago

Good luck

XSS1337 ago

  1. Constitution

  2. Bill of Rights

  3. Death

Come for the first, get the third.

Come for the second , get the third

Come for the third as you want to change the first or second ? Choose the time and place motherfucker , my forefathers smile down upon me.

thebearfromstartrack ago

What about "data hiding". Is "data hiding" an important OO concept to you? (ie MY personal data HIDDEN, not just YOURS).

What sort of a database do you STORE all this info in? I don't really know how these things work, and haven't thought about it too much, but I assumed you HAVE to have a database engine to store this stuff and search and retrieve it and back it up and stuff.

I'm an open systems (POSIX, C, Pro *C, C++, Perl, Unix shells and tools, PL/SQL developer (recent use, plus more further back), (many years) and 3 as an Oracle DBA. 3 patents (parallel programming using C). Don't think I'm qualified, but looking for contract (one in hopper right now) at the moment. and work from home sounds pretty attractive. Have 2 PC's (8G RAM, windows 7 and 10 respectively, blah blah blah) can purchase whatever hardware as necessary I imagine. You're in Switzerland right? Paid in Swiss francs? Swiss bank account?

Anyway, we're a ways from me sending a resume (personal ID you understand). Besides you may not like my STYLE here on voat. Plus I'm autistic, but high functioning, it's probably BETTER if we just converse online and stuff!

What are your work weeks like? Without considerable reward (no longer a sucker) I refuse the 24/7 worklife. On call at regular intervals okay though (last job spent the last 1.5 years on call at ALL times (bitch of a feminist boss...who got fired later for malfeaseance) who HATED men (looking back).

Anyway succesful career, good learner. Just fishing a little here due to some interest and situational opportunity. Like I said earlier, I'm not exactly a good fit for this it seems to me. Depends on how desperate you are I guess.

Oh also, I subscribe to the KISS rule. NO KISSING. lol, Keep It Simple Stupid philosophy to software development. Maintainability beats elegance (obscurity) abstraction, EXCEPT for performance. I'm pretty much a performance oriented kind of guy. ALWAYS speeding things up. Better, faster, cheaper. LONG track record of that.

jinglejangle101 ago

I know html and css, do I qualify?

HenryCabotLodge ago

Dear Puttout. PLEASE do a deep criminal and civil background check on whomever you settle on to hire. You "know" Mossad and C_A would love to be your "employee". Just saying. Keep your EYES OPEN...

Leroy_Antoine ago

Also ask about Israel's nuclear weapons.

AgentHitler ago

People actually think this is a legit litmus test. Any glownigger wouldn’t even bat an eyelash at answering this question.

Leroy_Antoine ago

Perhaps one day I will I will meet an actual federal agent, who identifies themself as such, and test it out.

ArcAngel ago

fer sure, cuz c_i & mossad would have spotless records..

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I agree it is worth doing background checks, but that won't uncover someone like that. T will only uncover someone who lied on their resume or has a criminal record. A deeper dive than that is incredibly expensive and is really only the type of thing you pay for when you are enterring into a foreign relationship with major money involved and concerns about the anti-bribery laws or similar situations. And unless you are lucky it still isn't going to uncover an actual spy.

antiliberalsociety ago

selects perfect candidate

10 minutes later...

Malicious attacks are just part and parcel of using a big internet!

Neongreen ago

You think those groups ping background checks. You're retarded.

DeliciousOnions ago

Well of course if you just get a standard check that's all you'll see, but the real test is in the schnoz.

Put a clause in their employment contract that requires them to hold free speech as paramount to all other elements, and cut an employee the instant they show signs of fuckery.

jimibulgin ago

the real test is in the schnoz.

No, the foreskin.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Eh, if they are being hired as a contractor, just put an "at will" clause in the contract. You can fire them for any reason, or no reason at all. Fire them if it's Wednesday. I never did like Wednesdays.

Nietzsche__ ago

Especially since he's practically handing it over to them. Probably for the best that it might save us from his incompetence.

RandomBOT ago

Some would say this is a job opening for one of those...

think- ago


Vindicator ago

He should have us investigate :-)

pcdude ago

Just send any candidates to this thread. I’m sure we can pace… I mean interview them for you. As for all the technical mumbo-jumbo, you can interview them for that. I guess it’s somewhat important to the job position.

baneofretail ago

This is actually a good idea. Assign them deleted accounts that have age and points and see how well they fit in.

ViperCarbz ago

I'd like to submit my resume for the position of Senior NiggerFaggot.

toobaditworks ago

Señor NiggerFaggot? You have to go back.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Excuse me?

ViperCarbz ago

Obviously, you'd be my supervisor.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

I will mentor you to the best of my abilities to one day replace and surpass my niggerfaggotry

ShowMeYourKitties ago

viper, you'll cowerds don't even smoke crack.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago



ViperCarbz ago

I will smoke crack for this opportunity.

MrPim ago

All candidates must be able to do 5x20 diamond pushups.

Reverse-Flash ago

Pfffffffffff, I can do 5x20 Diamond and Silk pushups.

MrPim ago

Smooooth as,,,milk

Reverse-Flash ago

Seriously though, I just got done with a full body workout. I have dumbbells and I know how to use them. Fuck the 'gym'. If you know what you are doing you can get a great workout in at home.

MrPim ago

I still lack a bench. Thats the only thing I want that I dont have. I doubt Ill even really need a squat rack, ill squat w a bar, but I doubt Ill ever hit the weight ti need a rack. Im not looking to do body building or strongman competitions. I need to be more fit than I am and that can be done at hime w a few weights and knowledge.

A weight vest might be nice for weighted pull ups.

Reverse-Flash ago

Look up 'Jefferson Squats'. You can do them without a squat rack. A weight vest for pull ups would work. Maybe you could use the vest to do weighted push ups, too.

Remember, it's a marathon and not a 50 yd dash. Slowly increase your weights or reps every workout, don't get injured. Even one more rep than the last workout is a winner.


angel187 ago

Referred to a top asskicker.

DarkHelmut ago

Wow. Good luck with finding the goat you need, not want! Interesting you're advertising a position here. I hope it's not the only place that you'll be seeking a candidate. We are with you Putt!

PuttItOut ago

Goats first.

dunklederf ago

this reply sums up in a nutshell why i love you putt.

DarkHelmut ago

I really like that! May your jump hunt be smooth! No loose Rocks!

lkjdaqp ago

I think there needs to be a mandatory DNA test or something to ensure that shills don't end up getting these positions.

If there was a tribe or organization that wants to actually take down Voat, this would be the biggest opening for them.

WyattMale ago

Employees of rein arischer Abstammung? Sounds good to me!

VGA ago

Agreed. DNA test, Face recognition, thumbprints, and everything in between

jimibulgin ago

foreskin check.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Pretty sure if you have veritable references you'll be fine.

i_scream_trucks ago


Reapreap ago


Nesano ago

I'm sure he'll be looking through their post histories to make sure.

Shotinthedark ago

I've got my sample ready where do I send it?

heywaitaminute ago

Of course, we can't have any dirty goys getting the jobs. Only the purest of Jews

Inaminit ago

What's going to stop IDF?

SexMachine ago

Check to see if their foreskin is still attached.

Tzitzimitl ago

so much for those american applicants then

SexMachine ago

It's falling out of favor the more people are informed about kikes and Kellogg.

Rotteuxx ago

Dicks picks should definitely be required as part of the screening process.

Maroonsaint ago

Good luck with that

dassaer ago

Still not any takers huh bud ??. After all this time ....

Maroonsaint ago


Yuke ago

Amen. A series of Voat's finest trivia questions to weed out the bad apples as part of the selection process would be a start. I'm sure a few clever questions could prompt some "coached" answers that would light up a shill.

Gail33 ago

OR a close-up selfie of the applicants nose... HOOKED ONES NEED NOT APPLY!

GrayGadfly ago

That's not really helpful, since they are also the highest population of plastic surgeons. Strange how they are experts on changing their appearance. It has to be a dna sample.

sunajAeon ago

Jews aren't a race-its an IDEOLOGY-so where is this hooked nose thing coming from? It must represent a particular ethnic Jew in some period, some continent

GrayGadfly ago

Not sure if you are dumb or a liar, jew are absolutely a race, NOT an ideology, at best you could say its a religion but thats not the common factor for these people since atheist jews do the samething.

sunajAeon ago

Well fuck you too for asking, but you repeating yourself doesn't prove Jews represent a genetic-race, Jews are many races today-and not because they have little Abrahamic dicks, but because at some point their ancestors adopted Judaism-as was the practise long before Jesus, with abundant Jewish proselyting going on throughout the empire- show me the proof or be quiet

sunajAeon ago

Thank goodness my reputation doesn't depend on a turkey like you-Zionists Jews make up all KINDS of races, Sephardic Jews are Spanish, American Jews are pretty much a melting pot-OK EIN- FUCKING-STEIN-SHOW ME THE PROOF where the HEBREWS of Biblical times who were

black btw-have an unbroken succession of Jews who intermarried with their own kind for the last 2000 years-kinda hard to do since they were KILLED OFF as in 70 AD when the Romans KILLED 1+ MILLION, enslaved another MILLION, and persecuted/killed/robbed/enslaved Jews throughout the empire (btw-just how many Jews do you think there WERE in 70 AD???)

Now I have been wrong before (last week I thought I was wrong and I was RIGHT...)

so just in case PLEASE show me the PROOF there is a RACIALLY PURE HEBREW RACE TODAY

giveitup ago

and another thought. Just go ask any Jew if they belong to the Jewish race or religion.

sunajAeon ago


Fking Genius

giveitup ago

jews are jews. the jews from spain had to convert or die. They converted to Catholicism but that didn't change their race. Jews are a race.

Camulos ago

That really shutters my shekels!

voats4goats ago

Must be a side profile picture with sheckles for scale

TrumpTheGodEmperor ago

Oy vey!

IStealYourCookies ago

Aw, you and Gail33 triggered the lurking kike and they down voated you. Lol


Let's make everyone who wants the job dox themselves and their dna to every government willing to pay for it as a requirement for anyone who wants to apply!

You're glowing

Dismal_Swamp ago

Not my blood!

tastelessinvective ago

I hope he finds some good people. As you say though there's a possibility some bad elements will try to slip in as help is added. I would suggest Putt treat his team well and act as a good leader.... but never do or say anything in private that they can hang over him or leak later on as a smear.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

This is how it ends. Shills are just drooling over these positions.

Jews are going to get under the skin of voat and infect everything.

kissaki ago

They'll need an MRI as well, to make sure the frontal lobe works; we don't want no psychos up in here.

QualityWhite ago

And see if they glow

Heer_me_roar ago

Gotta put out a breakfast table with bacon, eggs, pancakes, and lox, just to be sure.

Warmoose76 ago

Yes, we need puts address so we can all send him semen samples

IquitzuOcha ago

I wish that was listed as a requirement. At least then there's be something on there I'm qualified to do.

RustyEquipment ago

we need an address? i just... thought i figure it out eventually... 4 samples a day, out to mail... never fails!

NatSocTemplar ago

4 samples a day? I guess we know why you call yourself RustyEquipment now

RustyEquipment ago

cause my semen is

NatSocTemplar ago

I was thinking more that you wore out your tool

RustyEquipment ago

nah nah nah... i got a libido out of this world... sadly no kids yet... soon hopefully

NatSocTemplar ago

Well do I wish you the best of luck with that sir. I'm lucky and proud to have 4. It was a little easier for me to do a good woman here in the Midwest than it is for some goats on the coasts and in cities. I'll tell you one thing tho. It's damn near impossible to find a "goatette". Just find a woman with a decent head on her shoulders, you can teach her the rest in time.

RustyEquipment ago

shiiiiiiiitttttt my girl makes more than me... fucking diversity hires... she is nepali (i know, voat dont like the race mixing and all) but im am amerimutt, and my theory is, im drowing out their gene pool more than mine! bwahahaha

and she is smart and loving so that is nice.

NatSocTemplar ago

Idk im mostly Swede with a little German and she is half Polish half German. Kids came out cute so I'm happy. I'm of the general opinion that asians are pretty decent stock. They aren't low IQ shitskins or dirty Jews at least. Can't say I would settle down with one but I'm not one of the assholes who's gonna preach about it. I used to fuck a Nip in high school before I was redpilled. I have the feeling most of the ones who claim purity are single basement dwellers who claim nobody meets their standards but actually are just fat autists anyways. I know for a fact my Swedish ancestors went around raiding and fucking their ancestors, and the Romans did too, so I highly doubt they are as pure as they claim.

RustyEquipment ago

i tell you hwhat... the only girl i could find that was a debt free tattooless near virgin (one partner before).... at 30... thats a steal!

dassaer ago

Hmmm, a '...near virgin' eh. What that does mean ??.

Is that a '..only the ones that count' kinda thing or was she not sure about being awake counting ??....

RustyEquipment ago

haha fuck time for a divorce!

well i dated some south koreans while i was stationed there... always had yellow fever from a young age. but yeah this girl was the lowest number i could find in a small town college of 5k... in texas...

sooo i grapsed at it and found out her friend was still holding the v card... was like... so... she is single?

that was a week of the couch... haha im kidding but funny!

Seeker_of_him ago

Sample on its way. Not interested in job, though.

eongoat ago

I spit/slobbered all over my keyboard. 1 sticky upvoat for you.

Incty ago


offender ago

I don't think Putt needs any more sticky situations on his plate

Libertyisgood ago

Ok, now I mostly just lurk on voat, but this one made me laugh and deserved recognition.

Gopherurself ago

ROTHCHILD owns the world thru fractional reserve banking, KIKES also did 9/11

White_pride_cis ago

With that type of forward thinking, I would prepare yourself for a job offer.

Jan-ice ago

What is wrong with you two??? 🤷‍♀️

Doc_Shotgun ago

Wrong? That sounds normal to me.

ExpertShitposter ago


My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

I have no experience but I’m a disabled, black, muslim tranny who is bound to a wheelchair so you by law have to hire me.

RustyEquipment ago

nah, you didnt serve zog and go fight for our freedoms in another country!

AimlessRefugee ago

Welcome to the team, My Lord. You can have my house.

Bing11 ago

Plot twist: (s)he's super right-leaning.

toobaditworks ago

Diversity is your strength!

THEx1138 ago

Pcpoet09 ago

you realize that the experience you have requires that you be his girl friend for 3 months and seal the deal with sex . don't worry five years from now you can claim that the guy is a freak who raped you after the interview .

PraiseIPU ago

I"m all that and a veteran

I win!

V1LLA1N ago

All hail the new CEO of VOAT......My_Name_is_Not_Sure....Praise Be!

Reverse-Flash ago

Unfortunately you are a female to male tranny and are now a part of the evil patriarchy. No job for you!

NotWearingPants ago

Bound to a wheelchair by disability, or as a kink? (Extra points if using ropes).

Palindromedan ago

The holy grail of acceptable applicants

udo ago

Needs purple hair too though. disabled, black, muslim tranny may not be enough

CantBuySkills ago

Thanks for everything you do here putt. Just don't hire a (((niggerfaggot))) and we will be fine!

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

A new chapter for Voat and the rest of the goats!

Good luck in your search. We trust you to make the right choices.

Crensch ago

Hiring your overall replacement, or just your replacement with the coding and background. Are you still going to be holding the reins?

PuttItOut ago

I'm not going anywhere but I need a team that can handle the tech side of Voat entirely.

redpilldessert ago

So you'll still be boss?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Beware of shapeshifters, sir niggerfaggot

mathemagician33 ago

I'd definitely apply if I was more comfortable with .NET technologies, but I'm mainly a *nix dude and have always preferred a simple ol' LAMP stack. I was looking at the UI position as well, but I wouldn't call myself an expert in css, though have done lots of work with rest apis and interacting w/ their endpoints via javascript/jquery. Maybe I'll throw my hat in the ring for the hell of it, but tbh I think you could probably find someone who fits your tech requirements better even if I'd enjoy learning and am a strong proponent of Voat's principles. Best of luck in your search.

Wheresthebeef ago

While you sit back and get all the sexy time.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

It ain't easy bein' cheesy.

klobos ago

I wish you didn't just need coding experience because I would love to work for voat. Let me know when you need a diversity officer or tranny community relationship organizer.

PuttItOut ago

I started typing "Just send over your resume, I'll take a look." then I read the second sentence. Voat.

Inaminit ago

Wouldn't you be better off teaching someone what you want them to do?

THEx1138 ago

Bad idea. Teaching someone off of the street brings things to a standstill for weeks if not months. Try this one

OwMahLeggs ago

Extremely time intensive and stressful to teach a replacement while doing the work and putting out fires. Better to have someone with experience.

Crensch ago

Stellar. Thanks for the response!

NotHereForPizza ago

Welp, you even giving Crensch any attention is an obvious sign of a death twitch...

What do we have, three weeks or so?

19968993? ago

You are such a fag.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, sure. I'm gay. Woohoo. Now everyone knows. It's so liberating.

So, seriously, are you all just Crensch or something? Was this all just a joke from the beginning?

Are you in the discord too, "lady"?

Vindicator ago

You sound both paranoid and butthurt, NHFP.


NotHereForPizza ago


Pathologize dissent

Vindicator ago

Paranoid. Butthurt. :-)

NotHereForPizza ago

Sure, maybe.

I'd rather be rationally paranoid than a retarded wagie faggot like you.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The interpersonal animosities on voat are very strange to me, unless it's for someone like virge.

I_Helppp_1 ago

Yeah, I don't enjoy it at all. It wastes my time. It's not why I come to Voat.:(

RustyEquipment ago

I suck at websites, check my crap out at

I am more than willing to tag along as internship type work so long as I can axe some niggas some questions!

This is some stuff I would like to learn just for myself. I currently work in IT but not web development

forget-me-not ago

Is that you and your wifey? Very many adorable!

Your website reminds me of the 90s (:

RustyEquipment ago

and yes, my wifey. She is from Nepal, and came over almost 15 years ago, and been home like 3 times. actually planning on going there in January for a month. excited! although i dont like the food... fucking masala and tumeric heaby shit, when you can just grill a damn chicken and eat it.... savages...

cant wait to meet the mom! lol

mathemagician33 ago

nepalis are actually a lot more open minded than a lot of other south asians in my experience (my family is half indian/half nepali). you may not have such a great time if you aren't into the food though. expect the "aunties" to feed you pretty much non-stop (it's sort of a weird cultural thing). have fun!

RustyEquipment ago

HAHA so true!

so wifey struggled when she moved out to FL for me, leaving TX and her society behind (a strong community at my college, where we met, and my job took me away after college)

but she got out here and i forced her to find some nepali things to do and found some.

I have a bad pancreas, so i cant deal with spices and such... thats my get out of 'cultural jail' card!

nah mummy, just noodles is fine!

RustyEquipment ago

Your website reminds me of the 90s (:

you have no idea how deep you just cut me right there...

time to delete it

dassaer ago

Lordy be, in before someone wants the 90's back. So don't delete yet damn it, i haven't finished doing some snapshots (for research purposes) ....

digitalentity1497 ago

It looks like you had boxing gloves when you made the website. I loled. Nice job!

RustyEquipment ago

haha im fucking useless... HIRE ME PUTT!!!! i mean.. im a valuable member of the team!

redtoe_skipper ago

You can always ask reddit.

RustyEquipment ago

lul why would i want to work there

redtoe_skipper ago

Awan was very successful in securing their help with bleachbit and he raked in millions.

RustyEquipment ago

oh, well i dont care about any of them on there so... meh. I already work with a company i disagree with, im not jumping that shit ship to go to another...

redtoe_skipper ago

hahahaha, nicely put!

lord_nougat ago

WTF are you talking about?!!?! That site is AWESOME!

mathemagician33 ago

i can't tell if this is serious. i'm not trying to be a dick to the creator of that site but it looks straight out of 1995.

RustyEquipment ago

lol stop being a dick to me... im semi jewtistic

lord_nougat ago

Everything was so much better in '95.

But I thought it was more '93. Good year, '93, aside from that part where I got hit by a flatbed truck.

RustyEquipment ago

im proud of it! but it sucks to me... i have no direction anymore for it...

you may like my youtube also! i shoot fish, grab lobsters and try to pet sharks!

TopTierCIAShill ago

w3 schools is shit, check out mozilla web development

RustyEquipment ago

i will have to check that out. W3 schools i recall from my college years so I am comfy with it lol

TopTierCIAShill ago

get comfy with this other stuff faggot, voat depends on you

RustyEquipment ago



I will... i have been looking to turn my website over into javascript and .NET also

thanks for motifagination!

lord_nougat ago

Lol, I saw some of that!

Make me wish I'd taken video of my seamonster encounters! But I was busy trying to avoid them mostly. There was this one time we were sailing along and a huge blue whale just came along to say hi. He was SO HUGE, and I was getting pretty stressed out that I might hit him by accident and piss him off, so I changed course, but so did he because he was apparently just fucking around or bored or something, so we sailed along in company with a huge whale who had nasty fish breath for what felt like forever; probably like 20 minutes, but I just kept expecting to decide it would be lulzy to smash a little boat and drown some sailors. And my crew was seasick that day, for some reason... so he was no help.

We had like a zillion stingrays in the marina the other day for a stingray orgy or something. I should have filmed that too. I suck at sharing these things!

RustyEquipment ago

haha sweet!

i dont encounter many marine mammals, but i would love to fuck with some Orcas! probably the most feared thing i know of in the ocean!

lord_nougat ago

And oddly, I've yet to see one of them in the wild! Blue whales, sperm whales, every sort of dolphin, flying fish, even a sleeping seal way out in the middle of nowhere well out of sight of land! But never an orca for some reason.

RustyEquipment ago

flying fish are the astronauts of fishciety

sharks are like the suicide bombers/terrorists... they know they will get hunted down after they attack the air breathers, but they cant sit back and watch fishciety get destroyed!

lord_nougat ago

Tasty tasty little astronauts of fishciety!

RustyEquipment ago

remoras are like the jews... i guess... maybe shrimp... hell a JewFish! (actual fish)

lord_nougat ago

RustyEquipment ago


seriousry, i fear those more than bull sharks... my recent video showed one i saw, probably the biggest i have encountered

why? cause if i kill a shark it is nothing but if i hurt the poor little jewfish... the gov comes get me... and they are the like 8 feet long with jaws that expand like boa's... ridiculous 600 pound jews... could you imagine!

lord_nougat ago

Also, bull sharks are chill dudes in comparison, generally!

RustyEquipment ago

ok.. comparative to orcas. i cannot tell... but no... i wouldnt call them calm.. they need... motivation to listen to me...

niggas of the sea?

lord_nougat ago

Those are seagulls.

Except... SEA gull is a misnomer! You never see them at sea! They're always close to land, like pigeons! They're really LAND gulls!

They're also niggers. They steal and they shit on everything.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Dammit! I wish I woulda graduated 9th grade. Do you have any positions open for shit posters? I can do that.

No way I’m accidently hiring a SaneGoat.


NotHereForPizza ago

Is Crensch really any better, though? I'm pretty sure I just get instantly banned off of the site if it's Crensch...

ExpertShitposter ago

He cant code tho. Besides, putt doesn't have nice tits so crenschy wouldn't work for him anyway.

CheeseboogerHimself ago


NotHereForPizza ago

If you were actually a genuine person, this would be infinitely transparently obvious to you.

ExpertShitposter ago

Why do you always write like you are on psychoactive drugs?

NotHereForPizza ago


Pathologize dissent

Get your green up, newfag.

Corpse_washer ago

No way I’m accidently hiring a SaneGoat.

Looks like a sane idea.

NotHereForPizza ago

inb4 it's Crensch and this is Reddit in three weeks

Rainbow_Trout ago

Choose wisely @puttitout trustworthiness, shared values and goals must be be above all.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

Imagine Voat on your resume kek

ForgottenMemes ago

I turned down myspace when they told me they expected me to work on the live servers the first day.

Reverse-Flash ago

I already turned my janitorial experience at SBBH into a lucrative job saying "welcome to walmart," so I go that going for me and that's nice.

udo ago

SackTap17 ago

Well, good luck with this, @PuttitOut.

MadoffShillter ago

I once hooked up two monitors at once, so I'm basically a super hacker.

Yeah naw, best of luck with the search though.

RustyEquipment ago

Why did I read that as something sexual... is it? Should it be??


Scroobius ago

Because you are a degenerate faggot.

RustyEquipment ago

lul ruff one!

70times7 ago

This will end well.

THEx1138 ago

The entertainment value of the basement dwellers that think they could stave off a DDOS or handle this site is .... entertaining.

NotHereForPizza ago

RIP Voat circa September 2019

Shizie ago

Awww, are you butthurt that Puttitout didn’t just hand the position to you because of how special you think you are?

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

1 month

Why am I not surprised...

Shizie ago

More like 2.5 years, but hey, fuck off.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Lemme guess...”muh opsec!”

Kill yourself, faggot.

Shizie ago

You first, bitch!

auto_turret ago

How's that ostrisiation going for you?

Shizie ago

No idea what you’re talking about. Is that even a word?

auto_turret ago

Yes, I even looked it up before posting.

Shizie ago

I’m impressed!

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

You aren’t very effective. Go dilate and leave the grown up discussions to the grown ups. Then kill yourself cuz nobody will ever love your miserable ass.

Shizie ago

Awwww, look at little willy white knighting! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Fuck off

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Astonishing how much you suck but persevere nonetheless. It's almost admirable. Almost.

Shizie ago

It’s amusing how you think anyone cares about your opinion.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

There you go again. You may be a massive faggot, but I'll admit, ya got spirit, kid. Happy sucking to ya.

WhiteRonin ago

Well, look at you!

NotHereForPizza ago

I would tell him no.

Why do you desire my entertaining such a position?

I have my hands full enough as it is, you literal mongrel.