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Crensch ago

Hiring your overall replacement, or just your replacement with the coding and background. Are you still going to be holding the reins?

PuttItOut ago

I'm not going anywhere but I need a team that can handle the tech side of Voat entirely.

redpilldessert ago

So you'll still be boss?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Beware of shapeshifters, sir niggerfaggot

mathemagician33 ago

I'd definitely apply if I was more comfortable with .NET technologies, but I'm mainly a *nix dude and have always preferred a simple ol' LAMP stack. I was looking at the UI position as well, but I wouldn't call myself an expert in css, though have done lots of work with rest apis and interacting w/ their endpoints via javascript/jquery. Maybe I'll throw my hat in the ring for the hell of it, but tbh I think you could probably find someone who fits your tech requirements better even if I'd enjoy learning and am a strong proponent of Voat's principles. Best of luck in your search.

Wheresthebeef ago

While you sit back and get all the sexy time.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

It ain't easy bein' cheesy.

klobos ago

I wish you didn't just need coding experience because I would love to work for voat. Let me know when you need a diversity officer or tranny community relationship organizer.

PuttItOut ago

I started typing "Just send over your resume, I'll take a look." then I read the second sentence. Voat.

Inaminit ago

Wouldn't you be better off teaching someone what you want them to do?

THEx1138 ago

Bad idea. Teaching someone off of the street brings things to a standstill for weeks if not months. Try this one

OwMahLeggs ago

Extremely time intensive and stressful to teach a replacement while doing the work and putting out fires. Better to have someone with experience.

Crensch ago

Stellar. Thanks for the response!

NotHereForPizza ago

Welp, you even giving Crensch any attention is an obvious sign of a death twitch...

What do we have, three weeks or so?

19968993? ago

You are such a fag.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, sure. I'm gay. Woohoo. Now everyone knows. It's so liberating.

So, seriously, are you all just Crensch or something? Was this all just a joke from the beginning?

Are you in the discord too, "lady"?

Vindicator ago

You sound both paranoid and butthurt, NHFP.


NotHereForPizza ago


Pathologize dissent

Vindicator ago

Paranoid. Butthurt. :-)

NotHereForPizza ago

Sure, maybe.

I'd rather be rationally paranoid than a retarded wagie faggot like you.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The interpersonal animosities on voat are very strange to me, unless it's for someone like virge.

I_Helppp_1 ago

Yeah, I don't enjoy it at all. It wastes my time. It's not why I come to Voat.:(