DillHoleBagHands ago

I have said it and I will say it again. Voat is my last social platform. When Voat goes under, I am done. No moving onto another site.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

So what sources of news will you rely upon and will you pass any news on in any way?

DillHoleBagHands ago

I don't rely on a specific few. I will pass on mainstream dumpster fires.

Vladimir_Komarov ago


Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Both Poal and Phuks were created as fallback sites. Check 'em both out and see which you prefer.

bambou1991 ago

From Phuks ToS:

Posting content of any kind that incites discrimination, hate or violence towards one person or a group of people because of their belonging to a race, religion or nation is strictly prohibited.

I don't have much hope for that site.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

I used to post everything that I did here over there. (On Poal, too.)

I stopped posting on Phuks because of the reception my contributions got. I don't post much here because, honestly, it's not always up when I stop by.

TradMan ago


What fags.

Karbuster ago

Instacucked if you click agree to that

notanexit ago

Hand written letters with wax seals and messengers on horses.

ilikeskittles ago

Not pidgins?

Karbuster ago

I prefer pigeons to niggerspeak

notanexit ago

That would be good too. Also messages in bottles, helium balloons with messages, or do a geo cache with redpill memes in it.

Obrez ago

I'm still holding out hope that 8kun gets online.

MarauderShields ago

Would like to hear from others here about:


Decentralized platform. It was recommended to me today. Seems like it may work for most Goats.

TradMan ago

That'd be promising if it was text only, otherwise CP.

middle_path ago

Looks pretty dead to me.

ggolemg ago

We really do need a .onion voat

Stinkybeans ago

If voat goes dark, I'm going to take a nice fat break from the Internet.

Karbuster ago

Bingo! Maybe ill get some shit done for once

Stinkybeans ago

I've been doing more of that, feels good man. I have to keep reminding myself that if it weren't for the Internet, I wouldn't know about any of the fucked up social shit. I'm in a pretty liberal area and there still aren't trannies fucking dogs or anything around here, nor people that would put up with that.

TheBuddha ago

The cool kids know where to go. We already have a backup plan and site. It is invite only, however. If you didn't get an invitation then... Well, I think you can figure it out.

TradMan ago

I did, but that site's filled with tranny faggots. Nah.

middle_path ago

I don't know, but when the time comes I will.


Maroonsaint ago

I’m a cool kid

Liber ago

I seem to have lost my invite somewhere

YoHomie ago

Lol, the Voat Apocalypse!

TradMan ago


Native ago


TradMan ago

Will they allow free speech? The news here is #1.

If you can't say niggerfaggot you won't have good news.