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SomeRandomeUser2017 ago

Free speech is for everyone. Restricting the site does more harm than good because it is one less opposing opinion to MSM. Ideally there is a solution to the ddos so the site restrictions can be lifted. Keeping the site on lock down turns it into an echo chamber no better than Reddit.

krockery ago

Restricting the site does more harm than good

No; read /u/puttitout's post. If he didn't have it restricted the site would be totally offline due to coordinated attacks.

SomeRandomeUser2017 ago

For the interim restricting it is a solution but that kind of defeats the purpose of Voat being a free speech platform if it's user base can no longer grow. Long term it turns into an echo chamber. An option I saw mentioned elsewhere was to mirror content and host elsewhere read only which at least makes the content publically available. I have seen a few other options to mitigate the attacks and have it be unrestricted again by decentralizing the site or follow a p2p format but that makes accessibility too complex for the average user.