TL;DR: Voat is a CIA honeypot* (The Magic 8ball said so in chat so this is basically a fact.)
Voat has always been a wild ride. Community meltdowns over censorship standards to having our hosts terminate agreements to having our legitimate payment processors terminate our service without valid reason. One thing with Voat is that there is a surprise around every corner, each new day brings a separate set of challenges, and the hurdles are never ending and as far as the eye can see.
One thing I find interesting is the generational change with users. Each year Voat cycles a user base much the same way that humans do, and with each new generation the past is further forgotten. I always find it interesting that there are many currently that don’t have the slightest idea who SaneGoat or Amalek were.
I say this because many find it confusing that Voat is locked down right now (Authorized Only and Registrations are disabled). They simply don’t understand how an “internet site” can do such “ass backwards” things when every other website is focused on growth and user numbers. With Voat, sometimes things just work out in the best ways possible, completely unforeseen in the beginning.
Voat has been attacked via DDOS two times now by professionals. They are professionals because both the scale and methods employed are nothing less than professional. The first attack of this caliber used website end-points that were expensive and not widely known (a normal user seldom navigates to these areas of the website). In response we made changes and discontinued publishing code to our github repo. This was a defensive move. This latest attack was responsive in that they were monitoring Voat. When I turned Voat off, they stopped sending traffic, but within minutes of enabling Voat, they continued their assault.
In response to this dynamic nature, the only thing I could do was to prevent the botnet from being able to function how it was. I accomplished this by requiring Authorized Only access as typical DDOS attacks on a smaller site like Voat don’t usually come with advanced planning (e.g. creating accounts). Based on their persistence and monitoring I had to disable registrations because that would be their next move to get around the first.
Now fast-forward to CloudFlare, which recently made news for doing something they promised they’d never do again, terminating customer service. They terminated 8chan and while that is horrible in and of itself, they did it in the most callous way possible by giving them mere hours’ notice. They terminated abruptly to inflict the most pain possible, which speaks volumes of the character of that organization.
Meanwhile the anti-truth, anti-freedom, anti-free speech advocates that dominate our internet media reveled in their victory, they were already looking for an additional trophy to add to their collection.
This is where I think the hand of God works in mysterious ways. They next came after Voat, but because of the recent attacks, Voat was inaccessible to those without accounts, thus giving them zero content in which to twist and distort in order to pressure a company like CloudFlare (now that they know it works). You can call this happenstance, but it has happened so many times during Voat’s history that I simply cannot accept it isn’t by design. This is where the generational history comes into play, because new goats don’t see how many times over the past 5 years online that Voat has ended up on top from a defeated position.
I tell you all this, because hardship and challenges chisel the character of man, but life never promises an easy ride. Trust that standing for truth yields the favor of God (and trust in God himself you atheists!) and even in defeat you will have victory.
Voat has a lot of decisions to make now. Big decisions.
Writing custom software from scratch is already a daunting task, we now also have to contend with an environment that is growing increasingly hostile to basic rights of human communication. They won’t stop, and they can’t stop, because the Truth always wins in the end, and Truth isn’t on their side. It will be a fight each and every day going forward. Prepare.
To the weak: Leave. This isn't a fight for cowards or ladyboys.
I don’t know where this will all end but Voat will do the noble thing and continue standing for principles that are the right of every man and child: the freedom of expression, to be free in thought, to live as free men.
*Let's make a list of everyone who stopped reading at this point and commented "I KNEW IT! I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG! PUTT WAS REPLACED!"
Ruffsecs ago
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ObamasPinkSock ago
Putt, how much longer do you expect the quarantine to last? Is it permanent?
AstaSilva ago
Putt is dead
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kkkrystal ago
I'm not trusting in god, niggerfaggot. im trusting dedicated people to keep sites like this running. keep doing god- i mean, good work.
Aleph ago
I think what you guys need to realize is how tiny your community is and always has been. It's never taken off. I've been watching this place out of interest for a few years, and it's never gained enough velocity to get off the ground. If it wasn't for reddit banning hate groups and idiotic Qanon movement, Voat would have died out long ago.
You have no real discussions - it's just a circle jerk. None of the subverses have taken off - most are lucky if they get one post a week.
All this site does is to act as a sort of hate-filled play pen for the people no one else on the internet really wants around.
I hope voat survives, because then you assholes will stay here in your little hate box and we don't have to listen to your whine about your inferiority complexes.
heygeorge ago
Visit v/soapboxbanhammer
Aleph ago
Yeah, it's like the little engine who was a racist and had no friends.
heygeorge ago
lol no u
gallowboobdid911 ago
I'm not going anywhere
BentAxel ago
Thanks Putt
Laughingoutloud ago
Voat is a CIA honeypot. They really like to flaunt it at your face.
Aleph ago
I didn't realize this was a religious website.
qq488641650 ago
We must survive and keep on going
gimmersong ago
Much love brother, keep fighting the fight for us all.
bhuddamonk ago
Fuck yeah, fight the oligarchy. Glad to be aboard!
mali_bu ago
Puttitout, thank you, thank you that I can be here with you
Mse ago
You warned me to remember my password... I finally remembered it lol. I appreciate you guys
thefinalhoax ago
What are they going to do, arrest us for wanting to find the truth?
albatrosv15 ago
Yes, evil white colonialist hungarian male.
Crazy8s ago
Just remember Q helped set up QRV. They have vested interests in this platform and especially 8chan! If they are who they claim to be, that would mean we have a very strong ally in Our corner!
xberb ago
There certainly are valid reasons - there's some incredibly vile and wretched individuals here that companies don't feel comfortable enabling
I get that
Freedom of speech and expression still must be protected so long as it's not causing physical harm
Barfin ago
jesus it been down all day till now
PolishKing ago
Hey man, you've got angels on your side. God is with you as well. Relax, you're in very good hands, keep up the great work.
ramultyleveachan ago
sup niggers.
that is all
HarveyHarveyJones ago
Glad to see voat is still around after all these years.
GoatWatcher ago
newfag here and so far this place has been fun to lurk on, as long as you keep standing for freedom you'll have my support
DickTick ago
But what if we're ladyboys that can handle the heat in the kitchen!?
RaspberryPi ago
Been here a long time and I've always been more hopeful the day after Voat comes back from one of these attempts. This is a hill I would die on, free speech is too important to puss out just because of adversity.
Cheetah1964 ago
Beautiful post. I am with you.
memememema ago
I wonder if there is any correlation between my posts and voat getting attacked. Fuck that cult programming is difficult shit to remove from my own head.
ArcturianDeathTrap ago
CONFIRMED: Taylor Swift is a goat on Voat
1WQ ago
God Bless you PuttItOut!! No man can defeat God's will, none.
Noctis_Labyrinthus ago
So who replaced Putt?
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Olimpia8 ago
PRAY!!! Pray for strategies, wisdom and divine intervention and appointments. God is the side of the rights He gave us - among which is FREEDOM.
julzee2 ago
I thought I saw somewhere the other day where there was a link to a portion of voat that is not locked down to unregistered users. Someone was asking us to copy our posts there for others who can't get into voat to be able to read. Does anyone have that link or info that I could share with my yt subs? Many are locked out and trying to get in but can't.
JohnnyCage90E ago
Most of them SHOULD be locked out. Voat is like a closed-community think tank right now. We don't need our information being leaked to glow niggers and kikes. There's a REASON why registratiosn are disabled right now . Voat admin is on point.
Seriously. Don't go around sharing/leaking EVERY little post on here.
julzee2 ago
Do you realize how weird you sound? I guess not. You're talking to anons who do nothing 'but' share crazy conspiracy theory type stuff. And you want them to stop sharing it? Doesn't sound like you understand the goal here. Dissemination.
julzee2 ago
Ok but I thought it was a mod who wanted us to copy posts to the open voat portion of the site specifically to share with users who can't enter. They're not being locked out to keep kikes out. They're locked out for site security reasons right? I'm not spending a lot of time on this subject. Got too much digging to do. Was just trying to keep ppl in the loop.
logos_ethos ago
Here is some context. It was reported that a manifesto was posted to 8chan prior to the Cloudflare ban. It turns out that the manifesto was fake, but there was a manifesto posted to a more mainstream platform. Of course, the mainstream platform does not get banned, while the one with the fake manifesto gets banned. Even while 8chan was shutdown voluntarily, a major news outlet falsely reported that another mass murderer posted their manifesto to 8chan. There seems to be an effort to take down sites that are not under certain influence/control. Voat is logically the next target, so we should expect some kind of effort to associate us with another tragedy.
julzee2 ago
Ok I get it. Sorry, I thought it was a mod but now that you say this it was probably someone trying to get voat posts distributed outside bc they can't access voat...? But I go through voat posts on my yt channel. We can't live our lives censoring ourselves bc we're afraid [they] might take something out of context etc. The info needs to continue to be distributed.
logos_ethos ago
If you are just sharing posts on your own volition, then I do not see a problem. If there is a request that is outside of your normal topics, then I would ignore it. Requests on topics of your choosing should be safe. For example, if someone requests content of recent tragedies or anything used by the news cycle to justify banning sites, definitely ignore it.
julzee2 ago
Thank you. No one's asking me personally to re-post anything. Just saw a generic request at the end of someone's post for us to, as we post our threads, to please copy them to another part of voat so those locked out can read them as well. I just inquired about what this 'other voat' portion of the site is and if anyone had a link to it. Then I get this ying yang telling me I need to be careful how I name my titles bc I'm going to get voat shut down...sigh I'm done with the topic. I don't have time to repost my stuff onto wherever it is that request came from and I surely don't have time to argue with ppl about how I should title my threads and to watch out what I talk about. That defeats the entire purpose of voat.
JohnnyCage90E ago
Wow. You must be some special kind of stupid.
julzee2 ago
Says someone who's been a member of voat for a whole No shit Dick Tracy that it's my channel. I share it on here all the time...duh
So let me get this straight. "i'm" going to get voat shut down for legit digging yet you spewing ignorant shit like "jewtube" is cool and won't reflect negatively at all on voat huh? You've got some really stupid logic going there. Def shill thanks for outting yourself...;)
JohnnyCage90E ago
Look lady, just read what logos_ethos said. Thats what you need to understand. Don't take it so personally.
ksoulyman ago
Puttitout, thank you for all your endeavors and trouble for keeping this site alive. Remember the Amalek and SaneGoat
24601_JeanValJean ago
Monster. Bravo. Look to the War of Independence.
DrLizardo ago
Where else can I hear some truth? Free speech is not free and we’ll need to fight for it.
ConversationEnder ago
You fucking fags go on about how cool you are and free speech and as soon as someone makes a contrary comment to your kool aid fuckery here you limit them to one comment a day like some 12 year old faggot guarding his echo chamber. Fuck you assholes.
SearchVoatBot ago
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doomfish ago
SoftTacoEmperor ago
Whatever happens, good luck. This whole thing has been a fun ride, if nothing else.
DoomerLad ago
It's sad that CloudFlare allows protection for sites that offer malicious content or software (off the top of my head from MANY years ago I know various video game cheat sites are protected under it) but allow ones that don't do anything but "wrongthink." To think we've allowed a network that was supposed to be built by the people conglomerate into companies that we have to use to get our sites accessible. And I'm not talking about Google, or Microsoft, but sites that offer traffic protection like CloudFlare, domain hosting and DNS routing like GoDaddy. The fact that there is government bullshit requiring these sorts of modules for a <insert site name>.com to exist as opposed to shows just how this platform has been rigged against the little man.
DoyouSEE ago
Well I have a Murcia boner
Hippie_Housewife ago
Also use a VPN maybe when you surf here. I'm just sayin'.
yellowoodneepuks ago
Very well stated, Call the ball when needed, we're here for the duration, whatever it takes. Lasty: Thank You & God Bless You.
82328874A66E ago
Fuck it! We'll do it live.
DanglingGoatBalls ago
I saw that tantrum O'Reilly threw at Lift The Veil. He damn sure throwed a fit.
do-you-concur ago
amen brother
Wingrider ago
People tend to forget, FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE,
Blood, lives, & limbs, are always the price paid for their wars.
scottscience ago
Power to Voat. We love you!
Empire_of_the_mind ago
those people are shills or faggots. keep that in mind.
FireWalkWithPodesta ago
This isn't a movie but sure, I'll stand with the truth until the end no matter if the outcome is good ending or not.
teriyakuza ago
Just for info, I’ve detected a few more goats figuring out voat’ preview site. Just in case things go down.
ilikeskittles ago
I ain’t leaving, and I ain’t giving up. Keep up the good fight.
JenSantaMonica ago
8chan should sue CloudFlare out of business. Anyone contracting with companies like CloudFlare must negotiate service agreements that require them to pay substantial liquidated damages if they terminate service based on content or without a negotiated notice period. There is no reason for these problems to exist with respect to contractual business relationships .
YogSoggoth ago
Worst at computers here. Hey Putt, did you check spellcheck as a possible?
diriel ago
I love Voat!
sosat_menya_reddit ago
Hey @puttitout .... how’s @srayzie ? Tell her I said hi!
PicklePete ago
You have my sword brother
Bilzkits ago
TY Putt! got your back as do all the goats!
YogSoggoth ago
Thank's Putt.
ConversationEnder ago
Oh come on, you are not that important.
What they look for is retards that like to pretend they're nazis and make announcements about how they are going to shoot their school up tomorrow or some shit.
It's because people here show a pattern of mental instability and a poor grasp of reality and so, like stormfront, 4chan, 8chan or others, you get creeped in here by government officials because they can't fucking do theri job without this particular shit honey attracting these particular shit flies that hang out here.
Every third thread being about "niggers" this or "Kikes" that does not give you a low profile by teh way ya fuckin goofs.
You couldn't be cool about shit in an air conditioned freezer locker. Talk shit like children and for what? For what?
Fucking dummies.
Anarchy99 ago
Truth does not fear investigation. Only Jews do. Their whole reality is wrapped up in a narcissist fantasy fiction of themselves. The biggest frauds ever
turnitoff ago
I found this in the unredacted black book that was recently posted belonging to Jeffrey Epstein. I have one question. Who could this entry be? It is the only one with just one name : Elizabeth 001 917 s12 2299[pJ 001 203 4 2 77 1\w/ 0033 660 596 267 ( Queen Elizabeth? ) I found the document on here somewhere. I can't seem to copy it though. Maybe someone else can. I don't have enough points to post it.
Seekingtruth777 ago
Thanks, although I don't remember my password, so this is the only device I can access Voat on. In truth I would still be lost if I hadn't found this site.
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Kaptaan ago
How things have gotten to this point should be documented to educate the uneducated, in terms of attacks on free speech, open racism (against whites) , disavowal of basic biology, Supreme Court saying truth isn't a defense (Canada), fascist violence tolerated (Antifa(t)), etc etc... People need to know this has been planned well in advance and every attack against patriots and freedom loving people is by design.
I'm glad I registered and was on board with the Q awakening that lead me here.
moosethenoose ago
This place needs to exist.
I have retarded co-workers and friends who think this place is the devil incarnate.
They Facebook and Reddit.
Fuck them,
Kaptaan ago
StudSupreme ago
The latest Red Board death is now official - is no more.
The FCDiaspora is nomadic. They will stop in at, nimbusters, F2bbs and F3bbs when and if they can. But F3 and campidiot are notorious glory holes and about as hospitable as Chernobyl, F2 is broken and unadministered, and nimbusters is alien territory - not a true redboard.
The FC Diaspora would like to make a home here. But they can't until new registration is opened.
So...they will wait.
VOAT admins:
If you could advise when new registrations are open again, we of the FCDiaspora will be grateful. :-)
MDGAustin ago
WRWY Glory to God!
Colin_Kelley ago
Thank you. For me, this is my goto most important news source on the internet.
PiousApostasy ago
And my axe.
revfelix ago
jk Putt is awesome and this place keeps rising from the ashes like the unholy offspring of a goat and a phoenix.
Vakhuman ago
The fact you continue to abide by your (and Voat's) principles of free speech, when the pressure is being piled on is inspiring to say the least.
In an environment where far more resourced websites have capitulated without so much as a whimper, Voat and you stand strong. I find myself feeling privileged to be part of this community. Not for the racism, or any other 'typical' response you often see here, no its because, people have the right to have a voice here as does everyone else.
Those who oppose this idea, do not understand that free speech is not about supporting '...ics' or '...ists', its about preventing censorship,and stifling voices that question the narrative.
Long live Putt and Voat.
Brigbjones ago
Top notch Putt! Thank you for defending this corner of the internet so doggedly. Committed leadership like this just doesn't exist elsewhere.
shawnfromnh69 ago
Fuck the deep state sjw owned bastards. They can take a flying fuck. I'll still pass on stories to other sites and keep the word spreading to get the pedo's including Prince Andrew into the public spotlight.
Lansing-Michigan ago
Something very strange happened to me yesterday.....Used as a name Lansing-Michigan for no good reason. Beside a post yesterday, in red, was voat operators are collecting IP addresses of voat visitors. I copy and paste lots of posts from this site as well as comments. Always give credit for where they come from , so not too hard to figure out for computer was a warning though as I live in ME....and the post with the red warning was about sex trafficking children in ME. ......Am sure a lot goes on as we are bordered on 3 sides by Canada.......if you go through the woods it would be easy to slip over into roads are guarded and there is no way all the woods are. Wonder how many people are being scared away from this site by such as this?
Vindicator ago
LM, that is a username flair applied to one particular user who has admitted to collecting IP's of users from here who visit his site, and comparing them against hacker data dumps to find out who they are. It's a warning not to visit any sites he controls. He can't get your IP from Voat. He is not connected to Voat administration -- just another user like you and me.
70times7 ago
PuttIsAtranny ago
Tranny mc tranny
Fateswebb ago
It might be loaded with via shills, but it's not a via Honeypot, unless of course you mean a Honeypot that attracts via..
Vindicator ago
LOL. That is an excellent observation, FW.
Jsmyogi ago
Thanks! so glad we’re still here and not vanquished to twitterdoom.
Murdan ago
No you small hat wearing faggot bitch, tell us who your Israeli angel is or fuck off trying to downplay OUR real concerns here. If by the end of it the vocal ones against globohomo get taken, your head will face the block.
Action_Bastard ago
@PuttItOut Release the IP Addresses!
nfk42 ago
can i still say ni....
nice day today?
MaximilianAldorfer ago
Honestly, I think “we” need to move out of a defense position and into an offensive position. Adopt their tactics and use them against them.
biochemist345 ago
Here I am trying to get my account banned for being too extreme and it turns out they don't do that here. I hate this place so much.
Redpilleveryone ago
I can’t say I’ve ever said this but here goes. Thanks Putt. I’ve been around for a minute and I was confused by a lot of your decisions. Seeing you stay the course and defend our ability to exercise our first amendment rights has solidified my opinion of you. You’re a real class act. I’m glad to be a part of one of the greatest if not the greatest exercises in human liberty to ever happen. I believe we are a part of something special. A vanguard of sorts with a true leader.
Hail Putt.
lovehate123 ago
"Voat is a CIA honeypot"
Not exactly.
Putt. Everything is a Honeypot, everything can be a Honeypot.
Voat is a big Center of attention Putt, You Know Java and HTML than You know everything is a Honeypot if You give it attention.
Putt, 10 days of darkness.
Q128 ago
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?"
- Romans 8:28-31 (KJV)
My10thaccount ago
Specifically what big decisions does voat have to make? Please take the time to answer this when you have a minute.
plumpkin ago
Almost to 1000 comments!
Qcrazy ago
Nothing else to say but:
Godspeed & THANK YOU!
bareknuckledragon ago
Thanks, putt. You're a god amongst lowly beasts.
Fuckyounigger ago
I hate passive aggressive humor I bet it really is a cia honey pot
horribleperson ago
why has my voting been stripped for all subs but one that i did not choose. if i only get one sub to vote on, can it be v/pizzagateuncensored ?
Vyse777 ago
Amen brother.
thebearfromstartrack ago
WHY am I logged into a thread from a while ago, instead of the front page now? Checking my bits....then "fancy pants" page, then some thread about chinks. What is happening? Is this some sort of sting (covert gathering of evidence) of my deplorableness that will be used to destroy me at some future date? Just because I HATE evil (includes deceit, entrapment, etc).?
MACSOG68 ago
lsdflkoi ago
Wow, well said, very informative...
Thankfully, I followed here during one of the Storms, otherwise I would be out in the cold dark world of fake news.
Thank you for the above, the "check your privilege" screen is a nice touch, made me smile...
Vindicator ago
@PuttItOut, thank you for all you do. Many, many of us will never forget what you've allowed us to be part of. I offer this meme, made during one of the previous DDoS attempts. Unfortunately, the image host site was snuffed out in one of the censorship forays, so all I've got to share is the thumbnail. :-)
Tolkein called this "Eucatastrophe."
Loved this post of yours. As a great Lady once said, "He casts down the Mighty in their arrogance, and lifts up the meek and the lowly."
NapalmForAll ago
Testing I can comment.
libman ago
I support Voat, even though posting content that can't be freely archived is normally a no-no. (Ex. no longer works here, much sad...)
I hope you implement static dumps to IPFS (or something like that) as I suggested. Then you can make the dynamic site a walled garden if that's what it takes to beat the DDoS commies...
Freedom will prevail!
chrimony ago
Null of Kiwi Farms was on a YouTube live stream last night. He talked about how he preemptively ditched Cloudflare and replaced it with a router and 3rd party DDOS protection service. Would probably be worth contacting him and setting something like that up in reserve.
Trymian ago
and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
SearchVoatBot ago
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Thinkfaest ago
At this point, in order for Q to return trump will have to validate Q when and where he shows for anons to have enough faith to continue.
think- ago
Pizzagate is older than 'Q'. We have enough faith to carry on, and don't need any 'validation'.
Thinkfaest ago
Your not an island unto yourselves. A selfish idea that you alone will be some heroic force to take down the deep state doesn’t help. Q is valid and the info that has come out of it has been helpful.
think- ago
You only talked about anons, not about Q followers. It is you who gave the impression that the only anons investigating are those who are into Q.
Also, I think that most Q followers don't need any validation. They believe that Q is connected to Trump anyway.
Vindicator ago
I could be wrong, but I think you missed the point @Thinkfaest was trying to make -- that Q worked very hard to prove he was who he claimed to be and authenticate his leaks and the only way he'll be able to "return" and "continue" with anons as before is if he (Q) is validated by Trump.
I don't think he was disparaging either pizzagate or Q researchers.
belrial ago
LOL Sanegoat... His pics of a dude shitting in his own mouth are the stuff of legend. Horrible eye bleaching legend, but legend nonetheless.
Rushingspirit1 ago
I am not going anywhere-Thank you for doing all you do....If I had a platform for 8Chn to return- I would host them immediately & you with the greatest securities I could implement!!!
Jiggggg ago
This particular account is newish but I've been here for a few years. Voat is great. You are great. Heil Puttler
Jiggggg ago
How's some niggerfaggot gonna downvote this
QCanada ago
Know nothing of coding and shit like that but WWG1WGA.
Keep ip the GOOD work my friend.
goatsandbros ago
Thank you, Putt. You have our love and prayers.
qx4chenxp ago
I believe in Voat. I believe in Christianity and the pure-hearted ones sending out the truth.
JustGail ago
God Bless you. Thank you for all you do for us. ❤️🙏
BackAsswards ago
Its BackAsswards just to let you know.
javierNelson ago
I miss amalek
NoxAeterna ago
Meh, these assholes couldnt get me to even move a feet, much less decide which sites in the internet i visit lols.
Just glad i already have an account.
Thissandwich ago
Are ladyboys like girlymen? Arnold may be offended.
BentAxel ago
I for one don't give a fuck about the CIA nor do they Give a fuck about me.
The FBI - yeah. They are worrisome. Especially that Strzok fag.
Riva ago
Thank you for this site.
CanadianAndProud ago
How about moving to your own dedicated server or as some suggested moving to a .onion site, which would still have issues with ddos attacks so honestly I’m not sure what the solution is.
NevadaDesertPatriot ago
Thanks @PuttItOut My the Armor of God protect you.
Flint138 ago
Thank you.
thebearfromstartrack ago
Standing against evil is EXACTLY like that. One fresh hell to the next. Overwhelming at times. TIRING. Don't know what to tell you. It is what it is.
hairybawbag ago
Fucking hey! This is the last real site there is.
Nuff fucking said.
maga1234 ago
Thank you. I could add more but work beckons ... so just thank you.
jewsbadnews ago
I can't live without this site, I have been coming here almost every day since I created my account. Thank you Putt for all the hard work you do to keep this site going!
4TheRepublic ago
Stand strong. Brilliant work.
hollandkt ago
Thank you for all you do to provide us with this site. Sincerely, I can't imagine what you are dealing with behind the scenes but I appreciate you.
meowmix56 ago
Thank you.
FriendofAbe ago
This place is the digital equivalent of an oasis, thanks for all your hard work maintaining it!
mustang10 ago
Thank you for this information, being new to the site, meaning a little over a year, I now consider Voat one of my sources of news. Kudos and stay the course, God will prevail, he always does.
kestrel9 ago
Thank you Putt and I appreciate the long hours you put in on our behalf which newcomers also are unaware of. As I prepare I will continue to ponder whether in your poem you meant to say 'planes' vs 'plains'. I don't want to presume one over the other (planes can refer to geometry in the sense of poetically describing plains).
PuttItOutsDick ago
TherealScrable ago
I keep lurking here, still probably going to mainly be around at 8ch, once it comes back.
But this is still a nice niggerfaggot community.
Zenogias ago
This is the moment Putt finally stepped out of Atko's shadow, IMO.
You are the man now, long live the king.
ShakklezthaKlown ago
something strange is going on recently. something in the air maybe.
Mr_Surkuri ago
I wish you the best of luck. You, Bitchute, Gab and Minds should be fine. For 8Chan it shall return as the eternal serpent out of the shadows and into the light once more.
lbruiser ago
HPOP and Henry for those who are old enough.
Putt, I stand with you
combatveteran ago
deus vult
Metkim ago
Well put, Putt
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @HillaryClintonsShoe.
Posted automatically (#56628) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @HillaryClintonsShoe)
fluhthreeex ago
Why after every post am I get a "This site did an oopsie. Checking ur bits lol" page? Are you trying to get users to leave? It's no worries, I'm fine with it. Just curious. Is this how it is for everyone or are you just targeting specific people?
SmokeyMeadow ago
I remember Sanegoat. What a loon. His persecution complex had a persecution complex. As for me, I'm happy with things the way they are. I don't like new users because they're usually Reddit trash or undercover feds. Don't open registration, they just want to infiltrate and comprimise the site. Maybe at some point trusted users could be given invite codes to disseminate. But for now, im good with whoever we've already got.
Qanonplus1 ago
I love this. You are truly one of God's servants. Thank you so much for writing this. It's informative but also inspirational.
ShillRoasterSupreme ago
Bullshit, you use faggot google Recapcha, no bots could sign up.. Learn how to code and stop making excuses.
swinston79 ago
Keep fighting,we're with you.
AbjectSubstance ago
Can anyone tell me how much it costs to keep voat running for one day, including feeding Putt?
d00danon ago
God Bless and Protect you @puttitOut :o)
EpicWin ago
Very well said brother, I love it...GOD BLESS!!!
JohnnyCage90E ago
"They may take our lives but they'll never take....OUR LAPTOPS!....and my red keeping that too"
Dismember ago
Interesting that you would say this in the context you did.
Texaswolf1 ago
Godspeed. Freedom is worth fighting for.
Kal ago
What did you do with Atko?
toobaditworks ago
Turned him into a putter.
Wazhappenin1 ago
Well said. Solid as rock.
lordbastiat ago
What's "Authorized Only"?
JohnnyCage90E ago
They never get us!! Stay strong, glow niggers! WOO!
Fuhrer1488 ago
I dare these kikes to kick us off the internet. After we have nowhere to go on the world wide web we will organize in the real world and fuck their shit up.
FireSauce ago
ALIENS2222 ago
new goats(kids) don’t see how many times over the past 5 years online that Voat has ended up on top from a defeated position." You taught me this Putt. :P"I tell you all this, because hardship and challenges chisel the character of man, but life never promises an easy ride. Trust that standing for truth yields the favor of God (and trust in God himself you atheists!) and even in defeat you will have victory. " -Written on my Quite-wall in my kitchen.
Thankyou Putt. As long as I can get my raggety internet connection to bring me here I will be here talkin' freedom and looking for Aliens.
Where We Maaaaa One, We Maaaaa ALL !
think- ago
think- ago
@shewhomustbeobeyed @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall
toobaditworks ago
The truth is out there. Even tho a jew said it it's still true. Vote me 2020.
StanWildman ago
Good explanation, thanks
Moon_Central ago
who is SaneGoat or Amalek?
toobaditworks ago
kingconcave ago
Dont ever fucking forget we don't live on a giant ball of spinning water...#globe bwahaha #lol
ScreaminMime ago
Sooo "I KNEW IT! I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG! PUTT WAS REPLACED!" buuuuut, how long will registration be locked down?
toobaditworks ago
About 3.50 weeks ago.YouTube
Moon_Central ago
So what are the big decisions?
toobaditworks ago
Your mom.
jpcfamily1 ago
It is both an honor and a God-given right to be here.
SearchVoat ago
sosat_menya_reddit ago
As promised when zeke was burned
Anarchy99 ago
The Gentiles are too morally weak to say anything or do anything. They are probably alcoholic and medicated. If you are a man you ceded your jurisdiction to a woman. Jews are not as smart as people think they are. They put up airs and act under the appearance of authority. Everybody buys into it. I don't know who is worse the Jew or the white person who caves to their flimsy demands. I would have to say the white person who sucks Jew cock is lower than the Jew. I have no respect for any white person also known as European who sucks Jew cock. Those people make me cringe. It's funny because blacks and immigrants are more Jew wise than the idiot white people. White women who go along with the Jew are putting the noose around their children's neck. The man who allows his woman to go along with the Jew doesn't deserve to live. Almost everyone around me goes along with it. Actually I don't know anyone who doesn't go along with it. You have to be strong and soul spirit and mind to resist the Jew witchcraft.
DangerWolf ago
*Let's make a list of everyone who stopped reading at this point and commented "I KNEW IT! I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG! PUTT WAS REPLACED!"
think- ago
Freedom always comes at a price.
think- ago
Pooh_on_a_Jew ago
I'm gonna be honest here, I'm kind of a retard
toobaditworks ago
foxtrot45 ago
Wondering about the ip address being used. Are they from data centers or ISP's? I wonder if its IoT devices or some app being used on a persons mobile with a hidden function the dev can use if it wants to be play SJW for the day.
Just wondering where 'the pro's' are getting all the IP's to hit voat from.
cursedcrusader ago
Keep fighting the good fight @puttitout
ConfirmedSRSShill ago
@puttitout Calm down with the "ladyboy" slurs. If you think you're so much better than trans-people or gay people, write your own fucking code. You operate a reddit clone for white-nationalist edgelords. Sack up buttercup.
toobaditworks ago
Trans people and gay people are mentally ill. Once you overcome your primal urges to not think about sex all the time you may have evolved into the new level... of course you'll still be behind the racists who already know that low IQ's, blacks, mexi's, and pedos cause problems and need to be sent somewhere else but hey at least you won't be retarded and sticking your dick in some guys ass.
ConfirmedSRSShill ago
Just because you're mentally ill doesn't mean all gays are mentally ill. Stop projecting.
toobaditworks ago
No the fact their brains don't function correctly means all gays are mentally ill.
Chiefpacman ago
Some of us have stuck around brother. I've grown a lot as a person here. Whatever happens, God bless you and thank you.
Don't let anyone take away from what you and atko have done.
foxtrot45 ago
How do I tell my friends to check out voat when its walled?
I hope you figure it out puttitout. Maybe could put voat behind another server. The first server checks how many requests are coming in, and if to many from a particular IP re-routes it to null or some other machine. There is alternatives besides cloudflare. How about hosting in Czech Republic?
Sheitstrom ago
I am with you.
Womb_Raider ago
Hope you're the original Putt and I hope you're not compromised. You keep odd friends, but you appear to be doing what you can to do the right thing. There are still possibilities in which you aren't a good faith actor, but I suppose a bad actor would keep updating the canary well beyond its termination date... and you haven't done that, so we'll see where things go. If you're legitimate, keep fighting the good fight and may the good souls prevail over the foul.
surferbr ago
the main thing we are winning that's the most important part.
Universal_Management ago
Anon-too ago
I retired after 28 years of military service, and this is, by far, America’s greatest battle. There are no “non-combatants”. There will be tears and injuries. When the dust settles, God wins!
kaarno ago
Thank you Putt! How do we help!
Neon_daemon ago
Im still here @puttitout. It may not be my original account and I may be a mobilefag now but im here and I know all the old names. Im really hoping someone makes logs about the day to day voat events and controversies. Any journalists out there?
IHateCensorship ago
Thak God I created an account a long time ago and remembered it. I browsed this site from time to time, but without logging in - this feels safer, but I understand your decision to limit access.
Hawkeye1466 ago
Suddenly I feel old, a beard has rapidly sprouted from my face and now I feel like an old and weathered sailor coming into port and finding so many things have changed. But the bones are still mostly there. The storm will pass, they missed their chance to deal crippling blows early on and now voats immune system is active and learning.
Moln0014 ago
Hello. I am here to stay. Voat is the only free website I know of that Jews, niggers or the Chinese run.
sunshine702 ago
The same is happening to Gab. They are being flooded with new accounts talking violence and trying to get them nuked. I know darn well thd glow in the darks are here and at Gab. They are not taking away my free speeh. I have an idea DON'T TRAIN PEOPLE FOR THE MILITARY in Junior ROTC programs that have DOCUMENTED MENTAL ILLNESS (Cruz and Cruisus)
Many of these people were violent mentally ill FOR DECADES - Paddock had 200 suspicious financial activity forms sent to the FBI AND NOTHING WAS DONE (but monitor Gab and Voat) so fuck you spooks just fuck you!
CognitiveDissident5 ago
Hey what's happened to gab? I stopped posting there after the format changed and they have this weird black screen. It's really annoying.
Blompf ago
The Jew will stop at nothing to halt the spread of the truth.
scoopadoop ago
I remember those assholes and more. I'm still here. I'm still with you.
nzmc ago
please see my proposal how to solve it
HbMcNutt ago
Ill happily share the truth filled memes here until i can no longer.
Revelations2_9 ago
God's victory is already won. Stand strong, my NiggerFaggots!
skullfuku ago
What is the CIA looking for? Bad puns?
Devious1 ago
I've been around many a time and plan to stay, been attacked by plenty I wouldn't have it any other way.
- I would say by some of the best (mainly from the chans) and lame ass comments from shills in here.
Peace out.
nzmc ago
Could you add like separate micro service site where users could register with some vetting
Separation would make ddos harder
Camamoow ago
I've been here for over 4 years, I wish for nothing more than the site to succeed.
I hate that there is so much drama around a simple free speech website where people shitpost.
It sucks that speaking the truth draws so many of the wrong eyes, but it is a fight worth fighting.
Truth is above all else, I pray that you are able to stay afloat Putt throughout all the hard times ahead.
a_quest_ion ago
Thank you for Voat
WhisperingPine ago
Im not going no where im here for the ride along with many others, i wish there was something i could do to help, We greatly appreciate all that you do to keep our freedoms intact with all the evil around us trying to strip us from just that. what we all have to remember is we have to stay united and fight fight fight for our freedoms, our childrens freedoms and our grandchildrens freedoms, without us they will be left with duct tape across their mouths and be dragged into socialism, we must teach our children about whats happening and grandchildren so they know one day they to may have this same battle as we are having right now. Again Stay United, Stay Strong and Keep our freedoms in tact for them.
valleysunshine ago
Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth putt putt is your girlfriend really hot?
High_Sierra_Trail ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your efforts in this (very) daunting endeavor. You (as usual) don't mention money or material support, so I'll ask; do we need to do a ropless car wash or can drive (not topless)? How can the average boater be of assistance to you?
blumen4alles ago
Well at least you put yourself out there, very commendable. I have been on your blog/site and can see you know what you are doing there, you seem like a good goat, I'd consider hiring you :)
blumen4alles ago
You could always send in a resume, he listed the address not long ago. Even if you don't have the exact skill-set he is asking for, he might accept your offer to help.
moosethenoose ago
Small town here. We don't have a police department - we rely on county Sheriffs.
Nobody wants this in our area.
I've got to think that rural will win out over urban - urban can't sustain itself.
WokeByTheStorm ago
I will never stop being a truth hunter. This old goat doesn't give a shit about the naysayers , they can go fuck themselves.
mightnotbearobot ago
I know, right? For a place that values free speech they sure do seem to want to limit it.
Thisismyvoatusername ago
Just kidding. I have no plans on leaving any time soon. Thanks for all the hard work keeping this place going.
tobasoft ago
Fuck those losers. FREEEEEEDOM
TheyLie ago
Link to what you're referring?
0rion ago
Wasn't SaneGoat the guy who raped and murdered a little girl back in 1991?
CheeseboogerHimself ago
1990, godammit! 1990! 1990!! Get it right or somebody will sperg.
Elemental_Lightning ago
So the real question, to me is; if where voat is currently being hosted at, takes a shit and folds, what will we do? Is this currently why you mentioned writing code from scratch?
Also. When do you think we'll get out of this 1984, hide the truth era?
TheyLie ago
I read that entire image. I don't have a clear understanding of it. I noticed a commenter saying the op was spamming voat's /all. If this was the case, I can't side with op. Can you provide a link or full information on this?
MadWorld ago
:-) You will have to wait for a couple of days for him to rotate through about 20 accounts.
The situation with his snapshot, and several others, is that they started showing up on the preview site, which is basically Putt's work office. And they started carpet-shitting on his work place. That was why they got banned on the preview site. Maybe you got the impression that it all happened on main Voat. But no, it did not happen here, and they are still free to post, despite a few were spamming /v/all/new.
8thDeadlySin ago
True, the user agreement does support banning at the whim of the administrators, but I find banning people for being annoying to be abhorent, in excess of what should be allowed, and in the case of one user completely unjustified. I don't recall anything mentioned about the preview site being strictly a work place, we didn't use it as such the previous time voat was down for days.
As far as the spamming went, there were two parties involved, and I don't see the second user being banned.
MadWorld ago
Yeah preview site was the only place to go when Voat was down, for those who knew the place. It was very peaceful and everyone seemed to get along with each other, until the shills started to show up.
Could you point me to the second user who was involved with spamming? Note that the ban was on the preview site, not live Voat.
8thDeadlySin ago
I didn't hit the preview site much during this downtime, and was referring to spamming on voat-it was virge, of course. It spent just as much time flinging shit as whiteronin.
And it doesn't matter to me if the ban was on the preview site or voat - one is but an extension of the other. These bannings occured during the downtime, anyway.
TheyLie ago
You will have to wait for a couple of days for him (puttitout? or zdfg?) to rotate through about 20 accounts.
The situation with his snapshot, and several others, is that they (who is they?) started showing up on the preview site, which is basically Putt's work office. And they (the same they as above?) started carpet-shitting on his (puttitouts?) work place. That was why they got banned on the preview site. Maybe you got the impression that it all happened on main Voat (I'm kind of lost on this, so my impression is confusion, seems some fighting between certain people and I'd have to do a bunch of work to try to put the puzzle together which doesn't seem worth my time if it's not just laid out in a paragraph or 5). But no, it did not happen here, and they are still free to post, despite a few were spamming /v/all/new.
MadWorld ago
zdfg aka Dial_Indicator, TerdWilson etc...
Preview banlog:
You meant those pictures in /v/aww? That was on live Voat, not the test site.
LOLs, only 5 paragraphs? If you have some time to burn, you could search dial on
Not to that extreme, I think it was only two full pages of garbage submissions at one point, which is about 50 submissions. No crying or banning was involved on live Voat. And then he took that shit to the test site and got banned there. Dial took the opportunity to cry about it. This is someone who is drunk and who holds grudges forever.
theBreadSultan ago
This might be a stupid idea....
Create a middleman (programme / entity) that requires a small fee (say 2 local denomination - to cover transaction fee) to be paid via credit or debit card.....
This does 3 things.
1. it adds elements of the number to a used card list
2. it shits out a long string key
This key needs to be added to every existing account, and has to be added to create new accounts.
The idea would be, that 'the middleman', only keeps just enough card details to prevent 2 random people having the same details, but would not be enough to provide any particularly useful data should the database ever get compromised.
(e.g. middle 8 digits)
This isn't going to protect you identity from the NSA / GCHQ, if they are really after you, but then it already isn't.
It would make, creating spam accounts / sock puppet accounts / DDOS accounts, a lot more labour intensive, and certainly increase the cost of those pesky DDOS accounts
ClansmanwithaC ago
In my eyes, you'll always be a king amongst men Putt. Going through the uncertain times and watching the growth out of that period only solidifies my idolatry. I can't thank you enough for providing (with Amalek and Sanegoat) a haven of rationality in a world increasingly gone mad.
TheyLie ago
It is mere dumb luck that I came to voat after easily realizing what reddit was & became. Luckily I invested time here. Is this the last one standing? Seems likely that this is the next target.
jiggawatt ago
I am here standing with you my friend. We are together.
Peatmoss613 ago
I ain’t going nowhere! Love ya nigger!
Holonomic ago
Good info, thanks @Puttitout. The good work is appreciated, and if there's anything general users can do to help, just post. It's too bad that a website can host a place for users to share [normal] ideas, jokes and fun content, as opposed to having to constantly combat assholes and douchebags that demand peace and free speech, and will beat you, or silence you up to prove it.
Sirnotabot ago
sweetholymosiah ago
and women
Camulos ago
Wooo boy, good read putt. I ain't goin' nowhere either, thanks for all your hard work my man, voat is a bastion of freedom and probably the last true bastion of freedom on the internet. It's insane to find my self saying that but that's how effective these godless kikes are are "shutting it down". The fight is real.
friendshipistragic ago
Member @Hecho? I member. I always wondered if he really killed himself.
stealthninjataliban ago
Alamek! Fuck new users- IF you let them join the comment karma threshold to post should be obscenely high to weed out the bad actors. Like 6 months worth of upvoats to let them post for example, but since they are paid, it's their job to be persistent.
danthi ago
That you PuttItOut for your untiring efforts to provide us with a place to voice our free speech.
HfxBo0ya ago
I'm a leftist and I disagree with a lot of what I read on this board. But I'm not a pussy faggot SJW, and I'd rather hang out with people who will speak their minds. I'm sticking around.
jokersmild ago
G0P2 ago
Serious question: is decentralizing anywhere on the table?
White_Collar_Crimnal ago
Thanks again for the opportunity to downvote you, again!
DANGER77 ago
...never give up, never surrender!
digitalentity1497 ago
Keep on fighting the fight! Thank you for Voat!
concernedpikachu ago
jumping ship from reddit was one of the best decisions of my life
Tangent-love ago
This is home. I am not going anywhere.
White_Collar_Crimnal ago
AWESOME AND INSPIRATIONAL! And thanks for the shout out to God! That's all I'll say about God, he makes his presence known without my help!
KarmaPuleeze ago
You're the man, PuttItOut! I've been here since the start (had many user names) and you've proven your self to be one of the great champions of liberty. Thank you, sir.
The_Impaler ago
lock n loaded
Mustard_Monkey ago
I find my way back into the play pen despite these attacks. We will always love you PuttItOut. Fuck the haters.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Make Mexicans Fear Immigration Again.
TheyLie ago
MIFA Mexican immigration Fear Again
(had to rearrange to make that work)
Laughingoutloud ago
You must be new around here, Amalek would agree with me that this is a Mossad run five eyes honeypot. Not just honeypot but literally electronic version of their operation brownstone. They have dirt on everyone. Most of you dont matter, but if theres even one in position of power here then job well done.
7e62ce85 ago
Indiana_Jones ago
First: I'm glad that I DO have an account here, because I kinda forsaw how bad it's going to become. And I was right. It IS bad right now. Bannign 8Chan is a catastrophy and free speech DEFINITELY is under attack.
Second: Who is doing this? Who can attack Voat on THAT scale?
Consistent_Peace ago
Im here to stay the course
Hang in there
We need you!
2012ronpaul2012 ago
Praise God! Keep up the great work.
Intrixina ago
Cluster B trash will always shift the goalposts to try and make you dance to their tune while they sit back and laugh. Nothing is ever enough for those clowns, until everyone who doesn't agree with them are dead.
Fuck that shit. The only language these cunts listen to, is the word "no" and a very harsh enforcement of said "no".
Atarian ago
I remember, Putt.
I remember.
WTFisthisshit ago
Thanks for the update and info. We’re all in your debt for giving us a place to truly express our opinions and beliefs.
Attac ago
based philosophercel
Corpse_washer ago
No info about angel. There is nothing you can do to change minds that you are not paid by the cocaine import agency or some other lettersoup agency. Stop apologizing and tell who it is or be quiet.
SecurityReasons ago
Godspeed. I am so grateful for voat.
PaulNeriAustralia ago
I'd like to know what happened to that Wild Canadian Boy - @elitch2
cinclips ago
Putt ftw.
tastelesstoothpick ago
Sadly, I don't think we've anything yet. The early part of 2020 is going to make the last few weeks look like child's play.
PaulNeriAustralia ago
Why are SaneGoat and Amalek celebrity goats?
Mind_Games ago
I think a whole lot of trial and error needs to happen. This constantly playing defense is bullshit.
Free4ever ago
Thank you! I'm glad I made it in. I'm new to all of this. I've never been to 8hcan. Only in here to keep up with the Patriot fight against the DS. I can't watch the mockingbird media any more. I cut my cable off about 2 years ago. There is nothing on all those channels but crap anyway.
Your words are true. Truth ALWAYS wins!
NymphantTree ago
I have long hair and a bow, am I a ladyboy?
DesertFox33 ago
Who is puttitout? Is that a golf reference
TheyLie ago
It's an instructional term. Like, if you have a bad thought, puttitout of your mind. Or, if the dog pees in the house, stick his nose in it, and puttitoutside. Also, if Jews come into your country, putthemout
clubberlang ago
Take a picture of the declaration of independence and bill of rights before they openly set alight to it in public under the guise of inclusion and diversity
wanderingblade ago
Thanks for fighting for us. Wish I could be more a part of the recent fight on the parts of the Internet I love but right now I'm straightening out my life to make way for white babies. I say don't open up registration again!
irregularverb ago
Goodbye and Good Ridance Still a top Google response to a search query for VOAT. Yet, we're still here.
Imperatrice_d_Ane ago
Guys I think @Puttitout has been replaced he has changed his tone and grammar a lot in the last 24 days since I have had my account.
dudelol ago
Through fire weapons are forged, Through flames metal is tested, Through heat hardness is proved, Through hammering heart is formed.
Psalms 12:6
sunajAeon ago
Please stop quoting Jewish literature
AttilaHitler ago
Someone's never fought a ladyboy
G0P2 ago
TheyLie ago
1984_new_2016 ago
Thanks for the hardwork keeping my right to say retarded shit online.
totallynotFBI ago
God is dead.
katphish ago
damn son, you know i'm still here. shit. i even posted.
Nothing is purely coincidence. I’m settled in and ready to stand for those values. God bless you and everything you do!
Biscuitbaiter ago
I'd leave but then I would be left alone with way too much time with the wife. I guess for now I'll stand my ground.
TheyLie ago
That struck close to home, here here
PaulNeriAustralia ago
I know where you're coming from.
Loveraft ago
Do what you've gotta do m8.
sguevar ago
I haven't been much on Voat because my new job has it blocked. But I always check the site to see how it's doing.
You have my back up. I believe in what Voat represents and I will always work in defending it from people that use censorship and false narratives to manipulate.
I stand by the truth and I know my path to come to these website was because of the providence of God.
Godspeed @Puttitout. God bless.
Steelerfish ago
Thank you for the platform.
The same beacon on the Hill for some turns out to be a bug zapper for those who follow blindly...
Only with all information and viewpoints can one decide for oneself.
You can help members with Jedi skill to know who’s actually attacking the site. Sections of the web most people never frequent? Expose it. With every attack increase your resolve 10 fold.
Didn’t Microsoft buy Github?
Fuck that place. It’s stank pussy.
Think outside of the power box.
Bigdeal ago
"I KNEW IT! I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG! PUTT WAS REPLACED!" Truly this is a special place.
TradMan ago
Amen. Thank you.
TCP_V1P3R ago
If Voat does go offline indefinitly, I'll migrate to ZeroNet. Otherwise, I'm staying put.
Chempergrill ago
Bless your work, Putt.
ninjajunkie ago
Amalek did nothing wrong.
I'll follow you anywhere, Putt; for you are the better man.
poptical-illusionist ago
Are there any techniques that private torrent sites use that might help? We keep all unknowns out and invite known only to join.
lilomeunq ago
I understood almost half of the tech, but sounds like this ain't your first rodeo. I appreciate all you do.
amendthediscourse ago
“(E)ven in defeat you will have victory”. How do you mean that here? And who is God to you? If I may politely ask...
MasterCheif ago
Thanks for the all the hard work. Also could you please bring back the real putt!
vandilx ago
I've been here since Alpha. I'll be here supporting you through Omega. You're a good man, Putt. Better than most. And I appreciate you as a fellow human being and a patriot.
You are worthy of honor...I for the most part am computer illiterate, a lot of the tech jargon contained in much of Vote's content is stratopheric to me..BUT...I am capable of recognizing " just character " and a virtuous " will " to stand for all of the inalienable rights granted by God, whether God exists or not. I am very curious though in your choice of wording per to the " challenges that {chisel} the character of a man ". Your wisdom supplants your intellect. Do we share the " 5 points of fellowship "? If not, you have the virtuous standards and level of character that puts you in to the cornerstone of Western Civilization. You have a following that is of the same mind...SO MOTE IT BE
MrBoutros ago
i'm with you.
whether you want me or not.
TheyLie ago
Be the herpes that voat needs ;)
MrBoutros ago
good one! i wish i were half as contagious as herpes
hungry_mungry ago
@puttitout let me know if there's anything a lowly lawyer can help with
sunajAeon ago
This is an army of red-pilled intelligent humans-nothing can stop that
matthew-- ago
Here's an idea. How about an public invite only system?
That way everyone can invite people such IRL friends, and confirmed shills can be traced back through the chain, and the whole network contained.
TheyLie ago
Can new users on this system and certain others be 'sandboxed' some how?
matthew-- ago
Not sure what you mean by "sandboxed", but it would make it harder for shills to infiltrate the site. Ultimately, it'd be up to putt to decide.
TheyLie ago
Contained, kind of like a virtual machine running within an operating system.
offender ago
Why not give all new members a giant yellow star next to all of their posts?
Swallow_That ago
Thanks for standing strong, cousin. You’d have made a fine Southerner.
seidoken ago
Is it possible to mirror Voat on ZeroNet? I don't know how a DDOS attack would work on a distributed P2P network but it would be nice to have a backup to fall back to for information and status updates.
MidnightTrain ago
It's time to dig in your heels boys, only the strong survive. Let these lgbtfemfaggotsatanists come, they are no match for free speech
o0shad0o ago
As I mentioned elsewhere, you might want to consider forking and going with a p2p framework.
It_was_the_juice ago
YeetDiscreetly ago
I'm not going anywhere. We have to take this world back and put the power in the people's hands. I pray that God will lead us to victory.
TheyLie ago
How do we take it back when they are pushing communism, evil, etc into multiple generations of children through the school system, tv, and all the big mainstream online players, which all come first in the search results?
woadowl ago
thank you
ChimpStenographer ago
So Pompeo might be in here shilling for Israel?
superspathi ago
The idiot commies may just succeed in forcing the nazis out of cyberspace and onto the streets. Be careful of what you wish for cause you just might get it.
ChimpStenographer ago
How can I help?
Newmemba ago
Well said, besides giving a chunk of my pension what can I do?
WhatDaDuce ago
I'm not leaving. I came here for free speech.
Disgusting, crude, or vulgar I don't care.
Right, wrong, or mean I don't care.
Hard or easy I don't care.
Religious, not religious, or atheist I don't care
I may not agree with everything that goes on here but I DON'T CARE. I came here in the early days to escape from censorship. We don't live in a bubble. Being free to express ourselves is integral to why we're here; continuing to be able to express ourselves is why I will stay!
TheyLie ago
If voat falls, where do we go? I think we need a backup plan. How would we find each other?
d3r ago
Open source the code again, then ask for volunteers once a week until you have 20 volunteer coders.
Beast-mode-freak ago
So Putt, who are we going with for DDOS protection, do you have enough capital to start our own internet provider service, with DDOS protection as well? Because honestly, going forward that is a money-making, and high security idea.
BigFatDaddy ago
We're with you Putts! You have a thankless and frustrating job trying to manage this site, but know that we do appreciate you for it.
Hail the VoatFuhrer!
cuzimloony ago
TopTierCIAShill ago
Hey guys I'm letting ya know quickly on my coffee break that this is a deceptive post. It's to calm everyone down and to believe that we are safe.
What I will say is this: @PuttItOut Please confirm that that state of Israel has 37 nukes that are usable against the United States of America as of the moment you read this. It's a simple yes or no questions. No response will indicate that you are under pressure by the United States of America and that you are a government agent.
It is against the law for an agent of the U.S. Government of any security clearance to confirm, deny, or comment on the status of Israel's nuclear arsenal.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
Seems like this should be pretty easy for @PuttItOut to respond to.. Squash a lot of suspicion with one simple reply.
TopTierCIAShill ago
I agree. @PuttItOut needs to reply to this comment. Otherwise I'll post it on /v/whatever so people are aware.
StudSupreme ago
Q: What organizations forced 8Chan off of CLoudflare?
Q2: Are these the same organizations coming after Voat?
Q3: If Yes to Q2 - do these organizations have websites that permit comments?
Turnabout is fair play......
Redpills_Beyond ago
TexasInfidel ago
So FUCK'EM and hold the fort.
I likes that bunchs
fuckingmockies ago
I'm not an alt. I just delete and start from scratch occasionally. I started here as @Thought_Police, because I had just discovered r/CoonTown just in time for it to be banned and followed the migration here. Then I became red pilled and became @NoMoreMrNiceGoy. Eventually that got stale so I became @GetWithThePogrom. I was also @Hate_Monger, but I forgot where in the timeline that was.
Is that you, Sane?
Gigan ago
Thanks Putt. I fear for a day when Voat is gone.
oftotc ago
So we're under quarantine. The information shared here is visible only to the existing user base. That nearly zeroes the threat level assessment in an information warfare arena. Under these conditions the enemy wins. The only one hearing the voices here are the goats already assembled. To the rest of the Internet, voat is silenced.
Look, dude; I ain't smart, but how is this a win? Slowly. With small words ;-)
AlabamaNigger ago
TheyLie ago
Good point.
Strontium_Dawg ago
Newfag goat here. I got your back here in this digital Alamo. Come and take it.
Lrmicha1 ago
I am a newbie but I can tell you I appreciate being a part of this family, thank you Putt and God Bless you and those that make this possible.
PaulNeriAustralia ago
11 months ain't a newbie imo!
heygeorge ago
Lol, also butthrt because you couldn’t stop sperging on the test site.
I like you both. I like @WhiteRonin more, because he has been more real in our interactions, but I like you both.
I don’t care how many accounts you have. And if I am only ‘hardly aware’ of your activity here, as you claim, then that is really fucking sad. There’s a real world out there, and if you put down the bottle maybe you’d have the guts to enter it.
Priapism ago
i worked from home, have multiple monitors, it helps.... you should tell gabara that
sorry for the latency of my reply heygeorge, @puttitout is to blame.
tbh im barely on voat anymore, i look at it as a cesspool now, unfortunately.... just a sea of alts and shit heads
there still a few around, such as yourself and few others that have integrity
but puttitout has basically censored me, and im sure he grinding hands about it
who is to say it wasn't a test to see they "real" reactions? dude putt banned theodorekent (of all people) from there for asking a simple question. putt is a two faced liar, and not to be trusted
heygeorge ago
Re: Theo
It’s a testing site, not a spot to air personal drama to putts. I thought it was pretty funny. I guess Theo does not share my sense of humor.
Cronenberg ago
Thanks @puttitout, you're doing good work.
Sometimes you find hope in the strangest of places.
BurntBizkits ago
Thank you for everything you do. God bless you, Putt.
Broc_Lia ago
Come to think of it, that could be a useful measure of when an old post is to be deleted. Do it like torrents: If someone really wants to keep a post alive (like a megapost with loads of good info) they can keep hosting it themselves. If they aren't bothered then it dies.
Hosts can decide for themselves where to draw the line with old content, how many visitors it needs to be considered worth saving, how long the moritorium is etc.
Cincosiber ago
Keep going brother, atko passed you a baton, now it's time to run it home in record time, we are cheering you on, dig deep, you are almost at the finish line.
The truth wins, the truth is in voat.
Love you @PuttItOut
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @krockery.
Posted automatically (#56374) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @krockery)
Ashra ago
I love you Putt, and I appreciate all that you (and Atko) have done for Voat. Free speech is SO important, once it's squelched it is hard to win back, and I appreciate every sleepless night and stressed minute. I am not a computer savvy person, and don't know what goes in to maintaining this site, but just know I appreciate you so much <3
sirRantsalot ago
You've got my hammer, sir!
Broc_Lia ago
You're doing amazing work, but you need to update the canary.
Incidentally, is there anything I can do to help? I'm a nublet when it comes to web tech, but I can do graphics and possibly a few other niche things.
altro87 ago
the only spot I know where you're actually able to see both sides of the coin and have freedom thought to figure out that (((they))) have tried to finish you off for just speaking about the truth.
DillHoleBagHands ago
Weeeeeell, fuck. Tough you say, I guess I have to stick around now. Where the hell else am I going to go.
I have nowhere else to spread my bullshit. Without Voat I might bust.
You catch a lot of shit Putt. I am glad you and some of the old goats are still around.
pepe16 ago
Lakswjnsiz ago
Ty for this much kudos. Good info well written. When a opponent plays all thier cards its so easy to counter and watch them go down in flames. This wont end well for these fuckheads.
WickedVocalist ago
alt right mgtow terrorism at its best.
Antifa just fucked their moms friends to get their bffs basement bedroom they were always jealous of.. still terrorist commies.
Plant_Boy ago
This may sound like a silly idea but is there a way you can monitor country level access to voat over a month, confined within error parameters so that if a ddos happens from a particular country voat would throttle their access or would that more be an server/isp thing?
Secondly have you thought about creating an in-house bot checker? Make a few random images, simple questions or sums with distorted characters and ask the goats what's in the box?
Commie_Meta ago
Voat is being flooded by a botnet: computers hacked at random all over the world.
TheyLie ago
Can Voaters help by mirroring the site on their computers all over the world?
Plant_Boy ago
Ah, I was just looking at the map that was posted and it was saying the highest traffic was coming from Russia, Thailand, Brazil and somewhere else. Figuring if you throttled those places then it would make it easier but if overall traffic is causing the downtime and Russia, Thailand, Brazil... are at the top of the list but not by much, then I can appreciate that.
TheyLie ago
Can Voaters help with their computers? Processing power space or what not?
LordSporkington ago
God looks out for drunks, babies, the United States of America, and Voat!
kammmmak ago
We are frankly fighting for our lives on so many levels.
Feelslikeclownworld ago
Just want to say thanks putt for all the hard work you've put into the site. A site like this is a hidden gem and I hope the ride never stops.
I've learned so much due to coming here. I want to learn more.
xenoPsychologist ago
you have my sword. in any way it can be useful.
Jehoshaphat ago
Great comeback rally, @puttitout
Thanks for all you do.
WickedVocalist ago
Is that what you did to the sons of your worst wives, made them a entree at your own table did you???
MCVoat ago
Love you Putt
kammmmak ago
And thus will simply continue one battle at a time. Just like life. It evolves and so do hardships to its survival. Forget what happened yesterday and don't let the stinking residue of these fuckers efforts deter from the simple fact that the truth. must. remain.
LettItBurn ago
You fucking niggerkikefaggot... I was happy in my atheism, but you had to go and bring God into this. With this post, you've made me reconsider my spirituality; my religious beliefs. Grrrr... I support free speech, but how dare you use words to make me think about God Himself?
glennvtx ago
I am a software developer, currently i work day to day developing software in Node. There is the possibility of moving all content into a blockchain hosted almost entirely inside the clients browser. The system itself could stay operating even if the domain was taken offline. Has anyone discussed this possibility? It seems to me it may only be a matter of time, there are virtually no other usable bastions of free speech left, even if this place is full of nazis, the free expression of ideas is a human right, and i want to see it protected at all cost. The next evolution of internet speech MUST be cryptographically secure, and will probably have to be decentralized.
TheyLie ago
Do you know if I can help by providing processing power and/or hard drive space?
glennvtx ago
In a system such as this a client (users) machine acts to fullfill requests in exchange for credit which is required to insert or request content.
CrustyBeaver52 ago
We are on a mission from God.
I'm feeling better about it already:)
Let's build a Cloudflare and call it Goatfare... or something.
We have to save the internet from the God forsaken Commies.
heretolearn ago
time to revolt against a tyrannical govt yet? let me know when you're all willing and ready to organize, before said govts make that illegal too.
WickedVocalist ago
Thanks. My morale is not drowning as much.
Cutsprocket ago
Eh I’m stickin around, someone has to post porn
PaulNeriAustralia ago
that was funny @Cutsprocket
Firevine ago
I made it through SaneGoat, Amalek, and MH101. Do I get a Voat No-Prize?
PaulNeriAustralia ago
I think these difficult goats could be on Gab given their modus operandi or perhaps...nutters have a lot in common?
RockmanRaiden ago
Thanks, Putt.
IsaacJan ago
I’m not reading that shit.
Putt, you refuse to disclose who is funding you and again, your “it’s a secret ;)” FAGGOTRY from then still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t think you’re a fucking stooge, but for fucks sake mate. You’re surrounded by pissed off militant dudes. Don’t rub your pussy in our faces and call US cowards.
Thanks for Voat.
TheyLie ago
I like pussy
Interesting point, though. Any way we can find out who funds voat? Hell, who really created & funded the chans?
Laffey ago
Deus Vult, Putt.
I don't know what I can do to help, but I'm sticking around.
krockery ago
Pull an early gmail move: make new registrations invite-only, and only allow users with an established account (100+ CCP) to invite. That will let the user base keep growing, if very slowly.
fuckingmockies ago
Don't forget @MightyYetGentle!
100011 ago
Thanks for your efforts Puttitout
mtlmjk ago
Thanks for the forum and your perseverance to uphold our freedom of speech. - Been here a while but mostly lurk and have to admit that since infinity is down I have found a new respect for VOAT. Thanks and God Bless.
ThrashCan ago
fuck yeah Putt, keep up the good fight you glorious niggerfaggot!
2TBob ago
Makes me proud to be a Goat. Thank you, thank you and thank God for you all!
PuttItBackIn ago
I’ve lost my name each time even though you warned me but finally listened last time so thanks. I remember Sane and Amalek and so many others. Whatever this is I’m inclined to say thank you.
Staying right here, nigga. Voat is a fresh piece of ass for me to get lost in!
not_saying_a_thing ago
Let's do this shit, @PuttItOut. If it's war they want, then let's give 'em hell.
Salicaz ago
lanre ago
ratsmack ago
I'm pretty sure there are elements here that are pretty well entrenched and subvert from within. Their tactics are subtle and so it is difficult to detect them sometimes. They are the ones that can poison Voat from within by steering the culture on a destructive course, and of course, it is easier to subvert the newer recruits... it's not just the infrastructure that is under attack.
Drain0 ago
You have my sword.
SoJ333 ago
May God bless you!
blagjesus ago
fuck_reddits_feefees ago
I'm not going anywhere
Turnagain ago
Buh...buh...but Putt, you can't just let everyone say (gasp) whatever they please. What about the conspiraloons? The nutzoids? The infinitely eeevul Right Wing? There must be some controls over the masses otherwise they will ruin our plan for the goyim...oops, I mean, ordinary, peaceful, progressive citizens. Geez, how can you do such a thing?
blagjesus ago
@puttitout I have a friend who wants an accout for trad wife stuff. Are you considering invite only registrarions? Obviously there would have to be some verification/gate keeping to keep our enemies at bay.
GoldIsRealMoney ago
Do we have to make an open source frontend for you, Mr. CIA faggot nigger?
oldgoatnew ago
CRINGE! What a massive faggot.
con77 ago
Live Free Or Die!
GU1LTY ago
Ever seen a ladyboy fight? They are men who will fuck you up whilst wearing six inch heels.
imdrowning ago
Thanks man, you're a fucking legend and this is definitely one of if not the great free speech site on the net.
God is good, of that there is no doubt for me.
Thank you for all you do
Thrulkggls ago
Standing ovation. Honor is not dead. Thank you!
DaAryan-WorldView ago
Hail Victory! Thank you for all that you do!
AvariciousNose ago
I'm always going to put up a fight against tyranny. In Putt we trust!I KNEW IT! I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG! PUTT WAS REPLACED!Korinthian ago
I want to frame that. Ive never seen a more beautiful message from a site admin.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
...basically told @gabara to go.
antiliberalsociety ago
Start downloading your saved pages and links onto a hard drive. Archive only works for so long, but it too can be shoa'd.
TheKnightOfGod ago
Why are you not updating the canary? @puttitout
Smallest_Skil ago
I have been here since the beginning....under various user names. You have taken so much shit over the years keeping this place going. You have my respect sir.
Rabid_Robot ago
I commend you for your persistence. God be with you.
MinorLeakage ago
I love that this thread turned into a trip down memory lane. I can't believe it's been more than 4 years with you faggots already!
miasmaticsix ago
Thank you for not giving up. I'm glad we're still here!
EggsnBakey ago
God will not have his work made manifest by cowards
- Emerson
TheyLie ago
That's a good one. Perhaps a little tweak so our enemies can't use it to justify their own actions?
God will not have his work made manifest by communist nigger faggot LGBT pedophile corporate govt & statist cowards
EggsnBakey ago
I'd classify all of those as cowards
TheyLie ago
Indeed, but leftist antifas call us cowards and think they are on the side of God, Satan, or their feminist professor or whoever they consider their god
nonbreakingspace ago
deanna ago
You deserve a homemade casserole and maybe some brownies. Where should I send them? @PuttItOut
freshmeat ago
Til_My_Last_BREATH ago
""Give me liberty, or give me death""
take it all the way to the end Putt.. Godspeed and stay frosty..
Meez ago
Very nice post. It's terrible we're in this situation of censorship and certain factions of government trying to go socialist and take our rights & freedoms away. Doesn't matter what you want. We're irrelevant. They know better and it's all about them.
HST ago
I miss amalek, and hope he's doing well wherever he is. I remember when he was CommonSenseWarrior
Itsdone63 ago
Die a man or live on your knees sucking brown and or circumcised dick.
Not_C ago
This is going to happen every 4 years.
An election is coming and (((they))) need to control ALL information. (((They))) already have Europe under control. All effort is being put into grabbing the last few parts of the US they don't yet control.
Hang in there Putt. Only 15 more months til everything dies down again. Well... for a few years. Until the the lead up to the next election.
lord_nougat ago
BushChuck ago
Blood for the Blood God!
Sanchez_Sucio ago
Thanks for all the hard work and personal sacrifice.
fluxusp ago
This site is like Nada's sunglasses.
Anchy ago
selpai ago
I'll stay so long as free communication is possible. If i want to deal with shadowbans & censorship, i can do that elsewhere.
bluedeath ago
Outstanding work. You have deftly handled these attacks.
Warmoose76 ago
Let's make a list of everyone who stopped reading at this point and commented "I KNEW IT! I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG! PUTT WAS REPLACED!
Kickinwing ago
Longtime lurker...
I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate a platform where truthful conservative voices can be heard. From someone who remembers SaneGoat and Amalek, and also had the opportunity to verbally joust with AristotlesClone, your hard work and persistence will pay dividends in the long run.
I genuinely thank you Putt.
Nadeshda ago
Indeed Sir! Thank you for all you do. Much appreciated!
Interesting side-note at the airport yesterday Voat was inaccessible by all devices I tried accessing. So we are definitely on the no-go list.
Metanoiac ago
You are a true patriot Putt. Few people out there have your moral fiber. So many would have sold out long ago for a fistfull of shekels. I'm proud to be one of your flock.
Godspeed Putt
hardshaft ago
Godspeed and good luck, you'll need it.
PuttsMum ago
I know you've been busy but remember to change your underwear and socks.
WeMustRemainPure ago
May good fortune come to you Puttler.
Peacethroughpower ago
Everyone call each other a kike, that will fix things
smokratez ago
Mumbleberry is down votes everyone who exposes trannies. That's a fact at least.
WickedVocalist ago
You qualify for a brigade ban.
This isnt your church congregation mens retreat.
smokratez ago
Yeah, it's your little tranny club.
WickedVocalist ago
Dude, i was born female and I only believe in two male or female.
lord_nougat ago
Okay, fellow kike!
Morro ago
Thank you dearly for all your hard work.
Einsatzgruppen1939 ago
I'm with you.
Thisisallstupid ago
Well, I guess this means we’ll have our meetup in the Valhalla section of heaven. Or the niggerfaggot dorms..
casualgoat ago
“To the weak: Leave. This isn't a fight for cowards or ladyboys.
I don’t know where this will all end but Voat will do the noble thing and continue standing for principles that are the right of every man and child: the freedom of expression, to be free in thought, to live as free men.”
Dammit, this right here is my struggle. I’m straight normie living the dream. High income. 9/10 qt wife. A smattering of crib-midgets. Nice house, nice car, no debt. Strong reputation in my community and my industry. If I keep my head down, me and mine will be safe, but my culture may be annihlated. I’ve deleted all my social media save Voat, and even here I’ve been reluctant to log in and contribute much, just taking solace in the fact that there were other people out there aware of what was going on.
I want to help, contribute and fight. But I also don’t want to be drug out of my house in the middle of the night, put up against a wall and shot in front of family 5 years from now over past posts on the net (should shit continue to go the way it currently is).
What do? Family first, or risk it all.
TheyLie ago
We'll be lined up and shot regardless. I consider this getting off easy, considering the gulags (same people did Holodomor, overthrowing country by promising utopia through communism, are doing same things to this day, same tactics)
mxcviel ago
Well I do have answer for you: Family first. Voat is a tool for spreading knowledge to get back freedom in our future, but family is that future.
I have to warn you also, nothing on social media is deleted. Nine years ago I had briefly a fake FB account, when we fought against ACTA. I deleted it and didn't use mail connected with it since then. A week ago I was curious if that mail is still working, it was, and that deleted FB account activated by itself this April, with all things on it. Last year was the same with twitter account, so learn how avoid to be profiled by these internet giants.
MockingDead ago
I am going nowhere. Voat has been amazing.
Shotinthedark ago
weredawg ago
Heil Voat. Heil Puttler. God bless this honeypot.
9000timesempty ago
Glad to see Truth capitalized.
jcuriousity18 ago
My head is bowed in gratitude, before I look ahead - maaaaah.
CheeseboogerHimself ago
I will fight with you to the end. I will even fight alongside my enemies here against this threat. If there's anything I can do shoot me out a PM and give instructions. TPTB have obviously came up with a plan to silence us. They even have president Trump saying mean and nasty things about us. They want to stop us from discussing trut. They want to ban memes and run an algorithm that determines if any of us are "pre mass shooters". They are desperate. They are scared. They know we are strong. They know we stand for truth. We wield the sword of LOGOS. They know we have red pilled many new users and got them to start thinking and questioning everything. They cannot stop this thing. They will keep putting their fingers in the holes of the leaky dam but one day we're gonna spill over and flood civilization with a great flood of truth and goodness.
SexMachine ago
Problem now is visiblity. If no one new can see the site, truth won't spread.
TheyLie ago
Priority is protect voat. Once it's protected from them being able to take it down, then it can opened up, no?
SexMachine ago
Agreed. Wait until the heat cools down and the outrage mob forgets about us again.
Teese ago
Priorities are good. There seem to be several, this being on of them.
LaRiver ago
I figured being targeted by CIA or (((Eye of Sauron))) is not a bad thing. Fighting evil is the duty of every waking soul. I dare them to bring it on because we fear nothing and we never die!
Momerath ago
I love this post. It's a hole in one. Also no canary update so Putts is comped. For real though, 'the weak should leave' line is right on the money. Voat has become a front line position in this fight and it isn't going to be sunshine and roses for a while. Those who stay know what we're here for.
AlabamaNigger ago
Which is why this red flag shit better worry Americans. I can see it now. Niggers calling the hotline about the honky down the road building bombs.....just because. You see Grand Rapids has already presented making it a crime to report a black man now.
WickedVocalist ago
Sweet. Pretty soon sandniggers and spics will go to prison for calling the cops on a white man sleeping in his car.
CheeseboogerHimself ago
We will use it on all of them.
spaceman84 ago
Good luck with that tactic. If you sound white or are calling from a number known to be occupied by whites (easily determined), your report will be downgraded to the lowest priority. Diverse Americans with high intersectionality scores will be prioritized as part of the White Atonement Act.
another_dot ago
thanks are doing a fine job!
Memorexem ago
Ah, Putt, you undeniably moxie filled fuck.
We'll go to the loony bin together, but we won't be alone, I'm sure.
I'm buckled in 5 points, riding this one out to the end. The truth can't die if there's even one goat left, but let's make em pay.
Zinnsee ago
You have my sword!
And may Amalek never be forgotten. He died for our sins.
LaRiver ago
We will stand with you, Putt. You are our hero. Voat is my virtual homeland, and fighting for God, for truth is the meaning of life.
Workingsteel ago
You're god damn fucking right.
rhy ago
We need a distributed blockchain based Android app. They can't DDOS 5,000 user's phones. Oh, and side note: Fuck @Mumbleberry Brown-nosing faggot.
wokeasfook ago
Thanks Putt.
frenemy ago
I'm down for the long haul. Free speech is something worth fighting for.
lorlipone ago
Some of us have been here long enough to know what heroes you guys are.
Keep fighting, Putt - I'd follow you into battle.
PopPop13 ago
I’m here until this fight is over or I die!
Redcobra ago
I stand with PuttitoutJPG
turtlesareNotevil ago
SharpSliceOfMango ago
Real strength is to get up every time you have been beaten down. No matter how many times you have been beaten down.
Goddamthisiseasy ago
I don't comment much anymore for pretty much every reason you cited. Voat was never an easy ride. Part of the greatest conflict Voat is going to face is whether or not it has the stamina. There are a LOT of bad elements that have taken up residence with the q psyop. They are everywhere now, and MSM has been farming them for manufactured crisis churn since they got here. Whether the Truth regarding them and their psyop ever surfaces or not, I've been able to basically predict a lot of things that happen to voat based on what narrative is being pushed in their subs.
It's almost gotten to be like clockwork.
swimkin ago
Thank you for your relentless work to keep free speech alive in VOAT.
Libtardscum ago
I'm just here for the lols
SexyAmy ago
I am a sexy girl that’s been here from the beginning. I’d like to show you my tits Put!
fluhthreeex ago
send me i am moderator and previewer of bobs/tits/vagin
black_trash ago
Putt, as always, thank you for your service, we are eternaly in your debt. Like others here I stand by you 100% and look forward to what the future brings. Looks like CloudFlare gave you plenty of notice in the form of terminating 8chan, now it's time to find a service that's as committed to free speech as Voat is. And as always if we don't give into the SJW mob we will win.
baneofretail ago
Thank you putt.
FridayJones ago
Good job keeping the Vandals off our parapets.
rnh_lurkin ago
Thanks Putt.
Landwhaleonline ago
You had me until you mentioned this "god" thing that sounds annoying as fuck.
BrennKommando ago
I got nothing to add, but just wanted to say I greatly appreciate what you do. I know what personal stake you have in all of this and I absolutely would never ask that out of anyone. So yeah.. Thank you!
Reverend_Zen ago
I don't come out of the woodwork very often around here because fuck y'all, but I do want to say that I'm becoming more and more proud to be on Voat.
spaceman84 ago
By having an account registered and logging in, you are an official Nazi white supremacist supporter, unless you can prove you were just "documenting the events".
PaulNeriAustralia ago
The old "Playboy reader" excuse - I bought it for the stories.
Ina_Pickle ago
you're out now. may as well stay.
Shotinthedark ago
That's the spirit reverend niggerfag!
cantaloupe6 ago
@PuttItout exactly. They want to create a MSM stream-service, and wipe out all the competition. It's about money and shaping opinion. They post, agitate, deplatform, and shut it down.
SackTap17 ago
Godspeed, @PuttitOut. I'm glad you're working hard to keep this place going. And I also understand what you mean when you say you wonder how some people don't know about SaneGoat, or especially Amalek, cause it feels like I haven't been around here long, but it's mostly cause I don't contribute a whole lot compared to how much I browse. And I want the userbase to grow, but I'm also glad you're trying to protect the site at the same time.
Plague1 ago
This is far removed from my first account. I used to like switching every few months just to not have too long of a user history, but goats have become increasingly untrusting of fresh faces so I've kept it for a long time now.
I'm here til the end though, Putt. I love voat. I love our community here. I'm glad you've stayed so long. I look forward to talking to y'all, and the fights with the shills. I hope that our brotherhood here will continue forever.
LexOrandiLexCredendi ago
Not a bad idea. Wouldn't be the fastest thing ever, but better than nothing.
thantik ago
Hey @Puttitout I know my reply will probably get lost in the sea of shit here, but thank you for all the stress and garbage you put up with. It's always the same thing. "Don't like my site? Go build your own!", then "Don't like CloudFlare? Build your own CloudFlare!", "Don't like being shut down from payment processors?! Make your own payment processor!", all the way up until they've gotten to "Build your own nuclear power plant!".
Thank you for the strides you've taken. Thank you for the hard work you've put in. Thank you for your vigilance and accepted stress in your life. We know you'd rather be golfing.
I'd love to help in whatever way I could, but I understand that not everyone has the same convictions and giving access to some rando-fuck that just happens to use your site is also taking a huge risk to the integrity of the site. I'm no C# programmer, I don't really even know high-performance python for things like this. My background is mostly in sysadmin, network admin, minor grey-hat stuff. But if you were ever looking to offload administrative tasks, I'd be willing to have a conversation about my convictions, discuss if I fit within Voat and help in any way I possibly could. I'd be willing to learn what I could to help keep the place going.
WickedVocalist ago
Are you an environmental terrorist wanted by the feds or one of their attorneys??
washingtonpanther ago
somehow I read this in the A-Team narrator's voice.
so now of course we're all the GOAT Team.
HW14 ago
Long time user and 99% lurker until a few weeks ago. Glad I have my account still and kept that password.
This is the only platform I know of that all opinions are welcome and then through facts and analysis the truth makes it to the top.
Battlefat ago
We’ve won and they can’t accept a loss because to lose would mean to die, which is to say they are already dead. Fighting ghosts means we are haunted in a classic sense, but that isn’t to say that ghosts aren’t terrifying — even still, a man is greater than a ghost because a man exists
MarchMelodies ago
one coment every 24 hours? Your idea of free speech is a joke, this site is dead if it wasnt for the cia paying you for ip addresses
BraunF14 ago
Lol nice keynote. Stay strong, Putt. We believe in you and I believe in your case. You've made a good one today and changed the way I thought about what's been going on. Godspeed
watts2db ago
I knew it all along Putt was replaced by a more chiseled variant with refined character
CRKT_M16Z ago
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Voat"
Merlynn ago
When I used to watch TV,sometimes these ads would come on proclaiming that they were giving us information that "they didn't want us to hear". I found this,even in my youth,to be a laughable claim. If "they" really "didn't want you to hear" about their information,they sure as hell wouldn't allow it on national television where any moron could see it.
In a lot of ways,this is how I know places like Voat and Gab and 8chan tell the truth. They're trying to shut it down. Because they really don't want us to hear this information. It's only a matter of time before they start trying legal bullshit or possibly even assassinations. I hope they never try that shit but,well,they're really scummy people.
The world should be a better place than this.
Mumbleberry ago
You seem angry. Over interwebs points. Why is that? Are you overcompensating for something.
Rainbro ago
Can you please explore the viability of the following:
To access a subverse, you would download the 24hr, the 1hr, then the 3min, and then be combined (or less if you have some files cached). These files will not be user-specific, and will be verifiable with hashes, so can be acquired through P2P or other mirrors, and not just the site directly.
If everyone has a copy of the voat signature, then if the server hosting the hashes gets pulled down, if another one pops up, people will only trust it if the signature still checks out, and if it does then word will spread that that's the new hash server. Could work like magnet links, optionally.
You could also go back to anytime in history and see voat exactly as it was, provided you had enough archived files. And posts would load instantly after being clicked.
If you want to archive very old posts, say 3 years old, where commenting is now disabled on them, you could package it all up into a ,and the central voat server would never have to process or have anything to do with them again. People who want to search back in posts that old will have to just download the beforehand and use their cpu power to search.
Idk if it's the best idea but I can't get it out of my head. Voat could be endlessly mirrored, and appear at any new address for viewing. Even if the posting server was taken down, all the posts would still be up, provided you can get the archive files.
xiego ago
What size is the voat site and/or db? Is it possible to grab a mirror of voat every week or so? I know this would cost a lot of traffic, but perhaps it could be put into something like a torrent file for posterity and preservation.
jstressman ago
Sorry, still an atheist. ;) Your serendipitous "luck" doesn't prove a sky daddy exists. Otherwise an interesting read.
Keep fighting the good fight! :D
Tallest_Skil ago
tips fedora
Congratulations on doing exactly what jews tell you to do.
jstressman ago
Please explain to me how not believing in a particular claim, like a personal God existing, when there is no good evidence to support the claim, has anything whatsoever to do with the Jews.
Tallest_Skil ago
Jews are responsible for the affectation of atheism. Honestly, do some research before posting.
jstressman ago
That's an unsupported assertion, not an explanation. Please try again.
Tallest_Skil ago
That’s your problem. Run along now, kike. You’re not getting any support from anyone here.
jstressman ago
You made the ridiculous assertion. I asked for an explanation of two entirely unrelated things. You keep deflecting. Obviously I don't understand your point, and I'm very well read on Judeo-Christian history, theology, etc.
So either explain your crazy sounding assertion or be rightly dismissed add having no valid point to make.
Tallest_Skil ago
Just kill yourself if you’re too stupid to look into the origins of your own belief system.
Clearly not, as you think “judeo-christian” exists as a concept in the first place, when both jews and Christians reject the concept outright. Next you’ll say there are only three “abrahamic” religions, despite that monicker being worthless, too.
Said the guy who does what jews tell him to do without question.
Mumbleberry ago
Go crap on your tree, travis.
Professor_de_la_Paz ago
Have you made out with an ass this weekend?
S2Foxhunt ago
I keep to my self these days, lurking, but I am thankful Voat is still around and thankful for both Atko and you Putt! Everything y'all do to keep this place going, thank you.
SparkS ago
I don’t know where this will all end but Voat will do the noble thing and continue standing for principles that are the right of every man and child: the freedom of expression, to be free in thought, to live as free men. good shit...
Seventh_Jim ago
Freedom for Ourselves.
And Freedom for our Sons.
CommiePatrol ago
I'm like a bunch of posters above me, I love Voat and wish I could help in someway
EIMR ago
Hope you can keep Voat open, these are dark times. But we need fallback options, so that if Voat is taken down we can regroup and start again. Is it possible to have that?
bdmthrfkr ago
You aren't wrong Putt.
LostandFound ago
Hey Putt you are actually really good at writing! That's like something I would like to say but what comes out of my mouth is more akin to 'cheer up faggots'.
Il drink a tipple to you and to many more adventures to come!
P.s. I like when the site goes down reminds me not to take things too seriously, it will come back again so go outside for a while.
tokui ago
"rebbitfags & soycucks, gtfo"
"feminazis, gtfo" & "repeal the 19th!"
Yous heard da Man!
Long live niggerfaggotkike!
anon_47 ago
Who remembers John C Stevenson?
CognitiveDissident5 ago
Me! And all the variations live Steven C Johnson.
gentlemanadventurer ago
Didn't he change his user name like three or four times just variations of the original? As a matter of fact a few of them did that even Sane did that. why?
Lansing-Michigan ago
Anything we can do to help like post on fb? Be glad to if there is......The Curse, " All the plans of the dark ones to harm others backfire back on to them....their enemies are blessed." This site does great good to humanity. Thank you.
super_jackoff_style ago
If it was easy, all the kids would be doing it. This isn’t a 1 4 5 song, this is some fucked up jazz tune. I’m here off and on all frigging day, every single day for years now. I’ve seen so serious shit on here and seen us dodge some serious site killers, but we endured on and niggerfaggoted forward into the future. We have the side of freedom, we have the luck because we are doing what is right. We know where our rights come from and refuse to part with any of them for any reason. This war on speech and free information is a spark onto the char. And the laughing paid actors and their gleaming hopefuls will breathe and blow rancid hot air all over it while screaming for everyone to just calm down. Voat isn’t immune and this could all be a news piece on Lookners little show and then silence forever, but we endure.
Thanks Putttttt, I bet it is a serious job of shit sandwich eating. But you get to push the buttons on the last bastion of freedom. That is big medicine chief, gotta count for something!!
MadWorld ago
XD 8ball also told me this:
LibertarianForChrist ago
I like the idea of having some sort of read-only archive for non-members to view but not participate in. Getting locked down like this is good for us, bit it isn't really good. And a backup of the site now that we know the internet is only like 70TB.
fightknightHERO ago
Hey @Putt, if you're listening
i have a list of shills that i could show you, combined with evidence [screen-caps] of their shilling
wanna make Voat a less Semitic place?
Redcobra ago
I’d like to see it
crazy_eyes ago
thanks putt!
murface ago
bisteot ago
TheVOATangel ago
I am the angel
Simonsaysgoat ago
How big of a private server would voat,need? What is a dollar amount? Can we all fund a private server? Is that a bad idea?
Simonsaysgoat ago
Ive been here for a long ass time,now. I have learned a great deal from this,community. I only wish I knew more about programming in order to,contribute. @puttitout, how can we help you keep this place what it is?
Shishamo ago
I'll stick around to yell at newbies about how feminism is bad for society.
Codyhbgbrb ago
From someone who spent way too many years in production support handling incidents (including DDOS attacks) for a top 10 financial institution with call centers worldwide, I have some idea of your pain. It's a thankless job with plenty of armchair quarterbacks, executives breathing (literally) down your neck, and there's always someone out there who thinks they can do it better... yet never steps up. I've been here ever since we got kicked out of Reddit and I think you're doing great! Don't let anyone else tell you different. If you've never done network support, then you just don't know.
WickedVocalist ago
I too have been here since Reddit IP banned me for calling out the people in T_D as fake Trump supporters -- mind you that was before we named them the Alt Right terror cell.
And now they are over here trying to hijack Voat and @Puttitout knows better.
We gotta fight for the right to party, smoke, drink, speak freely, and grow weed and still have the right to work and housing afterward. I get it. I really really do.
Far2Long2 ago
Beautifully said.
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
Destroyers rise up
QCrumbCatcher ago
Thank you for all you and the admins do to protect this space. I'm a long time redditor who recently jumped ship and this quickly became my new home after seeing the extent of censorship, shadowbanning, mod abuse, etc. over there any other forums. It's abundantly clear that freedom of speech is under its greatest attack. Godspeed.
0011000100100111101 ago
thanks putt
AshesAshes ago
Have you considered an onion site putt? Keep up the good work and watch your back.
Qanonplus1 ago
I'm not going anywhere. I tap this icon on my phone 20 to 30 times a day.
1moar ago
I may not post a lot lately. Let's just say I've hung back in the weeds, watching, reading. I stand by, not going anywhere.
American-Patriot ago
God Bless YOU and God Bless Voat. How to Put on the Armor of God Goats!
Fambida ago
list please
Helbrecht ago
Girthcontrol ago
I Knew It! I was right all along -
Nah, just kidding.
Good on you Putt, you have earned the respect of the community. Keep up the good fight.
concernedpikachu ago
thanks putt, this is is one of the last sites we can actually go to speak the truth. The recent censorship is proof, (((they))) are absolutely shitting themselves that we are waking up
SithEmpire ago
If they do find a vector to take down Voat, remember - they haven't won. For all the time that Voat has eluded them, they have been in a constant state of losing, while Voat has amassed an amount of win equal to the rate of winning integrated over 5 years of time.
When they count for themselves taking down 8chan as a so-called win, that is a coping mechanism they are using to escape the truth mentally - that their views are shit, they stand for nothing more than shit, their inferior existence is shit, and they are so awash with shame that they lower themselves to spiting and vandalizing the fora of their betters as some act of doomed hope that removing the medium somehow annuls the truth spoken therein.
All strength comes through passion, and Voat's philosophy is a beacon for the passionate.
All freedom comes through victory, and Voat's status of freedom is implicitly a product of victory.
Fullmetal ago
So where's Putt? :-P
PuttItOut ago
Hold on, let me go get him.
Fullmetal ago
Hey! How's it going?
Teese ago
AO28-1 ago
Thank you for taking the time to write and explain the "lay of the land". I don't understand much of this behind the scenes stuff but I get that everyone with you was already busy and then a ton of bricks came down.
Most people people don't care where the shit goes after they flush as long as it doesn't come back. You and the team are the check valve. Hodor Hodor Hodor!
In Putt I trust.
Bryanhance ago
PUTT that in your pipe and smoke it. Mumblerry took the words right out of my mouth this site gives me so much I give when and where I can.
20068548? ago
Thanks for the detailed explanation of happenings Putt, I appreciate it.
A couple of questions:
Rotteuxx ago
If Voat was a honeypot and we'd be flagged, I figure I wouldn't be able to cross into and out of the U.S. in less than 30secs. Maybe it's just my white cis male privilege...
Voat is a beautiful thing and doing what's needed to protect it only makes sense while it's necessary.
Nosfewratsjews ago
When is the last time you flew internationally?
MaximilianAldorfer ago
You did not ask me but I fly internationally quite frequently for work. Abroad now. Why do you ask?
Nosfewratsjews ago
It's the quickest way to find out if you're on a list. The powers that be don't like people they have eyes on leaving the country.
MaximilianAldorfer ago
I guess I am list free!
glennvtx ago
Voats been monitored by the feds for months.
xmac ago
No, it's been monitored since it began. I used to work at a place that was being given a sales pitch for a database (not gonna give the name, even though I never signed any NDA), who boasted that the NSA had a 9 petabyte instance of their database running, and this was a decade ago. The internet was not designed with security or privacy in mind, and the web even less so. Everything that could be sucked up, was sucked up. Assume that everything you do is public and act accordingly. At some point, whatever you're writing here will be put out in the open. When that happens, I hope to god we're not a bunch of pussies and that we own up and say "yeah, I said that, so what?" Because just a few hundred of us publicly saying that and their whole cathedral of fear comes crashing down.
We have the power, I'm certain of that now, which is why they try every trick in the book to isolate us and make us feel alone.
WeirdCan88 ago
"We have the power, I'm certain of that now, which is why they try every trick in the book to isolate us and make us feel alone."
So true, we really do have the power!
9NaughtZ ago
IDK who you are but I like your style :D
Sounds like you touched the Pink Eye of Sauron. I had a moral problem working with those techs. But sadly it pays the bills and my soul is destroyed.
Everything I post here could get me fired from normal jobs but I would own it. I also keep that in mind when I"m posting.
Hell even innocent things on reddit and facebook can get people fired now days. The people they kill off early are just unfortunate, but it will run out. People will say this is silly and we killed off enough people in the name of censorship and it did nothing but make the ideology stronger.
Either that or we start the purge. Who among us is not a chickenshit bitch? Our numbers dwindle daily.
I don't expect anything from the right either. Bunch of consumerist cowards.
SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago
There are still many of us here who know our lore and keep the ways of our grandfathers.
registerinsecond ago
I saw boat on zeronet and it has one post. one. not two. lol.
itd be cool to have voat copy on something like zeronet though.
Conspirologist ago
The only thing I can think right now, is that they are not usual hackers, since normal hackers don't attack free speech sites, because hackers are mainly anarchists. Those who attack Voat must be professional hackers from NSA or CIA, like Edward Snowden was. Anyway, if they attack a free speech site, they are obvious pieces of shit payed by the elite.
rektumsempra ago
They keep censoring controversial opinions on the big sites and have been following those people to smaller and smaller sites where they're increasingly concentrated. Places like Voat are super "bigoted" because it's censored everywhere else so we all had to come here. They just want to delete the medium of communication so we can't teach each other anything. When this happens, the people with the information become fringe conspiracy theorists that have so much information no one's heard before that they sound crazy. Smaller communities are less accurate in their thinking (more prone to hysteria), though, so when Alex Jones talks about tech elites wanting to read peoples' minds people have a hard time believing him because he also talks about them being intergalactic lizard demons.
I know it sounds like I'm trying to inform you guys, but I'm 50% just thinking out loud. I figure things out that I never knew before if I try to explain them to someone.
Conspirologist ago
BTW - Alex Jones doesn't post here. Weird, isn't it?
justregtoasku ago
Not really weird. He'd be laughed outta here pretty quick
Probably one of his statfor colleagues if he did anyway
think- ago
I think it might be Mossad. The Pizzagate post that seems have to be the reason for the attack was about a lady who has ties to Mossad agents.
justregtoasku ago
Yip this mossad bitch has also been 'positioned' (infiltrated) into powerful positions in the uk
That bitches deep cover was blown
PaulNeriAustralia ago
I doubt it was the Spooks - they wouldn't be so dumb as to close a conduit of intel. It's the Left!
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
You can rent a botnet for not much money.
spaceman84 ago
More likely a leftist organization. Possibly Antifa or an affiliate. Smashing Nazis is what they claim to do.
WickedVocalist ago
More like an enemy of the state who wants to censor you and make you blame the government or Voat.
3dk ago
You forgot JDIF.
CheeseboogerHimself ago
Simply put, we have pissed of the big jews. The really nasty, satanic, pedophile ones that also fuck dogs.
Broc_Lia ago
I've heard they're also doodooheads.
cursedcrusader ago
And they likely have the cooties.
Broc_Lia ago
That's what dogfucking will get you.
GetWoke ago
NSA? Meh. CIA? More likely. Mossad? You betcha (crowdstrike too)
spaceman84 ago
Why not Antifa nerds? They have plenty of funding.
magzy ago
Truth, like milk, arrives in the dark
But even so, wise dogs don't bark.
Only mongrels make it hard
For the milkman to come up the yard.
~Christopher Morley, Dogs Don't Bark at the Milkman
Wooden_door ago
Hey goys, let's all go after a site nobody wants to visit because of the foul language and crazy theories, ddos it, and hope it doesn't go full Streisand.
tokui ago
Putt is going toe-to-toe with paid l447 llamas - and winning.
ARsandOutdoors ago
Thank You PuttItOut, I know this takes a toll on you and your family life, but your commitment to truth and freedom of speech is awesome. God Bless You
Libertyisgood ago
jewsbadnews ago
I didn't know you browsed here, Alex Jones!
CameraCode0 ago
I assumed this about why the account registration is turned off, but I appreciate you explaining why in this post.
Niggardly_Jew ago
GrandmasterAssassin ago
We, the people have to make a stand not just on Voat,but in real life or nothing will ever change. I am ready, but I'm not about to do something by myself and ruin my life and get absolutely nothing done. We must unite as one massive consentrated force.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
Be discreet!
superspathi ago
Sure would be scary if random individuals all over the country started running well-planned operations where the operative(s) got away clean. Somehow or another, niggers seem to be able to shoot each other with abandon and not get caught. I wonder how that is.
Sometimesineedhelp ago
pby1000 ago
How expensive would it be to decentralize?
he_found_wepon ago
Please don't commit suicide with five bullet holes to the back of the head.
forget-me-not ago
You are so awesome. I would like to marry you.
No homo.
blumen4alles ago
My cats are very affectionate towards the dogs. Sometimes even more so than towards me. Awesome gif for putt.
1984_new_2016 ago
What are you some redditer pandering with cat pictures?
Unless hot grill then show me them juicy meats.
YoHomie ago
I guarantee you're a homo.
AO28-1 ago
Up voat for the cat!
MrTotenkopf ago
I will miss Voat dearly. But until the final, tear filled bitter moment, I will stay. God knows our days are numbered.
Stay strong Goats! Graze on the Redpills while you can, the coming winter will be harsh.
THEx1138 ago
Rinse and Repeat history fact: The socialists want to take your guns and arm their posse.
Build the wall and make sure your (armed) friends are on your side(of the wall).
Mind_Games ago
As sad as it might be, the future of “free speech” might be regulated to a pay to post sort of format.
Perhaps some sort of construct where “cards” must be purchased in order to gain access to forums.
The “trick” will be being able to collect , without giving away anonymity , while simultaneously making it insanely
Difficult to simply purchase massive amounts of accounts.
This isn’t a Voat issue, it’s not a social-media issue...this is an issue to keep the groups who consider themselves
To be above any sort of reproach or criticism, at bay and in check.
Long live free speech and a huge massive Thank you to putt for doing the relentless and thankless work
Which keeps free speech alive. For your continued work, sir. We all owe you a debt of gratitude and a beer.
fluhthreeex ago
wall up. jews go. beaners go. niggers africa. simple.
Mind_Games ago
Gross generalizations aren't helping. You should rationalize these beliefs into actual (tangible) ways of doing so.
The wall ...pretty much everyone (citizens) agree it's detrimental. That much is obvious.
Once the wall is up, how are you going to get the jews and beaners to "go" ? How are you going to ship the niggers back ?
Just saying "I want this" isn't fucking helpful. This place and society isn't fucking santa claus and posting your
wishlist is fucking useless.
Have you written your state legislatures demanding that fair representations need to be addressed for ALL countries and not just
based on being flooded ? Have you organized a political pac ? gathered money ? fucking used some crayons on cardboard and
posted signs in your neighborhood ?
If you're waiting for society to just yield to your every god demand whim , then you're going to be one sad fucking puppy when things don't
go your way. Get off your ass and either get moving doing something or shut the fuck up, because whining online is as useless as being a
spic-nigger yourself.
fluhthreeex ago
I'm trying to raise funds for my presidnetal campaign. This site is just proving how useless it is at anything other than circle-jerking. At least if I jerked off Libs or Jooze they'd give me shekels. No wonder your politicians sell you faggots out.
Mind_Games ago
It's amazing how you continue to read things that simply don't exist.
I especially enjoyed this glimpse into your delusion...
" then you want to get people who are actually fit to shoot all the civilians "
Your mental imbalance is likely a genetic defect. The only hope you have is to find a trained
professional in the field who understands biology and can prescribe something (lithium perhaps)
to steer you back towards (even a semblance) of reality.
fluhthreeex ago
MILINT are impotent little bitches who can't do a damn thing about corruption and want to sit back, propagandize, and instigate to distract from it and refocus people on each other while real men do the work. Tell me again how much this triggers your simple nigger brain.
Mind_Games ago
If they were so impotent, then why would a "smart guy" like yourself be so easily triggered at the thought of them ?
I don't care if your diaper is soiled. Sit back down.
fluhthreeex ago
herp derp derp
fluhthreeex ago
that's cute. you would attack me as mentally unstable for saying that the MILINT is behind this "race war nao" bullshit? quit labeling yourself as a moron. i appreciate your 'genuine concern' for me and my well-being.
Mind_Games ago
The MILINT ? Wow, you should look into internet detoxing as paranoia isn't a healthy mental approach.
What a proposed needs to be considered. Something to protect against the flood attacks. Free accounts only invite these
types of attacks. While I'd prefer a way of registration without being involved into personal accounts ....I'm not sure
of a way around it. Instead of supplying an alternative to my position, you've spent a good deal of time attacking me and your theory
instead of proposing a solution or altering mine in a way that would protect anonymity while stopping the attacks that have been (seemingly)
I'm going to take the adult approach and say that if you want to contribute to the discussion as to HOW we could stop the attacks, then I'm
"all ears". If you just want to continue your approach of attack and hide behind theory...then just block yourself.
fluhthreeex ago
wow what a dumb bitch. good for you taking the "adult approach" and sperging like a retarded hormonal female or the lowest IQ nigger conceivable with ad hominems from the start. yea i bock retards, bad trolls, and shills. you just made the list congrat yourself. BOK BOK maddyfaka. go tell your husband you accomplished something today.
Mind_Games ago
Step 1- Toss out mindless personal attacks, while pretending to be an intellectual superior.
Step 2- Be ignored by society for being useless in public discussion when you don't get your way.
Step 3-Get pissed when your tantrums aren't treated with console and then run to mommy saying how mean people are.
Step 4-Die a lonely miserable death in solitude where it takes 4 days for the smell to reach your neighbors.
I've called you out for being a loudmouthed "do nothing" whiner. You've thus-far done nothing to disprove my claim.
Keep proving my point, bitch.
Mumbleberry ago
That smells like the chinese "social credit score" to me.
Mind_Games ago
First, the "credit" bullshit isn't's jewish.
2nd, I always find it fascinating that those with the least of offer up, spend the most time trying to cut down any semblance
of construction. I don't care if you're worthless and have nothing of input to give. But either fucking critique the subject matter
or kindly fuck off.
Wahaha ago
Why would I trust someone whose name backwards is dog?
knightwarrior41 ago
disrespectful but its your right to do so even if it sends you to hell. btw,that only happens in the english language.God have mercy on all of us
Wahaha ago
In Japanese spelled backwards it gives pot.
knightwarrior41 ago
oh come on now
TestForScience ago
Did Sanegoat ever actually have over 100 accounts or was that a bluff?
That fucker and his 'shit-volcano' picture...
UEMcGill ago
He had at least tens of accounts
enormousatom ago
I miss @amalek. Sanegoat... Not so much.
fluhthreeex ago
Why is the notion that these 'persona profile managers' are no longer working and active on this site being promoted? @puttitout why the covering
CheeseboogerHimself ago
heh heh Sane is still here, IMO. He's calmed down a little bit.
TheTrigger ago
You should talk to him over on that other site, which I won't mention here so as to keep it off the heat. He almost sounds like a normal person. :p
Broc_Lia ago
Poal or Phux?
Ina_Pickle ago
Sane is female. Maybe she found herself a man to distract her.
PaulNeriAustralia ago
"Sane is female" - an oxymoron if ever there was one!
Broc_Lia ago
Seriously? That'd be a hell of a twist.
Ina_Pickle ago
Yes to the female part. Rest is speculation.
Broc_Lia ago
Huh, I always pictured her as a tweaky vietnam vet.
european ago
Amalek lives on in spirit. His work is done.
Broc_Lia ago
Amalek quit for our sins
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
Amalek was funny, sane was just annoying
Mumbleberry ago
Psst. (dial indicator)
tokui ago
(((tallest shill)))
spaceman84 ago
Man, he's alright. Maybe an aspie, but he hates kikes as much as anyone.
Tallest_Skil ago
Hi, coward. How about you prove your libel? I’ll wait.
WickedVocalist ago
Why do you dedicate your life to printing up debt sheet judgements out of thin air??
We do have a first ammendment and a fourth ammendment and intrusion can be digital.
Tallest_Skil ago
Or… you could prove your claims when you make them instead of being a subhuman coward. How’s that hard to comprehend, moishe?
Doesn’t exist anymore.
Doesn’t exist anymore.
And? I don’t see anyone stopping them.
WickedVocalist ago
Lol. You are not convincing me.
Tallest_Skil ago
I don’t care about you or your feelings. What I said is fact.
tokui ago
It's not libel if it's true.
Prove it's not.
Tallest_Skil ago
Thanks for admitting that it’s libel. Reported for violating US law.
YouveSeenTheButcher ago
Calling on the Law so soon? That's pretty damn jewish of you.
It's his opinion. And to tip things even further in his favor, you seem to already have a less than good reputation here.
Besides that, the real reason your full of shit is because nobody knows who you really are.
If you really want to seek retribution for libel you'll have to tell us your real name. Then you'll have to prove the person you're suing knew who you were at the time of the accused libel.
You are a kike for impotently threatening legal action.
Go ask a lawyer about this particlular case...
Tallest_Skil ago
Kill yourself, coward.
It’s objectively wrong. Cry harder about it.
So who the fuck are you and what do you have to add to the discussion?
Great argument. Why not run back to tumblr with that one.
YouveSeenTheButcher ago
Ths is all within the context of your legal threats. Am I to assume you don't understand how important context is in legal proceedings?
You have to prove that his opinion is objectively wrong. Until then, his opinion being objectively wrong, is your opinion.
Tallest_Skil ago
Okay, kill yourself. You’re not intelligent enough to be considered human.
Peacethroughpower ago
What law?
Tallest_Skil ago
Come on, man, try harder.
Peacethroughpower ago
It's not a crime in the us
Tallest_Skil ago
Try harder.
Peacethroughpower ago
No u queer
tokui ago
Or, Cok, you faggot.
Tallest_Skil ago
Thanks for admitting you were wrong.
tokui ago
Who joo talkin to?
He's my favorite. Knows everything, does nothing. The perfect paradox.
Tallest_Skil ago
You’re my favorite illiterate here. If you were capable of reading what I write, you’d see how retarded you are and how cowardly you’re being.
Goat-Master-5001 ago
Who's not capable of reading what you write?
You copy and paste half of your posts.
Tallest_Skil ago
You, apparently. For all the times you’ve seen them you still worship the jews.
Shotinthedark ago
Speak of the kile shill and he shall appear. Wringing hands and rubbing shekels.
Tallest_Skil ago
Worship jews on another website. Is it really that hard? With 8chan gone, there is literally no other place for us anywhere on the Internet anymore. You have every other site. Go the fuck back there.
Shotinthedark ago
You mad jew bro?
Tallest_Skil ago
Three guesses, hymie.
Shotinthedark ago
If by exterminating species you mean sucking black dick.the no you suck it all there schlomo!
Tallest_Skil ago
Kill yourself, please. I don’t even need to expose you faggots anymore. You do it yourself.
Shotinthedark ago
Whatever you say lady!
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Fuckin lady_boy Tallest_shill.
Tallest_Skil ago
Congrats on supporting white genocide alongside your fellow shill. Neck yourself, coward.
LexOrandiLexCredendi ago
Like anyone interested in the health of his own tribe. Must keep out the riffraff, you know.
Anyway, a .onion domain or something similar is a must if we're going to keep going. Possibly some sort of distributed service, but that would be harder for a place like Voat than for a chan since the chans delete old posts and therefore have a smaller footprint.
Ngrfgt ago
Wait, so your saying open borders doesnt work? Rayyyciist
white_male30 ago
Onion sites have dialup speeds, it ruins my shitposting experience!
nottherealadmin ago
Duck Duck Go's .onion experience is pretty good all around. Creating a totally untraceable network that also works in real-time is damn near impossible.
PuttItOut ago
I love when people understand basics, so many don't and their numbers are great.
redpilldessert ago
Do you intend to open up registrations soon? Normies can't see the truth if it's hidden from them.
Broc_Lia ago
Would it be such a terrible sin to delete old posts which haven't been visited in (for example) two years? I'm not a web dev, so I don't know how that would affect your overheads.
think- ago
Yeah, for a research subverse like v/pizzagate it would be terrible - we have the most comprehensive archive of child sexual abuse by the elites worldwide.
Broc_Lia ago
Ok, and if one of those posts has zero visitors in two years, then how important is it exactly? If you want a permanent archive this reddit style format probably isn't the best way of doing it. A wiki might be a better option.
think- ago
Sometimes someone finds valuable info, but it gets forgotten or a while, but then it turns out to be important when people do new posts about a topic, search the archives, and conncet the dots.
A case of child rape by a member of the elites f.e. might be forgotten for a while, but later it might turn out that the person has raped more children, so people will search the archives.
@Vindicator might know the exact number - we've had thousands of posts, too many to put the info into a wiki.
edit - typo
Broc_Lia ago
The problem is that voat is mostly shitposts, not valuable pearls of wisdom. I think it's unreasonable to expect it to be a permanent archive of everything you write.
At the very least there should be a way for a sub to opt out of permanent archival, like /v/funny really doesn't need four years of history.
I'm pretty sure wikipedia has more articles than pizzagate has posts.
think- ago
Yes. But Wikipedia also has thousands of people who contribute, we haven't anyone who might have the time to create a Wiki.
One guy tried at the beginning, but he got attacked for it by TPTB iirc.
Broc_Lia ago
I don't see how changing the format will cause you to have less contributors than you do now.
Anyhow, the point stands. Expecting voat to become a permanent archive just to benefit one sub is a bit over the top.
think- ago
A wiki is a totally different thing than a discussion board.
And there are others subs, like v/conspiracy or v/archaelogy with info that should be archived.
Shotinthedark ago
Sir I've been here awhile now. When do I get my official niggerfag pin and goat hat? I'm also ready to send that DNA sample. For screening purposes of course.
Son_Of_Hate ago
Dude, just download more RAM. That will make the site run faster.
voats4goats ago
[You jest but that shit was 'real'] 😎(
The_Prophets_Profit ago
Why didn't this turn out right?
noxiousnick ago
Not enough buzzwords. The next generation will be called "Ram as a Service".
gonight ago
Sysadmin reporting in, let us know if we can help.
nottherealadmin ago
I'm in on this too, reach out if you need help with a .onion address, or have questions about privacy, please reply or PM.
That goes for anyone in the Voat boat, if you have questions about online tracking, hiding your browsing history, or how to use the dark net for an uncensored internet, ask and you shall receive.
mrpaliza ago
please for start what do you recomend(to read, or learn) to use for increase privacy !! thanks in advance
nottherealadmin ago
I'd start easy, switch your search engine to
gonight ago
God bless you brother!
LexOrandiLexCredendi ago
Knew all those years in qa and project management would come in handy somewhere. lol
Karbuster ago
Hey, im still here
I remember @amalek and his tantrums
I remember @sanegoatiswear and his many alts (as well as certain other aspects)
I remember the outrage against @henrycorp and his ilk about censorship
You are right, the truth always shows and cowards always find that there arent enough shadows and closets to hide in
We believe in you @puttitout, now take a day and golf a bit niggerfaggot
SpottyMatt ago
Do you remember HPOP?
Karbuster ago
Yup, HPOP was great, if not a little obsessed
I_like_paint ago
Where is Amalek? I miss him.
BigFatDaddy ago
I can't believe you left out @highlypaidorgypro!
sniper98g ago
Pour one out for HPOP, ^
Native ago
Everyone forgets HPOP
Karbuster ago
I know, i know
I was more focused on individuals who had tried to ruin voat, not improve it
ForgotMyName ago
Hpop was the best shit poster this site will ever know. He's the only one that was actually funny. It was a sad day when he packed up his bag of dicks and left.
crazy_eyes ago
she was fucking hilarious
MidnightTrain ago
You knew right away when the title of the post was, 'who are you blowing this weekend' it was hpop
BigFatDaddy ago
"Who's planning to make out with a butt this weekend."
MidnightTrain ago
That's it! Man.. it's been too long, so much has come and gone here
Pop-up-king ago
Remember "she"? Insufferable cunt.
PewterKey ago
Why do you have to do that to me Amalek? I was having a nice day.
Big_Willy_Wallace ago
Oof. Fok dat bitch.
Solstiare ago
Fuck that.
Norm ago
Fuck that bitch
QualityShitposter ago
I've ditched all my old accounts, but I member she, sane, and amalek. Mick and Atco, too.
Now I'm wondering if ebot is amalek.
MidnightTrain ago
I'm in the same boat, deleted multiple accounts over the years. Been here since damn near the start. The good old days when you were excited when you saw a post with 25 upvotes and every right wing meme made you feel so proud and excited. All the crazy accounts and the way Voat adapted and overcame them, that's how we developed our immune system. All this time and I still check Voat first thing every morning and multiple times throughout the day.
24601_JeanValJean ago
crazy_eyes ago
Oh come on, I remember when it was merely a dozen people posting here, basically me and hpop having insane conversations was all that was going on most days. This place was so slow there is no way that all you who claim to been here so long really were
Germ22 ago
true old goats remember "she"
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
Fake old goat here. I usually try to skip over drama, and unless I add a tag, user names go in one eye and out the other.
GrandNagus ago
Remember the manhood101 spammers, that shit was gold!
version7 ago
I miss the anti Vietnamese spam. That was weird.
Ocelot ago
I miss them. When they left it was like someone took the MSG out of voat.
MinorLeakage ago
Why don't you debate me?!?
HST ago
It sounds like YOU got SAND in your PUSSY
Le_Squish ago
You don't wanna fight, bro?
TheTrigger ago
Morbo ago
You forgot to add "keyboard warriors". That would make it more authentic.
WickedVocalist ago
Then go somewhere to debate in your real name your coward pos.
TheTrigger ago
WickedVocalist ago
No its because I want to remain employable.
TheTrigger ago
How does it feel like: going through life, not knowing what satire is?
Morbo ago
And just like that, I flashed back to Voat 2015. You nailed it now.
TheTrigger ago
I have solid mentors.
european ago
What about @she ?
Solstiare ago
Dammit you just had to, didn't you.
european ago
Karbuster ago
Sounds familiar but it might have been during my hiatus
Broc_Lia ago
She was a powermod who came over from reddit.
Morbo ago
And she had nudes posted.
ElementalPee ago
My memory is a bit fuzzy on that but I'm almost positive that ended up being some fake theatrical thing.
Atkho ago
Looked like a dude with boobs from hrt.
Broc_Lia ago
That too, which I think was underhanded, but I was impressed she took it in good humour.
Morbo ago
Yes she did, unlike like some other Voat drama maker.
AmericanBannedStand ago
Thanks for fighting the good fight. It means a lot to so many of us out here.
carlip ago
are you looking for manhood101, because this is how you get manhood101 spam again.
Fambida ago
Debate me on livestream sissy. (man, I forgot what MH101's insult of choice was. It all got clouded over with soyboy.)
MadJackChurchill ago
"keyboard warriors" heh good times
EnterTheUnKnown ago
I am glad you see it as a fight, because THEY are treating it like a war. We living in some suspect times. We all need to fight.
DivineMandateICXC ago
Kapitulieren? NEIN!
Mumbleberry ago
Niemahls! Blut und Ehre!
gramman74 ago
Not_a_redfugee ago
Can someone exolain to a relative newfag what sanegoat did?
Ina_Pickle ago
Sane was just another goat until one day something triggered her hard and she began spamming massive rants about how the site was compromised. It would have blended in fine with the rest of the crazy on this site except she developed a Sane Alt Army with whch to wage war against her oppresors which annoyed the shit out of everyone after the first day.
Supposedly she left after giving us all the middle finger, but we're pretty sure she's still here on another alt.
MadJackChurchill ago
He would have a huge wall of text reply that changed incrementally daily but not too much, and would spam up any popular posts with that same comment 6 goriilian times as his comment. Also as a post in 6 goriilian subs sometimes. Then head squeal censorship if his comments and posts were deleted. And then every once in awhile, he would actually post or comment something of high quality. Crazy dude.
Tallest_Skil ago
Sounds like a typical spambot to me. Zero excuse for not just being banned outright.
Plague1 ago
Yeah, Amalek was a trip. I hope he's doing alright.
uvulectomy ago
Narow_Foe_Minsk ago
I got that thrown at me once on my old account, felt like a badge of honor.
blit416 ago
my God that guy was a pain in the ass: "sane goat I swear" as one long username. it just reeks of schizophrenia.
all of the personal attacks, insults. Putt, man, you got patience. I should chill and follow the example, I've gone off the handle a few times recently. it
CognitiveDissident5 ago
He's still here with zillions of alts. An alcoholic suffering from Wernicke Korsakoff.
Fambida ago
Well, his greatest sin was simply constant unrelenting spam. Others had other issues, but most of us wished he'd just shut the fuck up and let us see other people's posts in between his 20 in a row of the exact same thing.
Mumbleberry ago
If search isn't fucked, look up "Sanegoat" and "Amalek" in v/ProtectVoat
tastelessinvective ago
Isn't it again the law to DDOS? I thought some teenager was facing jail time for using that ion cannon thing. Could Putt and the rest of the Voat team consult lawyers or cyber security experts?
Fambida ago
AHAHAhahahaha. Oh, come on. We all know the justice system is multi-tiered. Voat is far too disliked by folks in power to allow justice that favours it.
tastelessinvective ago
Force them to flaunt their hypocrisy. Don't just give them anything for free.
Brazensubversion ago
All hail! Thank you for all you do. Seriously. 🙌 This is my last bastion of free speech and I love every one of you bastards. #riphighlypaidorgypro
FuggBenis ago
They'll be back, and in greater numbers.
watch_listed ago
I thought that was the sand people.
Adarcer ago
No sand people march in single file to hide their numbers ! :P
knightwarrior41 ago
this is true and moreso when it comes to christians and their faith.but yes things are moving pretty fast because it seems that they want their dystopia up and running with their chief exe running it as soon as is it,we are in a very soft technocratic dictatorship that is harden up one incident at the time. freedom of speech has been suppressed and tainted and soon there's be nowhere else to go if you value freedom but most will be made to conform to the current narrative.dark days are ahead to those who are independent in their minds and hearts and for those who believe in God and in the Lord Jesus christ. God help us!
WickedVocalist ago
Its NOT technocratic.
How much rental property do they own??
They tell you in your lease not to fucking have a smoke and every lease within 100 miles says it. In a state that sells weed. So how is that even legal dude, to allow personal lawsuits because your neighbors want to make you quit your habits in your home???
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
But if you owned apartments, you wouldn't want people destroying them with cigarette smoke. You have to strip them to the studs and completely replace everything - walls, appliances, and every exposed surface.
albeit ago
Outdoor smoking does not "destroy" apartments with cigarette smoke.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
That's true. The outdoor justification is probably a combination of aversion to liability, and being able to generate higher rents due to being "smoke-free".
knightwarrior41 ago
this is happening before our very eyes
heard the phrase "i'm not an expert at this...."
also look for a scientific dictatorship which is almost the same thing. and yes they control everything whether you are aware of this or not.
they can manipulate at will the economy (make bubbles and destroy it,the housing crisis was a testament of this)
they can manipulate your opinion via poll and media programming
they can invert the meaning of words and create new ones altogether. for example before the 70's you would seldom hear the word exponentially nowadays is used almost regularly in the lexicon.another word is "karma" which comes from the hindu traditions and again it got widely in use after the 60's and 70's with the popularization of the new age and eastern esoterism.
in other words they create their own reality and you must comply or else.
read this:
ESOTERICshade ago
I'm old enough to remember when the word "gay" meant "happy" instead of "i suck dick."
knightwarrior41 ago
yeah that too.when you see expressions and words like "its a paradigm shift" " the awakening" "change the world" "critical mass" social engthose are well crafted and selected words and phrases that comes right out of the occult and or communist books
when you change the language and the meanings of the words then you are looking at a mass social engineering project.also this works as labeling truth as "conspiracy theory"
Anarchy99 ago
The Jews don't like the fact that they're enrossmont is being encroached upon. They don't like the fact that Epstein is a Mossad spy to compromise the American politicians. That politicians are pedophile child rapists with an element of cannibalism and human ritual sacrifice. You can talk about all the other bullshit all day long. You can go on and on about the Holocaust is fake blah blah blah. Once you start talkin about how Jews are satanists and they engage in human sacrifice and cannibalism; the wrench is thrown into the monkey works
quillsong ago
6 million satanists in the US. They all need to be outed and arrested for crimes against humanity. Take out the ones at the top first. Cut off their money source. Unfortunately, they get paid to fight us. They can't do it, without funding.
Indiana_Jones ago
I want just ONE VIdeo of something like that, otherwise for me that's just all too insane to believe. The situation IS bad. But what you're saying is comic-book-level bad. So insanly bad that I wonder if you do this deliberately so a more sane approach can't be take, because of course, I'm a jew that is afraid that you find out that I eat babies. I'm NOT a jew and not black btw.
I hear where you're coming from but consider that these are people who wouldn't leave a video like that around for somebody to find. If they did it would be their most catastrophic failure in history imo and they know better
ice007 ago
Ken_bingo2 ago
Wow... that entire thread got nuked. Fucking glowfaggot twitter
Indiana_Jones ago
But people male mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes
Anarchy99 ago
But you are circumcised correct?
Indiana_Jones ago
We dont do that in Europe usually. What makes you Think I am?
WickedVocalist ago
Everyone knows Mossad is a false flag for Islamic war criminals. Wow.
At best he betrayed the Israelis and joined Islam himself and thus no more does he represent anyone Jewish.
Anarchy99 ago
Islam is another Jewish invention like the Catholic Church. Everything is a front for the satanic Jews
hey, jews don't eat other jews, so they are not cannibals
rektumsempra ago
they're just eating cattle; nothing bad going on here
zxcvzxcv ago
tier 1 jews get to eat tier 2 and lower jews. tier 2 get to eat tier 3, and etc. the bottom of the barrel jews get to eat goys. niggers eat whoever they can catch.
TheLesserApes ago
Seems like the nigger is the freest
AngelofDeath ago
Lol, like a buzzard, they're not particular what's on the plate.
chocolatepatriot2 ago
plenty of gentiles are cannibals, satanists as well - its a diverse group.
Anarchy99 ago
But most Gentiles don't engage in the organ donation business which is a cover for human ritual sacrifice. If a gentile isn't to cannibalism they grab a kid off the street
chocolatepatriot2 ago
its global, organ harvesting is huge in China
GeneralDisposition ago
And it's all provable! They justify it through their man made texts.
Astupidname69 ago
madmardigan ago
Cheers. The fighting is never done. It is everyman's responsibility to prepare the next generation to carry the torch of truth. Thanks Putt!
m_1 ago
Adarcer ago
What did you do to Putt ! :P
Derpfroot ago
wherever he is, I hope it's 6 feet below the rest of us.
Thanks, Putt...or should I say, "God Bless You?"
BigFatDaddy ago
You're gonna get sued in Delaware!
TheTrigger ago
Honestly? I know there's quite a few of us... "esoterics," floating around these parts. Voat has a very strong egregore. Like, you wouldn't believe. There's way more people here who want it to succeed than not. I'm sure some of that energy comes from good ol' fashion Christian prayer. Get the boomers over on the Q boards on it.
gonight ago
Are there any esoterics subverses?
Ocelot ago
I appreciate your teaching me the word "egregore".
MidnightTrain ago
It is the only place on the internet I feel at home anymore, everything else has been pozzed to shit or completely cowtowed to the fembtq agenda. This place is and has been a sanctuary for the redpilled.
Qfan2020 ago
Agreed! “A sanctuary for the redpilled!”
Nosfewratsjews ago
Good advice.
GetWoke ago
Yes, God bless Putt. God bless all the goats, each and every one.
ArcturianDeathTrap ago
Except the goats that like little girls, we're intolerant pussies about that
wuzizname ago
Poor fucking guy just wants to play golf once in a while.
TIEMC0 ago
I'm a brave ladyboy.
Redcobra ago
Yes and we need you too fag
KingHiss ago
Thank you brother, you are not alone in this and we will fight with you every step if the way! The truth will set us free.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you jump too? Maybe none of the Q followers ever had a mom that cared about them.
Tallest_Skil ago
Go back to your containment board, jew puppet.
KingHiss ago
Go and keep eating dick faggot.
Tallest_Skil ago
Commit suicide, jew puppet. No one is coming to save you.
Establishing legitimacy
Let’s talk about statistics. Let’s talk about the concept itself. Q-level clearance exists within the Department of Energy. What the fuck does that have to do with anything regarding the court system? What the fuck does that have to do with anything Q-LARP has claimed it knows? Look at the number of people who have Q-level clearance. All none of them. What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on a fucking imageboard? Look at the posts. Why don’t they say anything? Someone that important–if it actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit. It’s also not going to ask questions that it doesn’t answer. The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest. PEOPLE ARE LOST. THEY ARE BROKEN. THEY FEEL WORTHLESS AND WEAK AND POWERLESS. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREY ON THEM THAN TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION? They won’t fucking question you if you can trick them this way.
Establishing trustworthiness
Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews. It’s just that simple. In fact, Q-LARP is entirely owned by jews. It admits it. It openly admits to being civic nationalist. It doesn’t support a restoration of the US or Europe to being white-only nations. It doesn’t support deportation of nonwhites. Since the first week, it has called for protection of nonwhites, from the whites who would see them deported/killed. It openly calls for regime change in Iran for the sole purpose of fulfilling the Oded Yinon Plan. Q-LARP has publicly stated it has no intention of removing jews from the West or punishing jews collectively.
Establishing realism
What purpose is served by leaking the proceedings of nationwide martial law and the arrest of three quarters of the US government… A YEAR AND A HALF early? Why is that helpful to anyone except the people toward whom it is supposedly directed? Oh, and why has it taken so long? An entire year and a half of waiting is an entire year and a half to prepare. You realize that even the group that Q-LARP talks about is one of the highest flight risks on earth, right? Why would anyone want to give them time to escape? How does that help us? It doesn’t. It helps THEM. It helps them so much that it hurts us. This is on purpose. Q-LARP exists to create an Orwellian narrative about “the bad people being arrested”, so that when all the good people are arrested they will say that good people are bad people, and the stupid Q-LARPing masses will simply believe it and help commit their own genocide. We’ve already seen this for 70 years. Why do you think it isn’t continuing?
Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t it telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Why is Q-LARP a civic nationalist? How does that help America? How is Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup? Why would the apparatus allow him to engage in this coup to the extent that he would actually be protected? Why does the coup–by Q-LARP’s own admission–not cover the actual PROBLEMS facing this country? Everything Q-LARP has said points to the action as being “Part A of the ZOG wants to get rid of Part B of the ZOG.”
Establishing results
If there is something, why is nothing Q-LARP said would happen happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots it talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign.
Establishing psychology
Already touched on this at the end of the first section. So Q-LARP’s going to arrest most of the US government, right? All the bad people going away. And what’s this? It says that WE won’t have to grab our guns and help out? Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend A YEAR AND A HALF ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening around the world, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!
Explain your reason for believing otherwise.
Establishing inconsistencies
ESOTERICshade ago
Damn bro, well said. Well said indeed.
oneunderall ago
So can we send you money or crypto or something? Please keep this site up.
WickedVocalist ago
Just fyi crypto is also a terminology for a tech security breach, leak or hacking event.
gentlemanadventurer ago
Money would help no doubt, but I do not believe the site staying up is completely Putts decision. When the ones trying to take it down put their minds to it, they will fold this site up. Governments do not like the truth of any sorts getting out. most social media only exists because it's a means of controlling the narrative and the people. It's never about free speech,and it's never about principles or freedom of expression.
WickedVocalist ago
Also as a high court ruled Assanges activity protected by 1A.
todayabetterme ago
listed in sidebar
Hotbakeddindunuffins ago
I love Putt!
Phantom42 ago
When the (((Eye of Sauron))) focuses on you, you can be absolutely sure you're doing something right.
Ocelot ago
Not always. This is parroted constantly, but Jews always attack controlled opposition like Richard Spencer. It doesn't make them allies. Your way of thinking here is very simplistic.
Has Richard Spencer been banned from all social media and denied TV spots? No he hasn't.
Ocelot ago
That doesn't change the fact that "Taking flak means you're over target" is nothing more than a platitude. Tommy Robinson might be an example which suits this analogy better.
Intrixina ago
Exactly right. Which is why we all need to keep doing it, and saying "Fuck off" to any filth who tries and enforces otherwise.
Narow_Foe_Minsk ago
"When a man is attacked by the Jews, you can be sure of his character. When he is not attacked, or even praised by the Jews, you must view him with suspicion." - Goebbels
Paraphrased the fuck out of that cause I don't remember the original quoute, but that's the gist of it.
FriedChicken ago
Do you have the original German?
Phantom42 ago
This rings very true for past and present figures.
See: Jesus, Hitler, Herr Putt.
gentlemanadventurer ago
Good enough.
errihu ago
(((Eye of Soros))) and the thunderclaps are clearly testicle eyebags
GetWoke ago
Soros is a piker, compared to his bosses
soros is a ladyboy compared to his bosses
errihu ago
Yeah I know, but I can never turn down the chance to make a good pun.
Elite_Niggerfaggot ago
@Elite_NiggerFaggot will vanish soon but the real nigger faggot behind the user name will be here until he or Voat is no more.
Bumblecherry ago
The dudes will abide.
Mumbleberry ago
I ain't going nowhere, Putt. Just wish there was a more concrete way I could help.
Cum_control ago
Fuck putt
GritD2 ago
Same here. I do not wish violence to be bestowed upon the traitors until they have been found guilty in a court of law / military tribunal. Then a public execution should be held.
Any calls for violence on my end (which I do not believe I have done or will do) should be construed as vent talk and not as any actionable event.
I do believe the federal government should have a nationwide open carry, this will prevent violence and needless deaths IMHO as gun free zones seem to have the most casualties.
jewd_law ago
FWIW, thank you for all you've done to give us an alternative platform. This has been like the Wild West on steroids and I've learned a lot about myself during the ups and downs. I haven't always agreed with you on non-moderation of shills, but in a way it has kept us vigilant and taught us how to spot them better. I know I've been fooled at times. It is clear that we are reaching critical mass on this planet with world jewry and I hope you keep fighting.
White_Collar_Crimnal ago
Indiana_Jones ago
How do we give VOAT money? I guess crypto is the only way right?
Mumbleberry ago
Not sure if it still works though.
dunklederf ago
agreed, i wish there was a more concrete way to help also.
@puttitout is the bitcoin adress you posted before still valid?
Firevine ago
You're a fucking boss at finding spammers. That helps the site a ton.
VoatMikeNolan ago
I think all good goats wish for that. What I love about Putt is that in response to this he always tells us foremost to be great! To participate and make a difference! It's really inspiring, his words.
I do what I can to contribute. I often feel it's not enough. But every time Voat becomes threatened I get more angry. And every time I see goats stepping up, being fierce, protecting their home; I feel more inspired, more comitted.
That said, I am a pretty low level computer user and would love if somebody could post a link to a good bitcoin tutorial as well as info on how to set up a truly anonymous email.
White_Collar_Crimnal ago
If you get that would you PM me on how to do it? I've wanted that for a long time and the answers I usually get are to technical. Great for high end techies, not so much for the average asshole like me.
Peacethroughpower ago
I myself have a particular lack of skills
Nosfewratsjews ago
Voat's Warrant Canary, Last edit time: 3 months ago on 4/25/2019 12:04:41 AM
Big decisions have already been made. Consider carefully who you are helping.
RodentLord ago
First thing I did on this page was Ctrl+F canary. Good call.
therium ago
I don't see an edit time on this post. Isn't the canary supposed to be edited every month?
soae ago
Why don't websites post a "no canaries this week"? That way, if the get one, they simply don't post for the week, then next week they post again.
That way, you know if something happened each week. They never acknowledge it happens, but the users can put two-and-two together.
Nosfewratsjews ago
It really doesn't matter. Once you've been served the NSL letter you're forced to cooperate with the Government traitor alphabets from then on.
Warmoose76 ago
NVM just figured it out
Warmoose76 ago
How can you tell when it was last editted?
FriedChicken ago
Why does vote need a warrant canary, if it’s based in Switzerland?
Nosfewratsjews ago
Voat is a US Company.
Drunkenmoba ago
/u/puttitout This is a good point, update the canary if you are able.
xmac ago
Who gives a fuck. The canaries on these kinds of sites don't mean anything. All free speech sites either have already been compromised or will be compromised soon. We all know this. The only thing that matters is the ratio of "how much of a threat you are" vs "how much it will cost/risk to silence you". For the vast majority of us that ratio is very, very small.
Just use common sense, don't dox yourself, and enjoy the site. We'll all be held accountable one day, whether by some communist/globalist kangaroo court or by God himself. Nothing is secret in the end.
TheWorstImaginable ago
I fart in the mouth of the law.
markrod420 ago
until the day when they finally come door to door for us. Which history shows will likely eventually happen. Like you said, one day this will all likely come home to roost. Its the risk we take to seek truth.
TheWorstImaginable ago
We know what happens when they come door to door and people cower defenseless. We won't be cowering unarmed, and we'll all know when things start happening. This digital age changes things tremendously.
24601_JeanValJean ago
well they are going after private citizens over torrenting and selling fooking "firesticks". It's coming and it will happen probably in the next ten years- or sooner, depending on the 2020 and the next U.S election.
Qanonplus1 ago
white_male30 ago
Do you really think the canary matters at all? You don't even know who runs it in the first place..
Thisismyvoatusername ago
Canaries don't matter. They are worse than completely useless because they can be misleading. In a true honeypot, they'd just keep updating it untruthfully anyway.
DayOfThePillow ago
It's a good point, just edit the canary, unless..
WickedVocalist ago
Well then I guess we publicly blow you as an anti semite woman hating deviant now that you wanna blackmail us all. Youre a government agent and you should deeply fear your own impending transparency.
Either way, hacker or official -- that buys you prison time the rest of us merely look racist and stupid, amirite??
Nosfewratsjews ago
I legitimately cannot follow what you just said.
NNdmt ago
Meth is a hell of a drug
badruns ago
Tbhi think the front page is bugged right now, though the front page of /all works fine
BearDolphin1488 ago
Are you jewish
heygeorge ago
Remember ‘Chill out on the threats’? What do you think that was about?
@PuttItOut is the real deal, the genuine article.
What does the canary do besides say that Voat has or has not received a request for information? Didn’t putts already tell us that happened in a post? Fuck, some people are not that bright.
sirRantsalot ago
I decided to trust voat. But sometimes I get paranoid for chemical reasons.
Inaminit ago
Just use additional chemicals... it will balance eventually.
dassaer ago
I usually find 'the room temperature challenge'balances things out nicely ...
MayorMcBullshit ago
gotta cover that ASP!
dassaer ago
and now for our ASP action shot of the week ...
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
He talked about the canary dying due to feds investigating threats on preview chat. About a week ago. Canary died right around the time Putt posted that "chill out on the threats" post.
heygeorge ago
I was in chat when he said it.
Ina_Pickle ago
Yes he did. He also said something about powerful people keeping their eyes on the site. Putt has been as forth coming as he is able. It has always been our decision to use this site. The truth is there is no social media site not under observation. At least here we dont have to worry about individuals being deplatformed, just the site.
Creggieb ago
This is the part people always miss. If you read about history, the powers that be have ALWAYS kept an eye on public discourse. ANY group of humans will have someone in it reporting the goings on to a controller, or handler.
In the past, for example, communist groups would be infiltrated, and encouraged to participate in illegal actions, giving authorities an easy excuse to put a stop to the group. In cases where the groups did not fall for this tactics, other spies in the ranks would still report on the group.
In any war, a secure way to communicate is essential, otherwise the enemy can easily disrupt your plans. This us why we communicate principles of action, allowing the individual to set a course, and time of action.
HouseHawkwood ago
Yep. There are glow faggots posting right now under "super on the nose alt right names" for the sole fucking purpose to create a reason to shut 'er down.
Creggieb ago
Urging inaction, rather than inaction is a good way to disrupt the tactic. For example urging people not to participate in a thing the enemy wants participation in. Or not fixing a thing the enemy wants fixed, or fixing it badly. Not reporting a thing the enemy would want reported. Far harder to stop people from NOT doing a thing than to stop them from doing a thing.
markrod420 ago
well said
Inaminit ago
This place had been under a microscope since it's inception.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Good thing Voat is based on the popular game Meinkraft and we have nothing to worry about.
HeLovedPandas ago
java -jar FinalSolution.jar
Nosfewratsjews ago
You make many assumptions when you low-key insult people. Habitual behavior.
heygeorge ago
Ignore the line of thinking which doesn’t fit your narrative, it’s cool
Nosfewratsjews ago
You seem to believe we disagree on things.
heygeorge ago
What is the difference between belief and observation?
Nosfewratsjews ago
By belief, do you mean faith?
Inaminit ago
You have something against faith?
White_Collar_Crimnal ago
People without faith are empty and full. Empty of God and full of shit. They fancy themselves as gods but that's okay. Eternity is a looooooong time and they'll find themselves good company. Always an angry argument to be had. That should hold them over for...about an hour.
Nosfewratsjews ago
TIL asking for clarification on grammar is stating an opinion.
fluhthreeex ago
Switching it to one thread and not continuing to update it every post was the sign of the end, officially. I mean, just using your eyes and brain should have told you this place was swarming.
Putt, why didn't you take the moment to evangelize to them about the message of anti-corruption, pro-free speech, the problem of Israeli Infiltrated America: media, education, business, and politics?
TheKnightOfGod ago
This one is very concerning. Putt's silence is even more concerning.
I watched the 8chan's owner video who said he had staff working for law enforcement and he fully cooperated with them (they could use all the data of the website and its users). I'm pretty sure Putt is doing the same because he doesn't have a choice.
Since Patriot Act 2, anyone can be a terrorist, they don't even have to prove anything. USA's federal government is overpowered and because it is owned/corrupted by shekels, it's evil.
YogSoggoth ago
8chan ( on Twitter: ".@elspethreeve with a filmmaking ... Ok to be paranoid, but if you think about it, there is nothing to worry about if you don't break the law. If Hillary were President? That would be another story.
fspu ago
Canaries like this exist primarily because NSL's can have a nondisclosure provision. The only way to communicate you've been subjected to such a NSL is by using a canary mechanism. Hence my conclusion would be that Putt received such a NSL.
Podd ago
So Putt's silence is an answer.
Like anything on the internet don't put something in writing your ass can't cash. Assume you're being watched.
thatguyiam ago
Maybe we should upload more dik pics then, since now we know we've got glowinthedarks thumbing through our threads.
waringi ago
Its not Voats fault that the world is turning to shit. I recommend you post according to whatever the law in your country allows you to, fortunately I live in a truly free country where I can say whatever I like. For those who dont, dont blame Putt that you're government took your freedoms you.
sirRantsalot ago
Putts silence? Maybe he's not talking to YOU. A guy could read into that.
TheKnightOfGod ago
Show us a proof that he's talking to anyone else. Your ad hominem attack is so weak which means you're a failure, kill yourself glowniggerkikefaggot.
sirRantsalot ago
Which god are you a knight of?
ItsOk2bArian ago
Knight Battle!!!
To the death
Ready. Go
sirRantsalot ago
Crackrocknigga ago
From what I remember he did address it by saying he couldn't confirm or deny that he was under federal pressure, but everyone should act safely as if this was the case. Good enough to assume requests are made for users who are actively threatening to perform action, which funnily enough shills are goading us into.
thatguyiam ago
You gotta love these glowinthedark cockfags... i wonder if theyre the same ones that are also the holders of the racist POS accounts that try to make this site look bad
ForTheUltimate ago
link please
TheKnightOfGod ago
Did you read Voat's user agreement? I did, and one part (see below) is fucking scary because the law is changing very fast to stick the label "white-supremacist terrorist" on us.
"By submitting user content to Voat, you grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies, perform, or publicly display your user content in any medium and for any purpose, including commercial purposes, and to authorize others to do so." This is full of shit and is the reason why I won't contribute to Voat anymore.
thatguyiam ago
Of course 'publicly display your user conent', feget. In case you havent't noticed, but everybody here screenshoots everybody else. This is how it is and how it should be
StarAnon ago
Forums/boards have always had this in their UA.
flapjack_charlie ago
While I dont know if voat is being run by the feds, that clause is just boilerplate so you cant sue them for infringing on your copyright.
Crackrocknigga ago
Just be careful and you will be ok
dassaer ago
Look around frank, being careful only delays the inevitable zero day .....
Crackrocknigga ago
Yes but you'll still survive. Stupid die first
GreatestOfAllTime ago
Is that why I get told to kill myself frequently on here, and when I don’t bite they don’t respond?
BagofLies ago
Well I told a friend to ‘kill yourself faggot’ on twitter and was instantly permabanned so this shit is glowing like the raknar
gonight ago
I've noticed a lot of weird conversational patterns myself.
I suspect there are many glowniggers and bots afoot.
ItsOk2bArian ago
Their just jealous 'cause your so Great
theHubrisOfMan ago
You’re correct and I’m often wondering if Putt’s silence on this is telling everything. Soon they will be going door to door, in the night, rounding up people from their beds to send them to labor camps as punishment for shit-posting. He might not be intending to create a honey pot, (((they))) may have found the piss pot and started pouring honey into it.
dundundunnnnn ago
ARE BOLSHEVIKS plotting a purge of the American population?
There is a Bolshevik revolution underway right now inside the USA and few Americans discern it. If it is not suppress and put down, it has the potential to ex upon the A people like the B did upon the Russians in 1917 and the way every other C revolution pounced on the unsuspecting populations in China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea.
One thing that all revolutions have in common is that bloody purges were carried out against those who resisted. Revolutionaries had made lists of potential resistors long before the revolution ever started (looking at you, Voat!)
DickTick ago
Well if you're fucking dumb enough to leave yourself traceable on here then you deserve to be rounded up....
carbolymer ago
Better leave burgerland, goy. There are so many better places in this world.
Nosfewratsjews ago
I often wonder how real this potential future might be.
hels ago
The questions that aren't answered tell more than the questions that are answered.
theHubrisOfMan ago
Like “who was the angel investor”
TheKnightOfGod ago
That one might have been a disguised warning from Putt to anyone not aware of the absence of updates for the canary.
TheKnightOfGod ago
We're close to that kind of world: in the UK, I remember reading about guys going to jail for minor racist stuff posted online.
RacistJew ago
I hope they come drag me out for saying nigger. Nigger nigger nigger. Faggots.
i_scream_trucks ago
Don't get your hopes up...they'll only try to publicly humiliate you and drive you out of business...that's what happened to me this year when ANTIFA and the muslim brotherhood doxxed me over my blog...they even petitioned google to have my site shut down [ and it did ], in addition, the filthy liberal media consistently published ANTIFA'S and the MB'S demands that I be arrested for a HATE CRIME...much more that I won't reveal as to shield my id. In the end nothing happened other than a lot of hysteric snowflakes shitting themselves into convulsions...BUT...we are living in dangerous times and things are going to get ugly and in the end, in our final hour at 5minutes before midnight NATURE will reclaim all that is hers. PS...MY APOLOGIES FOR RANTING BUT I JUST NEEDED A POST TO REPLY TO AND WITH AN PROFILE HANDLE LIKE YOURS I KNEW YOU'D UNDERSTAND.
BagofLies ago
The wheels of justice grind slow friend
carbolymer ago
Wow man. That's sad. You should write a full story, people need to see it.
RacistJew ago
Yeah you are right. They are practicing small scale what they will do large scale soobut they will just skowly expel us from their community and pick us off one by one. n enough. We all want them to drag us out violently,
burnthegoyimhaters ago
A law will be passed to stop "white supremacy" and then everyone that had anything anti-semitic or "racist" posted on the internet will be arrested, or put into labor camps. slowly. It'll be a slow burn, the Jews have learned their lesson. Humans can take almost any form of suffering if done slow enough. Our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness.
RacistJew ago
Yep. Same thing will be applied to gun laws. Slowly, a war of attrition, and they will kill or imprison every fucking human with a shred of common sense.
randomfuckingidiot ago
Thatd end up with their hit squad spread out all across the yard in discrete pieces
Beware the anger of a quiet man
spaceman84 ago
I ain't scared of a faggot who likes to talk big on the Internet though.
TendiesHitTheFloor ago
Nigger kike terrorist glow niggers.
theHubrisOfMan ago
I agree. Putt is not a god-figure. He’s just a man trying his best. Back to lurking for me, I guess.
Nosfewratsjews ago
I agree with you. Good men are forced to do evil things.
fuckingmockies ago
A good man can't be forced to do an evil thing.
DjediS ago
One can always say he will make the ultimate sacrifice, but then he has to consider his life, family, legacy, all that.
And when one considers such a thing he thinks he will be ready when the time comes. As if he knows the day he’s leaving. In truth he could be sleeping, browsing the internet, eating food, in the bathroom, and that’s when it happens.
Fear is a thing that is hard to imagine, but must be experienced. And the instinct for self preservation is at times overriding.
fuckingmockies ago
Good and evil are relative, not absolute.
BagofLies ago
that’s jewy as fuck
Nosfewratsjews ago
You must know a different face of evil than I.
TheTrigger ago
This is exactly what I think happened.
Nosfewratsjews ago
Check my edit.
TheKnightOfGod ago
I guess I'm gonna have to go back on I'll miss the voat memes about niggers and kikes though.
smokratez ago
exposing trannies always helps.
DenounceTrannies ago
Thanks for talking about whats important! @mumbleberry is definitely a tranny herself. I can imagine the obese humpty dumpty body and thin greasey facial hair with a round pudgy face that matches her garbage dump personality.
smokratez ago
Only people who object to spotting trannies, are trannies.
FurSuitCleaner ago
Exactly. God bless.
expose the kike nigger fuckers and ladyboys, this is always good
TheKnightOfGod ago
... and pedos (who are very often but not always trannies).
smokratez ago
All part of the same group of mentally ill faggots.
Mumbleberry ago
Yes, it does! Thanks for outing yourself.
PaulNeriAustralia ago
that was good @Mumbleberry
smokratez ago
I love outing myself as a tranny exposer. Glad to have you on board.
WickedVocalist ago
I know plenty of good undercover 'ladiies' who would give you the best tranny assfist you ever fucking had and their wives would bj you. But im pretty sure youre their boss. /s
Mumbleberry ago
Hansel is gay.
smokratez ago
I prefer Grettel.
Mumbleberry ago
She had a dick too, so.....
friendshipistragic ago
Speaking of ladyboys....
smokratez ago
I like girls. Those don't have dicks. Is Michelle Obama a girl or a boy?
Mumbleberry ago
100% futa
smokratez ago
Wrong answer. It's a guy. Not a girl with a dick.
ItsOk2bArian ago
There are no chicks with dicks, just dudes with tits
smokratez ago
This guy gets it.
HbMcNutt ago
They do have expensive trannies that are chicks with dicks
smokratez ago
Still dudes.
HbMcNutt ago
IslamicStatePatriot ago
Dollerydoos are probably the most potent tactic an average Joe has ATM. Not until we get some kind of peer to peer distributed hosting type situation going. I'd donate many cycles and mb to that.
lsdflkoi ago
It would be sweet if they could create something similar to NZB's but decentralized across users computers. All the data existing everywhere & nowhere all at once...
In theory, everybody would have a piece of the data replicated across registered users computers but no one person would have any whole piece of [whatever illegal shit each of us would rather not be involved in]...
I just can't envision how you get around people like me that leave for 2-3 months to decompress.
That's what I'd love to invest time/effort into.
vayeate ago
This already exists in multiple forms, but the problem is that it's super slow and takes time to download and takes up a lot of disk space.
lsdflkoi ago
I did some digging and most of the things I found would actually make you more vulnerable (IMO) but then again, my technical knowledge is pretty limited.
ItsOkayToBeMexican ago has some interesting software in that regard.
celestial-skylord ago
We need Bot Nets for hosting content!
3dk ago
Filecoin is around the corner... imagine Voat built on top of something like that.
9NaughtZ ago
Sounds slow AF.
But i like a napster voat feel.
fluhthreeex ago
They're the ones posting content. They're the majority of the accounts here.
fartyshorts ago
You mean like ZeroNet?
progressbin ago
Knew it! Putt was replaced.
ShillRoasterSupreme ago
Putt is too busy buttfucking his girlfriend u/gabara's cats
Empire_of_the_mind ago
oddly specific
RoninCoffeeCat ago
I have spent 5 years reading putt, this tone is wrong. ALL WRONG.
MidnightTrain ago
1 month old account...
RoninCoffeeCat ago
We nixed our old accounts on the announcement that law enforcement was actively asking questions newfag.
Wynterwhisper ago
MidnightTrain ago
Yeah just mouse over his name
Wynterwhisper ago
Yours says one month but putts says 5.1 years..
Shotinthedark ago
The fuckin' boomers got putt.
White_Collar_Crimnal ago
Teese ago
Shotinthedark: I'm a boomer too, but I wonder about you. Are you a paid for anti boomer shill, a dumb kid, a generic divide and conquer shill, or just a garden variety smart ass?
I thought this was a serious thread with ongoing serious consequences for a lot of us, but here we have this dumbo disruptor chiming in with this kind of silliness. I've quit boards because such silliness, but I think Ill chose stay here, regardless.
Putt: I hope you are OK. I don't have much to offer technically, but I could contribute more . Let me know and I will respond accordingly. Also, I can pray for you and this site which supports our God given rights.
God bless...
AaronBuurr ago
A.M.E.N. Brother!
9NaughtZ ago
Your retorts are too wordy, not very funny, and shows you have too much time on your hands. 4/10
Shotinthedark ago
I'm gen x. If silliness will make you leave then get the fuck out you fucking boomer fag!
BushChuck ago
I hope they all enjoy being abused by immigrants in government run nursing homes. I'm certainly not looking after those traitorous fucks.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
I enjoy reading insult attempts against boomers (and other demographics!) where the addition of adjectives removes the focus from the intended target group. Even boomers hate "boomer fags", or "scumbag boomers". Many different groups very much dislike poor examples of people in their demographic.
Shotinthedark ago
You sound like one of those scumbag boomer fag boomers!
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
GoldIsRealMoney ago
giveitup ago
I'm a boomer. I wouldn't do anything to hurt putt!
Empire_of_the_mind ago
Shotinthedark ago
I joke. I find the boomer hate funny. Especially when nobody can agree on the year it starts. So I used the word very often.
SurfinMindWaves ago
Or what year it ends. I wasn't included in that category until very recently. Then I checked the wiki and in fact I am GenerationX, which isn't getting nearly as much hate yet. I'm coasting on that raft.
Shotinthedark ago
I'm also x . I'm sure our time is coming!
AaronBuurr ago
Your time will never come. You sad asswipe generic x retards spend all your time whining about boomers instead of doing something with your life whereas we boomers have spent our lives conquering so you and those idiot millennials would have something after we're gone. And what have you done? You mastered the game controller. You mastered snappy little computer quips. Jesus I feel sorry for you losers I really do. The computer was designed for business to make business run more smoothly, not as a lifestyle choice for bored kids too un ambitious to go out and do something for themselves and to gender fluid to decide between a penis or vagina. I really don't envy you. You were given the tools like no other generation in history, you could've ruled the white world but what did you do? You sat at home on your computers and ate junk food. Instead of dialogue with your friends, you text message and don't know how to communicate. Just really ass sad. We're doomed with your generation at the controls. That's why we boomers made money. The idea of you nitwits taking care of us was too much to fathom.
Shotinthedark ago
You 8 days late you old fuck ! Sounds like you're trying to blame me for the shit you allowed to happen and now you see the future for you is bleak and you wanna blame others. I'm willing to bet I'm doing better than you have more toys and all around nicer things than you do. Don't you see your own hypocrisy same we have wasted our time on computers while here you are on the computer bitching like a girl. Go back to golfing while your wife fucks your neighbor you stupid fuck!
ratsmack ago
Not all boomers! :)
Shotinthedark ago
Yes all of you ! Everything is your fault !
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
Not all of us! It was just me. I blame it on all the guns and drugs.
Shotinthedark ago
Nothing wrong with those things!
Gnatsunami ago
Am I a boomer?
ItsOk2bArian ago
If you have to ask, just assume the worst
The_Venerable ago
HarlandKornfeld14 ago
Q predicted this.
BlackGrapeDrank ago
lol was about to write this exact reply. upgoat for you sir
TherealScrable ago
This Q shit hurts
WickedVocalist ago
The comment tree is a clone spam bot it is the same commentary in several posts.
gonight ago
Scald85 ago
Q was replaced.
9NaughtZ ago
Replaced with an O. People wont notice the O.
President Opera to be announced. Watch for it. Stick with the plan.
ESOTERICshade ago
I think Q has changed hands three times, maybe even four. Last person I knew was in control of the Qanon phenom was Coleman Rogers from the Patriot Soap Box.
Coleman got using the Q trip code about a year ago, busted, cold busted. The Qberts put their fingers in their ears and said "la la la la la....Not true...I can't hear you".....
rektumsempra ago
X is posing as Q now
TheSeer ago
Do we have quality mods in /v/history, /v/conspiracy, and /v/pizzagate yet?
Haven't checked in a year what those subs look like.
ESOTERICshade ago
v/pizzagatemods do ok because @crensch has mostly been leaving it alone. Anytime he starts messing with pizzagate things turn incredibly sour.
But, @crensch has turned v/greatawakening into a communist gulag. When putt said those two fateful words "wild west" crensch went into commie mode and showed his true colors. Frothing at the mouth power mod asshole.
Otto- ago
Vindicator is my favourite moderator on /v/pizzagate, at least he is the most active. I love those mods.
AR47 ago
Same mods as from reddit as here on conspiracy
TheSeer ago
So basically nothing has changed? There was a HUGE stink about the mods on /v/conspiracy, the mod(s) says he is going to bring some new blood on board, I throw my hat in the ring, everyone agrees, he says he is going to make me a mod, and then, a day later when things have quieted down, he backtracks!
LOL! So totally just said the right thing, to take the heat off, and didn't actually do shit, let alone what he/she said he was going to do.
Rawrination ago
This is why other conspiracy subs sprang up on reddit and ill have to look into here as well. thanks for the tip.
WickedVocalist ago
I still dont own the first Los Angeles Rams sub.
TheSeer ago
Yeah, umm, OK?
hello_reddit ago
I’m a genius!
progressbin ago
Sorry, forgot that part.
20067931? ago
SparklingWiggle ago
You spelled "Neck yourselves" incorrectly.
Nosfewratsjews ago
It will end poorly.
Anarchy99 ago
It will end poorly for the Jews. They dug their own Graves.
knightwarrior41 ago
most likely scenario but people will have to make their stand....